Edge Line Detection: Image Processing Lec (7) Ahmed AL - Basha & Saadaldeen AHMED

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Image processing Lec(7) Ahmed AL.

basha & Saadaldeen AHMED


The edge and line detection operators presented here represent the various
types of operators used today. They are implemented with convolution
masks and most are based on discrete approximations to differential
operators. Edge detection methods are used as a first step in the line
detection process.

Detecting edges is a basic operation in image processing. The edges of

items in an image hold much of the information in the image. The edges
tell you where:

Items are.

Their size.


And something about their texture.

Methods of detection edge

Edge detection operators are based on the idea that edge information in an
image is found by looking at the relationship of pixels with its neighbors.

So if their gray-level value is similar with these around it “actual there is

no edge “and their edge with neighbor are widely different in gray-level

“that is mean actually it is edge found”. In practice, edges are caused by:

Change in color or texture, Specific lighting conditions present during the

image acquisition process.

1 ‫جامعة تكريت \\ علوم الحاسوب‬

Image processing Lec(7) Ahmed AL.basha & Saadaldeen AHMED

There are many masks use to detect the edge/line .The masks are:
1. Roberts operator
2. Sobol operator
3. Prewitt operator
4. Kirsch compass masks
5. Robinson compass masks
6. Laplacian operator
7. Fre-chen masks
8. Edge operator performance
9. Hough transform
1-Roberts operator:

The Roberts operator mark edge only, it dose not return any information
about the edge orientation. It is simplest for edge detection and it is work
best with binary edge. There are two form of operator. First form of
reports operator is:

Example: suppose we have this image

2 ‫جامعة تكريت \\ علوم الحاسوب‬

Image processing Lec(7) Ahmed AL.basha & Saadaldeen AHMED

3 ‫جامعة تكريت \\ علوم الحاسوب‬

Image processing Lec(7) Ahmed AL.basha & Saadaldeen AHMED

2- Sobel operator: The sobel edge detection look for edge in both
direction (H and V) then combine this information into single metric.
Sobel edge used two masks the:

Example: If we won't to compute the edge for this image

4 ‫جامعة تكريت \\ علوم الحاسوب‬

Image processing Lec(7) Ahmed AL.basha & Saadaldeen AHMED

To find the edge by sobel

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Image processing Lec(7) Ahmed AL.basha & Saadaldeen AHMED

Then find the vertical

New-pixel= -20-(23+23)-23+30+(55+55)+28 =79
Then when we find the horizontal and vertical edge we can then find the
edge magnitude and direction
109 for x and 79 for y

= 109*109+79*79=134.61
Edge direction = tan -1(109*109/79*79)= 62.28

6 ‫جامعة تكريت \\ علوم الحاسوب‬

Image processing Lec(7) Ahmed AL.basha & Saadaldeen AHMED

7 ‫جامعة تكريت \\ علوم الحاسوب‬

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