February 18, 2011: Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates
February 18, 2011: Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates
February 18, 2011: Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates Upcoming Dates
February 21
President’s Day Pattison PTA LOVES our Valentine Volunteers!
Student Holiday
4th Grade
Science Enrichment PTA Chili Cook-off Sizzled
Thanks to all the 4th grade parents who came and A huge thank you goes to all
helped with 4th grades Measurements labs on Friday, of the participants of the re-
February 11. The kids really enjoyed having the par- cent Chili Cook-off. It was a
ents there. A special thank you to Carrie Eick, 5th huge success and a great time
grade parent, for helping out with all the labs and was had by all, taste-testing
getting everything set up and prepared. We also and voting for their favorites. The top three win-
want to thank Michelle and Casey
ners were:
Mobley, 1st grade parents and Anne
Mullaly, for helping us out at multiple 1st Place - Lesley Schultze
sessions. We could not do these labs 2nd Place - Shannon Rodrigues
without all the parent volun- 3rd Place - Meghan Patlovany
teers. Thanks so much for enriching
our children’s lives. Way to go Ladies!