Feature Dementia Delirium Depression: Onset and Duration

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How do you differentiate among depression, dementia, and delirium?

Feature Dementia Delirium Dep

Onset and Slow and insidious Sudden onset – over hours or Rec
duration onset; deterioration is days; duration – hours to less per
progressive over time. than one month, but can be –m
longer. – ca

Course Symptoms are Short and fluctuating; often Typ

progressive over a long worse at night and on waking. Usu
period of time; not Usually reversible with treatment
reversible. of the underlying condition.

Psychomotor Wandering/exit seeking Hyperactive delirium: agitation, Usu

activity restlessness, hallucinations
Agitated Apa
Hypoactive delirium: sleepy,
Withdrawn (may be slow-moving May
related to coexisting
depression) Mixed: alternating features of the

Alertness Generally normal Fluctuates, may be hyper- Nor

vigilant through to very lethargic.

Attention Generally normal Impaired or fluctuates, difficulty May

following conversation.

Mood Depression may be Fluctuating emotions – for Dep

present in early example: anger, tearful
dementia outbursts, fear Lac

Feature Dementia Delirium Dep

Thinking Difficulty with word- Disorganised, distorted, Inta

finding and abstraction fragmented and

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