The Specific Carbohydrate Diet Prohibited Foods On The SCD: Books

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The Specific Carbohydrate Diet

The Specific Carbohydrate Diet

Nutritional therapy in pediatric Crohn’s disease is well established as
Prohibited Foods on the SCD
an effective treatment to induce remission of active inflammation. The • Sugar, molasses, maple syrup, sucrose, processed fructose
most rigorously studied dietary therapy is Enteral Nutrition Therapy including high-fructose corn syrup or any processed sugar
(ENT), which has been established as an effective therapy in 80% of • All grain including corn, wheat, wheat germ, barley, oats,
children. rice and others. This includes bread, pasta and baked
goods made with grain-based flour
The specific carbohydrate diet (SCD) is a nutritionally complete grain- • Canned vegetables with added ingredients
free diet, low in sugar and lactose. It was developed by Dr. Sidney • Some legumes
Haas, a pediatrician, in the 1920’s as treatment for celiac disease. In • Seaweed and seaweed byproducts.
1987, Elaine Gottschall published “Breaking the Vicious Cycle”, after • Starchy tubers such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and turnips
her daughter’s inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) improved with use • Canned and most processed meats
of the SCD. Currently, there are many testimonials by individuals who • Canola oil and commercial mayonnaise (because of the
use this diet to manage their IBD, and recently, the scientific community additives)
started to study the diet as treatment for IBD. The research is still in the • All milk and milk products high in lactose such as mild
early stages, but results show potential benefit to patients. Below is a cheddar, commercial yogurt, cream and sour cream, and
general outline of what foods are included and excluded on the SCD. ice cream.
• Candy, chocolate and products that contain FOS (fructooli-
Allowed Foods on the SCD
• Meats without additives, poultry, fish shellfish and eggs
• Certain legumes, including dried navy beans, lentils,
How does the diet work?
peas, split peas, unroasted cashews and peanutes in a Inflammatory bowel disease occurs because a person’s immune
shell, all-natural peanut butter and lima beans system, that part of the body which usually fights infections, is being
• Dairy limited to cheeses such as cheddar, Colby, Swiss, triggered to attack the bowels by “bad” bacteria living in a person’s
dry curd cottage cheese; and homemade yogurt fer- intestines. Diet has been shown to change the type of bacteria in a
mented for at least 24 hours person’s intestines, from “bad” to “good.” This is a hypothesis as to
• Most fresh, frozen, raw or cooked vegetables and string how the diet might help with inflammation.
• Fresh, raw or cooked, frozen or dried fruits with no added
Is this diet right for my child?
• Most nuts and nut flours Currently, there are a few centers that support this diet as therapy.
• Most oils, teas, coffee, mustard, cider or white vinegar Consult your gastroenterologist and dietitian if interested in trialing
and juices with no additives or sugars the diet. It is important to follow objective markers of disease and
• Honey as a sweetener nutritional status. This diet requires the support of a multidisciplinary
team to achieve the best outcomes.

BOOKS: IMPORTANT REMINDER: This information from the North
Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology
by Elaine Gloria Gottschall, 1994. and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) is intended only to provide
COOKBOOKS: general information and not as a definitive basis for diagnosis
• Eat Well Feel Well or treatment in any particular case. It is very important that you
• Recipes for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet by Raman Prasad consult your doctor about your specific condition.
• Two Steps Forward One Step Back by Tucker Sweeney
• Lucy’s Specific Carbohydrate Diet Cookbook by Lucy Rosset
• SCD Lifestyle Surviving to Thriving on
• Against all Grain by Danielle Walker

• NASPGHAN Foundation National Office:
• BTVC-SCD discussion group on Yahoo/Facebook group
714 N. Bethlehem Pike, Suite 300, Ambler, PA 19002
Digestive Wellness “Your SCD Superstore!” for ready made foods,
supplies, equipment, etc. Phone: 215-641-9800
• Supplements:

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