Technical Specification: Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited

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1.0: SCOPE:

1.01: The designs of multi circuit steel monopole towers and their extensions should be conforming to the design
parameter specified herein. Design calculations & drawings and test reports for towers and extensions, extra cross
arms design & drawings of foundations in various types of soil duly approved from CPRI, Bangalore / SERC
Chennai, would be submitted.

1.02: The fabricated steel poles shall include base plate with its required accessories, monopole body (including
extensions, if required), Cross Arms. Monopole shall be joined with friction clip or Flanged joint. Cross Arms shall be
also Polygonal with structural jointing arrangement with extra cross arm. The accessories shall include strain plates,
D-shackles with nuts, bolts and washers, U-Bolts with nuts and washers, space washers, links for providing
attachment to the E.W and Conductor , ant climbing devices and any other equipment/ material / article to complete
the works as per the scope given in this specification.

1.03: The monopoles shall be fully galvanized. Provision will be made at the Cross Arm level for fixing phase plates
and Bird guards. The holes for fixing the Earthing bonds at the peak and for grounding the monopoles at bottom or
any other holes, which the purchaser may require, shall be provided at the convenient locations on the monopoles.


2.1.1: The multi circuit monopole will have four circuits (twelve cross arms), self-supporting, designed for the
specified loading conditions. There will generally be following type of towers:-
(i) A type Monopole type MP0: Tangent type tower with maximum line deviation up to 2° to be used with
Single/Double suspension insulator strings.
(ii) B type 2-150
(iii) C type 15-300
IV) D type 30-60

2.02: The bidder may also quote for up gradation work using the categories of Monopole available with him. In such
case the bidder will have to indicate the type of monopoles and extensions proposed to be used by him for up
gradation work.

Suitable extension of 3M, 6M, 9M & 12M height shall be designed for use with all type of towers.

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2.04: DESIGN: (220 KV as per ASCE-48-05:

2.04.01: The bidder will furnish a design as per ASCE-48-05 for each of the offered monopoles with extensions
based on the loading conditions indicated herein. The suspension monopoles shall be designed with using `I’
suspension string.
2.04.02: Please note that in case of suspension monopole, full wind condition is to be considered in the design in
case of security requirement i.e. transverse load due to wind action on tower structure, conductors, ground wire and
insulators shall be computed as per clause
12.1.1(i), page 10 of IS 802 (Part-1) 1995 or its latest. The mechanical tension of conductor/ground wire is the
tension corresponding to 100% design wind pressure at everyday temperature or 36% design wind pressure at
minimum temperature after accounting for drag coefficient and gust response factor as defined in clause
page 10 of IS 802 (Part-1) 1995 or its latest. The longitudinal loads shall correspond to 50% of mechanical tension
of conductor as per clause, page 10 of IS 802 (Part-1):1995 or its latest.

2.04.03: The monopole will have one conductor per phase (Zebra ACSR) in vertical formation and one ground-wire
of (7/3.15mm) galvanized stranded steel wire placed on the top of the monopole. The conductor and ground-wire
particulars are given in clause 2.04.07.

2.04.04: The ground-wire at its suspension point shall provide a shielding angle of 30° with respect to the top most
conductors. The drop of ground-wire suspension assembly should be taken into account so as to determine the
shielding angle.

2.04.05: The minimum mid-span vertical clearance between Ground-wire and Conductor in still air shall be 8.5 Mtrs
for 220 KV.

2.04.06: The minimum electrical clearance between conductors shall be 8.4Mtrs for 220 KV M/C Monopole as per
CBIP manual.

2.04.07: The conductor and Ground wire parameters to be considered in the design of 220 kV tower (ACSR Zebra)
are as under:-
220 KV

ACSR Zebra Conductor:

a) Stranding and wire diameter 54/3.18 mm Al.,07/3.18mm Steel

b) Total sectional area 484.5 mm²
c) Approximate overall diameter 28.62 mm
d) Approximate weight 1621 kg/km
e) Approximate calculated breaking load 13290 Kg
f) Co-efficient of linear expansion 19.35 x10-6 per degree C
g) Final modules of elasticity .703400 Kg/cm²

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Ground wire:
a) Stranding and wire diameter 7/3.15mm.
b) Total sectional area 54.55 mm²
c) Approximate overall diameter 9.54 mm
d) Approximate weight 428 kg/km
e) Approximate calculated breaking load 5810 kg
f) Co-efficient of linear expansion 11.50 x 10–6 per deg. C.
g) Final modules of elasticity 1.938 x 106 Kg/Cm2

The following minimum clearances may be made available between the live parts and the nearest monopole bay.

The above clearances are based on maximum and minimum string lengths of insulators as per standard practice. If
Pilot string is used in case of 60° monopole; swing of the pilot string shall be 15 deg. The clearance shall be
available from grading ring if the same happens to be the nearest to the monopole body at any point of time.


The wind span for the purpose of computing the wind load on conductors and ground-wire shall be indicated in the
offer. Similarly the weight span shall also be indicated.

2.07: WIND LOAD:

The wind load on conductors, earth wire, towers and insulator strings shall be taken as per recommendations of IS:
802 (Part-I) -1995 or its latest with latest revision thereof, for following conditions:-
(a) Wind zone -4 (Four) (47 mtrs/sec)

(b) Reliability level –

2.0 (Two) for 220kV multi circuit monopoles.
(c) Terrain category - 1 (one)

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The maximum working tension of conductor and ground-wire and the uplift conditions shall correspond to the
minimum temperature of 0° C. The maximum conductor sag and ground clearance beneath should correspond to
the maximum working temperature of 75° C. The Maximum ground-wire temperature shall be taken as 53° C.


2.09.01: Structural steel shall be conforming to ASTM A572-65 (450 Mpa ) & 50 (345 Mpa) or equivalent and
plates/sheets not less than 5 mm thickness. The sheets/plates of monopole shall be from

2.09.02: Permissible stresses in the design of self-supporting steel monopole tower shall conform to ASCE: 48-05
latest edition or equivalent code of latest edition.


Transmission lines are subjected to various loads during their life time. These loads are classified into three distinct
categories, namely
a) Climatic Loads: related to the reliability requirements.
b) Failure containment Loads: related to security requirements.
c) Construction & Maintenance Loads: related to safety requirements.

a) Climatic Loads:
These are random loads imposed on monopole, insulator string; conductor & ground wire due to action of wind on
transmission line & do not act continuously. Climatic loads shall be determined under either of the following climatic
conditions whichever is more stringent:

(1)100 percent design wind pressure at every day temperature (32°C)

(2) 36 percent design wind pressure at minimum temperature (0°C)

b) Failure Containment Loads:

� Anti cascading Loads &

� Torsional & Longitudinal Loads

Anti-Cascading Loads:
Cascade failure may be caused by failure of items such as insulators, hardware, joints failures of major components
such as monopoles, foundations, conductor due to defective material or Workman ship or from climatic overloads
sometimes from casual events such as misdirected aircraft, avalanches, sabotage etc. The security measures
adopted for containing cascade failures in the line is to provide angle monopoles at specific intervals which shall be
checked for Anti-cascading loads.

Anti-cascading checks:
i) Suspension monopoles shall be checked for narrow front wind with a wind speed of 2.0 of basic wind speed.

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ii) Angle monopoles shall be checked for the following anti cascading conditions with all the conductors & ground
wire intact only on one side of the monopole.
� Transverse load: These loads shall be taken under no wind condition.
� Vertical Load: These loads shall be the sum of weight of conductor/ground wire as per weight span of intact
conductor/ground wire, weight of insulator strings and accessories.
� Longitudinal Loads: These loads shall be the pull of conductor/ground wire at every day temperature & no wind
applied simultaneously at all points on one side with zero degree line deviation.

Torsional & Longitudinal Loads:

These loads are caused by breakage of conductors and/or ground wire. All the monopoles shall be designed for
these loads for the number of conductor(s) and or ground wire considered broken as per provisions of this

c) Construction & Maintenance Loads:

These are loads that are imposed on monopoles during constructions & maintenance of transmission lines.
Computation of Loads & loading combinations: The computation of loads is to be done in line with relevant
provisions/ sections of IS 802- 1992 (latest amendment)

Tension Limits:
Conductor/ground wire tension at everyday temperature & without external load, should not exceed the following
percentage of the ultimate tensile strength of the conductor:
Initial unloaded tension 22 percent, Final unloaded tension 25 percent provided that the ultimate tension under
everyday temperature & 100 percent design wind pressure or minimum temperature & 36 percent design wind
pressure does not exceed 70 percent of the ultimate tensile strength of the conductor/ground wire.


The transverse loads due to wind on conductors and ground-wire shall be calculated

(i) The normal span for normal Multi-circuit monopoles (i.e. upto +6m Extension) shall be 200m
(ii) The wind span is the sum of the two half spans adjacent to the support under consideration. For normal
horizontal spans this equal to normal ruling span.
(iii) The weight span shall be shown in the design report of monopoles. The horizontal distance between the
lowest point of the conductors on the two spans adjacent to the tower. The weight spans considered for design of
monopoles is as below.

Under normal condition. Under broken wire conditions 50% of the intact span and 10% of the
broken span shall be assumed as wind span. In addition to this, transverse loads due to line
deviation, wind on towers, and wind on insulator strings should also have to be taken into
consideration in the design of the towers under normal condition. Under broken wire conditions
50% of the intact span and 10% of the
under normal condition. Under broken wire conditions 50% of the intact span and 10% of the
broken span shall be assumed as wind span. In addition to this, transverse loads due to line
deviation, wind on towers, and wind on insulator strings should also have to be taken into
consideration in theAND GROUND-WIRE
design SAG:
of the towers
The maximum sag for the conductor should be calculated for 75° C and no wind with an allowance of 4% of
maximum sag to allow for plotting and sagging errors.


The minimum ground clearance of 7.1 Meters for 220kV M/C line shall be available corresponding to the maximum
working temperature and normal span.


2.14.01: Following broken wire conditions should be assumed in the design of towers:-
a. A type 0-20 Suspension monopole- Any one of power conductor broken or ground-wire broken which ever
condition is more stringent for design.

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(ii) B type 2-150 Angle monopole (2° to 30°) - Any two of power conductors broken on the same side and on the same span or any one of
the power conductor broken and ground-wire broken on the
same span whichever combination constitutes the most stringent condition for design of a
particular member.
(iii) C type 15-300 Angle monopole (2° to 30°) - Any two of power conductors broken on the same side and on the same span or any one
of the power conductor broken and ground-wire broken on the
same span whichever combination constitutes the most stringent condition for design of a
particular member.
IV) D type 30-60 Angle tower (30° to 60°) - Any Three power conductors broken on the same side and on thesame span or any two of the
power conductor broken and ground-wire broken on the same sideand same span whichever combination constitutes the most stringent
condition for design.
Further this monopole shall also be designed for dead end condition i.e. all conductors and
ground wire broken on the same side and same span.

2.14.02: In all type of monopoles, the power conductor’s supports and ground-wire supports should be designed for broken wire conditions


The factors of safety for design of monopoles shall be as under:-
(i)Normal condition – 1.05.
(ii)Broken wire condition – 1.05

DEFLECTION CRITERIA: 1.5% of the height under safety normal condition and 5% of height under ultimate wind
for both suspension and tension poles.


2.16.01: The design of the monopoles should be based on use of HRH hot dip galvanized bolts having grade 6.8(for
foundation bolts)/8.8(for connection bolts). The connections shall be designed on the basis of use of 24 mm dia
bolts. The spring washers shall be provided for insertion under all nuts. These washers shall be of steel, electro
galvanized, positive lock type and of minimum 3.5mm thickness.

2.16.02: The nuts shall be forged and tapped after galvanizing and then lubricated. The nuts shall be chamfered on
one face only, the other face shall be machined.

2.16.03: The bolts and nuts shall be free from forging and threading defects such as cuts, splits, burrs, bulging,
taper, eccentricity, loose fit etc.

2.16.04: The bolts shall be threaded up to standard length only as per relevant Indian Standard and not to full length.

2.16.05: The bolts and nuts shall confirm to IS 1367-1971 Part-III and Part-IV, IS 12427, IS 1363-92, IS 1367
Part-XIII with latest amendment.

2.16.06: The spring washers after coiling shall be suitably heat treated so as to result in the finished washer having
hardness 43 to 50 HRC when tested in accordance with IS 1586- 1968.

2.16.07: The surface of the washers shall be free of scales and burrs. The washers shall be coiled without any kinks
(except for the shape with turned-up ends). The ends of the washer shall not about when the washers are
compressed. The ends shall be so served as to prevent tangling.

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2.17.01: The foundations shall withstand the ultimate loads on the superstructure as specified in this specification,
for the full footing reactions along the stub angle slopes obtained from the structural stress analysis.

2.17.02: The reactions on the footing shall be composed of the following types of loads for which they shall be
required to be checked.
(a) Maximum tension or uplift.
(b) Maximum compression or down-thrust.
(c) Maximum horizontal shear or side thrust.

2.17.03: The additional weight of concrete in the footing below ground level over the earth weight and full weight of
concrete above the ground level in the footing and embedded steel parts will also be taken into account adding to
the down-thrust.


2.18.01: The following primary types of soil resistances shall be assumed to act in resisting the loads imposed on
the footings in earth:

(a) Resistance against uplift:

The uplift loads will be assumed to be resisted by weight of earth in an inverted frustum of a conical pyramid of earth
on the footings pad whose sides make an angle equal to the angle of repose of the earth with the vertical in average
soil. The weight of concrete embedded in earth and that above the ground will also be considered for resisting the
uplift. In case where the frustum of earth pyramids of two adjoining legs super-impose each other, the earth frustum
will be assumed truncated by a vertical plane passing through the centre line of the tower base.

(b) Resistance against down-thrust:

The down -thrust loads combined with the additional weight of concrete above earth will be resisted by bearing
strength of the soil assumed to be acting on the total area of the bottom of the footings.

(c) Resistance against side thrust:

The bidder shall describe in detail the methods followed by them to check the stability of foundations for horizontal

Side-thrust along with the relevant reference (IS or other standard) in support of their contentions.

2.18.02: In addition to the strength design, stability analysis of the foundation shall be done to check the possibility
of failure by over-turning, uprooting, sliding and tilting of the foundation.


The bidder is requested to submit the design of foundations. It is recommended to give Single Pile Foundation.

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The minimum factors of safety/overload factor based on the ultimate strength of the foundation material when the
monopoles are under full working loads under various conditions of loadings combined with the other loads specified
for the foundations shall be as given below:-
(a) Normal condition – 2.
(b) Broken wire condition - 1.5


Monopoles are to be type tested for each type.
Type test is waived off, if the manufacturer/supplier having successfully type (suspension &
angle monopoles) tested in CPRI/ in any independent NABL accredited testing centres for 220 KV M/C or above
monopole and conducted during last 3 years from the date of submission of drawings for approval subject to
submission of report for verification.

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