Difference Between Judgement and Decree
Difference Between Judgement and Decree
Difference Between Judgement and Decree
Address illegality,
Correct errors affecting party
irregularity, or impropriety;
Objective interests; same court and
High Court revises judgments
judge review their judgment.
from subordinate courts.
No specified limitation;
Time Frame Limited to 90 days from the
generally expected within a
for Application date of judgment or decree.
reasonable time.
Addresses matters of
Nature of Focuses on discovery of new jurisdiction, illegality,
Errors matter, apparent mistakes, irregularity, or impropriety in
Addressed or other sufficient reasons. subordinate court
Appeal Revision
A legal remedy that allows a person to A legal remedy that allows a person to
challenge a decision made by a lower challenge a decision made by a higher
court or administrative body, and to court or administrative body, and to
request a higher court or request the same court or administrative
administrative body to review the body that made the original decision to
decision. review it.
Typically made to a higher court or Typically made to the same court or
administrative body, as the person administrative body that made the
making the appeal wants to have the original decision, as the person making
decision reviewed by a higher the revision wants to have the decision
authority. reviewed by the same authority that
made it.
Generally used to challenge the Generally used to challenge the decision
decision on the basis of errors in the on the basis of errors in fact or law, such
legal process, such as incorrect as errors in the interpretation of evidence
application of law or violation of or the application of law.
procedural rules.
Typically has a time limit for filing, Typically has a time limit for filing, which
which is set by the court or is set by the court or administrative body
administrative body that made the that made the original decision.
original decision.
Can be made by both parties involved Can be made by both parties involved in
in the case, as either party may the case, as either party may believe that
believe that the decision was the decision was incorrect.
Often results in a new trial or hearing, Often results in a re-examination of the
if the higher court or administrative original decision, if the same court or
body finds that the decision made by administrative body finds that the
the lower court or administrative body decision was incorrect.
was incorrect.
May or may not require new evidence May or may not require new evidence to
to be presented, depending on the be presented, depending on the grounds
grounds of the appeal or revision. of the appeal or revision.
The decision made in an appeal is The decision made in a revision is not
binding and final, meaning that it binding and final, meaning that it can be
cannot be appealed again. reviewed again if there are new facts or
evidence that were not considered before.
no. First appeal Second appeal
Meaning “Matter adjudged and accepted as final” “Matter still under consideration”
Nemo debet bis vexari pro una et eadem Interest republicae ut sit finis
Key Maxims causa means “no one ought to be vexed litium means "so there might be
twice for the same cause” an end of litigation”
One former and one subsequent suit Two civil suits between the same
filed parties