LT 01 Eaii F #Sen #Aip #V2 PDF
LT 01 Eaii F #Sen #Aip #V2 PDF
LT 01 Eaii F #Sen #Aip #V2 PDF
Hammerset anchor EA II
zinc plated steel / stainless steel
Minimum spacings while
Permissible loads of a single anchor in non-cracked normal concrete (concrete compression zone) of strength class C20/25 (∼B25) 1) 2) 3)
reducing the load
Type Screw Minimum Effective Maximum Permissible Permissible Required edge distance Required Min. Min.
material member anchorage installation tensile shear load (with one edge) for spacing for spacing edge distance
resp. screw thickness depth torque load
surface Max. tension Max. shear
4 load load Max. Load
hmin hef Tmax Nperm 4) Vperm 4) c c s smin 5) 6) cmin 5) 6)
High performance steel anchors
[mm] [mm] [Nm] [kN] [kN] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
5.8 2,9
EA II M6 x 308) 8.8 80 30 4 3,9 3,9 150 150 90 70 150
A4-70 3,2
EA II M8 x 308) 8.8 80 30 8 3,9 150 150 90 110 150
A4-70 5,6
EA II M8 x 40 8.8 80 40 8 6,1 150 150 120 200 150
A4-70 5,6
EA II M10 x 40 8.8 100 40 15 6,1 180 180 120 150 180
A4-70 7,1
EA II M12 8.8 100 50 35 8,5 200 200 150 200 200
A4-70 12,9
EA II M16 8.8 160 65 60 12,6 240 240 195 180 240
A4-70 21,1
29,1 285
EA II M20 8.8 200 80 120 17,2 280 240 190 280
A4-70 33,7 340
For the design the complete assessment ETA-07/0135 has to be considered. 7)
The partial safety factors for material resistance as regulated in the ETA-07/0135 as well as a partial safety factor for load actions of L = 1,4 are considered. As an single anchor counts e.g. an anchor
with a spacing s ≥ 3-hef and an edge distance c ≥ 1.5-hef. Accurate data see ETA-07/0135.
For higher concrete strength classes up to C50/60 higher permissible loads may be possible.
Drill method hammer drilling.
For combinations of tensile loads, shear loads, bending moments as well as reduced edge distances or spacings (anchor groups) see ETA-07/0135.
Minimum possible axial spacings resp. edge distance while reducing the permissible load.
Minimum possible spacing resp. edge distance while reducing the permissible load for the required minimum member thickness. The combination of minimum edge distance and minimum spacing is not
possible. One of both values has to be increased acc. ETA-07/0135.
The given loads refer to the European Technical Assessment ETA-07/0135, issue date 09/12/2016. Design of the loads according ETAG 001, Annex C, Method A (for static resp. quasi-static loads).
Only approved for statically intederminate systems.
Hammerset anchor EA II
Hammerset anchor EA II galvanised / corrosion resistant steel A4
Highest permissible loads for a single anchor1)6) for multiple use for non-structural applications in cracked and non-cracked concrete
C20/25 up to C50/605).
Type Effective Min. Maximum Permissible load Required spacing for Min. Min.
anchorage depth member torque moment spacing edge distance
Max. Load
hef hmin4) Tinst, max Fperm 3) s smin 2) cmin 2) 4
[mm] [mm] [Nm] [kN] [mm] [mm] [mm]
Hammerset anchor EA II (screw property class 4.6 and A4-50)
Highest permissible loads1) for a single anchor for multiple use for non-structural applications in pre-stressed hollow core slabs4)
Type Bottom flange thick- Effective Maximum Permissible load Min. spacing Min. edge distance
ness anchorage depth torque moment