Aug-8th L.H.School Computer Class Exam Report: Marks Week-2 Questions
Aug-8th L.H.School Computer Class Exam Report: Marks Week-2 Questions
Aug-8th L.H.School Computer Class Exam Report: Marks Week-2 Questions
He is perfect in Theory
1 J.Ajay Kumar 25/25 Ms-Word Home Tab and practicals 5
2 Sk.Shameema Absent like clip board,Font Absent 0
3 C.Imanilu Absent s, Edting. Absent 0
He is learning slow in
6 J.Janson Babu 20/25 theory & practicals 4
How to open
Notepad He is learning very Notepad? What
,wordpad,and slow in theory & options in file
shortcuts, doing practicals menu?
confuse to open work Marks : 5
7 Sk.Abdhul Reham 20/25 enviralment.
Week-2 1. What is
Group-C Schedule Topic Remarks
Marks Computer?
1. What is Computer?
4 P.Surya Teja Absent
5 D.Chaithyna Absent
6 D.Chinnabaie Absent
7 K.Gopi Absent 1. What is Computer?
8 K.Rambabu 7/25 2.Explain
9 K.Jayaseshababu Absent Data,Process,Informa
10 B.Lakshmi venkata Not Attended 3. Explain parts of the
11 B.Sasidhar Reddy Absent computer?
What is input?Explain
12 B.Sivanjaneyulu Absent Examples?
13 M.Samsun 25/25 5.Notepad File menu
14 K.Salmon Absent
15 O.Raheem Absent
16 D.Hari Krishna 20/25
17 Vilsan Babu Absent
18 Sk.Nagula Not Attended
19 Sk.Memin Jabeena Absent
20 B.Anushma Absent
G.Bhagya LakshmiNot Attended
er Class Exam Report
Week-2 Questions
4. Explain
2. How to open Home 3.Explain Font Paragraph 5.Practicals
tab? And explain dailog box? dailog
Clipboard task pane? box?
5 5 5 5
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
5 5 5 2
3.What is the 4.Explain
2.How to open Dos meaning of Ms- any five
commands in run Dos?How many Internal 5.Practicals.
command? types of Dos commands
commands? ?
0 0 0 0
5 5 5 3
0 0 0 0
5 5 5 2
5 5 5 2
5 5 3 3
What is
2.Explain 5.Notepad
3. Explain parts of input?
Data,Process,Informa the computer? File menu
tion? Practicals.