Adoption of Azolla Cultivation Technology in The Farmers' Field: An Analysis
Adoption of Azolla Cultivation Technology in The Farmers' Field: An Analysis
Adoption of Azolla Cultivation Technology in The Farmers' Field: An Analysis
Shrinking grazing lands and expanding cities in India lead the dairy farmers to depend more
and more on commercial cattle feed resulting in increased costs of milk production. Based on
the above fact, a need analysis was conducted among dairy farmers of Tirunelveli District of
Tamil Nau and found that, shortage of green fodders and high cost of concentrate feed were
considered as significant factors which affecting milk production level. Hence, the Azolla
cultivation technology is considered as an intervention to meet their dairy farmers’ needs.
Azolla, an aquatic floating fern, holds promise as a nutritive supplemental feed. It is rich in
crude protein (over 20 %), essential amino acids like lysine (about 1 %) and minerals but
very low in carbohydrate and fat content. It is widely used as a bio-fertilizer in many rice-
growing regions of the world. Azolla is responsible for nitrogen fixation. Under ideal
conditions it grows exponentially, doubling its biomass in early three days. There are at least
eight species of Azolla worldwide; Azolla caroliniana, Azolla circinata, Azolla japonica,
Azolla mexicana, Azolla microphylla, Azolla nilotica, Azolla pinnata and Azolla rubra. The
common spices of Azolla in India are Azolla pinnata. It produces more than 4 to 5 times of
Received Aug 17, 2016 * Published Oct 2, 2016 *
3082 S. Senthilkumar and C. Manivannan
protein of excellent quality in comparison to Lucerne and hybrid Napier. Beside this, the bio-
mass production is almost 4 to 10 times when compared with hybrid Napier and Lucerne,
Generally, Azolla requires 25 to 50 per cent of full sunlight for its normal growth. Water is
the basic requirement for the growth and multiplication of Azolla. Maintenance of adequate
water level (at least 10 cm depth) is essential. In general, the optimum temperature is 20oC to
30o C. Temperatures above 37o C will seriously affect the multiplication of Azolla. The
optimum relative humidity is 85 to 90 per cent. The optimum pH is 5.5 to 7. Too acidic or
alkaline pH has an adverse effect on this fern. About 20 ppm of phosphorus in the water is
optimum. Micronutrient application improves the multiplication and growth (VK-NARDEP,
The prevailing micro-environment of Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu is conducive for
cultivation of Azolla and hence the project on “Popularisation of Azolla as low cost
supplemental cattle feed among the dairy farmers of Tirunelveli District” was implemented at
the Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education, Veterinary
College and Research Institute, Tirunelveli with an objective to study the adoption of Azolla
cultivation in the farmers’ field.
Social scientists investigating farmers’ adoption behaviour has accumulated considerable
evidence showing that demographic variables, technology characteristics, information
sources, knowledge, awareness, attitude and group influence affect adoption behaviour
(Oladele, 2005). Therefore, all agricultural development schemes and intervention
programmes in the study area should focus more on factors affecting adoption behaviour of
farmers in order to encourage adoption and sustain the use of agricultural innovations (Tsado,
2008). So, it may be realized that the improvement of adoption process regarding a particular
fruitful technology may empower the rural people through improving their livelihood and
socio-economic situation.
Material and Methods
Tirunelveli district was purposefully selected as a study area since; Veterinary College and
Research Institute, Tirunelveli is imparting various extension activities for the benefit of
farmers to uplift their socio-economic status in social strata. Fifteen respondents were
selected randomly among the members of NABARD Farmers Clubs in 15 villages of
Tirunelveli District. For a demo plot, the number of beneficiaries was 25 farmers from one
village and constitutes a sample of 375 (15 x 25) respondents. Demonstration of Azolla
Adoption of Azolla Cultivation Technology in ..... 3083
training programme on Azolla cultivation conducted in the study area and rest of them
adopted due to increase in milk yield of 0.40 litre of milk per day from a cow.
ii. Reason for non-adoption of Azolla cultivation
Table 4 explained that, A total of 53 beneficiaries of the project had not cultivated Azolla
even after participating in the demo cum training programme on Azolla cultivation and are
classified as non-adopter of Azolla cultivation. Out of them 68 per cent of the respondents did
not adopt due to maintenance problem of Azolla plot followed by 24 respondents afraid to
feed Azolla to cattle and 13 respondents did not adopt as the prevailing environments are not
conducive to grow Azolla.
A study on adoption of Azolla cultivation was conducted in Tirunelveli District of Tamil
Nadu where the Azolla was introduced as low cost technological intervention for dairy cattle
ration under NABARD sponsored project implemented at the Department of Veterinary and
Animal Husbandry, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Tirunelveli during 2015-16.
Forty per cent of the project respondents were included for the study and concludes that, 65
per cent of them adopted cultivation of Azolla and 35 per cent not adopted the new
technology for various reasons. It also reported the reason for adoption and non-adoption of
Azolla Cultivation Technology.
The authors are thankful to National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
(NABARD) for financial assistance for the study. The facilities provided by the Vice-
Chancellor, TANUVAS, the Director of Research, TANUVAS and the Dean, Veterinary
College and Research Institute, Tirunelveli are sincerely acknowledged.
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