Chaerani2007 Article AssessmentOfEarlyBlightAlterna
Chaerani2007 Article AssessmentOfEarlyBlightAlterna
Chaerani2007 Article AssessmentOfEarlyBlightAlterna
DOI 10.1007/s10327-006-0337-1
as a percentage of the total leaf area. Disease estimates are number of spores in the suspension was counted in five
rapid but rather subjective. Another disadvantage of the 10-µl samples. The yield per plate was about 0.7–13.0 × 105
spray inoculation method is that the inoculum may not be spores.
uniformly distributed on the leaves. Furthermore, the meth-
od is not sensitive enough to discriminate moderately resis-
tant plants from those that are susceptible (Gardner Conditions during infection
An alternative method to obtain more precise and For the first 40 h immediately after inoculation, plants were
reliable disease readings is offered by placing individual incubated on a glasshouse bench lined with a wet mat and
droplets of a fungal inoculum suspension on the leaflets. covered with a transparent plastic tunnel. Periodic misting
This method was first introduced by Locke (1948) to find to maintain high humidity was supplied from a humidifier.
sources of resistance to EB. Detached leaflets were inocu- After the initial incubation, each side of the tunnel was
lated with a mycelial suspension in a laboratory assay, and opened, and the humidifier was turned off for 8 h during the
the disease reaction was evaluated using a diagram of a day to allow the plant surface to dry. Minimum light inten-
graded series of lesions with known diameters (Locke 1948, sity in the plastic tunnel was approximately 14 µmol m−2 s−1;
1949). Henning and Alexander (1959) used the droplet when necessary, daylight was supplemented with light from
method to investigate the existence of A. solani races high-pressure sodium vapor lamps (17 µmol m−2 s−1) for
by inoculating leaflets still attached to plants. Nash and 16 h day−1. The temperature and relative humidity were re-
Gardner (1988) applied the method, which they called corded with a thermohygrograph.
point inoculation, on a whole plant assay and measured the
EB lesion diameter. EB resistance of two parents and the
F1s were tested in a glasshouse. Their results correlated Effect of spore concentration on early blight severity with
well with field tests, but were based only on a few two inoculation methods
Large numbers of accessions have never been screened One moderately resistant (FT94-978; 99-213) and one
in the glasshouse using the droplet inoculation method. We susceptible (HRC90.145) S. lycopersicum line were grown
describe here some improvements on the method and its for 3 weeks on peat soil in boxes of 34 × 29.5 × 4 cm. Two
application to identify potential EB resistance sources in a inoculation methods, the droplet and the standard spray
collection of tomato accessions. inoculation methods, were compared. Spore density was
varied (0, 1, 2, 4, 10, and 20 × 103 ml−1 water) to find the most
discriminating level.
Materials and methods Plants inoculated using the droplet method were raised
in boxes of 12 plants, with two rows of three plants of each
Plant material and culture conditions genotype. A single drop (10 µl) of a spore suspension was
placed on an interveinal space of the upper surface of three
Tomato seeds were germinated on moistened filter paper apical leaflets. The two first expanded leaves were used. The
in 90-mm-diameter petri dishes for 5–7 days in darkness at six spore concentrations were randomized over the six
19°C. Germinating seeds were planted in peat soil in boxes plants of each genotype in each box. The experiment was
or plastic pots. Plants were grown in a glasshouse in replicated over three boxes.
Wageningen, The Netherlands, at day/night temperatures In the spray inoculation treatment, boxes contained four
of 22°/20°C. Tomato accessions used in the screening ex- rows of four plants, with the two genotypes in alternating
periments are listed in Table 3. They were propagated one rows. Each pair of rows was sprayed with one spore con-
generation before use; where possible, inbred lines were centration until runoff. The experiment was replicated four
obtained by selfing, but in the case of S. peruvianum, half- times (24 boxes).
sib families were harvested after intercrossing five plants The boxes were covered with a transparent lid and placed
per accession. In cases with clear morphological differences in the tunnel with intermittent misting for 15 min at 45-min
between the five plants of the original accession, two lines intervals. After the first 24 h, the lids were removed. The
or two half-sib families were included in the screening temperature during the day was 20°–27°C and during the
experiments. night was 16°–24°C. The relative humidity ranged from
40% to 72% during the day and from 85% to 100% during
the night. Symptom evaluations were done 7 days after in-
Fungal culture and inoculum preparation oculation. Length and width of lesions after droplet inocula-
tion were measured. EB severity on each leaf of the sprayed
An Alternaria solani isolate obtained from infected tomato plants was recorded on a scale of 0 to 5, where 0 = no visible
leaves in Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia, was propagated lesions on leaf; 1 = up to 10% leaf area affected; 2 = 11%–
on V8 juice agar in 90-mm-diameter petri dishes. The dish- 25%; 3 = 26%–50%; 4 = 51%–75%; and 5 = more than 75%
es were incubated at 21°–22°C with a 12-h diurnal period leaf area affected or leaf abscised (Vakalounakis 1983).
of fluorescent light for 10–17 days. The cultures were in- Leaves that were not completely unfurled during the inocu-
duced to sporulate as described by Barksdale (1969). The lation were not assessed. The disease scales were converted
into percentage of EB index (PEBI) for each plant using In the first two replicates, the three apical leaflets of the
the following formula (Pandey et al. 2003): two basal leaves of two plants of each accession were inocu-
lated with 2 × 104 spores ml−1 water. However, the basal
sum of all ratings leaves of some wild species, both with and without lesions
PEBI = × 100
no. of leaves sampled × maximum were lost earlier (3 days after inoculation) than those of the
disease scale cultivated tomato, possibly due to faster development and
senescence. Early senescence and defoliation were acceler-
ated by inoculation with the pathogen. On some susceptible
Resistance reaction of selected accessions with two accessions, lesions expanded rapidly and caused early de-
inoculation methods in the glasshouse velopment of blight. Because of these problems, the droplet
inoculation procedures were modified in the subsequent
The repeatability of the droplet inoculation method in de-
replicates. These first two replicates were treated as a sepa-
termining early blight resistance in a wider range of acces-
rate experiment, designated as “glasshouse test I” (GH I).
sions was compared with the spray inoculation method.
In the subsequent three replicates (GH II) the three api-
Nine accessions including wild species that were found to
cal leaflets of the four topmost leaves were inoculated to
differ in mean EB lesion size in preliminary experiments
achieve a more uniform physiological age of leaves, and a
were planted in pots and inoculated at 6 weeks after
lower inoculum density (4 × 103 spores ml−1 water) was used
to prevent blight symptoms from developing too rapidly.
For spray inoculation, plants were sprayed with spores
Three replicates in time were performed. In the first repli-
in water until runoff. For droplet inoculations, a single drop
cate of GH II, some accessions were represented by less
(10 µl) of 0.1% agar solution with 104 spores ml−1 was placed
than two plants due to poor germination.
on an interveinal area of three apical leaflets of the four
Temperatures ranged from 20° to 23°C during the day
topmost expanded leaves. With agar, the droplets were
and from 17° to 19°C during the night. Relative humidity
more likely to adhere to the leaves. The spore concentra-
ranged from 43% to 64% during the day and from 97% to
tion of 104 spores ml−1 was selected based on the most opti-
100% during the night.
mal inoculum level found for the spray inoculation (see
Results), was used for both inoculation methods. Two plants
of each accession were tested in three replications for the
Glasshouse screening 2002 (summer)
droplet inoculation and four replications for the spray in-
oculation. Noninoculated plants were used as controls for
The same 41 accessions were retested together with 13 ad-
both inoculation methods. The plants were placed in a
ditional accessions in five replicated tests, performed at
humidified tunnel directly after inoculation and received
weekly intervals (Table 3; GH III). Plants were grown in
periodic misting for 45 s at 8-min intervals. Daytime tem-
12-cm-diameter pots (one seedling per pot) to facilitate in-
peratures ranged from 25° to 27°C and nighttime tempera-
oculation and evaluation. Four weeks after sowing, plants
tures from 20° to 22°C. The relative humidity ranged from
were inoculated at the three apical leaflets of the four top-
59% to 69% during the day and was 98% during the night.
most expanded leaves with a single drop (10 µl) of 0.1%
Disease reactions were recorded at 7 days after inoculation
agar solution carrying 104 spores ml−1. Each replicate in-
using the procedure for the respective inoculation methods
cluded one plant of each accession. Control plants, one
as previously described.
plant of each species, which were inoculated with agar solu-
tion without spores, were also included in the tests. Plants
Glasshouse screening of tomato accessions were placed in a tunnel and exposed to a fine mist for 45 s
to 1 min at intervals of 6–8 min. Five replicate tests were
Glasshouse screening 2001 (autumn) performed during the season at 1-week intervals. The length
and the perpendicular width of the lesions were measured
Forty-one accessions including wild species were tested at 7 days after inoculation. Day temperatures ranged from
(Table 3; GH I and GH II). For 11 accessions, two or three 22° to 27°C, night temperatures from 20° to 22°C. Relative
lines or half-sib families were tested because the original humidity ranged from 40% to 66% during the day and from
accession was not morphologically uniform. The plants 91% to 93% during the night.
were raised in boxes of 34 × 29.5 × 4 cm. Each box contained
12 plots of two plants of 12 different accessions, which were
randomized in the boxes. The plants were inoculated using Experimental design and statistical analyses
the droplet method at 3 weeks after sowing, when most of
them had two fully expanded leaves. Boxes were closed The elementary data consisted of lesion size (length ×
with transparent lids for 24 h and placed in the tunnel. The width) for the droplet inoculation, and PEBI per plant for
misting period was 15 min h−1. The length and the perpen- the spray inoculation. Heterogeneity in the variances was
dicular width of lesions were recorded 7 days after inocula- observed in the data from both inoculation methods. Loga-
tion. The experiment was replicated five times at weekly rithmic and arcsine-square root transformation was applied
intervals; each replicate was treated as a block in the statisti- before statistical analysis to the lesion size and PEBI data,
cal analysis. respectively, to stabilize the variances.
Table 1. Means of disease parameters after droplet inoculation (lesion size) and spray inoculation (percentage of early blight index, PEBI)
Spore density Lesion size mean (mm2)a t value PEBI mean (%)b t value
(×103 ml−1)
HRC90.145 FT94-978; 99-213 HRC90.145 FT94-978; 99-213
Table 2. Mean early blight lesion size and percentage of early blight index (PEBI) of nine se-
lected accessions
Species Accessions Lesion size (mm2)a PEBIb
Student’s t-test was performed for the data from the all concentrations, the droplet method better discriminated
spore concentration experiment to compare means. All the resistance level than the spray method, as indicated by
other experimental data were analyzed by analysis of vari- higher and more significant t values (P < 0.001). The most
ance (ANOVA) as a randomized complete block design. significant difference in PEBI between FT94-978; 99-213
Mean separations were done by means of least significant and HRC90.145 was observed at a spore concentration of
difference (LSD) tests (P ≤ 0.05). GH II was analyzed using 104 ml−1, while the differences were highly significant at all
the unbalanced treatment structure procedure of ANOVA concentrations above 103 ml−1 for the droplet inoculation
because of the unequal number of plants per block and per method.
accession. All analyses were done using the GenStat 6 sta-
tistical package (Payne et al. 2002).
Resistance reaction of selected accessions with two
inoculation methods in glasshouse tests
The comparison of the droplet and spray inoculations was
The effect of spore concentration on EB severity under expanded to a set of nine accessions representing four to-
two inoculation methods mato species, which from preliminary experiments were
known to represent large differences in EB resistance. The
EB lesions resulting from both the droplet and spray inocu- wild accessions occasionally developed spontaneous blisters
lations appeared within 3 days after inoculation. Some or necroses under glasshouse conditions. When EB devel-
droplet inoculations failed to yield substantial lesions; ei- oped on S. habrochaites leaves with necroses, the lesions
ther small spots (≤1 mm in diameter) formed, or no symp- would expand rapidly and result in severe blight symptom,
toms developed. This was observed for both accessions. complicating the measurement of lesion size. Leaflets with
Symptomless inoculations were scored as missing values. blight symptoms so severe that lesion size could not be
With both inoculation methods, FT94-978; 99-213 (mod- measured were scored as missing values.
erately resistant) developed significantly smaller lesions or The droplet method allowed a better separation of
lower PEBI than HRC90.145 (susceptible) at all spore con- accessions than the spray inoculation method (Table 2) in
centrations, except for PEBI at 20 × 103 ml−1 (Table 1). At accordance with the results of the spore concentration
Frequency (%)
resistant, B moderately resistant, 40
and C susceptible accessions
B. Moderately resistant accessions
50 S. pimpinellifolium G1.1554 S. lycopersicum NC EBR-4 S. habrochaites G1.1561
Frequency (%)
C. Susceptible accessions
50 S. lycopersicum 864086-2; PI272745 S. habrochaites PE36 S. lycopersicum FT97-515; 99-214
Frequency (%)
experiment. Accession reactions with the two inoculation After grouping the nine accessions into three categories
methods were not significantly correlated (r = 0.44, P > 0.2). (resistant, moderately resistant, and susceptible), an expo-
S. habrochaites PE36 had inconsistent results between the nential-like distribution of lesion sizes was observed in each
two inoculation methods: it was ranked as susceptible with group (Fig. 1). The more resistant accessions had a higher
the droplet method but resistant with the spray method. frequency of small lesions, a lower frequency of larger le-
Occasional spontaneous necroses on this accession inocu- sions, and a lower mean lesion size. Symptomless leaflets
lated with the droplet method exacerbated EB lesions. Ex- were observed with an average of 0.9%, 7%, and 18.2% for
cluding this accession from the analysis increased the susceptible, intermediate, and resistant accessions, respec-
correlation considerably (r = 0.66). tively; for flecks (≤1 mm2), these frequencies were 2%, 9%,
EB lesions on petioles were observed on sprayed plants. and 17%. In a microscopic evaluation of leaflets with flecks
Large, sunken lesions on petioles often caused loss of the after staining with lactophenol–cotton blue, infection was
leaf and thus raised the PEBI of accessions that had small evident by the presence of germ tube penetration, but my-
leaf lesions when inoculated by the droplet method. The celial proliferation was absent. An exponential-like distri-
petiole lesions were generated randomly because the spray bution of lesion size was also observed for plants inoculated
inoculation was not purposely directed to petioles. by spraying (data not shown).
Inoculations using the droplet method did not always de- Lesions near leaf veins of the susceptible S. lycopersicum
velop into a noticeable lesion, irrespective of the level of accessions were often accompanied by smaller lesions of
resistance of a plant. We first assumed that the spores dried angular shape without concentric rings along the vein and
out before successfully penetrating the host tissue during at the distal ends of the vein. These smaller lesions rapidly
the initial hours of incubation in the tunnel. However, in- expanded and eventually merged with the primary lesions,
corporation of 0.1% agar solution into the spore suspen- resulting in almost completely blighted leaves before lesion
sion, which immobilized the droplets and slowed evaporation, measurement at 7 days after inoculation. Flecks, which did
did not influence the probability of lesion formation. not further expand, and symptomless inoculations were
again observed on all tested accessions. Leaflets with severe ond, spray inoculation may lead to random leaf shedding
blight and those without appreciable lesions were scored as due to petiole lesions and therefore erratic, high symptom
missing values. scores. The droplet method offers a possibility to test the
The means of the lesion sizes from each glasshouse effect of petiole lesions in a controlled way.
test were weighted with the reciprocals of the variances to Across the three glasshouse screenings, significant cor-
obtain overall accession mean values. This adjustment was relations were observed. GH II and GH III yielded a better
necessary since variances of the means among the three separation than GH I. Also the correlation between GH II
tests were unequal. After calculating the weighted average, and GH III was higher than that between GH I and the
we observed a continuous range of resistance levels, from other two tests. This may be due to: (1) the lower number
highly susceptible (S. pennellii LA716, average lesion size of observations in GH I, (2) the higher inoculum density in
107.65 mm2) to highly resistant (S. arcanum LA2157, GH I, and (3) the difference in the selection of leaves be-
1.40 mm2) (Table 3). However, no complete resistance was tween GH I and the other two tests. We used a lower inocu-
found. Among the glasshouse tests, significant correlations lum concentration (40 to 200 spores per droplet) in the
were observed (P < 0.001), with correlation coefficients of glasshouse screenings but observed overall larger lesion
0.58 (between GH I and II), 0.52 (GH I and III), and 0.63 sizes than Nash and Gardner (1988) who applied more in-
(GH II and III). Most of the resistant accessions belonged oculum (500 to 750 spores per droplet) on basal leaves. This
to wild species (S. arcanum, S. peruvianum, S. neorickii, and indicates that our tests were performed in near-optimal
S. chilense). However, both susceptible and moderately re- conditions for infection and disease development. Another
sistant S. habrochaites accessions were found, and other wild difference between our work and the study of Nash and
accessions belonging to S. pimpinellifolium and especially S. Gardner (1988) was that they selected one lesion per plant
pennellii were susceptible. Among different lines of the pre- to be measured, whereas we measured all inoculations with-
viously reported moderately resistant accession HRC91.341 out selection. As a result, we observed a large range of le-
(Poysa and Tu 1996), there were significant differences in sion types, from small lesions (≤1 mm in diameter) to almost
EB lesion sizes. One line of this accession was susceptible in blighted leaflets and also symptomless leaflets within the
GH II but resistant or moderately resistant in GH I and GH same accession. Small lesions (≤1 mm in diameter) occurred
III, while the other line was resistant in all three tests. Lines on all genotypes, but their frequency corresponded with the
derived from NC EBR-2 and NC EBR-3 also had a different resistance level. This was indicated by a high correlation
reaction in GH II compared with GH I and GH III. between lesion size and the percentage of small lesions,
Single lesions resulting from the droplet inoculation per- most notably in GH II and GH III where a lower spore
mitted detailed observation of lesion phenotypes. Necrotic concentration was applied: r = −0.73 (GH II, P < 0.001) and
lesions on S. neorickii (syn. L. parviflorum), some acces- r = −0.77 (GH III, P < 0.001).
sions of S. habrochaites and S. peruvianum, and S. lycoper- Variability in pathogenicity of A. solani isolates has been
sicum NC EBR-6 were surrounded by narrow chlorotic widely described (Bonde 1929; Henning and Alexander
halos, whereas those on S. pennellii, S. chilense, and other 1959; Rotem 1966), but no evidence has been presented for
accessions of S. habrochaites and S. peruvianum were not the existence of pathological races. The results of our study,
accompanied by chlorotic halos. S. pimpinellifolium and in which we used a single highly pathogenic Indonesian
other S. lycopersicum genotypes had a range of intermedi- isolate, can therefore be expected to be representative for
ate to wide halos. The extent of the halos did not seem to other Indonesian isolates as well.
correlate with the size of the necrotic lesions (data not The droplet inoculation method is simple to apply and
shown). allows an objective evaluation of EB severity. The method
has been used to evaluate EB resistance components
(O’Leary and Shoemaker 1983). Single lesions created by
Discussion the droplet method allow detailed observation of lesion
phenotype such as differential formation of halos among
The droplet inoculation method offers better discrimination genotypes. The importance of the chlorotic halo as an indi-
among accessions than the spray method. This was observed cator of resistance has not been studied so far. Improve-
in the spore concentration experiment and in the nine-ac- ments of the method have been made by incorporating agar
cession experiment. Variance of lesion size increased with into the spore suspension and the use of upper leaves as
increasing means in both experiments. Distribution of opposed to the bottom leaves.
lesion sizes seemed to be exponential, with many small The considerable amount of time required to measure
lesions and few large ones. This trend was observed at all lesions may make this method less attractive for large-
levels of resistance. scale screenings, but this problem can be circumvented by
The discrepancy between the results of the droplet and determining the percentage of small lesions. The described
spray methods can partly be explained by two factors. First, advantages of the droplet inoculation method make this the
some wild species developed severe necroses in the glass- method of choice where a fine discrimination of resistance
house experiment even without inoculation. After spray level and accurate quantitative data are required, for
inoculation, these necroses were often indistinguishable example, in quantitative trait locus studies of resistance or
from EB lesions, whereas after droplet inoculation they in assessing breeding material during advanced backcross
were simply recognized and treated as missing values. Sec- programs.
Acknowledgments We thank Dr. Suhardi (Indonesian Ornamental Locke SB (1948) A method for measuring resistance to defoliation
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