Ioa News 2o17 Vol. 62 Issue III August 2o17 - November 2o17

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Indian Orthopaedic Association

Spring Executive Committee Meeting : 29th JuLy 2o17 @ IOA House, New Delhi
Indian Orthopaedic Association
2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue - III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Edited & Compiled by :

Dr. Sanjay Jain
Hon. Secretary, Indian Orthopaedic Association

Registered Office:
IOA House
69, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
Behind Batra Hospital, M.B. Road, New Delhi - 110 062 India
Phone: +91 11 29961434 / +91 94258 63999 (Hon. Secretary) / +91 98119 67820 (Executive Officer)
E-mail ID: / Website:
(Registered under the Registration of Societies Act. 1860 Reg. N. S/5040)
Indian Orthopaedic Association
News Letter

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue - III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Sr. No. Table of contents Page No.
1-3 Section I : Message 04-08
1 From the desk of President, IOA: Dr Ram Prabhoo 05
2 From the desk of Hon. Secretary, IOA: Dr Sanjay Jain 06
3 From the desk of President-Elect, IOA: Dr Mandeep Singh Dhillon 08
4-12 Section II : The IOA 09-31
4 IOA Executive Committee- 2o17 10
5 The Working Committee of IOA- 2o17 11
6 State Representative of IOA (E.C. member) 14
7 Indian Map of Presidents and Secretaries of various chapters of the IOA 16
8 List of Presidents and Secretaries of various chapters of the IOA (E.C. member) 17
9 List of New applicants – enrolled provisionally after IOACON- 2o16 till date 21
10 Digitaization of Membership Form of IOA of New Applicant 2o17 29
11 Information regarding receipt of Membership Form of IOA to New applicant 2o17 30
12 Soft copy of IOA Membership Certificate sent to New IOA Member of 2o16 31
13 Section III : Meeting & Minutes 32-52
13 Minutes of Executive Body Meeting held on 29.o7.2o17 @ New Delhi 33
14-18 Section IV : Reports 53-73
14 Secretary's Reports 54
15 Editor’s Report 62
16 Audited Editor’s Report 2o17 64
17 Treasurer’s Report 67
18 Audited Treasurer’s Report 2o17 69
19-22 Section V : Bone & Joint Day 74-86
19 Bone & Joint Day Report: Kanchipuram 75
20 Bone & Joint Day Report: Tamilnadu Orthopaedic Association 77
21 Bone & Joint Day Report: Kerala Orthopaedic Association 84
22 Bone & Joint Day Report: West Bengal Orthopaedic Association 85
23 Section VI : News from States / Zones 87-105
23 (a-i) News from the State Chapters / Zone of IOA
a Report from State Chapter: Jammu Kashmir - JKOA 88
b Report from State Chapter: Kerala - KOA 89
c Report from State Chapter: Maharashtra MOA 91
d Report from Zone: North East Regional Orthopaedic Surgeons Association - NEROSA 92
e Report from State Chapter: Odisha OOA 94
f Report from Zone: Rajasthan Orthopaedic Surgeons Association - ROSA 97
g Report from State Chapter: Uttar Pradesh UPOA 98
h Report from State Chapter: Uttarakhand UA-IOA 99
I Report from State Chapter: West Bengal WBOA 100
Sr. No. Table of contents Page No.
24 (a-u) Section VII : Fellowships / CME / Symposium / Other Reports 106-135
a Presidents of IOA: at a glance 107
b Secretaries of IOA: at a glance 109
c National Symposium on Musculoskeletal Tuberculosis 110
d CME in Orthopaedics with Cadaver workshop in MISS & MIPO 114
e IOA - WOC Fellowship 2016-2017: Dr Sohael M Khan 115
f IOA - WOC Fellowship 2016-17: Dr Shailendra Singh 116
g SICOT Fellowship 2o17: Dr CP Pal 116
h IOA Traveling Fellowship & Robert Roaf Fellowship Report 2016 117
I Obituries 120
j IOA - BIOS Junior Fellowship 2016-17: Dr Sudip Kumar 121
k IOA AOA Exchange Fellowship 2o17: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala 123
l IOA - WOC Fellowship 2016-17: Dr Ankit Desai 123
m IOA AOA Exchange Fellowship 2o17: Dr Anil Joshi 124
n Achievements by OUR Members: 125
Dr VS Singh
Dr Devendra Kumar Taneja
Dr Phagalvarthi Vasudevan Vijayaraghavan
Dr K Mohan Iyer
Dr Sunil Gavaskar
o IOA - HKOA Exchange Ambassadorship 2o17: Dr Sanjay Meena 126
p IOA WOC Fellowship 2o16-17: Dr Mohamed Sameer 126
q Report of IOA Indo - Irish Fellowship 2o17: Dr Atul Bhaskar 127
r Indian Journal of Orthopaedics: Best Published Paper Awards - 2016 128
s IOA - Dr RL Mittal SICOT Foreign Fellowship 2o17: Dr Kuldeep Malik 129
t IOA PGT Program: GOSPEL 2017 130
u IOA – BIOS Senior UK Fellowship: Mathew Varghese 131
25-27 Section VIII : Orthopaedic Activity in Ortho World 136-140
25 PIL on RTA by Dr S. Rajasekaran 20376_2012_Judgement_30-Nov-2017 137
26 Honorary Fellow of IOA 139
27 SICOT President - A write up - Dr S Rajasekaran 140
28-31 Section IX : IOACON 2o17 @ IOACON 2o18 141-153
28 IOACON 2o17 @ Indore Brochure 142
29 Scientific Program of Gold Medal Award Session of IOACON 2o17 @ Indore 146
30 CME of IOACON 2o17 @ Indore 149
31 Gold Medal Award of IOACON 2o17 @ Indore 152
32-33 Section X : Forms / Formats / Applications / Criteria 154-164
32 Application format along with criteria of Inland fellowship 155
33 IOA Membership Form 164
2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue - III
August, 2017 - November, 2017

Section - I


Dr Ram Prabhoo MS [Ortho], FICS
IOA: President (2o17) Vice President (2oo9),
Chairman Trauma (2006-08) & Fellowship Comm. (2o11-13),
Org. Secretary IOACON 2oo5 / APOA: Vice President (2o11),
Org. Chairman APOACON 2o12, Org. President (2o15)Trauma n Infection /
WOC: Secretary General (2o11) / BOS: President (2oo4-o6) /
Course Director MCh (Seychelles) 2o1o-11 & FRCS (Edin)
Ex. / ARSI: Joint Secretary / JRDS: Trustee / HOD: VN Desai Hospital Mumbai

From the Desk of President - IOA

Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to you for the last time as the I0A President.
It has indeed been a very fulfilling and satisfying year: not only for me as your President but also for our association too. We
have made our presence felt in the international arena of orthopedics. The year began with India being invited to the
American Academy as the Guest Nation. The symposium conducted by the IOA team, on neglected trauma, was greatly
appreciated. Its success can be gauged from the fact that the President of the Canadian Orthopedic Association, who was
amongst the audience, invited the IOA to run a similar symposium in their Annual Conference in 2018.
My next two visits were to U.K. for the BIOS Conference in Carlisle and the BOA conference at Liverpool. Our contingent
was well received, and a serious dialogue has been initiated by me with the respective Presidents and authorities to permit
FRCS students of British Universities to complete their training in India. Japan & Australia were next on my itinerary where I
was accorded due respect befitting an international President. The last visit during my tenure has been to South Africa for
SICOT World Congress.
Nationally too I have had the good fortune to visit fourteen of our states starting with Rajasthan and ending with
Maharashtra my birth place. All my colleagues whoever I met Pan India have not only helped me but promised to keep alive
the work started in 2017.
The mentorship programmed is in full swing. The I0A – Ortho mobile App is functional. A true leap in the future!! With the
App, each Orthopod has the Medicolegal cell at his fingertips; all information related to Orthopedics and financial advice
through a Certified advisor 24/7 (MFA).
The voting system has been 65% online this year saving our association around INR 3 Lakhs. The ladies ortho wing with
a membership of 85 has been started this year. The bone and joint day on 4th August was celebrated with enthusiasm by you
all, by performing free surgeries. Dr. K. Maheshwari has released and distributed emergency protocols on this day which will
soon be available on the I0A App.
Maharashtra under my guidance and with the help of dynamic young orthopods have started Pediatric Orthopedic free
surgical & camps in various district hospital. These have been facilitated by the State Government and the necessary
Liaoning was done by me. I am hoping the same formula can be used in other states in the future.
Last but not the least me and my team are hoping to see you at Indore, Madhya Pradesh from 26th December – 31st
December where a scientific feast awaits you all.
I wish to acknowledge the co – operation of Hon- secretary Dr. Sanjay Jain, the past president Dr. Sudhir Kapoor and all
the ex. com members of IOA. Special thanks to executive officer Mr. Ramesh Pandey and the office staff for their constant
help throughout the year. Warm welcome to the incoming president Dr. Mandeep Dhillon and wishing him and his team all the
Thank you for your yearlong co-operation; and the warmth you all have extended to me.
Yours sincerely,

Dr. Ram Prabhoo

President, IOA

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Dr. Sanjay Jain MS [Ortho]
I.O.A.: Secretary (2o14-17) Vice President (2o12-13) Asso. Editor
IJO (2oo3-o5-o9) State Representative-MP (2o1o-12-2013-16)/
CEZ - I.O.A.: Secretary (2o1o-13),Web Master (2oo9-1o-13-2o13-16),
Exe. Member (2oo7 - 1o) / MP-IOA : Vice President (2oo5),
Exe. Member (2oo8-1o) / R.M.O., Victoria Hospital
Directory In - charge : MP CG CEZ Nails 2o1o / Assistant Surgeon

From the Desk of Hon. Secretary - IOA

Respected seniors, Dear Friends & Great Orthopods,
At the outset, I would like to THANX for bestowing upon me the honour, the privilege, and the opportunity to
serve as the Hon. Secretary of Indian Orthopaedic Association since last three years. With the blessing
from Dr HR Jhunjhunwala (President, IOA 2o15) Dr Sudhir K Kapoor (President, IOA 2o16) & Dr Ram
Prabhoo (President, IOA 2o17) I, with you, as a WE; tried our best with all sincerity & dedication to live upto
your expectation.
* “No Communication Gap” was the moto of Hon. Secretary & he uses all the way of communication to
update all the members of IOA by E mail, WhatsApp, SMS even on Face Book too. This includes
Change or update of address, News release, acknowledgement of communication, certificates etc.
* Honorary Secretary worked 24 X 7 days in whole year. He worked Day and Night, Morning and
Evening, Early morning to late night. Time was no bar for him. His phrase to IOA is “in service of IOA”.
2o15: Activities which happened first time in IOA:
* Both Bone & Joint Day Sticker and Car Sticker was prepared & distributed with News Letter of IOA.
* Coffee Table book of President IOA was released in 2o15.
* First time we served the one day academic feast throughout India by IOA – OEP (Ortho Excellence
Program) in 2o15 & 2o16.
* Minutes of General Body Meeting, Post Valedictory EC Meeting, Summer & Winter EC Meeting, and
CSRC were sent to all Official of IOA before publication.
* IOA News letter is in new flavors with A to Z information's of ortho world.
* Updated all official of IOA around 150 in number get their pictured representation along with e-mail &
contact numbers in IOA News.
* All new applicant of IOA get communication in IOA letter pad regarding their detailed receipt of
application and membership number.
* Information of New release of IOA News was sent to all member of IOA by SMS and resending of
duplicate copy of IOA News was done on non receipt of so on SMS.
* India, IOA became the Federal Member of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association.
* 3rd Constitution amendment was ratified in this year & election of IOA President Elect was no more.
* Royal Baggie- Chariot Ride of past presidents in cream colored Jodhpuri suit with the Army Band was
happened first time in IOA world.
* 24 Past Presidents and 14 Past Secretaries of IOA blessed the Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15. All
past presidents were garlanded in a large Flower garland @ the entrance of main auditorium.
* Academic Committee of IOA existed in this whole year.
2o16: Activities which happened first time in IOA:
* Introduction of New Foreign Fellowship with Ireland as “IOA Indo - Irish Fellowship”.
* India was a "Guest Nation" for the year 2016 by Orthopaedics Trauma Association Annual Meeting in
Maryland, USA during 5th October to 7th October 2o16.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

* Honorarium of Foreign Fellowship became Rupees One Lakh & of Inland Fellowship became
Rupees Fifty thousands.
* Institution of Diamond Jubilee Oration to mark the 60th Year of Indian Orthopaedic
* Institution of Dr HR Jhunjhunwala Trophy for best chapter award of IOA for the small states
with membership of less than 400 Members.
* New Criteria & Guidelines for Membership of Indian Orthopaedic Association, which includes
noo membership without becoming the member of State Chapter of IOA.
* India sets world record by the World Record Academy, based in USA: highest number of free
orthopaedic surgery performed on Bone & Joint Day with the theme of “1 member - 1 free
surgery” during 3rd to 5th August 2o16.
* Introduction of IOA web site “” in claver & new looks.
* First time in the history of IOA; we have launched the IOA Mobile App- “Indian Orthopaedic
* IOAWEB is the new SMS service of IOA. We have provided A to Z information of IOA through
this broadcast service.
* IOA House is now Free Wi-Fi Zone for the IOA members. The password for this is
* Inauguration of New lift of IOA House was done in summer EC meeting in April 2o16.
* Benchmark and landmark highlight of IOACON 2o16 @ Kochi was Abstracts submission
started on day one of Happy New Year & closed in 30th of April 2o16.
* Hon. Secretary of a Diamond Jubilee conference to mark the 60th years of IOA since its
inception in the year 1955.
2o17: Activities which happened first time in IOA:
* India was a "Guest Nation" for the year 2017 AAOS Annual Meeting in San Diego, USA from
14th March to 18th March 2o17. 300 plus Orthopods along with IOA President & Secretary
represented India.
* Theme of IOACON was introduced first time in IOACON 2o17: “Conference with the
* “IOA Yuva Mentors” mobile app was launched on 8th JuLy 2o17 for young budding members
of IOA.
* Establishment of orthopaedic museum of Implants & History of IOA is another feather in IOA
* Zonal System of IOACON in five Zones from the year 2o19 was a new horizon in IOA.
* Year 2o17 is the land mark year for the history of IOA as Introduction of Dr Prashant Kanabar
Meritorious Award of IOA for the Past Secretary of IOA.
* We made IOA Milliners; Maximum Contribution from savings of IOACON 2o14, IOACON
2o15, and IOACON 2o16 of Rs. 1.20 Carore, 1.25 Carore and 1.40 Carore respectively; which
is a record.
* Soft copy of IOA membership certificate to all new member of IOA.
* The number of returned IOA News was less. 100 plus IOA News were resent on member
* Formation for Ladies wing of Orthopaedics.
* PAN India Orthopaedic Medico-Legal Cell.
* * This message is incomplete without giving THANX to Mr. Ramesh C Pandey Chief
Administrative Officer of IOA; a key person in IOA galaxy since last 22 years. A special vote of
THANX to Dr Alok C Agrawal & Dr KK Pandey for their keen guidance & co-operation all the
way. From the bottom of heart, THANX to President IOA- Dr HR Jhunjhunwala, Dr Sudhir K
Kapoor, Dr Ram Prabhoo; aLL EC members, Presidents & Secretaries of State Chapters and
ground worker of IOA office New Delhi & Jabalpur, Printer KS enterprise throughout the last
three years- Sumit Patel, Ranjeet Kori, Neeraj Mungeli, Vikas, Ranaji, AK Singh, Prashant
Singh etc.

With warm regards & best wishes

in service of IOA..

Dr Sanjay Jain
Secretary, IOA (2o15-17)

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Dr Mandeep Singh Dhillon MBBS, MS (Orth), FAMS, FRCS
I.O.A.: President Elect (2o17) President (2o18),
Chiarman Foreign Fellowship Comm. (2o12-13)
Executive Member n State Representative (CH/HP/J&K)
2oo8-1o Chairman, Thrust Comm. (Sports Medicine) IOA 2o1o /
NZ-IOA: President ex, Secretary Ex. Editor, Newsletter 2oo9 /
IAA: President ex, Secretary (2oo9) / APASI: Chairman (2oo9) /
AO Trauma India: Chairperson (2o14) / AO Trauma Asia Pacific: Chairman Elect (2o17) /
IASM: President (2o14) / IBOS: Founder President / IFAS: President ex /
Professor & HOD Orthopaedics n PMR, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.

From the Desk of President-Elect - IOA

The IOA Newsletter 2017 edition is being released at IOACON 2017, and I greet and
welcome you all to this annual event. The proposed changes for Newsletter, like having just
an online form for those who want it, will reduce the printing costs and postage so
significantly, that we could possibly use the same funds for educating our youngsters
I plan to start my Presidency in 2018 by focusing on the education ideals that so many
youngsters aspire for, but are unable to achieve due to correct guidance.
As I have previously stated, the ideas of President IOA 2017, Dr Ram Prabhoo, fortunately
coincide with many of mine, and it is with this thought in mind that I am confident that I will be
able to take forward the goals set for us by the past presidents, and meet the aspirations of
the younger fraternity in the future.
Due to the amazing skillets, the enthusiasm and the drive of many senior surgeons, I hope
that I am able to give opportunity for training to many aspirants, especially the younger lot; if
allowed to do so I want to introduce many fellowships, both in India and abroad, provided
sanction is given by the executive committee. IOA can combine with other specialty
organizations to do this, or with relevant sponsors, so that young surgeons are exposed to
wider horizons in India and abroad
Please give us all (the IOA Executive) the opportunity of welcoming all members to Indore at
IOACON 2017, where Dr Taneja and his team have promised us an academic and social

With warm regards,

Dr. Mandeep Dhillon

President-Elect, IOA

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue - III
August, 2017 - November, 2017

Section - II


IOA Executive Committee - 2017

President Hon. Secretary President-Elect

Dr. Ram Prabhoo Dr. Sanjay Jain Dr Mandeep Singh Dhillon
Email: Email: Email:
Mobile: 9820053583 Mobile: 9815951090
Mobile: 9425863999

Immediate Past President Past President

Dr. Sudhir K. Kapoor Dr. Hari Ram Jhunjhunwala
Email: Email:
Mobile: 9958553333 Mobile: 9821064068

Vice Presidents Hon. Treasurer Editor

Dr. Rajesh Malhotra Dr. Manish Dhawan Dr. Ish Kumar Dhammi
Email: Email: Email:
Mobile: 9990020044 Mobile: 9811128288 Mobile: 9868399698

Joint Secretaries Joint Secretaries Executive Officer

Dr. Rajesh Lalchandani Dr. Krishna Kumar Pandey Ramesh C Pandey
Email: Email: Email:
Mobile: 9810987514 Mobile: 9827342501
Mobile: 9811967820

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

The Working Committee of IOA - 2017

Working committee: President, Secretary, President-Elect, Two Immediate Past Presidents,

Vice president, Hon. Treasurer and Executive Officer, IOA.

(Please note that other committees which will be represented by one person in any meeting)

Central State Relationship Committee

Dr. Ram Chaddha Atul Shrivastava Dr. Sharath K. Rao
9930626976 9897076867 0820-2575128

Foreign Fellowship-cum-International Liaison

Dr. Jamal Ashraf Dr. John Mukhopadhyaya Dr. C. S. Yadav
9415160454 7781048484 9868397115

Inland Fellowship

Dr. Atul Bahadur Dr. Indrajit Sardar
9412117766 9831029010

UG / PG Training Committee

Dr. Achimuthu Rajamani Dr. P. V. Vijayaraghvan Dr. Paresh P. Golwala,
9443350255 9840043414 9824280203

Basic Science & Ortho. Research Committee

Dr. Ramesh Sen Dr. Ashok Kumar Shyam
9815856677 9833110366

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Oncology Section of IOA

Dr. Alok C. Agarwal Dr. Akshay Tiwari Dr. Manish Agarwal
9425151634 9818002611 9820353542

Hand Section of IOA

Dr. Pankaj Jindal Dr. Vikas Gupta Dr. Lokesh Maratha
9822031140 9818482020 9837156254

Trauma Committee of IOA

Dr. Vinod Tiwari Dr. Amit Ajgaonkar Dr. K. S. Maheshwari
9993068808 9867111959 9825212034

I.T. (Website) Committee of IOA

Dr. Mangal Parihar Dr. Naresh Goyal
9821042456 9829010941

Dr. Neeraj Bijlani Dr. NavinThakkar
9829021844 9825387016

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Membership Drive Committee

Dr. Raja Ravi Varma Dr. Ashok Vij
9841131107 9837007577

Dr. R.C. Meena Dr. J.B. Bhatnagar
9414069191 9425092260

Medico Legal Committee

Dr. Deepak Shah Dr. Rahul Kumar Katta Dr. V. J. Purushotham
9826056800 9829010490 9845019047

Dr. Ashok Sirohi Dr. Santosh Kumar Kakade Dr. Siva Kumar Raju
9897615744 9850671175 9443733996

Rural & Social Orthopaedics Committee

Dr. Venkatesh Mulimani Dr. Rajesh Kumar Gupta Dr. Aneen N. Kutty
9480555512 9419195054 9447040871

Ethics & Protocol

Dr. Haroon Khizir Taqi Raza Dr. Naresh Shetty
9301435137 8023227052

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

State Representatives of IOA - 2017

Andhra Pradesh Bihar Chhattisgarh

Dr. GVS Moorthy Dr Amulya Kumar Singh Dr. Rajesh Tembhurnikar
9848223470 9430600044 9827181825

Delhi Delhi Haryana

Dr. Inder Parkash Pawar Dr. Akshay Tiwari Dr. Roop Singh
9711152370 9818002611 9812733858

Karnataka Karnataka

Dr. Ravi Shankar R Dr. Gururaj G. Murgod
9448079490 9980279933

Kerala Kerala Madhya Pradesh

Dr. Bhaskar Subin Sugath Dr. Rajesh Simon Dr. R.K. S. Dhakad
9847008580 9447116486 9826243255

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra

Dr. Santosh Kumar Sharma Dr. Saurabh Jain Dr Rujuta Mehta
9425195613 9425131597 9821024711

Maharashtra Rajasthan Rajasthan

Dr. Sampat S. Dumbre Patil Dr. Mahavir Prasad Goyal Dr. C.K. Ameta
9822339892 9414277773 9414157382

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

State Representatives of IOA - 2017

Punjab Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma Dr Velsamy Raveendran Dr. N. Dheen Mohamad Ismail
9888182446 9788060000 9789966786

Telangana Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh

Dr. Vootukuru Saidi Reddy Dr. Piyush Kumar Mishra Dr Nikunj Kumar Agrawal
9848019028 9415216934 9415289095

West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal

Dr. Debajyoti Kumar Bose Dr. Debdutta Chatterjee Dr. Indrajit Sardar
9434741520 9474116602 9831029010

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Presidents & Secretaries of State Chapters of IOA - 2017

Dr Naseer Ahmed Mir (P)

Dr Rajesh Kumar Gupta (S)

Dr.Ritesh Kumar Soni (P)
Dr. Om Pal Sharma (S)
Dr. Parvinder Singh Sandhu (P)
Dr. Rajnish Garg (S)

Dr Sudesh Kumar Arora (P)

Dr Hemanshu K. Kochhar (S)

Dr Ramesh Kumar (P)

Dr. Lalit Maini (S) (P)
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Dr. Rajeev Chaudhary Siwach (P) Dr. r.J ish
Dr. Jayant Sen (S) Dr. Amit Rastogi (P) D
Dr. Ashish Kumar (S)
Dr. Vishvendra Kumar Sinha (P)
Dr. Rajeev Anand (S)

Dr Deepak Naiman Kachhap (P)

Dr Manjit Singh Sandhu (S)
) r (S) Dr Jiten Chandra Shukla (P)
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Dr. Tanmoy Mohanty (P)

Dr Parag Sancheti (P) Dr. Biswajit Sahu (S)
Dr. Prakash Sigedar (S)

Dr. Ravi Babu (P)
Dr. Pedamallu Sudhir Kumar (S)

Dr. G Vara Prasad (P)

Dr. B. Narendra Reddy (S)
Dr. Ajith Kumar M. (P)
Dr. Edward L. Nazareth (S)

Dr. Boblee James (P)

Dr. Jagdish Menon (S)

Dr. Tigy Thomas Jacob (P) Dr. Ramesh Babu Subbarayan (P)
Dr. Jijo Jose (S) Dr. Antony Vimal Raj (S)

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

President Secretary

Orthopaedic Surgeons Society of Andhra Pradesh - OSSAP

Dr. G. Vara Prasad Dr B. Narendra Reddy
9848247794 9866802892

Bihar Orthopaedic Association - BOA

Dr. Vishvendra Kumar Sinha Dr Rajeev Anand
9931025029 9334103006

Central Zone - CEZ-IOA

Dr Amit Rastogi Dr Bhuwan Kumar Singh
9415202610 9431243227

Chhattisgarh Chapter of IOA (CG- IOA)

Dr. Kiran Shankar Bajpeyi Dr. Alok Chandra Agrawal
9425524060 9425151634

Delhi Orthopaedic Association - DOA

Dr Ramesh Kumar Dr Lalit Maini
9868665515 9968604324

Gujarat Orthopaedic Association - GOA

Dr. Dayanidhi Desai Dr Navinchandra Thakkar
9825127320 9825387016

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

President Secretary

Himachal Pradesh Orthopaedic Association - HPOA

Dr. Ritesh Kumar Soni Dr Om Pal Sharma
8894612270 9418496700

Jammu and Kashmir Orthopaedic Association - JKOA

Dr Naseer Ahmed Mir Dr Rajesh Kumar Gupta
9419007018 9419195054

Jharkhand Orthopaedic Association - JOA

Dr. Deepak Naiman Kachhap Dr Manjit Singh Sandhu
8986872943 9334020800

Karnataka Orthopaedic Association - KOA

Dr Ajith Kumar M. Dr Edward L. Nazareth
9844084604 9845578782

Kerala Orthopaedic Association - KOA

Dr Tigy Thomas Jacob Dr Jijo Jose
9447054440 9447131979

Madhya Pradesh Chapter of IOA - MP-IOA

Dr Jiten Chandra Shukla Dr Deepak Singh Maravi
9425007344 9424468131

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

President Secretary

Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association - MOA

Dr Parag Sancheti Dr. Prakash Sigedar
8888553333 9422226012

North East Regional Orthopaedic Surgeons Association - NEROSA

Dr. Tulsidas Bhattacharya Dr. Jishnu Prakash Baruah
9864091601 9435030284

Odisha Orthopaedic Association - OOA

Dr. Tanmoy Mohanty Dr Biswajit Sahu
9437299347 9437314789

Punjab Orthopaedic Association - POA

Dr Parvinder Singh Sandhu Dr Rajnish Garg
9814051337 9814038320

Pondicherry Orthopaedic Association - POA

Dr Boblee James Dr Jagdish Menon
9894021718 9994078904

Rajasthan Orthopaedic Surgeons Association - ROSA

Dr. Rajeev Chaudhary Siwach Dr Jayant Sen
9829017018 9829005188

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

President Secretary

Tamil Nadu Orthopaedic Association - TNOA

Dr Ramesh Babu Subbarayan Antony Vimal Raj
9840125909 9566221195

Telangana Orthopaedic Surgeons Association - TOSA

Dr B. Ravi Babu Dr Pedamallu Sudhir Kumar
9866055225 9849041616

Uttar Pradesh Orthopaedic Association - UPOA

Dr. Amit Rastogi Dr Ashish Kumar
9415202610 9415020202

Uttaranchal Chapter of IOA - UA-IOA

Dr Sudesh Kumar Arora Dr Hemanshu K. Kochhar
9412994653 9997284422

West Bengal Orthopaedic Association - WBOA

Dr. Dilip Kumar Mazumder Dr Kiran Kumar Mukhopadhyay
9831197244 9433166270

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

List of New applicants – enrolled provisionally after IOACON-2o16 till date

Name IOA City State Mobile Email

Dr A. Roopesh Kumar Pileru Andhra Pradesh 9491578579 9491398989
Dr Krishnakanth. K Proddatur Andhra Pradesh 9440933001 9441892283
Dr Sudeep Madhukar Nambiar Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 9945063148 9952067023
Dr Somavadam P. Harshavardhan Tenali Andhra Pradesh 9052444970 9573093137
Dr Sai Krishna MLV Nellore Andhra Pradesh 9894337104 9441644780
Dr Rishabh Kumar Patna Bihar 8986268845 9835416417
Dr Prahlad Kumar Nawada Bihar 9473176696
Dr Binod Kumar Purnea Bihar 9431253670 9801329353
Dr Mukesh Kumar Beur Bihar 8521307093 8969516050
Dr Janki Sharan Bhadani Patna Bihar 8051120187 7004626266
Dr Sahil Gaba Chandigarh Chandigarh 9711172676 9919101894 0
Dr Karmesh Kumar Chandigarh Chandigarh 9592903084
Dr Saurabh Agarwal Chandigarh Chandigarh 9592106777
Dr Aman Hooda Chandigarh Chandigarh 9646003620
Dr Swamy Dev Bhupendra Bhilai Chhattisgarh 9826151193
Dr Abhishek Sachdev Raipur Chhattisgarh 8447862530
Dr Santosh Kumar Raipur Chhattisgarh 9013883364
Dr Abhay Pratap Singh Durg Chhattisgarh 7803031233 8305327732
Dr Nitin Wale Raipur Chhattisgarh 9589555322
Dr Sameer Mittal Raipur Chhattisgarh 8882119651 8607184311
Dr Dev Prakash Dewangan Raipur Chhattisgarh 7738208392
Dr Rohit Bajpai Bhatapara Chhattisgarh 8965900555
Dr Kiran Shanker Bajpai Bhatapara Chhattisgarh 9425524060
Dr Chirag Arora New Delhi Delhi 9899554341
Dr Sahil Kohli New Delhi Delhi 9650073854
Dr Aditya Kumar Singhal New Delhi Delhi 9711474542
Dr Arun Kumar Pandey New Delhi Delhi 8826122428
Dr Chirag Bhatia New Delhi Delhi 9636203378 9968849269
Dr Kunal Aneja New Delhi Delhi 9811211418
Dr Sunil Kumar Pandey Delhi Delhi 7838088842 9868018027
Dr Aditya Jain New Delhi Delhi 8684831442 7004923275
Dr Nitin Manral New Delhi Delhi 9889532502 7071116438
Dr Akshay Lekhi Delhi Delhi 981006353 9871927150
Dr Vikas New Delhi Delhi 8800589759
Dr Jatin Prakash New Delhi Delhi 9871112658
Dr Pinank Ravindrabhai Morker Surat Gujarat 9554198427
Dr Pranav Shantilal Patel Vadodara Gujarat 8141088222
Dr Jitendra Wadhwani Rohtak Haryana 9812337494

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Name IOA City State Mobile Email
Dr Manoj Aggarwal Hisar Haryana 8901265704
Dr Raj Singh Hisar Haryana 9812845479 9812865779
Dr Deepak Tickoo Jammu Jammu & Kashmir 9419142285 9419142285
Dr Mohmad Yaseen Rather Pulwara Jammu & Kashmir 9797257535
Dr Ayaz Ali Mir Budgam Jammu & Kashmir 9697027880
Dr Prince Raina Jammu Jammu & Kashmir 9086096619
Dr Khurshid Ahmad Bhat Jammu Jammu & Kashmir 9596583527 9419404664
Dr Suhail Ahmad Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir 9906641534 9419108540
Dr Pradumn Kumar Singh Saraikela Kharsawan Jharkhand 9386352246 9431044638
Dr Prashant Kumar Ranchi Jharkhand 9709165660
Dr Alok Kumar Choudhary Ranchi Jharkhand 8102866882
Dr Ekansh Debuka Ranchi Jharkhand 8586807197 8400132155
Dr Vishal Kumar Mishra Jharkhand Jharkhand 9939166344
Dr RahulKumar Chandan Gomia Jharkhand 7727049354 9971584611
Dr Nikhil Drolia Dhanbad Jharkhand 7070418888
Dr Karandeep Sandhu Dhanbad Jharkhand 9819969735
Dr Sharat Balemane Dakshina Kannada Karnataka 9916206204 8113024855
Dr Savith. V. Shetty Manipal Karnataka 9686413837
Dr Srimanth Bindiganavile Srinivas Bengaluru Karnataka 9980025317
Dr N. Mahesh Kumar Bangalore Karnataka 7899347072
Dr Prabhulingreddy Patil Gulbarga Karnataka 7350358077 9164407009
Dr Rajshekhar. K.T Bangalore Karnataka 9008401444
Dr Srikanth. K.N Bangalore Karnataka 9686752732
Dr Rajendra. A Mangalore Karnataka 9686959976
Dr Padmanabha. M.K Karnataka Karnataka 9448502783
Dr Chandrakanth. P.N Bangalore Karnataka 8086150461
Dr Sharan Mallya. P Mangalore Karnataka 9901771260 8073505151
Dr Deepak. C.E Bangalore Karnataka 9167574239
Dr Madhava Pai Kanhangad Manipal Karnataka 9901729998
Dr H.C. Shivakumar Shimoga Karnataka 9740035004 9480776668
Dr Ajay Kumar Bidar Karnataka 8951803865
Dr Prasanna. T.Y Bangalore Karnataka 9148391196
Dr Prajwal Prabhudev Mane Udupi Karnataka 9739462330 9611827256
Dr Chethan. B. Shetty Udupi Karnataka 9886294963
Dr Santhosh Babu. B.C Dakshina Kannada Dis. Karnataka 9972812717
Dr Karthikraj Kuberakani Mangalore Karnataka 9538718719 9884322380
Dr S. Gopi Nath Bangalore Karnataka 9008207685
Dr Harsha Kyalakond Bangalore Karnataka 9535695875 9964240171
Dr Shreekantha. K. S Bangalore Karnataka 7353065851
Dr Naveen Kumar. N Nagarabhavi Karnataka 9900610720
Dr Krishna Kumar. K Kollam Kerala 9446594485
Dr Rinju Krishnan Trivandurm Kerala -

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Name IOA City State Mobile Email
Dr Anoop Koshy Mathew Thalasseri Kerala 9847446598,
Dr Vishnu R. Unnithan Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 9048504329 9497355311
Dr Madhusudhan. T Kottayam Kerala 9605760857 8333873990
Dr Nikku Mathew Geevarughese Pathanamthitta Kerala 9632599776
Dr Nikash P. John Alappuzha Kerala 7025927170 9567401726
Dr Sibin J. Pullattu Poonjar Kerala 9400231778 8075862598
Dr Arun Daniel Joseph Thodupuzha Kerala 9446446528 9497279384
Dr Nithin Thomas Philip Ranny Kerala 8547619200
Dr Nidhin Sarath. U Calicut Kerala 9895031534
Dr Prasanth. J.S Calicut Kerala 9786874764
Dr Varkey. S. Kulangara Kottayam Kerala 8547911334
Dr George. M. Srampickal Alappuzha Kerala 9446387522
Dr Shaji Pankiraj Thiruvalla Kerala 9400918394 9843727015
Dr Sanjay Chougaonkar Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 9826373283
Dr Pranav Mahajan Indore Madhya Pradesh 9977333544
Dr Sonu Mehta Indore Madhya Pradesh 9926899887 9878975523
Dr Mahendra Solanki Indore Madhya Pradesh 9425900927
Dr Sparsh Naik Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 8120201234
Dr Adam Mahendra Teja Mandla Madhya Pradesh 8003213652 9425438446
Dr Chintan Harilal Patel Mumbai Maharashtra 9869415001
Dr Pritesh Paras Kothari Jalgaon Maharashtra 9975689982 9424147096
Dr Nangre Nilesh Maruti Chinchwad Maharashtra 7798886059
Dr Sachin Anil Mahajan Mumbai Maharashtra 9820153432
Dr Sarang Purushottam Vyawahare Aurangabad Maharashtra 9850145664
Dr Pradhyumn Parmesh Rathi Thane Maharashtra 9223292727
Dr Shaikh Faheem. A. Gani Quraishi Nashik Maharashtra 7758978285
Dr Taosef Syed Beed Maharashtra 8861360787 8157920273
Dr Sidhant Goyal Jalna Maharashtra 7709881111
Dr Satishkumar Adgonda Patil Kolhapur Maharashtra 9960299699
Dr Ashishkumar Ashokkumar Patni Aurangabad Maharashtra 8108181016 9867369694
Dr Vikram Vijay Kakatkar Nashik Maharashtra 9881719257
Dr Suresh Ramchandra Patil Sangli Maharashtra 9850055700
Dr Mithu Sooknundun Pune Maharashtra 9860431680
Dr Prakash Chandra Mall Berhampur Odisha 9337185025
Dr Rajesh Rana Balasore Odisha 9438366313 9090432353
Dr G. Amrit Bhubaneswar Odisha 9632963637 8553853235
Dr Sudarsan Behera Dhenkanal Odisha 9692296970 9007602034
Dr R. Sampath Puducherry Puducherry 9626635343 8667216406
Dr Pasupathy. P Puducherry Puducherry 9489290753 7904385892
Dr Abhishek Samuel Ludhiana Punjab 9888391208

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Name IOA City State Mobile Email
Dr Maninderpal Singh Kapurthala Punjab 8968363636 9815081212
Dr Punit Bathinda Punjab 9779911356
Dr Aditya Bhardwaj Amritsar Punjab 9876118678
Dr Zubin Mehta Pathankot Punjab 9779003546
Dr Kuldip Singh Sandhu Patiala Punjab 9878638005 9878975523
Dr Baljit Singh Amritsar Punjab 9814177889
Dr Anil Aggarwal Ludhiana Punjab 9815182908
Dr Simranjit Singh Amritsar Punjab 9814670083
Dr Tajinder Bhalla Jalandhar Punjab 9781197933
Dr Akshat Vijay Kota Rajasthan 9413901802 7568839320
Dr Mahavir Jangir Jaipur Rajasthan 9829030404
Dr Rohit Jhamnani Jaipur Rajasthan 9008416596
Dr Saumya Agarwal Udaipur Rajasthan 7026879227 8003528219
Dr Jay Prakash Bharatpur Rajasthan 9833088153
Dr Varun Singh Jaipur Rajasthan 9928312022
Dr P. Jeya Venkatesh Karur Tamil Nadu 9791403397
Dr Arun Prakash S. D. Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 9842130999
Dr Selvaraj. V Namakkal Tamil Nadu 9443236260
Dr M. Pranesh Kumar Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 9952766669
Dr Vigneswaran. V Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 9790720715 9566132572
Dr M. Shanmugasundaram Villupuram Tamil Nadu 9443254327 9486873128
Dr Karthikeyan Chinnakkannu Chennai Tamil Nadu 9840645995 9840647995
Dr M. Seran Chennai Tamil Nadu 9842810779
Dr L. Y. Sathyanarayana Chennai Tamil Nadu 9894877743
Dr S. Sriram Chennai Tamil Nadu 9444126954 9591294868
Dr J. Faisal Chennai Tamil Nadu 9566064659 9789806465
Dr Santhosh Kumar. G Neyveli Tamil Nadu 8056886588
Dr Senthil Kumar Ganesan Kudaikanal Tamil Nadu 9443117871
Dr Sivakumar Veerabathiran Devakottai Tamil Nadu 9488023939 8148133987
Dr R. Senthil Nathan Krishnagiri Tamil Nadu 9843048486 9677460100
Dr Jeremy Bliss Vellore Tamil Nadu 9488894000
Dr P. Maharajothi Kanchepuram Tamil Nadu 9940492090
Dr Arun Kumar Pandian Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 9698799987
Dr P. Mathan Kumar Namakkal Tamil Nadu 9842180099
Dr Ramkumar Ponraj Theni Tamil Nadu 9842939049
Dr Vasanth Kumar. C Chennai Tamil Nadu 9884362290
Dr R. Raja Pandian Theni Tamil Nadu 9600002950
Dr Sabareesh. K Kanyakumari Tamil Nadu 8903742434
Dr M. Leelatharan Namakkal Tamil Nadu 9788702124
Dr Sastha K. Sharan Nagercoil Tamil Nadu 9488866000 9715666686
Dr Arun Raja C.J. Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 9442635311
Dr B. Vijay Anand Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 9790963468

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Name IOA City State Mobile Email
Dr N.S. Ramanan Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 9443674383 9994230552
Dr S. Mohan Kumar Kanyakumari Tamil Nadu 8220126891 8754315636
Dr G. Karthikeyan Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 9443332137
Dr Melvin J. George Kochi Tamil Nadu 9446524171
Dr P.S.T. Jambukeswaran Erode Tamil Nadu 9443554050
Dr Manooj Kumar. V Trichy Tamil Nadu 9944075743
Dr D. Praveen Kumar Ariyalur Tamil Nadu 9843230206 9003177657
Dr K. Raship Khan Kanniyakumari Tamil Nadu 9677921190 8344053535
Dr V. Raman Karur Tamil Nadu 9789540760 8056902461
Dr Narendran Pushpasekaran Namakkal Tamil Nadu 9911670437
Dr S. Jeyabalan Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 9790003918
Dr M. Harri Vishnu Salem Tamil Nadu 9894049411
Dr Sureshraj. P Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 9962510743
Dr S. Alfred Sathiya Sekar Kanyakumari Tamil Nadu 9444454844 7904900717
Dr Kannan A.P.P.N.C. Thuckalay Tamil Nadu 9443156992
Dr B. Sankara Venkatesan Vallioor Tamil Nadu 9443121365 9944224111
Dr K.C. Mohan Nagercoil Tamil Nadu 9443125667
Dr Raj Kumar. N Trichy Tamil Nadu 9486148371 9965804999
Dr T. Rajesh Kumar Uranipuram Tamil Nadu 9840938769
Dr R. Ragavanandam Chennai Tamil Nadu 9500016223 9500016224
Dr S.I. Kumareswaran Chennai Tamil Nadu 9840499512
Dr K. Selvaganesan Chennai Tamil Nadu 9486063654
Dr Vinoth. S Madurai Tamil Nadu 9894873765 9539410616
Dr Arun Kumar. C Hosur Tamil Nadu 9994712340
Dr S. Cyril Jonees Krishnagiri Tamil Nadu 9487483463 9789386867
Dr J. Jegan Jascott Nagercoil Tamil Nadu 9789436449
Dr P. Aghilavendan Chennai Tamil Nadu 9003287952
Dr Vishnu. S Chennai Tamil Nadu 9840766672
Dr Senthil. S Krishnagiri Tamil Nadu 9942888945 8778245776
Dr Sarath Chander. V Trichy Tamil Nadu 9789165435
Dr Syed Ibrahim Nagai Tamil Nadu 9043965963 9600828282,
Dr M. Hari Sivanandan Madurai Tamil Nadu 9790449375 8122170385
Dr D. Neelakandan Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 9443382857
Dr M. Sudhan Nagercoil Tamil Nadu 9585382517 8754741228
Dr T. Sriram Kanyakumari Tamil Nadu 9952950924
Dr C. Chengaman Thuckalay Tamil Nadu 9790224887 9487150342
Dr T. Vishnu Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 9790596071 7558153511
Dr Sridhar Gopal. R Chennai Tamil Nadu 8725846888 9176118002
Dr C. Joney Mandice Nagercoil Tamil Nadu 9443896263 9944455797

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Name IOA City State Mobile Email
Dr S. Rajesh Namakkal Tamil Nadu 9994179785
Dr K. Mathaiyan Chennai Tamil Nadu 9444845885
Dr J. Mahendhiravarman Chengalpattu Tamil Nadu 8072380823 9444497229
Dr Eswarapandi. S Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 9600387022
Dr A. R. Baskar Chennai Tamil Nadu 9443107352
Dr T. Dhandapani Chennai Tamil Nadu 9940013418
Dr Radhakrishnan. P Kottur Tamil Nadu 9884329006
Dr R. Harish Villupuram Tamil Nadu 9944995592
Dr Senthil Kumar Shanmugam Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 9843020636 8428873646
Dr T. Suresh Kumar Thiruvannamalai Tamil Nadu 9943593093
Dr K. P. Kosygan Chennai Tamil Nadu 9003054195
Dr Shanmugaraja. M Namakkal Tamil Nadu 8807736167 7904148021
Dr Sheik Shafiudeen. M. M Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 9789804377
Dr Santhosh Thangaraj Hosor Tamil Nadu 8489591245
Dr Arungeethayan. R.A Trichy Tamil Nadu 9585964929
Dr L. Rajesh Kumar Trichy Tamil Nadu 9566349340
Dr Rathika. K Villupuram Tamil Nadu 8056056146
Dr S.R. Venkateswaran Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 7708822857
Dr E.R. Mithun Chennai Tamil Nadu 9500050307
Dr D. Raghu Erode Tamil Nadu 9843231119
Dr Sanjeev Kumar. R Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 9944817473 9003366394
Dr A. Arun Prasath Kanchipuram Tamil Nadu 9840459355
Dr Sivaprakash Rajaguru. K.P Sriperumpudur Tamil Nadu 9841655607
Dr Balakamesh. M Chennai Tamil Nadu 9965844657
Dr V. Prabhu Chennai Tamil Nadu 9884853385 9790824979
Dr Kumaravel. A Namakkal Tamil Nadu 9865539262 9865152566
Dr A. Karthikeyan Tiruvannamalai Tamil Nadu 9994256632 9080633090
Dr A. Guru Prasath Chennai Tamil Nadu 9566097908
Dr Dheepan Kumar Madurai Tamil Nadu 9914330403
Dr G. Sathya Vignes Erode Tamil Nadu 9003252056
Dr Pradeep Baskaran Madurai Tamil Nadu 9994305006
Dr Krishna Kumar Sundarasamy Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 9789962404
Dr P.J. Aakash Karthick Rajapalayam Tamil Nadu 9600348701 9345215399
Dr P. Murali Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 9095038473
Dr Thomas Palocaren Vellore Tamil Nadu 9894464919
Dr Naveenkumar. K Chidambaram Tamil Nadu 9486839680 9442440996
Dr V. Chandan Noel Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 9894769450
Dr Anandsrinivas. A. Sowlee Chennai Tamil Nadu 9994100690 8072725330
Dr A. Anand Kumar Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 9444869758
Dr K. Ramesh Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 9444674455
Dr Dalton John Rose Kanyakumari Tamil Nadu 9566012765
Dr Arun Kumar. T Dindigul Tamil Nadu 9003665555
Dr Vijay Shankar. C. B Salem Tamil Nadu 7259338031
Dr Ramkumar. M. V Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 9787725802

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Name IOA City State Mobile Email
Dr Rizwan Basha. Z Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 9150699976
Dr E. Siva Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 9486673393 9943373393
Dr Abilash Rinald G.S Chennai Tamil Nadu 9600197755 9655776771
Dr S. Anbarasan Madurai Tamil Nadu 9952539839
Dr K. Dinesh Erode Tamil Nadu 9843478578
Dr R. Muthukumar Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 9944881625
Dr Gopalamenon. A Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 9994234684
Dr P. Balasubramaniyan Villupuram Tamil Nadu 9941152975
Dr Shyam Sunder Rendedla Warangal Telangana 8790295199
Dr M. Chandra Sekhar Reddy Hyderabad Telangana 8096780007
Dr Banda Karunakar Hyderabad Telangana 9585371614 8297981808
Dr Sravan Kumar Yerramreddy Sai Reddy Hyderabad Telangana 9880562062
Dr Omprakash Tumma Karimnagar Telangana 9885957570
Dr Mohd. Adif Haneef Hyderabad Telangana 9000577117
Dr Gattu Naresh Jagital Telangana 9849061714 8247512459 /
‘ /
Dr Anindya Debnath North Tripura Tripura 8334972907
Dr Rizwan Khan Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 9910028412 9899574646
Dr Afzaal Rafeeq Ansari Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 9335201813 8005404674
Dr Anurag Diwedi Etawah Uttar Pradesh 9594398398
Dr Susheel Kumar Agarwal Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 9897261680 -
Dr Niteesh Kumar Gupta Raebareli Uttar Pradesh 9389634119 9975070766
Dr Dilshad Anwar Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 7417626526
Dr Ravi Singh Khanka Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 9451176680
Dr Ziaul Hoda Shaan Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 9760802056 8218681265
Dr Ritesh Garg Agra Uttar Pradesh 9027573720
Dr Dinesh Kumar Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 9919101897
Dr Siddhartha Kumar Raebareli Uttar Pradesh 9452757885 7084270082
Dr Amitosh Mishra Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 9450883766
Dr Raj Kapoor Faizabad Uttar Pradesh 9455264983
Dr Atil Kumar Lal Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 9451472379
Dr Syed Faisal Afaque Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 9450758086
Dr Yashwardhan Jaiswal Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 9818892387
Dr Siddhartha Sagar Farrukhabad Uttar Pradesh 8576053750 8299792201
Dr M. Mohammed Younus Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 9198837219
Dr Yasir Ali Khan Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 9839423086
Dr Sudhir Shyam Kushwaha Deoria Uttar Pradesh 9415875238 9559994653
Dr Akshat Chandra Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 9451609999
Dr Pankaj Mall Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 7007733660 9919045107
Dr Arif Kamal Bulandshahr Uttar Pradesh 9456659832 9410485250
Dr Madhusudan Mishra Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 8004910577 8743097767
Dr Amrit Pal Singh Sultanpur Uttar Pradesh 7524020342 9779132607

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Name IOA City State Mobile Email
Dr Manoj Kumar Dwivedi Haridwar Uttarakhand 9412394074
Dr Sunit Hazra Kolkata West Bengal 9830074273
Dr Abhinay Kumar Singh Kolkata West Bengal 8017121331 8293848480
Dr Subhadip Mandal Bankura West Bengal 8900602915 9475409388
Dr Shib Sankar Dey West Bengal West Bengal 9609168248
Dr Mrinal Kanti Saha Hooghly West Bengal 9735190669
Dr Nabarun Saha Murshidabad West Bengal 9477240556
Dr Kaustav Debnath Kolkata West Bengal 9432976205 9433343880 -
Dr Mainak Chandra Kolkata West Bengal 9830328369
Dr Himadri Shekhar Bala West Bengal West Bengal 9433964246
Dr Debajyoti Sarkar Burdwan West Bengal 9433242396
Dr Soham Ghosh Purba Bardhaman West Bengal 9432855863 9051067971
Dr Amit Kumar Ranjan Midnapur West Bengal 9883378980
Dr Rahul Mandal Kolkata West Bengal 9830627811
Dr Ajay Kumar Goel Howrah West Bengal 8131972032 8240235433
Dr Wasim Bari Kolkata West Bengal 9836415610
Dr Harendra Kumar Burdwan West Bengal 7076178465
Dr Shashi Kant Kumar Howrah West Bengal 8337826516
Dr Paras Kumar Banka Kolkata West Bengal 8013120406
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kolkata West Bengal 9883219575
Dr Subhabrata Ghosh Kolkata West Bengal 9434035943
Dr Tapas Ranjan Bag Hooghly West Bengal 9734350809 -
Dr Kalyan Kumar Bhuniya Hooghly West Bengal 9434229386 9804273710
Dr Samik Sinha Kolkata West Bengal 9433146618 9874443992
Dr Dipanjan Pain Kolkata West Bengal 9830131635
Dr Anupam Das Kolkata West Bengal 9968722186
Dr Sagnik Mukherjee Hooghly West Bengal 7005631302 9432222204

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

IOA Membership Certificate
First time in the history of IOA, PDF & JPG format was emailed to all new member of IOA

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Digitalization of Membership Form of IOA of New Applicant

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Information Regarding Receipt of Membership Form of
IOA to New Applicant

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue - III
August, 2017 - November, 2017

Section - III
Meetings & Minutes


Indian Orthopaedic Association
Minutes of Spring Executive Committee Meeting: New Delhi 2o17
Date : 29th July, 2o17 Day : Saturday
Venue : IOA House, Board Room, New Delhi Time : 09.00 AM -02.00 PM
Agenda and Discussion:
Spring Executive Committee Meeting of IOA was held on 29th July 2o17, from 10.00 AM at Board Room, 2nd
Floor, IOA House, New Delhi.
Spring Executive Committee Meeting was attended by Dr Ram Prabhoo- President, Dr Sanjay Jain- Hon.
Secretary, Dr HR Jhunjhunwala- Past President, Dr Manish Dhawan (New Delhi), Dr Ish Kumar Dhammi
(Ghaziabad), Dr Krishna Kumar Pandey (Jabalpur), Dr Atul Bahadur Singh (NAZIBABAD), Dr Vinod Tiwari
(Bilaspur), Dr Amit Ajgaonkar (Mumbai), Dr Navinchandra Thakkar (Ahmedabad), Dr Rajesh Kumar Gupta
(Jammu), Dr Roop Singh (Rohtak), Dr G. Vara Prasad (Guntur), Dr Rakesh Kumar Sharma (Amritsar), Dr
Rajesh Simon (Kochi), Dr Prakash Sigedar (Jalna), Dr Jayant Sen (Jaipur), Dr Vinay Tantuway (Indore), Dr
Yamuna Prasad Patel (Bhopal), Dr Tanmoy Mohanty (Cuttack), Dr Dilip Kumar Mazumder (Kolkata), Dr Tajan
P. Jose (Palakkad), Dr Santosh Kakade (Pune), Dr P. Anil Babu (Guntur), Dr Hemanshu K. Kochhar
(Uttarakhand), Chandra Shekhar Yadav (New Delhi), Dr Jagdish Menon (Pondicherry), Dr Satyajit Borah
(NEROSA), Dr Gururaj G. Murgod (Hubli), Mr. Ramesh Chandra Pandey (New Delhi).
Following members were not able to join the EC meeting: Dr Mandeep Singh Dhillon (Prior appointment in AO
Course @ Bangalore), Dr Rajesh Malhotra & Dr Atul Srivastava (Prior appointment in Ganga Arthroplasty
Course in Coimbatore), Dr Sudhir K Kapoor (Prior appointment in UK), President Dr HKT Raza (Emergency in
Medical College Jabalpur), Dr M. Antony Vimalraj (Tamilnadu), Dr Rajeev Anand (Bihar), Dr Amit Rastogi & Dr
Jamal Ashraf (Uttar Pradesh) Dr Rajesh Lalchandani (New Delhi) etc. EC passed a “Ninda Prastav”.
Meeting was started one hour late as President IOA Dr Ram Prabhoo was late due to flight delay. With the
permission of the Chair Dr Ram Prabhoo President IOA, Dr Sanjay Jain Hon. Secretary IOA started the
proceedings of Executive Committee Meeting of IOA on the following agenda as the quorum was complete for
the Spring Executive Committee Meeting. Dr Sanjay Jain welcomed all the Executive Committee (EC)
members & he requested the EC members not to indulge in unnecessary discussion.
o1. Welcome Address by the President, IOA: Dr Ram Prabhoo
President IOA Dr Ram Prabhoo welcomed all the executive committee members. He informed about
presidents theme “Integration for Enrichment” & various agendas including Bone & Joint Day celebration for
this year as:
- Three monthly communications- Video, on Whatsapp / email.
- Formation of a medico-legal cell in different 5 zone of India. He informed to EC that we have Medico-
Legal expert Dr Santosh Kakade.
- Membership engagement - Only 12000 are registered among the 25000 orthopaedician we have in
India. We will work to make IOA much more attractive to invite membership.
- Yuva mentorship programme: For comprehensive teaching & advancement of youngsters. Dr Ram
Prabhoo detailed about Yuva Mentorship program with its background, aims, duration, benefit to
mentee as well as to mentor etc. Expenses of 1-2 weeks mentorship would be borne partly by the
company & partly by the members. This program is launched in Mumbai on 8th July 2o17. A Mobile App
was launched with the help of Dr Neeraj Bijlani by the name of “Yuva Mentors”.
- IOA App – initiated with help of Johnson & Johnson Company.
- IOA website – upgraded & dynamic, comparable with the best in the world.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

- Annual Guest Nation; Malaysia will be the 1st guest nation in IOACON 2o17 @ Indore.
- Rotating trophy introduction for a city club in a tier 2 and tier 3 city. We would have some pharma
company to sponsor that.
- Introduction of four conferences in 4 zones; topic will be on TB, Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid, Infection.
There is a CME on Musculo-skeletal tuberculosis on 30th July 2o17 @ Raipur under the banner of IOA
& I am going to participate along with Hon. Secretary & Dr Santosh Kakade and Dr KK Pandey.
- India as a guest nation; He detailed sweet memories of India as a guest nation for 2017 American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon annual meeting at San Diego from 14th March to 18th March 2o17.
He shared his AAOS experiences.
- BIOACON 2o17; 19th annual conference of British Indian Orthopaedic Society was held @ The Milton
Hill Top Hotel, Carlisle, UK from 14-17.07.2017 & President IOA delivered an oration.
- Bone & Joint Day; 4th August is the Bone & Joint day & it 6th Bone & Joint Day will be celebrated from
30th July to 5th August 2o17.
“Together we will succeed”
o2. Obituaries:
Obituaries of the following members were read at the meeting and their contribution was duly
remembered: Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain informed the house that these are the obituaries after the
last EC meeting.
No. Name Place State Membership
1 Dr Jagtap Sanjay Anand Mumbai Maharashtra IOA-LM09420 / MOA—AF—/2o12-13
2 Dr Kalyan Mukherjee Kolkata West Bengal IOA-LM00069 / WBOA-0003

Members stood in silence for two minutes to pray for the departed souls.
o3. Confirmation of the minutes of CSRC meeting held on 15th April, 2017 at IOA House, New Delhi.
Dr Ram Prabhoo advised circulation of the minutes of GBM of IOACON 2o16 @ Kochi & Minutes of
CSRC & EC meeting IOA held on April, 2017 at New Delhi once more. If there is no objection in the
minutes by 6th of August 2o17, it will be considered as passed.
Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain strongly objected on it & said that those minutes were already published
in News letter of IOA:
IOA News I 2o17 I Vol. 62 I Issue 1 I; December 2o16 – March 2o17.
IOA News I 2o17 I Vol. 62 I Issue 2 I; April 2o17 – July 2o17.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

These minutes were sent to President IOA and IOA Official with EC members including president &
secretary of state chapters of IOA for their look and feedback in the month of February 2o17 & May 2o17
by e-mail before publishing in IOA News. He informed the house that just like previous two years, this
year also he sent the minutes of all CSRC Meeting, Executive Committee Meeting, General Body
Meeting, Post Valedictory Executive Committee Meetings of IOACON 2o16 @ Kochi to all EC
members before its publication in IOA News. These are published after appropriate correction,
suggestion as advised by the EC members.
Hon. Secretary pointed out that the minutes of CSRC & EC meeting held on April, 2017 in New Delhi
was not connected with the election procedure of IOA election 2o17. This should be passed if there is no
objection on it.
EC accepted the proposal of Dr Ram Prabhoo.
o4. Confirmation of the minutes of Executive Committee Meetings held on 16th April 2o17 at ISIC,
New Delhi
Same as discussed in point No. o3 of agenda.
Dr Sanjay Jain said minutes of GBM of IOACON 2o16 & CSRC and EC meetings were already
circulated with news letter & uploaded on website. He will send the minutes in the form of IOA News
again by email to all concerned and by 6th of August 2o17, wait for their opinion or comments.
o5. Hon. Secretary’s report: Dr Sanjay Jain
Dr Sanjay Jain presented his second Secretary Report of the 3rd year tenor in Power Point
Presentation. He gave details of overall activities of the Indian Orthopaedic Association after the last
CSRC & EC meetings @ New Delhi.
He mentioned about the current status of IOA membership, new applicants for IOA membership,
digitalization of membership form, IOA News- the News Letter of IOA, Bone and Joint day activity,
various IOA state chapter activities, declaration of India as a guest nation by American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeon for the year 2017, Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, Making of IOA Millionaires-
contribution of savings from IOACON 2014 Hyderabad of One Crore Twenty lakh Rupees & savings
from IOACON 2015 Jaipur of One Crore Twenty Five lakh Rupees and from IOACON 2016 Kochi of
One Crore Forty lakh Rupees, Newer Trends in IOACON 2o16 @ Kochi, IOA Directory update,
Benevolent Fund, IOA Communication between IOA Office & its members, IOAWEB- is the new Bulk
SMS service of IOA, IOA Mobile App- Indian Orthopaedic Association, New IOA web site-, etc. He briefed about few things which happened first time in the history of IOA. IOA
secretariat office feels sad about the lack of communication regarding not able to start abstract
submission through IOA website instead of IOACON website.
The Last year theme of 5th Bone & Joint Day celebration was “1 member – 1 free surgery” during 3rd to
5th August 2o16. 1374 surgeries were performed across India by 907 Orthopods. With the co-operation
of Dr C. Raja Ravi Varma. Certificate of Appreciation to all concerning Surgeons is in process & soon
they will get it. To give an International standard / fame to IOACON, some definitive measure should be
taken, He welcomed the ideas of EC.
Following proposals were placed by Hon. Secretary IOA, which were passed by EC:
* Circulation or distribution of PDF copy of IJO via e mail & WhatsApp to all IOA members.
* One common addressograph of IOA & IJO as IJO has its own different member’s list / labels.
* Construction of large meeting hall in IOA House.
* Abstracts submission through IOA website only instead of IOACON website.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

* To make the Inland fellowship paperless as are Foreign Fellowship of IOA.
* To promote the step of IOA towards “Green conservation” by sending soft copy of News Letter &
Journal; an option of need of Hard Copy of IOA News & IJO should be included in Ballot papers,
like this:
- I am in need of hard copy of IOA News Yes No
- I am in need of hard copy of IJO Yes No
Dr Ram Prabhoo said that cost of IJA & IOA News is more than sixty lakhs; we can save money by green
conservation. It was passed by GBM in past. It is quiet imperative to go paper less. One member can
find out what is minimum number of printing for indexing again. We must send a letter as mentioned by
hon. Secretary. Most of the members want a cut off date for paperless IOA.
House appreciated all these. Secretary report was passed unanimously. Detail report is in the
forthcoming pages of this IOA news letter.
o6. Treasurer’s report: Dr Manish Dhawan
Dr Manish Dhawan, Hon. Treasurer, IOA presented Preliminary Financial Report of Financial Year April
2017 - July 2017 in very smooth manner and informed all the EC members about the Provisional
Income Account for the year ended on 31st March, 2017; Provisional Income & Expenditure Account
from April, 2017- July, 2017; fixed deposits, fixed assets, Highest contribution by IOACON from 2012-
2016; and other details of IOA and IJO; which is in forthcoming pages of IOA News.
Provisional income account for the year ended on 31st March, 2017 was as:
Total Income Rs.2,52,35,874.00
Total Expenditure Rs.1,79,10,240.00
Total Saving Rs.73, 25,634.00
Dr Manish Dhawan informed that the department of Orthopaedics, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
was conferred prestigious award by CIMS as Best Hospital Unit of the year 2017. The award was given
on 23rd July, 2017 at ITC Grand Maratha, Mumbai.
On the matter of GST for IOACON, if receipts of collection are more than INR 20 Lakhs GST is
applicable 18 %. GST number has to be taken. Soon we will be sending notification on GST applicable
to IOA and IOACON to all members.
Dr HR Jhunjhunwala pointed out to reduce the expenditure & increase the saving of IOACONs.
Dr Manish Dhawan also pointed out that few EC members booked their itinerary and requested to
cancel the booking in last moments, at that time there is no cancellation of apex fare & it is a loss to IOA.
EC condemns such members.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

o7. Editor’s Report including election of various post of IJO: Dr Ish Kumar Dhammi
Dr Ish Kumar Dhammi presented his report in PPT and informed about current status of Indian Journal
of Orthopaedics including Documents H Index, Impact Factor, Issue Status, Manuscript Status,
Journal’s citation Chart, Rejection rate, Country wise visitors, Subscription, Revenue generated and
Appointment for various Editorial Positions in IJO, Number of copy of IJO, Postal & Courier cast
comparison, update of members list, audited report of IJO etc. He has given special thanx to Dr Sanjay
Jain Hon. Secretary of IOA for regular & frequent update of IOA members with Inactive address.
The Editor’s report was passed unanimously. Detailed report is in forthcoming pages of IOA News.
o8. President Theme Activities-2017 and Presidents comments: Dr Ram Prabhoo
IOA President’ Theme & Presidents comments were already included by Dr Ram Praboo in his
welcome address by the President, IOA in agenda point number one. He informed the house that
Jammu & Kashmir Orthopaedic association has done all formality to get affiliation with IOA except
registration of JKOA under society act; which will be done by them soon.
o9. Final Financial Report of IOACON-2016, Kochi: Dr Tajan P. Jose
Organizing Secretary briefed about the Final Financial Report of IOACON-2016 @ Kochi. Abstract
submission was started from 1st January and completed in the month of April 30th 2o16. The inaugural
function was on 14th December at Samudrika Convention Centre. Mr. E Sridharan (Metro man) was the
Chief Guest of the function. Major Ahluwalia & Dr S Rajasekaran were the Guest of Honour.
IOACON Kochi bare the expenditure of abstract submission (6,90,000/-) which was supposed to be
done by the IOA as abstract submission was not done through the IOA web site. EC warned the IT
(Website) Committee to take care in IOACON 2o17 @ Indore as still abstract submission is not through
the IOA website.
Dr Tajan P Jose handed over the cheque of Rs. Three Lakh Ten thousands & said that total contribution
to IOA from IOACON 2o16 @ Kochi is 1.5 Crore. Hon Secretary informed that same thing happened
with IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur & expenditure of abstract submission was not included in total collection
given to IOA. So that contribution from team IOACON 2o16 was One Crore Forty Three Lakh Ten
Thousands. House applaud team IOACON Kochi for maximum contribution to IOA till date.
1o. Report of IOACON-2017 Indore: Dr Devendra Kumar Taneja / Dr Vinay Tantuway
a) Indian Faculty
b) Foreign faculty and scientific programme
c) Financial status
In the absence of Dr DK Taneja, Organizing Secretary of 62nd annual conference of IOA Dr Vinay
Tantuway presented preparation & progress report of IOACON 2o17 @ Indore. The theme of IOACON
2017 @ Indore is “Conference with a Difference”. He presented the overall preparation report of the
IOACON 2017 including; date, place, venue, registration and accommodation, halls, meeting points,
dinning, tourist places, sub-committee, web site etc.
The number of workshops was reduced in pre conference workshop on 26th December 2o17. There
would be full one day Instructional Course Lecture on 27th December 2o17. PG course would be for 2
days. 28th December is a day of Dr KT Dholakia CME on Deformity Correction- Decision making win a
rational approach, organised by NEROSA. 1000 plus abstracts were submitted through IOACON
website; and total registration was around 1500 till date. At present we have
around Rupees 1.5 Crore.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Date 6 day Events
26-Dec PGT Program & Workshops
27-Dec ICL / Case discussion / PGT Program
28-Dec CME / EC meeting / Inauguration & cultural program / Inaugural dinner /
29-Dec Scientific Programme / Cultural programme / & Presidents dinner ( For special Invitees)
30-Dec Scientific Programme / Cultural programme / & Gala dinner
31-Dec Scientific programme / Valedictory
Instructional Course Lecture & Interactive case discussion on 27th December 2o17 as- 6 parallel halls
in Venue, Two ICL on Each specialty by eminent Faculty, Interactive case discussion, Audience
Response System, NO CHARGE, Limited Seats on preference basis etc.
Highlight of Conference with Difference included- Yoga, Cycling, Two books, Cricket matches, Ortho
mood exhibition, Everyday motivational non orthopaedic lectures, Free Wi-Fi, Mobile APP, Live
streaming & updates, Website, Faculty Lounge on each floor, Spouse & kids
zone (Cooking class by Sanjeev Kapoor, Play zone, Karaoke, Astrology, Mehandi, Dance etc.), Food
zone etc.
11. Bone and Joint Day Celebration on 4th of August: Dr Ram Chaddha / Dr Atul Srivastava / Dr
Sharath K. Rao
In the absence of Dr Atul Srivastava & Dr Sharath K Rao, President & secretary briefed about the Bone
& Joint Day celebration on 4th August. They informed that Bone & Joint Day will be celebrated just like
previous years. Car Sticker and Poster on Bone & Joint Day were already sent to all IOA members by
newsletter like previous years. This 6th Bone & Joint Day will be celebrated from 30th July to 5th August
2o17. Dr Ram Prabhoo suggested starting a Humanitarian award to person with excellent social work
as in USA & Japan. EC accepted the proposal & said to find out the mechanism.
12. Election of IOA 2017- Schedule and Time: Dr Rajesh Malhotra
a) Methodology for online Election-2017
b) Methodology for postal ballot paper
c) Online registration request by members – last date and time.
In the absence of Dr Rajesh Malhotra- Election Officer of IOA election 2o17, Dr Ram Prabhoo President
IOA presented Election Officer’s report. He said that slowly we will go paperless and we will link IOA
election to Aadhar card. We can have election through mobile app. We have to gradually move. Dr. HR
Jhunjhunwala suggested to make a cut-off date and said that proposal of e voting started from 2015 and
it was passed at that time that ballot paper voting will be abolished in 2 year and why we have not

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

stopped ballot paper voting. Dr. Sigedar elaborates about Maharashtra online voting. Dr. Ram Prabhoo
said that you cannot certainly change at this time because we have Email Id of 5000 member only. We
can send the letter to members this time asking for need of ballot paper. Dr. Tajan said that a long back in
AGM it was decided that from 2015, E voting will be started. By 31st August, maximum number of e mail
should be collected by president, secretary & E.C members. Those who want ballot paper, they should
ask for that till 31st August. We will do both online & ballot voting. Dr. Amit Ajgaonkar said that those who
vote online, they should not get ballot papers. Dr. Rakesh Sharma asked to authenticate Email ID a
many members have 2-3 email ID. Members should authenticate their email id. Dr. Atul Bahadur Singh
suggested using email ID with, which will make IOA election easy.
President IOA Dr Ram Prabhoo informed the circulation of nomination form was done by 1st issue of
IOA news 2o17 (Dec.16 -March, 2017) & 2nd issue of IOA news 2o17 (April-July, 2017). It is also
available on the IOA website & Circulated by emails to all members who have email ID as on 22nd July,
2017. He detailed about election schedule & vacancies.
Date for sending nomination form with Newsletter by Secretary, IOA April – July, 2017
Last date for receipt of Nomination form by Election Officer 8th August, 2017
Last date for informing the list of contestants 18th August, 2017
Last date for withdrawal of nominations 28th August, 2017
Last date for sending sample of ballot paper to all contestants 6th September, 2017
Last date for receipt of approved ballot paper 16th September, 2017
Last date for dispatch of ballot papers 5th October, 2017
Start of online election 20th October, 2017
Last date for request of duplicate ballot papers 1st November, 2017
Last date for receipt of ballot papers by election officer / End of online voting 24th November, 2017
Counting and Final Tally Venue: IOA House, New Delhi 26th November, 2017
Sr. No. Post Vacancy
1 Vice President 1
2 Hon. Secretary 1
Members Executive Committee (2018-2020)
(According to vacancy)
Following are the vacancies for the post of State Representative
Sr. No. State Vacancy
1 Andhra Pradesh 1
2 Delhi 1
3 Gujarat 2
4 Karnataka 1
5 Maharashtra 1
6 Punjab 1
7 Rajasthan 1
8 Tamil Nadu 1

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Following decisions were approved and accepted by EC unanimously:
1. To write a letter to inform the members of IOA who are registered online in the last year including
members who are registered online this year also; that they will not receive postal ballot paper.
2. Reducing the expenditure in printing of IOA News & IJO towards a “Green Conservation” by
asking the members whether they need hard copy or not; for that a leaflet will be inserted in the
ballot paper & also to be sent online.
* I am in need of hard copy of IOA News Yes No
* I am in need of hard copy of IJO Yes No
Name & Address with LM No. Signature
3. Online election to be done by the other agency than the Sea Wind Solution Private Limited
(Present IOA web master) in response to objection raised by the Dr Amit Ajgaonkar, agreed by
Dr Sanjay Jain, to avoid any bias during IOA election 2o17. Dr Sanjay Jain informed that the
election in 2o15 was done by the independent agency of New Delhi ((Mr. Deepak Thakkar
<> (95827 64815) (011 4158 7206)). Election officer may conduct
election through that agency
4. Last date for online registration will be 31st August, 2017.
Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain cleared the doubt of vacancy of State Representative raised by Dr
Rajesh Gupta of Jammu & Kashmir and Dr G. Vara Prasad of Andhra Pradesh.
Sr. No. No. of State Representative Post No. of IOA members in State
1 0 Less than 250
2 1 250 or more than 250
3 2 500 or more than 500
13. Report of various committees.
13A) Foreign Fellowship-cum- International Liaison Committee- Dr Jamal Ashraf/Dr John
Mukhopadhaya/ Dr CS Yadav
In the absence of Dr Jamal Ashraf, Dr CS Yadav presented the report of Foreign Fellowship-cum-
International Liaison Committee. He thanked to IOA president & Hon. Secretary for execution of last EC
minutes with concern to the guidelines and criteria of Foreign Fellowship of IOA / Ambassadorship of
IOA as:
* Application process should be simplified and only online submission of document as
attachments to be done on the official IOA email.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

* Selection process to be transparent. Detailed results should be displayed on the website
including the result of non selected candidates.
* IOA – IOS UK Senior Fellowship (Now British Indian Orthopaedic Society BIOS Senior
Fellowship) ‘privilege’ of Hon. Secretary to be abolished (Hon secretary, IOA is entitled to go to
UK in his 1styear term of secretary ship as senior fellow without any selection)
* Capping of age limit (less than 50 years) for the IOA - Australian Orthopaedic Association
Exchange Fellowship, IOA - Indo Irish Fellowship (Irish Orthopaedic Association), IOA
Arthroplasty Fellowship, IOA - Glasgow Fellowship.
Malaysian Orthopaedic Association was declared as 1st Invited Guest Nation. Malaysian
Orthopaedic Association will be the ‘Invited Guest Nation’ in IOACON 2017 in Indore. MOA will
run a 2 hour Symposium on Advancements in Orthopaedic Oncology. Faculty will consist of 4
Malaysians and 4-5 Indians. MOA faulty to be provided with ‘foreign faculty’ privileges. Dr Ram
Prabhoo informed that Symposium topic is yet not confirmed.
Dr CS Yadav along with Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain briefed about the European Federation
of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, invited the Indian Orthopaedic
Association (IOA) as “Invited Nation 2018” to the 19th EFORT Congress in Barcelona held from
30 May to 01 June 2018. The EFORT Invited Nation Programme was initiated in 2012.
* President IOA will get:
# Economy class air fare
# Accommodation upto 4 nights
# No travel coverage of spouse or partner.
# Complimentary congress registration.
# 5 minute presentation during the Opening Ceremony of the Congress on 30 May 2018.
# Presidential Dinner taking place on Friday evening, 01 June 2018.
* Two speakers from IOA will get: participation in a 90 minute symposium, along with two EFORT
speakers. No travel expenses for speakers.
# Complimentary congress registration.
# Accommodation upto 3 nights
# No travel coverage.
* A nine meter Square booth space, for a small scientific exhibition, for posters, organisations
latest activities and developments in the field of musculoskeletal diseases.
President IOA informed that people who are doing FRCS will get training of six month in centre of
excellence in India. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon is also interested to send their resident
under exchange fellowship.
13B) Inland Fellowship- Dr Atul Bahadur Singh /Dr Indrajit Sardar
Dr Atul Singh Bahadur presented his report in PPT & briefed about Inland Fellowship of Indian
Orthopaedic Association viz number of applicant, Google Drop Box, Google Form etc. He detailed
about Google form for applications to make application more systemic. He informed that this year, there
was record number of applications i.e. 60 due to SMS / e-mail broadcast by Hon. Secretary IOA. All
saved on Google Drop Box 742 MB of data. A few was ineligible as they had not been allotted LM
number at time of application. Google Form used this year for the first time. They received 44 filled up
form of which 3 were duplicate, Now Google form link closed. He requested to house, what to do of

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

those who have not filled up the Google Form, although email was sent to all? Drop Box folder has been
shared with all who are to assess the applications. Google Form excel sheet has also been shared with
the 44 applications by email; presently awaiting their response. From the next year do we accept
applications only on Google Form with a soft copy of application & other supporting documents? Hard
copy of all documents and application to IOA Office as in the past. This year, applicants were asked to
apply in both formats and hopefully from 2018 only by Google Forms.
Dr Ram Prabhoo suggested keeping a soft copy, not the hard copy. Dr Atul Bahadur suggested having
Telegram. Dr Sanjay Jain suggested using one common form for both Inland and foreign fellowship of
IOA and make the inland fellowship paperless just like foreign fellowship of IOA.
13C) Centre State Relationship Committee CSRC - Dr Ram Chaddha/Dr Atul Srivastava/ Dr Sharath K.
Nobody was present from the team Centre State Relationship Committee CSRC - Dr Ram Chaddha, Dr
Atul Srivastava & Dr Sharath K. Rao. President & Secretary IOA detailed about TEN point program of
Bone & Joint week from 30th July to 6th August, 2017 as:
* Free check up camps
* Free BMD/ DEXA Camps
* Patient awareness programmes
* School Programmes – Lectures on Road Safety and Bone Health
* Awareness Rallies
* Yoga Camps Morning Walk
* Symposia/ Lectures
* Free surgeries – From 30th July to 6th August, 2017
* Distribution of Pamphlets / Posters/ Stickers
* Media Coverage (Local Cables- interviews, talk shows, discussions etc)
13D) Report regarding Trauma Committee: Dr Vinod
Tiwari / Dr K.S. Maheshwari/Dr Amit Ajgaonkar
Dr Amit Ajgaonkar of Trauma Committee presented
report & detailed about 3 X 2 feet poster on Emergency
Management of Critical Patients, to be posted in
Emergency Rooms at all the Trauma Centre, Civil &
District Hospital and Community Health Centre across
the country. EC appreciate the efforts of Dr KS
Maheshwari for so & applaud to Trauma Committee. This

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

poster was emailed as well as physically sends to all president & secretary of state chapter of IOA by Dr
KS Maheshwari. EC member of Jammu & Kashmir and West Bengal were not in receipt of this
physical poster. Dr HR Jhunjhunwala was not happy with the size of poster as he was thinking it is too
big to display in causality of hospital.
Dr. Amit Ajgaonkar asked to initiate post trauma disaster management which he learnt in his Australia
visit. Dr Ram Prabhoo informed that we are planning to collaborate with Orthopaedic Trauma
Association, USA this year .We are also involved in the India Government initiative of capping of implant
price through our representative Dr. H S Chhabra which will help not only the people but orthopaedic
surgeons as well.
13E) Report of IT (Website) Committee of IOA: Dr Mangal Parihar/ Dr Naresh Goyal / Dr Neeraj Bijlani /
Dr Navin Chandra Thakkar
Dr Naveen Thakkar briefed about the report of IT (Website) Committee of IOA. Till date 4535 IOA
members updated theirs profile and 587 are in process. He requested to Hon. Secretary to not send the
updated address of individual member, but send the updated addresses in a single file to the
webmaster and encourage the members to update them in the IOA website directly. Any member can
update his data and member can have his own website. EC asked to web site committee to make
constant efforts to get updated data base of IOA members by 31st August 2o17 as last date for online
registration for this year is 31st August, 2017.
Dr. Amit Ajgaonkar objected about “Concept, Ideas and Framework By Dr Navin Thakkar” in the bottom
of each page of IOA web site- ‘’; and said that current web site ‘The Sea Wind Solution
Private Limited’ is maintained by single hand i.e. Dr Navin Thakkar since last one & half years; IOA
election could not be conducted fairly. He along with Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain informed that the
election in 2o15 was done by the independent agency of New Delhi ((Mr. Deepak Thakkar
<> (95827 64815) (011 4158 7206)). Election officer may conduct election
through that agency. EC members accepted this unanimously and said to convey this message to
election officer Dr. Rajesh Malhotra.
13F) Protocol and Ethic committee: Dr H.K.T. Raza/Dr Naresh Shetty
Dr HKT Raza was not present due to some unavoidable emergency in NSCB Medical College Jabalpur.
Mr. Ramesh C Pandey, Chief Administrative Officer of IOA informed that Dr HKT Raza has emailed the
new IOA Constitution after giving legal language to third constitution amendment, passed by GBM of
IOACON 2o14 @ Hyderabad & ratified by GBM of IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur.
13G) Medico Legal Cell: Dr. Santosh Kakade
Medico-Legal expert Dr Santosh Kakade ((MS [Surg], D. Ortho., FICS, LLM. Ph.D. in Law, FCLM, MBA
(Hosp. Management), Executive MBA (Finance) presented his report in Power point presentation same
as it was in previous EC on 16th April 2o17 @ Indian Spinal Injury Centre, New Delhi. He showed
Current Medico legal Scenario in India. Orthopaedics is one of the most vibrant branches of medical
science & Orthopaedic Surgeons are in 2.5 times more vulnerable. In National Commission Cases, It is
22 % of all Surgical Branches in India. Medico legal Risk Management is a must for our members. He
proposed a machinery to handle Medico legal disputes as-
A) National Medico legal Co-ordination Committee:
- Chairman: Dr. Ram Prabhoo, President, IOA
- National Panel Team of 4 members

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

- State Panel Team of 4 members
- District Panel Team of 2 members
- The committee will coordinate and help our members
during medico legal crisis.
B) 24 Hours Helpline through Mobile App:
- Medico legal help at your finger tips
- Continuous availability through Mobile numbers:
9850671175 / 8390316796
- Immediate connecting to Medico legal experts
C) Litigation Support:
- Online help through CIILM
- Core India Institute of Legal Medicine, Pune, India
- Linked with the IOA Mobile App
- Expert legal support available
D) Risk Management:
- Professional Indemnity Insurance with Special 30 % Discount to the IOA members
- Membership of CIILM to the Executive Committee is complimentary in the first year
- Membership of CIILM to all at 60% discount annually.
- Availability of Hospital Errors and Omission Policies at Special 30 % discount.
- System of reaching all members to be formed.
E) Settlement of Medico legal Disputes:
- Representation of IOA members to the Insurance Company
- Dispute settlement amicably by Mediation and conciliation services
- To be communicated to all IOA members
F) Medico legal workshops:
- In 5 metro cities by IOA
- Help in arranging medico legal workshops at any place in India

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

- Arranging faculty and plan of the workshop to be arranged
- Planned Preconference workshop at Indore IOACON on 26 December.
G) Publications:
- Publication of CD in Medico legal Risk Management in Orthopaedics is in Progress with
Support by Manman Manufacturing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
- News Bulletin specially dedicated to Medico legal issues
- Tutorials in Legal Medicine related to Orthopaedics
H) Support in Preventing Violence in hospitals & Quick Response Teams:
- Development and implementation of Crisis Prevention module for training hospital
- Mobile App for Emergency Communication based on Pin Codes of regions-In process
- Medico legal Support Powered by Core India Institute of Legal Medicine, Pune:
Complimentary membership to all IOA EC members
- Medico legal Interface between Doctors and patients
- Partner in Medico legal Disputes Prevention and Settlement
Dr Prabhoo said that Medico Legal Cell is the need of hour. Publication of CD in Medico legal Risk
Management in Orthopaedics is in Progress with Support by Manman Manufacturing Co. Pvt. Ltd. Dr
Santosh Kakade will distribute CD to all IOA members free of charge.
14. Detail of CME of IOACON 2017: Dr. Ranjit Kumar Baruah / Team NEROSA
Dr Satyajit Borah detailed about Dr K.T. Dholakia Pre Conference CME of IOACON which will be held
on 28th December 2017 on the topic of Deformity Correction- Decision Making with a rational
approach; Organized by NEROSA as
Chairman Prof. Dr Ranjit Kr Baruah
Convener Dr Satyajit Borah
Secretary Dr Jishnu Prakash Baruah
Dr HR Jhunjhunwala said that he has no communication regarding topic of CME otherwise he could
apply for so. Hon. Secretary requested to Dr Satyajit Borah to keep the inaugural function between 10
AM to 10.15 AM, at that time there was a good number of audiences in the hall. Tentative program of
CME will be in forthcoming pages of IOA News.
15. Various Awards of IOA: Dr Ram Prabhoo / Dr Sanjay Jain
15a. Dr Bishnupada Mukhopadhaya life Time Achievement Award:
Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain informed in detail about Dr Bishnupada Mukhopadhaya life Time
Achievement Award in power Point presentation including guidelines & criteria and invited the name for
* This award is for a senior Orthopaedic Surgeon who has given yeomen service to the
development of Orthopaedic Surgery in the country.
* Only one award shall be given in a year.
* It will be presented annually during Inaugural Function of the Annual Conference.
* To & Fro air fare will be paid to recipient, Local hospitality shall be extended by organizers of the
conference, along with free registration.
* It shall carry cash award of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only) along with a silver Plaque.
This award is not decided in meeting & may be decided later on by office bearer.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

15b. Dr Badri Narain Sinha Meritorious Award of IOA
Dr Sanjay Jain, Hon. Secretary of IOA detailed about Dr Badri Narain Sinha Meritorious Award of IOA in
power Point presentation. This award is given every year to past President of IOA. He detailed about
previous two years Awardee. This year it would be going to Dr Ashok Kumar Johari (President IOA
2o1o) & Dr Rajeev R. Naik (President IOA 2o11).
IOACON Year pLace Date IOA President Name Place IOA President Year
60th IOACON 2015 Jaipur 09.12.2015 - 14.12.2015 Dr. Kantilal Hastimal Sancheti Pune 2oo5
60th IOACON 2015 Jaipur 09.12.2015 - 14.12.2015 Dr. Mayil Vahanan Natarajan Chennai 2oo6
60th IOACON 2015 Jaipur 09.12.2015 - 14.12.2015 Dr. Haroon Khizir Taqi Raza Jabalpur 2oo7
61st IOACON 2016 Kochi 12.12.2016 - 17.12.2016 Dr Satish Chandra Goel Varanasi 2oo8
IOACON Year pLace Date IOA President Name Place IOA President Year
61st IOACON 2016 Kochi 12.12.2016 - 17.12.2016 Dr M. Shantharam Shetty Mangalore 2oo9
62nd IOACON 2017 Indore 26.12.2017 - 31.12.2017 Dr Ashok Kumar Johari Mumbai 2o1o
62nd IOACON 2017 Indore 26.12.2017 - 31.12.2017 Dr Rajeev R. Naik Bengaluru 2o11

15c. Dr Prashant Kanabar Meritorious Award of IOA

Hon. Secretary briefed about the Dr Prashant Kanabar Meritorious Award of IOA for the Past Secretary
of IOA. This award was passed by the EC & approved by the GBM of IOACON 2o16 @ Kochi. Dr
Pravinchandra K. Kanabar (IOA President 2oo3) has given Rs. Five Lakh to start this award in the name
of his late son Dr Prashant Kanabar. This award is similar to an award for the past President of IOA: Dr
BN Sinha meritorious award which is given every year to Past President of IOA. This is an award for the
Past Secretary of IOA & is given every year to Past Secretary of IOA. We have to give this award in
IOACON 2o17 @ Indore; we have to decide the modalities. Most of the member suggested
reconsidering this award for other purpose. Dr. Ram Prabhoo said that we cannot dilute Dr B.N. Sinha
Meritorious Award of IOA. Basic idea & purpose of the award will be decided first. Secretary can be
honoured in some other way. Dr Vinod Tiwari objected to this & said that EC has no power to discuss the
thing which was already passed by GBM. Dr Sanjay Jain showed the list of all past secretary of IOA as:
Sr. No. Year Name City State
1 1955-63 Late Dr Bishnupada Mukhopadhyaya Patna Bihar
2 1964-66 Late Dr Arun Kumar Gupta Kanpur Uttar Pradesh
3 1967-72 Late Dr P. Chandra New Delhi Delhi
4 1973-75 Late Dr Mahendra Kumar Goel Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
5 1976-78 Late Dr Mahendra T. Mehta Ahmedabad Gujarat
6 1979-84 Late Dr W.G. G. RamaRao Mumbai Maharashtra
7 1985-87 Dr Surendra Singh Yadav Rewari Haryana
8 1988-9o Late Dr Ramesh Chandra Gupta Allahabad Uttar Pradesh
9 1991-93 Dr Syama Prasad Mandal New Delhi Delhi
10 1994-96 Dr Mohamed Farooque New Delhi Delhi
11 1997-99 Dr L. Prakash Chennai Tamil Nadu
12 2ooo-o2 / 2oo3-o5 Dr Haroon Khizir Taqi Raza Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh
13 2oo6-o8 Dr Goverdhan Ramia Hari Chennai T.N.
14 2oo9-11 / 2o12-14 Dr Sudhir K. Kapoor New Delhi Delhi
15 2o15-17 Dr Sanjay D. Jain Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh

15d. Honorary Fellowship of IOA

Dr Sanjay Jain informed in detail in PPT about Honorary Fellowship of IOA including Criteria, list of
Awardee till date etc. and invited name for so. Till date there is Fifty Six Honorary Fellow of IOA. List

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

1. A nomination committee consisting of the following should be constituted:
President/President-Elect/Editor of Journal/Hon. Secretary/ 3 Immediate Past Presidents.
2. Individual members can recommend any member.
3. The nominee should be over 70 years of age.
4. Due weight age should be given for academic contribution.
5. There should be a good regional distribution.
6. Not more than 4 Hon. Fellowships are to be awarded in a year depending on vacancies.
7. The ratio of one Hon. Fellow per 300 members should continue.
After calculating the ratio of one Hon. Fellow per 300 members; EC did not found any vacancy for so.
Dr Sanjay Jain proposed the inclusion of vice President in the nomination committee for selection of
Honorary Fellow of IOA was accepted by EC unanimously.
15e. Diamond Jubilee Oration of IOA
Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain informed the as per the decision of EC & GBM of IOACON 2o15 @
Jaipur “Diamond Jubilee Oration” was started from year 2016 to mark the 60th year of our association
(2015). The name of Presidential Guest Lecture was converted to Diamond Jubilee Oration. Like
Presidential Guest Lecture, Diamond Jubilee Orator will be invited by the President IOA and Orator may
be even non medical personnel with different profession. It is not compulsory that orator belongs to
Orthopaedic fraternity. No discussion was held on this agenda.
15f. Golden Jubilee Oration of IOA
Dr Sanjay Jain, Honorary Secretary of IOA presented the detail of the Golden Jubilee Oration of IOA in
PPT including its guideline & criteria. The Golden Jubilee Oration was instituted to mark the Golden
Jubilee of our association in 2005. Hon. Secretary invited the papers for the Golden Jubilee Oration as:
Last date of application: 30th April 2o17
Last date to send the manuscripts/Bio-data to all the referees by Hon. Secretary: 2nd week of May
Last date of receipt of the judgment by Secretary: 15th July 2o17.
Out of Six judges, five were participated in marking system as one of referee was an applicant of Golden
Jubilee Oration, so he excluded himself on moral ground. All the manuscripts were sent in a blinded
manner without mentioning the name of candidate anywhere. Name of candidate were not disclosed at
al. Dr Ram Prabhoo proposed to include the Foreign Judge in selection committee to prevent the
regional bias.
Paper titled “Stem Cells in Orthopaedic & Trauma our Research and Its Future Impact” by Dr M.
Shantharam Shetty was selected for “Golden Jubilee Oration” of IOA for the IOACON 2o17 @ Indore.
List of all sixteen applicant were as follow:
Sr.No. Subject and article
01 Rational designal changes in a bipolar prosthesis preserve significant movement at the inner bearing and provide sitting &
Squatting in patients suffering from various Hip pathologies – A clinical and radiological follow up study of more than 12 years.
02 Management of Distal Radius Fractures – A new concept of Closed Reduction & Standardised Percutaneous 5 pin Fixation
03 Rational Cost Effective Innovation for Fractures of Long Bones in Children
04 Five Cardinal Principles for Restoration of Optimum Hand Function in Major Industrial Hand Injuries.
05 Short Term outcomes of long duration versus short duration tourniquet in primary total knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Controlled
06 High incidence of Resistance in Gram Negative Osteoarticular infections- Is it Iatrogenic? Can we still get good results?

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

07 Prevention of a vascular necrosis of femoral head in displaced femoral neck fracture
08 Stem Cells in Orthopaedic & Trauma our Research and Its Future Impact
09 Platelet Rich Plasma in Orthopaedics
10 Lengthening over Nails: A cost effective and safe method to reduce external fixator time and increase patient comfort using
indigenous equipment. Comparison with lengthening using external fixation methods.
11 Importance of Ilizarov in Orthopaedics
12 An Innovative and Stable Mode of Closed Percutaneous Pinning for All Types of Fracture Distal end Radius.
13 Can Neurological Outcome Be Predicted Early in Paediatric Spinal Cord Injury? Evaluation of Diagnostic Value of pNF-H as a
Serum Biomarker
14 Evaluation of Management of Partial Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears With Ultrasound Guided Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
15 Is pre-emptive free fibular strut graft (FFSG) with stable fixation, in fresh displaced fracture neck of femur in young adults, effective in
prevention of Catastrophic complications of non-union and avascular necrosis
16 Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction : Comparative study of Autologous Hamstring Tendons versus Allograft

15g. Silver Jubilee Oration of IOA

Dr Sanjay Jain, Honorary Secretary of IOA presented the detail of the Silver Jubilee Oration of IOA in
PPT including its guideline & criteria. The Silver Jubilee Oration was instituted in 1980 to commemorate
the 25 years of our association. Hon. Secretary invited the papers for the Silver Jubilee Oration as:
Last date of application: 30th April 2o17
Last date to send the manuscripts/Bio-data to all the referees by Hon. Secretary: 2nd week of May
Last date of receipt of the judgment by Secretary: 15th July 2o17.
Out of Six judges, five were participated in marking system. All the manuscripts were sent in a blinded
manner without mentioning the name of candidate anywhere. Name of candidate were not disclosed at
al. Dr Ram Prabhoo proposed to include the Foreign Judge in selection committee to prevent the
regional bias.
Paper titled “The Indian Clubfoot Programme: from Dreams to Reality, A Novel Public – Private
Partnership approach to clubfoot eradication through a nation – wide treatment programme” by Dr
Alaric Aroojis
Was selected for “Silver Jubilee Oration” of IOA for the IOACON 2o17 @ Indore.
Sr.No. Subject and title
01 Does TKA/THA affect Qol and Productivity in a elderly patient? Evaluation of financial funding pattern and refusal factors in patients
undergoing TKA/THA in Eastern India Population.
02 The Indian Clubfoot Programme: from Dreams to Reality, A Novel Public – Private Partnership approach to clubfoot eradication
through a nation – wide treatment programme
03 Implant Removal in Orthopaedic – A Clinical Study
04 Reconstruction to Regeneration: Beginning of a New Era in the Wound Management in Orthopaedics
05 Proximal tibial osteotomy for large deformity of knee with osteoarthritis
06 Achieving Union without Bone Grafting or Related Procedures in Difficult Fractures & Nonunions By Ilizarov Technique.
07 Role of Instrumentation in Active Spine Tuberculosis -Long term results
08 Evaluation of Clinical & Functional Out – Come of Anterior Bridge Plating in Treatment of Humerus Shaft Fracture
09 High Tibial Osteotomy -Long Term Follow Up
10 Percutaneous Decoring and Grafting Procedure for Early Stage AVN Hip
11 Biochemical bone quality and hypovitaminosis D in fragility hip fracture among industrial and related workers and their families in
Eastern India
12 A New Method of Staging Surgical Resections in Pelvic Tumors (Re-defining the Enneking’s Margins)

16. Deletion of Centre State Relation Committee of IOA: Dr Ram Prabhoo / Dr Sanjay Jain
As per the 3rd Constitutional Amendment in 2o14; ratified in 2o15, State President & Secretary are the
EC member of IOA. Now there is a good communication of IOA & its chapter though State President &

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Hon. Secretary asked to EC, “Can we merge CSRC officially in the EC?” Dr. Atul Bahadur has
suggested that we can have CSRC in minor form which can have President Elect (chairman), Vice
President (co-chairman), and one or two co-operated member & may not need separate meeting of
CSRC. EC accepted the proposal.
17. IOA as a “Invited Nation 2018” to the 19th EFORT Congress in Barcelona: Dr Ram Prabhoo / Dr
Sanjay Jain
Already discussed in point No. 13 under the heading of Report of various committees- 13A) Foreign
Fellowship-cum- International Liaison Committee- Dr Jamal Ashraf/Dr John Mukhopadhaya/Dr CS
18. Inclusion of Vice President in Judges Panel in Golden & Silver Jubilee Oration of IOA: Dr Ram
Prabhoo / Dr Sanjay Jain
Dr sanjay Jain detailed about the judges panel of Silver Jubilee Orations & Golden Jubilee Oration of
IOA; which is consist of six referees –
1. President, 2. Hon. Secretary,
3. President Elect, 4. Immediate past president,
5. Editor IJO, 6. Immediate Past Editor.
Following decision were approved & passed by EC unanimously:
1. Inclusion of Vice President in Judges Panel in Golden & Silver Jubilee Oration of IOA from 2o18.
2. Only one manuscript is invited for the oration, submission of more than one manuscript will be
NOT entertained.
3. Any judges or referee will be not eligible to apply for Golden & Silver Jubilee Oration of
19. Letters from member:
19a) Dr. Dilip Kumar Mazumder: Doctor- Patient
Dr Dilip Kumar Mazumder of WBOA (President
2o17-18) presented a nice & heart touching talk on
Patient - Doctors Relationship in five minutes in
power point presentation, which was well
appreciated by EC.
19b) Dr Jose Chellan – IOA Life Member – LM-08584;
suspend / terminate / removal of his name from
IOA: Dr Ram Prabhoo / Dr Sanjay Jain
Hon. Secretary Dr. Sanjay Jain read out the letter of
Dr Mayilvahanan Natarajan written to Dr Ram
Prabhoo with copy to Hon. Secretary & Past
President of IOA on last week of July 2o17 with
concern to Dr Jose Chellan, a life member of IOA as
I am writing to you regarding Dr. Jose Chellan who
is a life member of IOA (LM-8584) from Tamil Nadu
since 2011. Dr. Jose Chellan with a UG qualification
from Russia (M.D. Russia) Recognised by MCI,
was working as a Medical Officer in a Private
Hospital in Chennai Where I Was Practising.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

I was led to believe that his post graduate qualification from a Russian University (Rostov State Medical
University, Russia) was recognized by MCI. Hence I proposed his name for Life Membership of IOA in
During the recent scrutiny by the Tamil Nadu Medical Council on unqualified medical practitioners, it
was found that the UG qualification from Russia is recognized by MCI, But the PG Orthopaedic
qualification from Russia of Dr. Jose Chellan was noT recognized by MCI As he was practicing
independently with a board as orthopaedic Surgeon, His name was removed from the Tamil Nadu
Medical Council and he was debarred from practicing even as a UG doctor (For a Period of 1 year).
Subsequently until he gets a PG qualification recognized by MCI in India, he is not a qualified
orthopaedic surgeon and hence is not to practice as an orthopaedic surgeon.
I am bringing these developments to your kind notice for your appropriate and necessary action
regarding his life membership in Indian orthopaedic Association.
With regards,
Yours Sincerely,

(Dr. Mayilvahanan Natarajan)

Copy to: 1.Dr. Sanjay Jain, M.S. Ortho., Hon. Secretary, and I.O.A.
2. Dr Sudhir Kapoor, M.S. Ortho., Past President, I.O.A.
EC decided to put this matter to Ethics & Protocol committee of IOA for necessary & appropriate action
against Dr Jose Chellan regarding his life membership in Indian orthopaedic Association. His detail with
IOA is as:
Old Address:
09840849715, 8056029715

New updated address as per IOA web site:

CHENNAI - 600094 TAMIL NADU 8056029715

19c) Dr. Mandeep S. Dhillon- Proposals from President Elect, IOA

Dr. Sanjay Jain read out the letter of Dr Mandeep Singh Dhillon in his absence as:
1. Continuation of Yuva program 100% with you; May even plan to expand if successful
2. Increasing fellowships for Youngsters abroad by IOA own funds or getting sponsors. Minimum
20-30 more, all with other associations, Indian or International, like BOA, EFORT, Australia, and
Japan etc. Maybe some with AO, as AO will have no issues if we fund them. We can also talk to
3. Discontinuation of IOA printed newsletter; this will reduce cost by??60 lakhs per year minimum
(not sure, but it will be significant) those who opt for printed one should send request to IOA
office; all others to get email pdf copy. Get pdf files. This money should be spent on fellowships
for Yuva people to go internationally. 1 lakh per fellow should be planned. AO Fellow needs 1.8
lakhs i.e. 3000 US dollars and he can be an AO fellow also 30 more fellows can go out yearly.
4. Association with AO Trauma, like we did for AAOS and BOS, for 2018 Coimbatore IOACON
meeting. We can have an AO session, maybe even AO Trauma and AO recon combined. If
agreed we will have to inform them a year in advance.
5. Fixing the date for the annual conference; this is an international norm, for all societies, and we
should also have it fixed, like 2nd week of December or something. Then people from India and
worldwide can plan accordingly. Changing it around causes a lot of issues.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

6. Ensuring representation from at least 6 International Associations every year, with their
Presidents being our Guests. We can even pay for their travel, as most International
Associations do
This will project IOA on the International stage. China invited 50 associations every year!!!!
We can even invite specialist societies, in addition to National Bodies, Like SICOT, AO, and
EFORT as is the norm
Regional Asian countries Presidents like Lanka, Burma, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan,
Malaysia, and Singapore should be all called. Even China this projects our importance as a
regional Ortho Power
7. Reduce number of Halls in IOACON, and restrict Stall opening times to afternoons. Also have a
method of ensuring attendance by scanning badges. This is done in China, where many are
Govt sponsored and they have to attend 70 % of sessions to get CMR awards. We may limit to
even 60%.
8. Clarification on online & ballot paper voting in IOA election 2o17. I believe that despite the
discussion at the GBM last year at Kochi where it was pointed out by many and clarified by Dr
Sudhir Kapoor that no ballots would be posted to those who have registered to vote online and
did so last year, this has not been clarified in the minutes.
Dr Ram Prabhoo welcomed the Continuation of Yuva program, increasing fellowships for
Youngsters abroad, Association with AO Trauma, Ensuring representation from at least 6
International Associations every year, Reduce number of Halls in IOACON. Matter of IOA
printed newsletter was already discussed in agenda point No. o5. Honorary Secretary’s report.
Hon. Secretary informed the date of IOACON as per blue book is 1st week of December & this
can be changed in extraordinary circumstances by two weeks before or after.
On the matter of clarification on online & ballot paper voting in IOA election 2o17; EC agreed to
send the video clip of GBM with concern to IOA election 2o17 to- President, Hon. Secretary,
President Elect, Vice President, and Past President of IOA. After listening to that, they will
decide & their decision will be final on online & ballot paper voting in IOA election 2o17.
19d) Dr. Rakesh Kanaujia’s observation.
Hon. Secretary read out the letter of Dr RC Kanaujia of MOA. President of Maharashtra Orthopaedic
Association Dr Rakesh Chandra Kanaujia expressed his observations during the various meeting of
IOA viz GBM of IOACON 2o16 @ Kochi, CSRC meeting @ New Delhi April 2017, world record of
highest number of free Orthopaedic Surgery on Bone & Joint Day 2o16; IOA Election 2o16 etc. No
definite & conclusive responses were observed from EC.
2o. any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
20a. LEAP AAOS – IOA Course Certificate; Learn & Enhance Advance Patient-outcome: A joint
program of AAOS & IOA
Permission was granted to give certificate of participation & certificate of completion to the Orthopod
who had participated in a joint program of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and Indian
Orthopaedic Association. Insignia Learning Pvt. Ltd. of Mumbai was the mediator between AAOS &
AAOS –IOA Digital Platform is an initiative by Novartis in Collaboration with American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOA), where doctors are provided
with latest scientific content in the area of Orthopaedics. This platform has 4 different sections - Trauma,
Spine, Joint Replacement and General Orthopedics. Each section in specialty will have 2 IOA panel
doctors (experts in the different sub-specialties) and 5 in General Orthopedics appointed by IOA. A l l
the subscribers (doctors) shall ask related queries to these experts.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

20b. Bid for annual conference of IOA for the year 2o19: Dr Sanjay Jain

Hon. Secretary informed the house that we are inviting Bid for annual conference of Indian Orthopaedic
Association for the year 2o19- IOACON 2o19. All interested state chapter President & Secretary from
Zone I are requested for Bid for IOACON 2o19. (As per the Zonal system of IOACON passed by GBM of
IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur & ratified by GBM of IOACON 2o16 @ Kochi). The last date for bids to be
submitted to IOA Office is 31st July 2o17. We are in receipt of Bid for IOACON 2o19 from West Bengal
Zone number States included Centers where conference held New centres expected next 5 years ioacon

Zone I West Bengal, Odisha, Jharkhand, North East States Kolkata, Bhubaneswar, Guwahati Ranchi 2019

Zone II Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad Vishakhapatnam, Pune 2020

Zone III J&K, HP, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand Delhi, Jaipur, Chandigarh Amritsar, Ludhiana, Srinagar 2021

Zone IV UP, MP, Bihar, Chhattisgarh Agra, Indore, Patna, Jabalpur Bhopal, Lucknow, Raipur 2022

Zone V Kerala, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Puducherry Kochi, Chennai, Bangalore Coimbatore, Mangalore, Madurai 2023

20c. Annual Maintenance Contract of Lift in IOA House: Dr Manish Dhawan

Hon. Treasurer Dr Manish Dhawan informed the house that the new lift in IOA house was installed in
last year & inaugurated on 24th July 2o16 during the EC meeting. Now it’s time for Annual Maintenance
Contract of Lift. EC granted one year AMC of lift in IOA house.
21. Vote of thanks by Hon. Secretary, IOA: Dr Sanjay Jain
Dr Sanjay Jain thanked to all executive members for making the EC meeting successful and finish in
time. He expressed his gratitude to all EC Members & State Representative and State Presidents &
Secretaries for their co-operations. Special thanx was given to President IOA Dr Ram Prabhoo for his
help in proceedings of Executive Body Meeting of IOA. He expressed his gratitude to Dr Krishna
Kumar Pandey Joint Secretary of IOA for his help throughout the meetings & minute’s preparation.
Special thanks were expressed for Mr. Ramesh C. Pandey, Chief Administrative Officer of IOA for his
continuous efforts and sincerity for the Association and the help of other people particularly- Mr Amit
Pal, Mr Neeraj Mungali etc.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue - III
August, 2017 - November, 2017

Section - IV


Secretary’s Report with Agenda @ 29-o7-2o17 :
Dr. Sanjay Jain

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Secretary’s Report with Agenda @ 29-o7-2o17 :
Dr. Sanjay Jain

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Secretary’s Report with Agenda @ 29-o7-2o17 :
Dr. Sanjay Jain

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Secretary’s Report with Agenda @ 29-o7-2o17 :
Dr. Sanjay Jain

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Secretary’s Report with Agenda @ 29-o7-2o17 :
Dr. Sanjay Jain

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Secretary’s Report with Agenda @ 29-o7-2o17 :
Dr. Sanjay Jain

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Secretary’s Report with Agenda @ 29-o7-2o17 :
Dr. Sanjay Jain

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Secretary’s Report with Agenda @ 29-o7-2o17 :
Dr. Sanjay Jain

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Editor’s Report : Dr. Ish Kumar Dhammi

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Editor’s Report : Dr. Ish Kumar Dhammi

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Audit Report - IJO

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Audit Report - IJO

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Audit Report - IJO

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Treasurer Report @ 29-o7-2o17 : Dr. Manish Dhawan

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Treasurer Report @ 29-o7-2o17 : Dr. Manish Dhawan

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Auditor’s Report

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Auditor’s Report

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Auditor’s Report

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Auditor’s Report

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Auditor’s Report

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue - III
August, 2017 - November, 2017

Section - V
Bone & Joint Day


Bone & Joint Day 2017 @ Kancheepuram

Kanchi Ortho Club & IMA Kancheepuram organized following variety of events to observe Bone & Joint Day
2017 under the auspices of IOA & TNOA.
Healthy Bones - Mighty India Event
It's a Week Long Bone Health Awareness Program for Students / General Public @ Vaigunda Perumal Koil
Extension Municipal Park, Kancheepuram. Date: From 27.07.2017 to 03.08.2017 Time: 05.30 am - 07.30 am
Day One: Opening Ceremony with Yoga for Health & Mass Demonstration and Remembering Dr APJ Abdul
Kalam Event on the occasion of his 2nd Death Anniversary
Day Two: Physical Workout and Surya Namashkar by Sevabharathi & a talk on Basic First Aid: An Overview
Day Three: Basic Karate, Self Defense Techniques & Demonstration of kata Karate by Hindustan Karate Do
Federation, Kancheepuram Branch
Day Four: Health Benefits of Yoga & Demonstration of Advanced Yoga by Shri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamigal
Yoga Centre, Kancheepuram.
Day Five: SILAMBAM: Basics Techniques & Demonstration of the Art: SILAMBAM FIGHT by Champion Sports
Karate Academy, Kancheepuram. Talk on Ill Effects of Indigenous Splinting (Puttur Kattu)
Day Six: Routine Warm Up & Surya Namashkar and GROUP GAMES & ACTIVITIES Co organized by
Day Seven: Closing Ceremony with Mass Demonstration of basic YOGA Postures & Surya Namashkar,
Release of Bone Health & Road Safety Placards, Distribution of APPRECIATION CERTIFICATE to all the
participants & Celebration of RAKSHA BANDHAN
Road Safety Awareness Programs
Helmet Awareness Program @ Bharat Petroleum Petrol Station (M/S Krishnan), Salai Street,
Kancheepuram on 01.08.2017 Tuesday 04.30 pm – 05.30 pm with Display of BANNERS & PLACARDS,
Raising SLOGANS and Distribution of PAMPHLETS on Road Safety.
Awareness Program on Car Seat Belt for Driving School Students @ Sri Ganapathy Driving School, East
Raja Street, Kancheepuram on 02.08.2017 Wednesday between 07.00 am – 07.45 am.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Bone & Joint Day 2017 @ Kancheepuram


Workshop on First Aid & CPR for School Students
@ SSKV Girls Hr Sec School, Kancheepuram on
03.08.2017 Thursday between 03.00pm – 04.30pm.
PowerPoint Presentation on BASIC FIRST AID – An
Overview, ABLS - Basic Life Support, Video
Demonstration on basic first aid for BLEEDING,
SEIZURE & FRACTURE, Live Demonstration on
Splint / Sling / CPR 10 – Cardio Pulmonary
Resuscitation & Practical Fire Safety Tips Every One
Should Know.
Basic First Aid Class for Children @ Panchayat
Union Middle School, Kottavakkam Village on 04.08.2017 Friday between 08.45 am – 09.30 am, mainly
focused on First Aid for BURNS, BLEEDING, SEIZURE & FRACTURE.
BMD Detection Camps
Awareness Program on Osteoporosis for general public and “BMD Detection Camp” in association with Sri
Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Big Kancheepuram on 04.08.2017 Time: 09.45 am – 01.30 pm Venue: Panchayat
Union Middle School, Kottavakkam. Out of 113 people screened – Male 45; Female 68; we found: 59 of them
have OSTEOPOROSIS & 31 participants have OSTEOPENIA based on the result – “T” Score. We have also
started proper treatment and education about this silent disease to this target group.
Seminar on Bone Health in Women and “BMD Detection Camp” in association with Sri Sathya Sai Seva
Samithi, Litte Kancheepuram on 06.08.2017 Time: 09.45 am – 01.30 pm Venue: ICDS Centre, Arignar Anna
Nesavaalar Kudiyiruppu, Orrikkai. Out of 100 people screened; we found: 17 of them have OSTEOPOROSIS
& 63 participants have OSTEOPENIA based on the result – “T” Score. We have also started proper treatment
and education about this silent disease to this target group.
Tree Plantation Program
We have facilitated TREE PLANTATION PROGRAM to observe BONE & JOINT DAY and it's a great gesture
by the participants of our Week Long “Healthy Bones - Mighty India Event”. Date: 04.08.2017 Friday Time:
05.30 am - 07.30 am Venue: Vaigunda Perumal Koil Extension Municipal Park, Kancheepuram.
CME Program:
CME Program on Bone Tumors in association with VS Hospitals, Chennai Date: 05.08.2017 Saturday Time:
01.30 pm - 04.30 pm Venue: Hotel GRT Regency, Kancheepuram. TOPIC-1: Current Concepts in the
Management of GIANT CELL TUMOUR & TOPIC-2: OSTEOSARCOMA: Pathologist Perspective.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Bone & Joint Day: Tamilnadu Orthopaedic Association

TNOA observed BONE & JOINT DAY 2017 with Bone & Joint Week Celebrations from 30th July 2017 to 06th
August 2017. Here with we are highlighting the BJD Activities of TNOA, our affiliated District / City Ortho Clubs
and Distinguished Members as per the TEN POINT PROGRAMME guided by IOA.
1A. Free Check up Camps: Organised many free orthopaedic camps most of them are along with
BMD Detection tests

1) BMD Camp by Devadoss Multi Speciality Hospital

2) BMD camp on behalf of Rhock hospital Tirunelveli.
3) Bone & joint celebration at RMMCH. DEXA scan done.
4) BMD Camp& Awareness Program on Osteoporosis @ Rex Ortho Hospital, Coimbatore on 30.07.2017
5) BMD CAMP& Awareness Program on Bone Health and Trauma by EssVee Hospital on 06.08.2017
6) Free BMD camp at Madurai Medical College. Camp being conducted on two days, 4th and 5th August.
7) The free BMD camp at Soundarapandian bone and joint hospital, Chennai attended by many with free
consultations on 04.08.2017
8) Free BMD camp @ Prime line hospital Kovipatty
9) Free BMD camp @ Annai Velankanni Multi Speciality Hospital, Tirunelveli
10) Osteoporosis Early Detection Camp with BMD Test by GVM Ortho Clinic on 04.08.2017
11) We conducted Free Osteoporosis health check and BMD camp on 4th& 5th August 2017. PREETHI
12) Free DEXA bone density scan camp conducted at Srinivasa hospitals, Nagercoil. Around 100 patients
were screened. Given free consultation and treatment. 05.08.2017
13) Osteoporosis awareness BMD camp Uric acid camp with dental check up for city and armed reserve
police official DIG of police ? Tirunelveli city honoured with attendance
14) Osteoporosis awareness BMD camp@ Rajam Nursing Home, Tiruvannamalai
15) Free BMD camp @ Balaji hospital, Vallioor, Tirunelveli district 04.08.2017
16) Awareness Program on Osteoporosis for general public and “BMD Detection Camp” in association with
Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Big Kancheepuram on 04.08.2017 Time: 09.45 am – 01.30 pm Venue:
Panchayat Union Middle School, Kottavakkam. Out of 113 people screened – Male 45; Female 68; we
found: 59 of them have OSTEOPOROSIS &31 participants have OSTEOPENIA based on the result –
“T” Score. We have also started proper treatment and education about this silent disease to this target
17) Seminar on Bone Health in Women and “BMD Detection Camp” in association with Sri Sathya Sai Seva
Samithi, Litte Kancheepuram on 06.08.2017 Time: 09.45 am – 01.30 pm Venue: ICDS Centre, Arignar

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Bone & Joint Day: Tamilnadu Orthopaedic Association

Anna Nesavaalar Kudiyiruppu, Orrikkai. Out of 100 people screened; we found: 17 of them have
OSTEOPOROSIS & 63 participants have OSTEOPENIA based on the result – “T” Score. We have also
started proper treatment and education about this silent disease to this target group.
18) BMD / Arthritis Awareness Camp @ City Hospital, Dindigul
2B. Free BMD / DEXA Camps: Organised EIGHTEENCAMPS with Osteoporosis Awareness and free
consultation in almost all district head quarters and many small towns.

3C. Patient / Public Awareness Programmes: Organised ELEVEN PROGRAMS based on road
safety, helmet & seat belt awareness, bone health, osteoporosis, arthritis, blood donation and
tree plantation at Chennai, Coimbatore, Salem, Tirunelveli &Kancheepuram.
1. Human Chain Formation and IEC activity by 500 students' UG, PG and nurses at NSC BOSE road on
04.08.2017. Flagged off by DEAN MMC. Road safety awareness campaign with placards pamphlets
and stickers organised by Institute of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Rajiv Gandhi Govt General
Hospital, Chennai.
2. Road Safety Awareness Program organized by London Ortho Specialty Hospital, Salem in association
with rotary / inner wheel clubs on 04.08.2017
3. Blood Donation Awareness Camp for bone and joint day celebration by Nellai Ortho Club @ Annai
Velankanni Multi Speciality Hospital, Tirunelveli
4. Awareness Program on Osteoporosis @ Rex Ortho Hospital, Coimbatore on 30.07.2017
5. VS
Hospitals at VS Hospitals. Prof Dr. S Sundar speaks about #Osteoporosis on the occasion of #National
#Bone & #Joint Day observed on 4-Aug-2017
6. VS
Hospitals at VS Hospitals. Prof Dr. S Sundar speaks about #DEXA #DXA #Scan on the occasion of
#National #Bone & #Joint Day observed on 4-Aug-2017
7. Dr. R. Omer Sheriff speaks about Bone Health on the occasion of #National #Bone & #Joint Day
observed on 4-Aug-2017
8. Dr. J Panthala Rajkumaran speaks about #Accidents on the occasion of #National #Bone & #Joint Day
observed on 4-Aug-2017
Z6E6hh306IrOg YHA8RGFbQ0Sg5NmxiTgSGZKcPYTvgQY6IqSyMBfmaeLU
9. Helmet Awareness Program @ Bharat Petroleum Petrol Station (M/S Krishnan), Salai Street,
Kancheepuram on 01.08.2017 Tuesday 04.30 pm – 05.30 pm with Display of BANNERS &
PLACARDS, Raising SLOGANS and Distribution of PAMPHLETS on Road Safety.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Bone & Joint Day: Tamilnadu Orthopaedic Association

10. Awareness Program on Car Seat Belt for Driving School Students @ Sri Ganapathy Driving School,
East Raja Street, Kancheepuram on 02.08.2017 Wednesday between 07.00 am – 07.45 am.
11. We have facilitated Tree Plantation Program to observe BONE & JOINT DAY and it's a great gesture by
the participants of our Week Long “Healthy Bones - Mighty India Event”. Date: 04.08.2017 Friday Time:
05.30 am - 07.30 am Venue: Vaigunda Perumal Koil Extension Municipal Park, Kancheepuram.
4D. School Programmes: Organised FIVE PROGRAMS with Lectures / workshop on First aid, Road
Safety and Bone Health at Chennai, Salem, Tirunelveli &Kancheepuram.

1. Mid West Ortho Society: School children awareness on Road safety, child hood obesity impact on
growing bones. Distributed awareness pamphlets for 3000 students
2. Road Safety Awareness talk given to Government school students of Kodambakkam Chennai on 4th
August. About 300 students attended in two batches. – Prof Dr S Ramesh Babu
3. Bone and joint day celebration in Tirunelveli with Jose matriculation school and with Rhock hospital.
4. Workshop on First Aid & CPR for School Students @ SSKV Girls Hr Sec School, Kancheepuram on
03.08.2017 Thursday between 03.00pm – 04.30pm. PowerPoint Presentation on BASIC FIRST AID –
An Overview, ABLS - Basic Life Support, Video Demonstration on basic first aid for BLEEDING,
SEIZURE & FRACTURE, Live Demonstration on Splint / Sling / CPR 10 – Cardio Pulmonary
Resuscitation & Practical Fire Safety Tips Every One Should Know.
5. Basic First Aid Class for Children @ Panchayat Union Middle School, Kottavakkam Village,
Kancheepuram on 04.08.2017 Friday between 08.45 am – 09.30 am, mainly focused on First Aid for
Burns, Bleeding, Seizure & Fracture.
5E. Awareness Rallies: Organised FOUR WALKATHONS at Chennai, Salem, Chidambaram & Trichy
and ONE MARATHON at Tirunelveli. These events are focused on Road Safety, Arthritis
Awareness & Bone Health.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Bone & Joint Day: Tamilnadu Orthopaedic Association

1. Road Safety Rally of TNOA at Besant Nagar beach at 7 am in Chennai on 4th August 2017. Many VIPs
have been invited. This is a part of IOA's Bone and Joint Day celebration.
2. Kurinji Hospital -Salem Bone & Joint Day Celebration -ROAD SAFETY AWARENESS RALLY at five
roads -Salem headed by our chief Dr .T. Jayaraman. Distributed awareness pamphlets for General
public & Motorist in busy five roads Junction. Taken oath on Road safety & healthy lifestyle with stronger
3. Road Safety Awareness Rally at RMMCH. Inaugurated by vice Chancellor, Registrar, Dean and senior
administrators& Professors.
4. Medicos Marathon at Tirunelveli medical college 5k run ? 60 members attended flagged off by Dean
TVMCH in association with IMA Tirunelveli and Rotary Tirunelveli town
5. Arthritis Awareness Rally organised by TNOA & Trichy Ortho Club
6F. Yoga Camps / Morning Walk: Organised a WEEK LONG early morning YOGA CAMP along with
basic class on self defense and bone health awareness at Kancheepuram.

Healthy Bones - Mighty India Event: It's a Week Long Bone Health Awareness Program for Students /
General Public to commemorate BONE & JOINT DAY @ Vaigunda Perumal Koil Extension Municipal
Park, Kancheepuram. Date: From 27.07.2017 to 03.08.2017 Time: 05.30 am - 07.30 am Daily. Took
Class on YOGA / Games / Martial Arts By Kanchi Ortho Club.
Due to overwhelming response from the participants, we are continuing the Free Yoga Class.
7G. Symposia/ Lectures: Organised a CME PROGRAM on Bone Tumors at Kancheepuram and a
SYMPOSIA on Golden Hour Trauma Management with workshop on CPR at Tirunelveli.
1. Golden Hour Trauma Management Symposia / Workshop on CPR organized by Nellai Ortho Club in
association with Rotary Club of Tirunelveli. About 40 Students of Antarctica College of Pharmacy

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Bone & Joint Day: Tamilnadu Orthopaedic Association

2. CME Program on Bone Tumors in association with VS Hospitals, Chennai Date: 05.08.2017 Saturday
Time: 01.30 pm - 04.30 pm Venue: Hotel GRT Regency, Kancheepuram. TOPIC-1: Current Concepts in
the Management of Giant Cell Tumour & Topic-2: Osteosarcoma: Pathologist Perspective.
8H. Free Surgeries: Conducted TWENTY FOUR FREE SURGERIES worth Rs 7,84,375 (worth of 14
procedures and awaiting cost of others) From 30th July to 6th August, 2017. It's a great gesture
by our orthopaedic colleagues.
1. Free Surgery Neglected Club Foot by Dr Sundararajan, Udumalpet.
2. 82/M with post THR With dislocation - Did a Cemented Stem Revision completely free of cost. By Dr. J.
Manimaran, Salem.
3. Dr J Srinivasan Srinivaspriya hospital, Perambur, Chennai. We did a free arthroscopic ACL
Reconstruction with Lateral Meniscal Trimming and Balancing for bone and joint day. Patient is a 21
year old district level football player.
4. Balaji hospital Vallioortirunelveli district Dr. B. Sankaravenkatesan Orthopaedic surgeon...did a free
surgery for Lacerated injury with deep soft tissue tear (L) Proximal Leg – Wound Debridement &
Primary Closure 02.08.2017 Rs 20,000
5. Best Ortho Centre Pattukkottai- Dr. C.J. Ravi did A Open TA Lengthening for 8 Years Old Spastic
Cerebral Palsy Kid with TA Contracture on 04.08.2017
6. Dr. S. Natesan did a free surgery - # BB Fore Arm – ORIF 05.08.2017 Rs 30,000
7. Dr Leo Joseph, Thanjavur - # distal third tibia (distal to previous Tibial nail with united #) did ORIF with
LCP + BG Distal TIBIA (+ Nail Exit) 31.07.2017 Rs 80,000

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Bone & Joint Day: Tamilnadu Orthopaedic Association

8. Dr Sugavanam, London Ortho Speciality Hospital, Salem -

Free surgery done on Bone and Joint day
Galleazi # -ORIF 05.08.2017 Rs 30,000
Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore operated 4 patients free of cost for the Bone & Joint Day 2017.
9. Neglected Posterior Dislocation Left Shoulder
McLaughlin's Procedure with Tran osseous Repair Of
Capsule and Remplissage of Subscapularis 03.08.2017 Rs 60,000
10. Diagnosis: Neck of femur fracture le% side
Procedure: Uncemented bipolar Hemiarthroplasty
Left hip 05.08.2017 Rs 80,000
11. Closed Fracture Right Proximal Humerus
Open Reduction and Philos Plating
Proximal Humerous 05.08.2017 Rs 60,000
12. DDH Left Hip / Status Right Hip Operated
Open Reduction + Derotation Osteotomy
+ Sandi ego Acetabuloplasty Left Hip 03.08.2017 Rs 60,000
13. Dr. R Sivakumar at Preethi Hospitals, Madurai performed a surgery in a 48 yrs old gentleman, waiving
the cost of surgery completely. United # Neck of Femur – Implant Exit 05.08.2017 Rs 36,700
14. Dr. S. Ramesh Babu, SPOT Hospital, Chennai did a free surgery for Malunited Tibial Condyle # - Open
Wedge Osteotomy, Bone Grafting & Internal Fixation 03.08.2017 Rs 1,00,000
15. Dr. S. Eswara Kumar, SS Hospital Dindigul did free surgery for RUPTURE OF TENDO ACHILIS –
TENDON REPAIR 03.08.2017 Rs 18,000
16. Dr. Subair khan, Orthomed Hospital, for the bone and joint day did 2 free surgeries.
Anterior horn lateral meniscus, Grade III -Right Knee - Arthroscopic Trimming of Lateral Meniscus -
Right knee 04.08.2017 Rs.81,133
17. Bankart lesion- Right Shoulder - Bankart Repair – Right Shoulder 04.08.2017 Rs.1,23,542
18. Dr. Dhanpalsinghdid a case free of cost at Rajah Muthiah Medical College and Hospital, Annamalai
University as the part of the Bone and joint week celebration United # BB Leg with ILN – IMPLANT EXIT
- ILN TIBIA 04.08.207 Rs 5,000
19. Prof Neelakrishnan Rajah Muthiah Medical College and Hospital, Annamalai University did the
following case - # BB Leg with Post Malleoli – ORIF with ILN Tibia & Screw Post Malleoli 02.08.2017

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Bone & Joint Day: Tamilnadu Orthopaedic Association

20. Three free surgeries have been done by Dr

Sundar, VS Hospitals, Chennai.
Clavicle # - ORIF
21. Dislocation Elbow – Closed Reduction
22. Implant Exit
23. Dr. Muralidharan, President Elect TNOA, City
Hospital, Dindigul did 2 cases.
Femoral Nail Exit
24. Diabetic Foot Amputation
9I. Pamphlet Distribution/ Posters/ Stickers:
Displayed Banners / Posters on Bone & Joint
Day at prominent places, Pasted BJD
STICKERS at Cars &Two wheelers and
distributed road safety & bone health
awareness PAMPHLETS to patients and
general public.
1. Display of Banners / Stickers on Bone & Joint
Day by Suraksha Multispecialty Hospital,
2. Display of Banners / Stickers & distribution of
Pamphlets on Bone & Joint Day @ Vinayaka
Missions Kirubananda variyaar Medical College
Hospital, Salem.
3. Distribution of Bone Health Awareness / Road
safety Pamphlets by Dept of Orthopaedics,
Madurai medical College.
4. Bone and joint day celebration @ Tirunelveli
medical college. Prof. Manikandan distributing
pamphlets to out patients
5. Bone and joint day celebration in Tirunelveli with
Jose matriculation school and with Rhock
hospital. Road safety pamphlets issued to
students by teachers.
6. Distribution of Bone Health Awareness / Road
safety Pamphlets by Kurinji Hospitals, Salem.
10J. Media Coverage:
Organised a PRESS MEET to sensitize our BJD
Programs at Chennai press club on 26th July
2017. We have received Wide Media Coverage
both in PRINT & VISUAL MEDIA throughout the
state for our Free Surgeries and orthopaedic
outreach programs.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Bone & Joint Day: Kerala Orthopaedic Association
Dr. Jise Jose, Hon. Secretary
The Kerala Orthopaedic Association conducted several
programmes at its District level as well as Individual members of the
KOA. The KOA circulated the National Free Surgery Campaign in
detail with Printed Lazer colour Sticker and emails to all its members.
Trivandrum Orthopaedic Society
Trivandrum Orthopaedic Society observed the National Bone and
Joint Day on with talks on Amritha TV and Big FM on 3rd , 4th and 5th
Aug 2017. Dr Anoop S Pillai and Dr Sabarisree participated in the
same, an Inter-school Quiz competition was conducted to promote
awareness among children about various health issues including
Alappuzha Orthopaedic Society
Alappuzha orthopaedic society along with govt medical college,
Alappuzha celebrate bone and joint day on august 4.a cake cutting
ceremony and a topic presentation about joint surgeries was done.
The meeting was held at medical college, Alappuzha.
Madhya Kerala Orthopaedic Club
The MKOC conducted a special meeting in connection with bone
and joint day on August 4th 2017 in Kottayam hotel Indraprastha.
They also conducted an academic meeting in connection with that
and honoured our senior member and teacher prof. Shamsudheen k
on the day. The MKOC members conducted various medical camps
and awareness classes... in Changhanacherry, Koothattukulam,
Kidangoor and Kozhencherry, about 700 people attended.
The Calicut Orthopaedic Society
Dr. Suresh S Pillai, the President of the CaOS, have done a cervical
discectomy and fusion for a 28-year-old lady with persistent radicular
pain and weakness completely free of cost on 03/08/2017 at Aster
MIMS Hospital - Calicut in connection with the Bone & Joint Day
Celebration. Patient name Prajisha GP, MIMS No: 1181076, Address
"Gurupurath House, Perambra, Calicut, India. Phone Number:
7558996094, 9747446094."
The Cochin Orthopaedic Society
The Cochin Orthopaedic Society observed the National Bone and
Joint Day celebration 2017 with a mega orthopaedic Camp at
Vocational Higher Secondary School, Panangad. The Programme is
organised by the Cochin Orthopaedic Society and supported by the
Panangad Central Residence Association, PHC Panangad, Rotary
Club of Tripunithura Royale, and NSS Unit VHSS Panangad. 117
orthopaedic patients participated in the Mega Medical Camp out of
this 10 are selected for Free or subsidised surgeries, and it to be
done at various hospital in the Ernakulam.
The Tripunithura MLA Adv. M Swaraj inaugurated the medical camp
in the presence of COS President DR Rajiv Stanley, Secretary Dr
Venugopal R and IOA Ex committee Member Dr Rajesh Simon, KOA
President Elect Dr Sabin Viswanath. Free Bone Density test also
conducted along with the Programme.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Bone & Joint Day: West Bengal Orthopaedic Association


Date Patient Name Name of Doctor Operation
01.08.2017 Saina Banu Gazi Dr. S.K. Das ORIF with DCP in Fracture Shaft Humerus
01.08.2017 Nurjuli L Laskar Dr. S.R. Mitra Anterior Transposition Ulnar Nerve
01.08.2017 Ritesh Basu Dr. S.K. Das Sequestrectomy in ch.OM
01.08.2017 Urmila Adhikari Dr. A.J. Kundu Implant Removal and ORIF with Bone Graft in NU radius
01.08.2017 Ayon Sardar Dr. A.C. Das Total Elbow Replacement
01.08.2017 Sabir Molla Dr. N. Duggar Excision of Radial head
01.08.2017 Najruddin Gazi Dr. N. Duggar Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction
01.08.2017 Santanu Bepari Dr. D. Dhole Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction
01.08.2017 Ayon Mondal Dr. S.R. Mitra ORIF in SC Fracture Humerus
01.08.2017 Sanat Purkait Dr. Mir Hip Hemi Arthroplasty
02.08.2017 Bapi Mondal Dr. N. Duggar Implant Removal from Proximal Tibia
03.08.2017 Sagun Soren Dr. D. Sinha Roy Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction
03.08.2017 Renubala Das Dr. D. Sinha Roy Hip Hemi Arthroplasty
03.08.2017 Aman Chitrakar Dr. Sajal Implant Removal from Patella
04.08.2017 Gopal Das Dr. S.R. Mitra Distal Femoral Nail
05.08.2017 Zaida Bibi Dr. B. Bhattacharya ORIF with DCP in Fracture Shaft Humerus
05.08.2017 Mahadeb Ghosh Dr. A.J. Kundu ORIF in Fracture Scaphoid
05.08.2017 Barkatali Sk Dr. A.J. Kundu ORIF in Fracture Calcaneum
01.08.18 Md Jalil Dr. A. Sengupta Open reduction
01.08.18 Jamiruddin Sk Dr. P. Chatterjee varus derotation osteotomy
01.08.18 Sanjay kharati Dr.A.Basu ORIF with plating
01.08.18 Palan Shaw Dr. A. Sengupta Incisional biopsy
01.08.18 Sunil Majhi Dr. P. Chatterjee ORIF with plating and bone grafting+patellectomy
01.08.18 Ruma Pandit Dr.A.Basu implant removal
03.08.18 Bandana bhattacharjee Dr. P. Mondal hemiarthroplasty
03.08.18 Morsel Ali Gayen Dr. K. Sabui ORIF with plating
03.08.18 Arun Das Dr. G.S. Mukherjee ORIF with plating
03.08.18 Romen Hazra Dr. P. Mondal ORIF with ILN
03.08.18 Rihan Mondal Dr. K. Sabui ORIF with plating
03.08.18 Ranu Dhara Dr. G.S. Mukherjee debridement
04.08.18 Jibesh Chakraborty Dr. A. Sengupta laminectomy with instrumentation

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

04.08.18 Noor Jamal Mukti Dr. P. Chatterjee ORIF with plating
04.08.18 Ranubala Manna Dr.A.Basu CRIF with PFN
04.08.18 Md. Meraj Dr. A. Sengupta CRIF with ILN
04.08.18 Jharna Mondal Dr. P. Chatterjee implant removal
04.08.18 Nirusan Parul Dr.A.Basu implant removal
04.08.18 Satish Majhi Dr.A.Basu debridement
05.08.18 Rajdip Choudhary Dr. R. Bhatta CRIF with CHS
05.08.18 Abhijit Bhattacharjee Dr. J. Mondal ORIF with K wire
05.08.18 Saharaf Khan Dr. P. Sarkar ORIF with ILN
05.08.18 Abu Hasim Dr. P. Sarkar debridement
05.08.18 jahiman Bibi Dr. J. Mondal Hemiarthroplasty
01.08.2017 Shibdas Mere Dr. K. K. Mukhopadhyay TLIF with posterior fixation
01.08.2017 Jabbar Molla Dr. U. Banerjee ORIF of Proximal Ulna and Radious head reconstruction
01.08.2017 Anima Naskar Dr. U. Banerjee ORIF in BBFA #
01.08.2017 Sumitra Mali Dr A. S. Mukhopadhyay Open Biopsy in GCT
02.08.2017 Samin Sk. Dr. A. K. Garg Illizarov fixation
02.08.2017 Samiran Bhunia Dr. A. K. Garg ORIF in Supracondylar #
02.08.2017 Suniram Hemram Dr. A. K. Garg. Trans Oral Biopsy
02.08.2017 Sulekha Khatun Dr. A. K. Garg. Seques tretomy in CM OM
02.08.2017 Sanjay Murmu Dr. N. Kumar Arthrosscopic Hip Biopsy
03.08.2017 Pinki Biswas Dr. S. N. Nandi ORIF in Proximal Fibia
03.08.2017 Md. Ilias Dr. S. N. Nandi LRS in NU Fibia
03.08.2017 Tajnur Khatoon Dr. P.S. Sarkar Corificotomy in Illizarov
03.08.2017 Gour Sardar Dr. P.S. Sarkar Implant Removal in Distal Femur #
04.08.2017 Hazrat Sk. Dr. K. K. Mukhopahyay ACDE in C5-C6 dise
04.08.2017 Laxmi Rani Mondal Dr. U. Banerjee Uncemented THR
04.08.2017 Samad Ali Sk. Dr. U. Banerjee Illizarov and corticotomy
05.08.2017 Madhusudan Pramanick Dr. A. K. Garg Arthroscopic Rotator cuff repair
05.08.2017 Krishna Ghosh Dr. A. Roy ORIF in bimalleolar #
05.08.2017 Salina Khan Dr. A. K. Garg LRS Radious Femur
05.08.2017 Kakali Roy Dr. A. Roy Biopsy in suspected GCT
04.08.2017 Sanatan Sarkar DR. RAJEEV RAMAN Diagnosis - non union of both bone fracture right fore arm.
Male, 50 years. Ot - orif with 7 hole dcp bone graft given.
04.08.2017 Bikram Roy DR. RAJEEV RAMAN Diag - b/l shaft femur fracture
Male, 17 years Ot - orif with broad dcp done on left femur.
04.08.2017 Sukra Oraon DR. RAJEEV RAMAN Shaft of tibia #
35 yr male Orif done with anterolaterl lockin plate.
04.08.2017 Chapala Biswas DR. RAJEEV RAMAN Neck femur fracture
67 yr female Hemiarthroplasty done wth bipolar prosthesis
04.08.2017 Sarada Roy DR. RAJEEV RAMAN Olecranon #
70 yr female TBW DONE
04.08.2017 Minati Bhadra DR. RAJEEV RAMAN BOTH BONE # FORE ARM
04.08.2017 Manoj Barman DR. RAJEEV RAMAN Both bone# fore arm
Orif with plating done
04.06.2017 Mrs.Purna DR. A.K. PAL Case of failes fixed bipolar hemiprosthesis
Cemented total hip replacement
23.07.2017 Mrs. Bani DR.D.D. BAKSI Failed total Elbow Replacement
Revision of total elbow replacement
06.07.2017 Ms. Dipali Bhattacharjee DR. A.K. PAL Case of Fracture Distal Femur
ORIF with anatomical distal femoral locking plate
Mr. Sunil Chetry DR.D.D. BAKSI Arthrodesed right knee joint with screw in situ
Removal of screw from right knee joint
Sashi kumar Sah DR. SUHASISH ROY "Excision of granuloma and secondary exostosis from proximal phalanx rt Index finger”
Sunil kr sen DR. SUHASISH ROY Bilateral facet blocks L3 L4 L5 both si joints
Gouri khamaru DR. SUHASISH ROY Incision and drainage of septic Arthritis left knee
15.07.2017 Mrs. Nasima Bibi DR. JOYDEEP DAS "Indication: painful bursitis over distal locking site and trochanter."
Primary operation: Exchange nailing femur done 1.5yr back.
17.05.2017 Paritosh Kumar Mukherjee DR. SUJIT NANDY PFN

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue - III
August, 2017 - November, 2017

Section - VI
News from
States / Zones


Report from State: Jammu & Kashmir Orthopaedic Association JKOA

Activities of J&K Chapter of Orthopaedics from July to November 2017.

1. Paediatrics Trauma CME was organized by Department of Orthopaedics Acharya Shri Chander College of
Medical Sciences & Hospital, Jammu on 8th of September, 2017. CME was attended by around 100
orthopaedic surgeons from the Northern Region of the India. The outstation faculty included: Dr P.N. Gupta
(GMC Chandigarh), Dr Vikas Gupta (Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi), Dr Nirmal Raj (PGI Chandigarh), Dr
Sanjay Saroop (Artemis Hospital, Delhi)
In the CME all the aspects of paediatric trauma were discussed in detail. An Orthopaedic quiz was also
conducted for the delegates. Dr Rajesh Gupta Prof. & Head Orthopaedics ASCOMS & Hospital, Jammu
was the organizing secretary.
2. CME on Diabetic Foot was organized by the department of orthopaedics in association with Department of
Medicine at Govt. Medical College, JAMMU on 15th of September, 2017. Around 80 delegates attended the
CME. The outstation faculty included: Dr Ashish Gupta (Plastic Surgeon), Dr Bharat Kutru (Dialectologist).
3. In Orthopaedic Oncology Symposium was organized in JAMMU on 29th of September, 2017. Around 80
orthopaedic surgeons attended the symposium. The outstation faculty included: Dr Saurabh Gupta, Dr
Ashish Gulia, Dr RR Saggar, Dr. Anish Pruthi, Dr Seema Gulia, and Dr Vipin Sharma.
Dr Abdul Gani (Associate Professor GMC, Jammu) was the organizing secretary.
4. CME on Orthopaedic Trauma Update was organized at District Hospital Anantnag on 11th of October, 2017.
Around 130 delegates attended the CME. Dr Younis Kamal was the organizing secretary.
5. CME on Hip Preservation was organized by Department of Orthopaedic Bone and Joint Hospital Barzulla,
Srinagar on 12th of October; 2017.Around 70 delegates attended the CME.
Dr N.K Magu was the guest faculty.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Report from State : Kerala Chapter of IOA KOA

Kerala Chapter of the IOA conducted a flurry of Academic and social activities during the last three months, as
we have not to include all in two pages we report important programmes only. We have submitted detailed bone
and joint day activities to IOA in September2017 so it is excluded in this report.
Calicut Ortho Course - 2017
Calicut Ortho Course 2017 was conducted on 7, 8, and 9th of July 2017 in Govt. Medical College Kozhikode,
conducted by the Dept. of Orthopaedics, Govt. Medical College Kozhikode under the aegis of KOA and Calicut
Orthopaedic society. The course was attended by 456 postgraduates from all over the country.
Dr. Aneen N. Kutty was the Org. Chairman and Dr.Muhammed Thanverudeen Sherule was Org. Secretary.
The Gokulam Additional CME of KOA
Department of Orthopaedics Sree Gokulam Medical College & Research Foundation, Thiruvanathapuram
2017 in Lecture theatre, Sree Gokulam Medical College. Scienti c sessions were from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm.
One hundred and thirteen delegates participated in the CME. It was inaugurated by Dr E.K Shanavas,
honourable president of Trivandrum Orthopaedic Society. There were seven presentations /talks by eminent
faculties like Dr Sumod Mathew Koshy, Dr Subin Sugath. The CME was concluded with Quiz for Post
graduates conducted by Dr Sabarisree
CTIC of KOA-2017
(Trivandrum Orthopaedic PG Course) was conducted in Medical College Trivandrum on 21 to 23 of Sept 2017.
Prof CS Vikraman was the Director; Prof Sajith Hussain was he Org Chairman and Dr Joji Krishnan Organising
About 150 delegates from all over India attended the course. Prof Rajagopalan, Prof NK Magu, Prof Hitesh
Shaw Prof Anil Bhat, Prof Jagadeesh Menon, Prof Gopinath Menon, Prof Sivakumar and faculty from all over
Kerala were participated. Prof. Thomas Mathew, Principal Trivandrum Medical College inaugurated the
course. The pattern of clinical cases and the variety of courses were well appreciated by all the delegates.
Spine CME Aster MIMS Calicut
Additional CME of KOA - "Controversies in Spine Surgery & Hands on Workshop on Goat Spine" was
conducted at Hotel Raviz Calicut on 14/10/2017 & 15/10/2017. The function was inaugurated by Dr. Rahul
Menon, CEO, Aster MIMS Calicut. A urry of eminent consultants did their deliberations & shared their vast
experience in the CME. Fruitful discussions took place. A goat spine workshop gave adequate hands on
experience for the future hands. Following this was an excellent banquet. The delegates and the faculties
enjoyed the local cuisine & stay. The CME was concluded the next day afternoon.
The 4th Annual Conference of the Shoulder & Elbow Society
of India - Kerala Chapter was held on September 16th and
17th at the Zuri Resort & Spa, Kumarakom. The conference
was hosted by the Madhya Kerala Orthopaedic Club, under
the aegis of Kerala Orthopaedic Association. It was
inaugurated by Dr. Radhakant Pandey (Head of
Orthopaedics, University Hospitals of Leicester, UK). The
conference was attended by various national faculties as
well, including Dr. Ashish Babhulkar, Dr. Clement Joseph, Dr.
Raghuveer Reddy, Dr. Ram Chidambaram and Dr. Bhupesh

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Karthik. There were 115 registrations for the conference. The
academic program had with good interactive sessions, video
presentations and panel discussions.
Dr. K. S Pillai was honoured, during the inaugural function of
the OASISCON-2017, considering his contributions to the
orthopaedic fraternity of the state.
Dr. Bibi Dhanan of the Cochin Orthopaedic Society bagged
the inaugural Dr AA John gold medal for the best paper in the
OASISCON-2017, at KMC, Manipal.
Cochin International Orthopaedic Summit (CIOS, Kochi)
The 1st ever Cochin International Orthopaedic Summit
being hosted by Cochin Orthopaedic Society was held at
Bolgatty palace and Resort Island, Kochi on 6th, 7th and 8th
of October 2017 .The summit was inaugurated by Dr
TigyThomas, KOA president, Dr AA John President CIOS,
Dr Sabin Viswanath, Organizing Chairman, Dr John T John
Organizing secretary, Dr Jijo Jose , KOA Secretary. Dr
Varghese Cheriyan IMA President were present for the
Around 50 world renowned faculties from India and abroad
spearheaded the summit. There were 32 free paper presentations and 80 guest lectures and case
discussions. 24 live surgeries were performed in the held of Arthroplasty, Arthroscopy &Trauma.
Dr Joice Varghese and Dr Divya of the Lourdes hospital bagged best paper award in the Trauma and
Arthroscopy and Dr Ram Gautham of the AIMS, Kochi bagged the Best paper award in the Arthroplasty session
in the CIOS respectably.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Report from State: Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association MOA

Warm greetings from Maharashtra orthopedic association

July was actually full of academic activities for us. The hand
symposium by Dr. Pankaj Jindal in Pune, meet the masters of
spine by Dr. Ketan Khurjekar, IFICS (International fractures in
children fixation symposium by Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan were
the highlights of July. All the three activities were at par in
excellence. Hon. Secretary DR. PRAKASH SIGEDAR
attended the CSRC meeting on 29th July at IOA house and
took active part in deliberations
The bone and joint week was celebrated with full enthusiasm
under the leadership of HON SECRETARY. 10 POINT
PROGRAM given by IOA house was followed and free camps,
awareness programs, distribution of IOA TRAUMA POSTERS
and free surgeries were performed in entire Maharashtra.
Regional conference took place at JALGAON in AUGUST. The
theme was Periarticular Fractures- An enigma. President Dr.
Kanaujia, Hon secretary Dr. Prakash Sigedar and other
faculties guided the delegates (more than 150)
In the month of September on 24th September first STATE
was held at Pune. It was attended by President and secretary of
district branches and important issues like EQUAL REGIONAL
REPRESENTATION and many were discussed.
The elections were declared for the vacant posts. Election
officer was Dr. Shivshankar and for the first time all the posts
got elected unopposed. The elections in Maharashtra are
totally online since 2014.
Dr. Nitin Deshpande(president elect), Dr. Yashwant Gade(vice
president) and three executive committee members Dr.
Pramod Shinde, Dr. Nitin Dhande and Dr. Gowerdhan Ingale
got elected unopposed.
34th annual conference was held at Mabaleshwar from 3-5
November 2017. The inauguration took place at the hands of
Dr. RANJIT PATIL, Hon. Minister of MAHARASHTRA and our
life member in presence of Dr. RAM PRABHOO, DR. JOHN
SIGEDAR and all. Three orations by DR. RAM PRABHOO,
PG QUIZ, MAIN COFERENCE and many more.
The handing over of charge was done from MOACON to
PARAG SANCHETI and president elect Dr. Nitin Deshpande.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

(The Northeast Chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association)
Registered under The Societies Registration Act. XXI of 1860
Regn. No. RS/KAM/240/B/259
IT Permanent Account No. PAN: AAAAN5297R
Website: www.nerosa.inemail:
Dear Sir,
NEROSA conducted the following activities after the last report of the annual conference, NEOSCON
2017 in February, 2017.
President Following a general body decision during the annual
Dr. Tulasidas Bhattacharyya general body meeting in 2017 at Aizawl, NEROSA
Professor of Orthopaedics, Guwahati Medical planned to organize 3 workshops every year besides
College, Guwahati – 781 032 the 2 annual prime events, NEOSCON and the midterm
C: 9864091601 CME. These are the NEROSA Ilizarov workshop at Dibrugarh, the NEROSA Arthroplasty workshop at
Guwahati and the NEROSA PG course at Silchar.
President Elect Following on this initiative, the department of
Dr. S. Nongthon Singh Orthopaedics, Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh
Professor and HOD of Orthopaedics, organized the first NEROSA Ilizarov workshop on 28th
RIMS, Imphal, Manipur– 795004 May, 2017 (Sunday). The course was Basic fracture and
C: 8414065539 E: deformity management with hands on workshop on
bone models. Course chairman was Prof. Ranjit Kr.
Honorary Secretary Baruah and the course convener was Dr. Jishnu Pr.
Dr. Jishnu Prakash Baruah Baruah. The priority was given to local faculty of the
Asst Prof. Orthopaedics, Assam Medical College, region and resources person and guest faculty was Dr.
Dibrugarh –786002 Milind Chaudhary, director of International deformity &
C: 09435030284, E: lengthening institute at Akola. The other faculties were
Prof. Ranjit Kr. Baruah, Dr. Debanga Sarma Baruah, Dr.
Joint Secretaries Jishnu Pr. Baruah, Dr. Lenin Ligu, Dr. Chetan Kabra, Dr.
Dr. Santanu Sarma Suresh Borah, Dr. Hemjit Das and Dr. Lalit Shah. There
C: 09864063672, were 63 delegates. CME credit points were arranged for
the delegates and faculty.


C: 09612134521, E: June, 2017):
NEROSA, in association with the Johnson and
Treasurer Johnson organized a day long Knee Arthroplasty
Dr. Uttam Patowari course with live surgery on 25th June, 2017 at
Sanjeevani Hospital A.T.Road, Gauhati Medical College & Hospital. Under the
Maligaon(Kamakhya Gate)Guwahati-781011 Assam convenorship of Dr. S K Bhuyan, Professor and
C: 98640 92044, E: Head, Department of Orthopaedics, Gauhati Medical
College & Hospital. Dr. S K S Marya from the
Editor, ORTHOSCAN Medanta Bone & Joint Institute & Dr. Vikash Kapoor Dr. AK Adhikari inaugurating the conference.

Dr. Naba Pallab Chetia from the Medico Superspeciality Hospital was the Dr. S K Bhuyan in his welcome address
invited resource persons. The program started with
Department of Orthopaedics, AMCH,
inauguration by Dr. A K Adhikari, Principal cum Chief
Dibrugarh, 786002
Superintendent of Gauhati Medical College &
C: 9435476381, E:
Hospital and welcome address by Dr. S K Bhuyan.
This was followed by a lecture and discussion
session. Along with invited resource persons,
Arunachal Pradesh
NEROSA speakers also delivered lectures and
Dr. Obang Ngupok C: 9436896770 shared their knowledge. Dr. Bikash Bordoloi, Dr. Iran
Assam Bharali, Dr. Bhaskar Borgohain, Dr. Chetan Kabra,
Dr. Mahibul Islam C: 9401500143 Dr. Lenin Ligu, Dr. Chandan Nag Choudhury were Invited faculty : Dr. S K S Marya & Dr. Vikash Kapoor
Manipur amongst the NEROSA faculty. The live surgery in active interaction with the participants
Dr. Robindro Pheiroijam C: 7308626488 consisted of two Total Knee Arthroplasty cases,
Meghalaya performed at the operation theater with reciprocal
Dr. NP Laloo C: 943610097 real time interaction between the delegates and the
Mizoram operating surgeons. About 85 delegates attended the
Dr. H. Lalnghakliana C: 9436143219 course. The course was a success in terms of
Nagaland scientific content of the lectures, surgical
Dr. K. Kuotsu C: 9436005807 demonstration, participation and ambience as per the
Tripura feedback of the participants.
Dr. Sankar Debroy C: 9436465786
Sikkim NEROSA member faculties in lecture session.
Dr. Bishnu Sakhya C: 9735901357 Audience enjoying the scientific session.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

(The Northeast Chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association)
Registered under The Societies Registration Act. XXI of 1860
Regn. No. RS/KAM/240/B/259
IT Permanent Account No. PAN: AAAAN5297R
Website: www.nerosa.inemail:
(3) BONE AND JOINTS DAY CELEBRATION, (4th August, 2017):
Along with the rest of the country, the Bone and Joint day was celebrated by the North- east
Orthopaedic Surgeons' Association, NEROSA too. Being an Association of 8 states,
organizing the occasion in a concerted manner was bit of a problem. Individual state and
President chapters were appraised of the occasion and were asked conduct special activities, as per
Dr. Tulasidas Bhattacharyya their individual conveniences to mark the occasion and to intimate the central committee.
Professor of Orthopaedics, Guwahati Medical Posters, leaflets and banners sent from IOA central committee and Emergency
College, Guwahati – 781 032 management poster sent from trauma committee of IOA were forwarded to all the members
C: 9864091601 of the association for use in their respective areas.
There were commemorative meetings, posters, radio broadcast, public interactions and
leaflet distributions to highlight the safety on roads. Some doctors conducted free OPDs in
President Elect
their clinics where they talked to the patients and their attendants about the significance of
Dr. S. Nongthon Singh
Professor and HOD of Orthopaedics,
the day.
RIMS, Imphal, Manipur– 795004
C: 8414065539 E:

Honorary Secretary
Dr. Jishnu Prakash Baruah
Asst Prof. Orthopaedics, Assam Medical College,
Dibrugarh –786002
C: 09435030284, E:

Joint Secretaries
Dr. Santanu Sarma
C: 09864063672,

Dr. Dr. Lalrinmawia

C: 09612134521, E:

Dr. Uttam Patowari
Sanjeevani Hospital A.T.Road,
Maligaon(Kamakhya Gate)Guwahati-781011 Assam
C: 98640 92044, E:

Dr. Naba Pallab Chetia
Department of Orthopaedics, AMCH,
Dibrugarh, 786002
C: 9435476381, E:

Arunachal Pradesh
Dr. Obang Ngupok C: 9436896770
Dr. Mahibul Islam C: 9401500143 Dr. Jishnu Pr. Baruah
Manipur Honorary Secretary,
Dr. Robindro Pheiroijam C: 7308626488 North East Regional Orthopaedic Surgeons' Association.
Dr. NP Laloo C: 943610097
Dr. H. Lalnghakliana C: 9436143219
Dr. K. Kuotsu C: 9436005807
Dr. Sankar Debroy C: 9436465786
Dr. Bishnu Sakhya C: 9735901357

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Report from State: Odisha Orthopaedics Association OOA

Greetings from Odisha Orthopaedic Association!!

I am enumerating some of the activities of our Association:
A Proud moment for Odisha Orthopaedics Association-
OOA has been selected by IOA as the best State small chapter of India and will be awarded Dr. H.R.
Jhunjhunwala Trophy. It was announced at IOACON 2016, Kochi.
National CME on Stem Cell:

1st National CME on Stem Cell was conducted in collaboration with Indian stem cell study group and under the
aegis of Odisha Orthopaedics Association on 22.04.2017 at IMS & SUM Hospital Bhubaneswar. Prof.
Jagannath Sahoo was the Organising Secretary.
Orthopaedics Post Graduate Crash Course-2017:

An Orthopaedics PG Crash Course was conducted on 29th-30th April-2017 in S.C.B Medical College, Cuttack.
It was conducted by Odisha Orthopaedics association in Collaboration with Eastern India Initiative for
Orthopaedics training (EIIOT). Dr. A.K. Pal, Dr. S Samanta and Dr. D Chatterjee were the guest faculties. Dr.
Bikram K. Kar was the Organising Secretary.
CME & Workshop on Degenerative Lumbar Spine:
A CME & Workshop on Disorders of Degenerative
lumbar spine was conducted on 7th May 2017 at Hotel
Swosti Premium, Bhubaneswar. Dr. Raghav Dutta, Dr.
Shankar Acharya and Dr. Arjun Dhawale were the
guest faculties. Dr. Sudhir K. Mohapatra was the
Organising secretary.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

CME On Knee Arthroplasty And Complex Trauma Around Knee:

A CME on Knee Arthoplasty and Complex Trauma around Knee “Fusion” was conducted on 1st-2nd July-2017
at Hotel May Fair, Bhubaneswar. Dr. Mangal Parihar, Dr. Rakesh Rajput, Dr. Sanjay Pai, Dr. IPS Oberoi, was
the guest faculties. Dr. Biswajit Sahu was the convener of the program.
Basic Knee and Shoulder Arthroscopy Course:

A basic knee and shoulder Arthroscopy was conducted by Odisha Arthroscopy society and Odisha
Orthopaedics association on 23rd July 2017 at Bhubaneswar. Dr. Anant Joshi, Dr. Debashis Chatterjee were
the guest faculties. Dr. Ranajit Panigrahi was the Organising secretary.
Odisha Arthroplasty Conference-2017:

1st Odisha Arthroplasty conference was organised by Odisha Arthroplasty Society aegis of Odisha
Orthopaedics Association on 5th-6th August 2017 at Bhubaneswar. Dr. Anoop Jhurani, Dr. N Rajkumar, Dr.
Pradeep Poonnoose, Dr. B.D. Chatterjee, Dr. Vikash Kapoor were the guest faculties. Dr. Debabrata Padhy
was the organizing secretary.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

CME and Workshop on Clubfoot:

A CME and workshop on Clubfoot training on Ponseti technique was conducted on 3rd September 2017 in
S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack. Dr. Mathew Varghese, Dr. Anil Mehtani were the guest faculties. Dr. B.K. Kar
was the Organising secretary.
Cadaveric workshop on TKR:

A cadaveric workshop on Total Knee Replacement was conducted in collaboration with Odisha Orthopaedics
Association on 4th November 2017 at AIIMS, Bhubaneswar. Dr. B.D. Chatterjee, Dr. Dipankar Sen were the
guest faculties. Dr. Mantu Jain was the Organising secretary.
Bone and Joint Day:
Bone and Joint day was celebrated on 4th August all over Odisha. Free
consultations, free surgeries, free BMD camps, free health camps, seminars
on bone health and road safety among school children were conducted across
the State.
Forthcoming Event:
OOACON 2018 (42nd Annual Conference of Odisha Orthopaedic Association)
Date: 13th and 14th of January 2018
Venue: Blue Lily Beach Resorts, PURI
Organising Secretary: Dr. Debabrata Padhy
Phone: 08093060265, 07978821295
E-mail ID-,
With kind regards
Dr. Biswajit Sahu
Hony. Secretary, Odisha Orthopaedics Association Mob- 09437314789,

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Report from State: Rajasthan Orthopaedic Surgeons Association ROSA

ROSA Report: July to November 2017

The big event of the quarter was the Mid Term ROSACON 2017
at Bhilwara on Sunday 9th July 2017, focused on 'Fractures
around Knee'. The Organising team lead by BOSA Patron Dr G K
Mishra, President Dr Apoorv Shastri, Organising Chairman Dr
Naresh Porwal, Organising Secretary Dr Kuldeep Nathawat -
and all Senior and young members of BOSA show cased an
excellent meeting with great team work. National and state
faculty actively participated with live surgery, surgical video and
panel discussions. PG Quiz was conducted by Dr Ashish Jaiman
and team with participation from all Medical colleges across
Rajasthan. Dr Raghvendra Chowbisa (Udaipur) is the winner of
the Dr Girija Nath – Leela Sen Gold medal for standing 1st in the
ROSA PG Quiz. All appreciated the scientific content,
punctuality and smooth conduct with the ever smiling gracious
IOA Executive Committee Core group meeting on 29th July was
attended by the Secretary Dr Jayant Sen at IOA House Delhi. He
briefed the Executive about the ongoing activities at ROSA and
also the preparations for the Bone and Joint week.
Bone & Joint week was celebrated across Rajasthan from 30th July to 6th August 2017. Free consultation and
surgeries, BMD camps, CME's, Public awareness lecture and rallies were held at Ajmer, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota,
Udaipur and many other places. Road safety poster of IOA was released by the Hon'ble Health Minister at
Jaipur on Bone & Joint day 4th August 2017.
Our new Fellowships are now a reality. Dr Rajat Malot and Dr Amit Vyas completed ROSA – JOS Overseas
Fellowship with British IOS in UK from 2nd to 16th July 2017. Dr Ashish Rana found the ROSA–CS Goyal
Fellowship in Adult Reconstructive Surgery with Dr Sachin Tapasvi at Pune from 17th to 24th September 2017
a very learning experience. ROSA – COE at Jaipur in various sub-specialties have been completed by most.
ROSACON 2018 at Ajmer from 2nd to 4th February 2018 is at Taj Gateway, Pushkar. Dr Mahesh Gupta, the
Organising Secretary has already sent out the 1st brochures. Do visit the website for updates
( The last quarter witnessed Infected Non Union (Jodhpur), Live Joint replacement
surgery (Jodhpur), Nerve Symposium (Jaipur), Paediatric Hip (Jaipur), Tumors (Jodhpur), an overseas
meeting of KOS at Pattaya, Thailand and many other small meetings. Indian Arthroscopy Society (IASCON
2017) at Jaipur from 12th to 15th October 2017 registration is offered at discounted rates to all ROSA Members.
ROSA Election process has been set in motion. The elections are being conducted by Dr Rajeev Siwach,
President ROSA as the election officer. Congratulations to the unanimously elected President 2018 Dr Mahesh
Gupta (Ajmer) and President Elect Dr Vinay Joshi (Udaipur). Congratulations to Dr Mohan Mantri (Kota) for
being elected unopposed as state representative at IOA.
ROSA Award for Best publication in Peer reviewed Indexed Journal for Cash Prize of Rs 20,000/- is for
encouragement to publish the good work being done. GR Sharma Gold medal for Best publication in ROSA
Voice also awaits your scientific contribution. Membership continues to grow. Regular communication with all
members through bulk message has been continued. Visit the ROSA website (
I look forward to your continued support and guidance. Wishing you and your entire near and dear one a very
Happy New Year.
Jai ROSA, Jai IOA, Jai Hind!!
Dr Jayant Sen
Secretary ROSA

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Report from State: Uttar Pradesh Orthopaedic Association

Association / State / Org. Chairman / Course

Conference / Name / CME Org. Secretary Date Place Venue Contact No.
Club Director
CME on basis of knee
Month: May Dr. C.P Pal Dr. K.K Pruthi 20th May 2017 Agra S. N Medical College, Agra 9540046604
Dr. Manish Batohi Resort, Lucknowa-Allahabad Highway, Didauli,
Month: July 1st Advance Trauma Course Dr. S.M Singh 9th Jul 2017 Raebareli 9670077444
Trivedi Raebareli
UPOA Trauma Course Dr. Ajay Panwar Dr. Rajeev Anand 16th Jul 2017 Ghaziabad IMA Bhawan Sector 8, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad 9891697282

Month: August UPOA Special Course Dr. Ajai Singh Dr. G.K Singh 13th Aug 2007 Lucknow Convention Centre, K.G Medical College, Lucknow 9415022557
19th - 20th Aug
Artroscopy Conclave 207 Dr. Ashish Kumar Dr. G.K Singh Lucknow K.G Medical College, Lucknow 9415020202
16-17 sep
Month: September Ist Knee & Shoulder CME Dr. Anuj Gupta Allahabad 9839050114
Mid-term Symposium Dr. SanjeevGarg Dr. Manoj Mittal 24th Sep 20017 Aligarh Hotel Abha Regency, Ramghat Road, Aligarh 9837002457

Month: November UPOA PG Instructional Course Dr. Ashok Yadav Dr. Vinit Mehrotra 9th-11 th Nov 2017 Gorakpur B.R.D Medical College, Gorakhpur 9415130508

UPOA Arthroplasty Course Dr. Uttamgarg Dr. M.S Chabbra 26 Nov 17 Lucknow Savvy Grand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow 9415006377

Forthcoming Event
Month February 2018
UPOA UPORTHOCON 2018 Dr. Anuj Gupta Dr, K.D Tripathi 16 – 18 Feb 2018 Allahabad M.N. Medical College, Allahabad 9839050114

No. Designation Name Address e-mail ID Mobile No. e-mail of association web site of association Tenor Tenor Month of
from upto conferenc
1 President Dr. AmitRastogi Department of Orthopaidics 9415202610 March Feb February
Institute of Medical 2017 2018
Sciences,BHU, Varanasi
2 Secretary Dr. Ashish Kumar BIHARI BHAWAN, 289/3, 9415020202 Feb 2016 Feb February
MOTI NAGAR, Lucknow 2019
3 President Dr. Atul Srivastava 1/114-B, GULAB RAI MARG, 9897076867 March Feb February
elect DELHI GATE, AGRA 2017 2018

Mid Term Symposium MTS, 24th Sep. 2017, Aligarh Arthroscopy Conclave 2017, 19th -20th Aug. 2017, Lucknow

UPOA Arthroplasty Course, 26 September 2017, Lucknow

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Report from State: Uttranchal Chapter of IOA - UA-IOA

Warm wishes from UA-IOA!

Kashipur orthopedic society hosted 17th NAILSCON (National association of interlocking nails) at Jim Corbett,
Ram Nagar from Oct 6-8 2017.
Dr A K Sirohi was organizing secretary for the meeting along with Dr Tribhuwan Aggarwal as co organizing
secretary. Dr D.D. Tanna was Chief Guest and Dr P K Dabhral was chief patron. Meeting witnessed many
eminent orthopedic stalwarts along with executive members of NAILSCON. Dr S C Halder, who developed the
concept of gamma nail, explained the concept of new nail Helifex nail for Intertrochanteric fractures. Scientific
sessions were excellent in terms of introducing newer nailing concepts. A special session was dedicated to
medicolegal aspects of orthopaedic practice. Dr Rishi Bhatia (from Meerut) and Dr Anurag Verma (from
Uttarakhand) discussed in detail tits and bits for legal problems. A complementary jungle safari was organized
for all the Delegates.
Over all it was a successful meeting.
Midterm Symposium was conducted by Dehradun Orthopedic society at Sri Mahant Indresh Hospital on 19th
Nov 2017 on Common Shoulder Problems and management. This event was organized in association with
shoulder connect (under shoulder society of India). Course Director was Dr J Maheshwari. Other Two faculties
were Dr Shekhar Srivastava (from Sant Parmanand Hospital New Delhi) and Dr Shashank Mishra (from Ganga
Ram Hospital, New Delhi). This one-day symposium was attended by Delegates, from own state and from
adjoining states.
Our forth-coming Annual meeting if scheduled in April first week (6-8th).
Organizing Secretary: Dr Vimal Nautiyal
Venue: Sri Mahant Indresh Medical College and Hospital
Contact number +91 9897296114
E mail id:

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Report from State: West Bengal Orthopaedic Association WBOA

Exerter Hip Course: 8th July 2017, Burdwan

WBOA & Burdwan Ortho Club conducted an EXERTER HIP COURSE on 8th July 2017 from 9 am to 9pm at
Hotel Charnock’s, Burdwan; the course was attended by 49 delegates and 15 Faculties including Prof. N.K.
Magu and Dr Amit Ajgaonkar (Mumbai)
MIDCON 2017: 9th July 2017

The 18th Midterm Clinical Conference of West Bengal Orthopaedic Association was held in Hotel Charnock’s,
Burdwan on 9th July 2017 Sunday with 129 registered delegates and presence of a large number of faculties.
we published a collection of selected cases from Bone Tumor in the form of a booklet.
WBOA Subspecialty Knowledge & Skill Development Course:

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

24th July to 4th August 2017
This is a course programme under the mentorship of stalwart sub speciality surgeons from West Bengal in the
field of-1.Arthroscopic surgery 2.Arthroplasty 3.Spinal surgery. Aim of the program is to give sufficient exposure
to the selected candidates in the practical field of subspecialty. Importance will be given to the interaction in
OPD, clinical examination, decision making, orientation with instruments and operation in OT, post op follow up
in the wards. This programme is much appreciated and a huge success. This has boosted our enthusiasm to
take WBOA to new academic heights and we are planning to continue this program with a second batch from
December 2017.
Workshop on Wrist & Hand Injuries: 23rd July 2017

A workshop on WRIST & HAND INJURIES organized by Malda Orthopaedic Club under aegis of West Bengal
Orthopaedic Association on 23rd July 2017 from 9 am at Malda. More than 65 Faculty and Delegate
participated in this workshop. The programme came to an end by 5.00 PM with thanks giving and valedictory
Bone & Joint Day: 4th August 2o17

WBOA observed 4th August as Bone & Joint Day 2017, mainly by performing free surgeries of 95 cases and
integrated awareness cum social orthopaedics
program in Berhampore by performing Bone mineral
density assessment in Berhampore central jail and
seminar on prevention of osteoporosis and
The Basic Hand Course: 4th & 5th August, 2017
The Basic Hand Course conducted on 4th & 5th
August, 2017 at Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata
was organised by KASS under patronage of West
Bengal Orthopaedic Association & ISSH.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

It was attended by 72 delegates. It was a two day event with Prof. Anil Bhat from Manipal and Dr. Narender Saini
from Jaipur being the invited national faculty. Apart from the talks and surgical video demonstration, there was
healthy interactive discussion with the delegates and ARS system was also used to make it interesting.
WBOA out Reach Program
West Bengal Orthopaedic Association organized OUT
It was attended by 30 delegates and 7 faculties
including Dr. Swarnendu Samanta, Dr. K.K.
Mukhopadhyay, Dr. Rajeev Raman, Dr. Sujit Nandy.
Apart from the talks and surgical video demonstration,
there was healthy interactive discussion with the
Trauma Update 2017
3rd Annual Conference of Association of Orthopaedic
Trauma Surgeons was held between 1st - 3rd
September, 2017 at ITC Sonar, Kolkata. The focus of
the conference was embedded in Hip, Spine, Pelvis
and Lower Limb Orthopaedic Trauma. The program
witnessed above 400 footfalls.
Medico Legal Webinar: 16th September 2017
Webinar-Medico Legal issues related to orthopaedic
surgeons was Telecasted from web system on
16.9.17 at 9.30 pm. Dr. Gupta discussed about
medical ethics, dos & don’ts, preventive aspect of legal, consumer & criminal proceedings30 members of
WBOA actively participated & were benefited.
WBOA PG Quiz: 19th September 2017
WBOA PG QUIZ was held on 19th September
2017 at WBOA Office.The name of our Quiz
Masters are Dr. Sunit Hazra, Dr. Soumyadip Dutta,
Dr. Sabyasachi Santra, Dr. Arnab Karmakar and,
Dr. Nabarun Saha.All the questions are selected by
our quiz masters with their great effort.Total 22
participants are there, after 1st elimination round 5
groups are selected among them.The winners and
Runners up are:

National Orthopaedic Quiz PG Candidate Name Name Of College / Institute

WinnerTeam-A Dr. Subhadeep Ghosh R.G. Kar Medical College
Dr. Ranadip Halder
Runners UpTeam-E Dr. Joydeep Mondal NRS Medical College
Dr. Arka Chatterjee

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

WBOA Trauma Update: 21st October 2017

WBOA TRAUMA UPDATE was held on 21st October 2017 at Taj Bengal, Kolkata with a huge number of
Run for Osteoporosis: 22nd October 2017
Osteoporosis is considered as silent epidemic -
WBOA is committed for the awareness as a part of
social obligation and has undertaken this mission.
“RUN FOR OSTEOPOROSIS” held on 22nd October
2017, Sunday at Red Road, Kolkata. More than 70
orthopaedic surgeons and renowned ex football
players of Indian Football Team, like Mr. Bidesh Bose,
Mr. Goutam Sarkar, Mr. Manas Bhattacharjee
participated in this awareness program and it was
covered by leading print & electronic media. This was
our first initiative in this format and we are proud to say that the program was very much successful in all
Workshop on Total Knee Replacement: 11th & 12th November 2017

Workshop on Total Knee Replacement - Sawbones, Cadaveric and Live Surgery was held at Murshidabad
Medical College & Hospital organized by Berhampore Ortho Club on 11th & 12th November 2017.
It was attended by 51 Faculties & Delegates. The Live Surgery performed on a patient who was screened by
Berhampore Ortho Club from a “Home” as a part of social orthopaedic program.
Social Orthopaedics: 17th November 2017
West Bengal Orthopaedic Association & Kalyani Orthopaedic Club organized a free health checkup camp for
women weavers as a part of social orthopaedic programme on 17th November -2017 at Fulia, Dist: Nadia.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

There was an interactive session with women weavers for general awareness about how to get relief from low
back pain and other pain also. Dr. Dilip Kumar Mazumder (President, BOA), Dr. Kiran Kumar Mukhopadhyay
(Hony. Secretary, WBOA), Dr. Debapi Roy along with the active members visited the weavers village at Nadia
District for orthopaedic check up and investigation for selected 50 patients.
The women weavers were very much satisfied and expressed desire to hold regular check up in future.
Workshop on Latarjet: 18th November 2017

Workshop on LATARJET procedure was held on 18th November 2017at NRS Medical College & Hospital,
Kolkata. It was attended by 35 delegates and faculties from West Bengal and Odisha.
There was an interesting lectures, interactive sessions, one live surgery and a cadaveric workshop was held.
The program was very successful in all respect.
Siliguri Integration for Enrichment: 25th November 2017

Integration for Enrichment program was held on 25th November 2017 at Club Montana, Siliguri. The Program
was carried out with extensive interactive session on spinal problem along with workshop. Members from
central zone, eastern zone northern zone and from Nepal also actively participated in the program.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

This program was jointly organized by ortho faculties of NBMCH and Siliguri Orthopaedic Society under the
banner of West Bengal Orthopaedic Association.
Siliguri Spine Class: 25th & 26th November 2017

SILIGURI SPINE CLASS organized by Siliguri Orthopaedic Society under aegis of West Bengal Orthopaedic
Association on 25th & 26th Nov 2017 at NBMCH. It was attended by 70 delegates and faculties from Nepal,
Bhutan, Bihar and West Bengal. There was an interesting case discussion, lectures, interactive sessions; MRI
reading workshop, rehab Workshop and cadaveric workshop was held. The program was very much
successful in all respect.
WBOA Regular Activities from July – November 2017
22nd July 2017 Executive Committee Meeting
22nd July 2017 Bone Tumor Registry Meeting
31st July 2017 Condolence Meeting in memory of Dr. Kalyan Mukherjee
12th August 2017 WBOA Clinical Meeting
19th August 2017 Journal Club Meeting
9th September 2017 WBOA Clinical Meeting
16th September 2017 Condolence Meeting in memory of Dr. S.K. Kundu
23rd September 2017 Bone Tumor Registry Meeting.
23rd September 2017 Executive Committee Meeting
14th October 2017 E-Clinical Meeting
28th October 2017 Bone Tumor Registry Meeting
28th October 2017 Executive Committee Meeting
11th November 2017 WBOA Clinical Meeting
15th November 2017 Medico Legal & Treatment Protocol Advisory Committee Meeting
18th November 2017 Executive Committee Meeting
23rd November 2017 Bone Tumor Registry Meeting
23rd November 2017 Medico Legal & Treatment Protocol Advisory Committee Meeting

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue - III
August, 2017 - November, 2017

Section - VII
Other Reports


President’s of IOA : At a Glance
‘ We are lucky to be blessed by all of our past Presidents & Secretaries of IOA’

Dr. B.N. Sinha Dr. A.K. Talwalkar Dr. K.S. Grewal Dr. M.L. Chatterjee Dr. N.S. Narasimaha Ayyar Dr. B. Mukhopadhya Dr. P.K. Duraiswamy Dr. M.V. Sant Dr. M. Natrajan Dr. K.T. Dholakia
(1955-58) (1959) (1960) (1961) (1962-63) (1964) (1965) (1966) (1967) (1968)

Dr. A.K. Saha Dr. K.S. Masalawala Dr. C. Vyagheswarudu Dr. Maj.Gen.Anantha Narayan Dr. A.K. Gupta Dr. K.S. Bose Dr. M. Rangareddy Dr. P. Chandra Dr. B. Sankaran Dr. B.B. Joshi
(1969) (1970) (1971-72) (1973) (1974) (1975) (1976) (1977) (1978) (1979)

Dr. N.D. Agrawal Dr. P.S. Maini Dr. T.K.Shanmugasundaram Dr. Vikram Marwah Dr. S.M. Tuli Dr. W.G. Rama Rao Dr. Satyanand Dr. Verghese Chacko Dr. A.K. Das Dr. M.T. Mehta
(1980) (1981) (1982) (1983) (1984) (1985) (1986) (1987) (1988) (1989)

Dr. J.C. Taraporewala Dr. P. T. Rao Dr. S. S. Yadav Dr. M. S. Ghosh Dr. R. L. Mittal Dr. A. Devadoss Dr. S. P. Mandal Dr. K.P. Srivastava Dr. N. S. Laud Dr. D. P. Bakshi
(1990) (1991) (1992) (1993) (1994) (1995) (1996) (1997) (1998) (1999)

Dr. D. K. Taneja Dr. S. S. Babhulkar Dr. G. S. Kulkarni Dr. P. K. Kanabar Dr. O.N. Nagi Dr. K. H. Sancheti Dr. Mayil V. Natarajan Dr. H. K. T. Raza Dr. S. C. Goel Dr. M. Shantharam Shetty
(2000) (2001) (2002) (2003) (2004) (2005) (2006) (2007) (2008) (2009)

Dr. Ashok N. Johari Dr. Rajeev Naik Dr Rajasekaran Dr S.K.S. Marya Prof. Anil K. Jain Dr. H.R. Jhunjhunwala Dr. Sudhir K. Kapoor
(2010) (2011) (2012) (2013) (2014) (2015) (2016)

Sr. No. Name Year City State Mbile No.1 e-mail ID

1 Late Dr Badri Narain Sinha 1955-58 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh - -
2 Late Dr A.K. Talwalkar 1959 Mumbai Maharashtra - -
3 Late Dr Karam Singh Grewal 196o Amritsar Punjab - -
4 Late Dr M.L. Chatterjee 1961 0 West Bengal - -
5 Late Dr N.S. Narasimaha Ayyar 1962-63 0 Tamil Nadu - -
6 Late Dr Bishnupada Mukhopadhyaya 1964 Patna Bihar - -
7 Late Dr P.K. Duraiswamy 1965 0 Delhi / Tamil Nadu - -
8 Late Dr M.V. Sant 1966 Mumbai Maharashtra - -
9 Late Dr Natarajan M. 1967 Chennai Tamil Nadu - -
10 Late Dr Kandarp Tuljashanker Dholakia 1968 Mumbai Maharashtra - -
11 Late Dr Amulya Kumar Saha 1969 0 West Bengal - -
12 Late Dr K.S. Masalawala 1970 Mumbai Maharashtra - -
13 Late Dr Chavali Vyaghreswarudu 1971-72 0 Andhra Pradesh - -
14 Late Dr L.K. (Col.) Ananthanarayan 1973 Pune Maharashtra - -
15 Late Dr Arun Kumar Gupta 1974 Kanpur Uttar Pradesh - -

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Sr. No. Name Year City State Mbile No.1 e-mail ID
16 Late Dr Kali Shankar Bose 1975 Kolkata West Bengal - -
17 Late Dr M. Ranga Reddy 1976 Hyderabad Telangana - -
18 Late Dr P. Chandra 1977 New Delhi Delhi - -
19 Late Dr Balu Sankaran 1978 New Delhi Delhi - -
20 Late Dr Brij Bhushan Jagannath Joshi 1979 Mumbai Maharashtra -
21 Late Dr Niranjan Dass Aggarwal 1980 Patiala Punjab - -
22 Dr Prithipal Singh Maini 1981 New Delhi Delhi 9811421000
23 Late Dr Shanmugasundaram T.K. 1982 Chennai Tamil Nadu -
24 Late Dr Vikram Marwah 1983 Nagpur Maharashtra - -
25 Dr Surender Mohan Tuli 1984 New Delhi Delhi -
26 Late Dr W.G. G. RamaRao 1985 Mumbai Maharashtra - -
27 Dr Satyanand Satyanand 1986 Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 9839182655 -
28 Dr Varghese Chacko 1987 Thiruvalla Kerala 9847755047 -
29 Late Dr Arun Kumar Das 1988 Kolkata West Bengal - -
30 Late Dr Mahendra T. Mehta 1989 Ahmedabad Gujarat - -
31 Late Dr Jamshed C. Taraporvala 1990 Mumbai Maharashtra - -
32 Late Dr Patnala Tejeswar Rao 1991 Cuttack Odisha - -
33 Dr Surendra Singh Yadav 1992 Rewari Haryana 9416340900
34 Dr Mriganka Sekhar Ghosh 1993 Kolkata West Bengal 9831174098 PP
35 Dr Rattan Lal Munshi Ram Mittal 1994 Patiala Punjab 9417469164
36 Dr Annamalik Devadoss 1995 Madurai Tamil Nadu 9894250145
37 Dr Syama Prasad Kali Pada Mandal 1996 New Delhi Delhi 9312635885
38 Late Dr Kailash Prasad Srivastava 1997 Agra Uttar Pradesh - -
39 Dr Nandkishore Shamrao Laud 1998 Mumbai Maharashtra 9820212838
40 Dr Durgapada Baksi 1999 Kolkata West Bengal 9831394716
41 Dr Devendra Kumar Taneja 2000 Indore Madhya Pradesh 9425065974
42 Dr Sudhir S. Babhulkar 2001 Nagpur Maharashtra 9422103435
43 Dr Govindrao Shivram Kulkarni 2002 Sangli Maharashtra 9823080068
44 Dr Pravinchandra K. Kanabar 2003 Ahmedabad Gujarat 9824016707
45 Dr O.N. Nagi 2004 New Delhi Delhi 9312930828
46 Dr Kantilal Hastimal Sancheti 2005 Pune Maharashtra 9822052233
47 Dr Mayilvahanan Natarajan 2006 Chennai Tamil Nadu 9841070743
48 Dr Haroon Khizir Taqi Raza 2007 Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 9301435137
49 Dr Satish Chandra Goel 2008 Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 9450533353
50 Dr M. Shantharam Shetty 2009 Mangalore Karnataka 9343562277
51 Dr Ashok N. Johari 2010 Mumbai Maharashtra 9892441495
52 Dr Rajeev R. Naik 2011 Bangalore Karnataka 9844012146
53 Dr Rajasekaran Shanmuganathan 2012 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 9843022325
54 Dr Sanjiv Kumar Singh Marya 2013 Gurgaon Haryana 9811082434
55 Dr Anil Kumar Jain 2014 Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 9811604663
56 Dr Hari Ram Jhunjhunwala 2015 Mumbai Maharashtra 9821064068
57 Dr Sudhir K. Kapoor 2016 New Delhi Delhi 9958553333
58 Dr Ram Y. Prabhoo 2017 Mumbai Maharashtra 9820053583
59 Dr Mandeep Singh Dhillon 2018 Chandigarh Chandigarh 9815951090
60 Dr Rajesh Malhotra 2019 New Delhi Delhi 9868397112

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Secretary’s of IOA : At a Glance
‘ We are lucky to be blessed by all of our past Presidents & Secretaries of IOA’

Dr. B. Mukhopadhya Dr. A.K. Gupta Dr. P. Chandra Dr. M. K. Goel Dr. M.T. Mehta
(1955-1963) (1964-1966) (1967-1972) (1973-1975) (1976-1978)

Dr. W.G. Rama Rao Dr. S. S. Yadav Dr. R. C. Gupta Dr. S. P. Mandal Dr. Mohd. Farooque
(1979-1984) (1985-1987) (1988-1990) (1991-1993) (1994-1996)

Dr. L. Prakash Dr. H. K. T. Raza Dr. R. H. Goverdhan Dr. Sudhir K. Kapoor Dr. Sanjay Jain
(1997-1999) (2000-2005) (2006-2008) (2009-2014) (2015-2017)

Sr. No. Year Name City State MbileNo.1 e-mailID

1 1955-63 Late Dr Bishnupada Mukhopadhyaya Patna Bihar - -
2 1964-66 Late Dr Arun Kumar Gupta Kanpur Uttar Pradesh - -
3 1967-72 Late Dr P. Chandra New Delhi Delhi - -
4 1973-75 Late Dr Mahendra Kumar Goel Lucknow Uttar Pradesh - -
5 1976-78 Late Dr Mahendra T. Mehta Ahmedabad Gujarat - -
6 1979-84 Late Dr W.G. G. RamaRao Mumbai Maharashtra - -
7 1985-87 Dr Surendra Singh Yadav Rewari Haryana 9416340900
8 1988-9o Late Dr Ramesh Chandra Gupta Allahabad Uttar Pradesh - -
9 1991-93 Dr Syama Prasad Mandal New Delhi Delhi 9312635885
10 1994-96 Dr Mohamed Farooque New Delhi Delhi 9818159708
11 1997-99 Dr L. Prakash Chennai Tamil Nadu 8144311311
12 2ooo-o2 / 2oo3-o5 Dr Haroon Khizir Taqi Raza Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 9301435137
13 2oo6-o8 Dr Goverdhan Ramia Hari Chennai T.N. 9841070545
14 2oo9-11 / 2o12-14 Dr Sudhir K. Kapoor New Delhi Delhi 9958553333
15 2o15-17 Dr Sanjay D. Jain Jabalpur M.P. 9425863999

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

National Symposium on Musculoskeletal Tuberculosis @ Raipur

Held on 30.07.2017 @ AIIMS, Raipur

Introduction: Tuberculosis is an age old disease infecting
almost all organs of the body. This disease has survived the
history of mankind. We find exhaustive description in Ancient
Indian Literature including Rigveda, Atharvaveda (3500-1800)
BC, Sushrut and Charak Samhita (1000-600) BC. Sir Percival
Pott described tuberculosis of spinal column in 1719 and
Laennec discussed the tubercle (1781-1826).
In spite of whole hearted efforts by government and health
personnel to eradicate tuberculosis, the mycobacteria has
survived and now it is coming in a more severe form with
emergence of multi drug resistant tuberculosis and HIV
associated XDR tuberculosis. The disease continues to affect
different parts of the body including the musculoskeletal system.
Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a public health problem in both
developing and industrialized countries. TB can involve
pulmonary as well as extra pulmonary sites. The musculoskeletal
system is involved in 1-3% of patients with tuberculosis. Although
musculoskeletal TB has become uncommon in the western
world, it remains a huge problem in Asia, Africa, and many
developing countries. Tuberculous spondylitis is the most
common form of musculoskeletal TB and accounts for
approximately 50% of cases. Extra spinal musculoskeletal TB
shows a predilection for large joints (hip and knee) and para-
articular areas; isolated soft tissue TB is extremely rare. Early
diagnosis and prompt treatment are mandatory to prevent
serious destruction of joints and skeletal deformity. The disease
runs a nonspecific and often indolent clinical presentation and
hence the diagnosis is often delayed.
Aim of the symposium: The Symposium was organized with
the following aims:
1. To acquaint & train the participants about -
Basic sciences of microbiology and pharmacology of
mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Epidemiology and Magnitude of this problem.
Difficulties in obtaining tissue diagnosis.
Newer guidelines in the management of musculoskeletal
Complications of musculoskeletal tuberculosis.
Rehabilitation and prognosis of musculoskeletal
To highlight the initiatives of government and RNTCP
to deal with problem of tuberculosis especially
musculoskeletal tuberculosis and acquaint participants
with latest concepts in early proper diagnosis and
treatment of this disease.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Content outline and synopsis of the lectures:
Symposium started with overview of epidemiology of
tuberculosis in India by Dr. Manisha Ruikar, Professor CFM,
AIIMS Raipur and this talk set the ball rolling for the symposium.
Dr. Anudita Bhargava, Additional Professor Microbiology, AIIMS
Raipur gave a very updated and crisp presentation on Lab
diagnosis of mycobacteria tuberculosis and she discussed newer
molecular methods of early diagnosis of TB.
Dr. S.P. Dhaneria, Dean and Professor, Pharmacology, AIIMS
Raipur discussed about the pharmacological management of
tuberculosis, recent advances under RNTCP 2017, how to
improve compliance of ATT and how to reduce its side-effects.
Dr. Kshitij Khaperde, Medical consultant RNTCP, CG WHO gave
a succinct presentation on updates in diagnosis of T.B. and the
availability of rapid molecular diagnostic tool like LPA and
CBNAAT in each district of country .He also outlined the recent
updates in treatment including daily DOTS and weight band ATT.
The second session started with a detailed and elaborate talk on
MDR and XDR TB by Dr. R.C. Meena, Prof. & HOD Orthopaedics
SMS Medical College Jaipur. He also stressed on the latest WHO
recommendation and strategies to prevent MDR TB.
Dr. N.K. Bodhey, Prof & HOD Radio diagnosis, AIIMS Raipur
talked on radiological tools in musculoskeletal tuberculosis for
timely and accurate diagnosis.
Dr. Deep Narayan Srivastava, Professor Department of Radio
diagnosis, AIIMS New Delhi gave an interesting talk on role of
intervention radiology in diagnosis and treatment of certain conditions of musculoskeletal tuberculosis.
Dr. Ram Prabhoo, President, Indian Orthopaedics Association, Mumbai talked about a very important and
pertinent topic the coexistence of Osteo-articular tuberculosis and HIV. He stressed upon the need of timely
and accurate diagnosis and expedient medical and surgical management of musculoskeletal tuberculosis with
HIV infection.
Dr. Anil Jain, Professor and HOD Orthopaedics UCMS, New Delhi gave a succinct presentation on confirming
the diagnosis of Osteo-articular tuberculosis. The presentation was followed by lively discussion from the
participants. Later in another talk, he discussed in detail the criteria to decide the end point of anti TB treatment.
This talk was also very well appreciated by all delegates. In the third session he discussed about the principle of
management of spinal tuberculosis in pediatric patient and the need for early intervention to prevent late
kyphotic deformity and secondary neurological complication. He also outlined the management of late onset
paraplegia and various scenarios of management by a care based presentation. Later in the day he discussed
in detail about the causes, diagnostic criteria and management principles of failure of drug treatment in spinal
tuberculosis. In his last talk of the day he gave a crisp presentation on principles of management of
musculoskeletal Tuberculosis and also outlined the final take home message. As his talk were highly
informative and were very well taken up by the audience they involved lots of lively discussion by the
Prof. Dr. Raj Bahadur, Professor of Orthopaedics and VC, Baba Farid University for Medical Sciences, Faridkot
Punjab gave a crisp presentation on medical and surgical management of TB spine. He stressed upon

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

simplicity of anterior approach and early surgical stabilization to present late deformity. Dr. S.K. Saraf,
Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, IMS, BHU, Varanasi gave a very interesting talk on assessing the
response to anti tubercular treatment. He stressed upon the role of serial ESR and MRI at 12 month along with
clinic-radiological assessment for monitoring the response to treatment. In his second talk of the day he gave a
detailed presentation on tuberculosis of Hip and outlined the modalities to diagnose and manage such cases.
He also outlined the prognostic factors and management principles in tuberculosis of Hip in pediatric
Dr. Rajesh Goel, Prof. & HOD Department of Orthopaedics GMC Kota, gave a short and crisp presentation on
cold abscess and outlined the clinical feature, diagnosis and management.
Dr. Sarvdeep S. Dhatt, Associate Professor, Orthopaedics PGI Chandigarh, presented the latest advancement
in diagnosis and evaluation of a suspected TB patient. He discussed a proper algorithm for early diagnosis of
spinal TB and the need for tissue diagnosis in all cases.
Dr. Ajit Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, AIIMS Raipur gave a brief presentation on
relevance of middle path regime in management of TB Spine and elucidated upon the changes in current
middle path regimen.
Dr. S.K. Mukherjee, Retired DME & HOD Orthopaedics, Pt. JNM Medical College, Raipur beautifully outlined
the management of tuberculosis of elbow. He emphasized upon the middle path regimen in such cases.
Dr. Alok C. Agrawal, Professor, Orthopaedics, AIIMS Raipur presented a beautiful case of tuberculosis of wrist
and its successful management with JESS leading to good functional recovery.
Prof. Dr. H.K.T. Raza, HOD Orthopaedics, NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur M.P. presented a case of
tuberculosis of ankle joint and very nicely elaborated the underlying principle of diagnosis, management and
Dr. Lalit Maini, Professor Department of Orthopaedics MAMC, New Delhi gave a nice presentation on a special
problem - THR in tuberculosis of Hip Joint. He outlined in challenges of THA in TB Hip cases and strategies to
manage them. He concluded that THA in TB Hip is a safe procedure under cover of ATT.
Dr. S. Phuljhele, Professor and HOD Department of Orthopaedics, Pt. JNMC Raipur C.G. discussed about
tuberculosis of Foot by a case based presentation. He discussed in detail the clinic-radiological factures of
varied presentation of TB in Foot bones and its management.
Dr. Roop Bhusan Kalia, Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, AIIMS Rishikesh, gave a brief and
crisp presentation on tubercular osteomyelitis. He very well elucidated all the principle of diagnosis and
management of such cases.
Dr. K.K. Pandey, Associate professor Orthopaedics, NSCB Medical College Jabalpur, presented a case of
tuberculosis of shoulder joint and outlined the details of radiological and pathological findings. He discussed
upon the different clinical presentation of TB shoulder and treatment option of such cases.
Dr. Harshal S. Sakale, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, AIIMS Raipur C.G. presented a case
based discussion on tuberculosis of knee joint. He discussed the various differential diagnoses, which can
mimic TB knee and principle of treating such cases.
The Symposium was inaugurated by Professor Dr. Nitin M. Nagarkar, Director, AIIMS Raipur and Chief Guest
Prof. Dr. Raj Bahadur, VC Baba Farid University of Medical Sciences, Faridkot. After inauguration there was a
lively panel discussion on justification of empirical treatment with ATT in musculoskeletal tuberculosis. Prof. Raj
Bahadur, Prof. Anil Jain, Prof. H.K.T. Raza, Prof. S.K. Saraf, Prof. Alok C. Agrawal, Prof. S.K. Mukherjee, Prof.
R.C. Meena & Prof. Ajay K. Behera were the panelist and answered all the queries of delegates.
At the end of the symposium there was an open house question and answer session in which all eminent
speakers answered the queries of participant. This was a very lively session and delegates asked lots of
questions on pertinent topics. At the end Dr. Anil Jain and Dr. H.K.T. Raza summarized the take home message.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

All the presentations of the symposium were well received by the audience and there was a lot of active
discussion following each presentation. Notable was the interest generated in the students of AIIMS Raipur in
the discussions and a number of questions were asked by them for clarifications.
Abstracts of all the talks were compiled and published. Chief Guest Dr. Raj Bahadur and Hon. Secretary NAMS
Dr. Deep Narayan Srivastava released a learning resource material in book form titled Musculoskeletal
Tuberculosis during inauguration. The book was distributed to all the participants. At the same time The Journal
of Orthopaedics, an official publication from IOACG Chapter was also released. The Symposium was attended
by 146 delegates and more than 53 students of AIIMS Raipur.
A pre-symposium evaluation was done before beginning of the symposium. The questionnaire is enclosed at
Annexure 4. The responses of the participants were evaluated and the result is as per Annexure 5. Following
the proceedings of the symposium, the same questionnaire was administered to the participants and the
responses were evaluated (Annexure 5). The question-wise percentage of correct responses in the post
symposium evaluation was compared with the pre-symposium evaluation and barring a couple of questions,
improvement was found in the post-symposium questionnaire. Statistically, the difference in the results were
found to be highly significant (p value = 0.000001) using the paired t-test.
National Symposium on Musculoskeletal Tuberculosis: Symposium Assessment Evaluation

Thank You
Prof. Dr. Alok C Agrawal
MS, DNB, PhD Orthopaedics, MAMS
HOD Orthopaedics, AIIMS Raipur CG
Organising Chairman, National Symposium on Musculoskeletal Tuberculosis

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

CME in Orthopaedics with Cadaver workshop in MISS & MIPO

Dear Dr Jain, Thank you for the mailing all members of IOA the
pre conference brochure. I am confirming you that the CME
(Orthopaedics) was a successful campaign for academic
advancement in a village i.e. MULLANA on 22nd and 23rd Jul
2017. Orthopaedic surgeons from all various cities converged
in the Venue hotel i.e. MM Continental where the scientific
program was held. This was followed by Cadaveric workshop.
On the 1st day we had Minimally Invasive Spine conference
and it was followed in the afternoon of demonstration and
hands on workshop on cadavers at the anatomy lab. The
procedures shown were,
1. Endoscopic Discectomy
2. Minimal Invasive Pedicle screw fixation,
3. Open Access Pedicle screw fixation,
4. Minimal Invasive TLIF procedure.
In the evening a good banquet was held where everyone
enjoyed. On the 2nd day we had Minimally Invasive
techniques in Periarticular fracture and it was followed in the
afternoon of demonstration and hands on workshop on
cadavers. Demonstration of percutaneous fixation was carried out on Distal femur, Proximal and Distal Tibia.
The two days meeting was well supported by good number of regional delegates. The highlights of the
1. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery - a new advancement in spine surgery was the topic of scientific
program. This kind of meeting is only organised in cities like Mumbai and Delhi. This is the first time
it was held in a village in North India.
2. Cadaver workshop on MISS Spine was a great success. The demonstrators were from Delhi, Chandigarh,
Ahmedabad, Bareilly and Mullana. Everyone was surprised that this kind of demonstration could happen
in a Village medical college.
3. For the first time an European Consultant Surgeon presented to the audience sitting in Italy in his office to
deliver live telecast through the internet.
4. A Famous Spine Surgeon from Saudi Arabia gave a lecture on Stem Cells in Spinal Cord Injury.
5. Scientific program on Minimally Invasive techniques for Periarticular fractures was held for the 1st time in
North India. A cadaveric and simultaneous sawbones demonstration was not held before in North India.
6. Dr Naveen Thakkar sent his technique demonstration through net since he was not well to travel. His talk
was well appreciated.
I am sending you the program details and a news print from Punjab Kesri.
I hope you can put in a word in the next IOA newsletter.
I look forward to this in the newsletter.
Thanking you,
Dr Ujjwal Kanti Debnath
MS [Ortho], FRCS, FRCS (T&O), CCT (UK), DM (Orth) WBOA-0192 / IOA-LM04146
10/1D, Anil Moitra Road (Swinhoe Street), Kolkata 700019 West Bengal India
9830070823 / / /

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

IOA – WOC Fellowship 2o16-17: Dr. Sohael Mohammed Khan

I, Dr. Sohael Mohammed Khan, joined Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital on 1st July

2017, as a Fellow in Spine Surgery under the guidance of Dr. Pradeep K Singh.
I would like to thank Dr. Pradeep K Singh for providing with an opportunity to
work and learn under his guidance. I am grateful to Indian Orthopaedic
Association to consider me for this prestigious fellowship.
Training (01st July 2017 to 15th August 2017)
On first day of my Spine Fellowship at Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital, I got a
warm welcome from the HR Department. Then I was briefed with the working
pattern of the Dr. Pradeep K Singh. I met my Fellowship Mentor Dr. Dr.
Pradeep K Sigh. On my first day I went to the OPD and observed the way Dr.
Singh used to examine the patients. The first day OPD started at 11:00 AM and
finished at night 09:30 PM. Next day the day started at 09:00 AM with morning
short class followed by rounds. After rounds I went to OT were on the 1st day of
my OT I got scrubbed as a First Assistant to Dr. Pradeep K Singh sir. The first
OT, which I observed, was Endoscopic Discectomy at L3 – L4 Level.
Everyday Dr. Pradeep Singh used to give a small assignment for the next day's
morning class. I found this morning class to be very helpful. Every day there
were different activities, which included Case Presentations, Research
Activity, Pre – op and post – op Case discussions, journal Club, Recent
Advances, Article Reading and many more. On the day of OT day the cases
that were posted were discussed before going to Operation Theatre in Dr.
Pradeep Singh Sirs cabin and he used to ask me the plan of action and how to
start the case. This microteaching helped me in operative planning and helped
me to think beyond.
At the end of my 3rd week of training, I had learned many new things. I use to
see OPD patients on my own and I was able to present case in front of Dr.
Pradeep K Singh. I had many doubts regarding the treatment and
management of some patients, but Dr. Singh used to guide me all the time.
From Dr. Singh I also learned that a good Spine Surgeon not only gives the
best available treatment to his patients, but also knows why it is the best
treatment and how to achieve the best outcomes.
The morning class was very informative pre-op meeting and interesting cases,
I learned a lot to know how to make decisions for every case and what the goal
is and reasons behind it. I would say that this was the most important periodic event, which contributed to
majority of my learning. So I learned not only the technique but also the idea of management. What you can do,
what you should do and what is the best way you choose, that is very important. I have changed some of my idea. As
a Fellow I was allowed to scrub in and join at the table for assistance in the cases of spine surgery. I had nearly
assisted all type of Spine Cases in this 6 week of Fellowship. I got scrubbed for Atlantoaxial Dislocation, Potts Spine
Dorsal and Lumbar Vertebra, Lumbar Disc Diseases, Endoscopic Spine Surgeries, Anterior Cervical Surgeries,
PLIF/TLIF and Microscopic & Minimal Invasive Procedures. I learnt many new techniques and tips in spine surgery. I
had the chance to improve my skills and I need to say it was a conceptual awakening for me in many aspects. I
believe this 6-week fellowship will improve the quality of research, patient care, operative skills and my academic
I am very thankful to Dr. Pradeep K Singh for his generosity, the vision and the opportunity that he has given me. It
was overall great experience learning from Dr. Pradeep K Singh who is a very pleasant and skilful surgeon. He is
always guiding, encouraging. He is a very amicable person and has a very helping attitude so I could talk anything
with him freely. When I had earlier sent him a request for Fellowship he was very happy to guide me. Most of the
subjects of what we talked were the diagnosis, examination, treatment and rehabilitation of spine diseases. He also
asked me for my opinion on the treatment plan for the patient sometimes. When I told him about my ideas, he would
tell me his plan and his reasons.
Dr Sohael Mohammed Khan MS [Ortho] IOA-LM10674
Shishu Hospital, Opposite Zilla Parishad, Sarai Ward, Chandrapur 442401 Maharashtra
9422113994 / 9923455744 / /

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

IOA – WOC Fellowship 2o16-17: Dr. Shailendra Singh

Dear Sir,
Here is my submission of fellowship report along with certificate for
IOA WOC fellowship 2017 done at AJRI Chennai.
I wish to state that i have been selected for IOA WOC fellowship for year
2017. As per your instructions, I did three weeks fellowship under Dr Vijay C
Bose and Dr Suryanarayan sir at Asian Joint Reconstruction Institute SIMS
Hospitals Chennai. I am submitting certificate of completion and
photographs. Kindly do needful.

Dr Shailendra Singh
Asst Professor Orthopaedics, KGMU Lucknow
Ph 9795224272 /

Report of SICOT meets SICOT Fellowship 2016

I would like to thanks SICOT for awarding me the prestigious fellowship SICOT
meet SICOT 2016, opportunity which had been a very useful for me .I begin my
journey on 08 June 2017, and I was totally impressed with the hospitality and
warm attitude of all the member of department of orthopaedics of Evangelisches
Waldkrankenhaus Spandau Hospital , Berlin, Germany. I had the pleasure of
observing and assisting more than 70 cases of primary arthroplasty and
secondary arthroplasty of knee and hip.
Evangelisches Waldkrankenhaus Spandau centre for arthroplasty is undoubtedly
a real centre of Excellence. I thank Prof. Dr. med. habil. Ulrich North and his team
for their hospitality and kindness to me. Above all I thank SICOT for making such
an unforgettable experience available to me. I can definitely say it has helped me
in improving my knowledge of knee and hip Arthroplasty surgeries.
Dr Chandra Prakash Pal MS [Ortho]
Professor of Orthopaedics, S.N. Medical College HOSPITAL, Agra 282002 Uttar Pradesh India
9634031500 /

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Report of IOA-Travelling Fellowship & Robert Roaf Fellowship 2o16

We would like to thank the President, Hon. Secretary and Inland Fellowship Committee for selecting us for this
prestigious fellowship, which is definitely going to be one of the best milestones in our carrier. We would also
like to extend thanks to team IOACON Kochi, TNOA, WBOA, BOS and DOA for facilitating our fellowship in
each step. Our fellowship programme was as follows:
1. Kochi – December 14th to 17th, 2016

Our journey started from the venue of IOACON 2016, Kochi. The conference was meticulously organised,
covering all the specialities in Orthopaedics. The pre-conference workshops, CMEs and the lectures during the
conference were very informative and useful, especially for a budding orthopaedic surgeon. The
accommodation and the breakfast at the IMA Guest house was a delight. After a mind boggling academic feast
for four days, we departed for Chennai on 17th December.
2. Chennai – December 18th to 21st, 2016

We had a warm reception at Chennai Airport, courtesy to Dr Manoj, Dr Antony Vimal Raj and Dr Dhurvas
Ramprasath. The stay was comfortable at the SRMC campus. On 18th, we visited the prestigious Madras
Medical College, which was under the administration of Dr N. Deen Muhammad Ismail, director of Institute of
Orthopaedics and Traumatology. After a scrumptious breakfast, we entered the Operation Theatre. We were
astonished to see a number of simultaneous surgeries - two cases of spine, one DHS, CRIF tibia, ORIF pott's
fracture and ORIF acetabular fracture. We also visited the Orthopaedic Skills lab, Cadaveric lab and Bone
On 19th, we visited Dr Govardhan at Vasanthi Orthopaedic Hospital for a revision THR and Arthroscopic ACL
reconstruction. We then visited Soundarapandian Bone and Joint Hospital; we saw a case of arthroscopic
suture repair of fractured humeral greater tuberosity and experienced their whole body Cryotherapy unit. We
were lucky to meet Dr Soundarapandian, an eminent teacher of many. We then visited Sundaram Medical
Foundation and had an informative discussion with Dr PV Jayashankar, Head of Orthopaedics at SMF. On
21st, we visited Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Hospital. We saw a case of MIPO for tibial fracture by Dr
Gopinath Menon's team. We visited their famous Sports Injury Centre where many sports personalities

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

undergo treatment and training. We also had an academic session on various ongoing research projects in
their Institute followed by lunch. We headed to Kolkata on the same evening.
Kolkata – December 22nd to 25th, 2016

We had the best reception and hospitality at Kolkata. The accommodation and conveyance arrangements
were impressive. We were pleased to see signboards at hospitals welcoming us and felt much privileged to
receive bouquets from eminent faculties. On our first day we visited Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College. We were
humbled by the warm reception of Dr Gautam Bhattacharyya, Dr Kiran Kumar Mukhopadhyay and their team.
We saw a case of ALD for TB spine and recurrent anterior dislocation treated by modified Boychtev's
procedure. We visited Park clinic in the afternoon, after lunch. Dr Soumyajit Basu showed us a case of
microscopic lumbar discectomy and another case of minimally invasive spine fixation for osteoporotic vertebral
fracture. We had a brief clinical discussion and ward rounds after the surgery.
On the second day, we met Prof. Dr. Ananda Kishor Pal, a former student of the renowned Prof.Dr.Baksi, at the
Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education and Research-Seth SukhlalKarnani Memorial Hospital. We had
a brief presentation including Baksi's procedure for recurrent dislocation of patella. We were thrilled to see the
surgical demonstration of Baksi's muscle pedicle bone graft for femoral head osteonecrosis. We also had the
opportunity to observe Baksi's modified total elbow replacement in a case of non-union of distal humerus
fracture, which was demonstrated flawlessly by Prof. AK Pal.
After our lunch, we visited Peerless Hospital & B.K. Roy Research Centre. We were touched by the warm
welcome Dr. Swarnendu Samanta and Dr Somnath Degave us, they enlightened us with tips and tricks in the
management of acetabular fractures. Dr Nikhilesh Das demonstrated a case of THA by anterior approach. We
were amazed to see their meticulous and huge stock of Orthopaedic Implants and Instruments. On the third
day, we visited KPC Medical College and Hospital in the morning. We had a clinical discussion on paediatric
orthopaedic cases followed by radiological discussion of a rare collection of cases with Dr Sengupta. We also
witnessed the live demonstration of a modified technique for tendo-achillestenotomy and plaster application for
club foot. We then visited West Bengal Orthopaedic Association Office in the afternoon. We had a delightful
clinical discussion on musculoskeletal oncology by Dr Kaushik Nandi. We were pleased to end our
mesmerising Kolkata trip with the felicitation ceremony by the WBOA team led by Dr. Sibaji Chaudhuri
(President), Dr. Dilip Kumar Majumder (President elect) and Dr. Kiran Kumar Mukhopadhyay (Secretary). We
left for Mumbai on the evening of Christmas.
Mumbai – December 26th to 30th, 2016
We are thankful to Dr Sanjay Dhar, Secretary of BOS, for facilitating our travel and accommodation
arrangements in Mumbai. We were divided into two groups for visiting various centres of excellence during our
fellowship in Mumbai. One group visited the esteemed King Edward Memorial Medical College on the first day.
Dr Shubhranshu Mohanty, Professor and Head of Orthopaedics at KEM, talked about pre-op templating in hip
arthroplasty. He also demonstrated the trochanteric wiring technique for fixation of the greater trochanter
during bipolar hemiarthroplasty in a case of intertrochanteric fracture and a case of THR by posterior approach
for a suspected pathological neck of femur. Second group went to Tata Memorial Cancer Institute and observed

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

a case of distal femur GCT treated with curettage and bone grafting, case of distal end of radius GCT treated
with resection arthrodesis, case of osteosarcoma of distal femur managed by resection and mega prosthesis
and a case of osteosarcoma distal tibia managed by resection and tibialization of fibula.

On our second day, we visited Dr Mangal Parihar in his Hospital and witnessed a case of deformity correction
by Ilizarov. We also had a brief clinical discussion on non-union and the utility of hexapod frame in three
dimensional deformity corrections. On our third day, one group visited P. D. Hinduja National Hospital and
Medical Research Centre. Dr.Vivek Shetty demonstrated two cases of THR by anterior approach and infected
DCS implant removal. We also had a brief discussion on the management of leg length discrepancies during
THA. Second group went to Sion Hospital, also called as LokmanyaTilak Municipal General Hospital and saw
a case of revision THR demonstrated by Dr. Arvind Balkrishna Goregaonkar. On fourth day, one group saww a
case of bicolumnar acetabular fracture being fixed by both anterior and posterior approach, demonstrated by
Dr Harshad G. Agerkar. Professor and Head, Dr. Arvind Balkrishna Goregaonka at Sion Hospital and other
group observed total knee replacement at KEM Hospital demonstrated by Dr. S. Vaidya. On our last day, all of
us visited H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre. Dr. Farokh Wadia guided us throughout
the hospital. We saw a case of craniovertebral stabilisation for a developmental dysplasia of C1-C2 in a two
year old child. Operated by Dr. Kshitij Chaudhary and Dr. Arjun Dhawale. After lunch, we had a brief discussion
with Dr. Vaibhav Bagaria about the utility of three dimensional printing in the surgical planning and
management of difficult cases in spine, acetabular fractures and dysplastic hips. We left Mumbai on the
evening of the 30th December.
New Delhi – December 31st, 2016 to January 3rd, 2017
We are thankful to Dr. Lalit Maini for co-ordinating our programme and facilitating our stay at Maulana Azad
Medical College Guest house. We visited Lady Hardinge Medical College. We had a clinical discussion with Dr.
Rajesh Kumar Kanojia, Dr. Alok Sud, Dr. Mukesh Kalra and team. We saw a case of recurrent dislocation of

patella in the outpatient clinic. On the 2nd of January, we visited All India Institute of Medical Sciences. Dr.
Bhavuk Garg led the ward rounds. We saw a few interesting cases in the ward including the post-op patient of
revision hip arthroplasty with femoral allograft for a case of post septic hip and an operated case of total knee
replacement following malunited distal femur fracture. In the theatre we saw cases of arthroscopic ACL

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

reconstruction by Dr Ravi Mittal and three spine cases by Dr Bhavuk Garg – lumbar discectomy, TLIF and
scoliosis correction. The journey ended with a nice dinner hosted by the Delhi Orthopaedic Association
especially for us where we met successful orthopaedic surgeons from Delhi.
To improvise the J&J Fellowship Programme, few suggestions we would like to make are:
Better coordination between state association and hospital: at few centers we were informed that they had no
information about our arrival so they were not prepared.
Better travel arrangement within the states: as all of us were travelling for more than three weeks we had a lot of
luggage, we found it difficult to travel in certain cities. We were told to take Ola cabs and deposit all the receipts
later for reimbursement in Mumbai.
During the fellowship, our mentors asked us if we received the J&J Blazer Batch from IOA. Please provide the
Blazer Batch as we feel that this is a prestigious fellowship which will be remembered and highly cherished
throughout our lives whenever we wear the IOA J&J Blazer during any IOA meeting.
We would like to also thank the IOA President, Hon Secretary- Dr Sanjay Jain, Executive Committee, Inland
Fellowship Selection Committee and IOA Office Bearers for making our stay in IOA worth remembering.
Special thanks to Dr Sanjay Jain and Mr Ramesh C Pandey for planning and facilitating our fellowship itinerary,
they were in constant touch with us to make sure that our journey was trouble free. Our fellowship really
became smooth with your efforts. Once again thanks to IOA for making all four of us to meet each other without
you this association would not have been possible.
Warm Thanks,

Dr. Nishit Palo (IOA- J&JFellow, Bhubaneswar)

Dr. Shah Walliullah (IOA- J&J Fellow, Lucknow)
Dr. Balaji Saibaba (IOA- J&J Fellow, Mumbai)
Dr Anuj Jain (IOA- Robert Roaf Fellow, New Delhi)

Dr. Diwakar Jain MS [Ortho] / IOA-LM02577/ UPOA-0732 / UA-072Nails-0395
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
S/O vijay Kishore Jain, 33/34, Patel-puri, Sadar Bazar, Meerut Cantt. Meerut 250001 Uttar Pradesh India
Expired [# No More as per UPOA News EC minutes on 25.o3.2o17 #] /
32, K.P. Complex, Delhi Road, Meerut 250 001 UP
0121 - 2665655/ 2401538 / 9837069669 /

Dr. Kalyan Mukherjee IOA-LM00069/ WBOA-0003

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
12-A, Mandeville Gardens, Suryalok Apartment, Flat 4-F, Kolkata 700019 West Bengal
Expired [# No More as per Face book on 24.o7.2o17 #]
033 - 2247 4943/ 2440 8972 / 9831085458 /

Late Dr. Srikanta Kumar Kundu IOA-LM02237/ WBOA-0169

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Nayapatti, Salt Lake Ward-14, Sector-V, Kolkata 700102 West Bengal India
Expired [# No More as per FB post of Dr of WB on o7.o9.2o17 #]
9830119204 / 9831112993

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

IOA - BIOS Junior Fellowship 2017: Dr. Sudeep Kumar

Before fellowship started - Communication through email was started

by Dr. Sanjay Jain (IOA Secretary) and then was further carried on very
smoothly by Mr. Nikhil Shah and Mr. B. Singh. Mr. Shah issued me the
supporting letter for the visa and I applied and subsequently managed
to get the same. Mr. Shah also created a what's app group which
helped us to coordinate better. Once the venue was decided
(Leicester) by BIOS team, Mr Maneesh Bhatia Pitched in. We started
corresponding with him and with his help and support we managed to
get our accommodation sorted within the hospital premises. We also
got our investigations done as per instruction from Mr Bhatia's
secretary for the HR formalities and that helped us in getting us started
the very day we went to Leicester without wasting any time.
Mr. Bhatia discussed with us regarding our interests and as to what we
would like to see and learn at Leicester General Hospital (LGH).
When we started at LGH Mr. Bhatia had already done some planning
and according to our interests (which varied from revision HIPs and
Knees to shoulder arthroscopy) he had spoken to some of his
colleagues who had kept the cases as per our interests and
I personally saw around 7 revision Total knee replacements. 5 of them
were one stage and 2 of them were 2nd stage of the two stage revision.
Although I had prior idea about the semi constrained and fully
constrained implants and had done some cadaveric courses last year
in Bangkok but seeing it live on a patient was completely different. I saw
DePuy and Zimmer revision knee implants and got a very clear picture
not only how to decide upon size, limitations with different designs, how
to assemble them and how to implant a revision component but also
how to take out the implant as well. Consultants – Mr. Asler, Mr. Korim
and Mr. Davison were kind in taking me thorough every step of revision
and discussing the pros and cons of what they were doing and sharing
their experiences.
I also managed to see on Unicondylar knee being changed to total
knee and lots of confusion that I had about difficulty in revising uni knee
was cleared that day.
I also saw some primary knee replacements and consultants Mr.
Godsiff was very meticulous in explaining some of his tips and tricks
during the entire surgery.
I managed to see one Unicondylar knee replacement as well which
was done very smoothly and very nicely.
I did manage to see some cemented total hip arthroplasty and it was
quite nice to see the cementing technique that was being used. It
reconfirmed my believe in the practice of cementing which I am using in
my setup, as they were similar to those done at LGH. I did learn a few
tips for further improvement though.
I also managed to see couple of revision total hips and on

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Periprosthetic fracture which was very nicely managed by Mr. Kulkarni.
A nice dissection and nicely done wiring – a complicated procedure
made simple.
I was also fortunate to see one proximal femoral replacement by Mr.
Boyd. It was a case of a metastatic prostate cancer and Mr. Boyd very
meticulously took me through the entire procedure and he did
everything effortlessly, quickly without any kind of rush.
I also managed to see one MPFL reconstruction by Mr. Tandon and he
also took me through the entire procedure and discussed in detail
about his method of doing things.
I also saw some very nice foot and ankle surgery by Mr. Bhatia. We
managed to see ankle scopy and arthroscopy assisted ankle fusion.
Something that can I was looking to try but was not able to gather
enough courage. But after seeing it live I think I can do it. We also saw
1st MTP fusion, Revision of 1st MTP spacer and one Lateral collateral
ligament reconstruction of ankle joint.
We managed to saw one very good surgery by Mr. Ullah. He operated upon a Malunion of distal radius. He
osteotomised the distal radius and fixed it with locking plate with bone graft. He manages this case beautifully
and showed his trick of putting the plate first in the distal fragment and deviating it ulna ward. By doing this one
can not only correct the loss in radial inclination but can also can maintain the length as well. A very nicely
performed surgery and lot of things to learn from.
I also managed to venture into shoulder surgery one afternoon where we managed to interact and witnessed
some very interesting surgery by Miss Armstrong. She showed us arthroscopy release of frozen shoulder,
Bankart repair and one rotator cuff repair. All arthroscopic. It was very nice of her to take us through every step
of her surgeries and managing the challenges as they were arising during the course of surgery.
The theatre staffs of all the theatre at LGH were very cooperative. They were regularly interacting with us and
were making us feel very much part of the team.
We finished at Leicester on 13th of July and we reached Carlisle on 14th to attend the mega event, annual BIOS
meeting. I had my poster presentation and one podium presentation. We managed to listen to some very good
research work and presentations from all around UK. It was heartening to see that the evidence are not taken
on their face value but are being routinely tested and verified to suit the local conditions. My design was
selected for podium presentation (as a best two design) and my poster was also selected for podium
presentation (4 out of 25 odd posters displayed). We also meet lots of Indian origin Orthopaedics consultants
based in various parts of UK. It was great interacting with them and learning from their experience.
I headed back after the conference to London for my journey back home, with lots of new things and ideas in my
head. Learned a lot and hope to use some of it in my practice. I am sure this will benefit my patients and overall
outcome. I wish to pass on this knowledge and experience acquired during my fellowship to my trainees and my
colleagues back home.
We also had good time beyond work. We went to dinner with Mr. Bhatia and one day with him and his registrar
as well. We also made few friends and went on outing with them as well.
It was overall a great experience and from the bottom of my heart I would like to thanks Indian Orthopaedics
Association for selecting me and British India Orthopaedics Society, UK for beautifully and meticulously
coordinating and organising this fellowship in Leicester.
Kind regards
Sudeep Kumar

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

IOA – AOA Exchange Fellowship 2o17: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala

Australian Orthopaedic Association Conference or a meeting was between 8th October to

12th October 2017 at Adelaide. Myself and Dr. Joshi of Dehradun reached Adelaide at 10 AM
in morning on 8th October 2017. Fortunately, my stay was just opposite to the convention
centre which was the Conference Venue. On 8th, I got my Registration from the counter. It
took just 5 minutes.
• On the same day evening, there was President's Dinner at the Cricket Club of Adelaide.
The Cricket Stadium was huge and Marvelous to see and enjoy. The Dinner was in a Part
of Stadium and it was Fantastic Dinner. I met few known and unknown friends.
• The Scientific Programme was very good. It was in 4-Different Halls. The Largest Hall
was for Arthroplasty, Others were for Arthroscopy, Foot and Ankle, Hand and Wrist,
Spine and Trauma.
• All the Scientific Programme was Full of Guest Lectures and Symposia. There were no
free papers and hence our papers were not selected.
• The Scientific Programme started exactly at 8 AM. All the Speakers were absolutely in time and there was enough
time for discussion.
• There was Lunch time between 1 PM to 2 PM and Good Lunch was arranged in the Industrial Exhibition
Hall. So that, everybody could pip in different stalls. Most important was Strikers and Zimmer Biomet Stalls where
there was a Demonstration of Robotic Surgery for TKR. I saw the Robotic Surgery for first time and it was more
accurate than the Navigation Surgery.
• There were 15 International Faculty Guest Speaker from different parts of the World who gave their Best
• Anyway, the Australian Scientific Meeting of Australian Orthopedic Associations was Wonderful and Real Learning
• Regarding Social events, this includes Presidents Dinner on 8th October at Oval Cricket Stadium. Programme for
Parliament Visit and Visit to Dr. Edward Maha's Residence was Fantastic.
• The APOA Dinner and Last day's Gala Dinner at National Wine Centre of Australia was fabulous. We enjoyed all
the Social Functions.
• Of Course, the Scientific Programme was Real Learning Experience.
Thanks with regards,

Yours Sincerely,
2nd November 2017
Dr. H. R. Jhunjhunwala

IOA - WOC SICOT Fellowship 2016-17: Dr Ankit Desai

I have completed my IOA inland fellowship under Dr. Satyen Mehta in Mumbai. As I am
interested in spine surgery specialty I visited him. He works for various hospitals in
Mumbai as Consultant Spine Surgeon with respect to OPD in various hospitals .He
has his own clinic too, As A mentee I visited various hospitals in OPD and preoperative
and post operative patient care. We had approx 2 surgery every day during my period
of stay.
I have assisted various surgery degenerative spine ,traumatic spine( various level)
,revision spine surgery , minimal invasive spine surgery , etc..
We had healthy discussion over the various spine topics. During my visit I have attend
one of the BOS meet over cervical spine in which my Mentor had 2 talks. Dr. Saten had
arranged the stay during my visit. The whole experience was very good, informative
and knowledgeable for me.
With my report I am submitting certificate which was given to me after the completion of
my inland fellowship.
Dr Ankit A Desa
25th November 2o17/DNB [Ortho], D. Ortho.
869999397 / /

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

IOA - Australian Orthopaedic Association Fellowship: Dr Anil K Joshi

I feel honoured as I was selected as a travelling Fellow by Indian Orthopedic Association (IOA) to attend the
75th ASM (Annual Scientific Meeting) of Australian Orthopedic Association (AOA) held in Adelaide, South
Australia from 8th to 12th October 2017. The theme of the meeting was Transforming Leadership, diversity and
gender equality.
Sunday 8th October:
(Arrival)- Flight to Adelaide from New Delhi via Singapore. I was excited because it was my first visit to this
beautiful country. Accommodations were in the Oaks Horizons Hotel near the Adelaide Convention Centre (the
conference venue) and Adelaide Oval Cricket ground. Thanks to nice hospitality of AOA. Adelaide is a nice,
peaceful city and I took a nice walk through the city center.
President's reception was held in Adelaide Oval at the rooftop of the Riverbank Stand, the Lindsay Head
Terrace. The venue had excellent views of the city and the foothills. Adelaide Oval was a perfect venue to
gather and celebrate the commencement of the 2017 AOA Annual Scientific Meeting.
Monday 9th October
Opening ceremony was held at Adelaide Convention Centre. The conference started at 8am having sessions
on Arthroplasty, Foot and Ankle, Hand and Wrist, General Orthopaedics and Spine. The section on outreach
about taking skill training to developing nations was interesting.
Tuesday 10th October
This was an interesting day with informative sessions on arthroplasty of knee and hip and shoulder and elbow.
The section on “Fight against infection” was quite informative. The section on newer technologies discussed
robotic versus manual knee arthroplasty was good. The day ended with a nice dinner.
Wednesday 11th October
This day was mainly dominated by events of APOA (Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association) with knee, shoulder
and elbow sections. In the plenary section “Whats new that works and Whats new that doesn't” explained pros
and cons of different newer techniques in arthroplasty, hand, knee, paediatrics, shoulder, elbow, spine, trauma,
tumor and general orthopaedics. In the afternoon we had a memorable visit to South Australian parliament and
meeting with the Honorable Governor of South Australia. This was followed by lunch at one of the pioneers in
Orthopaedics at Adelaide Dr Edward (Ted) Mah palace home with great hospitality. His home was more of a
museum tastefully decorated with antique items of years 1700-1800, was worth visiting. The real attraction of
the evening was dinner at National Wine Centre of Australia.
Thursday 12th October
The last day we enjoyed the sessions on reconstruction in trauma, arthroplasty and tumors. The Medicolegal
section and case based management section was really interesting cases. Thanks AOA for a nicely organised
conference. In the evening we had flight to Sydney and we said goodbye to the warm welcoming organizing
This was a great experience to interact with the world leaders of orthopaedics. I had benefitted very well with
the wonderful exposure and would like to implement it at my area of practice.
In Sydney I got opportunity to visit Prof Munjed Al Muderis, a pioneer in the field of Osseo integration, trauma
and arthroplasty, for 3 weeks. I am very thankful to Dr H R Jhunjhunwala who accompanied me and helped me
a lot for arranging the visitation of Prof M A Muderis. I want to extend my thanks to IOA office; President Dr. Ram
Prabhoo, Vice President Dr Rajesh Malhotra, Hon. Secretary Dr. Sanjay Jain, Scientific and fellowship
committee IOA, Mr. Ramesh C. Pandey, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for giving me this opportunity to
visit Australia and have a wonderful experience. IOA is doing great job focused on academics, research and
humanitarian work, making it a very vibrant organization.
Dr Anil Kumar Joshi
Associate Prof of Orthopaedics
Government Doon Medical College, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001 India

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Congratulations >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Dr Capt. Vijay Shankar Singh: elected Dr P.V. Vijayaraghavan:

uncontested, Member Medical become the
Council of India. Vice Chancellor
Sri Ramachandra
Dr. Capt. Vijay Shankar Singh University at Chennai
MS [Ortho], FIAMS on 23.06.2017.
Member, Medical Council of India
Former, Professor & Head of the Deptt, Orthopaedics, Dr P.V. Vijayaraghavan:
NMCH, Patna / Former Director-in-Chief, Health Services, Vice – Chancellor, Sri Ramachandra University, Porur,
Govt. of Bihar / Former Senior National Vice President, Chennai – 600 116 India / Dean Education, SRUni. 2o1o /
IMA HQ / Former, President, IMA Bihar / Former, Professor & HOD of Orthopaedics / I.O.A.: UG / PG
President, Central zone of IOA / Former, President, Bihar Committee (2o17-19), President Theme (2o16) Vice
Orthopaedic Association / Former, President, Bihar Health President (2o11-12), State Representative Tamil Nadu
Service Association (2o14-16) Chairman Presidential Theme Committee
Award: (2o12-13)/ TNOA: President (2008), Vice President ex., Jt.
Dr. B.C. Roy National Award 2003 / IMA Dr. A.K.N. Sinha Secretary ex., Secretary (2oo2-o4), / OASIS: First
National Award – 2000 secretary General, Vice President (2oo9-1o), Co-
Chairman, OASISCON 2o1o

Dr Devendra Kumar Taneja: Receiving FRCS from Miss Clare Marx, President of Royal
College of Surgeons of England
Dr. D. K. Taneja, Retried Dean of MGM medical college, was conferred fellowship of Royal College
of Surgeon, England in London on 11th July 2017, in a grand convocation. He is the first orthopaedic
surgeon from MP and Sixth in the country to get this prestigious honour. A Matter of pride for MP. He
has many first to his credit. He was first from MP to be elected as President of Indian Orthopaedic
Association and first to get the prestigious fellowship of National Academy of Medical Sciences,
Government of India. He is also the recipient of “Emeritus Medical Teacher Award” of Ministry of
Health, Government of India first in MP to get this award. In 2015 he got TKS Medal, (global award)
from World Orthopaedic Concern in China for his volunteer services in Third World like Malawi,
Bhutan, and Indonesia.

Dr. D. K. Taneja D. Orth, MS Ortho, FAMS, FRCS (Eng)

Professor & HOD of Orthopaedic & Medical Director, Arihant Hospital & Research Centre, Indore
DNB Coordinator, President, Orthopaedic Association of SAARC Countries, Secretary General, World Orthopaedic Concern
(WOC), Emeritus Prof. Sri Aurbindo Institute of Medical Sciences, Indore, Past President Indian Orthopaedic Association,
Secretary Orthopaedic Research & Education Foundation - India, Ex. Dean MGM Medical College, Indore

Dr K. Mohan Iyer: "Modified Posterior approach to the Dr Ashok S Gavaskar:

Hip Joint" & "Trapeziectomy" are the two books that is awarded for 2017
AAOS International
were released worldwide by Lambert Academic
Surgical Skills
Publishing, Germany on 7/7/2017 and 27/7/2017. Scholarship Program.
These books are available and
Amazon. This prestigious
International emerging
leaders scholarship is
awarded by the American
academy based on a
research project on bone
and tissue banking. This is
his second scholarship
from the AAOS after being
the International scholarship recipient in 2014. Good Standing Certificate
was issued by IOA on 29th August 2o16, for 2017 AAOS International
Surgical Skills Scholarship Program.

Dr. Ashok S. Gavaskar

IOA-LM07123 / MS [Ortho]
Dr K. Mohan Iyer MCPS, MBBS, D. Ortho., FCPS [Ortho], MS [Ortho], MCh [Ortho] 63A, Gandhi Road, Gillnagar, Choolaimedu, Chennai 600094 Tamil Nadu India
9841552000 /

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Report of IOA - HKOA Ambassadorship: Dr Sanjay Meena

I was awarded the IOA-HKOA ambassadorship for the year 2017. I reached Hongkong on 3rd Dec 2017. On
the evening of that day we had a welcome dinner for the faculty and ambassadors. We were all taken to
Hongkong golf club, where we I meet HKOA president Dr WONG Yiu Chung and president and other office
bearers of HKOA. I also interacted with faculty and ambassadors of other countries. The main congress was on
4th and 5th dec and the theme of the congress was – minimally invasive orthopedic surgery. In the evening of
4th Dec we had a banquet dinner where I also saw the traditional Chinese arts. At the banquet all the faculty and
ambassadors were felicitated. Next day was the last day of conference, which again like the first day was very
informative. The lectures given at HKOA were really informative and will change the way I do certain things. The
qualities of paper presented at Hkoa were of high quality and certainly gave me a food for thought. The HKOA
congress was indeed a great learning experience for me and I thank IOA and HKOA for giving me this
Dr Sanjay Meena
New Delhi
IOA WOC Fellowship 2o17: Dr Mohamed Sameer

Dear Sir,
I have herewith attached the Attendance cum Completion report along with
photos of my IOA WOC Inland Fellowship 2016-17 at the SIMS hospitals
Chennai - Asian Joint Replacement Institute under the supervision of Dr V.C
Bose and Dr P Surya Narayanan from August 1st 2017 to 31st August 2017.
Since I am leaving to the UK for my new job, i regret to inform that i will not be able
attend the IOACON 2017 in person. Please let me know the procedure to receive
the IOA Certificate and Stipend money in absentia.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Mohamed Sameer MS [Ortho], DNB [Ortho], MRCS IOA-LM07772
No. 60/10, L.K.S. Nest, Seventh Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai 600083
Tamil Nadu, India 04282 232322/232012/9444229162/

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Report of IOA Indo - Irish Fellowship 2o17: Dr Atul Bhaskar

This year 2017, I was chosen as the Travelling Fellow for Ireland and my hosts were Mr. Mahapatra and Mr.
Gerry McCoy, Irish Orthopaedic Consultants. I reached Dublin via UK on Monday (18th Sep) morning, and was
met my Mr. Mahapatra at the airport. We drove straight to the Loath Hospital as he had a fracture clinic in the
afternoon. I saw children with various types of injuries: Supracondylar fractures, shaft femur and intra-articular
elbow fractures managed operatively at the hospital. As this was District General Hospital, all pediatric and
adult traumas were managed by the consultants and their respective units. Only complex trauma was referred
to Dublin. The fracture clinic was well organized with a dedicated nurse and plaster technician available to
attend to the patients. The next four days (19th Sep – 22nd Sep) were spread between 2 hospitals: in Our Lady
of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda and Dundalk where the consultants do their elective list. I witnessed an array of
surgeries from ACL reconstruction in children, Repair of Osteochondritis lesion, ankle ligament reconstruction
and total joint replacements. It was impressive to see the seamless performance of the surgeries ably assisted
by residents and the paramedical staff. Every individual knew his duty and limitations and hence allowed for
smooth functioning of the cases – a concept we must emulate in our public health system. All cases follow
protocols which have been determined by local audit or national guidelines, e.g. antibiotics regimen for clean
cases, DVT prophylaxis, post-operative care, physiotherapy schedule and routine of follow-up care. This helps
in collating data and done comparative studies. On Friday night, Mr. Mahapatra and his colleagues organized a
lavish Irish Dinner with traditional Irish music and drinks!!
On the 25th September, I spent a day in Dublin visiting the children hospital and attending the clinic and later in
the evening travelled to Waterford to meet Mr. Gerry McCoy. Mr. McCoy, senior orthopaedic consultant, was ex-
president of the Irish Orthopaedic Association, an amazing surgeon and a great person. He received me at the
bus station and hosted me at his residence. Next day, I assisted him in total hip and knee Arthroplasties. One
again I witnessed a flawless demonstration of the art of surgery, with respect for soft tissues and minimal use of
electrocautery. We also discussed about the Irish Orthopaedic Training System, merits and flaws imposed by
the EU laws. The orthopaedic service in mostly consultant driven because of the limited numbered training
posts available compared to the big brother, U.K. There were very few middle grade surgeon posts in Ireland;
hence on-call consultants may have to go in for trauma cases if required!!We had an excellent Indian Dinner
with Mr. McCoy's family and next day he dropped me to the railway station. My last was spent with Mr.
Mahapatra in the Orthopaedic clinic where he showed me some of his power point presentations on advances
in management of Osteochondritis dessicans, paediatric knee injuries and treatment of paediatric ankle
injuries. I left Dublin on 28th and returned with fond memories of my visit with Mr. Mahapatra and Mr. Gerry
Highlights of the trip:
* Communication and Co-ordination about the fellowship with Mr. Mahapatra was exceptional and he
guided me at every step: from visa formalities to local travel arrangements.
* All permission for scrubbing in for OR cases were in place unlike in certain centers where visiting
surgeons can only observe.
* Understanding Irish Training System, exchanging views about the Indian system, making new friends,
meeting colleagues, and enjoying traditional Irish food and beverages.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the IOA Fellowship Committee, Hon Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain, and
Hon. President. Dr Ram Prabhoo, Mr. Anant Mahapatra and Mr. Gerry McCoy for giving me the opportunity to
participate at the Indo-Irish Fellow for 2017.

Dr Atul Bhaskar IOA-LM-04525 / FRCS Tr & Orth, FRCS, MS, DNB, M.Ch
Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Indian Journal of Orthopaedics: Best Published Paper Awards - 2016

Name IOA City State MbileNo.1 e-mailID Award
Dr Debadyuti Durgapada IOA- SN Baksi Best Paper
1 Kolkata West Bengal 9830628720
Baksi LM06029 Award 2016
IOA Best Paper
2 Dr Devendra Pathrot - - - 9968721205 Award 2016 in Basic
Research Category
Dr. SM Tuli Best Case
3 Dr Pankaj Jindal Pune Maharashtra 9822031140 Report Award for the
year 2016

Dr DD Baksi et al. was the Awardee of S N Baksi Best Paper Award 2016 for the
article titled “Osteosynthesis of ununited femoral neck fracture by internal fixation
combined with iliac crest bone chips and muscle pedicle bone grafting” published
in Indian Journal of Orthopaedics in 2016, Volume No.509, Issue No. 4.

Dr Devendra Pathrot et al. was the Awardee of IOA Best Paper Award 2016 in
Basic Research Category for the article titled “Assessment of the geometry of
proximal femur for short cephalomedullary nail placement- An observational study
in dry femora and living subjects” published in Indian Journal of Orthopaedics in
2016, Volume No. 50, Issue No. 3.

Dr. Pankaj Jindal was the Awardee of Dr. SM Tuli Best Case Report Award for
the year 2016 for his Case Report titled “Synostosis of proximal phalangeal
bases for loss of distal metacarpal” published in Indian Journal of Orthopaedics in
2016, Volume No. 50, Issue No. 6.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Report of IOA - Dr RL Mittal SICOT Foreign Fellowship 2017 SICOT 2o17:
An unforgettable and enriching experience.

What an illustrious event to end the year with and that too in
Cape Town South Africa, which has been voted as Best City in
the world for the 4th consecutive year by UK's Telegraph .
Had a lifetime experience of South Africa philosophy and
hospitality that "no human can exist in isolation, that we become
humans through other humans." Cape Town is a beautiful city
with awestruck scenario and epitome of adventure travel but
with a dash of elegance and style and not to forget pleasant
breezy weather. It is cradled beneath the gigantic Table
Mountain. It boasts of Cape Point which is the most SW point of
South Africa where Antarctic and Indian oceans meet .Also is
famous for its wildlife sanctuaries, penguin and seal islands
Under the exemplary guidance of Dr Doron Fratzen (congress
president) and the SICOT president Dr Rajasekaran, the
conference progressed. The delegates got to attend lectures of
internationally acclaimed speakers and have knowledge about
recent advances in all sub specialities of Orthopaedics, my
special interest in Knee Arthroplasty made me attend all
sessions of Knee Arthroplasty.
My personal attraction was recent advances in. Knee and Hip
Arthroplasty. I loved to attend sessions by Dr Ashok
Rajagopalan and Dr Manju Wadhwa from INDIA and Dr Rudert from Germany.
Even though I attended poly Trauma symposium which were very academic
and of practical concern.
In all, three (3) days were not enough to explore and experience this academic
feast leaving us wanting for more. I also presented two e posters.
At last, I thank IOA (Indian Orthopaedic Association) to select me as IOA
international fellow and making me attend this internationally acclaimed
conference on a foreign land.

Dr Kuldeep Malik
9711111446 /
BC-10, West Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi 110088 India

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

IOA PGT Program : GOSPEL 2017


Dear Dr. Ram Prabhoo,

The Guntur Orthopaedic Seminar for Post Graduate Education and Learning
(GOSPEL)–2017 has been conducted successfully on 10th December, 2017. I
am here with submitting the report and few pictures of the proceedings of the day. Inauguration GOSPEL-2017
IOA has been providing us immense help financially to conduct the program.
Registration : The program has started at 8.30 am with registration of the post
Graduates attending to the program with free registration. There are 83 Post
Graduates registered for the GOSPEL- 2017 from all the medical colleges in the
state of Andhra Pradesh.
We have invited faculty from different medical colleges. There are 14 Professors
who came from different medical colleges, to be our guest faculty for the day.
Ward Rounds : The registered PGs are divided into five batches to take the ward
rounds. Each group is allotted a set of 10 beds occupied by different types of
Ward Rounds
cases Viz., Trauma, Congenital disorders, soft tissue injuries, Tumours. Each
group of PGs are lead by 3 guest faculty members. The ward rounds lasted for
two hours, extensive interactive discussion is done about each case.
Case Presentation : case presentation and clinical discussion is done with
three long cases and three short cases. Senior most faculty has supervised the
case presentation skills. Each case is discussed thoroughly with the final
examination perspective. The case presentations lasted for three hours.
Lecture demonstration: To recap the clinical examination of the Hip joint
various aspects of hip joint examination is demonstrated as lecture
demonstration to impress upon the students about the correct method of Bed Side Clinics
Objective Structured Clinical Examination(OSCE) : To assess the cognitive
domain and Psychomotor domain of PG learning an OSCE session is conducted
with students divided into into 10 batches. Each batch would pick up a task from a
sealed cover and face the moderators, who in turn ask the batch of students
about the topic they have picked up. The cognitive and
psychomotor domain of PG students from each college
is assessed by two senior faculty who were judging the
The OSCE session is included for the first time in Long Case Presentation
GOSPE-2017 as a competition Three prizes are given
as first, second and third best colleges judged basing
on their OSCE skills. All the topics kept for the OSCE
session are prescribed by the MCI for PG curriculum for
We are conducting the program successively, once a
year from 2012 without any registration fees. IOA has Secretary OSSAP
been supporting us every year. I request you to support
us financially in the name of ‘’Guntur Orthopaedic
Bed Side Clinics
Seminar for Post Graduate Education and Learning’’ to
Dr.G.Vara Prasad, Prof.& HOD of Orthopaedics,
Govt.Gen.Hospital, Guntur-522004, Andhra Pradesh.
With Regards

Dr.G.Vara Prasad
Prof.& HOD of Orthopaedics GMC / GGH, Guntur.
Dt. 15th December, 2017
Encl: Pictures of the Proceedings from GOSPEL First Prize OSCE President OSSAP

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

IOA – BIOS Senior UK Fellowship: Mathew Varghese

This was a fully supported programme for Sr Orthopaedic surgeon from India to experience the kind of work
done in UK centres of excellence and give lectures and attend the BOA annual meeting.
In summary: this was an experience that was memorable in many ways and very useful to understand the
dynamics of the system of Orthopaedic surgery as it is practiced in UK and hospital functioning in the UK. The
exposure to the British Orthopaedic Association, gave us further insights in the workings of the system and the
way they organize their conferences. We however did not get a chance to present anything either at the BOA or
in any of the hospitals. That will remain regret.
Day1, 2 and 3
My first three days at Alder Hey was rewarding in several ways: several observations;
The hospital design was so child friendly, the aesthetics of the place and the layout of facilities were indeed
remarkable for facilitating patient movement and care.
The theatre facility was well segregated with access control at several places to prevent unauthorized entry.
The theatre itself was large with almost every possible OR technology available.
Many day care patients came on the day of surgery to reduce number of days of stay in hospital. Large facility
was provided for their seating and comfort and staff were available to care for both the patient's preparation and
other logistics required preoperatively. This is in addition to the facilities in the wards.
The preoperative 'Huddle' was taken seriously and everyone went through the safe surgical checklist point by
point. Coming from an institution which was part of the original group of hospitals for checking out the effect of
Safe surgical check list this was heartening to watch. However, there seemed to be an element of 'going
through it by rote'.
The anaesthesia team took 'charge' of the patients until they were comfortable to hand over to surgical team.
The senior surgeon was seen to be constantly teaching the fellows, again very heartening to see this
The surgery itself was not very much different from back home but what was striking was the spread of brand
new (looking!) instruments adequately available for every case.

The BOA president Mr Ian Winston with Dr Gautam with Senior and Junior IOA BIOS fellows

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

A full array of inventory of implants was available for every case. The adjacent store in the theatre had every
kind of implant required for any planned or unplanned situation.
Image intensifier operated by radiology technicians who stayed back until the case was completed. PACS was
available on the intranet of the hospital for all past radiology records of the case
The anaesthesia team monitored the case continuously until the end, no leaving the case with technicians even
for a minute. Every child had the Bear hugger® warmer used for. Quite unlike what we are used to in our
hospitals where these are used only for major cases.
Surgeons are personally engaged in patient's needs as for example Dr Durai had to personally arrange beds as
no beds were available for the post-operative patient
Despite the excellent infrastructure and equipment and implants available the number cases done were only
two or three per day. This was quite in contrast to what we have back home where 8 – 10 cases are done per
theatre table.
Good to see Ultrasonography machine used by the anaesthesiologist and the machine owned by the
anaesthesia department. Because of PNSDT act nobody wants the headache of keeping USG machines in
their department. But I understand larger hospitals in India are having USG machines in
Day 4
Joint Radiology Orthopaedic meeting in the morning was a good learning exercise. Good discussion of
interesting cases presented by the Radiologist. The need to sit together as an interdisciplinary team is useful; it
benefits not just the surgeons but also the patients
4th. Day theatre was watching surgery for DDH. Outpatient clinic patients are all by appointment or referrals.
During the time of the visit to the clinic only 6 cases were seen. The surgeons were spending a long time
discussing the pros and cons of the diagnosis and possible lines of management. Practicality of such low
volumes in our setting in India would be difficult to even conceive in a public hospital.
In the hemimelia case with amputation perhaps patients accept amputations more readily here, I have never
been able to convince any of my hemimelia patients for an amputation.
Day 5
This experience at Warrington- Halton hospital was different. Essentially saw arthroplasty cases. The
observations and learning's were as follows:
Saw the use of a commercial kit for detecting infections. The case of a recurrent pain without radiological
changes was confirmed as a case of infection based on the test of synovial aspirate using Synovasure®. Cost
was however prohibitive, definitely need to have a cheaper alternative.
Second case of THR posted for liner replacement after preoperative planning needed a changed plan. The
changed plan could be executed smoothly because of the availability of right inventor within the theatre space.
Better than the company representative coming with limited inventory of implants. Also saw the use of special
taper for the head of femur, special elevated and inclined cup to accommodate the special needs of the case. I
remember wanting a similar taper in my own case but was told by the company that it was not possible.
Obviously the companies are more responsive to requests from these centres though I am sure our numbers
are more.
Saw the use of Dry ice preserved bone graft. All the tests and the process made it expensive at almost 800
pounds or 64000 Rs.
Saw the use of cement-in-cement technique which was standard technique as we have back home.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Saw the use of Labral tear repair arthroscopically using special anchors. Good to see the special absorbent
floor mats to keep floors dry. New to me as I do not do Hip arthroscopy.
Reassuring message for future fellows - they take such good care of you that you feel embarrassed at the
degree of hospitality to us who were unknown to them before the fellowship.
99th Annual BOA meeting
The Experience of attending the British Orthopaedic Association at the Echo Arena, Convention Centre was
indeed remarkable.
Organisational Issues
The convention centre itself was well laid out and different hall could be approached by just getting on the
escalator and merely moving up or down. One did not have to walk miles to get between exhibition centres and
lecture halls and dining halls.
Strikingly there were 15 minute tea breaks in the morning and in the afternoon and full 45 minute Lunch break.
In addition before eponymous lectures there break out time of 10 minutes was given to help people assemble
and reassemble. This is quite unlike what we have in IOA where no lunch or tea breaks are given forcing people
to skip sessions to break for tea and lunches. This is also bad for delegates who are presenting between 1 -2
PM with only the speakers and chairpersons sitting through the sessions. The usual argument is the logistics of
breaking sessions and reassembling. This is based on the assumption that as many sessions as possible
should be packed in to accommodate more people and thus have more academics. However what we fail to
recognize is that lunch and tea times are not merely times for lunches and teas. They are networking times
where you interact with national and international faculty, exchange ideas for innovation and research. Some of
these times are times when seeds are sown for lasting research partnerships.
Another striking difference that we noted was the complete absence of any Industry sponsor anywhere near
the academic session hall or between slide changes. The Industry delegates confined themselves to the
exhibition area. Quite unlike what we see in India with front, back, and sides of halls covered with industry
information. As if that were not enough between speaker changes also product and drug information are
projected on the podium screen. While this difference was striking one hopes this not merely a cosmetic
IOA needs to look the possibility of having its own guidelines (I know they do have guidelines) suitably amended
to eliminate conflict of interest.
Content of Conference:
Looking at the content of the conference the emphasis was educating the average Orthopaedic surgeon on the
current practice guidelines and knowledge on a broad spectrum of conditions. These were the Revalidation
Total number of sessions : 67 (other than the eponymous and guest lectures)
Revalidation sessions : 20 (which is almost a third of the sessions)
Free papers : 15
Registries and networks : 6
Research Sessions : 2
Associations and Societies : 11
It was obvious the focus is on educating the average orthopaedic session. A serious delegate can leave the
conference feeling updated on the current understanding and practice guidelines on common orthopaedic
problems rather than esoteric problems. Registries and networks have become important and are important
points for discussion.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

We in IOA have clubbed all revalidation kind of sessions into one CME section, which happens to be the best
attended section of the whole conference. While this has its own merit this leaves the main conference
sessions with poor attendance.
Meeting with the BOA President on 19th. September 2017
One of the highlights of the meeting was our meeting with the president of the British Orthopaedic Association
Mr Ian Winston. All three of us senior fellows and one of the two BIOS Junior Fellow was there. After a formal
introduction by the incoming President of the BOA Mr Anand Nanu, who clarified that the selection to the
fellowship is by a blinded process with objective scoring system. We were then asked our impressions so far on
the fellowship.
Dr Aditya responded by saying 'two of us who were dedicated arthroplasty surgeons were keen to see the
systems and procedures in arthroplasty in the UK. Overall it has been a total experience picked up few
technical stuff, yes, but more important were able to a system and protocol in operation, especially that of the
safe surgical check list and the way the 'huddle' is done. It is an evaluation by experience of the British system
versus the Indian system. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses.' Dr CS Yadav endorsing his views.
I responded with my feelings while the system of protocols and procedures is good, something like the safe
surgical checklist is being done by 'rote'. The people doing it seem to be doing it mechanically. The only way to
change that would be to bring in ownership to the checklist. There should be a dynamic mechanism where the
participants are told on a (perhaps) quarterly basis the outcome of the check list. Of course this may also end up
in a 'by rote' activity.
I also commented on the session attendance; where I had observed that the medicolegal section attendance
was full. Registries were over emphasized in the conference (see the analysis on the categories of various
sessions. My suspicion is, this is because of the fear of litigation among most doctors. So society has forced
them to look at protocols, evolve protocols because they are scared of litigation. While there may be merit in
ensuring a reasonable standard of care through guidelines and protocols there is every likelihood that these
very guidelines will kill innovation and generation of new therapy and evidences for some of these innovations.
While many may not admit this we have ended up with a society of orthopaedic surgeons being led by lawyers
and the legal systems and not so much by research and new evidence (as we should have).
The President BOA, Mr Ian Winston responded by saying that it is good to have such fellowships where there is
a healthy exchange among orthopaedic surgeons from two countries. By talking and interacting you learn so
much. He agreed with the problem of lawyers and politicians who say things in their interest but how you
respond to them can be strengthened if there is an international body supporting. He did admit that politics,
especially Indian politics is complex. Understandably politicians want to control but as professionals we want to
strike a balance.
Mr Nanu felt that there is a conflict between Protocols and blame culture. A patient prone for litigation will see
money in case he or she sees a violation of protocols. He also highlighted the fact that for various reasons this
group (he meant our group of Senior Fellows) ended up having a one way process for their fellowship with no
opportunity for the fellows to present what they are doing and share their perspectives. All three of us endorsed
these views and all of us strongly feel about the fact that we were not given any opportunity to present anything
other than one to one interaction which of course was very enriching.
The president and the incoming president Mr Nanu promised they will look into the matter and also when they
come for the IOA con will find opportunities to see how things can be done/changed. He also emphasized the
need to protect the patient even as we innovate. Safety is uppermost and so are ethics. We all agreed on that.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Dinner at Mayur attended by Vijay Bhalaik, Anand Arya, Amit, Nikhil Prakash, Vijay Peter, Rakesh Kumar, Badri
Narayan, Radhakant Pandey, Sanjiv Manjure, Prakash Chandra, Bijoyendra Singh, Manish Bhalla, CS Yadav,
Aditya Aggarwal, Mathew Varghese
Mr Ian Winston in his handing over speech at the conference highlighted on the theme of his conference that is
'Quality and Innovation'
Mr Nanu in his inaugural speech highlighted the theme' Taking stock after 100 years where do we think we are
going in the next hundred years'. Indeed a thought provoking theme. Traditionally we surgeons provide a
bespoke professional service taking care of individual patients. This model is being deconstructed and we are
reaching a post professional era. The brightest of our students are hesitant to enter the medical system. I could
not agree more with him. We in India are facing the same situation where the brightest do not wish to be doctors.
We ourselves are not sure what are we training students for. Again I agree with him as our system is training
doctors ill prepared to treat the full spectrum of orthopaedic problems encountered. Though theoretically this
may be what is planned, but practically the professional training is based on institutional and individual biases
and capacity of teachers available. There is no system that encourages a minimum exposure to various
subspecialties essential for India.
We must recognise our weakness in understanding the future visions sufficiently enough to plan for future. Her
lies the challenge and the opportunity. This is the time when we must collaborate not just nationally but
internationally, BOA, IOA, AAOS, JOA, SICOT and so many organisations of surgeons globally. We are going
deeper and deeper into silos of our own creation without having a big picture understanding. There is a need for
a federation of good scientists and professionals from various specialties and associations getting together as
a federation (perhaps?) and have a strategic planning for the future. I would look at other science disciplines
and work to an interdisciplinary research interaction that will benefit patients for example in the field of genetic
engineering, biomaterials, artificial intelligence, robotics, bionics, biomedical engineering, embryologists,
tissue engineering, along with sociologists and science of ethics. The future is indeed possible only with
We must accept what Mr Nanu said at the end of his vision of stocktaking that 'none of us exist in a vacuum'. Yes
indeed, 'no man is an island'. I am indeed grateful for this opportunity to connect with our colleague
professionals in the UK.
On the last day of the conference 22nd September Attended the Good Clinical (Research) Practice and
Statutory Instruments training programme and we were happy to get a certificate after reaching back home.
Acknowledgement: All members of BIOS who worked very hard to make this fellowship meaningful for us. I am
indeed grateful to my colleagues Dr Aditya Aggarwal and Dr CS Yadav for all the good time had together. In fact
I would say the fellowship was so much more fun because of the two of them and the fact that all three of us got
along so well. I have two more friends now. Thank you friends.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue - III
August, 2017 - November, 2017

Section - VIII
Orthopaedic Activity
in Ortho World


Public Interest Litigation on Road Traffic Accidents : A Victory for IOA

Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOA) is one of the largest orthopaedic communities in the world. It is 62 years
since the association was started and we have evolved admirably as a great academic and scientific
organization. We now have to move into the next phase of playing a leadership role in establishing training
curriculums, setting standards of orthopaedic care, forming public opinions and mobilizing Government and
legal support for social issues. One area which is very close to the field of orthopaedics is the need for road
India has the dubious distinction of the following shameful statistics:
1) We have the highest rate of road traffic accidents and also the highest rate of mortality following road
accidents in the world.
2) Every year, more than 185000 people die on the roads (one death every three minutes).
3) For every death, there are more than 50 major injuries which disables the accident victims for life.
4) There are approximately 7 lakh major accident victims and the cost of primary treatment of accident
victims is in excess of Rs.7 lakh crores.
5) 3% of our national GDP is lost in primary treatment of accident injuries.
WHO has remarked “The dream of India to become a super power is evaporating on its roads” as no country
which generates so much death and disability can ever be a super power”.
The solution to this malady is - Education, Enforcement and Engineering, all three of which are the
responsibility of the Government. However, the Government has turned a blind eye to this social malady and
every year, the number of accidents and deaths have only increased.
IOA - PIL on Road Accidents
In the year 2012, during the Presidentship of Dr S Rajasekaran, he had
three Presidential themes, all of which had tremendous impact and
1) Bone and Joint Day declaration
2) Pledge to give programme – 'One surgeon- one free surgery' every
3) Road Safety
As a part of improving road safety, as the president of the Indian Orthopaedic Association, Dr Rajasekaran
moved a PIL on the Union Government of India and other concerned ministries of the Government (Writ
Petition No.295 of 2012 – Dr S Rajasekaran Vs Union of India) praying for enforcement of road safety norms
and urging practical measures to be taken in a time bound and expeditious manner to ensure that loss of lives
on the roads is minimized. There was considerable difficulty in getting the PIL accepted and the hearings
proceeded for the next 18 months. Many difficulties had to be overcome as the Government initially took an
adversarial approach and there were multiple road blocks in the hearing. The PIL was heard by a bench
headed by the then Chief Justice of India Shri P. Sadasivam and Justices Ranjan Gogoi and NV Ramana. In

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

April 2014, a landmark judgement was made favourable to the PIL. The Supreme Court appointed a three
member panel to suggest remedial measures, monitor implementation and to make states accountable for
road safety. The panel was constituted by Supreme Court Justice K S Radhakrishnan, Mr S Sundar, Former
Transport Secretary, Mr Nishi Mittal, former HOD, Traffic Engineering & Safety, New Delhi. The panel did
extensive work and submitted 12 reports to the Supreme Court. However, there was lethargy from the various
State Governments in implementing the recommendations. The Supreme Court directed more action
following which the Government in response prepared a bill for the Amendment of the Motor Vehicles Act 1988.
But enough action on the ground was not seen.
It is heartening that the Supreme Court has issued another judgement on the 30th of November 2017 decrying
the delay and casualness of the Government in this matter. Keeping in mind the very large number of deaths
taking place, the Court also has set a deadline of January end for all states to comply with the directions and to
establish a State Road Safety Council and a lead agency for road safety. The judgement was delivered by
Honourable Justice Madhan B Lokur and is available on the website of IOA.
The trio who made it possible
The force behind the PIL was Dr
Rajasekaran and two public spirited
lawyers of the Supreme Court. Mr
Krishnakumar and Mr Vinodh Khanna,
both senior advocates of Supreme Court
took up this cause to their heart and
voluntarily worked hard and relentlessly
towards the success.They both spent
many valuable hours to ensure that the
enormity of this social problem was
properly and adequately represented to
the Honourable Court. Both of them were
also in constant assistance to the
Supreme Court panel. Although they
appeared on behalf of IOA many times,
they did all their work as compliment to
IOA and service to our nation. It is on the
sweat of such selfless people, society
moves forward. May their tribe increase.
The IOA stands indebted and ever grateful for the yeomen service to the association and the nation.
The future
Legal victory does not always transform into a practical change in our country. Lots more need to be done at the
ground level. This will be a great service to society as 70% of the accident victims are injured for no fault of
theirs. The future Presidents of IOA and our association must take it as a continuing cause and encourage
road safety awareness activities throughout the country.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

List of Honorary Fellow of Indian Orthopaedic Association

Sr. No. Hon. Fellow Name Place state Mobile

1 Hon. Fellow IOA Dr. Late R.J. Katrak Mumbai Maharashtra -
2 IOA-0214 / Hon. Fellow IOA Dr. Late Badri Narain Sinha Lucknow U.P. -
3 Hon. Fellow IOA Dr. Late A.K. Talwalkar Mumbai Maharashtra -
4 Hon. Fellow IOA Dr. Late C. Vyaghreshwarudu 0 0 -
5 IOA-0054 / Hon. Fellow IOA Dr. Late Bishnupada Mukhopadhaya Patna Bihar -
6 IOA-Founder Member / Hon. Fellow IOA Dr. Late Arun Kumar Gupta Kanpur U.P. -
7 Hon. Fellow IOA Dr. Late M. Ranga Reddy Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh -
8 IOA-1520 / Hon. Fellow IOA Dr. Late W.G. G. RamaRao Mumbai Maharashtra -
9 IOA-0010 / Hon. Fellow IOA Dr. Late A.K. Mukherjee Kolkata West Bengal -
10 IOA-0217 / Hon. Fellow IOA Dr. Late Kali Shankar Bose Kolkata West Bengal -
11 IOA-0649 / Hon. Fellow IOA Dr. Late P. Chandra New Delhi Delhi -
12 IOA-0002 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2ooo Dr. Late Kandarpa T. Dholakia Mumbai Maharashtra -
13 IOA-0003 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2ooo Dr. Late Vikram Marwah Nagpur Maharashtra -
14 IOA-1024 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2ooo Dr. Late Arun Kumar Das Kolkata West Bengal -
15 IOA-0515 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2ooo Dr. Late M.K. Goel Lucknow U.P. -
16 Hon. Fellow IOA 2ooo Dr. Srinivasan No information No information -
17 Hon. Fellow IOA 2ooo Dr. Miss Min H. Mehta, MD, FRCS London Britain -
18 IOA-6687 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo3 Dr. Late Shanmugasundaram T.K. Chennai Tamil Nadu -
19 IOA-1084 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo9 Dr. Late Ram Charitra Ram Patna Bihar -
20 IOA-0328 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo9 Dr. Hanumanthaiah V.H. Bangalore Karnataka 9845346769
21 Hon. Fellow IOA 2o11 Dr. Simon P Frostick Liverpool Britain -
22 IOA-0048 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo7 Dr. K.V. Chaubal Mumbai Maharashtra -
23 IOA-0728 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo7 Dr. H.K. Deb Kolkata West Bengal -
24 IOA-0863 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo7 Dr. Late B. Das Bhopal M.P. -
25 IOA-0232 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo7 Dr. Late Udai Shankar Mishra Lucknow U.P. -
26 IOA-0195 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo7 Dr. Prabodh Mukundrai Desai Ahmedabad Gujarat 9898050909
27 IOA-1865 & IOA-6922 Double / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo7 Dr. Soundarapandian S. Chennai Tamil Nadu -
28 IOA-0321 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo8 Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dave Gautam Budh Nagar U.P. 9811952288
29 IOA-4639 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo8 Dr. Sriram K. Chennai Tamil Nadu -
30 IOA-6901 / FM-0163 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo8 Dr. Radha Charan Mohanti Cuttack Odisha -
31 IOA-0083 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo8 Dr. Late Om Prakash Sharma Bhopal M.P. -
32 Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo8 Dr. Late Selvapandian J. (Prof. AJS ) Chennai Tamil Nadu -
33 IOA-0319 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo8 Dr. Dilip Dulabhji Tanna Mumbai Maharashtra 9820053296
34 IOA-0173 / Hon. Fellow IOA Dr. Mriganka Sekhar Ghosh Kolkata West Bengal 9831174098
35 IOA-6905 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo9 Dr. Subramanian A. Madurai Tamil Nadu 9443939763
36 IOA-0029 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo9 Dr. Padamshree Sharad M Hardikar Pune Maharashtra 9822064675
37 IOA-7332 / FM-0177 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2oo9 Dr. Man Mohan Bapna Bharatpur Rajasthan 9414224683
38 IOA-0504 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2o1o Dr. K.D. Singh Imphal Manipur 9436039177
39 IOA-0005 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2o1o Dr. Hardas Singh Sandhu Amritsar Punjab 9814107530
40 IOA-0160 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2o1o Dr. Late Sudhakar Shetty M. Mangalore Karnataka -
41 IOA-0572 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2o11 Dr. Akela Srinivasa Rao Hyderabad A.P. 9440966555
42 IOA-0063 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2o11 Dr. Hari Narain Sinha Patna Bihar 9431662445
43 IOA-0824 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2o12 Dr. Prithipal Singh Maini New Delhi Delhi 9811421000
44 IOA-0008 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2o13 Dr. Kailash Prasad Srivastava Agra U.P. 9997023326
45 IOA-0313 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2o13 Dr. Shantharam Shetty M. Mangalore Karnataka 9343562277
46 IOA-0070 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2o14 Dr. Mohamed Late Sh.Abdul Farooque New Delhi Delhi 9818159708
47 IOA-0079 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2o14 Dr. Mayilvahanan Natarajan Chennai Tamil Nadu 9841070743
48 IOA-0359 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2o14 Dr. Subir Kumar Mukherjee Raipur C.G. 7770836660
49 IOA-0057 / Hon. Fellow IOA 2o14 Dr. Devadoss A. Madurai Tamil Nadu 9894250145
50 IOA-LM00041 / IOA-Hon. Fellow 2o15 Dr. Nandkishore Shamrao Laud Mumbai Maharashtra 9820212838
51 IOA-LM00116 / IOA-Hon. Fellow 2o15 Dr. Rattan Lal Munshi Ram Mittal Patiala Punjab 9417469164
52 IOA-LM00019 / IOA-Hon. Fellow 2o15 Dr. Govindrao Shivram Kulkarni Sangli Maharashtra 9823080068
53 IOA-Hon. Fellow 2o15 Dr. Ulrich Holz Germany Foreign -
54 IOA-LM00166 / IOA-Hon. Fellow 2o16 Dr. Syama Prasad Kali Pada Mandal New Delhi Delhi 9312635885
55 IOA-Hon. Fellow 2o16 Dr. Venu Kavarthapu London United Kingdom +44 7915378764
56 IOA-Hon. Fellow 2o16 Dr. David Choon Siew Kit Kuala Lumpur Malaysia +60193307828

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Second Indian to be the SICOT President

Dr S Rajasekaran is the 25th President of SICOT. Sir Robert Jones was the first President of
SICOT and subsequently this position has been held by many pioneers from all over the
world. It is a matter of pride for all Indian orthopaedic surgeons that we now have Dr S
Rajasekaran, our Past President as the second Indian to hold this prestigious position. The
first Indian to be the SICOT President was none other than Prof K T Dholakia in 1978. After a
gap of 40 years, we have the privilege of having an other Indian in this prestigious position.
SICOT was established in Paris in 1829 by like minded surgeons from Europe and North
America. Initially it was called SICO to indicate an international orthopaedic community.
Three years after its inception, the Society was officially renamed as SICOT to include
trauma. SICOT is now the largest international orthopaedic society with more than 30,000 Dr Rajasekaran with the
corresponding members from 120 countries. SICOT Presidential Jewel

Dr Rajasekaran took over as President from Prof Keith Luk, Hong Kong in Rome in September 2016 and
chaired the 38th SICOT Meeting in Cape Town in November this year. He has been on the international board,
first as Treasurer during the period 2011 to 2014 and then as President Elect during 2015-2016.

Dr Rajasekaran taking over as the President from Dr Keith Luk. Dr Rajasekaran along with the Presidential line
of Past Presidents Dr Maurice Hinsenkamp, Dr Keith Luk and President Elect Dr John Dormans
Dr Rajasekaran was the President of the Annual SICOT meeting recently held in Cape Town from November
26-December 3, 2017. During his presidency, he created the SICOT Research Academy. The idea was to
elevate SICOT from a knowledge provider to a knowledge creator. He introduced three SICOT Research
Awards, one each in the category of Clinical Sciences, Basic Sciences and Young Surgeon award. The
academy also provides two research grants of USD 10,000 each for prospective multicentre research involving
SICOT centres. He carried the passion of road safety and has been instrumental in creating a 'SICOT
Declaration on Road Safety'
Dr Rajasekaran delivering the Presidential Oration during the
Annual Meeting of SICOT in Cape Town and remembering the
words of the Father of our Nation.
Dr Rajasekaran will be the President for SICOT for one more year
and chair the Annual Meeting of SICOT in Montreal next year.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue - III
August, 2017 - November, 2017

Section - IX

IOACON - 2017 @ Indore


2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017
2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017
2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017
2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017
62nd IOACON 2o17 @ Indore: December 26 - 31, 2017
Scientific Program: Gold Medal Awards Session
8.00-8.30 AM FREE PAPER CHAIR PERSON-Arun Rajoria & Shushrat Babulkar
8.00-8.08 AM Diagnostic accuracy and surgical utility of MRI in complicated diabetic foot- Rahul singh,NEW DELHI
8.09-8.17 AM Analysis of outcome of using Syndesmotic Screw in ankle injuries-Nithya Kumar V R,KARUR
8.18-8.26 AM Analysis of Functional outcome of Operative and Conservative management of Intra articuler Calcaneal
8.30-10.00 AM A.A.MEHTA Gold Medal Compitition Paper CHAIR PERSON-Ashok Vaishnvi & Anil Bhat
8.30-8.39 AM Early results and outcomes in simultaneous bilateral total hip arthroplasty- Utkarsh Singh,PUNE
8.39-8.48 AM Arthroscopic Fixation Of Tibial Eminence Avulsion Fractures With Cannulated Screws - A Series of 50 cases.-
Sunny Santosh Gugule,PUNE
8.48-8.57 AM Tibial Condylar Valgus Osteotomy (TCVO) For Correction of Intra-Articular Deformity in Medial Compartment
Osteoarthritis (MCOA): Rationale And Results-PratikHaresh Lakhani,AKOLA
8.57-9.06 AM Alignment Methods in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Prospective Randomised Controlled Trial For
Comparison Of Anatomical and Classical Methods- Mohammad Shahnawaz Khan,INDORE
9.06-9.15 AM The Influence of Medial and Lateral Column Injury on the Clinical outcome of Foot Injuries- Lokesh
9.15-9.24 AM Comparison of a new CT-based classification of AO/OTA C3 type fractures of distal femur with the current AO/OTA
- subgroup classification- Anuj Agrawal,hyderabad
9.24-9.33 AM Arthroscopic Ankle Fusion: A change of the “Gold Standard- Abhishek Radhakrishna Kini,MUMBAI
9.33-9.42 AM Surgical patterns in osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures-Tanay Prabhoo,MUMBAI
9.42-9.51 AM The relationship of the posterior condylar axis and Whiteside’s axis in varus osteoarthritic Indian knees
undergoing primary total knee arthroplasty: a computer navigation based study- Krishna Kiran
9.51-10.00 AM Which is better in labourers? A comparison between Open and Micro Endoscopic Discectomy-Hitesh
8.00-8.30 AM FREE PAPER CHAIR PERSON-Jiten Shukla & Deepak Maravi
8.00-8.08 AM Neglected Bimalleolar fractures - Functional outcome study-Rajeev Shukla,INDORE
8.09-8.17 AM Role of MRI in assessment of associated peroneal tendon pathology in cases of chronic ankle instability-Utkarsha
Pradeep Joshi,PUNE
8.18-8.26 AM Functional evaluation of Early Tendon Transfer for Foot drop- Purushotham Lingaiah,
8.30-10.00 AM P.Tejeshwar RAO Rao Gold Medal session PG Compitition Paper CHAIR PERSON-H.K.T Raza & Vijay
8.30-8.39 AM Treatment of lateral epicondylitis-a comparative study of platelet rich plasma versus corticosteroid injections-
Punitha Vasanthan,Imphal
8.39-8.48 AM Fat Pad Excision in Total Knee Arthroplasty does not affect Functional Outcome or Anterior Knee Pain at 1 year
Follow- N K V Purushothamup,Banglore
8.48-8.57 AM Ankle Arthrodesis in difficult clinical situations by Ilizarov method- Karthik Reddy,Karimnagar
8.57-9.06 AM Evalution of Outcomes of Laterjet Anterion Glenohumeral joint StrenthingProcedure in the management of
recurrent Anterior shoulder Instability- Harsh Tiwari, Indore
9.06-9.15 AM Wide awake hand surgery no tourniquet technique (WALANT) in hand trauma and soft tissue surgeries-
Harjotsingh gurudatta, Mahasamund
9.15-9.24 AM A prospective study on clinical outcome following surgically managed displaced clavicle fractures using pre-
contoured locking plate and screws-AKSHAy M K ,DAVANGERE
9.24-9.33 AM A radiological study of patellar height in Indian population and comparison of various measurement
methodologies-Aditya Soni,INDORE
9.33-9.42 AM I n n o v a t i o n i n O r t h o p a e d i c s : Vi r t u a l s u r g i c a l p l a n n i n g a n d 3 D p r i n t i n g - Tar u n Ve r m a ,
9.42-9.51 AM Minimising Hardware In Intra-Articular Fracture Calcaneus-Manasjyoti Das,DIBRUGATH
9.51-10.00 AM Comparative study of CT guided patient specific jig assisted TKA and Conventional instrumentation TKA-Busshu

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

8.00-9.30 AM PROF.S.S.YADAV Gold Medal Compitition Paper (ONCOLOGY) CHAIR PERSON R.C.Meena & Mandeep Shah
8.00-8.08 AM The challenge in the management of extremity Fibromatosis : Our Experience- Vishnu Ramanujan,CHENNAI
8.09-8.17 AM Single institution experience of bone allograft in musculoskeletal oncology- 127 cases-Utkarsh pal,GWALIOR
8.18-8.26 AM Rotationplasty In Today’s Era: Does It Have A Role?- Mishil Sandeep Parikh,MUMBAI
8.27-8.35 AM Retrospective analysis of surgically operated 50 cases of soft tissue sarcomas-Maninder pal Singh,BEGOWAL
8.36-8.44 AM The “think-swadeshi-think-TB” syndrome- Arnab Sinha,PATNA
8.45-8.53 AM Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for aggressive and recurrent Giant Cell Tumors of bone using Denosumab- Abhishek
8.54-9.02 AM Giant Cell Tumor around Knee Joint treated with Curettage and Cementing: What are the functional outcomes
and MRI findings in long term follow-up?- Abhijeet Salunke,AHEMDABAD
9.03-9.11 AM Limb salvage using liquid nitrogen treated tumour bearing Autograft-Sudhir kumar Garg,CHANDIGARH
9.12-9.20 AM Avoidable complications in limb salvage for malignant bone tumours- Alok c agrawal,RAIPUR
9.21-9.29 AM Treatment strategy of the recurrent giant cell tumors of the bone in the extremities- An overview and prospective
study of 30 patients.-Pankaj Sharma,ROHTAK
9.30-9.45 AM Guest lecture- V.M.Shah,JAMNAGAR CHAIR PERSON-Sameer Gupta & A.K.Singh
Are there too much holes in Plate
9.45-10.00 AM Guest lecture -Parag SanchetiI, PUNE CHAIR PERSON-Sameer Gupta & A.K.Singh
Current Concept in Management of Meniscal tear
8.00-8.30 AM FREE PAPER CHAIR PERSON- Abhay Manchanda & Y.P. Patel
8.00-8.08 AM Giant cell tumor of bone various modalities of treatment and their results- Anil kumar Pandey,BHOPAL
8.09-8.17 AM Fibular Grafting For Oncological Lesions Of Distal Tibia And Fibula-Umesh Batra,BHOPAL
8.18-8.26 AM Paediatric Pelvic Tumors – Functional and Oncological Results of Surgical Resections-Ashish Gulia,MUMBAI
8.30-10.00 AM PROF.R.C RALLAN Gold Medal Compitition Paper (BASIC SCIENCE) CHAIR PERSON- A.Devdass & Subir
8.30-8.39 AM Evaluation of low cost custom made VAC therapy compared with conventional wound dressings in the treatment
of non healing lower limb ulcers in lower socio economic group patients of Kashmir valley- Zameerali
8.39-8.48 AM Platelets a promising innovation in fracture non union of long bones.- RaghavendraShankar
8.48-8.57 AM The study of tibial torsion in osteoarthritis of knee- Nirmal Chandra Mohapatra,CUTTAK
8.57-9.06 AM Identifying the dangerous rotational combinations in Total knee arthroplasty: a CT scan based objective analysis-
Mukul Mohindra,NEW DELHI
9.06-9.15 AM Comparison of interfragmentary compression produced by conical tapered screw and shanked screw in scaphoid
fracture- Karthik Vishwanathan,ANAND
9.15-9.24 AM How early can complete spinal cord injury patients on nonsurgical treatment be mobilised?- Dilip Kumar
9.24-9.33 AM Does Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Minimize Surgical Site Infections?- Arvind G Kulkarni,MUMBAI
9.33-9.42 AM Are we reducing enough??? Surgeon, Staff, And Patient Radiation Exposure in Minimally Invasive
Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Impact Of 3D CBCT-Based Navigation in comparison to Conventional
Fluoroscopy Aided Technique.- Ankit Subhash Patel,MUMBAI
9.42-9.51 AM Fibular graft osteosynthesis in treatment of fracture neck of femur-Saurabh jain,INDORE
9.51-10.00 AM Radiograph outcome using 2 pod pinless navigation (iassist) in total knee arthroplasty- Anil kumar Panda,NEW
8.00-9.30 AM JOY PATANKAR Gold Medal Compitition Paper (PAEDIATRICS) CHAIR PERSON- N.S.Laud & Rajesh Malhotra
8.00-8.08 AM Treatment of neuromuscular and syndromic (non-idiopathic) clubfeet using the Ponseti method.- Rujuta
8.09-8.17 AM Distal Femoral Extension osteotomywith 90 degree pediatric condyler LCP & patella tendon advancement dor
correction of crouch gait in cerebral palsy- kailash sarathy,MUMBAI
8.18-8.26 AM A prospective evaluation of Treatment of Idiopathic Clubfoot by Ponseti method.- Akash Chandrashekar
8.27-8.35 AM DDH in a Walking Child-Abilash Srivatsav,BANGLORE

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

8.36-8.44 AM How much derotation gives good function in congenital radioulnar synostosis?- Jefferson Samuel James
8.45-8.53 AM Results of Pediatric Proximal Femur Locking Compression Plate for proximal femur osteotomy and fracture
fixation-Pushpvardhan Mandlecha,INDORE
8.54-9.02 AM To compare the recurrence rate of idiopathic and atypical clubfoot treated by Ponseti’s method- Nisheet Prakash
9.03-9.11 AM Modified percutaneous technique of dome osteotomy for cubitus varus deformity in Children- Iqbal Singh
9.12-9.20 AM Relapse of deformity after ponseti treatment of club foot- Hardassingh Sandhu,AMIRTSAR
9.21-9.29 AM Treatment of pediatric femoral diaphyseal fractures in children by Flexible Titanium Elastic Nails- BasantKumar
8.00-9.30 AM S.P.MANDAL Gold Medal Compitition Paper CHAIR PERSON- S.Shivshankar & Sanjeev Banerjee
8.00-8.08 AM Tibia Metaphysis Drilling with Fibulotomy for Osteoarthritis Knee- Umesh Prasad Choudhary Suman,KORAPUT
8.09-8.17 AM Ninety- day Morbidity & Mortality in risk screened and optimized patients undergoing Two team fast-track
simultaneous bilateral TKA compared to unilateral TKA- Santhosh Kumar,NEW DELHI
8.18-8.26 AM Does pre-operative etiology play a role in quality of life after revision TKR? A comprehensive analysis using 5
scoring systems- Sahil Anand Sanghavi,PUNE
8.27-8.35 AM Displaced,Comminuted Intracapsular Fracture Neck Femur in Young Adults; Outcome following four screws
fixation- Rajesh Kumar Rajnish,CHANDIGATH
8.36-8.44 AM Innovative implant for selected medial malleolus fractures in first 15 cases- Jawahar Tulsidas Jethwa-
8.45-8.53 AM Evalution of functional outcome of primary Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty of hip in patients of unstable Intertrochantric
fractures- G Krishna Naresh Goud,RAJAMPETH
8.54-9.02 AM Rationality of use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections for treatment of Chronic Plantar Fascitis- A
Randomised Controlled Trial- Biswajit Sahu,CUTTACK
9.03-9.11 AM Surgeon’s Neck Syndrome” - Postural Analysis of Surgeons Neck During Lumbar Spine Surgeries.-Arun Kumar
9.12-9.20 AM Single dose Intravenous Tranexamic acid is not effective in minimising blood loss and blood transfusion
requirement in patients undergoing single stage bilateral total knee arthroplasty- SujitKumar
9.21-9.29 AM Does Segmental Kyphosis Affect Surgical Outcome after a Posterior Decompressive Laminectomy in
Multisegmental Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy?-Akshay Jain,INDORE
8.00-9.30 AM D.P.BAKSHI Gold Medal Compitition Paper (UPPER LIMB) CHAIR PERSON- J.K.Bakliwal & Ramwsh Sen
8.00-8.08 AM Study of Functional outcomes of Kuhlman technique of vascularized muscle pedicle graft based on volar carpal
artery for non union of scaphoid- Venugopal T,BANGLORE
8.09-8.17 AM The Displaced Clavicle Midshaft Fracture:Outcomes after Primary Osteosynthesis by Plating.- Ritabh
8.18-8.26 AM A prospective randomized study to evaluate functional outcome of minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (mipo)
versus conventional plate fixation in diaphyseal humerus fracture- Nameet Panwar,GWALIOR
8.27-8.35 AM Functional Outcome of J-Nail Technique in Fracture of Surgical Neck of Humerus- Mohit Sharma,NEW DELHI
8.36-8.44 AM To study the effectiveness of percutaneous soft tissue release in tennis elbow- Dhaval Peshivadia,MUMBAI
8.45-8.53 AM Role of ligamentotaxis using uniplanar external fixator in unstable comminuted intraarticular fracture of distal end
radius.- Chethan B A,BANGLORE
8.54-9.02 AM Evaluation of results of modified surgical technique of Baksi sloppy hinge elbow Arthroplasty- Anand Kishore
9.03-9.11 AM Does ethnicity affects pectoralis minor index: Estimation of Pectoralis Minor Length in Indian Population and
correlation with hand length.- Amit Sharma,GHAZIABAD
9.12-9.20 AM Analysis of bone resorption after ICBG augmentation and Latarjet procedure in recurrent dislocation shoulder
with glenoid bone loss-ASLAM AHMED,KOLKATA
9.21-9.29 AM A Simple method of managing massive bone loss of forearm in severely mangled injuries, resection following
chronic osteomyelitis and tumours- Agraharam Devendra, COIMBATORE

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017
2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017
2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017
IOACON 2o17 @ Indore: Awards / Orations / Conference Lecture / Eponymous Lectures
Sr. Awards / Orations / Conference Lecture / Eponymous
Name Place No. E mail ID Date During By
No. Lectures
1 Dr. Badri Narain Sinha Meritorious Award Dr Ashok N Johari Mumbai 9.892E+09 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
2 Dr. Badri Narain Sinha Meritorious Award Dr Rajeev R. Naik Bangalore 9.844E+09 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
Special Recognition Award 2o16: Maximum IOACON
3 Dr Surendra Singh Yadav Rewari 9.416E+09 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
attendence 50
Dr. Raja Bhaskara
4 A.A. Mehta Gold Medal of IOACON 2o16 Kochi Coimbatore 9.995E+09 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
Dr. Kandarpa T. Dholakia Gold Medal of IOACON 2o16 Dr Pramod Sudarshan /
5 Bangalore 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
Kochi Dr. Pramod K S
9965537211 /
6 Dr. Durgapada Baksi Gold Medal of IOACON 2o16 Kochi Dr. Terrence Jose Jerome Trichy 7373037211 / 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
7 Dr. R.C. Ralian Gold Medal of IOACON 2o16 Kochi Dr. Sanjay K Chilbule 9.489E+09 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
Dr. Surendra Singh Yadav Gold Medal of IOACON 2o16 Dr. Venkatadass 9944424779 out of /
8 Coimbatore 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
Kochi Krishnamoorthy Service o4.12.2o16
Dr. Syama Prasad Mandal Gold Medal of IOACON 2o16 9809707005 /
9 Dr. Abdul Gafoor P M Kochi 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
Kochi 9447537591
10 Dr. Joy Patankar Gold Medal of IOACON 2o16 Kochi Dr Sakti Prasad Das Cuttack 9.437E+09 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
Dr. Patnala Tejeswar Rao Gold Medal of IOACON 2o16
11 Dr. Abhishek Vaish New Delhi 9.718E+09 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
Dr. Kailash Prasad Srivastava Gold Medal of IOACON
12 Dr. Tarun Verma New Delhi 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
2o16 Kochi
Dr Debadyuti Durgapada
13 Dr SN Baksi Award for Best Paper of IJO- 2o16 Kolkata 9.831E+09 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
14 Best Paper Award in Basic Research of IJO -2016 Dr Devendra Pathrot Rajasthan 9.969E+09 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
Dr Surender Mohan Tuli Best Case Report Award of IJO-
15 Dr Pankaj Jindal Pune 9.822E+09 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
Dr. Arun Kumar Gupta Trophy for Best Chapter Award Dr S. Ramesh Babu Tamil Nadu 9840125909 / /
16 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
2o16 (Large State) Dr M. Antony Vimal Raj TNOA 9566221195
Dr. Hari Ram Jhunjhunwala Trophy for Best Chapter Dr Tanmoy Mohanty 9437299347 / /
17 Odisha OOA 28.12.2o17 Inaugural Function IOA
Award 2o16 (Smalll State) Dr Biswajit Sahu 9437314789

1 IOA - BIOS UK Senior Fellowship (United Kingdom): Dr Methew Varghese New Delhi 9.81E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
2 IOA - BIOS UK Junior Fellowship (United Kingdom): Dr Sudeep Kumar Patna 9.472E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
Dr Hari Ram
3 IOA - AOA Exchange Fellowship (Australia): Mumbai 9.821E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
4 Dr Anil Kumar Joshi Dehradun 9.456E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
5 IOA – HKOA Exchange Ambassadorship (India): 2017 Dr Sanjay Meena New Delhi 9.968E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
IOA – HKOA Exchange Ambassadorship (Hongkong):
6 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
7 IOA - SOA Exchange Ambassadorship (Singapore): 2016 Dr Amit Kumar Agarwal Ghaziabad 9.969E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
8 IOA Indo - Irish Fellowship: 2017 Dr Atul Bhaskar Mumbai 9.822E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
9 IOA - Arthroplasty Fellowship: 2017 Dr Lalit Maini New Delhi 9.969E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
10 IOA - RL Mittal SICOT Fellowship 2o16-17 Dr Kuldeep Malik New Delhi 9.711E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
IOA Travelling Fellowship: 2o16 (Previous Johnson &
11 Dr Nishit Palo Noida 9.658E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
Johnson Fellowship)
12 Dr Shah Waliullah Lucknow 9.336E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

13 Dr Balaji Saibaba Mumbai 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
Noida / New
14 IOA - Robert Roaf Travelling Fellowship: 2o16 Dr Anuj Jain 9.582E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
IOA - JOHARI Medical & Research Foundation (JMRF)
15 Dr Kolla Saketh Hyderabad 9.441E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
Paediatric Fellowship
16 IOA - WOC SICOT Fellowship : 2016-17 Dr Mahamed Sameer Mangalore 9.846E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
Dr Sohael Mohammed
17 Chandrapur 9.422E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
18 Dr Shailendra Singh Lucknow 9.795E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
19 Dr Ankitkumar Desai Surat 8.693E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
20 Dr Gaurav Deshwar Bharatpur 8.791E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
Dr Barada Prasanna
21 Jajpur 9.862E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
Dr Mohammad Nasim
22 Kolkata 9.774E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
23 Dr. Sudhir S. Babhulkar Fellowship: 2016-17 Dr Srikanth K.P. Bangalore 9.632E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
24 Dr. Govindrao S. Kulkarni Fellowship: 2016 -17 Dr Manoharan 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
25 National Orthopaedic Quiz 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
26 Winner Team- Delhi Team Dr Sahil Batra New Delhi 9.9E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
27 Dr Navin Kumar Singh New Delhi 9.873E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
28 Runner Team- Uttar Pradesh Team Dr Abhimanyu Madhual Varanasi 7.705E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
29 Dr Mukund Madhav Ojha Varanasi 9.455E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
Felicitation of Chief Administrative Officer on 22 years Mr. Ramesh Chandra
30 New Delhi 9.812E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
service to IOA Pandey
31 IOA Travelling Fellowship: 2o17 Dr Yasir Salam Siddiqui Aligarh 9.837E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
32 Dr Sanjiv Kumar Lucknow 9.696E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
33 Dr Arun Kumar Sharma Jaipur 7.892E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA
34 IOA - Robert Roaf Travelling Fellowship: 2o17 Dr Deepak Gautam New Delhi 9.014E+09 3o.12.2o17 GBM IOA

1 Kini Memorial Oration Dr Sudhir K Kapoor Delhi 9.959E+09 29.12.2o17 IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
2 Diamond Jubilee Oration Justice R.C. Lahoti 29.12.2o17 IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

3 Golden Jubilee Oration Dr M. Shantharam Shetty Mangalore 9.344E+09 29.12.2o17 IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
4 Silver Jubilee Oration Dr Alaric Aroojis Mumbai 9.821E+09 29.12.2o17 IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
5 President’s lecture Dr Ram Prabhoo Mumbai 9.82E+09 29.12.2o17 IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
Dr. Balu Sankaran Oration on Basic Science & 29.12.2o17 &
6 Dr PS John Kottayam 9.995E+09 IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
Orthopaedic Research 3o.12.2o17
29.12.2o17 &
7 Saibal Sekhar Ghosh Memorial Oration Dr S. Rajasekaran Coimbatore 9.843E+09 IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
29.12.2o17 &
8 Dr. PK Duraiswamy Eponymous Lecture Dr John Mukhopadhyay Patna 7.781E+09 IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
29.12.2o17 &
9 Dr. Amulya Kumar Saha Eponymous Lecture Dr Anand Nanu United Kingdom IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
0044 7971432185 / 29.12.2o17 &
10 Dr. B Mukhopadhaya Eponymous Lecture Dr Gautam Chakraborty United Kingdom IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
9619037656 3o.12.2o17
Kuala Lumpur, 29.12.2o17 &
11 Dr. AK Talwalkar Eponymous Lecture Dr. David Choon Siew Kit +60193307828 IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
Malaysia 3o.12.2o17
29.12.2o17 &
12 Dr. MN Natarajan Eponymous Lecture Dr Ramesh Kumar Sen Chandigarh 9.816E+09 IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
29.12.2o17 &
13 Dr. Karam Singh Grewal Eponymous Lecture Dr Vikas Agashe Mumbai 9.821E+09 IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
29.12.2o17 &
14 Conference Guest Lectures: 1 Dr Badrinath D. Athani New Delhi 9.971E+09 IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
29.12.2o17 &
15 Conference Guest Lectures: 2 Dr T. Stephenson United Kingdom IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
29.12.2o17 &
16 Conference Guest Lectures: 3 Dr Jamal Ashraf Lucknow 9.415E+09 IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
29.12.2o17 &
17 Conference Guest Lectures: 4 Dr S. Rajasekaran Coimbatore 9.843E+09 IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
29.12.2o17 &
18 Conference Guest Lectures: 5 Mr. Alexandra Thomas Bangalore IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate
29.12.2o17 &
19 Conference Guest Lectures: 6 Dr Indrajit Sardar Kolkata 9.831E+09 IOACON- Memento IOA-Certificate

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue - III
August, 2017 - November, 2017

Section - X
Forms / Formats /
Applications / Criteria


2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017
2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017
2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017
Indian Orthopaedic Association: Inland Fellowships:Guidelines & Criteria

IOA Travelling Fellowship

No. of Fellowship – Four (2 from teaching institutions and 2 from non-teaching institutions, The Robert Roaf
fellow is essentially a non teaching fellow)
Period of Fellowship – 4 to 6 weeks
Age – below 40 years
To expose young orthopaedic surgeons to different orthopaedic problems and their solutions in
different situations and facilities.
To expose young surgeons to senior orthopaedic surgeons with a view to interact, gain knowledge of
attitudes and philosophy of work, skills, organization of department and clinics etc.
Establish rapport with orthopaedic surgeons for future interaction and to make lasting friendships along
the way.
No. of Fellowships:
Four including IOA Robert Roaf Fellow
The Fellows will start from the venue of IOACON and visit the four metropolitan cities viz., Mumbai,
Chennai, Kolkata and New Delhi and at least two other smaller centres (decided by rotation) during
their travel.
All applicants should be less than 40 years of age at the time of last date of application.
How Fulfilled?
The fellowship committee selects four young surgeons from applicants<40 years of age by the deadline
of application. Two surgeons for the three J & J fellowships are selected from the teaching stream, one
from the non-teaching stream. The Robert Roaf fellow is essentially a non teaching fellow.
The four fellows travel for a period between 4-6 weeks starting from the Venue of the IOACON. They
visit the four metro cities viz. Mumbai, Chennai, Calcutta and New Delhi and at least two other smaller
centres, decided by rotation, during their travel.
Please Note: Registration, accommodation and local transportation will be provided by the
host of IOACON.
Now a day apex airfare ticket is provided by IOA.
Selection of the candidate is done by the Inland Fellowship Committee of IOA. The points earned by an
applicant are tabulated by the inland fellowship Chairman and passed on to members of the fellowship
committee for final selection.
How to Apply and Time Schedules:
One sets of applications properly compiled as per format given and with the required
Certification should be submitted to the Inland fellowship Chairman by 31st March of the year of
application along with the soft copy by email. The application will be scrutinized and passed on to the

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

fellowship committee for final selection by 30th April and applicants intimated by 30th June of the year of
IOA - Robert Roaf Fellowship:
1. IOA member below the age of 40 years.
2. IOA member not from a teaching institution (University / National Board).
3. Preferably from a rural back ground where there are no medical colleges.
4. Number of fellowship- ONE.
5. Duration - 4 to 6 weeks.
6. Attachment to a teaching institution only.
7. More marks will be given for attending conferences conducted by state chapter/IOA, Papers presented
in state / IOA conferences and publications etc.
8. More marks will be given for the paper presented from non teaching position after he had Completed
9. Will help him to update himself for current development in orthopaedics.
In summary this will be only for practicing orthopaedic surgeons who is predominately from Rural back
ground or not worked in teaching institution after completing post-graduation
IOA –Johnson & Johnson Travelling Fellows & IOA - Robert Roaf Fellow remains together
during the entire fellowship program.
IOA – Dr. S.S. Babhulkar Fellowship
Objective - To expose selected young orthopaedic surgeons to subspecialist
centre in Orthopaedics.
No. of Fellowship – One
Period of Fellowship – 3 to 6 weeks
Funded for Rupees 50,000/- by IOA.
Age – below 40 years
How Fulfilled - The selected applicant indicates the subspecialist/centre
where he wishes to work. The Inland Fellowship Chairman coordinates the
IOA-Dr. G.S. Kulkarni Fellowship
Objective - To expose the selected young Orthopaedic Surgeons to a
Subspecialty Centre in Deformity Correction, Limb Lengthening and
No. of Fellowship – One
Period of Fellowship – 3 to 6 weeks
Funded for Rupees 50,000/- by IOA.
Age – below 40 years
How Fulfilled - The selected applicant indicates the subspecialist centre in
Deformity Correction, Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction where he wishes
to work. The Inland Fellowship Chairman coordinates the arrangement.
IOA - WOC Fellowship
No. of Fellowship – 5 to 10 per year
Period of Fellowship – 3 to 6 weeks
Funded for Rupees 50,000/- by IOA (each candidate)

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Objectives - Five to Ten fellowships available for members of the IOA to sent to centres of excellence
within India to be trained in a sub-speciality of their interest (Trauma, Spine surgery, Arthroscopy,
Paediatric Orthopaedics, Arthroplasty, Oncology and General Orthopaedics).
How Fulfilled - Members of IOA can apply by sending a copy of their CV in the prescribed format clearly
stating their field of interest and their preferred center for training. The actual dates of the fellowship will
be fixed up as per the mutual convenience of the selected fellow and the center of his choice. Fellows
will travel separately to the centers chosen by them.
Accommodation n travel expenses would be the responsibility of the selected fellow.
IOA - JOHARI Medical & Research Foundation (JMRF) Paediatric Fellowship
Objectives - To expose the selected fellows to Paediatric sub specialty in
No. of fellowship - One
Period of Fellowship – 2 to 4 weeks
Funded for Rupees 50,000/- by IOA
Age – below 40 years
Accommodation and travel expenses would be the responsibility of the
selected fellow for this IOA - JMRF Paediatric Fellowship.
Age Criteria for above fellowships are (except IOA- Travelling Fellowship / IOA – Robert Roaf
fellowship) all the applicants should to be less than 40 years of age, at the time of last date for
application. In case if there are no applicants, then persons above 40 years may be considered for the
IOA - Panacea Biotec Research Grant for Basic Research in Orthopaedic Surgery
No. of grant- One grant Rs. 50,000/- would be paid by IOA
IOA-INOR Research Grant for Implant / Instrument Development
No. of grant- One grant
Rs. 50,000/- would be paid by IOA
For a short research project, analysis of which can be completed within a maximum period of 15
One member shall be selected and one kept as standby.
IOA-Dr. Ashok Sengupta Visiting Professorship of IOA
No. of post- One
Rs. 50,000/- would be paid by IOA
Objectives: To avail the services of experienced and eminent Orthopaedic surgeons for upgrading the
standards of Orthopaedic knowledge and care at the host center.
Criteria: The centers desirous of availing a visiting professor must apply to the Inland Fellowship
committee of the IOA. The responsibility of making arrangements for stay and food for the visiting
professor solely rests with the inviting department.
Selection of Center: The centers desirous of availing a visiting professor must apply to the Inland
fellowship Committee of the IOA. The application will state the following:
1. Whether the institution is run by Government/Local Body/trust or is a private institution.
2. Is it a teaching or non- teaching Institution?
3. Number of beds for Orthopaedics and Traumatology.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

4. Department Structure and hierarchy, Number of professors / associate professors / assistant
professors and residents.
5. Specialized work being carried out in the department, if any.
6. Research project being carried out, if any.
7. Desired field of expertise of the visiting professor.
(Fields of expertise available: Arthroplasty/ Arthroscopy/ General Orthopaedics/ Hand &
Microsurgery/ Ilizarov/ Oncology/ Orthopaedic Research/ Paediatric Orthopaedics/Spine
Surgery - Adult or Paediatrics/ Sports Medicine/ Traumatology)
8. Duration of stay desired (one week / 2 weeks)
9. Can you make arrangements for the reception and comfortable stay of a visiting professor?
(The responsibility of making arrangements for lodging and boarding for the visiting professor
solely rests with the inviting department. IOA has no funds to sanction on this account).
10. Suggest three names of visiting professors. (The fellowship committee is not bound by these
suggestions. These are purely recommendatory in nature)
11. Why do you require services of a visiting professor?
Selection of visiting professor:
Those desirous of offering their services as a visiting professor on this scheme need to apply to the
fellowship committee with
1. Detailed curriculum vitae
2. Designation: Professor / Associate professor with more than 5 years experience in this post /
Consultant of more than 10 Years.
3. Field of specialization in Orthopaedics.
4. Duration of stay desired (One week / 2 weeks)
5. Suggest three centers, which you feel, will benefit by your visit.
One set of application by the desirous institute / department and by orthopaedic surgeons willing to offer
their services as visiting professors must be made to send the form to inland fellowship Secretary /
About the Visiting Professor:
The IOA shall select a visiting Professor and the Professor can select the place he wishes to visit for one
or two week.
Teaching Schedule:
1. Clinics (OPD) and ward rounds, Surgery, Lectures and non didactic teaching e.g. Videos,
technique discussion etc.
2. Case presentation.
3. Journal club / presentation by staff / Pre and post operative conferences.
4. Discussion of research projects / publications etc.
5. The visiting professor and the head of department of the institute visited will submit a report to
the Inland Fellowship Committee. This would cover the benefits accruing from such a
programme and suggestions as to how this can be made more effective. The visiting Professor
will send in his report an assessment of the visited department and the HOD of the visited
department will give a feed back on the utility and effectiveness of the visiting professor.

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

How to Apply and Time Schedules
One sets of applications by the desirous institute or department and by Orthopaedic surgeons willing to
offer their services as visiting professors must be made to Hon. Secretary I.O.A along with the soft copy
or email as per schedule announced in Newsletter of I.O.A.
Address for correspondence: Address for correspondence for all Inland Fellowship of IOA:
The Chairman, Inland Fellowship Committee
IOA House, Plot No. 69, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
Behind Batra Hospital, M.B. Road, New Delhi 110062 India
Phone: 011 2996 1434
Email ID:
Last date for Application:
All applications should be received by the Chairman, Inland Fellowship Committee by 31st March of
same year. He shall send a set of application forms to each of the members of the Inland Fellowship
Committee of IOA.
Inland Fellowship Committee of IOA: Inland Fellowship Committee of IOA comprise of:
1. President of IOA
2. Hon. Secretary of IOA
3. President elect of IOA
4. Two Immediate Past Presidents of the IOA
5. Chairman, Inland fellowship Committee.
6. Chairman, Foreign fellowship Committee.
7. Editor of the Indian Journal of Orthopaedics.
The committee members should screen the applications and submit that report by 30th April of same
year. The Inland Fellowship Chairman shall tabulate the result and inform all the Executive Committee
members in subsequent EC Meeting of same year. The approved results shall be announced and
intimated to all applicants through mail or post. For all the Inland Fellowships, the Inland Fellowship
Chairman shall be responsible for arranging the visit of Fellow to various centres. On successful
completion of the Fellowship the Fellows shall have to submit an official report to the Hon. Secretary,
Chairman Inland Fellowship Committee and Editor of I.J.O. The same shall be published in the I. J.O. /
News Letter of IOA.
Obligations of Inland Fellows of IOA
To complete the full tenure of the fellowship responsibly. To follow the guidelines provided by the Inland
Fellowship Secretary and all local fellowship coordinators of the centres visited. To submit a completion
report to the Inland Fellowship Secretary within a month of completion of the fellowship.
Selected members who cannot join the fellowship due to any valid reason should notify at least 1 month
prior to commencement of the fellowship to the Inland Fellowship Chairman so that the member next on
waiting list can avail of same Failure to notify will debar the member for availing any fellowship for three

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

New Criteria & Guidelines for Membership of
Indian Orthopaedic Association
Dear Orthopods,
Please accept our warm greetings on behalf of Indian Orthopaedic Association!
We wish to inform you that during the General Body Meetings IOACON-2014 at Hyderabad and
IOACON-2015 at Jaipur, following decision, regarding the membership of IOA, had been passed
and ratified.
Membership forms should be sent through the state chapter only, no forms should be sent directly
to the IOA office. Please note the following things before sending your application for membership
of IOA.
1) Application for Life Member will be through the State Chapters as it is mandatory
for all to become members of both IOA & State Chapters simultaneously.
2) Membership forms to be collected by State Chapters with two pay order / DD, one
towards the state membership fee and the other for Rs. 5,000/- (Five thousand only) in
favour of “Indian OrthopaedicAssociation” payable at New Delhi.
3) The State Chapters will forward the application form and DD/pay order after due
verification, to IOA House, New Delhi addressed to the Hon. Secretary, IOA, IOA House,
Plot No. 69, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, Behind Batra Hospital, M.B. Road, New
Delhi- 110062. Phone No. 011-29961434, 9811967820
Please also note that the applicant should submit the following documents along with the
application form:
a) Certified copy of the membership of the state chapter, if you are member of the state
b) Certified photocopy of the Ortho PG Degree/Diploma.
c) Certified photocopy of registration of Medical Council of India/state council
regarding of Orthopaedic specialization.
d) Membership form should be proposed and seconded by two Life Members of IOA
Membership form is already available on the IOA website. If you want to clarify anything
about the procedure, you may contact the Hon. Secretary, IOA at +91 94258 63999.
In any communication with the IOA, a copy should be addressed to following emails. / / / /
Thanking you
In service of IOA..

(Dr. Sudhir K. Kapoor) (Dr. Sanjay Jain) (Dr. Ram Prabhoo)

Imm. Past President, I.O.A. Hon. Secretary, I.O.A. President, IOA

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Please submit the form to Hon. Secretary, State Chapter of your State

The Hon. Secretary Please Attach

IOA House. 69, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
Behind Batra Hospital, M.B. Road, New Delhi - 110 062 India Passport Size
Phone: +91 11 29961434, 98119 67820 Photograph Here
E-mail ID: /

Dear Sir
I wish to apply for the Life/Associate Membership of Indian Orthopaedic Association.
(please fill the whole form in BLOCK / CAPITAL LETTERS only)

Name :
Postal Address :

State : Pin Code : Date of Birth :

Other Address :

Email : i) : ii) :
Telephone : Mobile : i) ii) :
PG Qualification : Details include Degree /Diploma / Pass out Year / College / Institution / Place / University etc.
PG Degree / Diploma :

MCI Registration No. : Year :

State / Other Association of IOA Membership :
(No application will be entertained without state chapter membership)
I enclose the payment of Rs. By Demand Draft No.:
Place & Date : Signature :
Proposed by : IOA Membership No. : Signature :
Seconded by : IOA Membership No. : Signature :
The membership for the Life Member is Rs. 5,000/- and Associate Member have to pay Rs. 2,000/- in the first term during the Ortho training
(PG) and Rs. 3,000/- after MS Ortho etc. Qualification to become Life Member of IOA. Please make draft in favour of “INDIAN ORTHOPAEDIC
ASSOCIATION” payable at New Delhi.
(Association Membership Fee for Overseas Applicant which are eligible for only Associate Member is $ 100 One Hundred US Dollar.)
Please Attach :
• Certified Photocopy of Life Membership Certificate of State Chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association.
• Please send the Membership Application Form and Demand Draft at the above mentioned address only.
• Certified Photocopy of the PG Degree / Diploma to be sent along with Application Form.
• Certified Photocopy of Medical Council Registration of Orthopaedic PG Degree / Diploma to be sent along with the Form.
• Certified copy from HOD is must. (This is for ASSOCIATE member only)
Note : Membership is subject to ratification in the subsequent AGM of the IOA. Allotment of membership no. will follow the ratification / Associate members have the right
of attending scientific meeting and social events and engaging in all scientific discussion but shall not attend business meetings and take part in elections.

Membership form will be sent ONLY by respective State Hon. Secretary to IOA Office, New Delhi

2017 | Vol. 62 | Issue III | August, 2017 - November, 2017

Central Organizing

Dr. Ram Prabhoo Dr. M.S. Dhillon Dr. D. K. Taneja Dr. Sanjay Jain Dr. Sudhir K. Kapoor
President, IOA President-Elect, IOA Organizing Chairman, Hon. Secrtary, IOA Imm. Past President, IOA

Dr. H. R. Jhunjhunwala Dr. Rajesh Malhotra Dr. Manish Dhawan Dr. Ish Kumar Dhammi Dr. Jiten Shukla
Imm. Past President, IOA Vice President, IOA Hon. Treasurer, IOA Editor, IJO President, IOA - MP Chapter

Dr. Pramod Neema Dr. Vinay Tantuway Dr. Vinod K. Naneria Dr. Vivek Shrivastava Mr. Ramesh C. Pandey
Organizing Secretary, Organizing Secretary, Scienti c Chairman, Treasurer, Executive Officer,

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