Human Resource Management Nestle
Human Resource Management Nestle
Human Resource Management Nestle
Nestlé, over its long historical development from a small village operation to the world’s
leading food Company, has demonstrated an enviable capability to adjust to an ever-
changing external environment, without losing its fundamental beliefs and core values,
so important for long-term success. Over the years to come, this capability will continue
to be challenged even more as Nestlé is growing in size and complexity up to a
dimension which demands a continuous evolution of its organization and of the way in
which it is run.
This permanent transformation will be driven by the need to manage complexity with a
high level of efficiency, leveraging all the intangibles which enhance our competitive
edge. Our personal motivation based on willingness to learn and to question what we are
doing and why we are doing it, combined with our longstanding respect for certain
Nestlé values, will assure our success. In such a setting, every employee of Nestlé has
both an individual and complementary role to play in building the Company of
tomorrow. The Basic Nestlé Management and Leadership Principles were issued in
1997. The first version reflected the specific situation of the Company at that time, and
intended to build a bridge at a moment when it was essential to ensure that our Nestlé
values were recorded for future reference.
The new version not only re-emphasizes the values that have been and always will be
those of Nestlé, but focuses strongly on the skills that will ensure Nestlé’s future over the
years to come. It is also aligned with the Corporate Business Principles, which have been
revised in 2002. We wish that each of you carefully read this document, share it with
your collaborators, take pride in adhering to its principles and implement them with
conviction and enthusiasm. We believe indeed that these principles are there to be lived
not only through discussions with colleagues and during training sessions but mainly by
taking concrete action in the workplace. These principles should be applied everywhere
and at all times in our organization, thus becoming a tangible expression of our corporate
culture and a key component of our success.
Nestlé is a human Company providing a response to individual human needs throughout
the world with specific concern for the well-being of both its consumers and its
employees. This is reflected in its attitude and its sense of responsibility towards people.
Nestlé aims to increase sales and profits but, at the same time, to raise the standard of
living everywhere it is active and the quality of life for everyone. Nestlé is also
convinced that it is the people who form the strength of the Company and that nothing
can be achieved without their commitment and their energy, which makes people its
most important asset. Involvement of people at all levels starts with appropriate
information on the Company’s activities and on the specific aspects of their work.
Through open communication and active co-operation, everyone is invited to contribute
to improvements enhancing Company results and personal development
Members of Nestlé Management at all levels are strongly committed to the Company, its
development and its culture as expressed in The Nestlé Management and Leadership
Principles. They practice what they preach and show the example in their daily work.
Apart from professional skills and insight, the capacity and willingness to apply these
principles are the main criteria for progressing in the organisation, regardless of origin,
nationality, religion, race, gender or age.
product safety and quality, Research & Development based innovation capacity and
strong brands are a priority for Nestlé.
Pride in contributing to the reputation and the performance of the Company. This
calls especially for nurturing a sense of quality and long-term achievement in the
daily workbeyond fashion and shortsighted gain.
Loyalty to and identification with the Company.
Nestle is corporate to the following principles in all countries, taking into account local
legislation, cultural and religious practices :
Nestlé’s business objective, and that of management and employees at all levels
is to manufacture and market the Company’s products in such a way as to create
value that can be sustained over the long term for shareholders, employees,
consumers, business partners and the large number of national economies in
which Nestle operates.
Nestlé does not favor short-term profit at the expense of successful long-term
business development, but recognizes the need to generate a healthy profit each
year in order to maintain the support of our shareholders and the financial
markets band to finance investments; Nestlé recognizes that its consumers have a
sincere and legitimate interesting the behavior, beliefs and actions of the
Company behind brands in which they place their trust, and that without its
consumers the company would not exist.
Nestlé believes that, as a general rule, legislation is the most effective safeguard
of responsible conduct, although in certain areas, additional guidance to staff in
the form of voluntary business principles is beneficial in order to ensure that the
highest standards are met throughout the organization; Nestlé is conscious of the
fact that the success of a corporation is a reflection of the professionalism,
conduct and the responsible attitude of its management and employees.
Therefore recruitment of the right people and ongoing training and development are
crucial; Nestlé operates in many countries and in many cultures throughout the world.
This rich diversity is an invaluable source for our leadership. No single document can
capture every legal obligation that may be required in each of these countries. Indeed,
there may be conflicting legal requirements. Nestlé continues to maintain its
commitment to follow and respect all applicable local laws in each of its markets.
Members of the Nestlé Management at all levels are more concerned with continuously
adding value to the Company than exercising formal authority. This can only materialize
with a high involvement of each employee and a common mindset geared to results.
Contributing to results through project work and special assignments becomes more
frequent, reaching beyond conventional boundaries in order to contribute to wider group
performance. The broader the responsibility of a Nestlé Manager, the more the following
specific criteria should be considered, in addition to professional skills, practical
experience and result focus:
Personal commitment and courage. This includes the capacity and the
willingness to take initiatives and risks as well as to maintain composure under
Ability to motivate and to develop people, addressing all those issues that allow
others to progress in their work and to develop their capabilities.
Curiosity and open-mindedness as well as a high level of interest in other
cultures and life-styles. This also includes a commitment to continuous learning
and improving, as well as to sharing knowledge and ideas freely with others.
A taste for initiative together with the ability to create a climate of innovation
and to think outside the box. This implies the right to make a mistake but also the
readiness to correct it and to learn from it.
Willingness to accept change and the ability to manage it.
Adaptability of thought and deed, taking into account the specificity and the
complexity of the environment.
Credibility as a result of coherent action, leadership and achievement.
International experience and understanding of other cultures.
As a dynamic and flexible organization, Nestlé Waters North America recognizes that
our workforce – our human assets – is one of the most important characteristics that
differentiate us in the marketplace. Identifying, recruiting, and retaining top talent across
our company are only the beginnings of the story. Our human resources teams cultivate
our culture through employee learning and foster our sustained growth by ensuring
employee passion is directed to help deliver on business goals. Below is a snapshot of a
few of our key opportunities.
The Human Resources Manager leads staffing and recruitment efforts for the facility,
including identifying training needs and developing training plans with business partners
and leaders to ensure a successful start-up. In addition, the position support managers
and employees on day-to-day employee relations issues; conducts wage analyses, and
monitor labor market trends to ensure competitive pay practices; and maintains legal
compliance in HR related areas and conducts audits on employment practices.
The consumer's voice is the key to Nestle vision and working. Whether you
live in the remotest village or the city, Nestle consumer services team stands ready to
listen to your concerns and provide answers about our products and guidance on matters
of health and wellness.
Nestlé’s global vision is to be the leading health, wellness, and Nutrition Company
of the world. Nestle subscribes fully to this global vision. In addition to that,
Nestle also envisions to:
Lead a dynamic motivated and professional workforce that is
p r o u d o f i t s heritage and bullish about the future
Meet the nutritional needs of all age groups through a
d i v e r s i f i e d p r o d u c t range that contains an innovative portfolio of branded
food and beverages of the highest quality
Maintain long-term growth and deliver shareholder value.
Establishing responsible communication with the consumer which in turn can
provide us a better look into what changes need to be made to our products
Strengthen the position as the best career destination fo
r t a l e n t e d a n d motivated individuals
“Nestle is dedicated to providing the best foods to people
throughout their day, throughout their lives, throughout
t h e w o r l d . W i t h o u r u n i q u e e x p e r i e n c e o f anticipating consumers'
needs and creating solutions, Nestle contributes to your well-being and
enhances your quality of life.”
Nestle recognizes that its consumers have a sincere and legitimate interest in
the behavior, beliefs, and actions of the Company behind brands in which
they place their trust and that without its consumers the Company would not exist.
Nestle continues to maintain its commitment to follow and respect all applicable local
laws in each of its markets. A t t h e e n t r a n c e o f t h i s n e w m i l l e n n i u m ,
N e s t l é ’ s o b j e c t i v e I s t o c o n s o l i d a t e a n d strengthen its leading position
at the cutting edge of innovation in the food area in order to meet the needs
and desires of customers around the world, for pleasure, convenience, health
and well being.
w e l o o k a t t h e p r i c e s , w e c a n observe that Nestle is also using its
name for the promotional activities and pricing strategies also. They have to
maintain their level of efficiency and always provide the b e s t a t b e s t p r i c e . N e s t l e
c a r e s a b o u t t h e c u s t o m e r s . A s t h e t i m e i s o f i n f l a t i o n , nestle is trying to
overcome the pricing problems to the extent they can do.
Nestlép o i n t o f v i e w i s “ O n l y b y u n d e r s t a n d i n g c o n s u m e r n e e d s
c a n w e s e r v e o u r consumers to the fullest”. P r o f i t e a r n i n g i s t h e c o r e
a i m o f e v e r y c o m p a n y b u t i n c a s e o f N e s t l e t h e i r p r o f i t margin is small
just for the sake of customers trust and happiness. Nestle is also one of the leader of
retaining their customers. This is one reason of their success.
Nestle launch was, perhaps one of the most aggressive as far as processed Nestle product
concerned, with TV, print ads, radio commercials, billboards and plenty of BTL (below
the line) activities including direct consumer and shop branding activities. Due to this
aggressive marketing campaign, the competition seems to begetting tougher. So far ads
focus towards the younger generation, who want to feel f r e e , y o u n g a n d e x c i t e d ,
l e a d i n g a h e a l t h y l i f e s t y l e . T h e s e a d s a r e a p p e a l i n g s pecific social class.
They keep the information of the other companies what they are offering. Try
to improve their strategies from others so that they can promote their product
more. Like more companies are now coming in the market so there is more completion
in the market and they have to be up to date from the current situations
The Corporate Business Principles outline the Company’s commitment to fully endorse
and to respect a series of principles and international conventions concerning employee’s
rights, the protection of children against child labor and other important issues. These
principles are to be respected everywhere and under all circumstances.
The management will implement the necessary processes to ensure that these principles
are enforced at all levels. Employees who are not abiding with the Corporate Business
Principles and the Nestlé Management and Leadership Principles cannot be maintained
in employment and will be requested to leave the organization. Also their main suppliers
and providers of out sourced services should be informed of the Corporate Business
Principles and should comply with those. Nestlé provides a working environment which
protects the health and there welfare of the employees according to the highest?
Affordable standards of safety, hygiene and security. Each employee should not only
Care for her/his own safety but also that of her/his colleagues. Therefore, suggestions for
improvement are they come and will be given prime consideration.
In the same way that no discrimination for reason of origin, nationality, religion, race,
Gender or age will be tolerated when joining Nestlé, no such discrimination will be
tolerated towards Nestlé’s employees. Furthermore, any form of harassment, moral or
sexual, will not only be prohibited but actively tracked and eliminated. Internal Rules
and regulations will explicitly deal with discrimination and harassment issues so as to
obtain the best possible prevention. Nestlé considers that it is not enough to avoid
discrimination or harassment. It is essential to build a relationship based on trust and
respect of employees at all levels. Therefore, it is indispensable for each manager to
know how her/his employees feel in their work. In larger units it may be necessary to
organize such feedback on a regular basis, using internal surveys or other valuable
approaches. Nestlé favors a policy of long-term employment. Whenever, an operation
activity cannot be maintained within the Nestlé sphere, reasonable steps will be
undertaken to avoid overall loss of employment by identifying an external Business
willing to take over activity from Nestlé, whenever this is possible.
If this is not possible, a closing down may be unavoidable. It will be handled in full
respect of local legislation and of the Corporate Business Principles. A social plan will
be elaborated taking into account the legitimate interests of the concerned staff.
Reasonable efforts will be deployed to reduce, as much as possible, the negative Social
impact of such a situation.
In Nestle, management dealing with people is respect and trust. There can be no
room for intolerance, harassment or discrimination of any kind as they are the
expression of an elementary lack of respect. This principle suffers no exception
and is to be applied at all levels and under all circumstances.
Nestle management has work simplicity & honest in dealing with people for
efficient communication. Based on facts and sincere dialogue, such transparency
is the only solid basis for boosting continuous improvement.
This is to be complemented by open communication with purpose of sharing
competencies and boosting creativity. It is particularly relevant in a flat
organization to convey systematically all information to those who need it to do
their work properly. Otherwise no effective delegation or knowledge
improvements are possible
To communicate is not only to inform. It is also to listen and
t o e n g a g e i n dialogue. Every employee has the right to an open conversation
with superiors or colleagues.
In case of discord between an employee and his/her superior or another
employee, the possibility must be offered for a fair hearing. The HR staff of
Nestle will provide assistance to ensure that the disharmony is dealt with
impartially and that each party the opportunity to explain her/his view point
regardless of hierarchical position.
Family is an important part of who we are, which is why Tetra pak offers a valuable
support for the families through various programs.
Tetra Pak offers discounts on a broad range of products to their employees
also provide travel and quarters, electronics, gifts, financial services, clothing and more.
Tetra Pak makes a number of voluntary benefits available to you through an outside
service provider, including auto and home insurance, prepaid legal services and pet
The Nestlé Scholarship Foundation is proud to sponsor a scholarship program that
provides financial assistance. Scholarship recipients are sele
c t e d b a s e d o n academic record, demonstrated leadership skills, and
participation in school and community activities.
Long-Term Care insurance is available to protect employees and eligible
family members from the potential cost of nursing homes or other long-term care.
Nestle provide their employee pick and drop facility, the timing of employee come into
the workplace is also not disturb. All employees are relatively on the time in
their workplace.
Valuing our people by providing a safe place to work.
Identifying, assessing and reducing risk and preventing injury
or illness to our employees, contractors and visitors.
Operating our business to meet health, safety, legislative a n d o t h e r
requirements applicable to Nestlé.
Continually monitoring, review and establishing new
objectives aimed at eliminating or minimizing work related
injury or illness.
Developing and implementing effective and efficient injury
management systems which enable a safe and sustainable
return to work for affected employees.
Providing information, training and supervision to employees and contractors to
ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities in eliminating or
minimizing the risk of workplace injury or illness.
Encouraging a similar Health and Safety commitment from our suppliers and
Consulting with employees and other stakeholders on Health
and Safety matters.
Learning effective assessment strategies focused on behavioral-based
Our intern assignments are real world projects based upon business needs. You will gain
experience working with people from a variety of departments. Interns typically present
project findings to their HR team, as well as relevant department leadership.
When evaluating internship candidates, Nestlé Purina PetCare looks for people who are:
Enrolled in a Masters degree program in Human Resources or Industrial-
Organizational Psychology
Effective multi-takers
Detail oriented
Independent workers
Team oriented
HR Trainee positions are unique in that trainees will have the chance to take a hands-on
approach to learning in all areas of a manufacturing plant as well as focusing within your
own discipline. As an HR trainee, you will gain a holistic understanding of plant
operations. HR Trainees will contribute as full members of their team during their 18-24
month training period, with responsibilities in the areas of:
Employee relations
Recruiting/Selection process
Training & Development
Affirmative Action Planning
Our intern assignments are real world projects based upon business needs. You will gain
experience working with people from a variety of departments. Interns typically present
project findings to their HR team, as well as relevant department leadership.
As an HR Trainee, you can expect informal feedback and coaching to assist in your
development throughout your internship.
The Nestlé Human Resource Policy The long-term success of the Company
Depends on its capacity to attract, retain and develop employees able to ensure its growth
on a continuing basis. This is a primary responsibility for all managers. The Nestlé
policy is to hire staff with personal attitudes and professional skills enabling them to
develop a long-term relationship with the Company.
Therefore the potential for professional development is an essential standard for
Hence, a clear communication of these principles and values from the very beginning of
the recruitment process is required. Moreover, for managerial positions specific
leadership qualities and business acumen will be required. Nestlé wishes to maintain and
develop its reputation as an employer of high repute. Contacts with universities,
attendance at recruitment events and other contacts are to be undertaken so as to ensure
good visibility of the Company visa vis relevant Recruitment sourcing. Particular care
will be given to the treatment of each Candidacy regardless of the outcome of the
selection process.
Even when promoting employees intensively from within the organization, it is the role
of management and HR to keep an eye on valuable candidates from outside and to
Benchmark internal skills with external offers.
Whilst adequate recruitment tools may improve the hiring process, it is understood that
the decision to hire a candidate remains in the hands of the responsible manager
Supported by the HR staff. Under no circumstances should the decision to hire or not to
hire be left in the hands of an outside consultant or expert. As mentioned in the Nestlé
Management and Leadership Principles, only relevant skills and experience and the
adherence to the above
Principles will be considered in employing a person. No consideration will be given to a
candidate’s origin, nationality, religion, race, gender or age.
and marketing specialists taking part in "train the trainer" sessions across our zones to
support the cascade of knowledge to all employees.
Key to the success of the NQ training are interactive, customized modules designed to
encourage people to participate and put knowledge into action. These are tailored to
specific needs:
1. Foundation module: a stand-alone program of learning and development for Nestlé
employees whose jobs are principally non consumer or customer facing.
2. Advanced module: core learning for staff who are engaged with external bodies
and consumers/customers.
As nutrition and our insights into nutrition evolve, so too will our NQ Nutrition training,
helping Nestlé employees to keep abreast of new developments and maintain a high level
of credibility through the breadth and depth of our nutrition expertise.
Internships are a great way to apply the knowledge and skills you are developing at
university and get experience in a leading corporation.
They offer project-based internship positions in various departments at Nestle.
You may be hired as an intern at various points during their academic career: during
undergraduate study or graduate school.
Most internship assignments are offered during the summer months and generally run for
6 to 8 weeks.
At the end of the internship you will be required to submit a project or program report to
the company on the topic assigned to you at the beginning of the internship program.
If you impress us with their talent & hard work, you may be considered for employment
opportunities after you have completed their studies.
A performance appraisal, employee appraisal, performance re
v i e w , o r ( c a r e e r ) development discussion is a method by which the job
performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost,
and time) typically by the corresponding manager or supervisor .Nestle give
importance to their employees at their work place because Nestle totally d e p e n d o n
their quality, so quality
b y t h e N e s t l e o n t h e b a s e s t h e i r employees performance. So if
e m p l o y e e s a r e o n r i g h t t r a c k s o c o m p a n y g i v e s incentives to
their employees.
Compensation is a key part of Nestlé Real Rewards package and helps to
attract, motivate, and retain a workforce of top performers. Our philosophy is to
provide and maintain disciplined compensation programs which value long
term relationships with employees while recognizing individual performance. Nestlé
is also committed t o o f f e r i n g c o m p e n s a t i o n p a c k a g e s ,
i n c l u d i n g b a s e p a y , s h o r t a n d l o n g - t e r m incentives and benefits, that
are competitive in today’s market.
Your base salary is the fixed portion of your pay. Base salaries are designed
to be competitive, based on data specific
to each position as measured in the marketplace. High
performance over time is recognized by base pay that is higher than the market.
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Nestle is the world leader in FMCG industry. People trust on the products
launched by the company even the product is facing some problems. Nestle
today move for new strategies to retain their customer and also
want to get new customer. Nestle enhance their internal and
external policies to satisfy their customers and also their employees.
HR plays a major role to maintain Nestle status in the market.