Type of Joints: Group Members
Type of Joints: Group Members
Type of Joints: Group Members
Group members
An articulation is a place of union or
junction between two or more bones,
regardless of the degree of movement
allowed by this union
The sutures between various bones of
the skull are considered as much a
part of the articular system as the knee
or elbow joint
Joints are classified according
i.) The type of material that hold the
bones of the joint together (Structure)
ii) The degree of movement (Functional
• Joined by fibrous connective tissue and no
joint cavity present
Fibrous • The amount of movement allowed depends
Joints on the length of the connective tissue fibers
uniting the bones
• Sutures, syndamoses and gomphoses
• United by cartilage
Cartilaginous • Lack joint cavity and not highly movable
Joints • Synchondroses and symphyses
Fibrous Joints
Sutures Syndesmoses Gomphosis
1) An articulation in which 1) Joints which the 1) Joints which a
the bones are united by a bones are connected by conical process fits into
thin layer of fibrous tissue ligaments between the a socket and is held in
e.g. suture joints of the bones e.g. Radius place by ligaments e.g.
skull A tooth in its alveolus
articulates with the ulna
2) Skull bones are formed and fibula articulates (socket) held in place
by intramembranous with the tibia by the periodontal
ossification ligament
cartilaginous Joints
1) Joints which bones are
1) Joints which two bony connected by a disk of
surfaces are connected by fibrocartilage e.g. A symphysis
hyaline cartilage would be the pubis where the two
pelvic bones at the pubis are
2) The cartilage is replaced by joined
permanent bone later in life
e.g. Epiphyseal plates in long 2) During delivery this joint allows
the pelvic bone slight movement to
bones of children increase the size of the birth canal
Articular cartilage
• Glassy smooth hyaline cartilage covers the bone
• Thin but spongy cushions absorb compression
placed on the joint and thereby keep the bone
ends from being crushed
Articular capsule
• Enclosed 2 layered articular capsule
• The external layer is a tough fibrous capsule
composed of dense irregular connective tissue,
that is continuous with the periosteum and its
strengthens the joints so that the bones are not
pulled apart
• The Inner layer of the joint capsule is a synovial
membrane composed of loose connective tissue
• Lining fibrous capsule internally covers all internal
joint surfaces that are not hyaline cartilage
Joint (Synovial) cavity
1) The joint cavity is a space that
contains a small amount of synovial fluid
Synovial Fluid
1) Small amount of slippery synovial
fluid occupies all the free spaces within
the joint capsule
2) Secreted in cell of the synovial
3)Found in the articular cartilages
provides a slippery weight bearing film
that reduces friction between the
cartilages (As a lubricant)
Reinforcing Ligaments
1)Synovial joints are reinforced and
strengthened by a number of bandlike
2.)Most often, These are capsular or intrinsic,
ligaments which are thickened parts of the
fibrous capsule
3) In other cases, they remain distinct and are
found outside the capsule or deep into it
Nerves and blood vessels
1) Synovial joints are richly supplied with
sensory nerve fibers that innervate the capsule
2) Some of these fibers detect pain but most
monitor joint position and stretch, thus helping
to maintain muscle tone
3) Synovial joints are also richly supplied with
blood vessels, most of which supply the
synovial membrane
2.) Menisci
1) Fatty pads
Its improve the fit
e.g. Hip and knee between articulating
joints which have the bone ends , making
fatty pads between the joint more stable
the fibrous capsule and minimizing wear
and the synovial and tear on the joint
membrane or bone surfaces e.g knee and
Shoulder Joint
- This ball and socket joint is formed by the glenoid
fossa of the scapula and the head of humerus
- Movements: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction,
circumduction, medial and lateral rotation
Elbow joint
- This hinge joints is formed by the trochlear and
capitulum of the humerus and the trochlear notch of the
ulna and the head of the radius
- diarthrotic and uniaxial
- Movements: Flexion and extension of the forearm
Proximal and distal radioulnar Joints
- Formed by the rim of the head of radius rotating in the radial
notch of the ulna
- diarthrotic and uniaxial
- Movements: Pronation and supination
Wrist Joint
- Is a condyloid joint between the distal end of the radius and
the proximal ends of scaphoid, lunate and triquetral
- A white fibrocartilage disc seperates the ulna from the joint
cavity and articulates with the carpal bones
- Is diarthrotic and biaxial
- Movements: flexion, extension, abduction and adduction
Knee joint
- Largest and most complex joint
- It’s a hinge joint formed by the condyles of the femur,
the condyles of the tibia and the posterior surface of the
- Is a diarthrotic and biaxial
- Movements: flexion and extension
Ankle Joint
- The hinge joint is formed by the distal end of the tibia and
its malleolus, the distal end of the fibula and the talus
- Is diarthrotic and uniaxial
- Movements: flexion and extension