Database Management System
Database Management System
Database Management System
Operating System
1. What is a class?
2. What is an Object?
3. What is Polymorphism?
4. What is Inheritance?
5. Explain the term constructor?
6. What is function overloading?
7. What is the use of finalize method?
8. What is the main difference between overloading and overriding?
9. What are the various types of constructors?
10. What is dynamic or run time polymorphism?
1. Introduce Yourself
2. What is static and dynamic Binding?
3. Write code to check a String is palindrome or not?
4. What is the use of a span tag? Give one example.
5. What is the difference between new and override?
6. What is a primary key?
7. What are the types of join and explain each?
8. What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE commands?
9. What is HTML?
10. What is Cloud computing?
11. What is IOT?
12. What is big data?