ProGrad FSD Curriculum PDF

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ProGrad Full Stack Developer Program Details


Why be a grad, when you can be a ProGrad?

Make learners ready-to-deploy Full stack Developers with expertise in in-demand


Program Details

10 Week program with 500+ hours of learning

60+ labs/projects and many more practical exercises

One-on-one course assistance with Teaching Mentors

Job Placement Assistance with Top Firms

Our Methodology

Whole Game Methodology Focus on work readiness

Our program is based on the Whole Game teaching There is an elaborate focus on work readiness right
methodology inspired from the work of David Perkins, a from day 1.

Harvard Professor with a PhD in Artificial intelligence.

Our leaners communicate mostly through Slack, plan

We start by showing our students a complete working their projects using Trello board, work seamlessly with
solution and then deconstruct it by gradually digging GIT and many more such tools used at workplace.
deeper and deeper.

Exposure to Business Context Creative Thinking & Leadership

All our labs/projects are deisgned to inculcate business The students work on at least 4 projects of their own
thinking right from day 1.

choice apart from tonnes of project where they are

guided by us.

This makes them fully aware of how they will have to

collaborate with others to make some small parts of a This helps them cement their understanding about how
larger website and also helps them think expansively on technology is used to solve business problems and also
what is the business problem they are trying to solve.
expands their creative thinking abilities.
ProGrad’s Journey (Overview)

Week 0 SPRINT 0

Basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Portfolio page, NPM clone,

Number guessing game, Chess
game using JS

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 SPRINT 1

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Advanced JavaScript

Project Week

FrontEnd Development
Labs: Pro Calendar, ProGrad Labs: HourGlass, Pla y with Students to choose a game of
Album, ProTeam, Chocolate Weather, ProBot, ProShoppe etc.

their choice & build it using

Dispenser, Brrrgrrr etc.

HTML, CSS and ES6 JavaScript.

Project: ProGrad Premier Leagu e

Project: Super Wars

Learnability UI/UX Design Communication Skills
Adaptability Design Thinking Presentation Skills

Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 SPRINT 2

Mongo D b

Express and Moustache Js

Bac kEnd Development

Node Js

Project Week

Labs: Scrath-Up, Labs: Express ProCine, ProSite,

Labs: Express ProCine, ProSite ,
Students will build a CRUD
ProRecipe, Mail Demon, Do you have passport, ProUAV’s

Do you have passport, ProUAV’s

application using node js, mongo

ProCinema, etc.

db, express and mustache js.

Project: Exercise Tracker Project: Blog Application Project: Salon Application

Creativity Professionalism j c Management

Pro e t
Self Motivation
Time Management Adaptability Communication skills
Problem Solving Skills

Week 8 Week 9 - 10 Week 10 SPRINT 3

Full Stack

Final Capstone Project Week

Final Capstone Project Week

Labs: Weather App, Create a full stack project which Project Management, Testing of
Shopping cart, To do list ,
includes frontend and backend .
application and ntegration.
Single page applications

Project selectio, re uirement
gathering & project scoping.
Project: Pro Premier
League Integrity Business understanding

Learnability Positive Attit de u Fl x l y

e ibi it

Adaptability Work Pressure Quality Assurance

ProGrad Journey Sprint 1 (Front End)

Review criteria

1. Creative usage of HTML, CSS, JS

2. Code quality with a focus on coding ethics

3. Conformance to mandatory requirements

Week Activity Skills

Pre-Work Pre-Work is a module designed to get the learners comfortable with basic concepts of HTML, CSS, and Basics of HTML, CSS, Javascript
JavaScript along with the environment they are going to work on.

Self-guided projects that they would on:

1. Portfolio page showcasing their skills

2. Snapchat clone - recreating the home page of

3. Understanding the chess game & determining the movements of queen using JavaScript

HTML, CSS, Javascript

Week 1 Learn with Labs/Projects - Using HTML, CSS, JS

CSS Selectors, Grids, Flexboxes

Labs: ProCalendar (a simple calendar built using HTML, CSS), ProTeam (lab focused on media queries),
Arrays, Objects, ES6

ProContacts (lab focused on DOM manipulations, Chocolate Dispenser (lab focused on Higher Order
Understanding GIT

Functions, Arrays, Objects in JS), Monopoly (building the logic of two player Monopoly game using JS),
Higher Order Functions

Brrrgrrr (lab focused on DOM manipulation & event handling in JS).

Closures, Async & Callbacks

DOM manipulation, APIs & Axios,

Project: Pro Premier Lab (a game designed using HTML, CSS and JS where we compare multiple teams
CSS transistion & animation
their performance and their trophies).

HTML, CSS, Javascript

Week 2 Advanced - Using HTML, CSS, JS

Theme is game development. Students can choose to conceptualize and build a game of their choice.
Students are encouraged to be creative during the ideation & development stages.

They are also encouraged to explore design using Figma/Sketch and solve katas on CodeWars.

HTML, CSS, Javascript

Week 3 Project Wee k

Theme is game development. Students can choose to conceptualize and build a game of their choice.
Students are encouraged to be creative during the ideation & development stages.

They are also encouraged to explore design using Figma/Sketch and solve katas on CodeWars.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 SP RINT 1

FrontEnd Development
HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Advanced JavaScript

Project Week

Labs: Pro Calendar, ProGrad Labs: HourGlass, Play with Students to choose a game of
Album, ProTeam, Chocolate Weather, ProBot, ProShoppe etc.

their choice & build it using

Dispenser, Brrrgrrr etc.

HTML, CSS and ES6 JavaScript.

Project: ProGrad Premier League

Project: Super Wars


Learnability I X Design
U /U Communication Skills

Adaptability Design Thinking Presentation Skills

ProGrad Journey Sprint 2 (Back End)

Review criteria

1. Usage of Node Js

2. Mongo Db

3. Conformance to mandatory requirements

Week Activity Skills

Week 4 Learn with Labs/Projects - Using Node js

Node Js - Basic to advanced

Labs: Scratch-up (lab focused on Node Js setup), Mail Demon (an application to integrate email to your Control structures, Date Time

application), ProBot (lab focused on building bot in Node Js),ProCinema (An application to create your Regular Expressions

cinema bucket list ). OOPs concepts,

Exception handling

Hooks, Buffers and Streams

Week 5 Learn with Labs/Projects - Using Mongo DB

Labs: CRUD based applications like Blog. Students build a blogging website with modules like login/sign
up, blog post addition, deletion, updation, filter, search and report generation operations.

Week 6 Learn with Labs/Projects - Express and Mustache Js

Node Js, Mongo DB & Mongoose

Labs:ProCine (lab focused on movie database), ProSite(lab focussed on express website), Do you have Document

passport(lab focussed on passport js authentication) .


Advanced queries
Project: Gift Recommendation - Based on user detail, learners are expected create an application that
recommends a gift.

Week 7 Project Wee k

Mongo DB, Node Js and Express

Theme is Business. Students can choose to conceptuali e and build any application of their choice.
Students are encouraged to be creative during the ideation & development stages.

Project Week - Using Oracle Database, JDBC

Week 4 W k
ee can
Students 5 ee
choose to conceptualize W k6 W k
ee of7their choice. They are encouraged to
and build an application SPRINT 2
generate various reports of different forms (ODF, excel, Word) using Database. They are also encouraged Bac nd De e opment
kE v l
Node Js

Mongo Db

Express and Moustache Js

Project ee
W k

to use filters and CRUD operations.

Labs: Scrath-Up, Labs: Express ProCine, ProSite,
Labs: Express ProCine, ProSite,
Students ill build a CRUD

ProRecipe, Mail Demon, Do you have passport, ProUAV’s

Do you have passport, ProUAV’s

application using node js, mongo

ProCinema, etc.

db, express and mustache js.

Project: Exercise Tracker Project: Blog Application Project: Salon Application

Creativity Professionalism Project Management

Self Motivation
Time Management Adaptability Communication skills
Problem Solving Skills
ProGrad Journey Sprint 3 (Full Stack)

Review criteria

1. Appropriate usage of Frontend & Backend technologies

2. Application testing using Selenium

3. Conformance to mandatory requirements

Week Activity Skills

Week 8 Learn with Labs/Projects - Using React

Angular 7

Labs: Weather App , Shopping cart, To do List, Single Page Application Angular directives, components

One way data binding,

Two way data binding, Formatting

data with pipes, Routing

Angualar 7
Week 9 - 10 Project Week - Using Full Stack

Students can choose to conceptualize and build an application of their choice. They are encouraged to
build the application using MERN only.
Glimpse of FrontEnd Lab/Project


Brrrgrrr - A online website that sells burgers. It suggests users to not only
customize their burgers by adding or removing ingredients but also create their own
burger from the ingredients in stock.

Mandatory things:

1. Arrays

2. DOM Manipulation

3. ES6 compatible

4. Higher Order Functions

Glimpse of FrontEnd Lab/Project


Make arrangements to a collected data of Football players across various teams.

Arranagements would help decide players for the upcoming matches.

Mandatory things:

1. Arrays

2. Objects

3. ES6 compatible

4. Functions in JS
Glimpse of BackEnd Lab/Project


GoGoa - An application to budget & plan your next trip to Goa. Be it Hotel, Flight,
Train or Bus - this application will help you calculate & plan your vacation in

Mandatory things:

1. Node JS

2. Hooks, Streams
Glimpse of BackEnd Lab/Project


Blog Application - Build a blog application end to end with modules such as login,
sign up, new post addition deletion updation, search etc.

Mandatory things:

1. CRUD operations

2. File saving using Excel/Word

Glimpse of BackEnd Lab/Project


Blog Application - Build a blog application end to end with modules such as login,
sign up, new post addition deletion updation, search etc.

Mandatory things:

1. CRUD operations

2. File saving using Excel/Word

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