Code - Aster: General Information On The Combined Gradient: GCPC Aster and Use of Petsc

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General information on the combined gradient:

GCPC Aster and use of PETSc


Within the framework of thermomechanical simulations, the main part of the costs calculation often
comes from the construction and the resolution of the linear systems. The choice of the good linear solvor
is thus paramount, on the one hand for its speed, but also for its robustness and the place memory which it
requires. Each time, a compromise is to be operated between these constraints.
For 60 years two types of solveurs have disputed supremacy in the field, direct and those iterative. From where,
by precaution, a diversified offer of the codes of mechanics on the matter. Code_acefor the third time do not
escape the rule. He proposes three solveurs direct (Gauss [R6.02.01], multifrontale native [R6.02.02] and
external product MUMPS [R6.02.03]), of solveurs iterative of type Krylov (GCPC Aster and all those of the
PETSc bookstore).

In it document, one details from a theoretical point of view, algorithmic and modelings Code_hasster, the
fundamental ones of the GCPC and other solveurs of Krylov established in PETSc. In particular, one
clarifies their links with the other linear solveurs of the code and the methods of continuous optimization. One
continues by their difficulties of establishment, their parameter settings, their perimeters like some advices of

For more details and advices on the employment of the linear solveurs one will be able to consult the specific
notes of use [U4.50.01]/[U2.08.03]. The related problems of improvement of performances (RAM/CPU) of a
calculation and, use of parallelism, are also the object of detailed notes: [U1.03.03] and [U2.08.06].

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1 Problems.............................................................................................................................................. 4
2 Methods of descent.............................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Positioning of the problem.............................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Steepest Descent........................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Principle................................................................................................................................ 8
2.2.2 Algorithm............................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.3 Elements of theory.............................................................................................................. 10
2.2.4 Complexity and occupation memory...................................................................................12
2.3 Method of “general” descent........................................................................................................ 12
2.3.1 Principle.............................................................................................................................. 12
2.3.2 Complements...................................................................................................................... 13
3 The Combined Gradient (GC)............................................................................................................. 16
3.1 General description...................................................................................................................... 16
3.1.1 Principle.............................................................................................................................. 16
3.1.2 Algorithm............................................................................................................................. 17
3.2 Elements of theory....................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.1 Space of Krylov................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.2 Orthogonality...................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.3 Convergence...................................................................................................................... 19
3.2.4 Complexity and occupation memory...................................................................................20
3.3 Complements............................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.1 Equivalence with the method of Lanczos............................................................................21
3.3.2 Encased Solveurs............................................................................................................... 23
3.3.3 Parallelism.......................................................................................................................... 23
4 The Prepacked Combined Gradient (GCPC)......................................................................................25
4.1 General description...................................................................................................................... 25
4.1.1 Principle.............................................................................................................................. 25
4.1.2 Algorithm............................................................................................................................. 26
4.1.3 “Overflight” of the principal préconditionneurs....................................................................27
4.2 Incomplete factorization of Cholesky............................................................................................28
4.2.1 Principle.............................................................................................................................. 28
4.2.2 Strategy retained in Code_Aster......................................................................................... 28
4.2.3 Filling by levels................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.4 Low magnitude of the terms resulting from the filling..........................................................30
4.2.5 Complexity and occupation memory...................................................................................31
5 The “native” GCPC of Code_Aster..................................................................................................... 31
5.1 Particular difficulties..................................................................................................................... 32
5.1.1 Taking into account of the limiting conditions......................................................................32
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5.1.2 Consequence on the GCPC...............................................................................................32

5.1.3 Obstruction memory............................................................................................................ 33
5.1.4 Parallelism.......................................................................................................................... 33
5.2 Perimeter of use........................................................................................................................... 33
5.3 Symmetrical character of the operator of work.............................................................................34
5.4 Parameter setting and posting..................................................................................................... 34
5.5 The Councils of use..................................................................................................................... 35
6 Iterative solveurs of Krylov via PETSc................................................................................................ 37
6.1 The PETSc bookstore.................................................................................................................. 37
6.2 Establishment in Code_Aster....................................................................................................... 37
6.3 Perimeter of use........................................................................................................................... 37
6.4 Symmetrical character of the operator of work.............................................................................38
6.5 Parameter setting and posting..................................................................................................... 38
6.6 The Councils of use..................................................................................................................... 39
7Treatment of the failures...................................................................................................................... 40
7.1Failures met.................................................................................................................................. 40
7.2Recovery in the event of failure..................................................................................................... 40
7.3Implementation............................................................................................................................. 40
7.4Interception of the exception......................................................................................................... 40
8 Bibliography........................................................................................................................................ 41
8.1 Books/articles/proceedings/theses…........................................................................................... 41
8.2 Account-returned reports/EDF..................................................................................................... 41
8.3 Resources Internet....................................................................................................................... 41
9 Description of the versions of the document.......................................................................................42

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1 Problems
In digital simulation of physical phenomena, a cost important calculation often comes from the
construction and the resolution of linear systems. The mechanics of the structures does not escape the
rule! The cost of the construction of the system depends amongst points on integration and complexity on the
laws on behavior, while that of the resolution is related on the number of unknown factors, modelings selected
and topology (bandwidth, conditioning). When the number of unknown factors explodes, the second stage
becomes dominating1 and it is thus the latter which mainly will interest us here. Moreover, when it is possible to
be more performing on this phase of resolution, thanks to the access to a parallel machine, this asset can be
propagated with the phase of constitution of the system itself (elementary calculations and assemblies, cf
These linear inversions of systems in fact omnipresent in the codes and are often hidden with deepest
of other digital algorithms: non-linear diagram, integration in time, analyze modal…. One seeks, for example,
the vector of nodal displacements (or of the increments of displacement) u checking a linear system of the type
Ku= f (1-1)
with K a matrix of rigidity and f a vector representing the application of forces generalized to the mechanical

In a general way, resolution of this kind of problem requires one (more) broad questioning that it does not
appear to with it:
• Does one have access to the matrix or knows one simply his action on a vector?
• Is this matrix it digs or dense?
• Which are its digital properties (symmetry, definite positive…) and structural (real/complex, by bands,
• Please one solve only one system (1-1), several into simultaneous 2 or in a consecutive way3 ? Even
several different and successive systems to which the matrices are very close 4 ?
• In the case of successive resolutions, can one re-use preceding results in order to facilitate the next
resolutions (cf technique of restarting, partial factorization)?
• Which is the order of magnitude of the size of the problem, the matrix and of its factorized compared to
capacities for treatment of the CPU and the associated memories (RAM, disc)?
• Does one want a solution very precise or simply an estimate (cf encased solveurs)?
• One has access to bookstores of linear algebra (and with their pre-necessary MPI, BLAS, LAPACK…)
or does one have to call on products “house”?

In Code_Aster , one explicitly builds the matrix and one stores it with the format MORSE 5 . With most
modelings, the matrix hollow (because of discretization by finite elements), is potentially badly conditioned 6 and
often real, symmetrical and indefinite7 . Into nonlinear, modal or during thermomechanical chainings, one often
deals with problems of the type “multiple second members”. The discrete methods of contact-friction benefit
from faculties of partial factorization. In addition, Code_Aster use also scenarios of simultaneous resolutions
(complements of Schur of the contact and under-structuring…).

1 For Code_Aster, to see the study of ‘profiling’ led by N.Anfaoui [Anf03].

2 Even matrix but several second independent members; Cf construction of a complement of Schur.
3 Problem of the multiples type second members: even matrix but several second successive and
interdependent members; Cf algorithm of Newton without reactualization of the tangent matrix.
4 Problem of the multiples type first members: several matrices and second members successive and
interdependent, but with close matrices “spectralement”; Cf algorithm of Newton with reactualization of the
tangent matrix.
5 Known as still SCC for ‘Symmetric Compressed Column storage’.
6 In mechanics of the structures conditioning η  K  is known to be rather bad. It can vary, typically, of 10 5 to
1012 and the fact of refining the grid, of using stretched elements or structural elements has dramatic
consequences on this figure (cf B.Smith. With parallel iterative implementation of year substructuring
algorithm for problems in 3D. SIAM J.Sci.Comput., 14 (1992), pp406-423. §3.1 or I.FRIED. Condition of finite
element matrices generated from nonuniform meshes. AIAA J., 10 (1972), pp219-221.)
7 The indefinite character rather than definite positive is with the addition of additional variables (known as “of
Lagrange”) to impose simple or generalized limiting conditions of Dirichlet [R3.03.01].
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As for the sizes of the problems, even if they swell year by year, they remain modest compared to the CFD:
about the million unknown factors but for hundreds of step of time or iterations of Newton.
In addition, of one point of view “middleware and hardware” , the code is pressed from now on on many
optimized and perennial bookstores (MPI, BLAS, LAPACK, MONGREL, SCOTCH TAPE, PETSc, MUMPS…)
and is used mainly on clusters of SMP (fast networks, great RAM storage capacity and disc). One thus seeks
especially to optimize the use of the linear solveurs accordingly.

For 60 years, two types of techniques have disputed supremacy in the field, the direct solveurs and
those iterative (cf [Che05] [Dav06] [Duf06] [Gol96] [LT98] [Liu89] [Meu99] [Saa03]).
First are robust and lead in a finished number of operations (theoretically) known by advance. Their theory is
relatively well completed and their variation according to grinds standard matrices and software architectures is
very complete. In particular, their algorithmic multiniveau is well adapted to the hierarchies memories of the
current machines. However, they require storage capacities which grow quickly with the size of the problem
what limits the extensibility of their parallelism 8 . Even if this parallelism can break up into several independent
layers, thus gearing down the performances.
On the other hand, them iterative methods are more “scalables” when one increases the number of
processors. Their theory abounds in many “opened problems”, especially into arithmetic finished. In practice,
their convergence in a “reasonable” number of iterations, is not always acquired, it depends on the structure of
the matrix, the starting point, the criterion of stop… This kind of solveurs has more difficulty boring in mechanics
of the industrial structures where one often cumulates heterogeneities, non-linearities and junctions of models
which cause to become gangrenous the conditioning of the operator of work. In addition, they are not adapted to
solve the problems of the type effectively “multiple second members”. Out those are very frequent in algorithmic
mechanical simulations.
Contrary to their direct counterparts, it is not possible to propose the iterative solvor who will solve any linear
system. The adequacy of the type of algorithm to a class of problems is done on a case-by-case basis. They
present, nevertheless, other advantages which historically gave them established among for certain
applications. With management equivalent memory, they require some less than the direct solveurs, because
one has right need to know the action of the matrix on an unspecified vector, without having truly to store it. In
addition, one is not subjected to the “diktat” of the phenomenon of filling which deteriorates the profile of the
matrices, one can effectively exploit the hollow character of the operators and control the precision of the
results9 .
In the literature in digital analysis, one often grants a dominating place to the iterative solveurs in general, and,
with the alternatives of the gradient combined in particular. The most senior authors agree to say that, even
if its use gains over the years and of the alternatives, of the “market shares”, certain fields remain still
refractory. Among those, the mechanics of the structures, the electronic simulation of circuit…
To paraphrase these authors, the use of direct solveurs concerns the area of the technology whereas the choice
of the good couple iterative method/preconditionnor is rather an art! In spite of its biblical simplicity on paper, the
resolution of a system linear, even symmetrical definite positive, is not “a long quiet river”. Between two evils,
filling/swivelling and pre-packaging, it is necessary to choose!

L D Ku f
Lw f
Dv w ?!?
K u
LT u v
Figure 1-1. _Two classes of
methods to solve

8 One also speaks about “scalability” or passage on the scale.

9 What can be very interesting within the framework of encased solveurs (e.g. Newton + GCPC), cf V.Frayssé.
The power of backward error analysis. HDR of the Institut National Polytechnique of Toulouse (2000).
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a linear system: the direct ones and the iterative ones.

Lately the arrival of the hybrid solveurs [Boi08], which mixes the two approaches to draw part of their respective
advantages, upsets a little gives it. On “simulations borders” comprising of tens of million unknown factors, the
combined gradient can be even competed with by these new approaches (especially for problems of the
multiple type second-members).

But it makes some is generally present as a solvor of interface of these hybrids. Those can be seen like
particular préconditionneurs (multilevel, multigrille, DD) of a combined gradient or all other methods of Krylov
(GMRES, BiCG-Stab…). In addition, taking into account its simplicity of implementation (into sequential as in
parallel) and of its weak occupation memory, there remains often it only alternate to tackle the very large
problems10 .

• The two large families of solveurs must more be seen like complementary that like competitors. One
often seeks to mix them: methods DD [Boi08], preconditionnor by incomplete factorization (cf. § 4.2) or
of type multigrille [Tar09], procedure of iterative refinement at the end of the direct solvor [Boi09]…
• For more details on the bookstores of linear algebra implementing these methods and some results of
benchmarks confronting them, one will be able to consult documentation [Boi09]. But for really drawing
part of these products, they should be exploited in parallel mode. Documentation [Boi08] illustrates
some aspects of parallel calculation (hardware, methodology, languages, indicators of performances)
and specifies the various exploitable levels of parallelism in a code such as Code_Aster.

Now let us approach the whole of the chapters around of which will articulate this note. After having clarified
them various formulations of the problem (linear system, minimizations of functional calculus) and in order to
better do to feel with the reader implicit subtleties of the methods of type gradient, one proposes a fast overflight
the their fundamental ones: classic “steepest-descent” then them general methods of descent like their links
with the GC. These recalls being made, it algorithmic unfolding of the GC becomes clear (at least it is hoped
for!) and its theoretical properties of convergence, from orthogonality and complexity result from this.
Complements are quickly brushed to put in prospect the GC with recurring concepts in digital analysis:
projection of Petrov-Galerkin and space of Krylov, problem of orthogonalisation, equivalence with the method of
Lanczos and properties spectral, encased solveurs and parallelism.
Then one details the “necessary evil” which constitutes it pre-packaging of the operator of work, some often
used strategies and those retained for the native GCPC of Code_Aster and for the solveurs of PETSc.
One concludes by particular difficulties of establishment in the code, questions of parameter setting and of
perimeter like by some advices of use.

• The effective establishment and the maintenance of the iterative solveurs in Code_Aster are the fruit of
a team work: J.P.Grégoire, J.Pellet, T.DeSoza, N.Tardieu, O.Boiteau…
• In this document, a good amount of figures were borrowed from the introductory paper of J.R.
Shewchuk [Sh94] with its pleasant authorization: ©1994 by Jonathan Richard Shewchuk.

10 All is relative. The current limits are rather of a few million unknown factors for a PC and several hundreds of
million for a machine of computer centre. Great codes of CFD (for EDF: Code_Saturne, TELEMAC…) are
thus completely leaned with iterative solveurs of standard combined gradient. They their make it possible to
distribute floods of data/treatments on thousands of processors and to thus manage, via parallelism, of the
problems of very big size.
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2 Methods of descent
2.1 Positioning of the problem
That is to say K the matrix of rigidity (of size N ) to reverse, if it has the “good taste” to be symmetrical
definite positive (SPD in the Anglo-Saxon literature), which is often 11 the case in mechanics of the structures,
one shows by simple derivation which the following problems are equivalent:

• Resolution of the usual linear system with u vector solution (of displacements or increments of
displacements, resp. in temperature….) and f vector representing the application of forces
generalized to the thermomechanical system
 
P 1 Ku= f (2.1-1)
• Minimization of the quadratic functional calculus representing the energy of the system, with < , > the
usual Euclidean scalar product,
 P 2 u= Arg min J  v 
v ∈ ℜN
1 1
J  v  := 〈v,Kv 〉−〈 f , v 〉= v T Kv− f T v
2 2
Because of “definite-positivity” of the matrix which returns J strictly convex, the cancelling vector12 ∇ J
corresponds to the single one 13 total minimum u . That is illustrated by the following, valid relation whatever K
1 T
J  v  =J  u   v−u  K  v−u  (2.1-3)
Thus, for any vector v different from the solution u , the positive definite character of the operator makes
strictly positive the second term and thus u is also a total minimum.

(A) (b) (c)

Figure 2.1-1. Example of J quadratic in N =2 dimensions with K := [ ]

3 2
2 6
and f := [ ]

graph (A), datum lines (b) and vectors gradient (c).

The spectrum of the operator is 1 ; v 1=7 ; [1,2]  and  2 ; v 2 =2 ; [−2,1]  .

This very important result in practice is based entirely on this famous definite-positivity “ethereal” property a little
of the matrix of work. On a problem with two dimensions ( N =2 !) one can be done one of them limpid

11 For a simulation via Code_Aster, the matrix is often indefinite because of addition of additional variables
(known as “of Lagranges”) to impose limiting conditions [Pel01].
12 The cancellation of the derivative is a typical case with the convex and unconstrained case of the famous
relations of Kuhn-Tucker characterizing the optimum of a differentiable problem of optimization. It is called
“equation of Euler”.
13 Without this convexity, one is not ensured of unicity. It is then necessary to compose with local minima!
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representation (cf figure 2.1-1): the form paraboloid which focuses the single minimum at the point [2,−2]T of
worthless slope.

• Minimization of the standard in energy of the error e  v =v−u , more speaking for the mechanics,
 3
P u=Arg min E v
v ∈ℜ N (2.1-4)
T 2
avec E  v  :=〈 Ke  v  , e  v  〉= Ke  v   e  v =∥e  v 
From a mathematical point of view, it is anything else only one matric standard (licit since K is SPD). One
often prefers to express it via a residue r  v  = f −Kv
E  v  =〈 r  v  , K −1 r  v  〉=r  v  K −1 r  v  (2.1-5)

• The perimeter of use of the combined gradient can in fact of extending to any operator, inevitably
symmetrical or not defined positive and even square! With this intention one defines the solution of (
P 1 ) as being that, within the meaning of least squares, of the problem of minimization
 P2  ' u= Arg min ∥Kv− f ∥2 (2.1-6)
v ∈ℜ N
By derivation one leads to the “normal” equations known as whose operator is square, symmetrical
and positive

 P 2  '' K K u=K f (2.1-7)

One can thus apply a GC to him or one steepest-descent without too much of encumber.
• The solution of the problem ( P 1 ) is with the intersection of N hyperplanes of dimension N −1 .
For example, in the case of figure 2.1-1, it is expressed crudely in the form of intersections of right-
hand sides:

{ 3x1 2x 2 =2
2x 16x 2=−8

Figure 2.1-2. Resolution of the n°1 example by intersection of right-hand sides.

• The methods of type gradient dissociate this philosophy, they lie naturally within the scope of
minimization of a quadratic functional calculus, in which they were developed and intuitively

2.2 Steepest Descent

2.2.1 Principle
This last remark precedes the philosophy of the method known as “of the strongest slope”, more known under
its Anglo-Saxon denomination of ‘Steepest Descent’: one builds the continuation of reiterated ui while following

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the direction whereby J decrease more, at least locally, i.e. d i =−∇ J i=r i with
J := J  u  et r := f −Ku . With I
i i i i i 1
iteration, one will thus seek to build u such as:
i 1 i i i
u :=u α r (2.2-1)
J i1 J i (2.2-2)
Thanks to this formulation, one thus transformed a quadratic problem of minimization of size N (in J and u )
in a unidimensional minimization (in G and  )
i i i
Trouver α tel que α = Arg min G  α 
α ∈[ αm , α M ] (2.2-3)
avec G  α  := J  u α r 
i i i

The following figures illustrate the operation of this procedure on the n°1 example: on the basis of the point
0 T
u =[−2,−2] (cf (A)) one seeks the optimal parameter of descent, 0 , according to the line of greater slope
r 0 ; what amounts seeking a point pertaining to the intersection of a vertical plan and a paraboloid (b), meant
by the parabola (c). Crudely this point cancels the derivative of the parabola (d)
∂G 0  α 0  ∥r 0∥2
=0 ⇔〈∇ J  u 1  , r 0 〉=0 ⇔〈r 1 , r 0 〉=0⇔ α 0 := 0 (2.2-4)
∂α 〈 r , Kr 0 〉
This orthogonality between two successive residues (i.e successive gradients) produced a advance
characteristic, known as in “zigzag”, towards the solution (E). Thus, in the case of a badly conditioned system
producing narrow and lengthened ellipses14, the iteration count necessary can be considerable (cf figure 2.2-1).

a B C

Figure 2.2-1. Illustration of Steepest Descent on the n°1 example: direction of initial descent (A), intersection of
surfaces (b), corresponding parabola (c), vectors gradient and their projection
along the direction of descent initial (d) and total process until convergence (E).

2.2.2 Algorithm

λ max
14 The conditioning of the operator K is written like the report of its extreme eigenvalues η  K  := who
λ min
are themselves proportional to the axes of the ellipses. From where a direct link and visual between bad
matric conditioning and narrow and tortuous valley where minimization is abused.
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From where unfolding

Initialisation u donné
Boucle en i
1  r i= f −Ku i  nouveau résidu 
i 2
∥r ∥
 2 α i = i  paramètre optimal de descente 
〈 r , Kr i 〉
3  u i1 =u i α i r i  nouvel itéré 
 4  Test d'arrêt via J −J i  par exemple 

Algorithm 1: Steepest Descent.

To save a product matrix-vector it is preferable to substitute at the stage (1), the update of the residue following
r i1 =r i−α i Kr i (2.2-5)
However, so avoiding inopportune accumulations of round-offs, one periodically recomputes the residue with the
initial formula (1).

2.2.3 Elements of theory

One shows that this algorithm converges, for any starting point u 0 , at the speed15
2 2
∥e  u i1 ∥K =ωi∥e  ui ∥K
i ∥r i∥4 (2.2-6)
avec ω :=1−
〈 K −1 r i , r i 〉〈 Kr i , r i 〉
By developing the error on the basis of clean mode  j ; v j  matrix K
e  u i =∑ j ξ j v j (2.2-7)
the attenuation factor of the error in energy becomes

ω i=1−
∑ 2  2
j j j  (2.2-8)
 ∑ j 2j  3j  ∑ j 2j  j 
In (2.2-8), the fact that components  j are squared ensures the priority ousting of the dominant eigenvalues.
One finds here one of the characteristics of the modal methods of type Krylov (Lanczos, Arnoldi cf [Boi01]
§5/§6) which privilege the extreme clean modes. For this reason, Steepest Descent and the combined gradient
known as “coarse” are compared to the classical iterative solveurs (Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR…) more
“smooth” because eliminating without discrimination all the components with each iteration.
Finally, thanks to the inequality of Kantorovitch 16, one largely improves the legibility of the attenuation factor. At
the end of I iterations, in the worst case, the decrease is expressed in the form
∥e  u ∥K ≤

η  K −1
η  K 1 
∥e  u0 ∥K (2.2-9)

It ensures linear convergence 17 process in an iteration count proportional to conditioning of the operator. Thus,
to obtain

15 The definite positivity of the operator ensures us of the “kindly person” of the parameter i . It is well an
attenuation factor because 0≤i ≤1 .

16 Some is
K matrix SPD and u vector not no one: 1≤ 〈Ku , u 〉 〈 K u , u〉 ≤   K    K 
−1  1 −1
2  ).
∥u∥42 4
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∥e  u i ∥K
≤  petit  (2.2-10)
∥e  u 0 ∥K
one needs an iteration count about
K 1
i≈ ln (2.2-11)
4 
A badly conditioned problem will thus slow down the convergence of the process, which one “visually” had
already noted with the phenomenon of “narrow and tortuous valley”.

For better apprehending the implication of the spectrum of the operator and starting point in the unfolding of the
algorithm, let us simplify the formula (2.2-8) while placing itself in the commonplace case where N =2 . While
1 2
noting = the matric conditioning of the operator and = the slope of the error with Ième iteration (in
2 1
the frame of reference of the two clean vectors), one obtains a more readable expression of the attenuation
factor of the error (cf figure 2.2-2)
i   2  2  (2.2-12)
 =1−
  2   3 2 
As for the modal solveurs, one notes that the importance of the conditioning of the operator is balanced by the
choice of a good starting point: in spite of a bad conditioning, the cases (A) and (b) are very different; In the first,
the starting point generates almost a clean space of the operator and one converges in two iterations, if they are
not the “sempiternal zigzags”.


Figure 2.2-2. Convergence of Steepest Descent on the n°1 example according to the values of conditioning and
the starting point:  large and  small (A),  and  large (b),  and  small (c),
 small and  large (d) and total form of =  ,  (E).

• This method of the strongest slope was initiated by Cauchy (1847) and was given to the last style by
Curry (1944). Within the framework of operators SPD, it is also sometimes called method of the
gradient with optimal parameter (cf [LT98] §8.2.1). In spite of its weak properties of convergence, she
knew her “heyday” to minimize functions J quasi-unspecified, makes some only derivable. In this
case plus general, it then makes it possible to reach only stationary points, at best local minima.

J  u i1 −J  u 
17 I.e. lim
i  ∞ J  u −J  u 
≤ :=

  K  −1
  K  1 
1 . The asymptotic rate of convergence  report of
Kantorovitch is called

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• To avoid zigzag the proceeded various effects of acceleration were proposed (cf Forsythe 1968,
Luenberger 1973 or [Min08] §2.3) which have a speed of convergence similar to that of the gradient
combined but for a quite higher calculation complexity. They thus fell gradually in disuse.
• Let us note that alternatives of algorithm 1 were introduced to treat cases not SPD: Iteration of the
minimum residue and Steepest Descent with standard of the residue (cf [Saa03]).
• One finds through Steepest Descent a very widespread key concept in digital analysis: that of the
resolution of a problem, by projection of reiterated on an approximating subspace, here
K i :=vect r i  , perpendicular to another subspace, here Li :=K i . They are called, respectively,
spaces of research or approximation and space of constraint. For Steepest Descent, they are equal
and reduced to their more simple expression but we will see that for the combined gradient they take
the shape of particular spaces, known as of Krylov.

Formally, with each iteration i algorithm, one seeks an increment thus  i :=i r i such as:

i 0 i i i i
u :=u   := r ∈ K i
〈 r 0 − K i , w 〉=0 ∀ w∈Li =K i
This framework general constitutes the conditions of Petrov-Galerkin what is called.

2.2.4 Complexity and occupation memory

The major part of the cost calculation of algorithm 1 lies in the update (2.2-5) and, more particularly, in the
product matrix-vector K r i . In addition, it was already mentioned that its convergence was acquired and took
place in an iteration count proportional to the conditioning of the matrix (cf (2.2-11)).
Calculation complexity of the algorithm is thus, if one takes account of the hollow character of the operator,
about     K  cN  where c is the median number of nonworthless terms per line of K .
Thus, with problems resulting from the discretization finite elements elliptic operators of the second order 18
(resp. fourth order), one has conditionings of operators in   K  =  N 2/d  (resp.   K  =  N 4/d  ) where
d the dimension of space. Calculation complexity of Steepest Descent within this framework is written thus

   
2 4
1 1
d (resp. d ).
 cN  cN
As regards the occupation memory, only the storage of the matrix of work is possibly necessary 19 :   cN  . In
practice, the data-processing installation of hollow storage imposes the management of additional vectors of
entireties: for example, for storage MORSE used in Code_Aster, vectors of the indices of end of line and the
indices of columns of the nonworthless elements of the profile. From where effective a memory complexity of
  cN  realities and   cN N  entireties.

2.3 Method of “general” descent

2.3.1 Principle
A crucial stage of these methods is the choice of their direction of descent 20. Even if the gradient of the
functional calculus remains the principal ingredient about it, one can choose another version completely of it d i
that necessary for Steepest Descent. With Ième iteration, one will thus seek to build u i1 checking
i 1 i i i
u := u  α d (2.3-1)

18 Case generally encountered in mechanics of the structures.

19 In the absolute, Steepest Descent as the GC requires only the knowledge of the action of the matrix on an
unspecified vector and not its storage in extenso. This facility can prove to be invaluable very for applications
rebuke in degrees of freedom (CFD).
20 By definition a direction of descent (dd) with Ième stage, noted d i , checks:  ∇ J i  d i 0 .
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α i= Arg min J  u i α d i  (2.3-2)

α∈ [ α m , α M ]
It is of course only one generalization of ‘Steepest Descent’ seen previously and it is shown that its choices of
the parameter of descent and its property of orthogonality spread
i i
〈r ,d 〉
α i :=
〈 d i , Kd i 〉 (2.3-3)
〈 d i , r i1 〉=0
From where the same effect “zigzag” during unfolding of the process and a convergence similar to (2.2-6) with
an attenuation factor of the error undervalued by:
〈 ri , d i 〉2 1 ri di 2
ω i := 1− ≥ 〈 , 〉 (2.3-4)
〈 K −1 r i , r i 〉〈 Kd i , d i 〉 η  K  ∥r i∥ ∥d i∥
This result one can then formulate two reports:
• The conditioning of the operator intervenes directly on the attenuation factor and thus on the speed of
• To make sure of convergence (sufficient condition) one needs, at the time of a given iteration, that the
direction of descent is not orthogonal with the residue.

The sufficient condition of this last item is of course checked for Steepest Descent ( d i =r i ) and it will impose a
choice of direction of descent for the combined gradient. To mitigate the issue raised by the first point, we will
see that it is possible to constitute an operator of work K  whose conditioning is less. One speaks then about
Always in the case of an operator SPD, the course of a method of “general” descent is thus written

Initialisation u 0 , d 0 donnés, r 0= f − Ku 0
Boucle en i
1  z i =Kd i
i i
〈r , d 〉
 2 α i = i i  paramètre optimal de descente 
〈d , z 〉
3  u i1 =u i α i d i  nouvel itéré 
i1 i i i
 4  r =r −α z  nouvel résidu 
5  Test d'arrêt via J −J , ∥d i∥ ou ∥r i1∥  par exemple 
i1 i

6  Calcul de la dd d i1 =d i1  ∇ J k , ∇ 2 J k , d k 

Algorithm 2: Method of descent in the case of a quadratic functional calculus.

This algorithm precedes already well that of the Gradient Combined (GC) which we will examine in the following
chapter (cf algorithm 4). It shows well that the GC is not that a method of descent applied within the framework
of quadratic functional calculuses and specific directions of descent. Finally, only the stage (6) will be some

• By successively posing like directions of descent the canonical vectors of the axes of coordinates of
space with N dimensions ( d =ei ), one obtains the method of Gauss-Seidel.
• To avoid the overcost calculation of the stage of unidimensional minimization (2) (produced matrix-
vector) one can choose to fix the parameter of descent arbitrarily: it is the method of Richardson who
converges as well as possible like Steepest Descent.

2.3.2 Complements

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With a functional calculus J continue unspecified (cf figure 2.3-1), one exceeds the strict framework of the
linear inversion of system for that of unconstrained nonlinear continuous optimization ( J then is often called
function objective cost or function). Two simplifications which had runs up to now become illicit then:
• The reactualization of the residue : stage (4),
• The simplified calculation of the optimal parameter of descent : stage (2).
Their reasons to be being only to use all the assumptions of the problem to facilitate unidimensional
minimization (2.3-2), one is then constrained to explicitly carry out this linear research on a functional calculus
more kicked up a rumpus with this time of multiple local minima. Fortunately, there exists a whole panoply of
methods according to the degree of necessary information on the function cost J :
• J (quadratic interpolation, dichotomy on the values of the function, of the gilded section, rule of
Goldstein and Price…),
• J , ∇ J (dichotomy on the values of the derivative, regulates of Wolfe, Armijo…),
• ( J , ∇ J , ∇ 2 J Newton-Raphson…)
• …

As regards the direction of descent, there too of many solutions are proposed in the literature (combined
gradient nonlinear, quasi-Newton, Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt 21…). Of long time, methods known as of
nonlinear combined gradient (Fletcher-Reeves (FR) 1964 and Polak-Ribière (PR) 1971) proved to be
interesting: they converge superlinéairement towards a local minimum at a reduced cost calculation and
obstruction memory (cf Figures 2.3-1).

They lead to the choice of an additional parameter  i who manages the linear combination between the
directions of descent

i1 2
∥∇ J ∥
 FR 
i1 i1 i1 i i1 ∥∇ J i∥2
d =− ∇ J  β d avec β := (2.3-5)
〈∇ J i1 , ∇ J i1− ∇ J i 〉
 PR 
∥∇ J i∥2

a B C
s Example of
Figure 2.3-1. J nonconvex in N =2 : graph (A), convergence with
a nonlinear GC of type Fletcher-Reeves (b), plan of cut
the first unidimensional research (c).

From where the algorithm, while naming r 0 opposite of the gradient and either the residue (which does not
take any more place to be here),

21 These two last methods are used by Code_Aster : the first in the nonlinear operators
(STAT/DYNA/THER_NON_LINE), the second in the macro one of retiming (MACR_RECAL).
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Initialisation u0 donné, r 0 =−∇ J 0 , d 0 =r 0

Boucle en i
1  Trouver α i =Arg min J  u α d   paramètre de descente 
i i

α∈ [ α m , α M ]
i1 i i i
 2 u =u α d  nouvel itéré 
3  r i1 =−∇ J i1  nouveau gradient 
 4  Test d'arrêt via J −J , ∥d i∥ ou ∥r i1∥  par exemple
i1 i

∥r i1∥2
 FR 
i1 ∥r i∥2
5  β = i1 i1 i  paramètre de conjugaison 
〈r , r −r 〉
 PR 
∥r i∥2
6  d i1=r i1 β i1 d i  nouvelle dd 
Algorithm 3: Methods of the nonlinear combined gradient (FR and PR).

Nonlinear designation combined gradient is rather here synonymous with “nonconvex”: there is no more
dependence between the problem of minimization ( P 2 ) and a linear system ( P 1 ). With the sight of algorithm
4, the great similarities with the GC consequently appear completely clear. Within the framework of a quadratic
function cost of type (2.1-2b), it is just enough to substitute at the stage (1) the actualization of the residue and
the calculation of the optimal parameter of descent. The GC is only one method of Fletcher - Reeves steady to
the case of a convex quadratic functional calculus.

Now that we started well the link between the methods of descent, the gradient combined with the linear
direction solvor SPD and his version, sight of the end of the nonlinear spyglass continuous optimization, we
(finally!) will pass to sharp from the subject and will argue the choice of a direction of descent of the type (2.3-5)
for the standard GC. For more information on the methods of type descent, the reader will be able to refer to the
excellent works of optimization (in French language) of Mr. Minoux [Min08], J.C. Culioli [Cu94] or J.F.Bonnans et
al. [BGLS].

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3 The Combined Gradient (GC)

3.1 General description
3.1.1 Principle
Now that the bases are set up we will be able to approach the algorithm of the Combined Gradient (GC) itself. It
belongs to a subset of methods of descent which gathers the methods known as “of combined directions” 22.
Those recommend to build directions of descents gradually d 0, d 1, d 2 … linearly independent so as to avoid the
zigzags of the method of descent classical.
Which linear combination then to recommend to build, at the stage i , new direction of descent? Knowing of
course that it must take account of two crucial information: the value of the gradient ∇ J i =−r i and those of
0 1 i−1
the preceding directions d ,d d .
? d i=α r i ∑ ji β j d j (3.1-1)
The trick consists in choosing a vectorial independence of type K - orthogonality (as the operator of work is
SPD, it defines a scalar product well via which two vectors can be orthogonal, cf appears 3.1-1)
 d i K d j =0 i≠ j (3.1-2)
also called conjugation, from where the designation of the algorithm. It makes it possible to propagate
orthogonality gradually and thus to calculate only one coefficient of Gram-Schmidt to each iteration. From where
a profit in calculation complexity and very appreciable memory.

Figure 3.1-1. Example of pairs of vectors K - orthogonal in 2D: conditioning

of K unspecified (A), perfect conditioning (i.e equal to the unit) = usual orthogonality (b).

One can thus be satisfied with a linear combination of the type

i i i−1
d := r i β d (3.1-3)
And this, more especially as it checks the sufficient condition (2.3-4) and that because of orthogonality (2.3-3b),
the unidimensional research (2.3-2) which follows takes place in an optimal space: the plan formed by the two
orthogonal directions r i , d i−1 .
It thus remains to determine the optimal value of the proportionality factor  i . In the GC this choice takes place
so as to maximize the attenuation factor of (2.3-4), i.e. the term
〈 ri , d i 〉2
〈K−1 r i , r i 〉 〈Kd i , d i 〉
It leads to the expression
i 2
i ∥r ∥
 := i−1 2 (3.1-5)
∥r ∥
and the same property of orthogonality of the successive residues as for Steepest Descent induces (but without
the zigzags!)
〈 r i , r i−1 〉=0 (3.1-6)
A condition “residue-dd is added”

22 The methods of Fletcher-Reeves and Polak-Ribière (cf §2.3) are also part of this family of methods.
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〈 r i , d i 〉=∥r i∥2 (3.1-7)

0 0
who forces to initialize the process via d =r .

3.1.2 Algorithm
In short, by recapitulating the relations (2.2-5), (2.3-1), (2.3-3) and (3.1-3), (3.1-5), (3.1-7) it occurs the classical
Initialisation u 0 donné, r 0 =f-Ku 0 , d 0=r 0
Boucle en i
1  z i =Kd i
i 2
i ∥r ∥
 2 α = i i  paramètre optimal de descente 
〈d , z 〉
3  u i 1 =u i α i d i  nouvel itéré 
i1 i i i
 4  r =r −α z  nouveau résidu 
i1 i1
5  Test d'arrêt via 〈 r , r 〉  par exemple 
∥r i1∥2
6  β i 1 = i 2  paramètre de conjugaison optimal 
∥r ∥
7  d i1 =r i1  β i1 d i  nouvelle dd 
Algorithm 4: Standard combined gradient (GC).

On the n°1 example, the “supremacy” of the GC compared to Steepest Descent is manifesto (cf figure 3.1-2)
and is explained by the difference between the result of convergence (2.2-9) and that of (3.2-9). In both cases,
the same starting points and the same criteria of stop were selected: u 0=[−2,−2]T and ∥r i∥2 =10−6 .

has B
Figure 3.1-2. Convergences compared, on the n°1 example,
of Steepest Descent (A) and GC (b).

• This method of the GC was developed independently by M.R.Hestenes (1951) and E.Stiefel (1952) of
the ‘National Office of Standard’ of Washington D.C. (seedbed of numericians with also C.Lanczos).
The first theoretical results of convergence are due to work of S.Kaniel (1966) and of H.A.Van der
Vorst (1986) and it was really popularized for the resolution of large hollow systems by J.K.Reid
(1971). The interested reader will find a history commented on and an exhaustive bibliography on the
subject in papers of G.H.Golub, H.A Van der Vorst and Y.Saad [Go89] [GV97] [SV00].
• For the little story, extremely of its very broad diffusion in the industrial world and academic, and, of his
many alternatives, the GC was classified in third position of the “Top10” of the best algorithms of the
XX E century [Ci00]. Just behind the methods of Monte Carlo and the simplex but in front of the
algorithm QR , transforms of Fourier and the solveurs multipôles!
• One finds traces in the codes of EDF R & D of the GC as of the beginning of the Eighties with the first
work on the subject of J.P.Grégoire. Since it was spread, with an unequal happiness, in many fields,
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_N3S, Code_Saturne, LADYBIRD, Code_Aster, TRIFOU, ESTET, TELEMAC _, and it much was
optimized, vectorized, was paralleled [Greg]…
• With the test of stop on the standard of the residue, theoretically licit but in practice sometimes difficult
to gauge, one often prefers a criterion of adimensional stop, such as the residue relative to I ème
i ∥r i∥
iteration: δ := (cf §5).

3.2 Elements of theory

3.2.1 Space of Krylov
By carrying out a second analysis of Petrov-Galerkin already evoked for Steepest Descent, one can synthesize
in a sentence the action of the GC. It carries out successive orthogonal projections on the space of Krylov
κ i  K , r 0  :=vect  r 0 , Kr 0  K i−1 r 0  where r 0 is the initial residue: with Ième iteration K i =Li = i  K , r 0  .
One solves the linear system ( P 1 ) by seeking an approximate solution u i in the subspace refines (space of
search for dimension N )
A=r 0 i  K , r 0  (3.2-1)
while imposing the constraint of orthogonality (space of the constraints of dimension N )
r i := f −Ku i ⊥  i  K , r 0  (3.2-2)
This space of Krylov has the good property to facilitate the approximation of the solution, at the end of m
iterations, in the form
K −1 f ≈u m=r 0 P m−1  K  f (3.2-3)
where P m−1 is a certain matric polynomial of order m−1 . Indeed, it is shown that the residues and the
directions of descent generate this space
vect  r 0 , r 1 r m−1  =κ m  K , r 0 
vect  d 0 , d 1 d m−1 =κ m  K , r 0 
while allowing the approached solution, u m , to minimize the standard in energy on all space closely connected
∥u m∥K ≤∥u∥K ∀ u ∈A (3.2-5)
This joint result with the property (3.2-4b) illustrates all the optimality of the GC: contrary to the methods of
descent, the minimum of energy is not carried out successively for each direction of descent, but jointly for all
the directions of descent already obtained.

• One distinguishes a large variety from methods of projection on spaces of the Krylov type, called more
prosaically “methods of Krylov”. To solve linear systems [Saa03] (GC, GMRES, FOM/IOM/DOM, GCR,
ORTHODIR/MIN…) and/or of the modal problems [Boi01] (Lanczos, Arnoldi…). They differ by the choice
from their space from constraint and by that from the pre-packaging applied to the initial operator to
constitute that of work, knowing that different establishments lead to radically distinct algorithms (vectorial
version or per blocks, tools of orthonormalisation…).

3.2.2 Orthogonality
As one already announced, the directions of descents are K - orthogonal between them. Moreover, the choice
of the optimal parameter of descent (cf (2.2-4), (2.3-3a) or stage (2)) impose, gradually, orthogonalities

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〈 d i , r m 〉=0 ∀ im
〈 r i , r m 〉=0
One thus notes a small approximation in the name of the GC, because the gradients are not combined (cf (3.2-
6b)) and the directions combined do not comprise only gradients (cf (3.1-3)). But “let us not haggle” not, the
indicated ingredients are nevertheless there!

At the conclusion of N iterations, two cases arise:

• That is to say the residue is null r N =0 thus convergence.
• Either it is orthogonal with N preceding directions of descent which constitute a base of the finished
space of approximation  N (as they are linearly independent). From where necessarily r N =0 thus
It would thus seem that the GC is a direct method which converges in at the maximum N iterations, it is at
least what one believed before testing it on practical cases! Because what remains true in theory, into arithmetic
exact, is put at evil by arithmetic finished calculators. Gradually, in particular because of rounding errors, the
directions of descent lose their beautiful properties of conjugation and minimization leaves necessary space.

Known as differently, one solves an approximate problem which is not completely any more the desired
projection of the initial problem. The method (theoretically) direct revealed its true nature! It iterative and is thus
subjected, in practice, with many risks (conditioning, starting point, tests of stop, precision of orthogonality…).

To cure it, one can force during the construction of the new direction of descent (cf algorithm 4, stage (7)), a
phase of reorthogonalisation. This very widespread practice in modal analysis [Boi01] and appendix 2) and in
decomposition of field [Boi08] can decline itself under various alternatives: total, partial, selective
reorthogonalisation… via a whole panoply of procedures of orthogonalisation (GS, GSM, IGSM, Househölder,

These réorthogonalisations require, for example, the storage of N orth first vectors d k  k =1 N orth  and of
k k
 
their product by the operator of work z =Kd k =1 N orth . Formally, it is thus a question of substituting at
the two last stages of the algorithm following calculation
max  i , N orth 
〈r i1 , Kd k 〉 k
d i1
=r i1
− ∑ 〈d k , Kd k 〉
d  nouvelle dd K−orthogonalisée  (3.2-7)

Through the various digital experiments which were undertaken (cf in particular work of J.P.Grégoire and
[Boi03]), it seems that this reorthogonalisation is not always effective. Its overcost due mainly to the new
products matrix-vector K d k (and with their storage) is not always compensated by the profit of iteration count

3.2.3 Convergence
Because of particular structure of the space of approximation (3.2-3) and property of minimization on this space
of the approximate solution u m (cf (3.2-5)), one obtains an estimate the speed of convergence of the GC
2 2 2
∥e  u i ∥K = ωi  ∥e  u 0 ∥K
i (3.2-8)
avec ω := max  1−λ i P m−1  λ i  

where one notes  i ; v i  clean modes of the matrix K and P m−1 an unspecified polynomial of degree at the
maximum m−1 . Famous polynomials of Tchebycheff, via their good properties of increase within the space of
polynomials, make it possible to improve the legibility of this attenuation factor i . At the end of i iterations, in
the worst case, the decrease is expressed then in the form

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∥e  u ∥K ≤2
  η  K −1
 η  K 1  ∥e  u0 ∥K (3.2-9)

J  u i1  −J  u 
It ensures convergence superlinéaire (i.e. lim =0 ) process in an iteration count proportional to
i ∞ J  u  −J  u 

the square root of the conditioning of the operator. Thus, to obtain

∥e  u i ∥K
≤  petit  (3.2-10)
∥e  u 0 ∥K

one needs an iteration count about

  K  ln 2 (3.2-11)
2 
Obviously as we noticed many times, a badly conditioned problem will slow down the convergence of the
process. But this deceleration will be less notable for the GC than for Steepest Descent (cf figures 3.2-1). And in
any event, the total convergence of the first will be better.

(A) (b)

Figure 3.2-1. Compared convergences of Steepest Descent

(A) and of the GC (b) (with the factor ½ near) according to conditioning .
• In practice, benefitting from particular circumstances, _better starting point and/or advantageous
spectral distribution _, the convergence of the GC can be much better than than lets hope (3.2-9). The
methods of Krylov tending to flush out the extreme eigenvalues firstly, the “effective conditioning” of the
operator of work is some improved.
• On the other hand, certain iterations of Steepest Descent can get a better decrease of the residue than
the same iterations of the GC. Thus, the first iteration of the GC is identical to that of Steepest-Descent
and thus with an equal rate of convergence.

3.2.4 Complexity and occupation memory

As for Steepest Descent, the major part of the cost calculation of this algorithm lies in the stage (1), the product
matrix-vector. Its complexity is about   kcN  where c is the median number of nonworthless terms per line
of K and k the iteration count necessary to convergence. To be much more effective than simple Cholesky (of

complexity   
N 3 ) it is thus necessary:
• To take well into account the hollow character of the matrices resulting from the discretizations finite
elements (storage MORSE, product optimized matrix-vector ad hoc): c << N .
• To prepack the operator of work: k << N .
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One already pointed out that for an operator SPD his theoretical convergence occurs in, at most, N iterations
and proportionally with the root of conditioning (cf (3.2-11)). In practice, for large badly conditioned systems (as
it is often the case in mechanics of the structures), it can be very slow to appear (cf phenomenon of Lanczos of
the following paragraph).

Taking into account conditionings of operators generally noted in mechanics of the structures and recalled for
the study of complexity of Steepest Descent, which one takes again the notations, calculation complexity of the

  cN    cN 
1 2
1 1
GC is written d (resp. d ).

As regards the occupation memory, as for Steepest Descent, only the storage of the matrix of work is possibly
necessary:   cN  . In practice, the data-processing installation of hollow storage imposes the management of
additional vectors of entireties: for example for storage MORSE used in Code_Aster, vectors of the indices of end
of line and the indices of columns of the elements of the profile. From where effective a memory complexity of
  cN  realities and   cN N  entireties.

• These considerations on the obstruction memory do not take into account the problems of storage of a
possible preconditionnor and workspace which its construction can temporarily mobilize.

3.3 Complements
3.3.1 Equivalence with the method of Lanczos
In “triturating” the property of orthogonality of the residue with any vector of the space of Krylov (cf (3.2-2)), it is
shown that them m iterations of the GC lead to the construction of one factorized of Lanczos of the same order
(cf [Boi01] §5.2)

KQ m=Q m T m −  m qm eT
 m−1
 (3.3-1)
while noting:
• Rm the specific “residue” of this factorization,
• e m mième vector of the canonical base,
i r
• q := i the vectors residues standardized with the unit, called for the occasion vectors of Lanczos,
∥r ∥

• Q m :=
[ r0
∥r 0∥

r m−1
∥r m−1∥ ]
the orthogonal matrix which they constitute.

T m

NR K Qm = Qm - 0

m m
Figure 3.3-1. Factorization of Lanczos induced by the GC.

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The matrix of Rayleigh which expresses the orthogonal projection of K on the space of Krylov  m  K , r 0 
takes the canonical shape then

[ ]
− 0
0 0
0 α

− 0
1 1 1
 .. . 0
1  0
T m=  (3.3-2)
 m−1
0 .. . .. . −

−  m−2
 m−1 1  m−1
0 0 
 m−1  m−2

Almost without additional calculation, the GC thus provides the approximation of Rayleigh of the operator of
work in a nice form, _symmetrical square matrix tridiagonale of flexible size _, of which it will be easy to deduce
the spectrum (via, for example, robust QR, cf [Boi01] appendix 2)).

At the conclusion of a linear inversion of system led by a simple GC one can thus, with less expenses, to know,
besides the sought solution, an approximation of the spectrum of the matrix and thus of his conditioning [Greg].
This functionality could be inserted in Code_Aster so as to better control the level of pre-packaging.

• The operator of work being SPD, his matrix of Rayleigh inherits this property and one obtains his
decomposition directly T m =L m D m  Lm  with

[ ]
0 0 0

[ ]
1 0 0 0
− β 1 1 . .. 0 0 . .. 0
L m := m
et D := α1
0 . .. . .. 0 (3.3-3)
0 . .. . .. 0
0 0 − β m−1 1 1
0 0 0
α m −1

Method of Lanczos not calculating these intermediate terms  i and  i , but directly the tridiagonaux
terms, she does not have access to this information. On the other hand, it can take into account positive
symmetrical matrices not necessarily definite.
• Therefore, that it is a question of reversing a linear system or of determining part of its spectrum, these
methods of Krylov function on the same principle: to determine gradually the vectors of bases at the same
time generating the space of projection as the result of this projection. In the GC as in Lanczos, one
strives to make this projection most robust (orthogonality of the basic vectors), most reduced (size of
projection = iteration count) and simplest possible (orthogonal projection). For the modal solvor, another
constraint is juxtaposed: to approximate the best possible spectrum of the operator of work by that of the
matrix of Rayleigh. In nonsymmetrical, one speaks about either orthogonal projection but oblique and the
bringings together is carried out then between GMRES and Arnoldi.
• Into arithmetic exact, at the end of N iterations, all the spectrum of the operator was completely
determined. In practice, the problems of round-offs and orthogonalisation prevent us. But, if one is
sufficiently patient ( m≫ N ), one is nevertheless able to detect all the spectrum: it is what is called the
phenomenon of Lanczos (cf [Boi01] § 5.3.1/5.3.3).
• Paradoxically the loss of orthogonality is especially ascribable more with the convergence of a clean
mode than to the rounding errors! This analysis due to CC.Paige (1980) attests that as soon as a clean
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mode is captured it disturbs the orthogonal fitting of the vectors of Lanczos (in the case which worries us,
the residues and the directions of descent). Into modal, the digital processing of this parasitic phenomenon
was the object of many palliative developments. As regards the GC, it must attach the effectiveness of the
methods of reorthogonalisation of the directions of descent evoked previously.

3.3.2 Encased Solveurs

As one already pointed out, the linear solveurs are often hidden with deepest of other algorithms, and in
particular, of the nonlinear solveurs of Newton type. It is for Code_Aster cases of application most frequently
In such a configuration, a linear solvor such as the CG can draw his pin from the game (compared to a direct
solvor). Its iterative character proves to be useful to make evolve the test of stop of the algorithm (cf stage (5)
algorithm 4) according to the relative error of the nonlinear solvor who encapsulates it: it is the problems
encased solveurs (one also speaks about relieving) [CM01] [GY97] [BFG] of which the CERFACS is
“spearhead” in France.

By slackening at the convenient period the necessary precision on the cancellation of the residue (for example
strategy in the case modal method of Krylov type + GC) or, on the contrary by hardening it (resp. modal method
of standard power + Gauss-Seidel + GC), one can thus gain in calculation complexity on the GC without
modifying the convergence of the total process. It is of course necessary to develop simple and inexpensive
criteria so that the profit is substantial. This functionality could to be inserted in Code_Aster (internal and
automatic piloting of the value RESI_RELA).

• Certain authors also put the question about sequence of these algorithms: “Newton GC” or “GC –
Newton”? So from a data-processing and conceptual point of view, the question is quickly clear-cut:
one prefers the first solution, more readable, more flexible and which does not disturb existing it, from a
digital and algorithmic point of view, the division is more moderate. That can depend on the “technical
tripailles” deployed by the non-linear solvor (tangent matrix, unidimensional minimization…) and of the
deployed GC (preconditionnor). Nevertheless, it seems that the natural order, “Newton GC”, that is to
say most effective and most evolutionary.

3.3.3 Parallelism
The GC like much of iterative solveurs lends itself well to parallelism. It is enough scalable 23. The principal
elementary operations which constitutes it (produced matrix-vector, operation standard 24 “daxpy and produced
scalar) breaks up effectively between various processors, only the parallelization of the preconditionnor (often
based on a direct solvor) can prove to be difficult (problems often called: ‘parallel preconditioning’). Moreover
bookstores of linear algebras (PETSc, HYPRE, TRILINOS…) always to a parallel version their
préconditionneurs do not propose. Concerning the préconditionneurs, there are thus two criteria which tend to
be contradicted: parallel effectiveness and that algorithmic.

The codes thus tend to privilege not very effective préconditionneurs from an algorithmic point of view 25 (type
Jacobi) but not very greedy in memory and very parallélisables. The parallel profit (called speed-up) is
immediately very interesting, but the sequential point of comparison can not be very glorious 26 !

23 Or French extensibility. A method is known as scalable from a strong point of view (it is the criterion by
default, ‘strong scalability’), if it makes it possible to all the more quickly solve a problem one proportionally
adds of the processors. Less commonly, one speaks about weak scalability (‘weak scalability’), when it is a
question of solving, in a comparable time, a larger problem while increasing by as much the number of
processors (cf [Boi08] §2.4).
24 To take again a terminology specific to library BLAS. An operation of the type DAXPY fact of the linear
combinations of vectors.
25 Going until tolerating convergence in thousands of iterations.
26 In any rigour, to express a parallel profit, one should take as reference best sequential calculation. This last
which calls upon a more effective and possibly sequential preconditionnor. The exercise raises however a
difficulty: this point of operation is often hard to display. The size of the studies, taking into account the
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Another difficulty of parallelism also comes from the distribution of the data. It should be taken care that the
various rules which govern the setting in data of calculation (attribution of the zones of limiting conditions,
assignment of materials, choice of the finite elements…) by the fact that each processor knowing them is
affected only partially. It is what is called the “consistency” of the distributed data [Boi08b].

In the same way, it is necessary to envisage in the code the communications ad hoc during each total handling
of data (criteria of stop, postprocessings…).

• Thus on the CRAY machine, J.P.Grégoire [Greg] adapted and paralleled, in shared memory and
distributed memory, an algorithm of type prepacked combined gradient. Four types of operations are
carried out jointly: elementary vectorial operations, scalar products, the products matrix-vector and the
construction of the preconditionnor (diagonal). Problems of ‘parallel preconditioning’ which were solved
only for the diagonal preconditionnor, unfortunately did not allow the bearing of these models in the
official version of Code_Aster.
• The direct solveurs and the other iterative solveurs (stationary methods Gauss-Seidel, SSOR.) are
famous less scalables that the methods of Krylov (GC, GMRES…).

We besides now will tackle the thorny question of the pre-packaging for the GC. It will then become the
Prepacked Combined Gradient: GCPC.

characteristics hardware of the machines, require from the start a calculation distributed on tens of
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4 The Prepacked Combined Gradient (GCPC)

4.1 General description
4.1.1 Principle
As one could note it (and hammer it!) in the preceding paragraphs, the speed of convergence of the methods of
descent, and in particular that of the combined gradient, depends on the conditioning of the matrix   K  . More
it is close to its value floor, 1, better is convergence.

The principle of pre-packaging is then “simple”, it consists in replacing the linear system of the problem ( P 1 ) by
a system are equivalent of the type (pre-packaging on the left):

−1 −1
 P 1  M
 
K u=M f (4.1-1)

K f
such as, ideally:
• Conditioning is obviously improved by it (this theoretical property, just like the following one, only are
very seldom shown. They are often guaranteed only by digital experiments):   K   ≪  K  .
• Just like spectral distribution: more packed eigenvalues.
• M −1 that is to say inexpensive to evaluate (as for the initial operator, one has often right need to know
the action of the preconditionnor on a vector): Mv=u easy to reverse.
• Even easy to establish and, possibly, effective to parallel.
• That it is as hollow as the initial matrix because it is a question of limiting the additional obstruction
• That it preserves at the matrix of work K  same properties as that initial: here, character SPD.

In theory, the best choice would be M −1=K −1 because then η K=  I =1 , but if it is necessary to
 
completely reverse the operator by a direct method to build this preconditionnor, it is only of little practical
interest! Though, whom will be seen thereafter this idea is not as eccentric as that.

Known as differently, the objective of a preconditionnor is to thus pack the spectrum of the operator of work, as
one already mentioned, his “effective conditioning” will be improved of pair with the convergence of the GCPC.

Graphically, that results in the more spherical shape of the graph of the quadratic form. Even on a system with
N =2 dimensions and with a “rough” preconditionnor (cf figure 4.1-1), the effects are notable.

(A) (b)
Figure 4.1-1. Effect of the diagonal pre-packaging on the paraboloid of the n°1 example:
  =2.8 .
(A) without,   K  =3.5 , (b) with,   K

In the absolute, one can prepack a linear system by the left (‘left preconditioning’), by the line (resp. ‘right’) or by
making a mixture of both (resp. ‘Split’). It is this last version which will be retained for our operator SPD,

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because one cannot directly apply the GC to solve  P 1  : even if M −1 and K are SPD, it is not inevitably the
case of their product.

The trick then consists in using a matrix of pre-packaging SPD, M , for which one will thus be able to define
another matrix ( M being symmetrical real, it is diagonalisable in the form M =UDU T with
D :=diag  λi  λ i0 and U orthogonal matrix). Required matrix SPD comes then from the associated
decomposition M =Udiag   λi  U
1/2 T
with M 1/ 2 defined such as  M 1/ 22 =M . From where the new
problem of work, this time SPD
M−1/2 KM−1/ 2 
 P 1  M 1/ 2 u =M
−1 / 2
f (4.1-2)

K u f
on which one will be able to apply the standard algorithm of the GC to constitute what is called a Gradient
Combines Prepacked (GCPC).

4.1.2 Algorithm

In short, in substituent in the algorithm 4, expressions of the preceding problem  P 1  and while working a little
with the simplification of the whole to handle only expressions in K , u and f , it occurs following unfolding.

0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0
Initialisation u donné, r =f-Ku , d =M r , g =d
Boucle en i
1  z i =Kd i
〈r i , g i 〉
 2 α i = i i  paramètre optimal de descente 
〈d , z 〉
3  u i1 =u i α i d i  nouvel itéré 
i1 i i i
 4  r =r −α z  nouveau résidu 
i1 i1
5  Test d'arrêt via 〈 r , r 〉  par exemple 
6  g i1 =M −1 r i1  r ésidu préconditionné 
i1 i1
〈r , g 〉
7  β i1 = i i  paramètre de conjugaison optimal 
〈r , g 〉
8  d i1= g i1  β i1 d i  nouvelle dd 

Algorithm 5: Prepacked combined gradient (GCPC).

But makes some, the symmetrical character of the initial prepacked problem P1 is quite relative. It is ~
indissociable subjacent scalar product. So instead of taking the usual Euclidean scalar product, one uses a
definite matric scalar product compared to K , M or M −1 , it is possible to symmetrize the prepacked
problem which was not it initially. How for the methods of Krylov into modal, it is the couple (operator of work,
scalar product) which it is necessary to modulate to adapt to the problem!

Thus, M −1 K being symmetrical compared to M - scalar product, one can substitute this new operator of
work and this new scalar product in the algorithm of the GC not prepacked (algorithm 4)
K ⇐ M −1 K
〈 ,〉⇐〈 ,〉 M

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And (surprised Ô!) by working the expressions a little, one finds the algorithm of the preceding GCPC exactly
(algorithm 5). One proceeds in the same way with a pre-packaging on the right, K M −1 , via one M −1 - scalar
product. Therefore, pre-packaging on the right, on the left or “splitté with mode SPD”, all lead rigorously to the
same algorithm. This observation will be useful thereafter to us when one realizes that the matrices provided by
Code_Aster (and as préconditionneurs as one their will associate) are not always in conformity with the ideal
scenario  P 1  .
• This alternative of the GCPC, which by far is spread, is sometimes called in the literature: combined
gradient prepacked not transformed (‘untransformed preconditioned conjugate gradient’). In opposition
to the transformed version which handles the clean entities of the new formulation.
• The general methods of descent and, particularly the nonlinear GC, are also prepacked (cf [§2.3]).
This time with a preconditionnor approximating the reverse of Hessien to the point considered, so as to
make spherical the graph of the functional calculus in the vicinity of this point.

4.1.3 “Overflight” of the principal préconditionneurs

The solution often adopted for its simplicity of implementation, his report “effectiveness digital/overcost
calculation” for problems too badly not conditioned, consists in prepacking by the diagonal of the initial operator
M J :=diag K ii   (4.1-3)
It is what is called the diagonal pre-packaging or of Jacobi (JCG for ‘Jacobi Conjugate Gradient’) per reference
to the stationary method of the same name.

• It is a solution often adopted in CFD (for EDF R & D: Code_Saturne, TELEMAC). In these fields, a
great attention paid to the diagram of resolution nonlinear and construction of the grid produce a
problem conditioned often better. It is what made the fame of the JCG, transformed for the occasion
into true “animal of race” dedicated to the large parallel calculators.
• It is a suggested solution, in mechanics of the structures, by a good amount of commercial codes:
ANSYS, Zébulon, Nastran. It was present in Code_Aster but its unreliability led to its resorption.
• This principle of preconditionnor “of poor” extends to the methods of descent by taking this time the
diagonal of Hessien.

Another very widespread preconditionnor is the SSOR (for Symetric Successive Over Relieving). Like the
precedent, he is deduced from a classical iterative method: method of Gauss-Seidel released. By breaking up
the initial operator in the usual form K :=DL LT where D is its diagonal and L its strictly lower
triangular part, it is written (according to the parameter relieving  )
M SSOR  ω  :=  DωL  D−1  DωL T  0ω2 (4.1-4)
ω  ω−2 
He has the advantage of not requiring report storage and of overcost calculation, since he is directly elaborate
from K , while being very simple to reverse (an descent-increase). On model problems (famous “the Laplacian
on the square unit”) of the theoretical results were exhumed in finite elements

η  K  :=
 
h 2
⇒ η  M −1 K  :=
h  (4.1-5)

In addition, he has the ability, for an operator SPD, to fix quotas for his spectrum in the band  0,1 . However, it
proved in practice industrial, less effective than the préconditionneurs of incomplete the Cholesky type than we
will approach in the following paragraph. And it very poses the delicate problems of the choice of the parameter
of optimal relaxation, by nature “problem-dependent”.

• This preconditionnor was proposed by D.J.Evans (1967) and was studied by O.Axelsson (1974). He
declines himself in grinds versions: nonsymmetrical, by blocks, with parameter of optimal relaxation…
• While posing =1 the Symmetrical typical case of Gauss-Seidel is found

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M SGS ω  :=− D L  D−1  D LT  (4.1-6)

A string of other préconditionneurs has thus been born for about thirty years in the literature: explicit (polynomial
[BH89], SPAI, AINV…), implicit (Schwarz, IC…), multilevel (decomposition of field, multigrilles…) …. Some are
specific of an application, others plus generals. The “effects of modes” also made their work! For more
information one will be able to consult the monumental sum made by G.Meurant [Meu99] or the books of Y.Saad
[Saa03] and H.A.Van der Vorst [Van01].

4.2 Incomplete factorization of Cholesky

4.2.1 Principle
One has just seen that the préconditionneurs is often inspired by linear solveurs except for whole: Jacobi for
that diagonal, Gauss-Seidel for SSOR. That based on an Incomplete factorization of Cholesky (IC) does not
escape the rule! But it is based this time, not on another iterative method, but on a direct method of Cholesky
type. From where denomination of ICCG (‘Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient’) given to the coupling of
this preconditionnor with the GCPC.

The initial operator being SPD, he admits a decomposition of Cholesky of the type K =CC T where C is a
lower triangular matrix. One calls incomplete factorization of Cholesky, the search for a matrix F triangular
lower as digs as possible and such as FF T that is to say near to K in a direction to be defined. For example,
while posing B=K −FF T one will ask that the relative error (expressed in a matric standard with the choice)
Δ := (4.2-1)

that is to say smallest possible. With the reading of this “rather evasive” definition one foresees the profusion of
possible scenarios. Each one went there from its own incomplete factorization! The work of G.Meurant [Meu99]
shows great diversity of it: IC n , MIC n , released, reordered, by blocks….

However, to be simplified the task, one often forces a priori the structure digs F , i.e. its graph
  F  :={  i , j  , 1≤ j≤i−1, 1≤i≤N , F ij ≠0 } (4.2-2)

It is obviously a question of finding a compromise: the wider this graph will be and the smaller the error (4.2-1)
will be but more calculation and storage of what is not (in the case which interests us) that a preconditionnor will
be expensive. Generally, the préconditionneurs are recursive and in their basic level, they impose on F the
same structure as that of C :   F  =  C  .

• Initially, these incomplete factorizations were developed to repeatedly solve a linear system of type (
P1 )
T i 1 i
FF u = f −Bu (4.2-3)
The “nerve of the war” being then the spectral ray [
  FF T −1
 B ] that a wise choice of   F  can
notably contribute to make fall.
• This principle of incomplete factorization spreads without sorrow with the standard case where the
operator is written K =LU with this time B=K −LU . One speaks then about Incomplete
factorization of type LU (ILU for ‘Incomplete LU’).

4.2.2 Strategy retained in Code_Aster

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It is about a preconditionnor of the type ILU (because we will see in the paragraph according to whether the
matrices of work of Code_Aster often lose their definite-positivity) inspired of work of H. Van der Vorst [Van01].
The matrices remaining however symmetrical, one can write K =LDL T and B=K −LDL T .

• The matrix not being regular simply symmetrical SPD but one, a priori, is not ensured of the existence
of one factorized LDL T without resorting to permutations of lines and columns ( PK =LDLT with P
matrix of permutation). Scenario which was not envisaged in the native linear solveurs of Code_Aster
(‘LDLT', ‘MULT_FRONT', ‘GCPC') and would be difficult to effectively implement taking into account
MORSE storage the matrices. Fortunately, it will be seen that a happy combination of circumstance
makes it possible to resolve the situation (cf §5.1)!

In any rigour one should speak about incomplete factorization of type ILDLT but in the literature and
documentations of the codes, one amalgamates already ILU and IC, even their alternatives, it is not thus the
sorrow to enrich the list by the acronyms !

This incomplete factorization, in the right line of the preceding theoretical recalls, is based on two reports which
we now will back up:
• concept of filling by levels,
• low magnitude of the terms resulting from this filling.

4.2.3 Filling by levels

The construction of factorized is carried out, line by line, via the usual formula

 
Lij = K −∑ L D L (4.2-4)
D j ij k =1 ik k jk
From where the phenomenon of progressive filling of the profile (‘English rope’): initially the matrix L with the
same filling as stamps it K , but during the process, the null term of K ij a term can correspond not no one of
Lij . It is enough that there exists a column k (  j ) comprising a term not no one for the lines i and j (cf
figure 4.2-1).

L jk

L ik
New L ij
Figure 4.2-1. Phenomenon of filling during factorization.

Besides these nonworthless terms being able them same to correspond to former fillings, from where a concept
of level of recursivity which can be interpreted like as many “levels” of filling. One will speak thus about
factorized incomplete of level 0 (stored in L 0 ) if it reproduces with identical the structure (but of course not
values which is different) strict lower diagonal part of K (i.e the same graph). Factorized level 1 (resp. L 1 )
will be able it to not include the filling induced by terms worthless of K (noted terms r 1 in the figure 4.2-2),
that of level 2 (resp. L 2 ) will be able to mingle the new nonworthless terms with it ( r 1 ) precedents to
constitute possible new terms (noted r 2 ), and so on recursively…

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This is illustrated on the academic case of a matrix digs pentadiagonale resulting from the discretization
differences finished of the Laplacian on a uniform grid 2D (cf appears 4.2-b). One represents only the structure
of it: d , diagonal terms spectators, *, terms initially nonworthless, r i , terms filled at the stage n°I.

The factorized incomplete one L 3 conduit here with a complete filling, the relative error will be then
worthless  =0 and the GCPC will converge in an iteration. The interest of the exercise is of course purely

[ ][ ]
* d
* * sym * d 0
0 * * 0 * d
K =0 0 * * L  0 = 0 0 * d
* 0 0 * * * 0 0 * d
0 * 0 0 * * 0 * 0 0 * d
0 0 * 0 0 * * 0 0 * 0 0 * d

[ ][ ]
d d
* d 0 * d 0
0 * d 0 * d
L  1 = 0 0 * d L  2 = 0 0 * d
* r1 0 * d * r1 0 * d
0 * r1 0 * d 0 * r1 r2 * d
0 0 * r1 0 * d 0 0 * r1 r2 * d
Figure 4.2-2. Structure of different factorized incomplete ILU(p)
on the academic case of the Laplacian.

4.2.4 Low magnitude of the terms resulting from the filling

In addition, one empirically notices a very interesting property of these new terms resulting from the filling: their
absolute value decrease while moving away from the zones already filled by the nonworthless terms of K .
Maybe, in the preceding case, of the principal under-diagonal and that external. To be convinced some it is
enough to visualize the following function (cf figure 4.2-3)

 
N− k

∑ L2 ki , i (4.2-5)
y  k  :=log 10
N −k
who represents the orders of magnitude of the terms of k ième
under-diagonal. For example y 0 corresponds
to the principal diagonal.

Principal diagonal
(K) L=
External diagonal
Function amplitude
under-diagonal K
Number of the under-diagonal
L k+i, I
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Figure 4.2-3. Relative importance of the diagonals of L

If one recapitulates, one thus has:
• level of a recursive and skeletal filling,
• a less importance of the terms corresponding to high levels of filling.
From where a certain “full power” left with incomplete factorizations ILU  p neglecting these median terms.

This approximation “cheaply” of K −1 will be used then as preconditionnor in algorithm 5 of the GCPC (
M −1=K −1 ). To preserve a certain interest at the thing (if not to solve the problem as much directly!), one limits
oneself to the first levels of filling: p=0, 1, 2 even 3 . All depends amongst linear systems which one will have
to solve with the same matrix.

• There exists little of theoretical results on this kind of preconditionnor. What does not prevent it from
appearing often effective [Greg].
• It is a solution suggested by a good amount of great codes in mechanics of structures (ANSYS,
Zébulon, Nastran…) and by all the bookstores of linear algebras (PETSc, TRILINOS, HYPRE…). On
the other hand, this phase of pre-packaging is not always paralleled. Only the solvor of Krylov (GC,
GMRES…) is. One then finds the already mentioned problems of ‘parallel preconditioning’.

4.2.5 Complexity and occupation memory

As regards the cost additional calculation with one factorized incomplete, it is very difficult to estimate and, in
practice, depends largely on the way in which it was coded (to our knowledge, there do not exist theoretical

results on the thing). With a low level of filling, one hopes only that it is much lower than   
of a complete


Because a compromise is to be found between occupation memory and complexity. To constitute these
factorized incomplete, it is often necessary to allocate temporary workspaces. Thus, in the establishment of the
pre-packaging ILU  p of Code_Aster, it was selected to facilitate the algorithmic one (sorting, search of
indices and coefficients in the profile, management of the recursivity and the filling…) by creating matrices
temporarily representing storage full with the initial matrix and its filling.

With this space of temporary work, additional storage due to the final preconditionnor is added of course. On the
level 0, it is theoretically at least of the same order as that of the matrix. From where minimal effective a
memory complexity of the GCPC of   2 cN  realities and   2 cN 2N  entireties. When one goes up in
completeness, only the practice can bring a pretence of answer.

In short, one shows empirically with Code_Aster, that it is necessary to envisage an obstruction memory total of
   cN  realities and    cN 2N  entireties with
• =2,5 in ILU 0  (level by default in Code_Aster),
• =4,5 in ILU 1 ,
• =8,5 in ILU  2 .
For more precise details on the data-processing establishment of the GCPC in Code_Aster and its use on CAS-
tests quasi-industrialists, one will be able to consult the notes [Greg] or [Boi03].

5 The “native” GCPC of Code_Aster

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Two types of combined gradient are usable:

1. The combined gradient “historical” [Greg] of the code (keyword SOLVEUR/METHODE=' GCPC' ),
completely integrated into its sources and member with his business package report.
2. That of PETSC [FART] (keyword SOLVEUR/METHODE=' PETSC'+ALGORITHME=' CG') called as an
external bookstore.
This chapter approaches the difficulties of establishment in Code_Aster first. The following chapter deals more
specifically with PETSC.

5.1 Particular difficulties

5.1.1 Taking into account of the limiting conditions
In Code_Aster, there are two manners of taking into account the boundary conditions and this stage is carried
out during the effective construction of the matrix of rigidity:

• By double dualisation [Pel01] (operators AFFE_CHAR_ACOU/MECA/THER) by using ddls specific, known

as of Lagrange, which include the groups of unknown factors concerned and make it possible to check
all types of linear limiting conditions (Dirichlet generalized)
• T u=0 (5.1-1)
with T real matrix of size p×n . This technique packs the matrix of rigidity in a new matrix, known as
“dualized”, which becomes the new matrix of work

• K=
  TT  TT
  T − Id  Id
 T  Id − Id
 and  are two strictly positive realities.
 (5.1-2)

• By simple elimination of the unknown factors (operators AFFE_CHAR_CINE) in substituent and carrying
out the setting zero have of p lines and columns concerned of the matrix of rigidity. This is valid only
for blockings of ddls, one cannot thus take into linear account of relation. The matrix of rigidity is written
 K

0  0
Id  (5.1-3)

while noting  its unchanged part.

Each of the two approaches has its advantages and its disadvantages: generics, modularity but increase in the
size of the problem, degradation of its conditioning and loss of its definite positivity for the first. Contrary to the
second which decreases by it the size but which is circumscribed with certain types of limiting conditions and is,
by means of computer, more delicate to implement.

Other approaches were possible: simple dualisation, taken into account of the limiting conditions in the
variational formulation, gradient combined project…

5.1.2 Consequence on the GCPC

With AFFE_CHAR_CINE , the operator of work K  remaining SPD, all the theory recalled in the preceding
paragraphs applies. On the other hand, with AFFE_CHAR_ACOU/MECA/THER (the most frequent case in
practice), it is not any more the case, because it becomes simply symmetrical and loses its positive definite
character. The consequences are then of three orders:
• The total convergence of the GCPC (cf (3.2-9)) is not guaranteed any more,

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• When it occurs, it is slowed down (cf (3.2-11)) by a degraded conditioning, 

  K≪  K
• The pre-packaging cannot be carried out any more via one IC  p , but rather by one ILU  p
(cf §4.2). It is necessary still that factorization LDL T that is to say always possible without having to
permute line or column!

Fortunately, an adequate provision of the multipliers of Lagrange compared to the groups of ddls which they
relate to (they must include these degrees of freedom cf [Pel01] §4), makes it possible to obtain without blow to
férir this incomplete factorization (phew!).

• In a report EDF B.Nitrosso [Ni92] shows that the diagonal pre-packaging is not possible (cf §4.1) ,
because it leads to the cancellation of the scalar product to the denominator of the stage (7) of
algorithm 5: calculation of the optimal parameter of conjugation. Therefore, contrary to Code_Saturne,
Code_Aster cannot propose this not very reliable option.
• It does not remain about it less, that with dualized limiting conditions, the conditioning of the operator
of work is degraded and thus, the convergence of the slowed down GCPC. Other commercial codes,
with the instart of ANSYS [PLM], already made this report.

5.1.3 Obstruction memory

Taking into account the elements of the §4.2, one empirically noted effective a memory complexity of the GCPC
with the preconditionnor of Incomplete the Cholesky type (‘LDLT_INC‘), in  time size of K with:
• =2,5 in ILU 0  (level by default in Code_Aster),
• =4,5 in ILU 1 ,
• =8,5 in ILU  2 .

With the preconditionnor using a factorization single precision resulting from MUMPS (‘LDLT_SP‘), consumption
memory is more important (at least 10 ). But into nonlinear, this factorization can be preserved during
several resolutions of systems (keyword REAC_PRECOND). The overcost calculation due to its construction is
thus finally less.

• These figures are to be compared in keeping with the factorized complete one which is of the order
typically of =30 with 100 (that depends in particular on the renumerotor used in preprocessing).
The disproportion of these figures illustrates well the principal competitive advantage of the GCPC
compared to the direct solveurs: the occupation necessary memory.
• However, contrary to the direct solveurs of Code_Aster , the GCPC could not profit from a pagination
memory. All the matrix must be contained in RAM because it is used a large number of times via the
product matrix-vector. Whereas the direct methods handle objects much larger but those are
discharged automatically and partially on disc (software package JEVEUX and/or Out-Of-Core faculties
of MUMPS).

5.1.4 Parallelism
Contrary to other solveurs of the code (MULT_FRONT, MUMPS, PETSC) and for problems of ‘parallel
preconditioning’, the native GCPC is usable only into sequential (cf. § 3.3).
For example, it does not profit from the distribution of the tasks and the data that the parallelism MPI set up
around direct solvor MUMPS gets it. Thus, a overcost report of =30 with MUMPS In-Core sequential can
very quickly go down on the level from a GCPC prepacked by ILU (0) as soon as a dozen processors are used
and/or that his Out-Of-Core faculties are activated.

5.2 Perimeter of use

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All operators generating of the real symmetrical systems except those requiring a detection of singularity
obligatorily (modal calculation, stability and buckling…). Into nonlinear, if the problem is real nonsymmetrical,
one can use this solvor provided that one forces symmetrization (cf §5.3).
List of the operators Code_Aster being able to use GCPC:
• CALC_PRECONT  Possible symmetrized approximation (cf. §5.3),
• DYNA_NON_LINE  Possible symmetrized approximation,
• STAT_NON_LINE  Possible symmetrized approximation,
• THER_NON_LINE  Possible symmetrized approximation,
• THER_NON_LINE_MO  Possible symmetrized approximation.

5.3 Symmetrical character of the operator of work

If the matrix is not symmetrical two cases arise. Either the linear solvor is inserted in a non-linear process
(operators mentioned cf lists §5.2), or this one is linear (other operators).

In the first case, the initial problem is transformed Ku= f in a new symmetrized problem  K K T  u= f .
One supposes by there that the nonlinear solvor including (algorithm of Newton) will compensate for the
approximation of the initial operator by K :=  K K T  . It is not besides the only approximation of this
nonlinear process… the choice of the tangent matrix in is, for example, another.

This symmetrized approximation does not harm the robustness and the coherence of the unit and avoids a
more expensive nonsymmetrical resolution. This operation is carried out by activating the keyword SYME=
‘OUI'(by default ‘NOT’) keyword factor SOLVEUR and it is licit for all the nonlinear solveurs of the code.

When the problem is purely linear, one can expect no compensation of any including process and this
approximation becomes impossible. Resorts to the native GCPC is illicit and this nonsymmetrical system should
be solved via other linear solveurs. The nature of the operator of work is detected automatically, no one is not
need to notify it via the keyword SYME.

5.4 Parameter setting and posting

To activate this functionality, the keyword should be initialized METHOD with ‘GCPC’ in the keyword factor
SOLVEUR [U4.50.01]. In addition, Dthey standard préconditionneurs are available (keyword PRE_COND):
• PRE_COND=' LDLT_INC': Incomplete a Cholesky classic (cf §4.2) whose level of filling is controlled
by the keyword NIVE_REMPLISSAGE=K (K=0 does not mean “without pre-packaging” but pre-
packaging of the type ILU(0)).
• PRE_COND=' LDLT_SP': A factorization single precision carried out by direct solvor external MUMPS
[R6.02.03]. This solution is, a priori , more expensive than the first in terms of memory/time but this one
are mutualisable, into nonlinear, between various resolutions of linear systems (keyword REAC_ITER ).
On the other hand, the robustness and the quality of this preconditionnor can accelerate the
convergence of the GCPC largely.

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• To minimize the size of the profile of the matrix of work and its preconditionnor (with Incomplete
Cholesky), an algorithm of renumerotation is available by default: ‘RCMK’ for ‘Reverse Cuthill Mac-
Kee’ (cf [LT98] §5.4.2). It is nevertheless désactivable.
• The “arm of principal lever” to modify the compromise “time calculation/occupation memory” of the
GCPC, remains the preconditionnor and his various digital parameters.

Contrary to the direct methods, it was necessary to fix a maximum iteration count discriminating converged
iterative calculations of not converged. This threshold (skeletal) is arbitrarily fixed at half of the ddls of the
problem of work  . So at the end of I=NMAX_ITER stages, the relative residue i :=∥r ∥ is not lower than
RESI_RELA, calculation stops in ERREUR_FATALE.

Keyword factor Keyword Value by default References

PRE_COND=' LDLT_INC'/ ‘LDLT_INC’ [§4.2] [§5.4]
NIVE_REMPLISSAGE=0,1,2… 0 [§4.2]
RENUM=' RCMK' or ‘RCMK’ [§5.4]
NMAX_ITER= i max , 0 [Algorithm 5]
acceptable iteration count
If i max =0 , fixed automatically
at N /2
10-6 [Algorithm 5 and
Test of stop in relative residue. §3.3]

With the iteration I

∥r i∥
SYME=' OUI' or ‘NOT’ ‘NOT’ [§5.2/3]
Symmetrized approximation of
the operator of work by
K :=  K K T 
Sell by auction only into
Table 5.4-1. Summary of the parameter setting of the native GCPC.

To be complete on the parameter setting and posting in the file message ( .mess ), let us mention:
• The value INFORMATION =2 trace evolution of the standards of the residues absolute ∥r ∥ and
∥r i∥
relative , as well as the correpondant number of iteration, I , as soon as it decrease from at least 10%

With convergence, i.e. as soon as

∥r i∥
•  RESI_RELA , one recalls in more the value of the standard
of the initial absolute residue ∥r 0∥ .

5.5 The Councils of use

All in all, the best compromise robustness/obstruction memory/cost CPU seems to return [Anf03] [Boi03] with
the two direct solveurs: the multifrontale and MUMPS. Especially when one deals with problems of the type
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“multiple second members” (e.g. operator DYNA/STAT/THER_NON_LINE without reactualization of the tangent
However, for problems conditioned rather well (thermal, simple geometry with a grid and characteristic relatively
homogeneous materials…) or very greedy in memory (several million ddls), the GCPC can prove to be an
interesting alternative. Especially with the preconditionnor LDLT_SP, who is more expensive but also more

Because of its natural modularity and simplicity of its components (produced matrix-vector and scalar product),
the GCPC remains much simpler to maintain and make evolve that the other direct solveurs. It is the solvor
“passes everywhere” easy to establish (at least in its initial version) and very teaching. It is often connected in
processes plus generals (encased solveurs, solveurs of interface of the decomposition of fields…) or adapted,
on a case-by-case basis, for structures of particular matrices.

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6 Iterative solveurs of Krylov via PETSc

6.1 The PETSc bookstore
The bookstore PETSc [FART] (for ‘Extensive Portable Toolkit for Scientific Computation’) of the laboratory
Argonne (DOE and NSF) proposes, in addition to a large variety of solveurs (direct, iterative, modal, ODE…),
utilities of handling of distributed data and profiling of parallel calculations. It is a product of the public domain,
interfaced with various languages (F77/90, C/C++, Python), paralleled in MPI and which reached a certain
Certain codes, such MEF++ [Tar04] did not hesitate to lean completely in PETSc to fully benefit from its aspects
toolkits and its faculties of parallelism. This aspect performance 28 is the priority of the product which asserts long
time of the records on the matter (resolution of linear systems of 500 million unknown factors in 2004).

6.2 Establishment in Code_Aster

The building site software of the establishment of PETSc in Code_Aster is detailed in the note of T.De Soza
[Des07] and traced in the tool of Rex Aster. We synthesize the broad outlines here of them:

1) A PETSc execution via Code_Aster is held in three stages: pre-allowance of the memory
capacity and filling of the matrix, parameter setting of the solvor of selected Krylov and its
preconditionnor, supply of the second member and effective resolution.
2) The conversion of the format of matrix Aster (format CSC ‘Compressed Sparse Column’) with
the format suitable for PETSc (CSR ‘Compressed Sparse Row’). Into symmetrical, one
does not store in Aster that the higher triangular part whereas PETSc requires all the
matrix. In addition, PETSc needs to be effective particular indicators: into sequential, the
median number of nonworthless terms per line, in parallel, that of the diagonal and extra-
diagonal blocks of the block of lines associated with the processor. This phase of
preallocation of the PETSc objects is tiresome but fortunately inexpensive compared to
the other stages29.
3) In parallel mode, the distribution of the data is entirely controlled by PETSc. This last allots a
block of lines contiguous to each processor. The user Aster cannot, for the moment, to
intervene truly on this choice (except for changing the number of processors!). It is same
philosophy as for OpenMP parallelism of the multifrontale Aster. With MUMPS, the choice
is broader: the user can distribute his data directly or via automatic tools (possibly
4) Indefinite character of the majority of the matrices Aster (Lagrange, finite elements mixed…)
prevent the use of the renuméroteurs and préconditionneurs suitable for PETSc. To be
able to function effectively, one “bluffs” the tool by providing him renumbered matrices 30
by the RCMK31 ofAster (which manages Lagranges specifically).

6.3 Perimeter of use

Concerning the operators Aster, it is the same one as for the native GCPC of the code (cf. §5.2).

As regards the features DE the bookstore PETSc, we limited ourselves for the moment to some iterative linear
solveurs of Krylov type:

27 The project began in 1991 and among its characteristics let us quote: about twenty developers (core-TEAM:
9), a version a year, tens of thousands of users.
28 One of the founding fathers of PETSc, William Gropp [WG], also works with the standardisation of language
MPI (MPICH). It is very active on the data-processing and algorithmic aspects of parallel calculation.
29 Tools for preparation of the data (cf MURGE [WALL]) or macro-bookstores (Numerical Plato, Mystery…)
could in the long term release the codes hosts of these tiresome contingencies which are the filling of the
structures of data specific to each external product.
30 For the préconditionneurs with incomplete factorization (ILU (K) cf. §4.2).
31 RCMK for algorithm of renumerotation of the type MacKee Reverse-Cuthill.
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• CG (‘CG‘): standard combined gradient (the same one as the native GCPC D’Aster; M.R.Hestenes and
E.Stiefel 1952),
• CR (‘CR’): combined residue (M.R.Hestenes and E.Stiefel 1952),
• GMRES (‘GMRES’): Minimal Generalised RESidual ( Saad and Schultz 1986 ),
• FGMRES (‘FGMRES’) : Flexible device Minimal Generalised RESidual
• GCR (‘GCR’): Generalised Conjugate Residual ( S.C. Eisenstat, H.C. Elman, and H.C. Schultz 1983 ).

and with the préconditionneurs:

• ILU (K) (‘LDLT_INC‘): incomplete factorization by level (the same one as the native GCPC D’Aster; cf.
• JACOBI (‘JACOBI’): standard diagonal preconditionnor (cf. §4.1),
• SOR (‘SOR’): Successive Over Relieving (cf. §4.2).
• Boomeramg (‘BOOMER’): multigrille algebraic provided by the library Hypre.
• Multilevel (‘Ml’): multigrille algebraic provided by the library Ml.
• GAMG (‘GAMG’): multigrille algebraic of the PETSc library

In addition as for ‘GCPC’ another pre-conditioner (intern with Code_Aster) is available: it is about
‘LDLT_SP‘which is based on a factorization single precision renewed during several iterative resolutions.
The preconditionnor ‘BLOC_LAGR’ is a preconditionnor per blocks of the Lagrangian type increased which
applies to the systems with multipliers of Lagrange. It is an internal preconditionnor with code_aster developed
on PETSc basis. A system with multipliers of Lagrange has the structure of point-saddles following:

BT u = f
( K
B 0 λ )( ) ( )

The preconditionnor of the Lagrangian type increased (see [Mer15]) is form:

( K + γ BT B
2 BT
−γ I ) (2)

Lastly, it is possible to combine iterative solvor GMRES with preconditionnor LDLT_SP (known as
preconditionnor of first level) and a preconditionnor with memory limited “Limited Memory To prepack”, known
as preconditionnor of second level. This combination makes it possible to accelerate the resolution of a non-
linear problem. Indeed, the solution of the non-linear problem is obtained by solving a succession of linearized
problems. The preconditionnor of second-level is built starting from spectral information (even of Ritz) exits of
the preceding linear resolutions (see [Mer15]).
• The methods CG and CR are to be held for modelings of Aster leading to matrices SPD (the most
widespread case notwithstanding the problems of doubles Lagranges cf. §5.1/ 6.2). In nonsymmetrical,
it is necessary to call on other methods (GMRES and GCR).
• All the préconditionneurs of PETSc propose a string of parameters. For the moment, only the factor of
filling of the ILU is accessible to the user.
• In parallel mode, only JACOBI offers a preconditionnor strictly equivalent to the sequential mode. The
others, with first chief ILU and SOR, prepack by using the local diagonal block with the processor.

6.4 Symmetrical character of the operator of work

One can pass the same remarks as for the native GCPC (§ 5.3). Except, that with PETSc, one can use a solvor
of Krylov compatible with the nonsymmetrical systems (GMRES, GCR). The parameter ‘SYME’ thus much of its
interest loses.

6.5 Parameter setting and posting

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To activate this functionality, the keyword should be initialized METHOD with ‘PETSC’ in the keyword factor
SOLVEUR [U4.50.01]. All in all, one can make the same comments as with § 5.4.

Keyword Keyword Value by default References

NIVE_REMPLISSAGE=0,1,2… 0 (if LDLT_INC) [§4.2]
REMPLISSAGE=  1.0 (if LDLT_INC) [§5.1]
estimated size
of the preconditionnor
NMAX_ITER= i max , acceptable -1 [Algorithm 5] for GC;
iteration count maximum. equivalent for the other
solveurs of Krylov.
If i max ≤0 , fixed automatically by
PETSc (parameterized by
PETSC_DEFAULT with maxits=105)

10-6 [Algorithm 5] for GC;

Test of convergence: equivalent for the other
i solveurs of Krylov.
∥r ∥max  RESI_RELA .∥ f ∥,10-50 
Test of divergence:
∥r i∥10 5 .∥ f ∥

SYME=' OUI' or ‘NOT’ ‘NOT’ [§6.4]

Symmetrized approximation of the
operator of work.
Sell by auction only into nonlinear.
Interest has only for ‘CG’ and ‘CR’.
Table 6.5-1. Summary of the parameter setting of the call to PETSc via Code_Aster.

6.6 The Councils of use

One can lavish the same advices of use as for the native GCPC (cf. § 5.5). Nonosbstant the fact that, contrary
to the native GCPC, certain solveurs of PETSc are adapted to the nonsymmetrical systems.
In general, the use of the combined gradient “simple” (native GCPC or CG of PETSc) is not very robust on
modelings Aster. More sophisticated algorithms are preferred to him: GMRES… On large calculations ( 5.10 5
degrees of freedom) very consuming of resolution of linear systems (operators STAT_NON_LINE,
MECA_STATIQUE…), one may find it very beneficial to activate the parallelism induced by PETSc.

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7 Treatment of the failures

7.1 Failures met
Contrary to a direct solvor, an iterative solvor will in general tend to fail at the time of the phase of
resolution of the linear system: for example if the convergence criteria are not checked at the end of
the maximum number of iterations fixed beforehand. That can be caused by a pre-conditioner not
robust enough or a quasi singular matrix.
Failures are also possible at the time of the phase of construction of the pre-conditioner but are rarer:
for example if MUMPS lack of memory during factorization single precision to build the pre-conditioner
LDLT_SP. In this last case the solution is to start again calculation with more memory or by increasing
the value of PCENT_PIVOT.

7.2 Recovery in the event of failure

Like the direct solveurs, the iterative solveurs of Code_Aster are able to announce the failure or the
success of the linear resolution. This functionality is exploited in the non-linear solvor [R5.03.01] in
order to allow:
– the cutting of the step of time in the event of failure at the time of the phase of resolution whatever
the pre-conditioner
– reactualization of the pre-conditioner when LDLT_SP is used

When LDLT_SP is used, one carries out the reactualization initially, then one carries out the step of
current time again. If a new failure occurs, the step of time is then cut out.

It is it should be noted that no recovery is envisaged in the event of failure at the time of the phase of
construction of the pre-conditioner.

7.3 Implementation
The operator DEFI_LIST_INST allows to activate the treatment of the failures. In the presence of an
action of cutting (ACTION=' DECOUPE') or of reactualization of the pre-conditioner (ACTION='
REAC_PRECOND'), one activates in STAT_NON_LINE or DYNA_NON_LINE the capture of the errors in
the iterative solveurs.

7.4 Interception of the exception

In the event of failure of the strategy of cutting or reactualization of the pre-conditioner, an exception is
raised. It can be intercepted in the command file by using its name: ResolutionError.

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8 Bibliography
8.1 Books/articles/proceedings/theses…
[BFG] A.Bouras, V.Fraysse & L.Giraud. With relieving strategy for inner-outer linear solvers in DD methods . Report
CERFACS TR/PA/00/17 (2000).
[BGLS] J.F.Bonnans, J.C.Gilbert, C.Lemarechal & C.Sagastizabal. Digital optimization: theoretical and practical aspects .
ED. Springer collection mathematics & applications, 27 (1997).
[Ci00] B.A. Cipra. The best of the 20th century: editors name top10 algorithms. SIAM News, 33-4 (2000).
[Che05] K.Chen. Matrix preconditioning technical and applications . ED. Cambridge University Close (2005).
[CM01] F.Chaitin-Chatelin & T.Meskausas. Inner-outer iterations for solvers mode in structural mechanics: application to
Code_Aster . Report CERFACS (2001).
[Cu94] J.C. Culioli. Introduction to optimization . ED. Ellipse (1994).
[Dav06] T.A.Davis. Direct methods for sparse linear systems . ED. SIAM (2006).
[Duf06] I.S.Duff et al. Direct methods for sparse matrices . ED. Clarendon Close (2006).
[Go89] G.H.Golub & D.P.O' learly. Somme history of the conjugate gradient and Lanczos algorithms : 1948-1976 . SIAM
review, 31-1 (1989), pp50-102.
[Gol96] G.Golub & C. Van Loan. Matrix computations . ED. Johns Hopkins University Close (1996).
[GV97] G.H.Golub & H.A.Van der Vorst. Closer to the solution: Iterative linear solvers. The state of the art in numerical
analysis . ED. Clarendon close (1997), pp93-92.
[GY97] G.H.Golub & Q.Ye. Inaccurate preconditioned conjugate gradient method with inner-outer iteration . Report Stanford
University, SCCM-97-04 (1997).
[Jo84] P.Joly. Methods of combined gradient . N°84016 report of the lab. of digital analysis of PARIS VI (1984).
[LT98] P.Lascaux & R.Théodor. Matric digital analysis applied to the art of the engineer . ED. Masson (1998).
[Liu89] J.W.H.Liu. Broad computer solution of sparse positive definite systems . Prentice Hall (1981).
[Mer15] Sylvain Mercier Fast nonlinear Solveurs in mechanics of the solids, thesis of the University of Toulouse
[Meu99] G.Meurant. Broad computer solution of linear systems . ED. Elsevier (1999).
[Min08] M.Minoux. Mathematical programming, theory and algorithms . ED. Lavoisier (2008).
[Saa03] Y.Saad. Iterative methods for sparse matrices . ED. PWS (2003).
[Sh94] J.R.Shewchuk. Year introduction to the conjugate gradient method without the agonizing bread. Report interns
University of Carnegie Mellon (1994).
[SV00] Y.Saad & H.A. Van Der Vorst. Iterative solution of linear system in the 20th-century . J. comp. Appl. Maths., 123
(2000), pp35-65.
[Van01] H. Van Der Vorst. Iterative broad Krylov methods for linear systems . ED. Cambridge University Close (2001).

8.2 Account-returned reports/EDF

[Anf03] N.Anfaoui. A study of the performances of Code_Aster: proposal for an optimization . Internship of mathematics
applied of PARIS VI (2003).
[BH89] T. Buffard & J.M.Herard. A method of polynomial pre-packaging for systems SPD . Note EDF R & D HE-41/89.16
[Boi01] O.Boiteau. Algorithm of resolution for the generalized problem . Reference material Code_Aster R5.01.01 (2001).
[Boi03] O.Boiteau. Analysis of the establishment of the gradient combined in Code_Aster and tests of other alternatives via
library CXML . Report EDF R & D CRY 3/23/014 (2003).
[Boi08] O.Boiteau. Decomposition of fields and parallelism . Reference material Code_Aster . R6.01.03 (2008).
[Boi08b] O.Boiteau. Improvement of the robustness of code TELEMAC in parallel mode . Report EDF R & D I23/08/008
[Boi09] O.Boiteau. General information on the linear solveurs direct and use of product MUMPS . Reference material
Code_Aster . R6.02.03 (2009).
[Des07] T.DeSoza. Evaluation and development of parallelism in Code_Aster . Internship of Master degree ENPC (2007) and
notes EDF R & D HT-62/08/01464 (2008).
[Greg] J.P.Gregoire. Algorithm of the GCPC for the resolution of a symmetrical linear system: general presentation and
instructions . Note EDF R & D HI/4333-07 (1982).
Effective vectorization of the GC in the case of hollow symmetrical matrices . Note EDF R & D HI-72/6710 (1990).
Parallelization of the GC for hollow matrices on CRAY C98 . Note EDF R & D HI - 76/95/019 (1996).
Acceleration of the convergence of the combined gradient prepacked by using incomplete factorization by level. Note EDF
R & D HI-76/00/005 (2000).
Parallelization in memory distributed of the GC and the code user. Note EDF R & D HI - 76/01/007 (2001).
GCPC and fast calculation of the eigenvalues. Note EDF R & D HI-76/01/001 (2001).
[Ni92] B.Nitrosso. Direct methods for hollow matrices SPD. Basic techniques with the state of the art . Note EDF R & D HE-
41/92/27 (1992).
[Pel01] J.Pellet. Dualisation of the limiting conditions . Reference material Code_Aster R3.03.01 (2001).
[Tar04] N.Tardieu. Parallelization of MEF++, principles and performances . Report EDF R & D (2004).
[Tar09] N.Tardieu. Solvor multigrille for the mechanics of the structures . Note EDF R & D HT-62/08/01615 (2009).

8.3 Resources Internet

[WALL] Official website of product MURGE :
[FART] Official website DE the bookstore PETSc :
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[PLM] G.Poole, Y.C.Liu & J.Mandel: Advancing analysis capabilities in ANSYS though solver technology. (2001) available on
site ANSYS.
[WG] Professional site of William Gropp: .

9 Description of the versions of the document

Version Aster Author (S) Description of the modifications

Organization (S)
3.0 J.P.GREGOIRE EDF/R & D Initial text
9.4 O.BOITEAU Corrections and addition of PETSC
v10.4 O.BOITEAU Formal corrections due to the bearings
EDF/R & D /SINETICS .doc/.odt; Corrections on parallelism;
Addition of LDLT_SP.
V13.4 N.Béreux Addition of the preconditionnor
EDF/R & D /ERMES BLOC_LAGR and of the algorithm

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