February 18, 2011: Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates

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Debbie Barker-Principal

19910 Stonelodge, Katy, TX 77450

Phone: 281.237.5450
Fax: 281.644.1575
KISD Website: www.katyisd.org
PE PTA Website: pattison.txpta.org

February 18, 2011

Upcoming Dates Get Ready, Get Set, Go Green!

Spring Fundraiser Now Underway
Friday Pattison Elementary PTA fundraiser, the Spring "Green Fling" kicked off
February 18 last week! Materials were sent home with your child last Friday.
KISD Bad Weather
Make Up Day This year we are combining The Brookwood Community plant sale &
Mixed Bag Designs into one incredibly "Green" Fundraiser. The Fundraiser
5th Grading Period Begins dates are Tuesday, February 15 - Tuesday, March 1. Please check your
child's backpack for your ticket to the "Green Fling!" Parents, this is one
fundraiser you can really sink your "green thumbs" into!

Thank you for your continued support,

Holly Winchester
(aka Gardenia Greenleaf)

February 21
President’s Day Pattison PTA LOVES our Valentine Volunteers!
Student Holiday

The PTA wishes to thank all the homeroom par-

ents and other volunteers who helped share the
Friday love on Valentine’s day at the K-4th Grade class
February 25 parties and 5th Grade Sock Hop. The kids loved
Report Cards Go Home seeing you at school, and we so did we!

A special thanks goes to Tom & Keri

Sherman and their cookie bakery,
Schmookie, for donating 1,000 fabu-
lous sugar cookies that the kids deco-
PATTISON POST EDITOR rated and gobbled up at their class
Shelley Eastland parties! We appreciate you and your
eastland@hal-pc.org generosity!
Article Deadline:
Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Spring Auction Donations Needed Donuts with Dads Rescheduled
Will your business donate tickets to a sport- Friday, March 4, 2011
ing event or a gift card to a local restaurant? 7:15 – 7:45 a.m.
Does your family have a vacation home that
can be used to donate a
week of fun and relaxation? Do you have a Please join your child/children for
special talent or hobby that will make a Donuts, milk, juice, & coffee
unique auction item? We appreciate any
item you or your business can offer! We Any questions please
are excited about the fun opportunity this contact
event provides our school! Donors will receive recogni- Elizabeth Bucher
tion in the Pattison Post and Donor Recognition Page on 281-829-5395 or
the Pattison PTA website, a sponsor banner to be hung at lizbucher93@comcast.net
the entrance of the carnival, community newsletters, and
in the auction brochure. Pattison values our community,
our partnerships, and we always appreciate your support!
If you have any questions, contact Kim Gattis, Auction
Has your phone number
Chairman, at gattis0303@gmail.com or 832-276-3446. changed recently?
Please make sure the school has all
the contact numbers needed to reach
you in case of an emergency: home, work,
Kodak Moments?? cell. Send a note with your child whenever a
Please submit your photos from the Valentine's
number changes. Thanks!
Party, Sock Hop, and any Field Trips for Year-
book to Melanie Schneider:
Seinalem@aol.com or Michelle DATE CHANGE
Mobley: MichelleGMobley@gmail.com
Don’t forget:
Thank You! The Pattison Elementary Fun
Run has been rescheduled
for Thursday, February 24.

4th Grade
Science Enrichment PTA Chili Cook-off Sizzled
Thanks to all the 4th grade parents who came and A huge thank you goes to all
helped with 4th grades Measurements labs on Friday, of the participants of the re-
February 11. The kids really enjoyed having the par- cent Chili Cook-off. It was a
ents there. A special thank you to Carrie Eick, 5th huge success and a great time
grade parent, for helping out with all the labs and was had by all, taste-testing
getting everything set up and prepared. We also and voting for their favorites. The top three win-
want to thank Michelle and Casey
ners were:
Mobley, 1st grade parents and Anne
Mullaly, for helping us out at multiple 1st Place - Lesley Schultze
sessions. We could not do these labs 2nd Place - Shannon Rodrigues
without all the parent volun- 3rd Place - Meghan Patlovany
teers. Thanks so much for enriching
our children’s lives. Way to go Ladies!

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