JT New Behavior Generator

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NLP ‘New Behavior Generator’

Creating New, Positive Habits that LAST

1. Establish the ‘Challenging Situation’ Location: Pick a particular space on the floor around you, a
space that is nearby but separate from where you are now. Over there in that space, you can place your
recollection of a challenging situation, one where you felt less than resourceful – perhaps confused,
ineffectual, frustrated, unresponsive, out of control, shocked, frozen, hostile, fearful, angry, etc.
[When first learning this process, it is good to pick only a mildly challenging situation, not one that is intense or
complex. Later, with just a few ‘practice’ sessions – once your body/mind system can walk through the steps
gracefully and easily – then even more challenging incidents can be transformed.]

You may imagine that you are watching a play or reviewing a video of that past event, noticing the ‘You
Over There’ playing the role of your past self. Now that you have selected the space on the floor, remain
comfortably where you are as you simply observe the challenging situation over there in that space. As
you watch this play or movie of the ‘You Over There’, you can be comfortably aware of the presence of
any others, what they may be saying or doing as well as noticing the actions or reactions of the ‘You
Over There’. You can simply observe, perhaps noting how the other[s] may be responding and noticing
all that you can from beginning to end, staying comfortable and resourceful space as the Observer.

When you are ready, leave Observer behind as you physically move into that space of the challenging
situation. Allow your awareness to be there completely for just a second or two - seeing, hearing and
feeling what's around you, from inside of this past experience. Simply step in and quickly step out.

2. Break State / Move Away: Now take a deep breath, and physically move out and away from that
space and the situation – as if you were stepping out of that ‘You Over There’. [For some people when it
is time for them to step back, they feel themselves not only physically moving out of the space, but
taking off the costume as if peeling away and leaving behind the role that was played over there.]

Shift your posture, look away, turn your back, change your breathing, break into song, do a little jig,
making whatever physical movements or changes you need to completely leave the situation over there,
as you become Observer again. As Observer, you can express a different, and now positive state – a
resource state. Perhaps you can giggle over something silly, or move your attention to a powerfully
positive memory or feel a state of calmness or clarity. Use whatever works to craft your own unique and
resourceful antidote that takes you completely out of the challenging situation.

When you have fully shifted your state and attention from challenging to resourceful, then move your
gaze, looking back over there. You can once again notice that you are Observer, now in your resourceful
location, and the challenging situation is over there – as if you are once again watching that stage play
or movie of the actor playing the role of that ‘You Over There’.

3. Discover / Install Resources: Now you can begin to observe the challenging situation over there,
and evaluate this whole scenario in a new way. Ask yourself “What do I need to know or be to create a
different and desired result? Or “How could I be more effective?” Choose a more resourceful behavior,
set of behaviors, emotional state, or way of thinking … or choose any combination of resources needed
to get a different result. **

From the Observer position, you can take on the role of Writer or Director and give that ‘You Over There’
all the resources needed to be successful. Literally re-write the script of your physical well-being,
emotional state, what you were thinking, your motivation, your actions, how you move, and what you
might say. Observe the ‘You Over There’ playing this new role with all these resources fully available.
Become aware of all that you can notice from the beginning to the very end of that formerly challenging
situation. How is it different with new resource[s]?

Adapted for JoyTech 1 8/17/2010

4. Experience Your New Version with Resources: When you are ready – having selected the
resources needed – move your body, stepping back into the space on the floor of that situation. This
time you are carrying with you even more of the new resources, now easily accessible to you.
Experience this new, resourceful version from the inside out – hearing, seeing, and feeling – noticing
yourself from inside the event as you behave in this new way with ALL of your resources fully available.
5. Re-evaluate: Again, step back out to a neutral or observer position. Evaluate your new response. If it
is not quite complete or fully satisfactory, then re-cycle to step 2, choosing a different resource, or
perhaps building a blend of resources appropriate for the ‘You Over There’. Keep revising the script,
continuing to develop your character and add resources until it is just right. Repeat until all the
resources are there for you.
6. Future Pace: Imagine a challenging situation, similar to this one, which you may experience sometime
in the near future. As you contemplate that future event, notice how it can occur with all these newly
installed resources totally present, just as enjoyed during the positive shifts in Steps 3 – 5. You may
notice how different such a situation could be. Allowing your imagination to fully explore this desired
future can give you even more insight into how good it can be and how well this could work. By moving
through these six simple steps, you are rehearsing for a brighter future. Repeat as necessary to
thoroughly rehearse for the exact future that you want.

** Notes on Installing Resources: The way in which each person identifies and then transfers
resources in this NLP process can vary widely. Basically, do whatever works for you. Feel free to
experiment. Some associate a certain color with a resource such as patience or calm. So they can imagine
adding that color into the event. Others resonate more with sounds, so they may add a statement they say
out loud, or a sound from nature, or a song, or even an entire symphonic chorus … whatever sound calls
forth the desired resource. Others want company to step them through the New Behavior Generator
process in the forms of trusted guides or mentors.
Mentors can be real people, fictional characters, places in nature, celestial bodies such as the moon or
stars, natural forces like the wind or the rain – again, whatever mentor represents or symbolizes that
specific, powerful resource state to you. There are no limits to the forms or effectiveness of your mentors.
A mentor can be anyone, any place or anything that holds the energy of a given resource, like a gentle rain
kissing your face, which naturally brings up feelings of refreshment or delight. You may remember the
clean smell, the coolness, the feel of tiny droplets on your face, the sound of rain dripping, how you tilt
your head up, or how you spontaneously smile … lighten up … shift your posture … breathe deeper so that
your entire being shifts into a full sensation of delight. Simply remembering – in as full a way as possible
with all the powerfully positive sights, sounds, smells, physical sensations, emotions and/or tastes – is how
you can successfully apply the rain as your mentor.
Some choose a person they know, or know of, who seems to embody a resource like confidence or
clear speaking. When choosing that type of mentor, be sure to invite ONLY the highest and best
representation of that person being fully resourceful in the precise way that will work for that challenging
situation. You can watch the highest and best version of such a mentor step in and act through the whole
scene, doing what they do so well, drawing on their natural resources. You can notice how your mentor
stands, breathes, walks, talks, the level of relaxation, what sort of voice tone, how they behave, what they
say, etc. Once you have reviewed your mentor handling the situation so easily and well, then you can
imagine either stepping into that person, or simply taking on all those specific behaviors. Wrapping yourself
up in all those resources from your mentor, you can step in and carry them into the situation for Step 4,
Experiencing the New Version of Resource-Filled Reality for yourself.

Join us each third Wednesday at our Explore NLP San Antonio meetup. Details can be found
at http://www.meetup.com/nlpsanantonio/. For JoyTech services, to set up an individual NLP,
VISIBLE WOMAN empowerment, or Spiritual Mastery session, or to schedule a Ceremony Design
consultation, by phone or in person, please contact us at joytechconnect@yahoo.com, or visit
us at www.joytechconnect.com. Mahalo.

Adapted for JoyTech 2 8/17/2010

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