B1 Preliminary Unit 5 Test: Section 1: Vocabulary Section 2: Grammar
B1 Preliminary Unit 5 Test: Section 1: Vocabulary Section 2: Grammar
B1 Preliminary Unit 5 Test: Section 1: Vocabulary Section 2: Grammar
Unit 5 Test
Section 1: Vocabulary Section 2: Grammar
1 Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) that best 2 Complete the second sentence so that it
completes the sentence. means the same as the first. Use no more
1 She bought some red shoes to go ____ than three words.
her new dress. 1 There are more chairs than we need in
A by B to C with D for this classroom
2 There is a lovely ____ outside the There are ____________________ in the
bedroom on the first floor. classroom
A balcony B blanket 2 Walking is almost as quick as travelling
C blind D basement by bus because of the traffic.
3 I never know what clothes to ____ on in There is a lot of traffic so travelling by bus
the mornings. is only ____________________.
A try B put C wear D fit 3 Cinema tickets are very expensive
compared to watching movies online.
4 The central ____ keeps the house very
warm in winter. Watching movies online is
____________________ going to the
A conditioning B chimney
C heating D fan
4 The black jacket is smarter than the
5 I'll try this shirt ____ and see what it looks
green one.
The green jacket is
A over B up C with D on
____________________ than the black
6 We live in a small ____ in the country one.
and it's very old.
5 The dress was so beautiful that she had
A garage B town house to buy it.
C cottage D block
It was ____________________ dress
7 I want to buy some comfortable, brown that she had to buy it.
____ boots for my holiday.
6 She wasn't as friendly as I expected.
A leather B strong
She was ____________________ than I
C large D unusual
8 There is a blue and white ____ on my
7 The weather wasn't hot enough to swim
in the pool.
A blind B curtain
The weather was
C carpet D duvet
____________________ swim in the
9 These boots don't ____ me very well. pool.
A wear B fit C go D try 8 The film was less interesting than I
10 I always ____ my work clothes after they hoped.
dry so they look smart. The film wasn't ____________________
A clean B wear C iron D fit I hoped.
11 When it's hot in summer you can use the
____ in the room to keep cool. …….../8
A blind B duvet
C fan D blanket
12 She's got a black ____ jacket to keep her
warm this winter.
A new B beautiful
C tight D woollen