Teapots by Design A Collectors Catalogue

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Unjeria G. Jackson, M.


A Schiffer Book for Collectors With Price Guide

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Boston Public Library

About the Author - ■! ’i r’*'

Unjeria C. Jackson, MD is an obstetrician gyne¬

cologist who specializes in maternal fetal medicine. She
resides in Mendham, New Jersey, and has practiced at
Morristown Memorial Hospital for over eighteen years. -/■■■ .. :

Dr. Jackson is an avid tea drinker and her pas¬

sion for collecting teapots began in 1994. She has ac¬ v v
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quired them at antique shops, flea markets, garage

sales, and various auctions in the United States and .

abroad. Many are gifts from family, friends, and pa¬

tients. Other teapots in the collection have come from
craft shows, specialty stores, and mail order.
Her expertise is based on an accumulation of
knowledge obtained through research, seminars, and
discussions with antique dealers and appraisers. Dr.
Jackson is a collector who is now also an antiques
dealer (Charlene’s Collectibles). She loves collecting
and displaying her teapots. She enjoys having tea,
whether alone or with her husband and daughters, .V /■ ' ■ ■ -r- •' ■ ■* -- - . *■
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Unjeria Jackson has been married to Larry Th¬ -x
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Teapots by Design
A Collector’s Catalogue

Unjeria C. Jackson, MD
All photography produced by Unjeria G. Jackson, MD.

4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA 19310 USA

Copyright © 2006 by Unjeria C. Jackson, MD Published by Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
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This book is dedicated in loving memory of my parents, Adell
and Octavia Wharton Jackson, and my nanny, Evelyn Zeno Stemley.

I would like to extend heartfelt thanks to my loving husband, Larry Thompson,

who supported me during years of buying, displaying, and cataloguing my teapots.
Also, thanks to my daughters, Kwamara, Sharita, Thameka (who has started her
own teapot collection), and Naima for their patience and understanding. And, thanks
to my dear friend, Dr. Joan Atkin, who spent many hours going to antique shops,
craft shows, and flea markets with me.

I would also like to give special thanks to the following persons:

Bill and Irene Smith in whose antique shop I was inspired to begin collect¬
ing teapots; Marvin and Matt Baer who have provided me with many of my
teapots and who recommended Schiffer Publishing Ltd.; Nancy Schiffer (Edi¬
tor) for providing me the opportunity to publish this book and Douglas Congdon-
Martin (Photographer) for training me to photograph my teapots; the staff of the
Sandrian Camera Shops in Morristown and Clifton, New Jersey, for their timely
and expert processing of the slides, CDs, and photographs; and Lisa Koehler
who provided much needed assistance and support in the transcription of the

I would like to thank the following people for their contributions to my teapot

Tina Alessi, CNM, Ashley and Karen Allen, Kay Anderson, RN, Alma
Arguerta, Joan Atkin, MD, Judy Banks, MD, Bill Becker, Richard Bevan, Parimal
Bhayani, MD, Janet Bobbin, RN, Joan Bosco, Malcom and Kim Brown, Timo¬
thy and Maureen Byrne, Karen Clark, Karen Criss, CNM, Balia and Sharon Dia,
Bruce and Barbara (MD) Dillon, Patricia Elaine (Morristown Antique Center),
Mary Fitzsimmons, RN, Andres and Natalia Flores, Jeffrey and Jill Frankel,
DMD, Paul and Gemina Gates, DMD, Allison Greenberg, George and Kathy
Bull (MD) Henry, Wen Lu and SuFang Hong, Vina Isaac, MD, Ann LaBianco,
RN, Joanne Liegner, MD, Sandy Livingston, Martha Lodato, RN, Diane Lon¬
don, RN, Barbara Martin, CNM, Wendy Baer and Ronald Maurer, Kathy
McKeithen, David McLean, MD, Jean Mendl, Janet Mitchell, MD, Barbara
Montone, Lilliam Pena, Anthony Rago, Charles and Barbara Remschel, Ronald
and Michelle Remschel, Abraham and Macy Risk, MD, Eileen Screibner, RN,
Connie Shirtz, RD, Bill and Irene Smith, Tom and Felicia Spagnuola, Rosemary
Stefiniw, RN, Donald and Lisa Storms, Larry Thompson, Kwamara, Sharita,
Thameka, and Naima Thompson, Barbara Tomlinson, Bonnie Westling, MSW,
and Lisa Gittens, MD and Franklin Williams.


The Teapots.9
Fine China.9
Semiporcelain and Stoneware.36
Metal: Silver, Silverplate, Copper, Brass, Cast Iron, Pewter, and Tin.73
Wooden, Musical, Figural, and Whimsical.85
Contemporary Hand-Crafted.102
Blue and White and White with Accents of Gold or Silver.108
Children’s Teasets and Miniature Teapots and Teasets.117
Special: Holiday, Advertising, Commemorative, and Souvenir.126
Tea for One.137
Tea Sets.147


I have always been a tea drinker. And, as passionate

as I am about tea, I am even more passionate about tea¬
pots. I have been collecting since 1994, and I currently
have about 950 teapots. The collection includes all types
of teapots. I have received numerous teapots as gifts.
The main criteria for purchase is that the teapot is aes¬
thetically pleasing to me. I have acquired them at home
and abroad from antique shops, garage sales, flea mar¬
kets, gift shops, catalogues, craft shows, auctions, an¬
tique shows, estate sales, and department stores. They
are so much a part of my life and can be found in just
about every room in my home. While not all teapots are
utilitarian, each is a unique work of art in its own right.
I see beauty in each one. I have collected, researched,
and catalogued my teapots. The end result is this book,
which I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed
putting it together.

All tea comes from the evergreen scrub, Camellia

Souvenir teapot from London depicting the history of tea. Made
sinensis. The exact time and location of the discovery of
in England by James Sadler, 5" H. $35.
tea is uncertain. It has been stated that tea was men¬
tioned as early as the Zhou Dynasty, which ended in Tea was originally consumed for medicinal purposes
222 BC. There are several legends regarding the discov¬ and later became a popular social beverage. And, as the
ery of tea. It is believed that the Chinese emperor, Shen Chinese have known for centuries, modern science sup¬
Nung, discovered tea around 2700 BC. The story is that ports the many health benefits of tea. Drinking tea can
while boiling water a wind blew leaves from a branch of provide health benefits as varied as lowering one’s cho¬
the tea plant into the pot. The aroma and taste were lesterol level and boosting the immune system to pre¬
appealing and thus the drinking of tea began. Another venting certain cancers and aiding in digestion. Tea has
legend supports the discovery of tea by Gan Lu, a Bud¬ been described as a “health-giving, life prolonging bev¬
dhist monk and scholar. It is believed that he discov¬ erage - or in Taoist terms, ‘the elixir of immortality’!”2
ered and brought tea from China to India around 25 The drinking of tea has to be one of the greatest
AD. Whenever tea was discovered, I must agree with pleasures on earth. It is amazing how good a cup of tea
the eighteenth century English clergyman, Sidney can make you feel. It can get your day started, be a won¬
Smith, who is credited with saying the following: derful boost in the afternoon, and help with relaxation
in the evening. Whether as part of a large gathering for
Thank God for tea! What would the world do afternoon or high tea, a couple of friends or family mem¬
without tea? How did it exist? I am glad I was not bers sharing tea or drinking tea alone, tea is comforting
born before tea.1 for the body and soothing for the soul.

Cloisonne look Chinese teapot
in emperor’s red with wood
wrapped handle. Shown with
covered cup. The Chinese
writing expresses wishes for
good luck, happiness, long life,
and prosperity, 5.5" H. $100 for
the pair.
Drinking hot tea with honey
and lemon can be a soothing
home remedy pain reliever for a
minor cold or sore throat.

Yixing red clay double chamber

teapot. Wrapped boxes design,
some damage to lid. From the
Tua-Kwang period, 1821-1850,
4"H. $250-300.

The teapot was first produced around 1492 in the by their imagination. At the same time, some of the more
Yixing potteries in China. Prior to that time handleless elaborate and unusual teapots are created at the expense
cups usually with lids and an accompanying saucer were of utility and are unique works of art. With such great
used. The teapot may have been invented out of neces¬ variety in form, material, color, and pattern or decora¬
sity, but it clearly developed early into a form of artistic tion, there is probably a teapot to please everyone. Tea¬
expression. Even the most basic teapot has shape, tex¬ pots will always be around and be appreciated for prac¬
ture, and color. The parts of the teapot such as the handle, tical use as well as artistic enjoyment. There is nothing
lid, and spout provide additional elements to improve as comforting to the body yet uplifting to the soul as
function and/or enhance artistic design. Over the years having a cup of tea, especially when served from a spe¬
artists have created masterful works of art only limited cial teapot.

Fine China refers to porcelain or bone china. Por¬ after 1918 the teapot had to be labeled with “made in”
celain is different from other ceramics. Firstly, it is made the country of origin. Another method to date early tea¬
of pure white clay and crystalline minerals. Secondly, it pots is the method of repair. From the mid-eighteenth
is fired at very high temperatures. There are several main century to about the mid-nineteenth century, fine china
types of porcelain. Hard-paste porcelain is made of pure was repaired with metal replacements or staples. The
white china clay (kaolin) and china stone crystalline identification and dating of teapots along with condi¬
mineral (petuntse), which is found only in China. Soft- tion are very important in determining the value.
paste porcelain is made with fine clay and glass-type
substances. It is fired at temperatures lower than hard- Disclaimer
paste porcelain. Bone china is made by adding calcified
animal bone ash to kaolin and petuntse. Bone china is The prices quoted in this book are provided as a
more translucent but not as hard as hard-paste porce¬ guide. Prices vary widely based on age, rarity, condi¬
lain or true porcelain. tion, geographic location, and consumer demand. The
Various factors are used to identify and date teapots. prices provided are for teapots in excellent to mint con¬
The shape, color, decoration, and the presence or ab¬ dition unless stated otherwise. No responsibility or li¬
sence of a maker’s mark all help in the identification ability will be accepted for decisions made based on the
and dating process. Additionally, teapots imported to information contained in this book.
the United States of America (USA) before around 1898
were not required to be marked with the country of ori¬ 'Woodward, Nancy Hyden. Teas of the World. New York, New
York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1980.
gin. Therefore, that information may not be present.
2 Pratt, James Norwood with Rosen, Diana. The Tea Lover’s
Between 1898 and 1918 teapots imported to the USA Companion. New York, New York: Carol Publishing Group, 1996.
had to have the country of origin marked on them. And,

Porcelain tea set with matching tray decorated with peach and gold. Cup on left has
been repaired with staples, c. mid-nineteenth century. Teapot, 6" H. $200-250 for the set.

The Teapots
Fine China

Minton pink cockatice pattern teapot c. 1890, 4.5" H. $250-275.

Black and white German transfer ware teapot. Made in Germany by Rosslau c. 1900, 4.5" H.
The Teapots

Meissen nineteenth century onion pattern coffee and tea set, c. mid-1800s. Teapot is 5” H. $1600-1800 for the set.

Meissen mark
on onion
pattern set.

Chinese Blanc de chine teapot
with wire handles. Stylized man
with animal figures. No mark,
c. 1810-1830, 5.75" H. $450-500.

Fine China

White, grey, black, and gold art deco style Japanese tea set. Side handle teapot and four handleless cups with lids. $100.

Nineteenth century Japanese tea service for two. Geisha lithopane on bottom of teacups.
Set marked with Japanese lettering. Teapot, 6" H. $250-300.

The Teapots

Japanese tea set, white with green and gold bonsai tree pattern; includes four cups with Geisha lithopane.
Hand-painted by Kushida, c. 1910-1920. $300-350.

Copeland Spode teapot in gold with blue and white flowers, c. 1900. $150.

Fine China

Artist signed (SHOZAM)

Kutani tea pourer. White with
classic dark red/burnt orange
and gold colors, c. 1880-1890.

White teapot with hand-

painted green leaf pattern
and gold trim by Wedgwood
(notjosiah), c. 1870-1880.

Donegal Parian china teapot

hand-crafted in Ireland. New,
no price (NP).

The Teapots

Unusual Spode teapot with colorful raised floral pattern above a transfer farm scene, c. 1900, 5.5" H. $150.

Japanese tea set with shades of purple and gold in floral pattern. After 1920. $150-175.

Fine China

Various Irish Belleck pieces - teapots, milk pitcher, salt cellar, creamer, and cups with saucers. Both teapots
are in a basket weave design with shamrocks. Both teapots have the second green mark, c. 1955. Left, $95;
Right, $85. The shamrock shaped teacup with saucer has the third black mark, c. 1946. $125-150.

Japanese teapot with bamboo

style spout and handle with
hand-painted flowers on fans.
Japanese lettering on bottom.

The Teapots

Hand-painted Faberge egg

imperial teapot with 24 karat
gold trim from the Franklin
Mint, 1996. $200.

Lett: Uniquely designed German teapot with scalloped rim and three tier lid by Royal Vienna, c. 1890-1920, 4" H. $150
Right. Unusual swirl design octagonal Limoges teapot with floral pattern and gold accents, c. 1900, 5.5" H. $250-300

Fine China

Herend teapot: hand-painted porcelain

numbered and signed, 1994. $200-250.

Meissen teapot with vividly painted flowers and rose finial, c. 1860s.

Single serve teapot on warming stand

which has a small cup for a candle.
French teapot Decor Main, hand
decorated by artist DT, c. early 1900s.
The Teapots

Monogrammed estate teapot

elegantly styled. Has #12 on
bottom; was probably part of a set.

Art deco style teapot by Wedgwood

and Co. Ltd, England, c. 1940, 5.5" H.

Matching teapot
and coffeepot by
Pirken Hammer.
Made in Czechoslo¬
vakia, c. 1955. $50-
60 for the pair.

Fine China

Canton Rose Mandarin traveling tea set with cloth-lined reed

basket. Chinese export c. 1880. $450-550.

Traveling Canton Rose Mandarin set in basket.

The Teapots

Shelley violets teapot, c. 1930s, 4" H. $150.

Minton pink apple teapot with raised floral accents and over-the-top handle, c. 1860. $350-400.

Fine China

Mottahedeh teapot with flowers,

insects, and gold accents. Unusual
double overlapping handles. Made in
Portugal by Vista Alegre for
Mottahedeh, c. 1990. $250-300.

The Teapot

German teapot, 5.5" H., and cream jug with transfer pattern depicting lovers. There are eight matching dessert plates,
c. mid-1900s. $125-150 for the set.

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Contemporary porcelain
teapots by Villeroy and
Bach. Left: pattern is
Acapulco. Right: pattern
is Baleno. $50 to 70 each.

Lenox cobalt blue tea set with sterling silver overlay by Mauser, c. 1896-1906. $450

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The Teapots

Modern sleek design white teapot with

gold stripes. Made in Brazil. $30.

Limoges (Haviland) white porcelain

teapot with simply elegant green, black,
and gold bands, c. 1889-1905. $100.

Chinese Rose Medallion teapot with

overglaze painting and stylized peach
fmialjc. 1870. $100-150.

Fine China

One cup porcelain teapot

with overglaze floral
pattern. Teapot is numbered
and signed and marked
K.T. & K. (Knowles, Taylor
& Knowles) China, c. early
1900s. $100-125.

Castellon pattern by Paloma Picasso for

Villeroy and Boch. Teapot, 5.5" H. and
serving plate, 12" diameter, made of bone
china. $40-60 per piece.

Semi glazed two cup teapot with gold

dragon and black and blue colors symbolic
of earth and sky. $75. The matching cup
and saucer were purchased later in a
different state. $25.

The Teapots


Kent china tea set

(four cup teapot)
in the silver pine
pattern with art
deco styling.

Nippon teapot and sugar bowl.

Hand-painted lake scene with
Geishas and children, c. 1910-1918.
$80 for both.

Japanese lustre teapot and

sugar dish. $50 for the pair.

Bold colors enhance the beauty of these

teapots from left: octagonal shaped, hand
painted teapot by PICO, $65; pear shaped,
hand-painted teapot by Arthur Wood, $55.

Fine China

Hand-painted German teapot and water pot on a footed tray, c. early 1900s. $300.

The Teapots

Japanese lustreware teapot, hand-painted winter scene, 5.5" H. $40.

Left to right: Small light brown lustre teapot made in Japan, $20; porcelain tea caddy with armorial decoration,
$25; and pearlized lustre teapot made in Czechoslovakia, $30.

Fine China

German lusterware teapot, six cup,

and sugar dish. $60 for both.

Japanese lustre teapots. Both are hand-painted and marked NIPPON, c. 1889-1918. Left, $35, Right, $50.

The Teapots

Japanese lusterware set, teapot and hot water pot on tray, after Hand-painted Japanese lustre teapot with tray, c. 1930-1940, $50.
1921. $65-75.

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Spode Copeland’s china teapot with bright orange fleur-de-lis pattern, c. 1940-1955. $80 to 100.

Fine China

Copeland Spode teapot, six cup, with India Tree Thomas Kinkade teapot with transfer painting. Inscribed with Home Is Where
pattern, c. 1920. $110. The Heart Is. $60.

English stacking chintz tea set, Nelsonware, c. 1930. $750-850.

The Teapots

Lenox Belleck Aladdin

shaped teapot on pedestal
base, c. 1906-1924. $350-400.

Fine China

Japanese porcelain teapot hand-painted

in an orange, green, and gold floral
pattern, wooden handle, 5" H. $30-40.

Rare pyramid-shaped Kutani teapot (5" H.)

with dragon motif and wrapped wooden
handle, c. 1800-1830. $600.

The Teapots

Kutani ware teapot (4" H.) with coordinating handleless teacup. Front and back views of each shown, c. mid-1800s.
Teapot, $250 and cup, $40.

Fine China

Japanese Kutani teapot (5" H.) with a group of men on one side and birds and flowers on the other side, c. 1860. $550.

Early twentieth century Japanese Satsuma teapot with scene of girls playing blind man’s bluff. $200.

The Teapots

Semiporcelain and Stoneware

Royal Crownford 3" cube teapot with floral transfer pattern in brown and
pink. Made in England before 1920. $50-60.

Brown transfer ware Royal Crownford ironstone teapot (5.5" H.) made in Staffordshire, England, before 1920

Semiporcelain and Stoneware

Swirl design teapot (4" H.) by

Utzchneider & Co. in
Sarreguemines, France, c. 1915-
1920. $150-200. Also shown is the
mark on the bottom of the teapot.

Hand-painted Oriental teapots. Both

are artist signed on side of teapot and
are probably c. early to mid-1900s.
From Left: images of birds and
flowers, 4" H., $75-85; images of
flowers and insects, 4.5" H., $90-100.

The Teapots

Single serve Satsuma teapot marked in Japanese lettering. Scene depicting tea ceremony, c. late 1800s.

(Semiporcelain and Stoneware

Black coralene teapot with hinged pewter lid

and pewter base. From the Alexandria Pottery
in Burslem, England, c. 1920. $185-200.

Portmeirion teapot, six cup, with lid

“set for tea.” Handcrafted in 1997
during Portmeirion’s 25th Anniversary.

From Left: Hadson china two cup teapot

made in occupied Japan, c. 1945-1952, $35;
and Roslyn china transfer floral print
teapot made in England, $45.

The Teapots

Atypical Clarice Cliff purple transfer ware teapot (5" H.) and matching cup with saucer, c. 1940s-1950s.
leapot, $95; cup & saucer, $25. Also shown is mark and artist signature as seen on all three pieces.

Semiporcelain and (Stoneware

Bright yellow 5 inch Crown Ducal Ware

teapot with side handle, c. 1930. $55-60.

Majolica teapot, pineapple style with

over-the-top handle. No mark as is
typical, c. 1880-1890, 5.5" H. $275-325.

French teapot, two

cup, hand-painted
depicting rooster and
flowers, c. 1955-1970.

The Teapots

Staffordshire ironstone teapot with attached pewter lid. Transfer print of storm at sea, c. 1850.

Red hot peppers adorn this artist-signed hand-painted teapot, contemporary, 7" H. $45-65.

<Semiporcelain and (Stoneware

Lena Liu transfer print Blossoms

and Butterflies teapot © Imperial
Graphics, Ltd., 2004. $20.

Japanese teapot decorated with

flowers and has matching base/
trivet, c. mid-1990s. $40-50.

Octagonal Red-Cliff ironstone teapot (10" H.)

with raised leaves. Teapot without lid
purchased in New Jersey for $10 to use as a
vase. Later, perfectly matched lid with
damaged teapot purchased in Florida for $14.
Value together around $80.

The Teapots

Scandy pattern Torquay mottoware, c. 1903-1914. $100-120. Stylized bamboo accented teapot marked with Chinese lettering, 4"
H. $30.

Banko rectangular teapot with hand-painted insects and wooden handle,

c. mid- to late 1800s, 5" H. $175-200.

Scmiporcclain and (Stoneware

Salt glazed teapot with hinged pewter lid. Has raised white coral
decoration on a sea blue background, no mark, 4.5" H. $125-150.

English salt glazed teapot with hinged

pewter lid, c. 1850, 7" H. $200-225.

English salt glazed

teapot with
attached pewter
lid, c. 1860, 5" H.

The Teapots

Shorter and Son two cup teapot

with hand-painted floral pattern.
Made in Staffordshire, England.

Matte finish teapot in earth

tones hand crafted by David
Vogel, 1996. $45.

Green and yellow

Majolica acorn-shaped
teapot, c. mid- to late
1800s, 7.5" H. $450-500.

<Semiporcelain and (Stoneware

Bargeware teapot with raised flowers. Personalized for Mrs. J. York, Copstone, 1882, 7 H. $750.

The Teapots

Cloisonne look Chinese teapot in teal green and marked with Chinese lettering. $70.

Chinese cloisonne look set in yellow. Teapot and four cups with Chinese writing wishing good luck,
happiness, long life, and prosperity. $90-100.

Semiporcelain and Stoneware

Emperor’s red cloisonne look Chinese

teapot with wood wrapped handle and
Chinese writing. $80. Shown with jar
- same colors but different pattern.

Stylized pyramid teapot with primitive

art design in earth tone colors. Laurel
Burch for GANZ™, 8" H. $30-40.

Reproduction of a Clarice Cliff

Bizarre pattern, trees shown. From
the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Store © 1993 MMA. $40-50.

The Teapots

Celadon crackle glaze two cup teapot with metal handle and lid attached by a chain.
Made in Vietnam. $25.

Japanese teapot with yellow crackle glaze and gold accents. Hexagonal in shape, 5.5" H. $40.
Shown with an octagonal shaped Japanese teacup and saucer.

Semiporcelain and Stoneware

Contemporary majolica style teapot with

three dimensional cherry and leaf
decoration. Hand crafted, 8" H. $55-65.

Stoneware teapot from the Longaberger®

Pottery, 6.5" H. No price (NP).

Johnson Bros. Teapots,

5.5" H. From left:
Greendawn and Old
Staffordshire in peach.
$45-55 each.

The Teapots

'' -'wr

Hall Surfside teapot in Emerald Green with gold, c. 1939. 7.25" H. $350-375.

Potbelly stove style teapot with permanently attached silver tone metal cozy. It is marked with an H inside the
lid, 7.75" H. $80-90.

Semiporcelain and Stoneware

Examples of the cozy hot

pots made by Hall, produced
for Forman Family Inc., 7"
H. From left: white teapot
with silver cozy and cork in
spout, and yellow teapot with
etched gold cozy, c. 1940s.
$65-75 each.

Green Hall teapot marked

Tricolator Product, 4.5" H.

Hall Philadelphia six cup teapot

with gold basket weave decoration
and gold spout, handle, and knob,
c. 1950s, from the Gold Label line.

The Teapots

Cadet blue hook cover

Hall teapot, six cup;
Gold Label line teapot,
c. 1950s. $120-140.



The Teapots

Hall Los Angeles teapot in

green with gold decoration and
gold spout, Gold Label line, c.
1950s, six cup capacity, 7.25"

Semiporcelain and Stoneware

Cobalt glazed art deco style Airflow

teapot by Hall. Has gold flower and
wreath decoration, six cup size, c.
1940s, 6.75" H. $175-195.

Hexagonal-shaped pink teapot from

the Hall Victorian Line, c. 1940s.

Yellow Hall Baltimore shape teapot

with gold floral decoration and trim,
c. 1930s-1940s. $75-85.

The Teapots

Twinspout teapots produced by Hall for the Teamaster Company. Both are gold decorated,
6.5" H. Pale yellow, $80-100; cobalt, $125-150.

Hall green single serve Denver pot, 3.5" H. Marketed in their Single serve Hall Washington pot with knob cover (versus sunken
catalogue as for coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, hot water or milk. cover). Also has protective silver metal on spout tip and cork in
$20-25. spout, 3.75" H. $40-50.

Semiporcelain and Stoneware

Sani-Grid kitchenware
line by Hall was
introduced in 1941.
Pattern shown is the
Rose Parade decal on
the cadet blue and
white. From left: sugar
bowl without lid, 3.25"
H., $30-35; teapot, 4.75"
H., $85-95; creamer,
2.75" H., $30-35.

T-Ball square canary teapot with side

pockets for teabags. Produced by Hall
china for the Bacharach Tableware
Company in the late 1940s, 5.5" H.

Dark green crackle glaze

pottery teapot with double
copper handles and flat lid.
No mark, 4.5" H. $20.

The Teapots

Foliage four cup teapot with

imprinted leaves by Cardinal,
Inc.©, new. $35-45.

Ceramic teapot with raised vegetable

pattern. Four cup capacity, new, no
mark. $25.

Blue glaze teapot with multicolor floral

pattern made in Portugal, 6" H. $40.

Hand-painted ceramic teapot with

purple & blue flowers on yellow
background, 5" H., no mark. $20-25.

Semiporcelain and Stoneware

Unglazed McCoy teapot in

earth tones, c. 1940-1960,
5.0" H. $40.

Contemporary Yixing red clay one

cup teapot with pulley to raise and
lower lid. Chinese mark on bottom,
Red & Green Co. $55.


Unusual green glaze Japanese

teapot with coralene decoration
depicting a lake scene near
mountains, four cup size. $60.

The Teapots

Coralene decorated (small colored

beads on outside) Japanese teapot,
two cup size. $30.

Moriage, a special type of raised

decoration, has been applied to this one
cup unglazed Buff Sharkskin teapot, no
mark. $25.

§emiporcelain and (Stoneware

Black basalt nineteenth century teapot

marked in Chinese writing on bottom
of teapot and under lid. Double metal
handles, 6" H. $150-175.

Grey clay teapot with pewter overlay (dragon

motif) and trim with accents of brass and
copper. Marked special made for Yataitung Co.,
Chefoo, China, 5" H. $75-85.

Hexagonal shaped teapot and plate

with hand-painted bird and flowers.
Made in Portugal by Jay Willfred, a
division of Andrea by Sadek. Plate,
10.5" H. diameter, $22 and teapot, 9"
H., $30.

The Teapots

Handcrafted diamond shaped teapot. Upper half has unglazed green patina while lower half is glazed in black.
Matching cups are unglazed inside but glazed outside. Teapot, 8" H., $125 for the set.

Banko cat teapot adorned with raised flowers and butterflies, two views shown. Early twentieth century Japanese ware, 6” H.

<Semiporcelain and Stoneware

Sumida Gawa teapot with classic dark brown glaze on top and unglazed orange beneath. Decorated with raised
three-dimensional figures, woman on front and flowers on back; both views shown. Teapot also has wooden
handle and lid knob is a human figure. Impressed mark on bottom is Ryosai, 4.75" H., c. 1900. $700-800.

Thousand faces pattern

Japanese teapot, mid-1900s,
5.5" H. $75.

The Teapots

Spring flowers teapot

by Cooks Club®, 6.5"

Celadon teapot and cup decorated

with cranes. Two cup teapot with
side handle. $25-35 for both.

(Sc mi porcelain and (Stoneware

Red clay teapots. From top: Chinese Yixing with raised glazed decoration; same style teapot and also note green glazed spout and
handle. Both are 3" H., c. early to mid-twentieth century. $110-120 each. Next teapot is Japanese red ware with raised decoration,
4.25" H.,c. 1930s. $115-125.

The Teapots

Crown Dorset teapot with transfer rose pattern by Staffordshire Fine Ceramics, 8" H.

Chinese export character teapot, 8" H., c. 1880-1890. $200-225.

Semiporcelain and Stoneware

Brown studded finish teapot with green vine

handle and spout. Silver lid, attached by
chains to handle and spout, has nineteenth
century hallmark, 4" H. $400-500.

Josiah Wedgwood blue and white

jasperware. Frieze on both sides
shown. Marked made in England,
after 1920,4.75" H. $150.

The Teapots

Royal Doulton Lambeth teapot with silver rim and spout protector. Raised decoration on both sides shown,
c. 1870-1890,4.75"H. $175-225.

Semiporcelain and Stoneware

Disney © Steamboat Willie single serve

teapot designed in England by Paul
Cardew but made in China. Both sides
shown, $30.

Artist-signed two cup teapot with

hand-painted floral design by
Georgetta Cope in 1982. $45.

The Teapots

Mud Pie two cup teapot with three-

dimensional rose decoration. New,
handcrafted in Georgia, USA. $20-30.

Metal-Silver, Silverplate, Copper,
Brass, Cast Iron, Pewter, and Tin


Gorham five piece silverplated tea set including water reservoir, 12.5" H., coffee pot, 8.5" H.,
teapot, 5.5" H., cream pot, and sugar dish. Greek key pattern, c. 1922. $550-650 for the set.

The Teapots

Quadruple plated silver teapot with

wooden handle. Made by the Valentine
Linsley Silver Co., 10.25" H. $50-60.

Early 1900s silver teapot

with English hallmarks.
Made by Goldsmiths &
Silversmiths Company,
4.5" H. $400-450.

Metal: (Silver, cSilverplate, Copper, Brass, Cast Iron, Pewter, and Tin

Chinese silver miniature teapot with six cups. Teapot is etched with flowers and birds.
Chinese writing on teapot handle and each cup, c. early 1900s. $400-450 for the set.

Stylized shell silverplated teapot with embossed “courtship over tea” scene.
Teapot is footed and has wave-form handle, 3.75" H., no mark. NR

The Teapots

Etched silverplated teapot with open work on high rim and lid knob.
Made by the Meriden Silverplate Co., 6" H. $75-85.

Contemporary silverplated breakfast set includes 25 oz. coffee/teapot, creamer, sugar bowl, toast rack, 7" H. bud vase,
and oval serving tray. Made by the International Silver Company. $35.

Metal: Silver, Silverplate, Copper, Brass, Cast Iron, Pewter, and Tin

Japanese copper tea warming unit. Rectangular (12" x 9") form with one open burner and two well areas
that are heated with hot water. One well has a teapot, 7" H. to top of handle, Meiji period. $250-300.

The Teapots

Modern stainless steel teapot (34 oz.) with mesh infuser. Designed by C. Jorgensen for Bodum. 8" H. $40-60.

Stylized pineapple (symbol of welcome) teapot, silverplated over heavy metal (possibly cast iron). 5" H.
Made in India. $40-50.

Metal: (Silver, cSilvcrplate, Copper, Brass, Cast Iron, Pewter, and Tin

Norwegian pewter teapot in canteen design. Lid has a cork. Teapot

is etched with a rooster, the initials LAJ, and the year 1950, 5.25"
H. $65-75.

Art deco stainless steel teapot with pedestal base. Has red bakelite
handle and lid knob. No mark, 10" H. $60-70.

Chrome teapot with pedestal base. Handle and lid knob made of
red catalin. No mark, 10" H. $45-55.

Stacking single serve silverplated tea set. Teapot handle wrapped

in wood. $75-100.

The Teapots

Stackable copper tea set with brass handles, spout, and knob.
Single serve tea set made in Portugal by Tagus. $40-50.

Silverplated teapot with etched design on top half.

One cup capacity with no mark. $45.

Cooper kettle-style teapot on wrought iron stand with candle burner and snuffer. Two views shown, no mark, unknown age
Stand, 15.5" H., teapot, 1" H. $100-125.

Metal: Silver, Silver plate, Copper, Brass, Cast Iron, Pewter, and Tin

Brass teapot with etched design.

No mark but probably made in
India, 6" H. $45.

Brass teapot with unusual stylized

bird handle made of brass and
plastic. Produced by the Buffalo Mfg.
Co., 7.25" H. $50-60.

Brass, silver, and copper one cup teapot.

Arts and crafts style with applied leaf
and floral decoration, 5" H. $90-100.

The Teapots

Modern two cup stainless steel teapot with mesh strainer by Moller.

Jeweled brass Chinese teapot one cup size. Applied floral design in
agate and enamel. Handle wrapped with rope, 4.5" H. to knob. $90-100.

Tole decorated tinware, teapot green with strawberry pattern. Late

nineteenth/early twentieth century, 3.5" H. $100-150.

Metal teapot on lithopane burner stand. Teapot has wood wrapped

handle, 6" H. All four sides of burner have a lithopane which
become visible when the burner is lighted. $250-275.

Artist signed tole teapot, 7" H. Hand-painted

by Wallace Leach in January 1971. $75-100.

Metal: Silver, cSilverplate, Copper, Brass, Cast Iron, Pewter, and Tin

Decorative contemporary enameled teapot with multicolored floral pattern.


Cast iron teapots. From left: Nambu cast ironware

one cup teapot in black and pewter, has metal insert,
$55-65; Nambu blue cast ironware two cup teapot by
Iwachu, $65-75; teapot shown with marked box.
Teapot marked with Nambu tetsubin (iron kettle)
Kokusai Kogyo Group.

The Teapots

Cream colored metal teapot, single serve with hinged lid.

Spout tip and lid hinge are covered with brass, copper, and
silver. Teapot from Niger, 4" H. $150-200.

Blue enamel teapot with hinged lid, 6" H. $35.

Yellow enamel teapot with wire and wood handle, 5" H. $30.

Hand decorated white enamel teapot. Floral pattern burned into

the enamel. Label marked Old Ivory Enameled Ware. 6.25" H

Wooden, Musical, Figural, and Whimsical

Stylized gourd teapot with various nuts and seeds for the three feet, handle, and lid. Nineteenth century
Yixing teapot, 4" H. There are actually some old tea leaves in bottom of this teapot. $400-450.
The Teapots

Mahogany wooden teapots made in Costa Rica. From left: 3.75" H. and 6" H.
Enlarged view of teapot on left. Both are souvenir gifts. NE

Wooden, Musical, Figural, and, Whimsical

The Teapots

Wooden teacup on stand with tea strainer. Souvenir gift from

Costa Rica.

Teapot carved from a bamboo tree stump. Decorative use only, no

mark, 15" H. to top of handle. $50-60.

Musical Victorian
lady teapot, however,
base is missing. Early
1900s, 8.75" H., $50
without music box,
$150-200 with music
box. Two views

Wooden, Musical, Figural, and, Whimsical

Whimsical, musical
teapots. From left:
Noah’s Ark, 6.75"
H., plays “Talk to
the Animals” and
Cowgirl Cactus, 7"
H., plays “Home on
the Range.” Both are
Schmid Musical
Collectibles®. $40-50

Small stylized rose musical

teapot. It plays “You Are My
Sunshine.” NP

American teapot with electric heating

element. Bird on lid sings when water
boils, c. 1950s, 6.75" H. $35-40.

The Teapots

Glazed pottery teapot with lizard handle and finial in greenish brown earthtone color.
Made in Indonesia, no mark, souvenir gift. 5" H. NP

Stylized bunny rabbit teapot with teapot shaped Limited edition Paul Cardew white rabbit teapot. Mad Hatter teatime, 4.5" H.
spout. New, 7" H. $35. $30.

Wooden, Musical, Figural, and, Whimsical

Windmill teapot made in

Japan, one cup size. $20.

Multicolor stylized stone cottage teapot

marked handmade by Upali, 5" H. $40-50.

Three tier happy birthday cake

teapot by Lillian Vernon®, 7.25" H.

The Teapots

OTAGIRI made in
Japan and hand-
painted Design© by
Mary Ann Baker.
From left: Female
frog creamer, $20;
male frog teapot, 5.5"
H., $40.

Figural duck teapot hand-painted

over glaze. Lid knob is a duck; two
cup capacity, no mark. $25.

>t I* V

One cup cat teapot marked with Chinese writing.


©Midwest Importers of Cannon Falls, Inc.

birdhouse teapot, 8" H. $35-45.

Wooden, Musical, Figural, and, Whimsical

Hand-crafted soapstone teapot made in

Kenya. Stylized elephant in purple with
orange flowers. Lid knob is an elephant
also, 5.5" H. $35-45.

Luster glaze one cup owl teapot

made in China, 5" H. $25-30.

Stylized fish teapot hand-made and

painted in China, 6.5" H. $30-40.

The Teapots

Whimsical design with cat

leaning over fish bowl.
Designed by Judith Woolten
for Wade in England, 4.75" H.

Stylized shell teapot by Jay

Willfred, a division of Andrea
by Sadek, 6"H. $25-30.

Contemporary hand-crafted
seashell teapot in earth tones,
4" H. $50.

Wooden, Musical, Figural, and, Whimsical

Enameled elephant teapot

marked hand-painted
Japan, 6.25" H., c. 1920.

Jade colored porcelain

teapot decorated with
raised floral pattern. Gold
colored iron tusks,
handle, and finial in the
shape of a monkey. Made
in China, 9" H. For
decorative use only. $70.

The Teapots

French teapot stylized as a

dragon. Has coat of arms
decoration and unusually tall
lid, 7.25" H. $150.

Ornate stylized dragon

teapot heavily gilded and
hand-painted over glaze. 8"
H. $100-225.

Wooden, Musical, Figural, and, Whimsical

White glazed porcelain teapot with transfer pattern of bride and

other people wearing hats. Lid knob is a hat. By Saufaob© the
Toscany collection, Japan, 6.25" H. $40-50.

Stylized globe teapot designed for the Save the Children® Organi¬
zation by Dana (age 12). Design theme “Helping Children and
Their Families.” $30-40.

Multicolor calypso design teapot by Clay Art (1992) with two matching cups. $60-70 for the set.

The Teapots

Green novelty telephone teapot says dial for tea. By Seymour

Mann, Inc. $30.

Whimsical white with yellow eggcup teapot and cup for one. Bella
Casa™ by GANZ. $20.

Hand-crafted “Tea Time” ceramic tea set. Glazed in bright colors. Lids are cup and saucer unit.
By Zoogye, teapot is 8.25" H. $165-185 for the set.

Wooden, Musical, Figural, and, Whimsical

Artist signed, limited edition “Cracking Brew” teapot. Designed by Peter Calvesbert and Paul Cardew
for Harmony® Kingdom and Cardew Design. Front and back views shown, 6.75" H. $250-275.

The Teapots

Unusual ceramic teapot with six bud holders for flowers. Tea Garden made exclusively for Neiman Marcus in Portugal, 5.75" H.
Two views shown. $75-100.

Japanese Banko teapot with colorful raised frogs everywhere, c. 1900-1915.

Multiple views shown, 4.25" H. $500-600.

Wooden, Musical, Figural, and, Whimsical

Carved ivory teapot, stylized bird. No

mark, c. late eighteenth-century-early
nineteenth century, 4.25" H. to top of
bird finial. $1500-1700.

Whimsical half a cup teacup.

The Teapots

Contemporary Hand-Crafted

Contemporary design in royal blue with hints of purple. Teapot is footed and has two matching cups.
Artist initialed, 7" H. NP

Modern abstract patterned teapot. Footed, no mark, 8.25" H. $75-95.

Contemporary Hand-Crafted

Raku Pottery teapot with copper matte glaze

by Ed Risak, 7" H. to top of spout. $130.

Hand-crafted glazed teapot and pitcher by

Raye Cooke. Wavy vertical lines in earth
tone colors. Teapot, 7" H., $35, and pitcher,
9" H., $20.

Ceramic teapot with stylized flowers pattern

and recessed lid. Hand-crafted by A.J.
Suttuso, 1994, 6.25" H. $30.

The Teapots

Multicolored stained glass appearance

teapot. Hand-crafted by Beth Jennings
for Leggiere Pottery, 1997, 5” H. $160.

Black unglazed pottery teapot with carved-out

linear pattern painted gold and with wooden
handle. Artist initialed, 7" H. including handle,

Tripod teapot with abstract shape

of handle and lid. From
Hatfield’s of Alexandria, Virginia,
6.5" H. $90.

Contemporary Hand-Crafted

Hand-crafted glazed teapot in gold, green, and purple. Marked Stoneware teapot hand-crafted by Sara Pottery, 1994. 9.25" H. to
Naples Doylestown, 8" H. $90-100. top of handle. $45-55.

Geometrical pattern outlining an animal face. Handcrafted teapot

by D.D. Tinsman, 1998, 6" H. $70.

Stylized gourd earthenware teapot in yellow, green, orange, and blue

maiolica decoration. Marked ]&] Millman, 1998, 9" H. $75-95.

The Teapots

Rose Strata pattern cone teapot

design by Nalle Ceramics, 5.5" H.

Contemporary Hand-Crafted

Earthenware teapot hand-painted by Liz Lawrence, 7" H. Two views shown: top, depicting happy hour,
and bottom, depicting afternoon tea. $125.

The Teapots

Blue and White and White

with Accents of Gold or (Silver

From left: blue and white Spode’s Seasons teapot, individual size, c. 1847-1867, $100-125; contemporary blue and white double chamber
teapot, single-serve size, made in China, $25-35; and individual Wedgwood teapot, white and blue floral pattern around top and India
House clipper ship below, c. early 1900s, NE All three teapots are about 6" H.

One cup white and blue teapot with under glaze floral pattern made in Portugal. Souvenir gift, NE

Blue and White and White with Accents of Gold or Silver

Blue and white stylized

purse teapot with palm
tree decoration. Maker is
Takahashi, 7" H. $55-75.

From left: one cup blue flowers on white Chinese teapot with wrapped handle, c. 1900s, $75-100; Nan nineteenth century
Chinese teapot with side handle, $80-100; and blue and white single serve Chinese teapot with floral pattern, c. 1900, $75-90.

The Teapots

From left: individual serving size white with blue flowers Chinese teapot, handle at right angle, tea strainer insert appears new,
$40-50; blue and white Canton style teapot, no mark, 5" H., Chinese export c. 1895, $80-100; and different views of both teapots.

Blue and White and White with Accents of Gold or Silver

White porcelain with floral and cobalt and gold decoration coffee and tea set. Set includes teapot, 8.75" H., coffee pot, 8.75" H.,
creamer, sugar dish, and waste bowl. $450-550 for the set.

The Teapots

Miniature teapot, cobalt and white. $20. Single serve teapot with transfer pattern depicting a castle and
people on a river bank. $36-45.

Blue and white porcelain tea set includes teapot, 7" H., sugar, creamer, and tray.
Made in China and distributed by the Pacific Rim Import Corp. $50-60 for the set.

Blue and White and White with Accents of Gold or (Silver

White porcelain
teapot with band of
gold decoration.
Also, stylized snake
handle and spout in
gold. 4.5" H. $50.

From left bottom: white porcelain with gold overlay decoration. By Blakeman & Henderson, Limoges, France, 4.75" H., $65-75; and
hand-painted NIPPON with gold floral pattern, 5.25" H., $55-65. Top: wavy gold lines on white porcelain by Sadler, 4.5" H., $30.

Bavarian porcelain
teapot and creamer.
White with gold trees
and accents, pre-1871.
Teapot, 3.75" H.,$125-
150 for both.

The Teapots

Basket weave look teapot and trivet.

Three-dimensional roses are accented
with gold. Made in Japan, 7.75" H.

/ VM

Haviland Limoges white glazed teapot

with band of gold decoration. Mark
includes Limoges, France and Choiseul
depose, c. 1900, 9" H. $125-150.

Large white porcelain teapot

with gold accents, 11" H. $40-50.

Blue and White and White with Accents of Gold or (Silver

Ginori teapot on pedestal base with gold trim. Frieze depicting cherubs, muses, and centaurs. Stylized fish handle
and spout, two views shown, c. late nineteenth century, 10.5" H. $125-150.

The Teapots

White porcelain with heavy gold floral overlay. Lid hooks onto White glazed porcelain trimmed in silver. Scalloped base, rim and
teapot. Germany, c. 1891-1918, 6.25" H. $75. handle. Bavaria, Germany, after 1871, 9.25" H. $90-110.

White porcelain teapot with silver

decoration. No mark, 9.5" H. $50.
Shown with silver overlay glass
sugar and creamer.


Art deco style teapot with silver

accents. By Taylor, Smith & Taylor,
c. 1950s. $75-85.

Children’s Tea Sets and
Miniature Teapots and Tea Sets

Melitta children’s tea set. Two cups, saucers, and plates in yellow and in blue. Teapot with separate strainer, sugar, and creamer in pink,
c. 1900. $150-200.

German children’s tea set, pale yellow with raised, gilded flowers, c. 1890. $200-300.

The Teapots

Dollhouse tea set from Germany.

Service for two, as seen when
dollhouse carrier is open. $60.

Satsuma style miniature tea set; box for set has Japanese markings. $75.

Children’s Tea Sets and Miniature Teapots and Tea Sets

Group of contemporary miniature enamel

teapots in various shapes, colors, and patterns.
$25-35 each.

From left: enamel teapot with abstract art

depicting an embracing couple by Empress
Arts, $24; and enamel teapot with a Mary
Cassatt illustration of a mother and child ©
2001 by Kelvin Chen, $25-35.

Miniatures from left: cobalt and white

porcelain decorated with roses and gold trim,
no mark, possibly Nippon, $75; and white
porcelain decorated with delicate applied
flowers, no mark, possibly Dresdan, $95.

The Teapots

Red, white, and blue porcelain miniature teapots. From left: Teakettle style Limoges teapot with picture of
couple, $50-60; nineteenth century Meissen with applied flowers and gilt trim child’s teapot, $550-650; and
contemporary stylized gourd by Nielsen, 1992, $75-85. Another view of same teapots.

Copper teapot with metal handle, 5" H. including handle, $20-30, surrounded by three miniature copper
teapots. From left: with tin tripod support and handle, 3.5" H., $40-50; with brass handle and spout, 2" H.,
$10; and with brass base and handle and with lid attached to teapot by a chain, 2.75", $25.

Children’s Tea Sets and Miniature Teapots and Tea Sets

Collection of miniature ceramic teapots in the form of various fruits and vegetables by Khien Ceramic. $17 each.

Miniature tea set on tray, no mark. $20. Bright orange pig teapot with wrapped handle and man
finial. $25.

The Teapots

Miniature copper teapot made

from Danish coins. NP

Ceramic tea set with lustre finish by Nielsen, 1995. $140 for the set.

Hand-painted black and white glazed

with stripes and polka-dots by Nielsen,
1996, 4" H. to top of lid. $100.

Collection of miniature teapots

trom the Gift Gallery by Fitz and
Floyd”. From left: domino, cross
word puzzle, die, ying-yang, and
royal flush. $14 each.

Children’s Tea (Sets and Miniature Teapots and Tea (Sets

Miniature red Chinese take-out teapot

with gold wire handle and figural finial.
From the Gift Gallery by Fitz and Floyd*.

Miniature porcelain teapot with

hinged lid and transfer floral print.

Hand-painted Japanese
porcelain tea set on tray,
marked with Japanese
writing. $50-60.

The Teapots

Collection of miniature
Yixing teapots on rosewood
stand. $13 each.

Miniature teapots with cups and

saucers on stand, from left: Japanese
with dragon motif and Chinese with
floral design. $20-30 each.

Children’s Tea (Sets and Miniature Teapots and Tea (Sets

Miniature blown glass tea set

mounted on mirrored tray. NP

Decorated porcelain teapot

boxes. From left: orange,
blue, and white “Imari” style
decoration; and yellow and
green with dragonfly
attached. Both are marked
inside the lid with a gold
plate that says JOMARZ, 1st
Edition. 3.5" H. NE

Decorative miniature teakettle clock

indicating time for afternoon tea. NP

The Teapots

Special-Holiday, Advertising,
Commemorative, and Souvenir

Miniature decorative cloisonne red heart-shaped teapot. $30.

Bone china teapot with Shamrocks, Tara Hall fine bone china made in Calway, Ireland, 6" H. $40.
Special-Holiday, Advertising, Commemorative, and (Souvenir

Silver (25th) Anniversary teapot

on pedestal base. 8.5" H. $30-40.

Silver (25th) Anniversary teapot with

scalloped base and rim. 8" H. $30-40.

Sadler four cup teapot

decorated in a holiday red and
green transfer pattern. $45.

The Teapots

Holly berry holiday teapot hand

decorated by Ljette ™ International,
5.5" H. $25.'

Royal Winton Christmas Chintz

teapot and matching cup. $50-60
for both.

Lenox for the holidays,

Williamsburg Boxwood and
Pine © Lenox, 8.25" H. $60.

Special-Holiday, Advertising, Commemorative, and Souvenir

Hand-painted Santa Solo by Cardinal, Inc. © Tea for one teapot

and cup. $30.

Holly Berry teapot and cup for one. $30.

Novelty holiday bear single serve teapot © Jay Import. $20.

Ceramic Christmas tree teapot. Handmade in Italy for Vietri, 7.5"

H. $40.

The Teapots

Individual ceramic teapots with floral and peacock decoration and concave lids for stacking. Made in
England by Royal Doulton for the Furness Bermuda Line, c. 1950s. $45-55 each.

Group of hand-painted ceramic Epi-Curio one cup teapots. From left: Japanese symbols, Epi-Curio #113;
red and blue flowers, Epi-Curio #124; and tree with pink flowers, Epi-Curio #127. For the Ming Tea Co.
$10-15 each.
The Teapots

Advertising teapot for Grand Ma’s brand sippin’ good tea, 2 cup Single serve ovenproof fire-engine red teapot. Mark includes
size. $30. National Brotherhood of Operative Potters and made in USA, c.
1940-1955. $20-30.

Tke Republic d Tea'

The Republic of Tea™ two cup teapot with mesh infuser. $20.

White glazed teapot with red willow pattern by Jackson China, c. Terracotta two cup teapot - lid and inside of teapot are glazed. Mr.
early to mid-1900s. For Cook’s Hotel and Restaurant Supply Co. Brannam’s celebrated devon terracotta made in England $20
Inc., 5.5" H. $50.

(Special-Holiday, Advertising, Commemorative, and (Souvenir

English World War II teapot

escorted to the USA by
Royal Navy, see mark, which
includes the Staffordshire
Knot in photo on right.
Teapot lid is inscribed with
For England and Democ¬
racy, 5"H. $50.


i r]"

Queen Elizabeth 2 souvenir teapot. Also commemorates 25lh Anniversary cruise..

Teapot and mark with personal inscription shown, 5.5" H. NP

The Teapots

Souvenir teapot from Costa Rica

with colorful tropical scene, 6" H.

Ceramic souvenir tea set from

Honduras. Decorated with local
town scenes, 8" H. NP


Cunard cube tea set, mark on

bottom of all pieces shown on left,
c. 1930s. $125 for the set.

Special-Holiday, Advertising, Commemorative, and Souvenir

Miniature souvenir teapot from the British Virgin Islands.

Decorated with hand-painted local flower. $14.

Glazed pottery teapot with hand-painted palm trees during sunset.

Signed by Dwayne, 1995. Souvenir teapot from Jamaica. 7" H. $25.

Individual size souvenir teapot from Bermuda decorated with

Bermudian flowers. Signed by Kitten Ellison, 1998. $30.

University of Virginia teapot with blue transfer print

of the Rotunda. Made especially for the University of
Virginia Bookstore by Old English Staffordshire
Ware, 9.5" H. $90.

The Teapots

Souvenir teapots from

England. From left:
History of tea by
James Sadler; London
landmarks teapot by
Price Kensington
Potteries; and below:
London Heritage by
Sadler. Range 5.5"-7"
H. $35 each.

Lustreware single serve teapot, souvenir from Tyrone, marked

Bavaria, 5" H. $25.

Souvenir teapots from

left: Florida conch
shell teapot with
wooden handle, c.
1950s, $50; and
Wildwood, New
Jersey, souvenir teapot
with tray © 1951
Wildwood Pottery,

Tea for One

German tea service for one. Floral transfer pattern and gold trim, c. early 1900s. $100-120 for the set.

Porcelain teapot and cup for one with

hot air balloon decoration, made in


The Teapots

Haviland Limoges tea set for one. White glaze with blue and gold decoration probably depicting the French countryside, c. 1950s-1960s.
$75-85 for the set.

Morning set for one in blue glaze with silverplated rim on all
pieces by Royal Worchester, c. 1910. Mappin & Webbs Prince’s
Plate, hallmarked. $150-170 for the set.

Pfaltzgraff® Winterberry® teapot and cup for individual. $30.

Colorful butterfly transfer pattern adorns this

teapot and cup for one. By Gang N.
Tonawanda, New York, made in China. $36.
Tea for One

Herbal tea and fruit infusions are the theme for this single serve Cobalt teapot and cup for one decorated with flowers and Chinese
teapot and cup. By Arthur Wood & Son, Staffordshire, England. $30. writing, Flambro imports. $35.

Examples of coralene decorated brown or black (top right) glazed pottery. All are individual size, and made in Japan c. 1950s. $20-25
The Teapots

Banana yellow ceramic one cup teapot

with mesh infuser and removable metal
lid. Impressed mark, Beehouse Japan. $32.

Tea for One

Teapot and cup for one with transfer

fruit decoration. Andrea by Sadek,
made in Japan. $32.

Stylized cottage teapot

and cup for one. $15.

Crazy daisies pattern teapot and cup

for one. Gibson ELITE* hand-
painted china. $10.

The Teapots

Contemporary hand-
painted tea sets for
one in a variety of
colors and patterns.
The teapot, cup, and
creamer are designed
to fit together on the
tray. Hand-painted in
Thailand for Herman
Dodge & Son, Inc.,
Valencia, California,
5" H. $30 each set.
Tea for One

Venetian red glass tea set hand-painted with
gold. Set includes teapot, creamer, sugar, and
four cups with saucers. No mark, c. 1930s.
Teapot is 8.5" H. $400-500 for the set.


Contemporary hand
decorated glass teapots and
glasses. Loren Zina,
handmade in Italy. From
left: Turquiose and lime
teapot, 5.5" H., $132; orange
and purple teapot, has glass
infuser insert, 7" H., $215;
and teapot with six glasses,
$120 for the set of glasses.

Bon Jour coffee or tea press, glass with gold tone Glass teapot with chrome trim and built-in stainless steel infuser,
metal support and plastic handle and knob, 9.5" H. 20 oz. capacity. $25.

The Teapots

Glass carafe with warmer stand decorated

with 24K gold, made by Inlaid Glass (USA),
c. 1950s. $50. His and hers glass cups with
anodized aluminum cuffs and warmer
stands, made by Silex (USA). $30 for pair.

Decorative amethyst glass teapot in metal

holder and with metal handle, spout, and lid.
Andrea by Sadek, 4.5" H. $25.

1930s electric hotplate with

coffee/teapot in working
condition, by Pyrex and Silex.

Glass teapot with glass insert, one

quart capacity. By Jenner Glas®,
made in Germany. NP

Tea Sets

Tea 6ets

Silver (25th) Anniversary German coffee/tea set for two. White porcelain set is decorated with green floral
baskets and garlands with silver and black trim. Each piece is marked Silesia. Complete set is shown on the
bottom, c. 1920, teapot is 8" H. $175-225 for the set.

The Teapots

Meissen nineteenth century onion pattern coffee and tea set, c. mid-1800s. Teapot is 5" H. Set includes matching tray and is shown with
brass candlesticks. $1600-1800 for the set.

Kutani tea set decorated in classic red, gold, and black colors. One side of each piece depicts a human figure (possibly a
scholar) while the other illustrates potted plants. Both views shown, all pieces are marked in Japanese. The handles of
the teapot and creamer have been repaired with staples, c. early 1800s. $400-500 for the set.

Tea (Sets

Koenigszelt Silesia
porcelain tea set with an
unusual green, purple,
orange, black, and gold
decoration. Set includes
teapot, 10" H., sugar dish,
creamer, serving plate, and
four each cups, saucers,
and sandwich plates. Made
in Germany c. 1920s. $300-
350 for the set.

New Orleans porcelain tea

set with teapot, 8" H.,
cream pitcher, sugar bowl,
and six cups and saucers.
The floral pattern and gilt
trim are typical Old Paris
decorations, no mark, c.
1800. Set is shown with
book titled New Orleans
Porcelain. The cover photo
is same tea set in a similar
pattern. $1200-1400 for
the set.

Noritake white porcelain

teapot, sugar, and creamer
decorated with black and
gold flowers. Hand-
painted, Japan, c. 1915.
Teapot, 7" H. $125-150 for
the set.

The Teapots

Contemporary deep orange-

glazed teapot and two cups
with applied floral decoration.
Teapot is 5" H. to handle. $100.

White porcelain tea set for two with

matching tray. Decorated in peach
and gold. Cup on left has been
repaired with staples, c. early to mid¬
nineteenth century. Teapot, 6" H.
$200-250 for the set.

Brian Wood contemporary

Jazz tea set made in England.
Each piece is hand-painted
and artist signed. Teapot is 5"
H. Set is shown with matching
vase and alone. $225 for all

Tea (Sets

Oriental Ivory tea set with gold decoration depicting people, birds, and plants. Tea set and mark shown, c. 1880-1891. $150-200 for the set.

Satsuma tea ceremony set with box.

Has one cup size teapot, water
server, and five small cups. From
top: tea set shown with vintage tea
tins and another view including a
long-handled wooden water server, c.
1920-1940. $100 for the set.

The Teapots

Bird of Paradise hand-painted tea set by Laurie Gates © 1998. Teapot, four cup capacity and 6.6” H., $95;
sugar bowl, $45; creamer, $41; and platter, 14" D., $80.

Japanese Soko
China tea set. Hand-
painted depicting
Geishas on a
riverbank. Set
includes teapot, 5"
H., sugar dish,
creamer, and five
each of cups,
saucers, and plates,
c. 1940s-1950s. $80
for the set.

Syracuse Pottery tea
set decorated with
blue flowers on a
blush background.
Handles, spouts, and
fmials are gold.
Artist initialed,
R.L.P Teapot, 6" H.
$80 to 100 for the set.

Tea (Sets

Chinese stylized lion spout on this brown clay teapot. Teapot, 6" H., and eight cups, one missing lid, after 1920. NP

Spode Copeland’s China tea set decorated with a floral and fowl motif. As found, partial set includes teapot and
coffee or water pot, both 5.5" H., creamer, sandwich plate, and waste bowl. All pieces are initialed and numbered,
c. 1920. $100-125 for the pieces.

Transfer print pink and yellow flowers adorn this Portuguese tea set. Mark includes Creme de la Creme, Lynn-
Hollyn. Teapot is 8.5" H. $200 for the set.
The Teapots

Green glazed
Japanese hand-
painted tea set. Set
has raised floral
pattern outlined in
yellow, and the
center of each
flower is mirrored.
Spouts and fimals
are stylized dragon
heads. Teapot is 7"
H. $80-120 for the

Tams Ware tea set

for two, green and
white glaze is
accented with gold
trim, made in
England. The
teapot, 4.5" H.,
sugar bowl,
creamer, and cups
with saucers are
shown on a brass
tray. $85-95 for the

Bavarian teapot with sugar bowl and creamer.

Marked Seltmann Weiden, Bavaria, W. Germany,
Anja. Made between 1949 and 1990. Teapot is 8" H.
$50 for the set.

Glazed white porcelain Chinese tea set on tray.

Decorated with a dragon motif. The four cup
teapot comes with four cups and a matching
round tray. Marked in Chinese writing and
stamped made in China. Teapot is 6.5" H. $65-
75 for the set.

Tea Sets

Brown Chinese unglazed clay teapot and four cups - glazed inside. The teapot has a raised, painted floral pattern
and each cup has Chinese writing. Teapot is 6" H. $60-70 for the set.

English tea set depicting stately homes of England. Solian Ware, SoHo Pottery, Ltd., Cobridge, England. Set
includes teapot, 6.5" EE, sugar bowl, and five cups and saucers. $75 to 85 for the set.

Individual size Japanese cottage tea set. $55-65 for the set.

The Teapots

Gorham five piece silverplated tea set including

water reservoir, 12.5" H., coffee pot, 8.5" H.,
teapot, 5" H., cream pot, and sugar dish. Greek
key pattern, c. 1922. $550-650 for the set.


Limoges hand-painted artist-

signed tea set. Floral pattern
with gold trim by E.C. Moses,
c. 1900. $150-170 for the set.

Tea (Sets

White porcelain tea set with hand-painted flowers over the glaze and silver accents. All pieces marked with Japanese
writing. Set includes teapot, 5.75" H., sugar dish, creamer, and two cups with saucers, c. mid-1900s. $50-60 for the set.

Earthenware English breakfast set with brown floral transfer decoration and blue trim. Set includes teapot,
7" H., sugar bowl, cream jug, two cups with saucers (deep wells to hold cups steady), and a hexagonal tray.
William Brownfield & Son, Cobridge, Staffordshire, England, c. 1850-1890. $325-375 for the set.

The Teapots

Contemporary silverplated breakfast set includes 25 oz. coffee/teapot, creamer, sugar bowl, toast
rack, 7" H. bud vase, and oval serving tray. Made by the International Silver Company. $35.

Pink glaze Czechoslovakian breakfast set which includes teapot, 5.75" H., sugar dish,
creamer, plate, and plate with dome cover, c. 1940s-1950s. $125 for the set.

Tea Sets

Lily of the Valley decorated breakfast set. Included are teapot, 6" H., cup with saucer, egg cup, cereal bowl, plate with dome cover,
sugar dish, and small plate. All pieces are marked Booths and made in England, c. 1950s-1960s. $125-150 for the set.

Art deco style tea set for two. Hand-painted pink floral and geometric pattern.
Marked Decor Main, UML, made in France, after 1920. $150-175 for the set.


Included here are other books about teapots that the Kovel, Ralph and Terry. Kovel’s New Dictionary of Marks:
reader may be interested in. Pottery & Porcelain 1850 to the Present. New York, New
York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1986.
Archer, Chloe. Teapot Mania: The Story of the British Craft
Teapot and Teacosy. Norfolk Museums Service. United Lark Books. 500 Teapots: Contemporary Explorations of
Kingdom: Breckland Print, Limited, 1995. a Timeless Design. New York, New York: Lark
Books, a division of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.,
Bramah, Edward. Novelty Teapots: Five Hundred Years of 2002.
Art and Design. London, England: Quiller Press
Limited, 1992. Niles, Bo & Veronica McNiff. The New York Book of Tea:
Where to Take Tea and Buy Tea & Teaware, New Edi¬
Carter, Tina M. Teapots: The Collector’s Guide to Select¬ tion. New York, New York: City & Company, 1995,
ing, Identifying, and Displaying New and Vintage Tea¬ 1997.
pots. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Courage Books, an
Imprint of Running Press Book Publishers, 1995. Pettigrew, Jane. The Tea Companion: A Connoisseur’s
Guide. London, England: The Apple Press, Quinlet
Carter, Tina M. Collectible Teapots: A Reference & Price Publishing Limited, 1997.
Guide. United States of America: Krause Publica¬
tions, 2000. Pratt, James Norwood with Diana Rosen. The Tea Lover’s
Companion. New York, New York: Carol Publishing
Clark, Garth. The Eccentric Teapot. New York, New York: Group, 1996.
Abbeville Press, Inc., 1989.
Snyder, Jeffrey B. Hall China. Atglen, Pennsylvania:
Emmerson, Robin. British Teapots & Tea Drinking. Nor¬ Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 2002.
folk Museums Service. London, England: HMSO
Publications, 1992. Tippett, Paul. Christie’s Collectibles Teapots: The
Connoisseur’s Guide. New York, New York: Bulfinch
Ferrin, Leslie. Teapots Transformed: Exploration of an Press, an Imprint and Trademark of Little, Brown
Object. Madison, Wisconsin: Guild Publishing, 2000. & Company, Inc., 1996.

Kovel, Ralph and Terry. Kovel’s Antiques and Collectibles Woodward, Nancy Hyden. Teas of the World. New
Price List 2005, 37th Edition. New York, New York: York, New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.,
Random House Reference, 2005. 1980.

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3 9999 05203 013 5

77777" leapots by Design

A Collector’s Catalogue
Boston i rary. Unjeria G. Jackson, MD
iite of this material benefits the Ubiaty.

The author has assembled a collection of about

950 teapots over the past eleven years. This book is a
wonderful catalogue of teapots ranging from classic
Chinese styles to elegant Victorian creations to sleek
contemporary versions in a variety of shapes, sizes,
colors, and materials. This collector’s catalogue
77 V
showcases about 450 teapots, many of which are
unique and unusual. This book about teapots is the
one to add to your collection. The vivid color photo¬
graphs are accompanied by a description and value
guide. It is the perfect book for the teapot collector,
antiques dealer, or anyone interested in viewing and
learning more about teapots. It may inspire you to
begin or add to your collection.
US $29.95

9780764 3232 56 1 52995

ISBN: 0-7bM3-23E5-3

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