Adoption of Improved Dairy Production Practices by Dairy and Non-Dairy Farmers' Groups

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Adoption of Improved Dairy Production Practices by Dairy and Non- Dairy

Farmers' Groups

Article · July 2019


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1 author:

Lokey Thapa
National Dairy Research & Development Centre, Yusipang


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Bhutan Journal of Animal Science 2019, 3 [1]: 14-21
Full length paper

Adoption of Improved Dairy Production Practices by Dairy and Non-

Dairy Farmers’ Groups


National Dairy Research and Development Center, Department of Livestock, MoAF, Yusipang, Thimphu, Bhutan
*Author for correspondence:


A study was conducted to understand the farmers ‘knowledge on adoption of dairy

technologies, comparing dairy farmers groups [DFG] and non-dairy group members.
Over 167 farmers were interviewed in three Dzongkhags in Low altitude [Sarpang],
Mid-Altitude [Tsirang] and high altitude [Haa]. Ninety-seven were respondents of
dairy farmers’ groups and 70 were respondents of non-dairy farmers’ group. The
questionnaire sought information on farmers’ knowledge on dairy technology,
household profile, feeding practices, dairy husbandry practices, breeding practices and
health practices.
Dairy farmers’ group respondents had a high level of adoption in feeding practices
KEYWORDS with 84.92 percent, dairy husbandry practices with 80.15 percent and health care
practices with 77.30 percent. However, the non-dairy farmers’ group respondents had
medium level of adoption of feeding practices with 69.20 percent, dairy husbandry
practices with 54.92 respondent and health care practices with 69.87 percent. Breeding
practice adoption among dairy farmers’ group respondents was medium with 43
percent and non-dairy farmers group respondents with 28 percent. There is a big scope
for strengthening the farmers’ knowledge on dairy technology adoption among dairy
and non-dairy farmers groups, particularly in breeding practices through awareness
creation and training of farmers on emerging technologies.

Livestock production makes a significant contribution to economic development, rural livelihoods, poverty alleviation and
meeting the demand for animal protein in developing countries. In South and East Asia, smallholder dairying has become
a good income-earning occupation for crop farmers in mixed farming systems. In a small Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan,
dairy farming is a traditional source of milk, draught power and manure.
Dairy development in Bhutan started in the early 1960s. Several projects and programs were initiated to improve dairy
production, resulting in formation of dairy farmers’ groups [DFG] across the country. The Royal Government of Bhutan
continues to invest in crossbreeding programs, extension services, animal health care, prevention and control of animal
diseases. Dairy farmers are provided subsidy for cattle purchase and shed construction with an aim to encourage them to
upgrade from subsistence to market-oriented dairy enterprises. In developing countries, the modern animal breeding,
feeding and animal health technologies are promoted to transform subsistence into market-oriented dairy farming [Duncan
et al. 2013]. To increase production, it is essential to adopt modern dairy technologies and farming practices such as rearing
improved breeds of dairy cattle, cross breeding animals through Artificial Insemination [AI] and use of superior breeding
bulls, better housing to animals, improved feeding and animal health care. Adoption of new technologies, enhanced
production performance of dairy cattle, and reduced cost of production have led to substantial gains in farmers’ income
(Challa, 2013). Adoption of dairy technologies improves livelihoods of farmers through higher yields, better household
income, improved nutrition and availability of animal protein [Kebebe et al. 2017].
Most Bhutanese farmers are less aware of scientific animal management and improved dairy farming practices.
Aulukh and Singh [2005] reported that in Asia, there is lack of awareness on economic aspect of milk production, due to
majority of dairy farmers being smallholders and illiterate following traditional dairy farming. In traditional dairy farming,
farmers rear local cattle breed as it is easy to manage and are resistant to diseases, despite its low productivity. Although
many improved technologies were developed in the field of dairy sector, there has been little success in bringing desired
socio-economic changes in dairy farmers [Kumar et al. 2011]. In Bhutan, the farmers’ non-adoption of dairy technologies
presents a formidable challenge in dairy development. It has resulted in poor production practices, making the dairy
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enterprise less profitable. As the world moves towards intensive dairy production systems, it is crucial that modern
technologies are adopted to enhance production and contribute to food sufficiency and security. However, despite
production being less impressive across the country, no major efforts are made to address this challenge. Thus, it is
essential to initiate a study to generate baseline information on adoption of dairy technologies and understand issues
hindering technology adoption by Bhutanese dairy farmers. The study findings could highlight some areas needing special
attention and government interventions. Therefore, a study was conducted with the objectives to, understand the
knowledge on existing dairy technology between the members of Dairy Farmers Group [DFG] and non-Dairy Farmers
Group [non-DFG], and identify factors affecting dairy technology adoption.


2.1 Study area
The Dzongkhags [districts] of Sarpang representing Low altitude, Tsirang Mid-Altitude and Haa high altitude were
selected randomly from four regions. The sub districts of Gelephu and Shompangka from Sarpang, Kikorthang and
Patshaling from Tsirang and Bji and Katsho from Haa were selected for the study [Figure 1]. Sub districts were purposely
selected from the selected districts based on the maximum and active DFG and non-DFG members available during the
study time.

Figure 1: Map of study area

2.2 Sampling design
A multistage and purposive sampling was used to select the region, districts and sub districts. The total number of
households sampled was 167, which were divided into DFG and non-DFG. Out of total samples, 97 were DFG households
and 70 were non-DFG households. The selected dairy farmers owned more than one milking cow at the time of interview.
Farmers above 18 years of age were selected for the interview. The household list maintained by sub district Extension
staff was used during selection. DFG members were located near head quarter, towns and other important office, and non-
DFG members were located away from head offices.

2.3 Questionnaire design and field interview

A questionnaire was designed for this study, consisting of five parts: Household characteristics [gender, age, educational
level, farm location, type of farms, landholding, access to information, extension, credit, knowledge and institutional
support received], feeding practices, Dairy husbandry practices, Breeding & AI practices and animal health care practices.
Age was categorized into young age [18–35 years], middle age [36–55 years] and old age [56–86 years]. The questionnaire
was pre-tested with 10 farmers, prior to the actual survey. Where needed, the changes were included and the questionnaire
was revised. The survey was administered through face-to-face interview in local and national languages. The same
questionnaire was used for both DFG and non-DFG members. Data was collected from December 2018 to February 2019.
A modified knowledge test [Sah 2005] was used to measure the knowledge and to categorize the knowledge/adoption
level. Respondents were presented with dichotomous statements under each broad category of technology adoption and
open-ended questionnaires. Responses were given scores [1 for Yes and 0 for No]. Knowledge index was calculated with
the formula presented below. Index below 40 percent was considered low, 40 to 70 percent as medium and above 70
percent as high.

Score obtained by respondents

Knowledge Index = ----------------------------------------- × 100
Maximum obtainable score

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Bhutan Journal of Animal Science 2019, 3 [1]: 14-21
2.4 Data analysis
Data were coded, entered and arranged in Microsoft Excel program. The data were analyzed with a statistical software
SPSS version 21. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, descriptive statistics, crosstabs, Chi squire Pearson’s correlation
coefficient were used. Differences were considered significant when p values were less than 0.05.


3.1 Respondents’ profile
Fifty-seven percent of DFG members were literate, ranging from primary to above secondary level education [Table 1].
More educated respondents interviewed were from Tsirang, followed by Sarpang and Haa districts. The mean age of
respondents was 48.04 years. About 54 percent of DFG members were female. Maximum female respondents were from
Haa with 59 percent, followed by Tsirang and Sarpang with 21 and 19 percent, respectively.
The biggest proportion of respondents in this study was in middle age, followed by old age and young age group
[Figure 2]. This is in contrast to the findings of Mane et al. [2016] where young age group was found biggest, working in
dairy farming. Middle and old age groups continued their dairy farming practice. Similar to the suggestion of He et al.
[2007], the government interventions are needed to attract educated Bhutanese to dairy farming at large scale by making
improved technologies more accessible and user friendly.

60 50
DFG Male
Non DFG 45
Respondent number

Number of respondents


30 25



0 0
Young age Middle age Old age Young age Middle age Old age

Figure 2: Age of the respondent between DFG and non DFG and between Male and female.

More than 80 percent of DFG respondents interviewed received training on dairy management and feeding, compared to
18 percent by non-DFG respondents [Table 1]. More than 58 percent of DFG members had one to three acres of land,
which included both agricultural and pasture lands. Table 1 shows that more than 66 percent of DFGs respondents
practiced tethering and feeding crop residues and concentrates, followed by stall feeding. In contrast, 33 percent of non-
DFG respondents practiced tethering and feeding crop residues and concentrates, followed by free grazing and migration.
About 37 percent of information on improved dairy technology was received from livestock staffs, followed by family
and friends with 30 percent and radio and television 24 percent. Discussion of information at different level will have
positive impact on knowledge of dairy farmers to improve dairy farming activities as suggested by Sharma et al. [2007].

3.2 Farmer’s knowledge on modern dairy farming technology

3.2.1 Adoption of feeding practices
Table 2 shows the results of adoption of feeding practices by DFG and non-DFG. Proper feeding is one of the pre requisites
for successful dairy farming and helps in enhancing milk production. Dairy farms should have high yielding animals and
provisions for feeding concentrates and energy rich feeds. Both DFG and non-DFG members had high level of adoption
of good feeding practices, such as feeding of colostrum to calves within 8 hours of calving, feeding concentrated feed to
milking cows, and providing clean drinking water. A vast majority of DFG members had significantly greater established
pastures. However, the proportions of respondents having fodder trees in their field were about 59% and 63% for DFG
and non-DFG, respectively. The proportion of respondents, who adopted technology of feeding concentrates, was
significantly higher in DFG.
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Bhutan Journal of Animal Science 2019, 3 [1]: 14-21
Fifty-seven percent of DFG respondents interviewed were educated, adopted the feeding technology and feasible and
viable practices [Figure 3]. Other reasons for higher level of technology adoption could be due to all dairy group members
residing in the periphery of the districts and sub district headquarters where technical supports from livestock staffs and
other stakeholders are regular and timely. This is in agreement with the findings of Quddus [2012] where DFG members
have greater proportion of literate members and plays important role in making themselves aware of the technologies and
government supports. The reason for low adoption of technologies by non-DFG respondents could be due to less number
of educated members, limited awareness, lack of commercial feeds, lack of training, less support in input supply, poor
road network and less support from government, which is similar to the findings of Mekonnen et al. [2009].

Table 1: Socio-economic characteristics of DFG and non DFG respondents.

Dairy Farmers Group Non-dairy Farmer Group
Haa Sarpang Tsirang Haa Sarpang Tsirang
Illiterate 26 11 8 18 14 13
Literate 9 20 23 5 9 11
Male 4 21 20 4 16 12
Female 31 10 11 19 7 12
Training 32 26 29 10 7 4
No training 3 5 2 12 15 20
Land [less than 1 acre] 2 2 9 10 2 6
Land [1-3 acre] 23 16 8 10 6 13
Land [3-5 acre] 8 10 9 3 8 3
Land [more than 5 acres] 2 3 5 0 7 1
Free Grazing 0 1 0 0 13 8
Migratory 0 1 0 0 2 4
Tethering and Feeding 35 24 22 23 8 10
Fully Stalled fed 0 5 9 0 0 2
Age [18-35] 6 5 6 6 4 6
Age [36-55] 15 20 14 9 14 15
Age [56-87] 14 6 11 8 5 3

3.3 Dairy husbandry practices

3.3.1 Milking practices and clean milk production
Table 3 presents the results of comparisons between DFG and non-DFG on milking practices and clean milk production.
The overall technology adoption on dairy farming practices, particularly in milking practice and clean milk production,
was high in DFG respondents with 84.48 percent, compared to medium in non-DFG with 67.67 percent [Table 3]. The
adoption of clean milk production practices like cleaning of hands and udder before milking was 100 percent in both
groups. Similar
result on clean milk Table 2: Adoption level on feeding practices of DFG and non DFG respondents.
production was DFG [n =97] Non DFG [n= 70] p
reported (Aulakh &
Singh, 2012). Parameters Frequency % Frequency % value
The practice of Feed Colostrum to calves within 8 hours 96 98.97 69 98.57 NS
milk let down with Feed crop residue/concentrates to milking 97 100.00 65 92.86 NS
the help of calves is cows
still high in both Provide clean drinking water 97 100.00 68 97.14 NS
groups. The Do you have established pasture 88 90.72 49 70.00 0.001
practice of weaning Have fodder trees in your field 57 58.76 44 62.86 NS
calves after four Feed calves with concentrates 77 79.38 30 42.86 0.000
months should be Feed Heifer with concentrates 76 78.35 29 41.43 0.000
encouraged for high Feed Pregnant cows with concentrates 79 81.44 30 42.86 0.000
yielding animals for
good and hygienic milking practices. Guidelines on this should be developed and awareness made to the dairy farmers by
extension staffs.

3.3.2 Improved cattle shed

Table 4 presents the results of adoption of improved cattle shed by DFG and non-DFG respondents. Over 82 percent of
DFG respondents had adopted improved cattle shed. The improved shed had facilities like enough sunlight, water tap near
the cowshed, enough ventilation and floor made of concrete materials. In contrast, over 44 percent of non-DFG
respondents had medium level improved cattle sheds. Generally, there was a significant difference in the adoption of
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Bhutan Journal of Animal Science 2019, 3 [1]: 14-21
improved cattle shed technology between DFG and non DFG [Table 4]. The better housing provided by DFG members
was because of government supports. DFG members were supported with basic construction materials. The reason for low
adoption by non-DFG members could be due to remote location, poor road network and small land holding.

50 Dairy Farmer Group 30 Illiterate

45 Non Dairy Farmer Group Literate

Number of respondents


35 20

Number of farmers

20 10


less than 1 1 - 3 acre 3 - 5 acre more than
acre 5 acre Haa Sarpang Tsirang

Figure 3: Education level and land holding of the respondent between DFG and non DFG members.

Table 3: Comparison of DFG members and non DFG respondents on dairy husbandry practices.
DFG [n =97] Non DFG [n= 70] p
Parameter Frequency % Frequency % Value
Wash hand before milking 96 96.77 70 100.00 0.581
Wash udder before milking 97 100.00 70 100.00 ns
Wash dairy shed regularly 66 96.77 22 31.43 0.000
Clean milking animals regularly 25 28.90 10 14.08 0.018
Let the calf take milk for milk let own 97 100.00 65 92.86 0.012
Overall technology adoption 387 84.48 237 67.67

Table 4: Adoption level on cattle shed of DFG and non DFG respondents.
DFG [n =97] Non DFG [n= 70] p
Parameter Frequency % Frequency % Value
Cattle shed receive enough sunlight 86 88.65 43 61.42 0.000
Have improved cattle shed 80 82.47 27 38.57 0.000
Water tap near the shed 82 84.53 29 41.42 0.000
Cattle shed have enough ventilation 83 85.56 37 52.85 0.000
Cattle shed have concrete floor 68 70.10 19 27.14 0.000
Overall technology adoption 399 82.25 155 44.28

3.4 Animal breeding practices

The breeding practices of DFG and non-DFG are presented in Table 5. The overall adoption of animal breeding practices,
including Artificial Insemination by DFG, was medium with 56.21 percent compared to non-DFG with 39.15 percent.
Almost 100 percent of DFG respondents reared improved dairy cow compared to 87 percent by non-DFG.

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Bhutan Journal of Animal Science 2019, 3 [1]: 14-21
3.4.1 Breeding methods
About 77 percent of DFG respondents reported the availability and adoption of AI technology, compared to 44 percent of
non-DFG members [Table 5]. Poor adoption of AI technology by non-DFG could be due to distant location of AI centres,
ignorance of farmers on estrus signs and not knowing the right time to take animals for insemination. There was a
significance difference in the use of government AI facility between DFG and non-DFG respondents. Similar findings
have been Table 5: Comparison of DFG members and non DFG respondents on breeding practices.
reported by
Parameters DFG [n =97] Non DFG [n= 70] p
Letha [2013].
About 35 Frequency % Frequency % Value
percent of DFG Have government breeding bull in village 34 35.05 21 30.00 NS
respondents Have community breeding Bull 53 54.64 20 28.57 0.001
used Have household local breeding bull 5 5.15 18 25.71 0.000
government Practice mating after 12 to 18 months of age 29 33.33 8 11.43 0.000
supplied Have AI Service facility from Government 75 77.32 33 47.14 0.000
breeding bull Practice AI in animals in correct heat time 71 73.20 31 44.29 0.001
and 55 percent Present cow to breeding bull in correct time 55 56.70 32 45.71 NS
used Service cow within 60 to 90 days calving 38 39.18 9 12.86 0.004
community bull Know estrus cycle of 19 to 22 days c 27.84 10 14.29 0.012
when the AI Maintain 60 to 75% cross breed animals 78 80.41 36 51.43 0.000
services are Maintain replacement stock 89 91.75 50 71.42 NS
inaccessible or Rearing of improved breed 97 100.00 61 87.00 NS
when AI Overall technology adoption 651 56.21 329 39.15
service fails.
On the other hand, non-DFG respondents used 30 percent government supplied breeding bull, 28 percent community
breeding bull and 25 percent local bull.

3.4.2 Reproduction parameters

Table 5 presents the level of adoption of reproduction parameters. Mating heifers at 18 months of age and below for DFG
and non DFG respondent were 33 percent and 11 percent, respectively, indicating poor reproduction technology adoption.
The result highlights that both DFG and non-DFG respondents have low level of knowledge on the estrus cycle of dairy
cows within 19 to 22 days with 27.84 percent and 14.29 percent, respectively. About 39 percent of DFG respondents
adopted the technology of serving cow within 60 to 90 days after calving, compared to 13 percent by non-DFG
respondents. This finding is in agreement with that of Kumer et al. [2016] who observed reproduction and breeding
performance as medium to low level in DFG and non DFG respondents.
Proper and better breeding practices help to develop good dairy population. The main reasons behind heifer not
coming to heat even after 18 months of age could be due to poor management, feeding and breeding practices. Majority
of farmers may not have adequate knowledge on management and proper feeding of animals with balanced ration to heifers
and milking cows. This problem could be further aggravated by high price of concentrates feeds, which many farmers
cannot afford to buy. Similar finding on under feeding due to high price was reported by Kumar et al. [2011]. The
respondents’ lack of knowledge on the estrus cycle could be due to low level of awareness and training and not many
young and educated farmers are taking up this business who could adopt new technology (Quddus, 2012).

3.5 Animal Health Practices

3.5.1 Disease preventives measures
The overall adoption of animal health practices by DFG was over 77 percent, compared to non-DFG with 69.87 percent
[Table 6]. Proportions of members who vaccinated against major livestock diseases were 98 percent and 100 percent for
DFG and non-DFG, respectively. However, Both DFGs and non DFG had low level of knowledge on zoonotic diseases.
DFG respondents had a high level of knowledge with 75.26 percent on disease control and eradication program, compared
to non-DFG members with 57 percent [Table 6].
The level of deworming practices was medium with 49 percent for DFG and low with 31 percent for non-DFG. The
medium level of adoption on deworming practices to animals could be due to rise in backyard and semi-commercial farms.
Government developed a policy of deworming only those animals found positive with minimum threshold of parasitic
loan on laboratory examination for rationale use of deworming drugs.

3.5.2 Disease curatives practices

Disease outbreak incidence was slightly higher for non DFG with 77.14 percent, compared to 73.20 percent for DFG
[Table 6]. Prompt reporting during disease outbreak in DFG was 100 percent, compared to 93 percent for non DFG. Over
90 percent of DFG and non-DFG members isolated the sick animals from normal animals during disease outbreaks.
Similarly, over 85 percent of DFG respondents took extra care and availed extension services during disease outbreak

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Bhutan Journal of Animal Science 2019, 3 [1]: 14-21
while only 68 percent of non-DFG respondents availed extension services during disease outbreak. Both Dairy groups had
a high level of awareness on availing disease surveillance for early warning and for prompt disease control.

3.6 Factors affecting Table 6: Comparison of DFG members and non DFG respondents on health care practices.
technology adoption by
Parameters DFG [n =97] Non DFG [n= 70] p
DFG and Non-DFG
farmers Frequency % Frequency % Value
Findings from the study Vaccinate cow against notifiable disease 96 98.97 70 100.0 NS
indicated that, over 95 Know zoonotic disease 36 37.11 12 17.14 0.006
percent of DFG and Encountered incidence of disease outbreak 71 73.20 54 77.14 NS
non-DFG members had Prompt reporting of disease outbreaks 97 100.00 65 92.86 0.074
problem with the Isolation of sick animals 95 97.94 66 94.29 NS
availability of pasture to Disease control and eradication program 73 75.26 40 57.14 NS
feed their animals Avail animal health extension services 87 89.69 55 78.57 NS
[Table 7]. The main Practice deworming of animals 48 49.48 22 31.43 NS
problem with pasture is Give extra care when sick 82 85.42 48 68.57 NS
lack of irrigation, less Avail service for Disease surveillance 91 83.49 66 0.029
land and very cold 94.29
weather in some selected study areas. Other important hindering factors for technology adoption were unavailability of
people/labour working in the farms, lack of training and awareness. Old and illiterate people work in the field, which could
have contributed to low technology adoption. Majority of dairy farmers still live in remote villages and the improved dairy
technology adoption has not taken place due to poor network facility. There was a significance difference in the dairy
technology adoption between DFG and non DFG members [p<0.05], which suggests that more attention should be given
to farmers of non-DFG members.

4. CONCLUSIONS Table 7: Comparison of DFG and non DFG respondents on

overall technology adoption.
The study concluded that, in general, overall technology
adoption rate is higher in DFG than non-DFG. DFG
[n=97] % [n=70] %
respondents have high level adoption in practices of
feeding, dairy husbandry and health care. Breeding Pasture
practice adoption DFG are medium and non-DFG is low. unavailability 92 94.85 69 98.57
Irrigation 57 58.76 37 52.86
Adoption of improved dairy technologies is influenced by
many factors. Among others, level of education, Land 36 37.11 29 41.43
awareness on available technologies and willingness of Labor 39 40.21 41 58.57
farmers to adopt technologies are major ones. Cold weather 17 17.53 18 25.71
There is a good scope for strengthening the adoption AI and Breeding 28 28.87 16 22.86
of technologies in DFG and non-DFG. Extension services Non educated
should be strengthened and training of farmers on farmers 45 46 45 64
improved technology and technical support should Training attended 87 90 21 21
continue. There is a large gap in technology adoption on breeding practices, which should be filled by improving the
knowledge of both groups. Government should intervene with subsidy and other financial incentives to attract youths and
educated lots to replace the old people looking after dairy farming in remote villages.

The authors are highly grateful to the Dzongkhag Livestock Officers of Haa, Sarpang and Tsirang Dzongkhags for their
assistance rendered during the data collection. The authors would also like to thank all Geog staff and farmers for sparing
their time to accompany the study team and providing useful information.

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