Laos Final Basic Design ToR 2018
Laos Final Basic Design ToR 2018
Laos Final Basic Design ToR 2018
1.1. Basic
Design ToR
Basic Design TOR
1. Introduction
1.1. Objective of the Basic Design
Basic Design (BD) for the hydropower project shall be conducted by all Project Developer/Project Company
including State owned Enterprises in accordance with this TOR to make the hydropower project sustainable
and environmental-friendly. Following the approval of BD, the project Developer / Project Company shall
proceed to Detail Design, approval of which will not be required from MEM or PDEM. The Project Developer/
Project Company shall submit to MEM, BD together with drawings for its approval. MEM shall inspect and
approve BD from technical point of view. The obligations related to BD in TOR of PFS and FFS shall also be read
in conjunction with this TOR.
During PDA stage, the DEM/PDEM/DDEM shall have right of access to the project site when needed, in order
to inspect the progress of field investigations such as drilling, adit excavation, in-situ tests and river water level
Before the Project Developer/ Project Company commences the BD, follow-up discussions with responsible
organizations such as DEM/PDEM/DDEM and other key agencies will be carried out along with a field visit to
facilitate clear understanding of the project site and potential technical issues.
All expenses of the field visits of responsible GOL agencies and their representatives and other key agencies shall
be borne by the Project Developer/Project Company.
Basic Design TOR
BD shall not be changed after its approval from DEM or PDEM. If any change of BD occurs due to any
circumstances after the approval by DEM or PDEM, the Project Developer/Project Company shall submit to DEM
or PDEM necessary documents explaining changes of BD and to seek approval.
ii. In case the Project Developer/Project Company subcontracts all or parts of BD to consultant firm(s), he
shall attach profiles and experience of the consultant firm on hydropower projects as well as curriculum vitae of
specialists/engineers to be involved in BD.
iii. Existing data and information collected relevant to the hydropower project
v. In case there is any change in methodology and scope of field investigations on topography, geology,
meteorology and hydrology as well as in-situ tests and laboratory tests due to any circumstances after the
approval at PFS stage by DEM or PDEM, the Project Developer/ Project Company shall submit updated
methodology and scope of field investigations to DEM or PDEM with necessary explanation for changes
for its review.
The contents of Design Criteria Report are described in 2.2 “Design Criteria” of this TOR.
Basic Design TOR
comments on the draft BD report to the Project Developer/Project Company within sixty (60) calendar days after
receiving the draft Report.
Final BD report shall be submitted within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving the written comments from the
responsible agency along with compliance statement and shall be approved by the DEM/PDEM within thirty (30)
calendar days of receipt.
Basic Design TOR
2. Scope of work
This section outlines the scope of BD for the hydropower project to be conducted by the Project
Developer / Project Company. For the hydropower project with the dam located in the Mekong
mainstream river in the Lower Mekong Basin, in addition to the LEPTS, and associated Guidelines,
BD shall also be in compliance with the document "Preliminary Design Guidance for proposed
mainstream dams in the Lower Mekong Basin (Mekong River Committee, 2009 August)", in order
to prevent any social and environmental impacts or other potential risks in the four MRC member
countries. The impacts and risks are particularly with respect to navigation, fisheries, sediment
transport and river morphology, water quality and aquatic ecology, and safety of dams.
Design criteria to be applied in designing the power facilities shall be clearly referred to corresponding article
number of LEPTS. When the Project Developer/Project Company proposes other design criteria, he shall verify
those criteria to fulfill fundamental requirements set forth in Sections 2-2 and 3-2 of LEPTS and also attach
sources of reference literature to Design Criteria Report. Copies of such other design criteria referenced shall be
provided in English/ Lao language viz. the language used for the Design Criteria Report
Dam’s risk and hazard classification and required safety standards- this will provide for the required
level of studies
Basic Design TOR
Details of project datum and survey – this will provide a brief summary of the project datum that
should be adopted for the design of the project, and the survey data to be used.
Details of geological / geotechnical data- this will summarize the geological and geotechnical
investigations that have been undertaken for the project, and indicate key geological features and
brief outcome of investigations. Physical and mechanical properties of rocks and soils are to be
gathered and presented, which shall be used as design data.
Details of construction material- The summarized information on construction material such as
source and properties to be provided based on survey and laboratory testing carried out for the
respective project. In case of bought outs, origins or resourcing of construction materials, machineries
and equipment shall be clearly described from which countries those will be procured. The Mill test
methods and reports of construction material shall be attached with this report.
Details of hydrology - summary information on the project site climate, rainfall, stream flow, flood
frequency, any rating curves, sedimentation, etc. This section should only summarize the key input
data to be adopted for the design.
Details of Seismicity- summary of any seismic hazard assessment studies that have been
undertaken and details of key seismic design data, e.g. peak ground accelerations for various return
periods, any response spectrum, and any earthquake time-history data.
Combinations of loads acting on dam, intake, headrace canal/tunnel, surge tank, penstock anchor
blocks, powerhouse etc.
Hydraulic and structural formulae, methods of analysis, computer software’s and design
methodologies to be employed and Hydraulic model testing details.
Design loads and their combination acting on gates such as weight of the gate, hydrostatic pressure,
silt pressure, wave pressure, buoyancy, gate operating force, hydrodynamic pressure, wind load,
effects of temperature change, change in hydraulic pressure by flowing water, load increase due to
Structural formulae, method of analysis, computer software’s and design methodologies to be
Service conditions including air temperature, cooling water temperature, earthquake, wind
velocity, altitude
Basic Design TOR
Type of turbine, generator, transformer, bus ducts, switchgear, control equipment, EOT crane,
MIV, Electrical & Mechanical auxiliaries etc.
Type of grounding systems proposed at all project components such as intake, dam, settling basin,
forebay, powerhouse, switchyard etc.
general / regional geology of the project showing major faults and identifying any other potentially
hazardous features requiring special consideration
Surface geological mapping covering each project components that indicate any geological features such
as lithological boundary, rock attitudes, fold, fault, shears,
report on any underground mine workings in the vicinity of the dam or reservoir and any provisions
considered necessary to accommodate these workings
records of foundation exploration holes, pits, excavations and other sub-surface investigations
o nature and depth of material on which the dam, spillway, outlets and other appurtenant works
Basic Design TOR
For embankment dam: earth fill, filter materials, impervious materials, transition materials and rock
o approximate locations of the borrow areas and quarries and estimated volumes of reserves of
each material
o numbers of exploration holes, pits and excavations in each proposed borrow area and quarry
o summary of results of laboratory tests for determining the engineering properties of each type of
material, and results of geological examinations and tests on rock materials, indicating the
number of test samples and extreme as well as average values.
For concrete aggregates, if not obtained from sources of materials previously described:
o approximate locations of proposed sources and estimated volumes of reserves of aggregates
(Coarse and fine)
o number of exploration holes, pits and excavations in each proposed source
o summary of results of laboratory tests for determining the engineering properties of each type of
material, and results of geological examination and tests on rock materials, indicating the
number of test samples and extreme as well as average values.
Summary of stream flow, low flow, firm yield assessment, environmental flow, flood flow or rainfall
records on which the hydrological analyses are based.
Summaries, as applicable, of hydrological analyses leading to the determination of flood freq uency/
probable maximum flood along with respective hydrographs to determine
o design flood during construction for river diversion work.
o design flood for spillway design flood, check flood to confirm the dam structural stability.
o design flood at powerhouse in respect flood protection.
Summary of the investigation and analysis of sediments carried out at PFS/FFS to assess the
estimation of sediment yield to the reservoir, predicted reservoir design life and proposed
management activity to ensure sustainability.
This section shall cover the following for each of the civil project component (dam, spillway, intake, outlet
works, forebay, headrace tunnel/ channel, penstock, powerhouse, tail race etc.):
Analysis of seepage control provisions to be incorporated into the design of the dam and dam
Based on geological features and testing results, foundation treatment plan to be adopted such as
treatment of week geological features, consolidation grouting to strengthen the foundation, curtain
grouting to control seepage & pore water pressure
Rock Mass Rating (RMR) / Q – Value (Rock class) and soil classification, estimation of excavation
and support classes to be mentioned
Structural calculation of waterways including intake, sediment stilling basin, headrace tunnel
lining/channel , head-tank or surge-tank lining , penstock and tailrace
Basic Design TOR
The technical data and specifications of electro-mechanical equipment will be supported by the following
supporting calculations which will form part of Volume: III and will be supported by drawings which will form
part of Volume-II.
Calculation on 3-phase short circuit for generator, main transformer, circuit breaker and condenser
operation machine of the power station
Calculation on 3-phase short circuit for main transformer, circuit breaker and phase modifying
machine of the switchyard
The technical data and specifications of electro-mechanical equipment will be supported by drawings which
will form part of Volume-II.
Required size / number and details of outlet facilities for environmental in-flow release and emergency
drawdown shall also be provided.
Basic Design TOR
Depending upon the complexity of structures, physical model study may be required
Environmental safeguard measures plan during construction, operation and maintenance stages as
per ESIA report.
Resettlement and rehabilitation plan and its implementation schedule as per ESIA report.
Technical reports explaining specifications and capacities of permanent and temporary facilities
such as river diversion works, access roads, bridges, camps, concrete plant, aggregate plant, waste-
water treatment plant, temporary power supply to construction sites, health care facilities etc.
Design of temporary river diversion arrangement considering the cofferdam sizes, its design based
on return period flood values, etc. along with seasonal flood conditions Instrumentation
This section shall cover the details of instrumentation to be installed along with the following details:
Layout and description of embedded instruments and other devices planned to be installed to
observe the behavior of the works including, as applicable, pore water pressures and uplift, leakage/
seepage, embankment settlements, foundation deformations, alignment, deflections, stresses,
strains, temperatures, contraction joint openings, seismic and mechanical vibratio ns.
Pore water pressure and uplift values assumed for the design of the associated structures at
instrument locations
Basic Design TOR
Basic Design TOR
Annexure I
This annexure provides a suggestion on the composition of BD reports and table of contents for BD reports;
however, details would be adjusted in line with the type and nature of the project and agreement with DEM or
Composition of Reports:
Volume I: Main Report
Volume II: Drawings
Volume III: Appendices
1. Project Overview
1.1. Introduction to the project
1.2. Project Background
1.3. Key Project Component
2. Project Investigations
2.1. Topographical Survey
2.2. Geological and Geotechnical Investigations – interpretation and selection of engineering
2.3. Construction Material survey and testing
2.4. Hydrological Study
2.5. Seismic Study
3.2. Component 2
3.2.1. Purpose of the component
3.2.2. Description of the project component
3.2.3. Design standards and philosophy used
Basic Design TOR
4. Electro-mechanical Equipment
4.1. Equipment
4.1.1. Purpose
4.1.2. Description
4.1.3. Design standards and philosophy used
4.1.4. Design loads and combination
4.1.5. Functional performance requirements
4.1.6. Material properties
4.1.7. Design actions
5. Hydro-mechanical Equipment
5.1. Equipment
5.1.1. Purpose
5.1.2. Description
5.1.3. Design standards and philosophy used
5.1.4. Design loads and combination
5.1.5. Functional performance requirements
5.1.6. Material properties
5.1.7. Technical data and specifications
6. Transmission Line
6.1. Equipment
6.1.1. Purpose
6.1.2. Description
6.1.3. Design standards and philosophy used
6.1.4. Design loads and combination
6.1.5. Functional performance requirements
6.1.6. Material properties
6.1.7. Technical data and specifications
The FFS drawings will be suitably updated at the Basic Design stage. A suggestion on the tentative drawings
to be submitted is as below:
1. General
Location Map
General Layout Plan of the Project
2. Temporary and permanent facilities
River diversion arrangement plan and sections
General layout plan of temporary facilities including camps, concrete plant, turbid water treatment
plant, steel processing yard, parking lots for construction equipment, warehouses, and other facilities
viz. disposal areas, borrow areas and quarries and access roads etc.
3. Hydrology
Catchment Area Map
4. Geology
Geological Map of Project Area
Geological Investigation plan
Geological Plan of Borrow / Quarry Area showing investigations
Geological plan and cross-sections of all main components showing project structures
Slope stabilization support details
Geological Section of Tunnel showing natural surface level and tunnel alignment
Rock support details based on rock classification in the tunnel section
5. Civil engineering facilities
General plan of dam, auxiliary dam, intake dam/weir
Upstream and downstream view of dam, auxiliary dam, intake dam/weir
Typical sections of dam, auxiliary dam, intake dam/weir
Foundation treatment plan of dam
Plan and profiles of spillway section and stilling basin/energy dissipater
Plan and profiles of power intake
Plan and profiles of sediment settling (desilting) basin
Plan and profiles of headrace tunnel or headrace channel
PwC 15
Basic Design TOR
e) Design Analysis
g) Cost Estimate
Basic Design TOR