The word "suture" describes any strand of material used to ligate (tie) blood vessels or approximate
(bring close together) tissues. Sutures are used to close wounds. Sutures and ligatures were used by
both the Egyptians and Syrians as far back as 2,000 B.C. Through the centuries, a wide variety of
materials—silk, linen, cotton, horsehair, animal tendons and intestines, and wire made of precious
metals—have been used in operative procedures. Some of these are still in use today.
The evolution of suturing material has brought us to a point of refinement that includes sutures
designed for specific surgical procedures.
Despite the sophistication of today's suture materials and surgical techniques, closing a wound still
involves the same basic procedure used by physicians to the Roman emperors. The surgeon still uses a
surgical needle to penetrate tissue and advance a suture strand to its desired location.
Successful use of suture materials depends upon the cooperation of the suture manufacturer and the
surgical team.
The manufacturer must have a thorough knowledge of surgical procedures, anticipate the surgical
team's needs, and produce suture materials that meet these stringent criteria:
• They must have the greatest tensile strength consistent with size limitations.
• They must be easy to handle.
• They must be secured in packaging which presents them sterile for use, in excellent condition, and
ensures the safety of each member of the surgical team.
The nurse must maintain the sterility of sutures when storing, handling, and preparing them for use. The
integrity and strength of each strand must remain intact until it is in the surgeon's hands.
The surgeon must select suture materials appropriate for the procedure and must place them in the
tissues in a manner consistent with the principles that promote wound healing.
With the manufacturer and surgical team working in concert, the patient reaps the final benefit...the
wound is closed in a manner that promotes optimum healing in minimum time.
Surgical specialty plays a primary role in determining suture preference. For example,
obstetrician/gynecologists frequently prefer coated VICRYL* RAPIDE (polyglactin 910) suture for
episiotomy repair and coated VICRYL* (polyglactin 910) suture, coated VICRYL* Plus Antibacterial
(polyglactin 910) suture and MONOCRYL* (poliglecaprone 25) suture for all tissue layers except, possibly
skin. Most orthopaedic surgeons use coated VICRYL suture, coated VICRYL Plus, PDS* II (polydioxanone)
suture, and ETHIBOND* EXCEL polyester suture. Many plastic surgeons prefer ETHILON* nylon suture,
VICRYL suture, or MONOCRYL suture. Many neurosurgeons prefer coated VICRYL suture or NUROLON*
nylon suture. But no single suture material is used by every surgeon who practices within a specialty.
The surgeon's knowledge of the physical characteristics of suture material is important. As the
requirements for wound support vary with patient factors, the nature of the procedure, and the type of
tissue involved, the surgeon will select suture material that will retain its strength until the wound heals
sufficiently to withstand stress on its own.
The choice of suture materials generally depends on whether the wound closure occurs in one or more
layers. In selecting the most appropriate sutures, the surgeon takes into account the amount of tension
on the wound, the number of layers of closure, depth of suture placement, anticipated amount of
edema, and anticipated timing of suture removal.
Sutures are classified according to their degradation properties. Sutures that undergo rapid degradation
in tissues, losing their tensile strength within 60 days, are considered absorbable sutures. Sutures that
generally maintain their tensile strength for longer than 60 days are nonabsorbable sutures.
Absorbable sutures may be used to hold wound edges in approximation temporarily, until they have
healed sufficiently to withstand normal stress. These sutures are prepared either from the collagen of
healthy mammals or from synthetic polymers. Some are absorbed rapidly, while others are treated or
chemically structured to lengthen absorption time. They may also be impregnated or coated with agents
that improve their handling properties, and colored with an FDA-approved dye to increase visibility in
tissue. Natural absorbable sutures are digested by body enzymes which attack and break down the
suture strand. Synthetic absorbable sutures are hydrolyzed—a process by which water gradually
penetrates the suture filaments, causing the breakdown of the suture's polymer chain. Compared to the
enzymatic action of natural absorbables, hydrolyzation results in a lesser degree of tissue reaction
following implantation.
During the first stage of the absorption process, tensile strength diminishes in a gradual, almost linear
fashion. This occurs over the first several weeks postimplantation. The second stage often follows with
considerable overlap, characterized by loss of suture mass. Both stages exhibit leukocytic cellular
responses which serve to remove cellular debris and suture material from the line of tissue
The loss of tensile strength and the rate of absorption are separate phenomena. A suture can lose
tensile strength rapidly and yet be absorbed slowly—or it can maintain adequate tensile strength
through wound healing, followed by rapid absorption. In any case, the strand is eventually completely
dissolved, leaving no detectable traces in tissue.
Although they offer many advantages, absorbable sutures also have certain inherent limitations. If a
patient has a fever, infection, or protein deficiency, the suture absorption process may accelerate,
causing too rapid a decline in tensile strength. In addition, if the sutures become wet or moist during
handling, prior to being implanted in tissue, the absorption process may begin prematurely. Similarly,
patients with impaired healing are often not ideal candidates for this type of suture. All of these
situations predispose to postoperative complications, as the suture strand will not maintain adequate
strength to withstand stress until the tissues have healed sufficiently.
Nonabsorbable sutures are those which are not digested by body enzymes or hydrolyzed in body tissue.
They are made from a variety of nonbiodegradable materials and are ultimately encapsulated or walled
off by the body’s fibroblasts. Nonabsorbable sutures ordinarily remain where they are buried within the
tissues. When used for skin closure, they must be removed postoperatively. Nonabsorbable sutures may
be used in a variety of applications:
• Exterior skin closure, to be removed after sufficient healing has occurred.
• Within the body cavity, where they will remain permanently encapsulated in tissue.
• Patient history of reaction to absorbable sutures, keloidal tendency, or possible tissue hypertrophy.
• Prosthesis attachment (i.e., defibrillators, pacemakers, drug delivery mechanisms).
Nonabsorbable sutures are composed of single or multiple filaments of metal, synthetic, or organic
fibers rendered into a strand by spinning, twisting, or braiding. Each strand is substantially uniform in
diameter throughout its length, conforming to the United States Pharmacopeia (U.S.P.) limitations for
each size.
Nonabsorbable sutures have been classified by the U.S.P. according to their composition. In addition,
these sutures may be uncoated or coated, uncolored, naturally colored, or dyed with an FDAapproved
dye to enhance visibility.
The materials and products described here embody the most current advances in the manufacture of
surgical sutures. They are grouped as either absorbable or nonabsorbable for easy reference.
Absorbable Sutures Surgical Gut
Absorbable surgical gut is classified as either plain or chromic. Both types consist of processed strands of
highly purified collagen. The percentage of collagen in the suture determines its tensile strength and its
ability to be absorbed by the body without adverse reaction.
Noncollagenous material can cause a reaction ranging from irritation to rejection of the suture. The
more pure collagen throughout the length of the strand, the less foreign material there is introduced
into the wound.
ETHICON* surgical gut sutures are manufactured from between 97% and 98% pure ribbons of collagen.
To meet U.S.P. specifications, processed ribbons of the submucosa layer of sheep intestine or the serosa
layer of beef intestine are electronically spun and polished into virtually monofilament strands of various
sizes, with minimum and maximum limits on diameter for each size. The ETHICON exclusive TRU-
GAUGING process produces a uniform diameter to within an accuracy of 0.0002 inch (0.0175mm) along
the entire length of every strand, eliminating high and low spots. High and low spots can cause the
suture to fray or chatter when knots are tied down, resulting in a knot that is not positioned properly or
tied securely. Most protein-based absorbable sutures have a tendency to fray when tied.
TRU-GAUGING ensures that ETHICON surgical gut sutures possess uniform high tensile strength, virtually
eliminating the possibility of fray or breaking. Their unexceeded strength and surface smoothness allow
the surgeon to "snug down" the suture knot to achieve optimum tension.
The rate of absorption of surgical gut is determined by the type of gut being used, the type and
condition of the tissue involved, and the general health status of the patient. Surgical gut may be used in
the presence of infection, although it may be absorbed more rapidly under this condition.
Plain surgical gut is rapidly absorbed. Tensile strength is maintained for only 7 to 10 days
postimplantation, and absorption is complete within 70 days. The surgeon may choose plain gut for use
in tissues which heal rapidly and require minimal support (for example, ligating superficial blood vessels
and suturing subcutaneous fatty tissue). Plain surgical gut can also be specially heat-treated to
accelerate tensile strength loss and absorption. This fast absorbing surgical gut is used primarily for
epidermal suturing where sutures are required for only 5 to 7 days. These sutures have less tensile
strength than plain surgical gut of the comparable U.S.P. size. Fast absorbing plain gut is not to be used
Chromic gut is treated with a chromium salt solution to resist body enzymes, prolonging absorption time
over 90 days. The exclusive CHROMICIZING process used by ETHICON thoroughly bathes the pure
collagen ribbons in a buffered chrome tanning solution before spinning into strands. After spinning, the
entire cross section of the strand is evenly chromicized. The process alters the coloration of the surgical
gut from yellowish-tan to brown. Chromic gut sutures minimize tissue irritation, causing less reaction
than plain surgical gut during the early stages of wound healing. Tensile strength may be retained for 10
to 14 days, with some measurable strength remaining for up to 21 days.
MONOCRYL* (POLIGLECAPRONE 25) SUTURE This monofilament suture features superior pliability for
easy handling and tying. Comprised of a copolymer of glycolide and epsilon-caprolactone, it is virtually
inert in tissue and absorbs predictably. The surgeon may prefer MONOCRYL sutures for procedures
which require high initial tensile strength diminishing over 2 weeks postoperatively. These include
subcuticular closure and soft tissue approximations and ligations, with the exception of neural,
cardiovascular, ophthalmic, and microsurgical applications.
MONOCRYL suture is available dyed (violet) and undyed (natural). Dyed MONOCRYL suture retains 60%
to 70% of its original strength at 7 days postimplantation, reduced to 30% to 40% at 14 days, with all
original strength lost by 28 days. At 7 days, undyed MONOCRYL suture retains approximately 50% to
60% of its original strength, and approximately 20% to 30% at 14 days postimplantation. All of the
original tensile strength of undyed MONOCRYL suture is lost by 21 days postimplantation. Absorption is
essentially complete at 91 to 119 days.
The U.S.P. classifies nonabsorbable surgical sutures as follows:
• CLASS I—Silk or synthetic fibers of monofilament, twisted, or braided construction.
• CLASS II—Cotton or linen fibers, or coated natural or synthetic fibers where the coating contributes to
suture thickness without adding strength.
• CLASS III—Metal wire of monofilament or multifilament construction.
For many surgeons, surgical silk represents the standard handling performance by which newer
synthetic materials are judged, especially due to its superior handling characteristics. Silk filaments can
be twisted or braided, the latter providing the best handling qualities.
Raw silk is a continuous filament spun by the silkworm moth larva to make its cocoon. Cream or orange-
colored in its raw state, each silk filament is processed to remove natural waxes and sericin gum, which
is exuded by the silkworm as it spins its cocoon. The gum holds the cocoon together, but is of no benefit
to the quality of braided surgical silk sutures.
ETHICON degums the silk for most suture sizes before the braiding process. This allows for a tighter,
more compact braid which significantly improves suture quality. After braiding, the strands are dyed,
scoured and stretched, and then impregnated and coated with a mixture of waxes or silicone. Each of
these steps is critical to the quality of the finished suture and must be carried out in precise order.
Surgical silk is usually dyed black for easy visibility in tissue.
Raw silk is graded according to strength, uniformity of filament diameter, and freedom from defects.
Only top grades of silk filaments are used to produce PERMA-HAND* surgical silk sutures.
Surgical silk loses tensile strength when exposed to moisture and should be used dry. Although silk is
classified by the U.S.P. as a nonabsorbable suture, long-term in vivo studies have shown that it loses
most or all of its tensile strength in about 1 year and usually cannot be detected in tissue after 2 years.
Thus, it behaves in reality as a very slowly absorbing suture.
Interrupted sutures use a number of strands to close the wound. Each strand is tied and cut after
insertion. This provides a more secure closure, because if one suture breaks, the remaining sutures will
hold the wound edges in approximation. Interrupted sutures may be used if a wound is infected,
because microorganisms may be less likely to travel along a series of interrupted stitches.
Deep sutures are placed completely under the epidermal skin layer. They may be placed as continuous
or interrupted sutures and are not removed postoperatively.
Buried sutures are placed so that the knot protrudes to the inside, under the layer to be closed. This
technique is useful when using large diameter permanent sutures on deeper layers in thin patients who
may be able to feel large knots that are not buried.
Purse-string sutures are continuous sutures placed around a lumen and tightened like a drawstring to
invert the opening. They may be placed around the stump of the appendix, in the bowel to secure an
intestinal stapling device, or in an organ prior to insertion of a tube (such as the aorta, to hold the
cannulation tube in place during an open heart procedure).
Subcuticular sutures are continuous or interrupted sutures placed in the dermis, beneath the epithelial
layer. Continuous subcuticular sutures are placed in a line parallel to the wound. This technique involves
taking short, lateral stitches the full length of the wound. After the suture has been drawn taut, the
distal end is anchored in the same manner as the proximal end. This may involve tying or any of a variety
of anchoring devices.
Subcuticular suturing may be performed with absorbable suture which does not require removal, or
with monofilament nonabsorbable suture that is later removed by simply removing the anchoring
device at one end and pulling the opposite end.
Many types of stitches are used for both continuous and interrupted suturing. In every case, equal
"bites" of tissue should be taken on each side of the wound. The needle should be inserted from 1 to 3
centimeters from the edge of the wound, depending upon the type and condition of the tissue being
Of the more than 1,400 different types of knots described in THE ENCYLCOPEDIA OF KNOTS, only a few
are used in modern surgery. It is of paramount importance that each knot placed for approximation of
tissues or ligation of vessels be tied with precision and each must hold with proper tension.
The construction of ETHICON* sutures has been carefully designed to produce the optimum
combination of strength, uniformity, and hand for each material. The term hand is the most subtle of all
suture quality aspects. It relates to the feel of the suture in the surgeon’s hands, the smoothness with
which it passes through tissue and ties down, the way in which knots can be set and snugged down, and
most of all, to the firmness or body of the suture.
Extensibility relates to the way in which the suture will stretch slightly during knot tying and then
recover. The stretching characteristics provide the signal that alerts the surgeon to the precise moment
when the suture knot is snug.
The type of knot tied will depend upon the material used, the depth and location of the incision, and the
amount of stress that will be placed upon the wound postoperatively.
Multifilament sutures are generally easier to handle and tie than monofilament sutures, however, all the
synthetic materials require a specific knotting technique. With multifilament sutures, the nature of the
material and the braided or twisted construction provide a high coefficient of friction and the knots
remain as they are laid down. In monofilament sutures, on the other hand, the coefficient of friction is
relatively low, resulting in a greater tendency for the knot to loosen after it has been tied. In addition,
monofilament synthetic polymeric materials possess the property of memory. Memory is the tendency
not to lie flat, but to return to a given shape set by the material’s extrusion process or the suture’s
packaging. The RELAY* suture delivery system delivers sutures with minimal package memory due to its
unique package design.
Suture knots must be properly placed to be secure. Speed in knot tying frequently results in less than
perfect placement of the strands. In addition to variables inherent in the suture materials, considerable
variation can be found between knots tied by different surgeons and even between knots tied by the
same individual on different occasions.
The general principles of knot tying which apply to all suture materials are:
1. The completed knot must be firm, and so tied that slipping is virtually impossible. The simplest knot
for the material is the most desirable.
2. The knot must be as small as possible to prevent an excessive amount of tissue reaction when
absorbable sutures are used, or to minimize foreign body reaction to nonabsorbable sutures. Ends
should be cut as short as possible.
3. In tying any knot, friction between strands ("sawing") must be avoided as this can weaken the
integrity of the suture.
4. Care should be taken to avoid damage to the suture material when handling. Avoid the crushing or
crimping application of surgical instruments, such as needleholders and forceps, to the strand except
when grasping the free end of the suture during an instrument tie.
5. Excessive tension applied by the surgeon will cause breaking of the suture and may cut tissue. Practice
in avoiding excessive tension leads to successful use of finer gauge materials.
6. Sutures used for approximation should not be tied too tightly, because this may contribute to tissue
7. After the first loop is tied, it is necessary to maintain traction on one end of the strand to avoid
loosening of the throw if being tied under any tension.
8. Final tension on final throw should be as nearly horizontal as possible.
9. The surgeon should not hesitate to change stance or position in relation to the patient in order to
place a knot securely and flat.
10. Extra ties do not add to the strength of a properly tied and squared knot. They only contribute to its
bulk. With some synthetic materials, knot security requires the standard surgical technique to flat and
square ties with additional throws if indicated by surgical circumstance and the experience of the
The two-hand square knot is the easiest and most reliable for tying most suture materials. It may be
used to tie surgical gut, virgin silk, surgical cotton, and surgical stainless steel. Standard technique of flat
and square ties with additional throws if indicated by the surgical circumstance and the experience of
the operator should be used to tie MONOCRYL* (poliglecaprone 25) suture, VICRYL* suture, Coated
VICRYL* suture, Coated VICRYL* RAPIDE (polyglactin 910) suture, PDS* II (polydioxanone) suture,
ETHILON* nylon suture, ETHIBOND* EXCEL polyester suture, PERMA-HAND* silk suture, PRONOVA* poly
(hexafluoropropylene-VDF) suture, and PROLENE* polypropylene suture.
Wherever possible, the square knot is tied using the two-hand technique. On some occasions it will be
necessary to use one hand, either the left or the right, to tie a square knot.
CAUTION: If the strands of a square knot are inadvertently incorrectly crossed, a granny knot will result.
Granny knots are not recommended because they have a tendency to slip when subjected to increased
Tying deep in a body cavity can be difficult. The square knot must be firmly snugged down as in all
situations. However, the operator must avoid upward tension which may tear or avulse the tissue.
The instrument tie is useful when one or both ends of the suture material are short. For best results,
exercise caution when using a needleholder with any monofilament suture, as repeated bending may
cause these sutures to break.
When the external wound has healed so that it no longer needs the support of nonabsorbable suture
material, skin sutures must be removed. The length of time the sutures remain in place depends upon
the rate of healing and the nature of the wound. General rules are as follows.
Sutures should be removed using aseptic and sterile technique. The surgeon uses a sterile suture
removal tray prepared for the procedure. The following steps are taken:
• STEP 1—Cleanse the area with an antiseptic. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove dried serum
encrusted around the sutures.
• STEP 2—Pick up one end of the suture with thumb forceps, and cut as close to the skin as possible
where the suture enters the skin.
• STEP 3—Gently pull the suture strand out through the side opposite the knot with the forceps. To
prevent risk of infection, the suture should be removed without pulling any portion that has been
outside the skin back through the skin.
NOTE: Fast absorbing synthetic or gut suture material tend to lose all tensile strength in 5 to 7 days and
can be removed easily without cutting. A common practice is to cover the skin sutures with PROXI-
STRIP* skin closures during the required healing period. After the wound edges have regained sufficient
tensile strength, the sutures may be removed by simply removing the PROXI-STRIP skin closures.
Neither fat nor muscle tolerate suturing well. Some surgeons question the advisability of placing sutures
in fatty tissue because it has little tensile strength due to its composition, which is mostly water.
However, others believe it is necessary to place at least a few sutures in a thick layer of subcutaneous
fat to prevent dead space, especially in obese patients.
Dead spaces are most likely to occur in this type of tissue, so the edges of the wound must be carefully
approximated. Tissue fluids can accumulate in these pocket-like spaces, delaying healing and
predisposing infection.
Absorbable sutures are usually selected for the subcutaneous layer. VICRYL* suture is especially suited
for use in fatty, avascular tissue since it is absorbed by hydrolysis. The surgeon may use the same type
and size of material used earlier to ligate blood vessels in this layer.
To minimize scarring, suturing the subcuticular layer of tough connective tissue will hold the skin edges
in close approximation. In a single-layer subcuticular closure, less evidence of scar gaping or expansion
may be seen after a period of 6 to 9 months than is evident with simple skin closure. The surgeon takes
continuous short lateral stitches beneath the epithelial layer of skin.
Either absorbable or nonabsorbable sutures may be used. If nonabsorbable material is chosen, one end
of the suture strand will protrude from each end of the incision, and the surgeon may tie them together
to form a "loop" or knot the ends outside of the incision.
To produce only a hair-line scar (on the face, for example), the skin can be held in very close
approximation with skin closure tapes in addition to subcuticular sutures. Tapes may be left on the
wound for an extended period of time depending upon their location on the body.
When great tension is not placed upon the wound, as in facial or neck surgery, very fine sizes of
subcuticular sutures may be used. Abdominal wounds that must withstand more stress call for larger
suture sizes.
Some surgeons choose to close both the subcuticular and epidermal layers to achieve minimal scarring.
Chromic surgical gut and polymeric materials, such as MONOCRYL* suture, are acceptable for placement
within the dermis. They are capable of maintaining sufficient tensile strength through the collagen
synthesis stage of healing which lasts approximately 6 weeks. The sutures must not be placed too close
to the epidermal surface to reduce extrusion. If the skin is nonpigmented and thin, a clear or white
monofilament suture such as MONOCRYL suture will be invisible to the eye. MONOCRYL suture is
particularly well-suited for this closure because, as a monofilament, it does not harbor infection and, as
a synthetic absorbable suture, tissue reaction is minimized. After this layer is closed, the skin edges may
then be approximated.
Skin is composed of the epithelium and the underlying dermis. It is so tough that a very sharp needle is
essential for every stitch to minimize tissue trauma. (See Chapter 3: The Surgical Needle.)
Skin wounds regain tensile strength slowly. If a nonabsorbable suture material is used, it is typically
removed between 3 and 10 days postoperatively, when the wound has only regained approximately 5%
to 10% of its strength. This is possible because most of the stress placed upon the healing wound is
absorbed by the fascia, which the surgeon relies upon to hold the wound closed. The skin or
subcuticular sutures need only be strong enough to withstand natural skin tension and hold the wound
edges in apposition.
The use of coated VICRYL* RAPIDE suture, a rapidly absorbed synthetic suture, eliminates the need for
suture removal. Coated VICRYL RAPIDE suture, which is indicated for superficial closure of skin and
mucosa, provides short-term wound support consistent with the rapid healing characteristics of skin.
The sutures begin to fall off in 7 to 10 days, with absorption essentially complete at 42 days.
Suturing technique for skin closure may be either continuous or interrupted. Skin edges should be
everted. Preferably, each suture strand is passed through the skin only once, reducing the chance of
cross-contamination across the entire suture line. Interrupted technique is usually preferred.
If surgeon preference indicates the use of a nonabsorbable suture material, several issues must be
considered. Skin sutures are exposed to the external environment, making them a serious threat to
wound contamination and stitch abscess. The interstices of multifilament sutures may provide a haven
for microorganisms.
Therefore, monofilament nonabsorbable sutures may be preferred for skin closure. Monofilament
sutures also induce significantly less tissue reaction than multifilament sutures.
For cosmetic reasons, nylon or polypropylene monofilament sutures may be preferred. Many skin
wounds are successfully closed with silk and polyester multifilaments as well. Tissue reaction to
nonabsorbable sutures subsides and remains relatively acellular as fibrous tissue matures and forms a
dense capsule around the suture. (Note, surgical gut has been known to produce tissue reaction. Coated
VICRYL* RAPIDE suture elicits a lower tissue reaction than chromic gut suture due to its accelerated
absorption profile.) The key to success is early suture removal before epithelialization of the suture tract
occurs and before contamination is converted into infection.
When a wound is sustained in the skin—whether accidentally or during a surgical procedure—the
epithelial cells in the basal layer at the margins of the wound flatten and move into the wound area.
They move down the wound edge until they find living, undamaged tissue at the base of the wound.
Then they move across the wound bed to make contact with similar cells migrating from the opposite
side of the wound.
They move down the suture tract after if has been embedded in the skin. When the suture is removed,
the tract of the epithelial cells remains. Eventually, it may disappear, but some may remain and form
keratin. A punctate scar is usually seen on the skin surface and a "railroad track" or "crosshatch"
appearance on the wound may result. This is relatively rare if the skin sutures are not placed with
excessive tension and are removed by the seventh postoperative day.
The forces that create the distance between the edges of the wound will remain long after the sutures
have been removed. Significant collagen synthesis will occur from 5 to 42 days postoperatively. After
this time, any additional gain in tensile will be due to remodeling, or crosslinking, of collagen fibers
rather than to collagen synthesis. Increases in tensile strength will continue for as long as 2 years, but
the tissue will never quite regain its original strength.
We have already discussed the techniques involved with placing retention sutures, and using them in a
secondary suture line. (See the section on Suturing Techniques.)
Heavy sizes (0 to 5) of nonabsorbable materials are usually used for retention sutures, not for strength,
but because larger sizes are less likely to cut through tissue when a sudden rise in intra-abdominal
pressure occurs from vomiting, coughing, straining, or distention. To prevent the heavy suture material
from cutting into the skin under stress, one end of the retention suture may be threaded through a short
length of plastic or rubber tubing called a bolster or bumper before it is tied. A plastic bridge with
adjustable features may also be used to protect the skin and primary suture line and permit
postoperative wound management for patient comfort.
Properly placed retention sutures provide strong reinforcement for abdominal wounds, but also cause
the patient more postoperative pain than does a layered closure. The best technique is to use a material
with needles swaged on each end (double-armed). They should be placed from the inside of the wound
toward the outside skin to avoid pulling potentially contaminated epithelial cells through the entire
abdominal wall.
The ETHICON retention suture line includes ETHILON* sutures, MERSILENE* sutures, ETHIBOND* EXCEL
sutures, and PERMA-HAND* sutures. Surgical steel sutures may also be used. Retention sutures may be
left in place for 14 to 24 days postoperatively. Three weeks is an average length of time. Assessment of
the patient's condition is the controlling factor in deciding when to remove retention sutures.
The introduction of fine sizes of sutures and needles has increased the use of the operating microscope.
ETHICON introduced the first microsurgery sutures—ETHILON* sutures—in sizes 8-0 through 11-0. Since
then, the microsurgery line has expanded to include PROLENE* sutures and coated VICRYL* sutures.
Literally all surgical specialties perform some procedures under the operating microscope, especially
vascular and nerve anastomosis.
The eye presents special healing challenges. The ocular muscles, the conjunctiva, and the sclera have
good blood supplies; but the cornea is an avascular structure. While epithelialization of the cornea
occurs rapidly in the absence of infection, full thickness cornea wounds heal slowly.
Therefore, in closing wounds such as cataract incisions, sutures should remain in place for approximately
21 days. Muscle recession, which involves suturing muscle to sclera, only requires sutures for
approximately 7 days.
Nylon was the preferred suture material for ophthalmic surgery. While nylon is not absorbed,
progressive hydrolysis of nylon in vivo may result in gradual loss of tensile strength over time. Fine sizes
of absorbable sutures are currently used for many ocular procedures.
Occasionally, the sutures are absorbed too slowly in muscle recessions and produce granulomas to the
sclera. Too rapid absorption has, at times, been a problem in cataract surgery. Because they induce less
cellular reaction than surgical gut and behave dependably, VICRYL sutures have proven useful in muscle
and cataract surgery.
While some ophthalmic surgeons promote the use of a "no-stitch" surgical technique, 10-0 coated
VICRYL (polyglactin 910) violet monofilament sutures offer distinct advantages. They provide the
security of suturing immediately following surgery but eliminate the risks of suture removal and related
The ophthalmologist has many fine size suture materials to choose from for keratoplasty, cataract, and
vitreous retinal microsurgical procedures. In addition to VICRYL* sutures, other monofilament suture
materials including ETHILON sutures, PROLENE sutures, and PDS* II sutures may be used. Braided
material such as virgin silk, black braided silk, MERSILENE* sutures, and coated VICRYL sutures are also
available for ophthalmic procedures.
The surgeon must consider the upper alimentary tract from the mouth down to the lower esophageal
sphincter to be a potentially contaminated area. The gut is a musculomembranous canal lined with
mucus membranes. Final healing of mucosal wounds appears to be less dependent upon suture material
than on the wound closure technique.
The oral cavity and pharynx generally heal quickly if not infected. Fine size sutures are adequate in this
area as the wound is under little tension. Absorbable sutures may be prefer red. Patients, especially
children, usually find them more comfortable. However, the surgeon may prefer a monofilament non
absorbable suture under certain circumstances. This option causes less severe tissue reaction than
multifilament materials in buccal mucosa, but also requires suture removal following healing .
In cases involving severe periodontitis, VICRYL periodontal mesh may be used to promote tissue
regeneration, a technique that enhances the regeneration and attachment of tissue lost due to
periodontitis. VICRYL periodontal mesh, available in several shapes and sizes with a preattached VICRYL
ligature, is woven from the same copolymer used to produce absorbable VICRYL*suture. As a synthetic
absorbable, VIC RYL* periodontal mesh eliminates the trauma associated with a second surgical
procedure and reduces the risk of infection or inflammation associated with this procedure . The
esophagus is a difficult organ to sutre. It lacks a serosal layer . The mucosa heals slowly. The thick
muscular layer does not hold sutures well. If multifilament sutures are used, penetration through the
mucosa into the lumen should be avoided to prevent infection.
Although definitive studies are few, blood vessels appear to heal rapidly. Most cardiovascular surgeons
prefer to use synthetic nonabsorbable sutures for cardiac and peripheral vascular procedures. Lasting
strength and leakproof anastomoses are essential. Wire sutures are used on the sternum unless it is
fragile, in which case absorbable sutures can be used.
Excessive tissue reaction to suture material may lead to decreased luminal diameter or to thrombus
formation in a vessel. Therefore, the more inert synthetics including nylon and polypropylene are the
materials of choice for vessel anastomoses. Multifilament polyester sutures allow clotting to occur
within the interstices which helps to prevent leakage at the suture line. The advantages of a material
such as ETHIBOND* EXCEL sutures are its strength, durability, and slippery surface which causes less
friction when drawn through a vessel. Many surgeons find that PROLENE* sutures, PRONOVA* sutures,
or silk are ideal for coronary artery procedures because they do not "saw" through vessels.
Continuous sutures provide a more leakproof closure than interrupted sutures in large vessel
anastomoses because the tension along the suture strand is distributed evenly around the vessel's
circumference. Interrupted monofilament sutures such as ETHILON* sutures, PROLENE* sutures, or
PRONOVA* sutures are used for microvascular anastomoses.
When anastomosing major vessels in young children, special care must be taken to anticipate the future
growth of the patient. Here, the surgeon may use silk to its best advantage, because it loses much of its
tensile strength after approximately 1 year, and is usually completely absorbed after 2 or more years.
Continuous polypropylene sutures have been used in children without adverse effects. The continuous
suture, when placed, is a coil which stretches as the child grows to accommodate the changing
dimensions of the blood vessel. However, reports of stricture following vessel growth have stimulated
interest in use of a suture line which is one-half continuous, one-half interrupted.
Clinical studies suggest that a prolonged absorbable suture, such as PDS* II suture, may be ideal, giving
adequate short-term support while permitting future growth.
Following vascular trauma, mycotic aneurysms from infection are extremely serious complications. A
suture may act as a nidus for an infection. In the presence of infection, the chemical properties of suture
material can cause extensive tissue damage which may reduce the tissue's natural ability to combat
infection. Localized sepsis can also spread to adjacent vascular structures, causing necrosis of the
arterial wall. Therefore, the surgeon may choose a monofilament suture material that causes only a mild
tissue reaction and resists bacterial growth.
The fixation of vascular prostheses and artificial heart valves presents an entirely different suturing
challenge than vessel anastomosis. The sutures must retain their original physical properties and
strength throughout the life of the patient. A prosthesis never becomes completely incorporated into
the tissue and constant movement of the suture line occurs.
Coated polyester sutures are the choice for fixation of vascular prostheses and heart valves because
they retain their strength and integrity indefinitely. Either a continuous or interrupted technique may be
used for vessel to graft anastomoses.
To assist in proper strand identification, many surgeons alternate green and white strands of
ETHIBOND* EXCEL suture around the cuff of the valve before tying the knots.
Some surgeons routinely use pledgets to buttress sutures in valve surgery. They are used most
commonly in valve replacement procedures to prevent the annulus from tearing when the prosthetic
valve is seated and the sutures are tied. They may also be used in heart wall closure of penetrating
injuries, excising aneurysms, vascular graft surgery, and to add support when the surgeon encounters
extreme deformity, distortion, or tissue destruction at the annulus.
Closure of tissues in the urinary tract must be leakproof to prevent escape of urine into surrounding
tissues. The same considerations that affect the choice of sutures for the biliary tract affect the choice of
sutures for this area. Nonabsorbable sutures incite the formation of calculi, and therefore cannot be
used. Surgeons use absorbable sutures as a rule, especially MONOCRYL* sutures, PDS II sutures, VICRYL*
sutures, Coated VICRYL* sutures, and chromic gut sutures.
The urinary tract heals rapidly. The transitional cell epithelium migrates over the denuded surfaces
quickly. Unlike other epithelium, the migrating cells in the urinary tract undergo mitosis and cell division.
Epithelial migration may be found along suture tracts in the body of the bladder. The bladder wall
regains 100% of its original tensile strength within 14 days. The rate of collagen synthesis peaks at 5 days
and declines rapidly thereafter.
Thus, sutures are needed for only 7 to 10 days.
Surgery within this area presents certain challenges. First, it is usually regarded as a potentially
contaminated area. Second, the surgeon must frequently work within a very restricted field. Endoscopic
technique is frequently used in this area. Coated VICYL* suture is an excellent choice to prevent
bacterial colonization. Most gynecological surgeons prefer to use absorbable sutures for repair of
incisions and defects. Some prefer using heavy, size 1 surgical gut sutures, MONOCRYL sutures, or
VICRYL sutures. However, the stresses on the reproductive organs and the rate of healing indicate that
these larger-sized sutures may only be required for abdominal closure.
Handling properties, especially pliability of the sutures used for internal use, are extremely important.
Synthetic absorbable sutures such as VICRYL* sutures in size 0 may be used for the tough, muscular,
highly vascular tissues in the pelvis and vagina. These tissues demand strength during approximation
and healing. Coated VICRYL* RAPIDE suture, for example, is an excellent choice for episiotomy repair.
Tendon surgery presents several challenges. Most tendon injuries are due to trauma, and the wound
may be dirty. Tendons heal slowly. The striated nature of the tissue makes suturing difficult.
Tendon repair fibroblasts are derived from the peritendonous tissue and migrate into the wound.
The junction heals first with scar tissue, then by replacement with new tendon fibers. Close apposition
of the cut ends of the tendon (especially extensor tendons) must be maintained to achieve good
functional results. Both the suture material and the closure technique are critical for successful tendon
The suture material the surgeon chooses must be inert and strong. Because tendon ends can separate
due to muscle pull, sutures with a great degree of elasticity should be avoided. Surgical steel is widely
used because of its durability and lack of elasticity. Synthetic nonabsorbable materials including
polyester fibers, polypropylene, and nylon may be used. In the presence of potential infection, the most
inert monofilament suture materials are preferred.
The suture should be placed to cause the least possible interference with the surface of the tendon, as
this is the gliding mechanism. It should also not interfere with the blood supply reaching the wound.
Maintenance of closed apposition of the cut ends of the tendons, particularly extensor tendons, is
critical for good functional results. The parallel arrangement of tendon fibers in a longitudinal direction
makes permanent and secure placement of sutures difficult. Various figure-of-eight and other types of
suturing have been used successfully to prevent suture slippage and the formation of gaps between the
cut ends of the tendon.
Many surgeons use the Bunnell Technique. The suture is placed to be withdrawn when its function as a
holding structure is no longer necessary. Referred to as a pull-out suture, it is brought out through the
skin and fastened over a polypropylene button. The Bunnell Technique suture can also be left in place.
NUROLON* sutures, PROLENE* sutures, PRONOVA* sutures and ETHIBOND* EXCEL sutures may be used
for connecting tendon to bone. Permanent wire sutures also yield good results because healing is slow.
In periosteum, which heals fairly rapidly, surgical gut or coated VICRYL sutures may be used. In fact,
virtually any suture may be used satisfactorily in the periosteum.
In repairing facial fractures, monofilament surgical steel has proven ideal for its lack of elasticity. Facial
bones do not heal by callus formation, but more commonly by fibrous union. The suture material must
remain in place for a long period of time— perhaps months—until the fibrous tissue is laid down and
remodeled. Steel sutures immobilize the fracture line and keep the tissues in good apposition.
Following median stemotomy, surgeons prefer interrupted steel sutures to close. Sternum closure may
be difficult. Appropriate tension must be maintained, and the surgeon must guard against weakening
the wire. Asymmetrical twisting of the wire may cause it to buckle, fatiguing the metal, and ultimately
causing the wire to break. Motion between the sides of the sternum will result, causing postoperative
pain and possibly dehiscence. Painful nonunion is another possible complication. (In osteoporotic
patients, very heavy VICRYL sutures may be used to close the sternum securely.)
The surgeon may use a bone anchor to hold one end of a suture in place when needed (e.g., shoulder
repair surgery). This involves drilling a hole in the bone and inserting the anchor, which expands once
completely inside the bone to keep it from being pulled out.
Often, it is necessary for the surgeon to implant a prosthetic device such as an automatic defibrillator or
drug delivery system into a patient. To prevent such a device from migrating out of position, it may be
tacked to the fascia or chest wall with nonabsorbable sutures.
Contamination exists when microorganisms are present, but in insufficient numbers to overcome the
body's natural defenses.
Infection exists when the level of contamination exceeds the tissue's ability to defend against the
invading microorganisms. Generally, contamination becomes infection when it reaches approximately
106 bacteria per gram of tissue in an immunologically normal host. Inflammation without discharge
and/or the presence of culturepositive serous fluid indicate possible infection. Presence of purulent
discharge indicates positive infection. Contaminated wounds can become infected when hematomas,
necrotic tissue, devascularized tissue, or large amounts of devitalized tissue (especially in fascia, muscle,
and bone) are present. Microorganisms multiply rapidly under these conditions, where they are safe
from cells that provide local tissue defenses.
In general, contaminated wounds should not be closed but should be left open to heal by secondary
intention because of the risk of infection. Foreign bodies, including sutures, perpetuate localized
infection. Therefore, the surgeon's technique and choice of suture is critical.
Nonabsorbable monofilament nylon sutures are commonly used in anticipation of delayed closure of
dirty and infected wounds. The sutures are laid in but not tied. Instead, the loose suture ends are held in
place with PROXI-STRIP* skin closures (sterile tape). The wound should be packed to maintain a moist
environment. When the infection has subsided, the surgeon can easily reopen the wound, remove the
packing and any tissue debris, and then close using the previously inserted monofilament nylon suture.
1. Mangram AJ, Horan TC, Pearson ML, Silver LC, Jarvis WR. Guideline for prevention of surgical site infection, 1999. Infection
Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 1999;20:247-278.
2. Gilbert P, McBain AJ, Storch ML, Rothenburger SJ, Barbolt TA. Literature-based evaluation of the potential risks associated
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3. Rothenburger S, Spangler D, Bhende S, Burkley D. In vitro antibacterial evaluation of Coated VICRYL* Plus Antibacterial suture
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