Shell Crude Oil - MSDS
Shell Crude Oil - MSDS
Shell Crude Oil - MSDS
5% Sulphur)
Version 2.1
Effective Date 28.02.2013
Other Information : See Section 14 for transportation information related to the Bill
of Lading, other shipping documents.
H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
H313: May be harmful in contact with skin.
H319: Causes serious eye irritation.
Print Date 28.02.2013 000000021528
Crude Oil, Sweet (< 0.5% Sulphur)
Version 2.1
Effective Date 28.02.2013
H401: Toxic to aquatic life.
H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Other Hazards which do : Persistent per IMO criteria. Hydrogen sulphide is highly toxic
not result in classification and may be fatal if inhaled. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), an
extremely flammable and toxic gas, and other hazardous
vapours may evolve and collect in the headspace of storage
tanks, transport vessels and other enclosed containers. May
dull the sense of smell, so do not rely on odour as an indication
of hazard. H2S has a broad range of effects dependent on the
airborne concentration and length of exposure: 0.02 ppm odour
threshold, smell of rotten eggs; 10 ppm eye and respiratory
tract irritation; 100 ppm coughing, headache, dizziness,
nausea, eye irritation, loss of sense of smell in minutes; 200
ppm potential for pulmonary oedema after >20-30 minutes; 500
ppm loss of consciousness after short exposures, potential for
respiratory arrest; >1000ppm immediate loss of consciousness,
may lead rapidly to death, prompt cardiopulmonary
resuscitation may be required. Do not depend on sense of
smell for warning. H2S causes rapid olfactory fatigue
(deadens sense of smell). There is no evidence that H2S will
accumulate in the body tissue after repeated exposure. This
product contains benzene which may cause leukaemia (AML -
acute myelogenous leukaemia). May cause MDS
(Myelodysplastic Syndrome). May ignite on surfaces at
temperatures above auto-ignition temperature. Flammable
vapours may be present even at temperatures below the flash
point. This material is a static accumulator. Even with proper
Print Date 28.02.2013 000000021528
Crude Oil, Sweet (< 0.5% Sulphur)
Version 2.1
Effective Date 28.02.2013
Mixture Description : Raw petroleum extracted in its natural state from the ground
(excluding hydrocarbons from shale) and containing
predominantly aliphatic, alicyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons. It
may also contain small amounts of nitrogen, oxygen and
sulphur compounds.
CAS No. : 8002-05-9
Hazardous Components
Chemical Identity CAS Conc.
Petroleum, Crude Oil 8002-05-9 100.00 %
General Information : Vaporisation of H2S that has been trapped in clothing can be
dangerous to rescuers. Maintain respiratory protection to avoid
contamination from the victim to rescuer. Mechanical
ventilation should be used to resuscitate if at all possible.
Inhalation : Remove to fresh air. If rapid recovery does not occur, transport
to nearest medical facility for additional treatment.
Skin Contact : Remove contaminated clothing. Immediately flush skin with
large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes, and follow by
washing with soap and water if available. If redness, swelling,
pain and/or blisters occur, transport to the nearest medical
facility for additional treatment.
Eye Contact : Flush eyes with water while holding eyelids open. Rest eyes for
30 minutes. If redness, burning, blurred vision, or swelling
persist transport to the nearest medical facility for additional
Ingestion : If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: transport to nearest
medical facility for additional treatment. If vomiting occurs
spontaneously, keep head below hips to prevent aspiration.
Give nothing by mouth. If any of the following delayed signs
and symptoms appear within the next 6 hours, transport to the
nearest medical facility: fever greater than 101° F (38.3°C),
shortness of breath, chest congestion or continued coughing or
Print Date 28.02.2013 000000021528
Crude Oil, Sweet (< 0.5% Sulphur)
Version 2.1
Effective Date 28.02.2013
Print Date 28.02.2013 000000021528
Crude Oil, Sweet (< 0.5% Sulphur)
Version 2.1
Effective Date 28.02.2013
Unsuitable Extinguishing : Do not use direct water jets on the burning product as they
Media could cause a steam explosion and spread of the fire.
Protective Equipment & : Proper protective equipment including chemical resistant
Precautions for Fire gloves are to be worn; chemical resistant suit is indicated if
Fighters large contact with spilled product is expected. Self-Contained
Breathing Apparatus must be worn when approaching a fire in
a confined space. Select fire fighter's clothing approved to
relevant Standards (e.g. Europe: EN469).
Additional Advice : Keep adjacent containers cool by spraying with water. If
possible remove containers from the danger zone. If the fire
cannot be extinguished the only course of action is to evacuate
Observe the relevant local and international regulations. Remove contaminated clothing.
Evacuate the area of all non-essential personnel. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing.
Ventilate contaminated area thoroughly. Avoid contact with spilled or released material. For
guidance on selection of personal protective equipment see Chapter 8 of this Material Safety
Data Sheet. See Chapter 13 for information on disposal.
Print Date 28.02.2013 000000021528
Crude Oil, Sweet (< 0.5% Sulphur)
Version 2.1
Effective Date 28.02.2013
Data Sheet.
General Precautions : Use the information in this data sheet as input to a risk
assessment of local circumstances to help determine
appropriate controls for safe handling, storage and disposal of
this material. Properly dispose of any contaminated rags or
cleaning materials in order to prevent fires. Prevent spillages.
For comprehensive advice on handling, product transfer,
storage and tank cleaning refer to the product supplier.
Precautions for Safe : When using do not eat or drink. Extinguish any naked flames.
Handling Do not smoke. Remove ignition sources. Avoid sparks. Never
siphon by mouth. The vapour is heavier than air, spreads along
the ground and distant ignition is possible. Avoid exposure.
Use only non-sparking tools. Use local exhaust ventilation if
there is risk of inhalation of vapours, mists or aerosols. Bulk
storage tanks should be diked (bunded).
Conditions for Safe : Drum and small container storage: Keep containers closed
Storage when not in use. Drums should be stacked to a maximum of 3
high. Use properly labelled and closeable containers.
Packaged product must be kept tightly closed and stored in a
diked (bunded) well-ventilated area, away from, ignition
sources and other sources of heat. Take suitable precautions
when opening sealed containers, as pressure can build up
during storage. Tank storage: Tanks must be specifically
designed for use with this product. Bulk storage tanks should
be diked (bunded). Locate tanks away from heat and other
sources of ignition. Cleaning, inspection and maintenance of
storage tanks is a specialist operation, which requires the
implementation of strict procedures and precautions.
Electrostatic charges will be generated during pumping.
Electrostatic discharge may cause fire. Ensure electrical
continuity by bonding and grounding (earthing) all equipment to
reduce the risk. The vapours in the head space of the storage
vessel may lie in the flammable/explosive range and hence
may be flammable. Refer to section 15 for any additional
specific legislation covering the packaging and storage of this
Product Transfer : Wait 2 minutes after tank filling (for tanks such as those on
road tanker vehicles) before opening hatches or manholes.
Wait 30 minutes after tank filling (for large storage tanks)
before opening hatches or manholes.
Avoid splash filling. Keep containers closed when not in use.
Do not use compressed air for filling, discharging or handling.
Contamination resulting from product transfer may give rise to
light hydrocarbon vapour in the headspace of tanks that have
previously contained gasoline. This vapour may explode if
there is a source of ignition. Partly filled containers present a
greater hazard than those that are full, therefore handling,
transfer and sampling activities need special care.
Refer to guidance under Handling section.
Print Date 28.02.2013 000000021528
Crude Oil, Sweet (< 0.5% Sulphur)
Version 2.1
Effective Date 28.02.2013
Even with proper grounding and bonding, this material can still
accumulate an electrostatic charge. If sufficient charge is
allowed to accumulate, electrostatic discharge and ignition of
flammable air-vapour mixtures can occur. Be aware of handling
operations that may give rise to additional hazards that result
from the accumulation of static charges. These include but are
not limited to pumping (especially turbulent flow), mixing,
filtering, splash filling, cleaning and filling of tanks and
containers, sampling, switch loading, gauging, vacuum truck
operations, and mechanical movements. These activities may
lead to static discharge e.g. spark formation. Restrict line
velocity during pumping in order to avoid generation of
electrostatic discharge (<= 1 m/s until fill pipe submerged to
twice its diameter, then <= 7 m/s). Avoid splash filling. Do NOT
use compressed air for filling, discharging, or handling
Recommended Materials : For containers, or container linings use mild steel, stainless
steel. Aluminium may also be used for applications where it
does not present an unnecessary fire hazard. Examples of
suitable materials are: high density polyethylene (HDPE),
polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyvinyl fluoride
(PVDF), and fluoroelastomers (FKM), e.g. Viton, which have
been specifically tested for compatibility with this product. For
container linings, or coatings, use Epoxy (amine-cured), or
Epoxy Novolac, or Phenolic Epoxy. For seals and gaskets use:
fluoroelastomers (FKM), e.g. Viton A, B, or F, or Neoprene
(CR), or nitrile (NBR, HNBR), or graphite, or expanded PTFE
(e.g. Gore-Tex).
Unsuitable Materials : Some synthetic materials may be unsuitable for containers or
container linings depending on the material specification and
intended use. Examples of materials to avoid are: natural
rubber (NR), ethylene propylene rubber (EPDM), polymethyl
methacrylate (PMMA), polystyrene, polyisobutylene. However,
some may be suitable for glove materials.
Container Advice : Do not cut, drill, grind, weld or perform similar operations on or
near containers. Containers, even those that have been
emptied, can contain explosive vapours.
Other Advice : Ensure that all local regulations regarding handling and storage
facilities are followed. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and toxic
sulphur oxides may be given off when this material is heated.
Do not depend on sense of smell for warning. Hydrogen
sulphide (H2S or Sour Gas) may be present when loading and
unloading transport vessels. Stay upwind and away from
newly opened hatches and allow to vent thoroughly before
handling material. Steam may be used to vent hatches. Keep
all sources of ignition away from loading area.
Use hydrogen sulphide monitors for detection. See additional
references that provide safe handling practices for liquids that
are determined to be static accumulators: American Petroleum
Institute 2003 (Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static,
Lightning and Stray Currents) or National Fire Protection
Agency 77 (Recommended Practices on Static Electricity).
CENELEC CLC/TR 50404 (Electrostatics – Code of practice
Print Date 28.02.2013 000000021528
Crude Oil, Sweet (< 0.5% Sulphur)
Version 2.1
Effective Date 28.02.2013
Additional Information : Skin notation means that significant exposure can also occur
by absorption of liquid through the skin and of vapour through
the eyes or mucous membranes.
SHELL IS is the Shell Internal Standard.
Print Date 28.02.2013 000000021528
Crude Oil, Sweet (< 0.5% Sulphur)
Version 2.1
Effective Date 28.02.2013
Appropriate Engineering : The level of protection and types of controls necessary will vary
Controls depending upon potential exposure conditions. Select controls
based on a risk assessment of local circumstances.
Appropriate measures include: Use sealed systems as far as
possible. Adequate explosion-proof ventilation to control
airborne concentrations below the exposure guidelines/limits.
Local exhaust ventilation is recommended. Eye washes and
showers for emergency use. Firewater monitors and deluge
systems are recommended. Always observe good personal
hygiene measures, such as washing hands after handling the
material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely
wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove
contaminants. Discard contaminated clothing and footwear that
cannot be cleaned. Practice good housekeeping. Define
procedures for safe handling and maintenance of controls.
Educate and train workers in the hazards and control
measures relevant to normal activities associated with this
product. Ensure appropriate selection, testing and
maintenance of equipment used to control exposure, e.g.
personal protective equipment, local exhaust ventilation. Drain
down system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance.
Retain drain downs in sealed storage pending disposal or for
subsequent recycle.
Individual Protection : Personal protective equipment (PPE) should meet
Measures recommended national standards. Check with PPE suppliers.
Print Date 28.02.2013 000000021528
Crude Oil, Sweet (< 0.5% Sulphur)
Version 2.1
Effective Date 28.02.2013
Print Date 28.02.2013 000000021528
Crude Oil, Sweet (< 0.5% Sulphur)
Version 2.1
Effective Date 28.02.2013
Basis for Assessment : Information given is based on data on the components and the
toxicology of similar products. Unless indicated otherwise, the
data presented is representative of the product as a whole,
rather than for individual component(s).
Likely Routes of : Exposure may occur via inhalation, ingestion, skin absorption,
Exposure skin or eye contact, and accidental ingestion.
Acute Oral Toxicity : Low toxicity: LD50 > 5000 mg/kg , Rat
Acute Inhalation Toxicity : Extremely toxic: LC100 = 600ppm(v) , 30 min, Man (Hydrogen
Expected to be of low toxicity if inhaled. (Petroleum, Crude Oil)
Specific target organ : High concentrations may cause central nervous system
toxicity - single exposure depression resulting in headaches, dizziness and nausea;
continued inhalation may result in unconsciousness and/or
Specific target organ : May cause damage to organs or organ systems through
toxicity - repeated prolonged or repeated exposure. Bone Marrow Thymus. Liver.
Additional Information : Classifications by other authorities under varying regulatory
frameworks may exist.
Basis for Assessment : Ecotoxicological data have not been determined specifically for
this product. Information given is based on a knowledge of the
components and the ecotoxicology of similar products. Unless
indicated otherwise, the data presented is representative of the
product as a whole, rather than for individual component(s).
Print Date 28.02.2013 000000021528
Crude Oil, Sweet (< 0.5% Sulphur)
Version 2.1
Effective Date 28.02.2013
Identification number UN 1267
Proper shipping name PETROLEUM CRUDE OIL
Class / Division 3
Packing group II
Environmental hazards: Yes
Additional Information : This product is being carried under the scope of MARPOL
Annex I.
Special Precautions: Refer to Chapter 7, Handling & Storage,
for special precautions which a user needs to be aware of or
needs to comply with in connection with transport.
The regulatory information is not intended to be comprehensive. Other regulations may apply to this
SDS Revisions : A vertical bar (|) in the left margin indicates an amendment
from the previous version.
SDS Distribution : The information in this document should be made available to
all who may handle the product.
Key Literature References : The quoted data are from, but not limited to, one or more
sources of information (e.g. toxicological data from Shell Health
Services, material suppliers’ data, CONCAWE, EU IUCLID
date base, EC 1272 regulation, etc).
Print Date 28.02.2013 000000021528