SkyEdge II-c 2G 3G ATP - 0217
SkyEdge II-c 2G 3G ATP - 0217
SkyEdge II-c 2G 3G ATP - 0217
Customer _____________
The co-located Node B/BTS should work terrestrially with the RNC/BSC prior
to starting the ATP. As part of the prerequisites for the ATP, these
components should be connected through a delay simulator and it should be
verified that calls and SMSs are received and transmitted properly with a
delay of up to 850msec.
All the NODE B/BTS stations that will be working through the SkyEdgeII-c
system should reside within a separate “Location Area Code” (LAC) that will
not include any terrestrial, microwave, or other NODE B/BTSs. The reason is
due to the paging process, which should be using different timers if the NODE
B/BTS is terrestrial, microwave, satellite or other.
Test Philosophy
The philosophy of this ATP is to test critical functions in an operational
environment. Thus, “artificial” configurations are not used. The ATP is intended to
be carried out by a knowledgeable tester with specific details explained to a
customer witness as necessary. It is suggested that the Gilat test director maintain
the “official” copy of the ATP document and that all parties involved initial any
changes made.
For all procedures in this ATP, both the Gilat and customer
representatives should initial each test result in the form for
each test procedure.
The ATP will be performed after the final configuration of
the network.
To verify that telephone calls can be successfully completed between a mobile
telephone and PSTN telephone in both directions.
Test Procedure
No. Test Steps Success Criteria Pass Fail
1. Make a telephone call from The telephone call is
Mobile telephone 1 located successfully completed.
behind the VSAT to a PSTN
telephone number located at
the hub site.
To verify that telephone calls can be successfully completed between two mobile
telephones either on the same NODE B/BTS or between a NODE B/BTS telephone
and a non-NODE B/BTS telephone.
Test Procedure
No. Test Steps Success Criteria Pass Fail
1. Make a telephone call from The telephone call is
Mobile telephone 1 to Mobile successfully completed.
telephone 3.
To verify that SMS transfers can be successfully completed between two mobile
telephones either on the same NODE B/BTS or between a NODE B/BTS telephone
and a non-NODE B/BTS telephone.
Test Procedure
No. Test Steps Success Criteria Pass Fail
1. Send an SMS from Mobile The 3 SMSs are successfully
telephone 1 to Mobile received without any errors.
telephone 3. Repeat an
additional two times.
To demonstrate that the communication connectivity of the Node B/BTS can be
restored after the connection between the Node B/BTS and VSAT is disconnected
and then reconnected.
Test Procedure
No. Test Steps Success Criteria Pass Fail
1. Make a telephone call from The telephone call is
Mobile telephone 1 to Mobile successfully completed.
telephone 3.
To demonstrate that the communication connectivity of the RNC/BSC can be
restored after the connection between the RNC/BSC and SkyEdgeII-c Hub is
disconnected and then reconnected.
Test Procedure
No. Test Steps Success Criteria Pass Fail
1. Make a telephone call from The telephone call is
Mobile telephone 1 to Mobile successfully completed.
telephone 3.
Provisional Approval
Attach a list with the description of the exceptions initialed by both parties.
Final Approval
The SkyEdgeII-c and Sky-Abis hub and VSAT operate according to the