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Titre : SSLL11 - Treillis de barres articulées sous charge[...] Date : 30/11/2017 Page : 1/14
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Titre : SSLL11 - Treillis de barres articulées sous charge[...] Date : 30/11/2017 Page : 2/14
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SSLL11 - Lattice of pin jointed struts under

concentrated loading

This test makes it possible to check the elements of bar and beam for the structural analysis out of lattice. The
lattice considered is plan. Calculation is static, elastic, linear. The reference solution is analytical.

Three modelings make it possible to test the elements POU_D_T with and without rotulées connections, as well
as the elements BAR.

Three modelings make it possible to test the elements POU_D_TG, POU_D_EM and POU_D_TGM with and
without rotulées connections.

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Titre : SSLL11 - Treillis de barres articulées sous charge[...] Date : 30/11/2017 Page : 3/14
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1 Problem of reference
1.1 Geometry

Length L=1 m
elements AC and BC of circular section A=2. 10 – 4 m2
elements CD and BD of circular section A=1.10 – 4 m2

Coordinates of the points (in m ):

x 0. 1. 0.5 2.
y 0. 0. 0.5 1.
z 0. 0. 0. 0.

1.2 Material properties

Young modulus: E=1.962 1011 Pa

1.3 Boundary conditions and loadings

Nodes A and B are articulated: u=v =0
Vertical specific force in D : F =– 9.81 103 N

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2 Reference solution
2.1 Method of calculating used for the reference solution
The reference solution is that given in card SSLL11/89 of guide VPCS.
It is obtained by the method of displacements in [bib1].

2.2 Results of reference

Displacements of the points C and D .

2.3 Uncertainty on the solution

Analytical solution.

2.4 Bibliographical references

[1] RAO (J.S.): The finite element method in engineering , problem 5.1, p. 275.

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3 Modeling A
3.1 Characteristics of modeling
Taking into account the twinges, the taking into account of the articulations modifies the results little.
For this modeling, articulations in A , B , C and D are rigidified (continuity of the 3 components of
generalized efforts).
4 beams of full circular section: 4 meshs SEG2
elements AC and BC ray R=7.97884510−3 m (surface A=2. 10−4 m 2 )
elements CD and BD ray R=5.64189510 −3 m (surface A=1.10 −4 m2 )
Poisson's ratio:  =0.3
Limiting conditions:
in all them nodes :
_F (TOUT=' OUI', DZ= 0. , DRX= 0. , DRY= 0. ),
_F (NOEUD= (WITH, B), DX= 0. , DY= 0.)

Name of nodes : Not A = A Not C = C

Not B = B Not D = D

3.2 Characteristics of the grid

Number of nodes : 4
Many meshs and types: 4 SEG2

3.3 Sizes tested and results

Identification Type of reference Value Tolerance
DX at the point C ‘ANALYTICAL’ 2.65E-04 3.0E-04
DY at the point C ‘ANALYTICAL’ 0.8839E-04 3.0E-04
DX at the point D ‘ANALYTICAL’ 3.47902E-03 3.0E-04
DY at the point D ‘ANALYTICAL’ – 5.60084E-03 3.0E-04

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4 Modeling B
4.1 Characteristics of modeling
4 elements POU_D_T of full circular section: 4 meshs SEG2
elements AC and BC ray R=7.978845 10−3 m (surface A=2. 10−4 m2 )
elements CD and BD ray R=5.641895 10−3 m (surface A=1. 10−4 m 2 )
Poisson's ratio:  =0.3
Limiting conditions:
DDL_IMPO=_F (Tout=' OUI', DZ= 0. , DRX= 0. , DRY= 0. )

To treat the rotary joints, one creates as many nodes as of ends of bar.

• with the nodes A1 , B2 and D4 : DDL_IMPO=_F (Tout=' OUI', DZ= 0. , DRX= 0. ,

DRY= 0. )
• with the nodes C1 , C2 , C3 and D3 , D4 continuity of the translations, by LIAISON_DDL DX
and DY.
• no rotation is imposed.

4.2 Characteristics of the grid

Many nodes: 4
Many meshs and types: 4 SEG2

4.3 Sizes tested and results

Displacement Type of
Not Reference Tolerance
(m) Reference
uc ANALYTICAL 2.6517E-04 3.0E-04
vc ANALYTICAL 0.8839E-04 3.0E-04

uD ANALYTICAL 3.47902E-03 3.0E-04

vD ANALYTICAL – 5.60084E-03 3.0E-04

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Titre : SSLL11 - Treillis de barres articulées sous charge[...] Date : 30/11/2017 Page : 7/14
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5 Modeling C
5.1 Characteristics of modeling
4 elements BAR of full circular section: 4 meshs SEG2
elements AC and BC ray R=7.97884510−3 m (surface A=2.10 m )

−4 2
elements CD and BD ray R=5.64189510 −3 m (surface A=1.10 m )
Poisson's ratio:  =0.3
Limiting conditions:
_F (TOUT=' OUI', DZ= 0. )
_F (NOEUD= (WITH, B), DX= 0. , DY= 0.)

5.2 Characteristics of the grid

Many nodes: 4
Many meshs and types: 4 SEG2

5.3 Sizes tested and results

Static calculation:
Displacement Type of
Not Reference Tolerance
(m) Reference
C uc ANALYTICAL 2.6517E -04 1.0E-04
vc ANALYTICAL 8.84E-05 1.0E-04
D uD ANALYTICAL 3.47902E-03 1.0E-04
vD ANALYTICAL – 5.60084E-03 1.0E-04

Harmonic calculation:
Not Field Freq. Comp Type of Reference Reference Tolerance
C DEPL 100 DX NOT REGRESSION 4.01805E-08 - 4.21987E-06j 1.0E-03
C DEPL 100 DY NOT REGRESSION 1.66019E-08-1.406541E-06j 1.0E-03
D DEPL 100 DX NOT REGRESSION 5.81263E-07-5.53643E-05j 1.0E-03
D DEPL 100 DY NOT REGRESSION -9.72590E-7+8.91215E-5j 1.0E-03
D QUICKLY 100 DX NOT REGRESSION 0.03478 + 3.652186E-04j 1.0E-03
D QUICKLY 100 DY NOT REGRESSION -0.05599 - 6.11096E-04j 1.0E-03
D ACCE 100 DX NOT REGRESSION -0.22947 + 21.85696j 1.0E-03
D ACCE 100 DY NOT REGRESSION 0.383963 - 35.1837j 1.0E-03
B EFGE_ELNO 100 NR NOT REGRESSION -3.83891 + 331.15804j 1.0E-03
D EFGE_ELNO 100 NR NOT REGRESSION -3.83891 + 331.15804j 1.0E-03

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Titre : SSLL11 - Treillis de barres articulées sous charge[...] Date : 30/11/2017 Page : 8/14
Responsable : FLÉJOU Jean-Luc Clé : V3.01.011 Révision :

6 Modeling D
6.1 Characteristics of modeling
4 elements POU_D_TG of hollow circular section: 4 meshs SEG2
ray: R=8.305164 10−3 m
elements AC and BC surface A=2. 10−4 m2
Thickness: e=0.006 m
ray: R=5.683099 10−3 m
elements CD and BD surface A=1. 10−4 m2
Thickness: e=0.005 m
Poisson's ratio: =0.3

Limiting conditions:
DDL_IMPO= (Tout=' OUI', DZ=0. , DRX=0. , DRY=0. )

To treat the rotary joints, one creates as many nodes as of ends of bar.

• with the nodes A1 , B2 and D4 : DDL_IMPO=_F (Tout=' OUI', DX= 0. , D4= 0. ,)

• with the nodes C1 , C2 , C3 and D3 , D4 continuity of the translations, by LIAISON_DDL DX
and DY.
• no rotation is imposed.

6.2 Characteristics of the grid

Many nodes: 8
Many meshs and types: 4 SEG2

6.3 Remarks
In this modeling one calculates the dynamic response complexes system subjected to a complex
harmonic excitation ( F =−9810.0.j ) in the presence of a viscous damping proportional to rigidity
and the mass. (AMOR_ALPHA=AMOR_BETA=0.1). The results are compared with the results got with
modeling POU_D_T.

6.4 Sizes tested and results

The results (Displacement, Speed and Acceleration) were got at a frequency of 100 Hz
Not Displacement ( m ) Type of Reference Reference Tolerance
D DX NOT REGRESSION -1.65073E-05-9.22424E-06j 1,00E-003
DY NOT REGRESSION 2.52829E-05+1.80184E-05j 1,00E-003

Not Speed ( m/ s ) Type of Reference Reference Tolerance

D DX NOT REGRESSION 5.79576E-03-1.03719E-02j 1,00E-003
DY NOT REGRESSION -1.13213E-02+1.58857E-02j 1,00E-003

Not Acceleration ( m/ s 2 ) Type of Reference Reference Tolerance

D DX NOT REGRESSION 6.51684+3.64158j 1,00E-003
DY NOT REGRESSION -9.98130-7.11336j 1,00E-003

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Titre : SSLL11 - Treillis de barres articulées sous charge[...] Date : 30/11/2017 Page : 9/14
Responsable : FLÉJOU Jean-Luc Clé : V3.01.011 Révision :

7 Modeling E
7.1 Characteristics of modeling
4 elements POU_D_EM of hollow circular section: 4 meshs SEG2
elements AC and ray: R=8.305164 10−3 m surface
BC Thickness: e=0.006 m A=2. 10−4 m2
elements CD and ray: R=5.683099 10−3 m surface
BD Thickness: e=0.005 m A=1. 10−4 m2
Poisson's ratio: =0.3

Limiting conditions:
DDL_IMPO= (Tout=' OUI', DZ= 0. , DRX= 0. , DRY= 0. )

To treat the rotary joints, one creates as many nodes as of ends of bar.

• with the nodes A1 , B2 and D4 : DDL_IMPO=_F (Tout=' OUI', DX= 0. , D4= 0. ,)

• with the nodes C1 , C2 , C3 and D3 , D4 continuity of the translations, by LIAISON_DDL DX
and DY.
• no rotation is imposed.

7.2 Characteristics of the grid

Many nodes: 8
Many meshs and types: 4 SEG2

Grid of the two hollow sections

Elements Grid Characteristics

AC and BC 240 nodes

79 SEG2
415 TRIA3

CD and BD 127 nodes

56 SEG2
210 TRIA3

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7.3 Remarks
In this modeling one calculates the dynamic response complexes system subjected to a complex
harmonic excitation ( F =−9810.0.j ) in the presence of a viscous damping proportional to rigidity
and the mass. (AMOR_ALPHA=AMOR_BETA=0.1). The results are compared with the results got with
modeling POU_D_T.

7.4 Sizes tested and results

The results (Displacement, Speed and Acceleration) were got at a frequency of 100 Hz

Not Displacement ( m) Type of Reference Reference Tolerance

D DX AUTRE_ASTER -1.65073E-05-9.22424E-06j 3.50%
DY AUTRE_ASTER 2.52829E-05+1.80184E-05j 3.00%

Not Speed ( m/ s ) Type of Reference Reference Tolerance

D DX AUTRE_ASTER 5.79576E-03-1.03719E-02j 3.50%
DY AUTRE_ASTER -1.13213E-02+1.58857E-02j 3.00%

Not Acceleration ( m/ s2 ) Type of Reference Reference Tolerance

D DX AUTRE_ASTER 6.51684+3.64158j 3.50%
DY AUTRE_ASTER -9.98130-7.11336j 3.00%

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Titre : SSLL11 - Treillis de barres articulées sous charge[...] Date : 30/11/2017 Page : 11/14
Responsable : FLÉJOU Jean-Luc Clé : V3.01.011 Révision :

8 Modeling F
8.1 Characteristics of modeling
4 elements POU_D_TGM of hollow circular section: 4 meshs SEG2
ray: R=8.305164 10−3 m 2
elements AC and BC surface A=2. 10 m
Thickness: e=0.006 m
ray: R=5.683099 10−3 m 2
elements CD and BD surface A=1. 10 m
Thickness: e=0.005 m
Poisson's ratio:  =0.3
Limiting conditions:
DDL_IMPO= (Tout=' OUI', DZ= 0. , DRX= 0. , DRY= 0. )

To treat the rotary joints, one creates as many nodes as of ends of bar.

• with the nodes A , B and D4 : DDL_IMPO=_F (Tout=' OUI', DX= 0. , D4= 0. ,)

• with the nodes C1 , C2 , C3 and D3 , D4 continuity of the translations, by LIAISON_DDL DX
and DY.
• no rotation is imposed.

8.2 Characteristics of the grid

Many nodes: 8
Many meshs and types: 4 SEG2

Grid of the two hollow sections

Elements Grid Characteristics

AC and BC 240 nodes

79 SEG2
415 TRIA3

CD and BD 127 nodes

56 SEG2
210 TRIA3

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Titre : SSLL11 - Treillis de barres articulées sous charge[...] Date : 30/11/2017 Page : 12/14
Responsable : FLÉJOU Jean-Luc Clé : V3.01.011 Révision :

8.3 Remarks
In this modeling one calculates the dynamic response complexes system subjected to a complex
harmonic excitation ( F =−9810.0.j ) in the presence of a viscous damping proportional to rigidity
and the mass. (AMOR_ALPHA=AMOR_BETA=0.1). The results are compared with the results got with
modeling POU_D_T by taking of account characteristics A , IY and IZ equal to those calculated by
integrations on fibres.

8.4 Sizes tested and results

Not Displacement ( m) Type of Reference Reference % tolerance

C3 DX ‘ANALYTICAL’ 2.6517E-4 0.50
C3 DY ‘ANALYTICAL’ 0.8839E-4 0.50
D3 DX ‘ANALYTICAL’ 3.47902E-3 0.50
D3 DY ‘ANALYTICAL’ -5.60084E-3 0.50

Identification Component Type of Reference Reference % tolerance

Mesh AC - Node A 1
TRIAX ‘AUTRE_ASTER’ 4.082482905E-01 0.10
- Not 1 - SIEQ_ELNO
The results (Displacement, Speed and Acceleration) were got at a frequency of 100hz
Not Displacement ( m ) Type of Reference Reference % tolerance
D DX AUTRE_ASTER -1.64397E-05-9.09482E-06j 0.10
DY AUTRE_ASTER 2.51858E-05+1.78386E-05j 0.10

Not Speed ( m/ s ) Type of Reference Reference % tolerance

D DX AUTRE_ASTER 5.71444E-03-0.0103293j 0.10
DY AUTRE_ASTER -0.011208+0.0158247j 0.10

Not Acceleration ( m/ s2 ) Type of Reference Reference % tolerance

D DX AUTRE_ASTER 6.490118+3.590490j 0.10
DY AUTRE_ASTER -9.942974-7.0424160j 0.10

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Titre : SSLL11 - Treillis de barres articulées sous charge[...] Date : 30/11/2017 Page : 13/14
Responsable : FLÉJOU Jean-Luc Clé : V3.01.011 Révision :

9 Modeling G
9.1 Characteristics of modeling
4 elements POU_D_TG of circular section: 4 meshs SEG2
elements AC and BC ray: R=7.97884 10−3 m Surface A=2. 10−4 m2
ray: R=5.683099 10−3 m
elements CD and BD surface A=1. 10−4 m2
Thickness: e=0.005 m

Limiting conditions:
• DDL_IMPO= (TOUT=' OUI' DZ= 0. , DRX= 0. , DRY= 0. )
• with the nodes A , B : DDL_IMPO=_F (DX= 0. , DY= 0. ,)

9.2 Characteristics of the grid

Many nodes: 8
Many meshs and types: 4 SEG2

9.3 Sizes tested and results

Component Node Reference Value
DY D ANALYTICAL −5.60084E−03
Constraints of type beam:
Size Component Node Reference Value

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10 Summary of the results

The results are in conformity with the reference solution for three modelings:
• model of beams,
• model of beams and linear relations,
• model of bars.
Elements POU_D_TG, POU_D_EM and POU_D_TGM allow to get results very close to those obtained
with the elements POU_D_T.

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provided as a convenience.
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