Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Engineering
Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Engineering
Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Engineering
School of Engineering
LO2: Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the typically relevant legal requirements specific to
the course of student industry
LO3: Consider the economic effects of meeting engineering challenges
LO4: Consider the social and environmental effects of meeting engineering challenges
Assignments submitted after the deadline, and without an authorised extension, will be graded 0NS.
Please mark your assignment for the attention of: Mr Prashant Priyadarshi
You should make it very clear what sources of information have been used; where material/information
from these sources is quoted,(Details can be obtained from Learning Centre pages on the University
website), or any other appropriate referencing system.
An electronic copy of the full report must be submitted electronically via Canvas.
You are required to keep a copy of own electronic and/or ‘hard’ copy of any work submitted.
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Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Engineering
The task assigned to you will be part of the course work which is designed according to the Learning
outcomes of the module. The task will be assessed by report supported by sources of information which
are used for depiction in the report, the details of which are provided below.
you are required to carry out an investigative study which describes about an automotive product
successfully launched recently by the respective manufacturer particularly in India .Briefly
analyse the advantages of the product by mentioning the positive and over the edge aspects with
respect to personal and professional ethics dealt by manufacturer at the time of success. Also
discuss the social and economic challenges faced while dealing with the design of the product
before launch and after success. Write your point of view in this regard. Each candidate will have
to give individual report of 1500 words of main body text with 1.5 spacing.The report must be written in
12 point Arial font.
Pages must have a 2.5cm margin on all side. where in the candidate is expected to cover the brief
manufacturer profile, description of the product successful in the market, year of launch, cause
of Success,merits,demerits,Profit shares ,Individual views, conclusion. Each student should have
different point of view on the study, any means of plagiarism is not accepted. So the candidate is advised
to start preparation of the report accordingly for submissions. Last moment preparation must be avoided.
Penalties in the form of marks deduction will be applied to reports that exceed the stated length or are
submitted after the deadline.
Marking criteria
The final marking criteria for the individual report will be as follows:
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Marking scheme (Individual report) Marks
Assignments will be marked according to the following Level 6 generic marking criteria:
90-100% Exceptionallevelofanalysis,showingdeepcriticalengagementwithacomprehensiverang
Outstanding Provisionofclearevidenceofunderstandingofcurrentscholarshipandresearchbasedonan
80-89% Excellentlinksbetweenrelevantideas,theoriesandpractice.Evidenceofclearlyindependent
Excellent Demonstrationoforiginalinsights,supportedbyextremelywellstructured overallargument.
70-79% Verygoodlinksbetweenarangeofdifferentideasandtheories.Placesissuesinawidercontex
opriately.Independentideas,well- arguedandsupported.
Very good Fewerrorsinreferencingorgrammarorsyntaxasappropriate.
60-69% Clearlinksbetweentheoryandpractice.Goodcoverageofassignmentissues.Fullundersta
Good Somesmallrepeatederrorsinreferencingorgrammarorsyntaxasappropriate
50-59% Identifiesmainissuesandrelevanttheory.Coverageofmostofassignmentissues.
Competent Somerepeatederrorsinreferencingorgrammarorsyntaxasappropriate.
40-49% Makesfewlinksbetweentheoryandpractice.Answersquestioninaverybasicway.
Pass Limitedcoherenceofstructure.
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30-39% Somelearningoutcomesand/orassessmentcriterianotmet.
Fail Evidenceofsufficientgraspoflearningoutcomestosuggestthatthestudentwillbeabletoretri
20-29% Nolearningoutcomesfullymet.
Fail isnorecognitionofthecomplexityofthesubject.
10-19% Littleattempttoengagewithassignmentbriefandhasnotmetlearningoutcomes.Inadequate
0-9% Norealattempttoaddresstheassignmentbrieforlearningoutcomes.
You are strongly advised to be familiar with Student Codes of Conduct on this matter and be aware of
University procedures as outlined in the booklet: ‘Academic Principles and Regulations’ valid for the
current academic session. A synopsis may be found in the Award Handbooks. The module team will
adhere strictly to these guidelines. If in doubt consult Module Leader/Divisional Award or Module
Retrieval of failure
Students must pass all components of the assignment. The minimum pass grade is 40%. A student who
fails to achieve a pass is entitled to resit the failed component(s) but the mark will be capped to 40%.
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