Acept 2: Prediction Module Iup Ugm 2018/2019

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For questions 1-15, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D which best completes each blank
space in the text.
Physical growth among the Quechua Peru is notably slower than among people in the United States,
as is evidence by a number of development characteristics including a …. (1) of adolescence growth
spurt until the early twenties or even later. Such retardation is, naturally, one of the effects on an ….
(2) intake or calories or proteins, but it also provides an excellent example of adaptation. Indeed, it is
estimated that retarded growth, between the ages of fifteen and twenty, saves on the average
Quechua’s caloric intake requirement by 44,000 calories each year. While this may not seem greatly
…. (3) by American standards, such adaptation means that some 100 square yards less cropland needs
to be planted each year every Quechua who remains physically …. (4).

1. A. Deliberate 3. A. Trivial
B. Delay B. Inessential
C. Defect C. Significant
D. Delight D. Considerable

2. A. Insufficient 4. A. Immature
B. Enormous B. Imitation
C. Enough C. Immediacy
D. Inaccessible D. Imbalance

A House of Representatives lawmaker has criticized the government's inaction on aiding the ..... (5) of
victims of sexual crimes, pointing out that the newly signed regulation in lieu of law ( Perppu ) on
sexual violence against children was purely perpetrator oriented.
Rahayu Saraswati, a member of House Commission VIII ..... (6) religious and social affairs, said Perppu
No.1/2016, which amends the 2002 Child Protection Law, had not accommodated sexual crime
victims' right to assistance as they repair the damage caused by the crime.
"We’ve noted that in the Perppu, the state is not there for the victims of sexual crime. This means
[victims] don’t have funding for .... (7) and counseling," Rahayu said. She was speaking before the
House's plenary meeting at the House complex in Senayan, Central Jakarta, on Thursday.
Rahayu reminded her fellow lawmakers .... (8) on the need for the government and the state to be
attentive to the victims, possibly offering help in the form of restitution and compensation.
Law No. 21/2007 on the elimination of human trafficking is currently the only regulation that provides
for restitution to victims.


Contrary to the Perppu, the draft sexual violence bill, which is currently being discussed for possible
inclusion in the 2016 priority national legislation program ( Prolegnas ), is widely .... (9) as victim-
oriented legislation.
President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo signed on Wednesday a regulation in lieu of law ( Perppu ) on sexual
violence against children.
The Perppu stipulates ..... (10) sanctions and additional punishments for sex crimes against children,
with new provisions allowing for chemical castration and the death penalty for pedophiles and child
rapists. ( ebf )

5. A. recovery 8. A. to bring up
B. recreation B. to find out
C. Recrimination C. to get through
D. recruitment D. to speak up

6. A. overstaying 9. A. perceived
B. conducting B. denied
C. overseeing C. perpetrated
D. deactivating D. encouraged

7. A. supporting 10. A. lighter

B. consulting B. harsher
C. aversing C. more severe
D. counting D. more critical

The human heart is divided into four chambers, each of which serves its own function in the cycle of
…..(11) blood. The atria are the thin-walled upper chambers that ….. (12) blood as it flows from the
veins between heartbeats. The ventricles are the thick-walled lower chambers that receive blood from
the atria and …. (13) it into the arteries with each contraction of the heart. The left atrium and ventricle
work separately from those on the right. The role of the chambers on the right side of the heart is to
….. (14) oxygen-depleted blood from the body tissues and send it on to the lungs; the chambers on
the left side of the heart then receive the oxygen-…. (15) blood from the lungs and send it back out
to the body tissues.

11. A. Pumping D. Intend

B. Purchasing
C. Delivering 13. A. Retract
D. Carrying B. Push
C. Pull
12. A. Collate D. Heave
B. Array
C. Gather 14. A. Compile


B. Produce 15. A. Attenuated

C. Forge B. Enriched
D. Receive C. Reduced
D. Enacted


For questions 16-30, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D that best collocates (combines) with
each of the underlined words or phrases in the following sentences
16. He spoke English with a ........ French 21. As a child he was very much an outsider,
accent. never participating .... in the games other
A. Average children played.
B. Careless A. To
C. pronounced B. With
D. Chronic C. In
D. At
17. Could you please give me an ........
account? 22. We had to return home because we had
A. Itemized ..... money.
B. Great A. Run out of
C. Luxury B. Run off
D. Glowing C. Run down
D. Run across
18. The scandal is expected to .... the headline
tomorrow. 23. I am going to .... the meaning in the
A. Keep dictionary
B. Hit A. Look up
C. Perform B. Look after
D. Give C. Look out
D. Look in
19. She insisted ... telling me every single
detail of what they did to her in the 24. We're fighting for the ........ abolition of the
hospital. death penalty.
A. At A. Decisive
B. On B. Outright
C. Of C. Frenetic
D. To D. Chronic

20. We need to find a new site with ........ 25. She is going to .... for her first date with
access to the European motorway him.
network. A. Dress up
A. Ready B. Dress down
B. Outright C. Call on
C. widespread D. Look into
D. pronounced


26. You have to .... your mind before doing B. Latest

something. C. Decisive
A. Make up D. Frenetic
B. Make of
C. Make out 29. When a disaster .... you must be calm and
D. Make over try not to be panic.
A. Attacks
27. We always feel hectic when we are B. Strikes
trapped in a heavy traffic ... C. Hits
A. Congestion D. Beats
B. Clog
C. Halt 30. He enjoyed ... a joined research with his
D. Blockade professor.
A. Making
28. He wasn't particularly good. He was of B. Taking
about ........ ability. C. Conducting
A. Average D. Creating



For questions 1-15, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D which best completes each blank
space in the text.
This month, across the world, people are standing up for a future without fossil fuels. The Break Free
movement envisages a world powered not with the dirty energies of coal and oil, but with ..... (1) –
solar, the wind, geothermal and tidal energy.
Countries around the world, from the US to China, are .... (2) on coal and investing instead in
renewable energy. China’s National Energy Administration has told all but three provinces ...... (3)
approvals for coal-fired power plants – affecting 90 percent of new capacity. There is a ..... (4) shift
happening in the Chinese economy, which means that not only will China’s need for coal imports
continue to fall, it might even become a coal exporter – in direct competition with Indonesia.
India too, once a huge market for Indonesian coal, is cutting coal imports, down by 34 percent in 2015
compared to the previous year. With the Chinese and Indian markets ....... (5), who will be left to buy
Indonesia’s coal?
Coal exports usually subsidized domestic coal prices. Now those exports are disappearing. Most
mining companies are cutting their output, and after years of soaring profits, they are now asking the
government for ...... (6).
...... (7), the renewable energy market is booming. Renewables supplied 90 percent of the world’s new
energy capacity last year, and can compete on cost with coal in most markets. That’s why state
electricity company PLN is switching 8 GW of its capacity to renewables.
The cost of developing renewable energy in Indonesia over the next ten years is Rp 260 trillion (
US$19.1 billion ). It sounds ..... (8). But it’s only one-tenth of what has been spent on subsidies for


fossil fuel-based energy over the last ten years. So a renewable energy future is within Indonesia’s
But instead of targeting this goal, there are plans to build more and more coal-fired power
plants. Some of the same countries that are saying “no” to coal at home are investing in coal-plants
in Indonesia, even selling us their old, unwanted technology.
And no wonder the Chinese and Japanese are queuing up to sign ...... (9) for building coal power in
Indonesia. They get a 30-year power purchase agreement from PLN, backed by the Indonesian
government. Indonesian taxpayers are being locked-in to pay for dirty energy for decades to come.
It’s a double hit for the Indonesian people, who will also have to carry the cost of paying back loans
from multilateral development banks for these coal-fired plants. According to preliminary research
by the Bank Information Center ( BIC ) and Greenpeace, between 2007 and 2015, USD 1.4 billion was
.... (10) in loans for energy projects, nearly all of which had gone to fossil fuels.

1. A. incidental 6. A. handouts
B. degradable B. gratuity
C. renewables C. bequests
D. extensive D. alms

2. A. turning their back 7. A. Moreover

B. coming along with B. Despite
C. drawing up C. Otherwise
D. talking over D. Meanwhile

3. A. to arrest 8. A. endurable
B. to suspend B. excessive
C. to revere C. exaggerative
D. to suspect D. enforceable

4. A. trivial 9. A. deals
B. marginal B. declamations
C. fundamental C. declarations
D. advanced D. trades

5. A. boosting 10. A. rejected

B. deflating B. declined
C. shrinking C. approved
D. compressing D. postponed

Fish rubbings and nature printings have been developing as art forms in North America over the past
40 years, although the techniques may date as far back as the time of early cave …. (11). To make a
fish print, one should choose a very fresh fish with large rough scales and a flat body. Other needed
materials are several brushes, including a fine brush for painting the eyes on the print, a thick


waterbased ink, newspaper, modeling clay for supporting the fins, straight fins, and cloth or …. (12)
paper such as newsprint. Hand-made paper is best, but it is more expensive and not …. (13) for
beginners. The fish should be washed, dried, and … (14) on the newspaper. A thin layer of ink should
be brushed on in both directions. The paper is then placed over the fish and pressed carefully with the
fingers, avoiding …. (15) or movement of the paper.

11. A. Islander C. Espoused

B. Dwellers D. Sustained
C. Villagers
D. Residents 14. A. Lay out
B. Equipped with
12. A. Reflective C. Laid out
B. Granulated D. Calibrated with
C. Impervious
D. Absorbent 15. A. Wrecks
B. Writs
13. A. Recommended C. Wrinkles
B. Crusaded D. Wraps


For questions 16-30, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D that best collocates (combines) with
each of the underlined words or phrases in the following sentences
16. We need to make sure that there is enough 19. He invited me around to see his ........
........ accommodation to house all the acquisition, a new BMW.
delegates. A. Casual
A. Careless B. Latest
B. Dreadful C. Crowning
C. Luxury D. Grudging
D. Wholehearted
20. There always a lot of ........ activity going on
17. He was able to predict what was going to but nothing much seems to get done!
happen with ........ accuracy. A. Careless
A. Itemized B. Latest
B. Uncanny C. Frenetic
C. Careless D. Grudging
D. Glowing
21. It can be useful to invite a neutral country
18. I did all the groundwork on this project but to help .... a peace agreement.
he only gave me a ........ acknowledgement A. discuss
in his report. B. extend
A. Itemized C. negotiate
B. Uncanny D. develop
C. Crowning
D. Grudging


22. We don’t have .... evidence that they had C. On

used hard drugs. D. For
A. hard
B. complete 27. In designing this machine tool we must be
C. direct sure to .... into account all the design
D. progress criteria.
A. Drag
23. Dont be afraid to ... a case if you think that B. Take
you have adequate evidence for that. C. Make
A. Bring D. Bring
B. file
C. make report 28. Many people find articles about the
D. apply private lives of film stars .... reading.
A. Serious
24. The hostages had been confined for so B. Compulsive
long that they couldn’t cope .... the outside C. Forceful
world. D. Obligatory
A. in
B. to 29. The students gave their feedback on the
C. with arguments ..... by their teacher.
D. about A. Given
B. Raised
25. Roger is .... opposed to anything bad for C. Made
health. He doesn’t eat junk food at all. D. Stated
A. strongly
B. totally 30. It now seems impossible that Harold
C. barely Graves can receive a .... trial, given the
D. forcefully media publicity surrounding his case.
A. Fair
26. I knew I can rely .... them to get the job B. Clear
done. C. True
A. In D. Final
B. With


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