Didik Bionatura 2014

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Bionatura-Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Hayati dan Fisik Vol. 16, No.

2, Juli 2014: 95 - 102

ISSN 1411 - 0903


Suharjito, D.,1 Darusman, L.K.,2 Darusman, D.1 and Suwarno, E.3

Department of Forest Management IPB Phone: +62 251 8621244; Fax: +62 251 8621256;
Department of Chemistry and Biopharmaca Research Center IPB
Faculty of Forestry, University of Lancang Kuning, Pekanbaru
E-mail: dsuharjito@gmail.com

ABSTRACT dapat mengandung khasiat yang sama. Sebaliknya,

The purpose of this research is to describe the masyarakat lokal yang berbeda menggunakan tum-
equivalence of local knowledge and scientific knowledge buhan yang berbeda untuk ramuan OTPL yang
or western knowledge in terms of medicinal plant berkhasiat sama. Demikian pula industri jamu yang
usage for traditional medicine (TM) or ethnomedicine berbeda menggunakan tumbuhan yang berbeda untuk
and modern herbal medicine or jamu (MM), and the JIM yang berkhasiat sama.
recognition of both. This descriptive-comparative rese-
arch was accomplished using the case study method. Kata Kunci: Pengobatan tradisional, pengetahuan lokal,
The research used participant observation and semi- tumbuhan obat, hasil hutan bukan kayu,
structured interview techniques to collect data and Kalimantan Timur Indonesia
information from traditional healers, community
leaders, and villagers. The research results show that INTRODUCTION
on the one hand, local people particularly traditional Background
healers (dukun) have developed knowledge of medi- Plants with medicinal value and compounds of
cinal plants and TM compounds. This knowledge traditional medicine receive continuous attention from
has been based on the existence of illnesses in the researchers. There are at least three reasons which
community and availability of medicinal plants in their encourage research on such a subject. The first reason
environment. On the other hand, rural community
is that plants with medicinal value which are collected
has known, acknowledged, and consumed MM as a
from the forests constitute one kind of non timber forest
complement to TM produced by traditional healers
(dukun). Comparison of medicinal plants used for TM
products (NTFPs). These are abundant and could serve
and MM is not appropriate to prove the equivalence as alternative sources for reducing the pressure from
of local knowledge and scientific knowledge, because logging on forests. The second reason is that modern
different plant species ­­may have the same efficacy. On medicines are expensive and difficult to be obtained by
the other hand, different local communities may use poor rural people. The third reason is that, local people
different plants with similar efficacy for TM. Likewise, who live inside and around the forests possess traditional
different MM industries may use different plants for knowledge or local knowledge concerning use of plants
MM to have the same efficacy. with medicinal value (or medicinal plants, in brief) for
various kinds of ailments and diseases. The use of local
Key words: Local knowledge, ethnomedicine, medicinal knowledge on medicinal plants and development of
plants, NTFPs, East Kalimantan Indonesia traditional medicine could strengthen the role of local
people in managing and conserving forest resources.
ABSTRAK Strengthening the role of local people in development
Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menunjukkan of traditional medicine could improve the community
kesejajaran pengetahuan lokal dan ilmiah atau Barat economy and also improve the people’s access to health
dalam hal ramuan obat tradisional penduduk lokal care (Muthu et al., 2006; Birhan et al., 2011).
(OTPL) dan ramuan jamu industri moderen (JIM), Research in Indonesia has provided information on
dan saling pengakuan di antara keduanya. Metode
plant names used in ceremonies or traditional rituals
yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah studi kasus
dengan tipe penelitian deskriptif-komparatif. Data
(without describing their merits and meaning); similar
dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan dan wawancara research on the names of plants used for food, construction,
semi-terstruktur dengan pembuat ramuan OTPL medicines (without mentioning the beneficial effects),
(dukun), tokoh masyarakat, dan warga dusun. Hasil handicraft raw materials, and art instruments have all
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada satu pihak, been conducted for instance on the Baduy community
masyarakat lokal khususnya peramu obat tradisional and Siberut community (Hilwan, 1995; Waluyo and
(dukun) telah mengembangkan pengetahuan tentang Abdulhadi, 1995). Irawan et al., (2006) have specifically
tumbuhan berkhasiat obat dan OTPL. Pengetahuan studied the nutrient contents of plants which are
ini dikem-bangkan dari keberadaan penyakit yang collected from forests and cultivated in gardens, which
diderita oleh warga masyarakat dan ketersediaan are used as vegetables by Dayak community in Central
tumbuh-tumbuhan berkhasiat obat di sekitarnya. Kalimantan. Research on use of plants for medicine
Pada pihak yang lain, masyarakat pedesaan telah which mentioned plant parts being used (leaves, bark,
mengenal, mengakui dan menkonsumsi JIM sebagai wood, fruits, roots, sap, flower, seed, tuber and rhizome),
alternatif atau komplementer dengan OTPL yang processing techniques, and their beneficial effects,
diproduksi oleh ahli obat tradisional setempat (dukun). have been conducted for instance on cases of people
Perbandingan penggunaan tumbuhan sebagai bahan community around Pananjung Pangandaran Nature
ramuan OTPL dan JIM tidak dapat dilakukan untuk Reserve, Bolaang Mangondow community, and Ambon
membuktikan kesetaraan pengetahuan lokal dan
community (Zuhud and Yuniarsih, 1995; Nasution, 1995;
pengetahuan moderen, karena tumbuhan yang berbeda
Sangat-Roemantyo, 1995). Even in communities in
Comparing Medicinal Plants Use For Traditional And Modern Herbal Medicine 96

Bandung, Subang, Sukabumi, and Bogor, there had been and herbal medicine which was produced by modern
descriptions of medicinal compounds or materials being industry (MM), and (2) describing acknowledgement
used and their composition (Iskandar et al., 1995). and adoption of MM by a local community. Comparison
Research on medicinal plants and compounds of between the two medicinal compounds could show the
traditional medicine have been conducted in various parallel situation between local and modern knowledge,
countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America and other parts of and acknowledgement and adoption by modern
the world (Muthu et al., 2006; Birhan et al., 2011; Subitha community, toward local knowledge. On the other
et al., 2011; Pradhan and Badola, 2008; Ali-Shtayeh et al., hand, consumption of MM by local people showed
2008; Grønhaug et al., 2008). Research has focused not acknowledgement and adoption by local people toward
only on local knowledge and compounds of traditional modern knowledge.
medicine, but also on testing and acknowledgement
of such local knowledge, by modern science and METHOD OF RESEARCH
knowledge. Achmadi et al., (2006) tested akar kuning
(literally meaning ”yellow root”) (Arcangelisia flava (L) Theoretical Framework
Merr.) as hepatoprotector for hepatitis diseases; Berlin et Slikkerveer and Slikkerveer (1995) explained that
al., (1996) studied diseases which are commonly suffered for centuries, herbal medicines (plants and spices) have
by Mayan people in Mexico (specifically gastrointestinal been the main source of healing in the native healing
and respiratory condition), causes of diseases, utilization systems (the indigenous medical systems) in Indonesia.
of medicinal plants, and testing of bioactive material For centuries, different ethnic groups have developed
contents and their pharmacological effects (Berlin, and adapted systems of healing knowledge (medical
1999a; Berlin, 1999b); Folashade et al., (2011) analyzed knowledge systems) for health maintenance, disease
phytochemical and pharmacognostic parameters of the prevention and the practice of healing. According to
leaf of Hypoestes rosea, an antimalarial wonder plant, Slikkerveer and Slikkerveer (1995) a new approach
for standardization of its use as a drug. Calvet-Mir et al., toward the study of the Indonesian situation requires
(2008) explained the practice of utilizing local knowledge specific geographical and historical classification. The
of traditional medicine among a Tsimane’ community in existence of differences in perception and practices of
Bolivia. Their knowledge was combined with western or healing in Indonesia could be classified as comprising
scientific knowledge, particularly for treating stomach, local systems of healing (the local medical systems, in
intestinal or digestive illness (gastrointestinal disease). this case, comprising native medicine, derived among
They found a willingness of local community and other things from ethnic groups from Java, Sunda,
modern physicians (doctors) to cooperate and combine Madura, Bali, and Bugis), regional system of healing
their knowledge. (the regional medical systems, for instance traditional
However the research has not thoroughly observed healing from China and India), and cosmopolitan
that the rural people or people in inland areas have come healing system (the cosmopolitan medical systems
in contact with traditional herbs or medicines which which comprise modern or scientific medicines, are
are produced by industry on the basis of scientific introduced from the western community. These systems
knowledge (which is henceforth referred to as modern have undergone interaction, through acculturation pro-
medicine). Consumption of modern medicine by rural cesses during the course of history, varying between
people showed the acknowledgement by rural people hierarchical and egalitarian traditions. These systems can
of modern medicine, while also showing change of be studied as great traditions and as the common people’s
choice and behaviors. systems, which are considered little traditions (Redfield,
The knowledge that a community has developed 1971). Such interaction creates configuration of complex
shows such a close relation between human beings healing system (Slikkerveer and Slikkerveer, 1995).
and their environment. Knowledge of medicines which Scoones and Thompson (1994) contested the assum-
was being developed by a community, was initiated by ption that one could sensibly contrast local people’s
occurence of illness suffered member of the community knowledge (which possessed very specific characteristics,
and by the availability of plants with medicinal effects was contextual and emerged from practical and local
in the surrounding areas. Therefore, the existence of knowledge) and western knowledge (which was based on
traditional medicine compounds using plants as raw theory, objective, and could be generalized). Rural people
materials, provides hints about the types of ailments and also performed emprical testing on alternatives, which
diseases which commonly occur in the community, and shows the existence of a progressive learning process.
the availability of the relevant plants in the particular Local people’s knowledge is not static, not a simple
area. On the other hand, local people have also come in collection from knowledge that has been socially and
contact with, and even consumed medicines, which are environmentally constructed. Local people’s knowledge,
produced by industries or modern medicines. as well as western knowledge, could involve a cumulative
exploration from alternative practices; it could perform
The objectives progressive and adaptive learning processes through
This research was intended to show the parallel hypothesis formulation and methodologies which could
situation between local knowledge and modern be replicated. Furthermore Scoones and Thompson
knowledge, and reciprocal acknowledgement between (1994) stated that local people’s knowledge and western
the two kinds of knowledge toward each other. In relation knowledge are both general and specific, theoretical and
with that, the objective of this research comprised the practical, contain many values (value-laden), are context-
following items: (1) making comparison between specific, and influenced by social power relations.
traditional medicinal compounds of local people (TM)
97 Suharjito, D., Darusman, L.K., Darusman, D. and Suwarno, E.

Research Method most frequently were roots and leaves. In Banggris

This research used the case study method in a and Lambing villages in Muara Lawa sub-district
descriptive and comparative way (Sarantakos, 1993; and Dilang Puti and Suakong villages in Bentian
Berg, 2007) in the community of Belwen hamlet, in the Besar sub-district, East Kalimantan, Mulyoutami et
village of Long Nah, subdistrict of Muara Ancalong, al., (2009) showed that the sap, roots, leaves, young
district of Kutai Timur. This village was selected as a shoots, flowers and bark from many plant species
research site due to considerations of ease of access, were used in traditional medicines: hypertension,
existence of the Kutai ethnic group and Basap Dayaks skin sores, intestinal pain, men’s tonic, asthma,
with their tradtional culture still intact, including gynaecological and intestinal problems, hepatitis,
utilization of forest plants as raw materials for medicinal toothache etc.
compounds. In Belwen hamlet, there were several experts
Identification of the names of diseases suffered by of traditional medicine or dukun. Informants who
local people was conducted through semi-structured became dukuns (18 informants) explained 82
interviews with several informants. Informants were compounds of traditional medicine (TM) commonly
chosen purposively, comprising those who processed used to heal 52 kinds of illness. Dosages of materials
ingredients in TM (dukun or traditional healer), midwife being used for medicinal compounds were measured
or peraji (dukun bayi), formal public figures (village in terms of their quantity or volume. In the dosage
government officials), and ordinary members of the measurement of the materials, beside the use of
community. Identitity of medicinal plants from the widely known terms, such as blades for leaves, grain
natural forests and TM presricption information were or fruit for seed or fruit, there were also the use of
obtained through semi-structured interviews those who local terminology, such as sekunci and setangkup.
processed the ingredients of TM. Sekunci was the measure of grasp within a circle
Several compounds of TM were selected on the basis formed by thumb and forefinger. Materials being
of consideration of local uniqueness and possibility of measured were usually in the form of roots, stems or
preserving their raw materials for transport to Bogor to leaves. On the other hand, setangkup was an amount
be identified for their species name. Plants which were of materials within the cover of one side of the palm
used as ingredients for TM were collected, with the help of the hand.
of the informants who were experts in local traditional To be ready to be used, materials for TM compounds
medicine (dukun/traditional healer). The informants were mostly processed by boiling in water and pounded/
decided the composition of ingredients (species being squeezed. Other techniques were soaking in water,
mixed, and their volume or quantity) and explained burning followed with soaking in water, while there
how the materials were processed. On the basis of their were also materials which were only being pounded.
experience in applying their compounds to their own Materials being boiled in water were usually from the
community members, the informants explained the use group of roots, stems and barks. Boiling of medicinal
regulations and the average duration of time to reach materials was usually done after the water volume was
recovery from the illnesses. reduced (on the average to one third of the original
Compounds of modern industrial herbal medicine volume of water). On the other hand, materials being
(MM) which were selected for comparison were the pounded and squeezed were generally in the form of
herbal medicines (jamu), which were produced by fresh rhizomes and leaves.
PT. Jamu Ny. Meneer, PT. Jamu Sidomuncul and PT. Different plants which have similar medical effect
Jamu Jago. Names of jamu packaging were selected were shown by TM compounds from different community
on the basis of similarity of their medical effect with groups. For example, the community of Belwen hamlet
those of the TM remedies selected. Medical effects of used roots of kayu emos (Clausena excavate) for treating
each jamu were depicted on its packaging. syphilis, while the Dayak community in the villages of
Sei Ilay and Beduai (West Kalimantan) used bark of
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ngarut (Evodia sp) stem (Wardah and Setyowati, 1995).
The community of Belwen hamlet used the leaves of
Local People’s Traditional Medicine (TM) sanggar banana (Musa paradisiaca) which had turned
Diseases which were commonly suffered by yellow for treating hypertension, and used the leaves of
residents of Belwen hamlet were malaria, toothache, serapat muda (Embelia coriacea), grasses katup burit
fever, stomach ache, syphilis, typhus, diabetes, (Kyllinga monochepala), salt and pepper (piper nigrum)
hypertension, diarrhea/ dysentery, inner injury/ sore for refreshing women’s bodies after giving birth to
skin wound and breathing difficulty/ suffocation. babies (vaginal bleeding period). On the other hand, the
Local people commonly used as many as 128 species people of Ambon and Maluku used wood and leaves
found in the location to make medicine compounds. of kayu timun (Timonius timon) or leaves of kaki kuda
In terms of their habitus, plants which were utilized (Centella asiatica) for treating hypertension and utilized
as medicinal sources comprise trees, herbs, lianas, the rhizome of mackey (Zingiber purpureum) or stems of
ferns, shrubs and grasses. Tree was the group mostly hisa (Cymbopogon nardus) for women’s medicine after
used as materials for medicinal compounds, followed parturition (Sangat-Roemantyo, 1995). Other medicinal
in terms of rank by herbs, grasses, lianas and shrubs. compound were used by the Baduy community as
On the other hand, ferns were very little used. Plant herbal medicines for post parturition condition, namely
parts which were used as materials for TM were the compound of the tuber of kunyit (Curcuma longa)
leaves, stems, bark, fruits, wood oil and young shoots, and the leaves of singugu (Cleodendrum serratum)
either singly or jointly. Plant parts which were used which were boiled and drunk (Hilwan, 1995).
Comparing Medicinal Plants Use For Traditional And Modern Herbal Medicine 98

The people of Belwen hamlet used the roots of tunjuk ‘know’”; Knowledge is articulated in many ways.
langit (Helminthostchys zaylanica), roots of hui laki Practical knowledge is possibly not completely
(Arundina graminifolia), enau (Arenga pinnata), and articulated.
serapat (Embelia coriacea) for medicine to strengthen Not only to the outsider, the dukun does not also
people to work. On the other hand, the Baduy people share his knowledge to the insider of the village, as
used the leaves of kecapi (Sandorikum koetjape) and Mulyoutami et al., (2009) also explained that knowledge
kisabrang (Peronema canescens), the bark of lame putih about local medicinal plants is not widely known,
(Alstonia scholaris), the tuber of lempuyang (Zingiber as such knowledge is held only by traditional healers
amaricans), and the heart of pisang ambon (Musa sp) in the villages; People are concerned that sharing
which were processed and drunk once everyday before this knowledge may lead to its misuse. However, as
breakfast as herbal medicine is reported to have beneficial Mulyoutami et al., 2009 explained, such knowledge
effects for hard workers. They also used jambe (Areca may be shared upon payment of temaai (gift or offering)
catechu), gula kawung (A. pinnata), and the leaves of in the form of money, cloth, rice or knife.
limus (Mangifera foetida) which were eaten together
or soaked in hot water and drunk as a tonic (Hilwan, Comparison between TM and MM
1995). Differences in plant species being used as raw Not all TM compounds could be compared with
materials for TM compounds by various communities MM. Of the 82 TM compounds discovered, 13 were
was partially related with the availability of that plants selected (Table 1) as examples for being compared with
in nature. The condition of the land and climate affects MM. The thirteen compounds were used for treating
the growth and existence of plants. However, there syphilis and typhus; or were used as male health
are plant species which could grow in a wide range of tonic and tonic for hard work; for treating diabetes,
varying climates and land conditions. hypertension, diarrhea/dysentery; for increasing woman
The TM revealed by the dukun described above fertility; treating inner injury/sore skin or wound, post
was possibly only a part of the wealth of knowledge parturition conditions, breathing difficulty/suffocation
in the community concerning medicinal compounds and for refreshing men’s bodies.
and human health. We found it difficult to obtain In accordance with their beneficial effects and the
explanations from the dukun concerning medicinal name of the diseases to be treated, we selected 10 kinds
compounds they made. This was a matter of the of MM to serve as a comparison, namely men’s health
‘hidden transcript’ of the dukun toward outsiders tonic, tonic for hard working, medicine for improving
(researchers) due to fear or suspicion (Scott, 1985). women’s fertility, medicine for slimming effect,
Scoones and Thompson (1994) also explained that medicine for post parturition, medicine for diabetes,
“knowledge is bound up with action; But what medicine for hypertension, medicine for dysentery,
people do is not necessarily what people consciously and medicine for breathing difficulty (suffocation).

Table 1. Thirteen selected compounds of TM

Name of illnesses/ Fresh weight Application Duration of

Materials (raw materials) Process
medicinal effects (gr) regulation. medical treatment
• Roots of kayu emos (Clausena Soaking in
Syphilis 339,17 Morning-late 9 days
excavate) hot water.
• Root of kempis (Tetrastigma
Typhus 403,80 Boiling Morning-late 7 days
lanceolarium) along the girth of hip.
- Shoot of imperata grasses (Imperata
cylindrica (L.) Beauv.)
- Roots of tunjuk langit
(Helminthostchys zaylanica)
- Roots of tengkapa (Asplenium nidus) 118,33
- Roots of beloleng (Eleusina indica) 19,40
Tonics for men boiling Morning –late 14 days
- Roots of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) 37,97 afternoon
- Root of pinang (Areca catechu L.) 37,26
- Root of enau (Arenga pinnata) 11,85
- Root of hui bini (Arundina
- Root of serapat (Embelia coriacea) 49,50

Table 1. Thirteen selected

Breathing difficulty/ - Bark of kemuru tree 17,79

- Root of pandan (Pandanus sp.) 65,18 Boiling 2x/day 14 days
Refreshing men’s - Root of kempis (Citrus aurantium) 174,35
body - Root of tunjuk langit (Melastoma affine) 76,50
Boiling Morning –late Routine
- kayu singgah laki bini (Anisophyllea
disticha) 54,41
Note: Data in this table is a part of the Suharjito et al., (2005)
99 Suharjito, D., Darusman, L.K., Darusman, D. and Suwarno, E.

Table-1. Thirteen selected compounds of TM (continuation ….)

- Root of tunjuk langit (Helminthostchys

1x/3 days.
Tonics for - Root of hui laki (Arundina graminifolia) 61,03
boiling morning Routine
hard working
- Root of enau (Arenga pinnata) 64,21
- Root of serapat (Embelia coriacea) 211,86
137,80 2x/days
- Bark of angit (Canangium odoratum)
Diabetes boiling Morning-late 15 days
- Root of senduru (Melastoma affine D.Don)
54,63 afternoon
- Leaves of sanggar banana (Musa paradisiacal) 1x/ day.
Hypertension 199,62 boiling 14 days
which have turned yellow night
- Leaves of nipah (Nipa fruticans) for cigarettes 13,84 soaking in 2-3x/day 1 day
water, filtering
- Roots of jeruk nipis / lime (Citrus aurantifolia) 53,44
Lack of 2x/days.
fertility (for - Root of senduru (Melastoma affine) 58,50 Boiling Morning-late 30 days
women) afternoon
- Root of ribu-ribu (Anisphyllea disticha) 24,51
- kulit kedemba (Mitragyna speciosa) 247,73 boiling Morning-late Routine
Inner injury/ 2x/day.
Soaking in hot
sore skin - Root of kayu pusah (Cinnamomum iners) 97,40 Morning-late 15 days
wound afternoon
After giving
birth to - Leaves of serapat muda (Embelia coriacea)
29,24 Rolling and 1x/day.
baby/ post - Grasses katup burit (Kyllinga monochepala)
pressing, Morning, before 3 days
parturition/ - Salt
squeezing breakfast
vaginal - Pepper (piper nigrum)

The ten (10) kinds of MM were produced by the three of such facts, comparison of utilization of plants as
industries mentioned above. Because not all categories materials for TM and MM could not be conducted to
of jamu (herbal medicine) had available counterparts prove the equivalence between modern knowledge
for comparison, the number of MMs which were and traditional knowledge, because different plants
selected was totally 24 (Table 2). could possess similar medical effects.
Do medicinal compounds with similar medical The verification of equivalence between local
effects use the same ingredients? On the basis of community knowledge and modern scientific know-
information on material composition being used in ledge, in the case of medicinal compounds with
each package of MM, it turned out that the three jamu plants as raw materials, at this present time, is best
industries used raw materials, some of which were to be conducted through laboratory or clinical tests.
similar, some of which were different, despite similar Laboratory tests could prove the equivalence and
advertised medical effects (see Table 3). For example, strengthen the acknowledgement by science toward
MM for men’s health produced by PT. Jamu Jago, by traditional knowledge or local knowledge (see among
PT. Ny Meneer, and by PT. Sido Muncul, contained other things Achmadi et al., 2006; Berlin et al., 1996).
different ingredients, but there were similar ingredients On the other hand, acknowledgement toward science
with relatively similar proportions, namely Zingiberis by local community was shown by the use of scientific
rhizoma. Plant parts being used as compound ingredients products (in this case, MM) by the local communities.
were fruit (fructus), leaves (folium), and rhizomes. The people of Belwen hamlet have consumed herbal
Differences in terms of plants (in the form of medicines (jamu) which have been produced by modern
simplisia) being used for the main ingredients of MM industry (MM), besides also consuming TM. Traditional
which have relatively similar medical effect, showed shops in the villages have started to sell modern jamu.
that there was diversity of plant species which have Therefore, rural people, including those in Belwen
similar medical effects. Companies of the jamu hamlet have undergone acculturation of knowledge
industry choose materials on the basis, for example, concerning MM and TM.
of supply and demand of the materials, location, This research result showed that local community
continuity of supply, price level, consumer’s taste, has knowledge of medicinal plant and its use for
and product uniqueness. medicine. Their knowledge is very important as part of
On the basis of medical effects mentioned in the natural resource management particularly in sustaining
packaging, the 10 MMs possessed medical effects forest resouces (SFM). As Tongkul et al., (2013)
which were relatively similar with the 13 TMs. If showed that for traditional forest related knowledge to
we compare our results (Tables 1 and 3), we find be fully incorporated in SFM, the communities, who
that plants being used as materials for TM and MM possess this knowledge, must be fully acknowledged,
turned out to be different. As has been shown above, properly consulted and genuinely engaged. While
the three jamu industries also used different plants forest resources are very imporant for household
for MM with similar medical effects. On the basis nutrition, resilience, and as safety nets (Dewees, 2013).
Comparing Medicinal Plants Use For Traditional And Modern Herbal Medicine 100

Table 2. Modern industry herbal medicine (MM) from three factories, categorized on the basis of their uses.

Name of herbal medicine (jamu) from the factories.

No. Uses (usefulness)
PT Jamu Jago PT Ny Meneer PT Sidomuncul
1 Tonic for men Kuat pria Sehat perkasa Kuku Bima TL
2 Medicine for men’s health Sehat pria Pria sehat Sehat pria
3 Medicine for working strength - - Temulawak
4 Medicine for increasing women’s fertility - Pil Bibit -
5 Slimming medicine Galian singset Galian singset Galian singset
6 Medicine for post parturition / vaginal Nifas Jamu Nifas Nifas
7 Medicine for diabetes Diabeta Jampi seni Sari Turas
8 Medicine for hypertension Atensi Akas jantung -
9 Medicine for dysentery Mejen Jamu mejen -
10 Medicine for breathing difficulty / suffocation Anik Sesak Napas Sesak Napas

Table 3. Composition of materials for modern industry jamu (MM)

No. Name of medicine Composition of materials

Eucalypti fructus 10 %, Curcumae rhizoma 10 %, Zingiberis rhizoma 10 %, Alyxiae cortex
1 Sehat Pria (Jamu Jago), 7 gram
8 %, Phylanthi herba 8 %, others.
Woodfordiae flos 7 %, Panduratae rhizoma 10 %, Zingiberis rhizoma 20 %, Kaempferiae
2 Pria Sehat (Ny Meneer), 7 gram
rhizoma 20 %, others.
Sehat Pria (Sido Muncul), 7 Piperis ngri fructus 10 %, Retrofracti fructus 10 %, Zingiberis aromaticae rhizoma 10 %,
gram Cyperi rhizoma 5 %, Myristicae pericarpium 5 %, others.
Retrofracti fructus 8 %, Eucalypti fructus 12 %, Curcumae rhizoma 12 %, Zingiberis
4 Kuat pria (Jamu Jago), 7 gram
rhizoma 8 %, Phylanthi herba 8 %, others.
Sehat Perkasa (Ny Meneer), 7 Coriandri fructus 10 %, Zingiberis rhizoma 15 %, Kaempferiae rhizoma 15 %, Curcumae
gram domesticae rhizoma 20 %, others.
Hippocampus powder 5 %, Panax ginseng 25 %, Eurycomae radix 15 %, Kaempferiae
Kuku Bima TL (Sido Muncul),
6 rhizoma 7 %, Zingiberis rhizoma 10 %, Phyllanthi herba 4 %, Zingiberis aromaticae
6,5 gram
rhizoma 7 %, others.
Galian singset (Ny Meneer), 7 Guazumae folium 5 %, Arecae semen 10 %, Curcumae aeruginosae rhizoma 20 %,
gram Curcumae domesticae rhizoma 25 %, others.
Galian Singset (Sido Muncul), Guazumae folium 15 %, Terminaliae fructus 5 %, Curcumae rhizoma 10 %, Phyllanti
7 gram herba 5 %, Melaleucae fructus 10 %, others.
Plucheae folium 5 %, Piperisbetie folium 8 %, Nycthanti flos 10 %, Zingiberis aromaticae
9 Nifas (Ny Meneer), 7 gram
Rhizoma 30 %, others.
Curcumae rhizoma 9 %, Litseae folium 5 %, Zingiberis rhizoma 5 %, Catharmi flos 9 %,
10 Nifas (Sido Muncul), 7 gram
Baeckeae folium 10 %, others.
Glycyrrhizae radix 12 %, Eucalypti fructus 12 %, Caryophylli folia 8 %, Amomi fructus 8
11 a-nik (Jmu Jago), 7 gram
%, Curcumae rhizoma 8 %, others.
Sesak Napas (Ny Meneer), 7 Cardamami fructus 6 %, Messuae flos 8 %, Cubebae fructus 20 %, Curcumae rhizoma 45
gram %, others.
Sesak Napas (Sido Muncul), 7 Foeniculli fructus 9%, Zingeberis aromaticae rhizoma 9%, Zingiberis rhizoma 7 %, Thymi
gram herba 5 %, Caryophylli folium 4 %, others.
Massoiae cortex 3 %, Zingiberis rhizoma 10 %, Cardamomi fructus 5 %, Gunnerae flos 14
14 Jampi seni (Ny Meneer), 7 gram
%, others.
Andrographidis herba 10 %, Abri folium 10 %, Leucaenae glaucae semen 10 %,
15 Sari Turas (Sido Muncul),
Ligustrinae lignum 15 %, Alstoniae cortex 5 %, others.

CONCLUSION occurrence of illnesses and availability of materials

with medicinal effect in the surrounding areas.
TM Compounds developed by local people of Development of market, including the marketing
Belwen hamlet in Long Nah village, constituted an of jamu produced by modern industry (MM), have
effort to treat and heal the prevailing illnesses and to entered rural areas. Traditional shops in the rural areas
maintain the health of local people. This phenomenon have become marketing agent for industry products.
indicated that the knowledge on plants with medical Rural communities have known and consumed MM
effect (medicinal values) and TM compounds which as alternatives or as complements of TM produced
were developed by the people were initiated by the by local experts (dukun). This phenomenon showed
101 Suharjito, D., Darusman, L.K., Darusman, D. and Suwarno, E.

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