Matching Type - Quiz
Matching Type - Quiz
Matching Type - Quiz
A Latin phrase which means “in the custody of the law,” that is, in
the lawful and physical possession of a court or public officer in
Answer 11
obedience to a judicial or administrative order.
Custodia Legis
The failure of a defending party to file his answer within the time
allowed under the Rules of Court. Such failure will make him lose
his standing in court, that is, he cannot appear therein, adduce
Answer 17
evidence and be heard, nor take part in the trial or hearing of the
Matching Type
One that arises in a case the resolution of which is a logical
antecedent of the issue involved in another case, and the cognizance
of which pertains to another tribunal. It generally comes into play in
a situation where a civil action and a criminal action are both Answer 1
pending and there exists in the former an issue that must be Prejudicial Question
preemptively resolved before the criminal action may proceed.
A Latin term which denotes “on his own behalf.” It is usually used
in connection with the representation of one’s self in a court of law
Answer 8
without the assistance of an attorney.
Pro Se
A Latin term which means “for the public good.” It usually refers to
a lawyer’s services which are extended for free, usually for a good
Answer 13
cause or for an indigent litigant.
Pro Bono
A Latin term for “now for then,” thus a judgment or order nunc pro Answer 14
tunc means that it is to be given retroactive effect. Nunc Pro Tunc
A Latin term which refers to the underlying reason or principle
which justifies a court decision. In other words, it is the reasoning
Answer 15
why the decision is so.
Ratio Decidendi
Matching Type
A Spanish term which refers to the final judgment of
the court as expressed in the dispositive portion of its
Answer 1
order or decision.
Latin for “in the matter of.” It usually precedes the title
of a case which is in rem or quasi in rem, e.g., probate
of a will, application for a writ of habeas corpus, a Answer 18
petition for guardianship. In Re
Matching Type
The answer of the defendant to the complainant’s reply.
Answer 1
A Latin term which means “the reason of the law,” e.g., jaywalking
is prohibited to protect pedestrians from traffic accidents, or
smoking is banned in enclosed spaces to prevent second-hand lung
Answer 3
cancer. In statutory construction, it refers to the “spirit of the law”
Ratio Legis
rather than to its literal interpretation.
A Latin term which translates into “the thing speaks for itself,” that
is, requiring no proof or further demonstration of the fact of its
Answer 4
occurrence or existence.
Res Ipsa Loquitur
The rule that the original document itself is the best evidence of
what it contains. It is only when the original document cannot be
produced that a secondary or other evidence of its contents may be Answer 7
adduced. Best Evidence Rule
The onus that a party must carry to overcome the weight of the
evidence which has tilted against him. Thus, it may shift back and
forth during the course of the trial depending on who is better able Answer 9
to sustain a prima facie case in his favor. Burden of Evidence
Matching Type
An allegation of new matter which, while hypothetically
admitting the material allegations in the pleading of the
Answer 1
claimant, would nevertheless prevent or bar recovery by him.
Affirmative Defense
Matching Type
The fitness to be the subject of legal relations. It is inherent in
every natural person and is lost only through death. It is to be
distinguished from “capacity to act,” which is the power to do Answer 1
acts with legal effect. Juridical Capacity
The underlying power of the courts to scrutinize the acts of the Answer 7
Executive and Legislative branches of government, as well as Judicial Review
administrative agencies exercising quasi-judicial authority on
questions of law and jurisdiction, as well as their exercise of
A Latin term which means taking action or using one’s initiative Answer 15
without prodding from anyone. Note the spelling of proprio – it Motu Proprio
is not “propio.”
Issues of fact which do not require proof in a judicial proceeding
because they are of public knowledge, capable of unquestionable
demonstration, or ought to be known to judges because of their Answer 16
judicial functions. Judicial Notice