Formative Assessment Human Rights

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Work on the on line platform Youth for Human Rights, 

 Register as a student, enter class code given by the teacher.

 Watch video #1 The Story of Human Rights, answer the following

1. What are Human Rights? 

  2. What parts of the film caught your attention? 

3. What did you think about what you saw? 

4. What can happen if human rights are ignored?”

1. 5. Have you ever seen (not on TV but in life) a human rights abuse
(treatment that is unkind, cruel or unfair)?”
2. 6. Can history help us appreciate our human rights? How?”
3. 7. What can you learn from the men and women who have worked
for human rights?”
8. What would happen if everyone knew their human rights?”

Criterion A : comprehending written and visual text 

i. construct meaning and draw conclusions from information, main ideas and
supporting details.
ii. interpret conventions 
iii. engage with the spoken and visual text by identifying ideas, opinions and attitudes
and by making a response to the text based on personal experiences and opinions. 

Achievement Level descriptor

0 The student does not reach a standard
described by any of the descriptors below.
1–2 The student: At least one question
4. i. has difficulty constructing meaning is answered correctly,
from information or main ideas and but no more than 2.
supporting details; is not able to draw

4. ii. has difficulty interpreting


4. iii. engages minimally with the spoken

and visual text by identifying few
ideas, opinions and attitudes; has
difficulty making a response to the text
based on personal experiences and

The student shows limited understanding of

the content, context and concepts of the text
as a whole.
3–4 The student: Between 3 and 4
i. constructs some meaning and draws questions are
some conclusions from information, answered correctly.
main ideas and some supporting

ii. interprets some conventions

iii. engages adequately with the spoken

and visual text by identifying some
ideas, opinions and attitudes and by
making some response to the text
based on personal experiences and

The student shows some understanding of the

content, context and concepts of the text as a
5–6 The student: Between 5 and 6
i. constructs considerable meaning and questions are
draws conclusions from information, answered correctly.
main ideas and supporting details

ii. interprets most conventions

iii. engages considerably with the spoken

and visual text by identifying most
ideas, opinions and attitudes and by
making a response to the text based
on personal experiences and opinions.

The student shows considerable understanding

of the content, context and concepts of the
text as a whole.
7-8 The student: 7 or more questions
i. constructs extensive meaning and are answered
draws conclusions from information, accurately. 
main ideas and supporting details

ii. interprets conventions

iii. engages thoroughly with the spoken

and visual text by identifying ideas,
opinions and attitudes and by making a
response to the text based on personal
experiences and opinions.

The student shows thorough understanding of

the content, context and concepts of the text
as a whole.

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