Smore Newsletter
Smore Newsletter
Smore Newsletter
What an exciting and busy kick off to our school year at Lake Center Elementary! Thank you to
everyone that joined us at our School Open House and Scholastic Book Fair and to all of our
wonderful parents volunteering to help out with Kindergarten & 1st Grade lunches, mileage
club and school pictures! Any time, talent or support you can give to LCE and the PTO is so
greatly appreciated!
An overwhelming thank you to all of our students, staff & families that joined us at our Turtle
Trot running the track, volunteering and cheering our kids on! We were especially blessed this
year to have incredible support from our LCE families and local businesses that helped us to
sponsor the purchase of t-shirts and cover some event expenses to make sure almost all of
the money raised goes directly to our school! So incredible to see all of our LCE family
wearing their shirts while circling the track to support our incredible LCE community! We are
so blessed!
We are looking forward to a great year and getting to know and having fun with all of our Lake
Center families! As always, please feel free to share your comments, questions and concerns
with your PTO at
Christy Szekely
PTO President
What an awesome day for Turtle Trot! The weather was fantastic, the event ran as smooth as
could be, and most importantly we had great fans cheering our students on! Congratulations
to all our runners, we are so proud of your dedication to your school and your health!
A HUGE thank you to all of the volunteers who worked both behind the scenes and at the
event to make Turtle Trot run smoothly for the kids. It takes a village and ours is awesome!
We want to say thank you to all of our sponsors for their support of Lake Center Elementary.
Please be sure to thank and support these businesses!
Envelopes Due back October 4th
Keep collecting your donations!
For every $5.00 students raise, they receive an entry into a prize drawing for a chance to win
great prizes including that Chromebook!
Online giving is an option again this year! Visit, donate and share the following link for a more
convenient option:
*10% of all online donations go towards site fees and set up charges.
Executive Board:
Christy Szekely - President
Sarah Kropp - Vice President
Heather Kay - Secretary
Erin Kissinger - Treasurer
Principal: Kelly Jensenius
Teacher Representatives: Marci Mungovan & Lisa Trott
Board Members: Sarah Blum, Lesley Cahill, Melanie Carlisle,
Tara Chumita, Sasha DeKam, Toyin Daranijoh, Jill Fraze,
Kayleen Grand, Jade Johnson, Autumn Knapp, Maggie Piotter,
Nicole Reedy, Colleen Ruggiero, Kristen Weaver