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Journal of Ethnobiology and

Ethnomedicine BioMed Central

Research Open Access

Traditional use of medicinal plants among the tribal communities of
Chhota Bhangal, Western Himalaya
Sanjay Kr Uniyal*, KN Singh, Pankaj Jamwal and Brij Lal

Address: Biodiversity division, Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, P.B. # 6, Palampur 176061, India
Email: Sanjay Kr Uniyal* - suniyal@yahoo.com; KN Singh - kn_04bhadwal@yahoo.co.in; Pankaj Jamwal - jamwalsp28@yahoo.co.in;
Brij Lal - brijihbt@yahoo.co.in
* Corresponding author

Published: 20 March 2006 Received: 09 January 2006

Accepted: 20 March 2006
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine2006, 2:14 doi:10.1186/1746-4269-2-14
This article is available from: http://www.ethnobiomed.com/content/2/1/14
© 2006Uniyal et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The importance of medicinal plants in traditional healthcare practices, providing clues to new areas
of research and in biodiversity conservation is now well recognized. However, information on the
uses for plants for medicine is lacking from many interior areas of Himalaya. Keeping this in view
the present study was initiated in a tribal dominated hinterland of western Himalaya. The study
aimed to look into the diversity of plant resources that are used by local people for curing various
ailments. Questionnaire surveys, participatory observations and field visits were planned to illicit
information on the uses of various plants. It was found that 35 plant species are commonly used by
local people for curing various diseases. In most of the cases (45%) under ground part of the plant
was used. New medicinal uses of Ranunculus hirtellus and Anemone rupicola are reported from this
area. Similarly, preparation of "sik" a traditional recipe served as a nutritious diet to pregnant
women is also not documented elsewhere. Implication of developmental activities and changing
socio-economic conditions on the traditional knowledge are also discussed.

Background treasure as almost 80% of the human population in devel-

Out of the total 4, 22, 000 flowering plants reported from oping countries is dependant on plant resources for
the world [1], more then 50,000 are used for medicinal healthcare [10]. In the interior areas of western Himalaya
purposes [2]. In India, more than 43% of the total flower- plants become the only source of medicine and well
ing plants are reported to be of medicinal importance [3]. being. However, information on the uses of plants as tra-
Utilization of plants for medicinal purposes in India has ditional medicines has not been documented from vari-
been documented long back in ancient literature [4,5]. ous interior areas of western Himalaya such as Chhota
However, organized studies in this direction were initi- Bhangal. Due to its remoteness and lack of modern health
ated in 1956 [6] and off late such studies are gaining rec- facilities dependence on plants for medicine is very high.
ognition and popularity due to loss of traditional Ironically, information on the uses of plants for medicine
knowledge and declining plant population. from this area is completely lacking. At the same time, the
area is undergoing rapid transformations due to its recog-
Right from its beginning, the documentation of tradi- nition as an ideal paragliding site and is therefore becom-
tional knowledge especially on the medicinal uses of ing more market oriented. This can be seen in the changed
plants, has provided many important drugs of modern cropping patterns of the local people. The role of market
day [7-9]. Even today this area holds much more hidden economy in depletion of traditional knowledge has been

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Map of the
1 study area showing localities surveyed
Map of the study area showing localities surveyed.

well documented in many parts of Himalaya [11]. Thus with one or the other species of oak (Quercus spp.) in
many important leads to drug discovery may be lost in dominance. In some areas, dry Himalayan temperate for-
absence of proper documentation. ests dominate the vegetation. They mainly consist of Ced-
rus deodara intermingled with other tree species such as
Keeping this in view, the present study was initiated, with Abies pindrow and Picea smithiana. Rhododendron campanu-
an aim to identify knowledgeable resource persons and latum and Betula utilis form the tree line in the area. The
document their knowledge of on the utilization of medic- dominating under canopy flora includes Berberis lycium,
inal plants in Chhota Bhangal area of western Himalaya. Prinsepia utilis, Viburnum nervosum and a diversity of herbs
and grasses. These forests form the catchment area of the
Land and people Uhl river that flows through the region and forms the life
Chhota Bhangal represents one of the most interior areas support system of the Bhangalis. Bhangalis represent a
of western Himalaya and is located in the hill state of tribal community of the Himalaya that are very God fear-
Himachal Pradesh (HP). More than 3500 flowering plants ing and follow Hinduism. Though they can easily under-
have been reported from HP [12], of which almost 500 stand and speak Hindi (which is the national language of
plants are believed to be of medicinal importance [13]. India), amongst themselves they communicate in pahari
Located between 32° N lat to 32° 7.77' N and 76° 45' E dialect. They are mainly agropastoralists and rear sheep
long to 76° 53.83' Chhota Bhangal is a pristine area with and goats. During summer season (June to September)
good vegetation (fig. 1). The area is rich in forests that they migrate to their temporary settlements at higher
comprises mainly of moist Himalayan temperate forests regions (>3500 m) and during winters they return to their

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13 resource persons, comprising of 10 males and 3

females were identified. These are locally referred to as
5% vaids and perform the duties of medicinal practioner.
Root They had sound knowledge on medicinal plants and were
Leaves therefore highly rated in the society. Structured question-
Aerial parts naires, interviews and participatory observations were
45% Fruits/seeds used to illicit information from the resource persons using
Stem/bark standard methods [14]. Information on local name of
Flower plant, plant part used for curing, method of dosage and
administration were recorded. Trade information on the
plants wherever available was also collected. Later, short
field visits to the forests were organized with the vaids so
as to ascertain the correct identity of plant and also to
obtain first hand information on their distribution. These
plants were collected for identification and herbarium
Figure 2of plant parts used
Statistics of plant parts used. preparation following standard methods [15]. The
voucher specimens are housed in the herbarium (PLP) of
Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (IHBT),
Palampur for future reference.
lower altitude settlements at 1800 m. In addition to live-
stock rearing, agriculture is the main occupation of Results
Bhangalis. Wheat forms the main agricultural crop. How- The study reveals that in absence of modern health facility
ever, under the influence of market, recently the cultiva- people in the area depend on plants for medicinal pur-
tion of potato and French beans has increased in the area poses. Based on the initial reconnaissance survey and
at the cost of indigenous crops. group discussions where emphasis was on identification
of knowledgeable resource persons it was found that,
Bhangalis are a repository of traditional knowledge espe- information on the medicinal uses of plants now seems to
cially on the utilization of plants for medicinal purposes. be confined to elder people (above 40 years of age) only.
This can be easily understood from the following local Younger generation is ignorant about the vast medicinal
sayings which are very popular in the area. "Bana, basuti resources available in their surroundings and is more
te bare jethi houan thethi manu kian more" meaning a inclined towards market resources. All the resource per-
man cannot die of disease in an area where Vitex negundo sons identified were in the age group of 40–55 years and
(bana), Adhatoda vasica (basuti) and Acorus calamus (bare) all of them were familiar with the medicinal plants grow-
are found, provided that he knows how to use them. Sim- ing in their vicinity. It was also found that men knew com-
ilarly another verse that is common in the area is "Harad, paratively more then females. Their could be many
bahera amla bich payi giloye, jithonye char chijan utho reasons for this, females have more household working
admi kyon moye". It means that a person will not succumb pressure in western Himalaya and so they had limited
to disease in an area where Terminalia chebula (harad), T. time and secondly they could have been little hesitant
bellerica (bahera), Emblica officinalis (amla) and Tinospora while talking to us as we were an all male team. In all, the
cordifolia (giloye) plants are available. Recently the area people use 35 different plants for curing various ailments,
has come up on the world tourism map because of its rec- out of which 25 were herbs, 5 trees, 4 shrubs and one
ognition as an ideal paragliding site. In addition to parag- climber. In most of the cases (45%), underground parts
liding thousands of tourists visit the area for its scenic were used for curing ailment followed by leaves and aerial
beauty and high peaks & passes. parts (fig. 2). Stem and flowers were the least used plant
parts. The information on scientific name, local name of
Methodology the plant, plant part used to cure and method of dosage
In order to document the utilization of medicinal plants, has been provided in Table 1. The specimen number of
a total of four field surveys were carried out from Decem- the plant that has been deposited in the herbarium (PLP)
ber 2003 to July 2005 in the area. The surveys were spread of IHBT has also been provided. The plants are arranged
across seasons so as to get maximum information and in alphabetic order.
also to cross check the information provided by the local
informants during the earlier visits. During each field sur- These plants were used for curing a total of 21 diseases
vey at least two weeks were spent with the local people. ranging from simple stomach-ache to highly complicated
After initial reconnaissance survey of the area in Decem- male and female disorders. Even jaundice and kidney
ber 2003 and discussions with the local people, a total of stones were treated by them. Maximum number of plants

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were used for curing female disorders and fever followed cerasiodes are used for curing joint pains. Oil is also
by joint pain, gastric problems and nasal bleeding. (fig. extracted from the fruits of P. cerasiodes. Pinus roxburghii is
3). It was also found that a single plant may be used for used as diuretic.
curing many ailments such as, Artemisia sieversiana that is
used both as an abortifacient and also for joints pains. It was also found that people are hesitant to disclose their
Similarly Parthenocissus semicordata is used against leucor- knowledge. It is this knowledge that provides them recog-
rhoea and piles. Though, majority of the plants are avail- nition in the society and hence they do not want to share
able in the vicinity of village forests, however, for some, it. In most of the cases, it was found that this knowledge
that are found in the alpine regions, people have to cover has been orally transferred from one generation to other
long distances on foot sometimes more than 20 km. Aco- and at each level a bit of it has been lost. The people them-
nitum heterophyllum that occurs above 3500 m in the selves say that, compared to them their forefathers knew
alpine regions of Chhota Bhangal is used for curing stom- much more. It was also found that the local people are
ach ache and fever and is one of the highly traded species. concerned about the degradation of medicinal plants in
Its tuber are sold at a rate of Rs. 1500/kg in the area. wild. Due to recent shift towards herbal medicines the
Another important plant of the alpine region is Picrorhiza pressures on the resources have increased and the market
kurrooa. It is used by Bhangalis for curing joint pains and is fast expanding. It is to be noted that nearly 130 medici-
fever and the dried rhizomes of the plant are sold at a rate nal plants are in heavy demand from Himachal Pradesh
of Rs. 60/kg. Rheum australe also occurs in the alpine zone, [16] and as already mentioned many important plants are
the roots of which are used by Bhangalis for curing joint traded from Chhota Bhangal.
pains and swellings. The plant is traded from the area and
the dried roots fetch a price of Rs 55/kg. Few plant species, Discussion
such as Berberis asiatica, B. lycium, Prinsepia utilis and Rubus Many of the plants that are used by the local people in
niveus are very common in the village surroundings. Ber- Chhota Bhangal find mention in ancient medicinal litera-
beris asiatica is used for curing jaundice while B. lycium is ture and are also used in different medicines systems such
used against eye disorders. The root of both these plants as, the Ayurveda and Unani. Aconitum heterophyllum that is
also yields a yellow dye while the fruits are eaten. Prinsepia used by the Bhangalis for curing stomach ache finds men-
utilis also occurs in the open areas around villages and its tion in Ayurveda for curing stomach ache and fever. It is
roots are used for wound healing and as an antidote to one of the main ingredients of "Ativishadi churna",
poison. The roots of Rubus niveus are used for curing exces- "Chandraprabha vati" and "Amritarishta" ayurvedic med-
sive bleeding during menses. All these four species are icines. In Unani system of medicine it is an important
presently not traded from the area. A very common plant ingredient of "Sufuf habib" which is used for curing piles
that occurs on rocks and boulders in Chhota Bhangal is and also of "Ma'jun jograj guggal" that is used against
Bergenia ciliata. It has very long and stout roots which are arthiritis [17]. Similarly Picrorhiza kurrooa which Bhanga-
used for curing kidney stones. Cirsium wallichii and Rumex lis use for joint pains is used for curing fever, jaundice,
nepalensis are common around the temporary settlements asthma, and leucoderma in Ayurveda. In Unani it is used
of Bhangalis and are used by them. C. wallichii is used for for curing leucoderma and piles [18]. It forms an impor-
curing gastric troubles while R. nepalensis is used as anti tant ingredient of medicine "Arogyawardhini" which is
allergic. Ranunculs hirtellus that occurs in moist areas along used for treating hepatobiliary disorders [19] and of
water channels is used for curing swelling in testes. Anem- "Hepax" which is useful in pregnancy anaemia [20]. The
one rupicola is also found in moist areas and is use against overexploitation of A. heterophyllum and P. kurrooa for
ear problems. In addition, five commonly occurring tree trade has lead to a drastic decline in their population and
species namely, Aesculus indica, Grewia optiva, Pinus now both are endangered [21]. Rheum australe is another
roxburghii, Prunus cerasoides and Rhododendron arboreum, important plant especially in the Unani medicine system
are also used by the Bhangalis for curing various ailments. where it is an important constituent of "Itrifal Mulayyin"
The fruits of A. indica are used in preparation of a nutri- used for curing constipation; "Hab Shabyar" used for cur-
tious recipe called "sik". For this, after removing the seed ing headache, "Haba Shafa" used against cough and cold
coat, the fruit is washed and kept for drying. It is then and "Roughan aqrab" used for piles [22]. The plant also
powdered and roasted with ghee (clarified butter) till it finds mention for curing diarrohea amongst livestock
becomes brown. Later sugar and water are added to it. It [23]. Due to high extraction pressure and declining popu-
can be stored for 2 to 3 days. It is a pre- and post- preg- lation, the plant has been designated as vulnerable [21].
nancy food for ladies. It is also used for curing excessive Berberis asiatica and B. lycium are used in Ayurveda and
bleeding and pain during menses. The beautiful red flow- Unani for treating eye disorders [18] incidentally the
ers of R. arboreum in addition to being eaten raw as salad Bhangalis also use them for eye disorders. Similarly, Ber-
are used for curing nasal bleeding. Young leaves of the genia ciliata that is used by Bhangalis for curing kidney
plant are considered to be poisonous. G. optiva and P. stones is used for curing urinary disorders, splenic

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Table 1: Locally used medicinal plants

Scientific name (specimen number, family) Local name Part used Uses

Aconitum heterophyllum Wallich ex Royle Patish Roots Dried roots are powdered and taken orally to cure
(3241, Ranunculaceae) stomach ache and fever.
Aesculus indica (Colebr. ex Cambess) Hook. Khnor Fruits Fruits are used for preparing a nutritious recipe called
(7029, Hippocastanaceae) "Sik". It is a pre- and post- pregnancy food for ladies. It
is also used for curing excessive bleeding and pain during
Ajuga bracteosa Wallich ex Benth. (4550, Lamiaceae) Neel-kanthi Leaves Leaf powder is given to cure ulcer of mouth. Decoction
of leaves (3–4 drops) is given thrice a day to small
children (4–5 months old) who have breathing problems
and also to cure internal sores.
Ainsliaea aptera DC. (5267, Asteraceae) Kandyari Roots Crushed roots are used for gastric problems. Oily and
sour food items are avoided.
Angelica glauca Edgew. (5266, Apiaceae) Chora Roots Root powder is (1–2 g) is consumed daily for a week
with "Gud" (jaggery) to cure fever and cold. It is also
used as spice in local dishes.
Anemone rupicola Cambess (5297, Ranunculaceae) Kakrya Leaves The sap obtained after crushing the leaves is used in
treating ears with pus.
Artemisia sieversiana Willd. (5262, Asteraceae) Charmara Leaves Decoction of leaves is given to the pregnant ladies as an
abortifacient. Paste prepared from the leaves is also
applied on wounds to cure pain and swelling.
Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex. DC. (5251, Berberidaceae) Chunchri Roots The roots are used for curing diabetes and jaundice.
Fresh roots are cut into small pieces and decoction is
prepared. This is later filtered through a cloth,
concentrated and dried in shade. Small pills (each of ca.
1–1.5 g) are made from this. For adults, 3 pills a day are
recommended with the sap of bitter guard (locally called
"karella") to cure diabetes. These pills are also
consumed with "Kujja Mishri" (local sweet made out of
sugar) and water to cure jaundice.
Berberis lycium Royle (5252, Berberidaceae) Kashmal Roots & new The roots are dried in shade and boiled in water. This
shoot apices decoction is concentrated at low temperature and
finally dried. The dried product is called "Rasaunt" and
is used to cure eye infection. New vegetative apical
shoots are also used for the same purpose. These are
crushed and the sap is applied directly on the eyes.
Bergenia ciliata (Haworth) Sternb. (5254, Saxifragaceae) Sadpottar Roots Root decoction is taken empty stomach in the morning
for 3 months to cure kidney stones.
Cannabis sativa L. (4857, Cannabinaceae) Bhang Seeds Oil extracted from dry seeds is applied to cure paralysis
and joint pain. It is also applied to cure fever caused by
severe cold. Concentrated and dried sap extracted from
the leaves is mixed with mustard oil and applied
internally, as well as externally to cure piles.
Cirsium wallichii DC. (5260, Asteraceae) Bursa Root Root powder taken with water in early morning helps
to cure gastric problems.
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Persoon (226, Poaceae) Drub Aerial parts Entire aboveground parts are crushed with water. Two
to three drops of this extract are poured in the nostril
to cure nasal bleeding.
Fragaria nubicola Lindley ex Lacaita (5259, Rosaceae) Kida-bhumla Aerial parts Decoction of plant is consumed twice a day for 5–6
days in the morning and evening to cure fever.
Grewia optiva Drummond ex Burret (358, Teliaceae) Dhaman Leaves Fresh leaves are boiled in water to prepare decoction
which is further concentrated at low temperatures. The
concentrated paste is applied to cure joint pains.
Malva parviflora L. (5280, Malvaceae) Nasochal Aerial parts Entire plant is boiled in water to prepare decoction. It is
used for abortion.
Parthenocissus semicordata (Wall.) Planchon Amru bail Aerial parts Sap collected by giving a cut in the above ground portion
(5256, Vitaceae) & Root of the plant is drunk to cure leucorrhoea. It is also used
to cure piles but is not recommended for male as it may
cause impotency. Further, the paste prepared from the
roots is also applied externally over the wounds and
boils to inhibit puss formation.
Picrorhiza kurrooa Royle ex Benth. Kurro Roots/ Fresh as well as dry roots/rhizomes are ground with
(4524, Scrophulariaceae) Rhizome water to prepare a paste. The paste is applied to cure
joint pains. It is also used for curing fever.

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Table 1: Locally used medicinal plants (Continued)

Pinus roxburghii Sarg. (3520, Pinaceae) Chir Needles The green needles are ground and sap is extracted. It is
taken to increase the flow of urine.
Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All (5249, Liliaceae) Salam mishri Roots Fresh roots are cleaned, broken into small pieces and
kept in water overnight. Next day these are ground in
the same water. About 10 ml of this solution is taken
regularly empty stomach in the morning to cure
spermatorrhaea (locally called Dhat) and piles.
Polygonum amplexicaule D.Don (4559, Polygonaceae) Mindle Roots Root sap is extracted and applied to cure fresh wound
in the eyes.
Prinsepia utilis Royle (5257, Rosaceae) Bakhel Roots Root extract is taken orally as an antidote to neutralize
the effect of poison intake. Root paste after heating at
low temperature in an earthen pot is applied on
Prunus cerasoides D.Don (3853, Rosaceae) Pajja Stem bark Decoction of stem bark is concentrated at low
temperature and applied to cure joint pains.
Ranunculus hirtellus Royle (5289, Ranunculaceae) Goodi Roots Roots of plant are crushed with cow's urine to make a
paste. The paste is applied at the base of thumb. If the
swelling is on the right testes then the paste is applied at
the base of left hand thumb and vice versa. The paste
should not be kept for more than 20 minutes and is
applied only once.
Rheum australe D.Don (3244, Polygonaceae) Chukri Aerial parts Whole plant is crushed and poultice is made in a cotton
cloth. This is then heated and applied to cure swelling,
which has developed as a result of fractured bone.
Rhododendron arboreum Smith (4512, Ericaceae) Brah Flowers Flowers are crushed and snuffed to stop nasal bleeding.
Rubus niveus Thunb. (5258, Rosaceae) Khiradi Fresh root Fresh root tips are used for curing excessive bleeding
tips during menstrual cycle. The root tips are made into a
paste with water and small pills are made. One pill per
day, preferably with butter made from buffalo milk, is
taken empty stomach in the morning for 7 days. The
original rootstock of the plants is avoided.
Rumex hastatus D.Don (4522, Polygonaceae) Almoru Leaves Leaves are believed to have cooling properties and help
in stopping nasal bleeding.
Rumex nepalensis Sprengel (4522, Polygonaceae) Albar Leaves Leaves are crushed and applied on wounds as an anti-
Saussurea costus (Falc.) Lipsch. (2100, Asteraceae) Kuth Roots Root paste is applied externally to cure joint pains.
Selinum tenuifolium Wallich ex C.B. Clarke Matoshal Roots Root is powdered and mixed with mustard oil and
(4523, Apiaceae) applied on the body of women to cure swelling which
develops after delivery.
Stellaria media (L.) Villars (5269, Caryophyllaceae) Khukawa Seeds and About 20 dry seeds/day of the plant are given to the
leaves children to cure skin infections. The leaf paste of the
plant is also applied on wounds caused by burning.
Swertia chirayita (Roxb. ex Fleming) Karsten Chirayta Aerial parts Entire plant is ground, boiled in water and filtered. 1–2
(4558, Gentianaceae) drops of filtered decoction is given to children against
skin infections.
Thalictrum foliolosum DC. (5277, Ranunculaceae) Barmot Roots Dried root powder mixed with Thymus linearis in equal
proportion is taken regularly to cure stomach pain and
gastric trouble.
Viola pilosa Blume (4526, Violaceae) Vanaksa Flowers Fresh flowers are boiled in water and decoction is
prepared. The decoction is used as tea to cure fever,
cough and cold.

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Number of plants

W ng

nt rgic
nt c he


ac s

t ic
in le s

Ja e
bl s


di ld
pr in

Fr s


om ti on






ale Co




Ea iure


Ey oble




N obl


i so

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Figure 3of plants used for treating various diseases

Number of plants used for treating various diseases.

enlargement, ulcers and dysentery in ayurveda. In Unani wild as they now have to travel even more far to collect
it is used against hydrophobia, splenic enlargement, men- these plants. The incoming of roads and coming up of the
norrhgia and liver disorders [18]. It is one of the main area as an important tourist destination has allured the
ingredients of "Cystose" drug that is used for cleaning uri- younger generation towards market economy, this cer-
nary tract infections [22]. During the surveys, it was tainly will have larger implications. Thus, the present doc-
observed that a large number of plants are used for curing umentation of traditional knowledge from an area where
female disorders compared to males. This can be attrib- novel information has been generated will not only pro-
uted to the fact that unlike men, women are shyer and vide recognition to this knowledge but will also help in its
therefore find treatment in the community itself. The conservation vis-à-vis providing pharmacological leads
work load on them is also comparatively higher and for the betterment of human society.
hence they hardly find time to visit market places for treat-
ment. Acknowledgements
We thank the Director IHBT for facilities and encouragements. We are
It is interesting to note that use of Ranunculus hirtellus, thankful to Dr. R.D. Singh for critical review and suggestions on the manu-
Rubus niveus and Anemone rupicola for the described script. Er. Amit Kumar and Dr. S. Rajkumar are thanked for fruitful discus-
sions. We would also like to thank the various informants who shared their
medicinal purposes seems to be restricted to this area, as
knowledge with us. The National Bioresource Development Board, Govt.
use of these plants for the said diseases could not be found of India is acknowledged for the financial support. This is IHBT communi-
in the literature perused for the western Himalaya [24-27]. cation number 506
Similarly, preparation of "sik" has not been documented
in the literature for the western Himalaya. References
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