Adama Town Water Supply Project
Adama Town Water Supply Project
Adama Town Water Supply Project
This final year project paper is actually carried out by our entire group member and wherever
possible we used any information part of any material in course of study (work); we have
professionally refined to the actual source of the material as required by the ethical code of the
1. ABDILAZIZ NASIR..........................................................RET/879/02
2. ABEBE DINKA….............................................................RET/544/02
3. ABRHAME GIZAWE…....................................................RET/264/01
4. ADANE H/MARIAM.........................................................RET/834/02
5. ADINOW GARKABO........................................................RET/325/01
6. ADDISU ABEBE..................................................................RET/1166/02
7. ALEMSHET TAFFESE…..................................................RET/647/02
8. AMIN HAMID.....................................................................RET/422/01
And have duly and partially fulfilled the requirement of B.SC in Water Supply and
Environmental Engineering
Date…………………….. Date……………………..
1. Sign………………. Date………………
2. Sign………………. Date………………
June, 2014/AMU.
This project paper is dedicated to our parents and for water supply and environmental
engineering department students.
We would be failing in our duty if we did not pay our thanks to those who have helped and
encouraged us in writing such an interesting project.
We first and foremost gratitude to our god, for his unlimited assistance and passed every
challenge in all our study time.
In addition, we would like to express our sincere and special thanks gratitude to our advisors
SEBLE.K (M.Sc) and FITSUM.G/H (B.Sc), For giving us their precious advice at all stage of
our project being very friendly, their certainly to give the necessary data and information, and for
reading the whole paper at all the stages at the expense of their invaluable time; giving their
sincere guidance, comment and comments and constructive criticism.
Lastly we would like also to address our deepest thanks to our family, friends’ department staffs
and all who supported us in various ways during the execution this project.
WARDO -----------------------------woreda agricultural and rural development
MOA ministry of
PA peasant association
HH house hold
NGO-----------------------------------nongovernmental organization
Adama town is located in East shewa zone of oromia Region. The town is accessible from
Finfinne to Adama through modern asphalt road of 99km and rail road, Its Topography varies
from ground elevations of 1,595masl to 1,800masl. The Design report of this particular project is
the formation of additional water supply system for Adama town. The system has been designed
in such a way that it can satisfy the total water requirement and provide the town with safe water
for the next 25 years.
In data analysis part population forecasting is done by three methods like geometric method,
Arithmetic and exponential, by considering minimum error from thus method the selected one
was geometric method and at the end of design period population become 951770. After this
water demand assessment was calculated for different type water demand like domestic demand,
Non domestic demand, unaccounted water demand and Animal water demand. After assessing
the water demand, the next step in designing a water supply system is the process of choosing the
most suitable water source, since ground water was selected. Accordingly, a total of around 25
boreholes shall be drilled to meet the demands required up to end of phase II. The design of each
borehole is a Telescope type having a total depth of 350m depth of which 180m and 170m are
intended for pump and riser champers respectively. Each borehole is estimated to yield 50 l/s.
and water from bore hole pumped by using submersible pump to collector reservoir. Then the
capacity reservoir also determined by drawing mass curve of water consumption rates and supply
The Transmission main transports water from the collector reservoirs located at Biyo hill of
ground elevation of 1900masl to the Transfer Reservoir located west of Adama town at ground
elevation of 1800masl by flow of gravity and The distribution network should have a capacity to
distribute the peak hour water demands of customers with maintaining a minimum pressure of 10
to 15m. However, in exceptional cases, depending on the topography of the area, lower pressure
levels may be permitted, but not less than 7.5 m
Finally Environmental impact assessment, cost estimation, conclusion and recommendation are
briefly discussed under chapter five to seven respectively.
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...............................................................................................................................vii
LIST OF TABLE.............................................................................................................................................xii
LIST OF FIGURE...........................................................................................................................................xv
1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Socio-Economy............................................................................................................................4
3 POPULATION FORECASTING................................................................................................................8
4 DEMAND ASSESSMENT......................................................................................................................12
4.1 Water Demand..........................................................................................................................12
4.1.1 Types of water Demand.....................................................................................................12
5 WATER SOURCES...............................................................................................................................19
6 PUMPS...............................................................................................................................................24
7 SERVICE RESERVOIRS.........................................................................................................................32
7.2 Purpose of reservoir..................................................................................................................32
7.3 Capacity and Location of Distribution Reservoirs......................................................................33
8 WATER QUALITY................................................................................................................................69
8.1.1 General..............................................................................................................................69
11.1 General......................................................................................................................................80
11.2 Description of the Potential.......................................................................................................80
12 COST ESTIMATION.........................................................................................................................84
Table 1 Existing Average Production and distribution from Awash River for Adama Town-----5
Table 36 Summary of ADTW3 borehole parameters (WWDSE, 2008 well drilling report) 70
Table 50 Table the analytical calculation of storage capacity for phase I----------------------------93
Table 51 Table the analytical calculation of storage capacity for phase II---------------------------95
Figure 1 Location Map of Adama Town (From feasibility study)...................................................2
Figure 2 Topographic View of the Town (From Google Earth Map of Adama).............................3
Adama water supply 20
Water is one of the necessities for human being and for living things. Water means nothing but
just life as it constitutes as the major parts of care of cell. Even though water is critical
necessities for life, it has an adverse effect to life, unless and otherwise properly handled.
Ethiopia is well known for its enrolment potential all of which is generated in its own tertiary
and it is still known the water tower in Africa. However, most of towns of Ethiopia have problem
of adequate and potable supply of water .Our water resource potential quantities must be
thoroughly studied and all possible techniques should be applied for safe water supply for our
people living both in urban and rural areas.
This project report presents the design of water supply of Adama town. The project constituents
are population forecasting, demand assessment, resource identification, design of reservoir,
design of water treatment plant, design of distribution network of the project. The water supply
history of Adama town begins in early 1994 EC& transferred to the newly established WSSA,
under the military government, in1975EC thereafter, the supply system was in action by WSSA
until it was run again by the new federal democratic government taking power from Guinbot
1983EC. As to the administrative changes of the system, it was decided that improvement works
must be given to future water supply system where river Awash is selected to be the new source
due to that the boreholes contain over range concentration of fluoride salt which has seriously
discolored teeth of the new borne (Semero, Abdella, & Kelbessa, 2004 EC).
Topography of Adama town varies from ground elevations of 1,595masl to 1,800masl. The
southern central part of the town constitutes the lowest areas with ground elevation ranges from
1595masl to 1740masl. Areas with higher altitudes are found from the central to the northern and
on the southern verges of the town. The altitude of these areas vary from 1740masl to 1800masl
(source from feasibility study).
Figure 2 Topographic View of the Town (From Google Earth Map of Adama)
According to the metrological data obtained from the National Metrological Service Agency, the
average mean annual rainfall Adama for the years 1995-1998 is 822.5 mm. The wettest months
are July and August. The average amount of rainfall in July is 230 mm and in August 200 mm.
The proportion of the precipitation in these two months is about 55% of the annual total (source
from design report).
1.3 Socio-Economy
Adama Town Population growth has been progressively increasing from time to time. The total
population estimate of the towns at present is around 337,542 and expected to reach 951,770by
year 2039. Moreover, pre-urban dwellers around the four corners of the town have been merged
to Adama town since it has been already restructured and established by the Regional
Government to higher level of special zonal administration. University, colleges and other lower
educational institutes have been flourished There are around 189 Educational Institutions.
Adama University alone among accommodates about 19,000 students. The number of health
service institutions has been increasing over the past years. A total 105 Public and Private Health
Institutions have been established so far. The city site between the base an escarpment to the
west Rift valley to the east having the total population of 299,621 According to Ethiopia central
statically Agency (ECSA) & it has total area of 29,865km 2.the population density of the town is
about 7,374.82& it also has different ethnic groups (From feasibility study).
Industrial activities have been increased. Around 542 industrial establishments are found in the
town. Around 685 ha of the land or 15% of the Master Plan have been reserved for industries
(from feasibility study). In general the town has all infrastructures such as modern
communication network, Road Network, Electric power supply, Fuel supply and Water supply
systems. It has also the latest and unique television broadcasting station, “TV Oromia”, which is
the second in the country. Quite a lot of residential building put in place. There were 59,431
housing units in the city, according to population census of year 2007 (CSA, 2007).
Currently, the quantity of raw water source being used from Awash River is around 285 l/s
(24,624m3/d) where as the required will be 415 l/s (35,856 m3/d). This amount covers only
around 70% of the water demand requirements and will be decline to 60% by end of 2014.
Moreover, there is no alternative water source for emergency case; if once water supply system
fails from Awash River; water supply becoming worst in the town due to lack of emergency
water supply source.
The existing distribution system covers around 50% or 2575 ha of the Master Plan area of the
Town. It has also limited to the central lowlands of Adama town, it should be expanded to the
highland areas to solve the current water shortage of the residents. Consequently, this project is
designed to solve the water problems of the Adama town.
Table 1 Existing Average Production and distribution from Awash River for Adama Town
Year unit 2011 2012
production l/s 285 330
distribution % 85% 89%
Quantity of water l/s 245 250
problem. To solve this problem there should be an additional water source adopted like ground
To have appropriate design of water supply system for the selected source and related
All data used to in this project are secondary type. That is to say no data collected by direct
contact with the local people of the target area. All data are collected from the Feasibility study
of Adama town and logical discussion with advisor.
Analytic tools
All necessary standard equations and empirical formulas including that we have learned
in water supply course are used in their respective areas of analysis.
By using internet service like: - Google earth for the distribution system and global
Mapper for conversion of data.
Using different software such as: - Epanet, water cad, excel, Microsoft word and etc.
3.1 Factors that to be considered during fixing Design periods
In order to design the parts of water system, the flow at the end of design period must be
estimated. Conservation, that is, over estimation or under estimation of the design flow must be
avoided. The different elements of the treatment & distribution systems may approximately be
designed for different flow criteria as shown in the table.2 below. Therefore the number of years
for which the design of the water works has been done is called design period. The design
period, however, should neither too long or too short. Mostly water supply schemes have design
period of 20-30years (Source-Urban Water Supply Design Criteria by Ministry of Water Resources).
The factors which will keep in view while fixing the design period are:
Funds available for the completion of the project .If more funds are available design
period may be more and vice versa.
Life of the pipe and other structural materials used in the water supply Scheme.
Design period in no case should have more life time than the Components and
materials life time used in the scheme.
As far as possible the design period should be nearly equal to the life time of
Rate of interest on the loans taken to complete the project. If the rate of Interest is
less; it will be good to keep design period more. But if the interest rate is very high
the design period should be small.
Finally, by considering the above factors & the condition of Adama town adopted the design
period of 25 year.
After fixing design period, the next step is to determine the population of Adama town for the
coming years (i.e. 2014 - 2039). To satisfy future demand of the people the forecasted number of
population is very necessary.
f) Connection of the town with some very important and large cities
The methods are: - arithmetic increase method, geometric increase method, incremental increase
method, decrease rate method, simple graphical method, logistic curve method, exponential
method and CSA
From the above mention methods use three methods for population forecasting those are:-
Arithmetic increase method, Geometric Increase Method and Exponential method
From the Feasibility study of the Adama Town the year of 2011 and 2012 population is given in
the table below:-
Table 3 Base Population of Adama Town from the Design Report
Depending on the above data we calculate the population of the year 2013 &2014 by using
extrapolation method in order to obtain the growth rate of the population of Adama Town for
further use in our design.
Since there is no known population for the year 2013 and 2014 we use an extrapolation method
to find the population of the required year from the population data of 2011 and 2012.
P2012= 275,585
P2013= x
Using the above table we calculate the growth rate for each year by
using ((P2012-p2011)/(p2011))*100
= 4.3%
Depending on the average growth rate and for accuracy of the our work to use the average
growth rate to estimate the future population projection, Population projection by using three
methods table was in Appendix-A table 48.
Using the population of 2035 which is forecasted in the design document of Adama town water
supply project as true population the error can be calculated as;
4.1 Water Demand
The design and implementation of any water supply scheme requires an estimate of the amount
of water required by the community (Birdie, 1989).The total amount of water affected by
expected development of city, presence of industries, quality of water and its cost. Generally, in
designing the water supply scheme for Adama town is necessary to determine the total quantity
of water required for various purposes (Aman H. , 2010). From Adama town detailed Feasibility
study the principal alternative sources for meeting the demand requirements for Adama towns
have been from the existing Awash River it capacity was 330m3 and the newly identified
groundwater potential in the well field located Northwest of Mojo town.
= {[299960+22497]*37.04}/1000
= 11945m3/d
phaseI phaseII
Description unit 2014 2015 2020 2025 (2030) 2035 (2039)
demand m3/d 11945 12458 19151 26925 37453 51638 66229
commercial m3/d 3589 3737 5726 8051 11236 15440 19750
Livestock 3
m /d 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500
demand m3/d 1195 1246 1915 2690 3742 5164 6628
University m3/d 905 927 1049 1188 1344 1520 1677
total m /d 20134 20869 30342 41353 56275 76261 96784
percentage usually varies from 10% to 50% depending on the age of the pipe and complexity of
the system (Urban Water Supply Design Criteria, January, 2006).
phaseI phaseII
Description unit 2014 2015 2020 2025 (2030) 2035 (2039)
un-accounted for
water % 21% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 30%
total m3/d 4228 3130 6068 10338 16882 26691 29035
total demand m3/d 24362 23999 36410 51692 73157 102952 125820
phaseI phaseII
Description unit 2014 2015 2020 2025 (2030) 2035 (2039)
total demand m3/d 24362 23999 36410 51692 73157 102952 125820
total water
demand m3/d 26798 26399 40051 56861 80473 113247 138402
0 to20000 1.3
PhaseI phaseII
Description unit 2014 2015 2020 2025 (2030) 2035 (2039)
Maximum Day
Factor 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Adjusted total
water demand m3/d 26798 26399 40051 56861 80473 113247 138402
total MMD m3/d 32158 31679 48061 68233 96568 135897 166082
l/s 372 367 556 790 1118 1573 1922
Source-Urban Water Supply Design Criteria by Ministry of Water Resources, January 2006.
phaseI phaseII
Description unit 2014 2015 2020 2025 (2030) 2035 (2039)
peak hour factor 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
Peak hour m3/d 42877 42239 64082 90977 128757 181196 221442
demand (PHD) l/s 496 489 742 1053 1490 2097 2563
Average day demand
maximum day demand peak hour demand
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
After assessing the water demand, the next step in designing a water supply system is the process
of choosing the most suitable water source or combination of source of water. The source must
be capable of supplying enough water for the community throughout the design period. The
factors, which govern the selection of a particular source of water for the area under
consideration, include:- Water quantity, Water quality, Distance of the source of supply,
Topography of the intervening area, Elevation of source of supply.
The source of supply should not affect the requirement of the population living upstream and
downstream of the storage reservoir. If surface water is to be the source of supply from the
hydrological and hydro geological investigation, there are two alternative sources for Adama
town water supply system. They are:
i. Surface water
ii. Sub-surface or groundwater
Since modern methods of ground water investigation will permit a close approximation of
ground water resources for long- time production. Mojo town well field is the available source of
project area.
a. Tube Wells
Depending up on mode of water contribution to the borehole from subsoil, the wells are grouped
in to three categories.
The highest yield with minimum draw down consistent and aquifer capability.
Durability of the well so as to coincide with design period.
Reduction of operation and maintenances cost to a certain extent.
Good quality of water with proper protection.
As it is maintained above standard well design procedure involves choosing the casing
diameter and material estimating the well depth, selecting the height, diameter and material
of screen
Well Depth
The depth of a tube well depends up on the locations of water bearing formations, desired yields
of the well and economic considerations. It is determined from the litho logical log of the area
and confirmed from the electrical resistively and drilling time lags. The well is usually drilled up
to the bottom of the aquifer so that aquifer thickness is available, permitting greater well yield. In
most cases well should be completed to the bottom of the aquifer because, more of the aquifer
thickness can be utilized as the intake portion of well resulting in higher specific capacity.
Sufficient space for draw down is available to maintain well yield during dry seasons or over
The optimum length of well screen is based on the thickness of the aquifer, available draw down
and nature of stratification of the aquifer. In virtually every aquifer, certain zones will transmit
more water than others. Thus, the intake part of the well must be placed in those zones having
the highest hydraulic conductivity.
= 85/100*20= 17m
The diameter of the screen is selected to satisfy the essential basic requirement that sufficient
open area be provided in the screen.
Guiding values of the screen diameter for different discharges suggested by USBR (Ahrens,
0 to 475 10
475 to 1125 15
1125 to 3000 25
3000 to 5250 30
5250 to 9500 35
9500 to 13300 40
Source: Ground water hydrology by David Keith TODD
From these recommended values the value of screen diameter will be 25cm
Entrance Velocity
𝑄 = 𝐴𝑜 * 𝑉𝑒
Ve – entrance velocity
𝐴𝑜 = 𝑘 * 𝜋 * 𝐷𝑠 * 𝐿𝑠
Ds – Diameter of screen
Assume k = 15%
Ao = 0.15*3.14 * 0.25 * 17
Ao = 2.00175m2 Then,
The primary function of a pump is to add hydraulic energy to certain values of fluid. This is
accomplished which the mechanical energy imparted to the pump from a power source is
transferred to the fluid, there by becoming hydraulic energy. Thus, a pump serves to transfer
energy from a power source to a fluid, thereby creating flow or simply creating greater pressures
on the fluid.
Centrifugal pumps
Centrifugal pumps are the most important types of variable displacement pump because of their
wide use. It is capable of delivering large quantities of water, against high as well as low head
condition, with good efficiency, combining those features with its other attributes such as
simplicity, completeness, and adaptability to different methods of driving initiated us to select
this type of pump.
The two most commonly used types of centrifugal pumps are:-
1. Vertical spindle pump
2. Submersible pump
Vertical spindle pump: - It is frequently used for pumping water from a well. The driving motor
is at the surface and the pump is immersed in water and it must, therefore, driven by a vertical
spindle. This spindle rotates with in tube or sleeve which is held centrally in the raising main by
spindle bearing the pumped water is delivered to surface via the annular space between the
sleeve and the raising main.
Submersible pump:-It is the modification on the deep well pump as the name indicates in this,
electric motor and pump both are submersed in the water .By submersing electric motor large
economy can be made by avoiding long shaft, large number of bearing and large size rising main
etc. Considering the following special merits of submersible pump over other pump despite its
less efficiency for deep tube wells, submersible pump is selected to our water supply project by
the following merits:- Security, Service life, Capital and maintenance cost and Power
consumption. These pumps have the motor and low assembly as a unit submerged below the
lowest pumping water level. The water proof cable supplies to the motor.
D = 1.22√𝑄
To calculate friction losses using the following equation for phase one
f𝑙v 2
ℎf = ………. Darcy weisbach head equation
f= 0.22(1 + )
For borehole 9
Y𝑄𝐻 9810 * 0.05 * 399.8
𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = = = 230KW
5 0.85
Phase 2
Reserv submersible
pump power
oir Water
Borehole Depth
Elevati BH elevation elevation well(m Static Friction Total
on(m) (m) (m) ) head(m) loss(m) head(m)
Service reservoirs are used for storing the treated water with in or near to the demand
(distribution) area. They are also designed to meet the water demand during fire break, pumps
failure, repair, etc. and used to balance the hourly fluctuation of water demands.
Transfer reservoirs that are used for pumping station will be sized based on 1 hour detention time
of maximum day demand.
Reservoirs that provide transfer via gravity (break pressure tanks), if necessary, will be sized for
1 hour detention time of the maximum day demand
B .Service reservoir (tanks)
C. Multipurpose reservoirs
Types of reservoirs
Circular tanks
Rectangular tanks
fct F ct ,allow
Where F
ct ,allow is specified the code, for one case we can adopt BS: 5337 (British standard code)
and the concrete must be adequately reinforced in section where tension may occur
The capacity also determined by drawing mass curve of water consumption rates and pumping or
supply rates. The analysis of storage capacity can be calculated as follows.
Phase I (2014 – 2030)
Total demand of the town =96568 m3/day
Hourly demand of the town 96568/24= 4023.66 m3 /day
Pumping rate = 96568/24 =4023.66 m3/day
Analytical calculation of storage capacity for phase I and II table is found in Appendix-A
Thus the reservoir capacity for phase I from the above table will be
Maximum value of excess supply =8449.686 m3
Maximum value of excess demand = 10863.882 m3
Capacity of reservoir = 8449.686+10863.882 =19313.568 m3
For fire requirement (10%) = 10%*19313.568 = 1931.3568 m3
Total recommended reservoir capacity = 19313.568+1931.3568 =21244.93 m3
Capacity of existing reservoir =8700m3
Capacity of new reservoir =21244.93– 8700 =12544.93 m3 ≈ 12600 m3
Using mass curve method
Cumulative hourly demand and supply for phase I
comm.demand& supply
t vs comm. demand
40000 t vs comm supply
1 5 9 1317 21
time in hr
t vs cumm.demand
t vs cumm. supply
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Depth of reservoirs
There is an economic depth of service reservoir for any given sites for a given quantity of water
either a shallow reservoir having long walls and a large area may be constructed or alternatively
a deep reservoir constructed with high retaining walls and a smaller floor area.
Depth of a given storage is governed by:-
Depending on these factors and due to experience the height of reservoirs can be fixed as in the
following table
D = 20.6≈ 20m
Let’s Assume thickness of wall t = 300mm at top & t = 400 mm at the base
Coefficients for hoop tension and vertical moment for varies heights are obtained using tables.
D. t tave = (300+400)/2 = 350m
h2 62 5.143
d * taverage 3
20* 350*10
This value is find b/n 5 and 6 then to find the value of 5.143 by using interpolation.
Table coefficient of vertical moment and hoop tension for
𝐷*𝑡𝑎𝑣𝑒 = 5.143
Table 27 A Hoop tension coefficients
h2 Coefficient at point
D . 0.0h 0.1h 0.2h 0.3h 0.4h 0.5h 0.6h 0.7h 0.8h 0.9h
5 0.025 0.137 0.245 0.346 0.428 0.477 0.409 0.398 0.259 0.092
5.14 0.024 0.134 0.243 0.346 0.430 0.481 0.424 0.405 0.265 0.095
6 0.018 0.119 0.234 0.344 0.441 0.504 0.514 0.447 0.301 0.112
From the above table at a depth of 0.5h, the tension coefficient is Maximum
Where, αt Coeff .of hoop tension
γw = unit wt of water
d = diameter of reservoir
h = depth of water
𝐴𝑠 (𝐻𝑜𝑜𝑝) = TH
Fs, allow
f𝑐𝑡 = TH
fet, allow, Act Area of concrete and steel
Act (n 1) * AS
AMU/Department of final year project Page
Adama water supply 20
𝑎𝑠*𝑏 314
𝑆= 𝐴𝑠 =
2831.16 Where, as = 4
b 1m 1000mm
S = 110mm S max {
tavg 350
TH (0.4h) = 0.43 * 9.81 * 6 * 253.098KN
TH 253.098 * 1000
As = = 2530.98 mm2
fs, 100
Spacing of -20bars
𝑎𝑠 =
2 314mm2
4 4
𝑎𝑠 * 314 * 1000
𝑆= = = 124.06
𝐴𝑠 2530.98
d=350 mm-40-20/2=300mm
(+𝑉𝑒) 𝐴𝑠𝑡 = M 12.28*106 516.57mm2 As min.
fs * j * 100* 0.7924*
Therefore Provide 4Ø18 mm vertical bars at 300 mm c/c placed on the outer face of the wall.
ii) Vertical reinforcement on the inner face
(−𝑣 𝑒)𝑀𝑚𝑎𝑥. = −0.0217 * 9.81 * 63 = −45.98KNm
M 45.98 * 106
(−Ve)Ast = = = 1934.208mm2
fs * j * d 100 * 0.7924 * 300
As min = 1050mm2
Therefore Ast = 1934.208 mm2`
Therefore Provide 7 Ø18 mm vertical bars at 160 mm c/c placed on the inner face of the wall.
The design of circular roof slab which is simply supported by the circular wall for an effective
Deff = internal diameter + (wall thickness)*2 = 20 + 2 * 0.15
Deff = 20.3m
Assume thickness of slab, t = 250mm
Load on the slab per m2 = D.L + L.L
DL = own wt.
L.L = 1kN/m2 (assumed)
D.L = 0.25*25 = 6.25kN/m2
Thus, the design load on the slab,
=9.725KN/ m2
a) At the edge
Mr = 0
W d * a2 9.725 2
M = * (10.15) =62.61kNm
16 16
b) At the centre
3W𝑑𝑎2 3 * 9.725 *
𝑀𝑟 = 𝑀𝜃 = 10.152 = 187.85𝐾𝑁𝑚
16 =
The maximum radial and circumferential moments occur at the centre of the slab i.e.
Design constants
For roof cover
C -25 (fcd = 11.17 N/mm2)
S – 300Mpa (fyd = 260.87 N/mm2)
µmax = 0.34
max 0.437
dreq = =222.4mm
Flexural reinforcement
I) at centre
Mr = M = 187.85 kNm
d = 250-40-12/2 =204mm
(+𝑉𝑒)𝐴𝑠 = 187.85*106 2
f𝑦𝑑*𝐽*𝑑 = 260.87*0.7924*204 = 4454.638𝑚𝑚
Spacing of bars
as *b 113.097*1000
S= 25.37mm
As 4454.638
Proved 40 -12mm bars @ 26mm c/c placed at the bottom of the slab in the form of mesh need
to be provided. At top of the slab, minimum reinforcement recommended by the code should be
provided (i.e. s = 300mm)
Check thickness for shear
𝑣 w𝑑*𝑟 9.725*10.15
𝑚𝑎𝑥= = =49.35𝐾𝑁
2 2
And shear Strength of slab
𝑣 = 0.4 * f𝑐𝑡𝑑 * (1 + 50p)*(b*d)
5 5.143 6
Coeff. 0.213 0.211 0.197
𝑀𝜃 1523.316 * 106
𝐴𝑠 = = = 25610.9
j𝑏 * 𝑑 * 0.792 * 751 * 100
𝑎𝑠 * 254.5 * 1000
𝑆= = = 9.9𝑚𝑚 … … … … … … 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑠 = 25𝑚𝑚
𝑏 25610.9
Therefore Provide Ø18 bars @ 25mm c/c at the bottom of the slab in the form of mesh
Area of steel per meter width for M or Mr at edge
Available effective depth = 800-40-9 = 751mm
𝑤𝑑𝑟2 78.86 * 10.15
𝑀𝑑 = 𝑚𝜃 = = = 1015.54𝐾𝑁 − 𝑚/𝑚
8 8
𝑚𝑑 1015.54106
𝐴𝑠 = = = 17073.86𝑚𝑚2
j𝑏 * 𝑑 * 0.792 * 751 * 100
𝐴𝑠 ≥ 𝐴𝑠
0.6*𝑏*𝑑 0.6*1000*751
𝑚i𝑛 = 𝐹 = 300
= 1502𝑚𝑚2 … … … … … … … . 𝑜𝐾
Number of bars=As/as=67
0.35√f𝑐𝑢 0.35√30
f𝑐𝑡𝑑 = = = 1.278
1.5 1.5
2*1.278 =2.556
𝐹𝑦𝑑*Ø𝑏 260.87 * 18
𝑙𝑑 = = = 459.27
4f𝑏𝑑 4 * 2.556
Number of ring bars=𝑙𝑑 + 1 = + 1 =19.37≈20 bars
𝑠 25
Provide20 Ø bars @ 25 mm c/c placed at the bottom of slab just above the mesh.
= 0.4 *
0.35√30 533.33
(1 + 50 ) * 1000 * 751 = 437.3KN
1.5 * 254.34 * 751
Vcd > Vmax!
Therefore thickness is adequate for shear
Design of Reservoir Two
Type of reservoir - circular tank with fixed base and free at the top
Volume = 2870m3
Depth of water = 6
D = 24.68≈ 25m
Let’s Assume thickness of wall t = 400mm at top & t = 500 mm at the base
Coefficients for hoop tension and vertical moment for varies heights are obtained using tables.
D. t tave = (400+500)/2 = 450m
62 5.
d * taverage 25* 450*103
This value is find b/n 5 and 6 then to find the value of 5.143 by using interpolation.
Table31 coefficient of vertical moment and hoop tension for
𝐷*𝑡𝑎𝑣𝑒 = 3.2
Table 30 A Hoop tension coefficients
Coefficient at point
0.0h 0.1h 0.2h 0.3h 0.4h 0.5h 0.6h 0.7h 0.8h 0.9h
3 0.134 0.203 0.267 0.322 0.357 0.362 0.33 0.262 0.157 0.052
3.2 0.121 0.195 0.265 0.325 0.366 0.375 0.346 0.276 0.168 0.056
4 0.067 0.164 0.256 0.339 0.403 0.429 0.409 0.334 0.21 0.073
Coefficient at point
D . t 0.1h 0.2h 0.3h 0.4h 0.5h 0.6h 0.7h 0.8h 0.9h 1.0h
3 0.0006 0.0024 0.0047 0.0071 0.009 0.0097 0.0077 0.0012 -0.0119 0.0333
3.2 0.0005 0.0022 0.0043 0.0066 0.0085 0.0093 0.0075 0.0014 -0.0111 -0.032
4 0.0003 0.0015 0.0028 0.0047 0.0066 0.0077 0.0069 0.0023 -0.008 0.0268
a) Horizontal Reinforcement
From the above table at a depth of 0.5h, (αt =0.375) the tension coefficient is Maximum
Where, αt Coeff .of hoop tension
γw = unit wt of water
d = diameter of reservoir
h = depth of water
𝑇𝐻 (𝑚𝑎𝑥. ) = 0.375 * 9.81 * 6 * 275.906KN
TH 275.906*103
𝐴𝑠 (𝐻𝑜𝑜𝑝)
Fs, allow 100
f𝑐𝑡 =
TH fet, allow, Act Area of concrete and steel
Act (n 1) * AS
s = as.b *
314*1000 where, as = (20)2
113.8 4
As 2759.06 b 1m 1000mm
S = 114mm S max {
tavg 350
ii) For depth b/n 0.0h to 0.4h form max. Water level form the above table, t is max. at a depth
TH (0.4h) = 0.366 * 9.81 * 6 * = 269.2845KN
As =
fs, 269.2845
* 1000 = 2692.845 mm2
f𝑐𝑡 = 0.552 f𝑐𝑡, 𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 1.44N/mm2 OK!
AMU/Department of final year project Page
Adama water supply 20
Spacing of -20bars
𝑎𝑠 = 2 2 314mm2
4 4
asb 314*1000
𝑆 = = 116.6mm
As 2692.845
117mm S max {
tavg 350
b) Vertical reinforcement
Bending moment is applied vertically on the wall. Therefore, we have to design for absolute
maximum bending moment given by; (at 0.6h from top)
(+𝑣𝑒)𝑀𝑚𝑎𝑥. = +𝑚𝑤. ℎ3, 𝑚 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥, 𝑎𝑡 𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ 0.6ℎ (= 0.0093)
(+𝑣 𝑒)𝑀𝑚𝑎𝑥. = 0.0093 * 9.81 * 63 = 19.706KNm
(−𝑣𝑒)𝑀𝑚𝑎𝑥. = −𝑚𝑤. ℎ3, 𝑚 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥, 𝑎𝑡 𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ 1.0ℎ (= −0.032)
(−𝑣 𝑒)𝑀𝑚𝑎𝑥. = −0.032 * 9.81 * 63 = −67.8067KNm
Therefore the maximum absolute moment will be
Mmax = 67.8067KNm
Check thickness of wall for single reinforcement
f𝑐, 𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 = 11𝑁/𝑚𝑚2 (f𝑜𝑟 𝐶 – 30 𝑀𝑝𝑎)
n = 15
Fs, allow = 100N/mm2 alternate wetting drying.
→ Max design constants for single Reinforcement.
kb n kb
15 0.6226, (1 ) 0.7924
n 3
100 jb
Rb 11
fc, allow jb * 0.6226*
2 * Kb 0.7924 2
Rb = 2.7136 KN/mm2
d=450 mm-40-20/2=400mm
(+𝑉𝑒) 𝐴𝑠𝑡 = M 19.706*106
100* 0.7924* 400 621.72mm
As min.
fs * j *
Therefore Provide 2Ø18 mm vertical bars at 233 mm c/c placed on the outer face of the wall.
ii) Vertical reinforcement on the inner face
(−𝑣 𝑒)𝑀𝑚𝑎𝑥. = −0.032 * 9.81 * 63 = −67.8067KNm
(ve) Ast M 67.8067*106 2139.2825mm2
fs * j * 100* 0.7924*
d 400
As min = 1350mm2
Therefore Ast = 2139.2835 mm2`
S= as*b/As = 314*1000/2139.2825 = 146.77mm S max{ 300 `
tavg 350
=> Take S =150mm
Number of bars = As/as =2139.2825/314 = 6.81
Therefore Provide 7 Ø20 mm vertical bars at 150 mm c/c placed on the inner face of the wall.
The design of circular roof slab which is simply supported by the circular wall for an effective
Deff = internal diameter + (wall thickness)*2 = 25 + 2 * 0.15
Deff = 25.3m
Assume thickness of slab, t = 350mm
Load on the slab per m2 = D.L + L.L
DL = own wt.
c) At the edge
Mr = 0
Wd * a2 12.975 2
M = * (12.65) =129.768kNm
16 16
d) At the centre
3Wd a2 3*12.975 2
Mr = M = (12.65) = 389.3kNm
16 16
The maximum radial and circumferential moments occur at the centre of the slab i.e.
Design constants
For roof cover
C -25 (fcd = 11.17 N/mm2)
S – 300Mpa (fyd = 260.87 N/mm2)
µmax = 0.34
max 0.437
dreq = =320mm
Flexural reinforcement
I) at centre
Mr = M = 389.3kNm
d = 350-15-12/2 =329mm
M 389.3*106
(ve) As 5724.267mm2
f yd * J * 260.87*0.7924*329
Spacing of bars
as *b 113.097*1000
S= 19.75mm
As 5724.267
Proved 50 -12mm bars @ 20mm c/c placed at the bottom of the slab in the form of mesh need
to be provided. At top of the slab, minimum reinforcement recommended by the code should be
provided (i.e. s = 300mm)
Check thickness for shear
𝑣 w𝑑*𝑟 12.975*12.15
𝑚𝑎𝗑= = =78.82𝐾𝑁
2 2
And shear Strength of slab
𝑣 = 0.4 * f𝑐𝑡𝑑 * (1 + 50p)*(b*d)
f𝑐𝑡𝑑 =
0.35√f𝑐𝑢 0.35√25
= = 1.167
1.5 1.5
𝑣 = 0.4 * 1.167 * (1 + 50 * ) * 1000 * 329 = 287.18 𝐾𝑁
1000 * 329
287.18KN ≥ Vmax= 78.82KN.............................ok!
Therefore thickness is adequate for shear!
3. Design of circular base slab
Assuming, simply supported around edge
11 fc,
Kb 0.6223
jb = 1 1
0.792 3 3
Rb fc, allow 11
* Kb * Jb * 0.6223* 0.792 2.712N / mm2
2 2
Dtave = 62 = 3.2
25 * 0.45
Analysis of Base slab
dreq = √ 2321.179 * 10 6
=√ = 924.8mm
Rb * b 2.714 * 1000
treq = 924.8+ 40 + = 974 mm < t trial = 1000 mm - - - OK!
Therefore the thickness is sufficient for flexure!
Area of steel perimeter Width for Mr. or M at center
Use Ø18 bars in the form of mesh
𝑀𝜃 2321.179 * 106
𝐴𝑠 = = = 30817.89𝑚𝑚2
j𝑏 * 𝑑 * 0.792 * 951 * 100
as *b 254.5*1000
S 8.25mm....................Take S = 25mm
As 30817.89
Therefore Provide Ø18 bars @ 25mm c/c at the bottom of the slab in the form of mesh
Area of steel per meter width for M or Mr at edge
Available effective depth = 1000-40-9 = 951mm
𝑀𝑑 = 𝑚𝜃 = 2
𝑤𝑑𝑟2 83.86 * 12.15
= = 1547.45𝐾𝑁 − 𝑚/𝑚
8 8
𝑚𝑑 1547.45106
𝐴𝑠 = = = 20545𝑚. 26𝑚2
j𝑏 * 𝑑 * 0.792 * 951 * 100
𝐴𝑠 ≥ 𝐴𝑠
0.6*𝑏*𝑑 0.6*1000*951
𝑚i𝑛 = 𝐹
= 300
= 1902𝑚𝑚2........................................ok!
Number of bars=As/as=80
0.35√f𝑐𝑢 0.35√30
f𝑐𝑡𝑑 = = = 1.278
1.5 1.5
2*1.278 =2.556
𝐹𝑦𝑑*Ø𝑏 260.87 * 18
𝑙𝑑 = = = 459.27
4f𝑏𝑑 4 * 2.556
Number of ring bars=𝑙𝑑 + 1 = + 1 =19.37≈20 bars
𝑠 25
Provide20 Ø bars @ 25 mm c/c placed at the bottom of slab just above the mesh.
Vcd > Vmax!
Therefore thickness is adequate for shear
Phase –two (2025-2035)
Capacity of reservoirs
Capacity of new reservoir = 15300 m3
2000m3, 2870 m3, 2870 m3, 2000 m3, 2870 m3 and 2690 m3
NOTE; - The design aspect of phase II reservoirs are the same as that of the previous one.
Therefore you can see the design part from the previous pages, but design for 2690 m 3 only at
phase II
Type of reservoir - circular tank with fixed base and free at the top
Volume = 2690m3
Depth of water = 6
Free board = 0.5m
V= πD2H/4 where, V = Volume of reservoir
D = 24.53≈ 25m
Let’s Assume thickness of wall t = 400mm at top & t = 500 mm at the base
Coefficients for hoop tension and vertical moment for varies heights are obtained using tables.
D. t tave = (400+500)/2 = 450m
62 5.143
d * taverage 25* 450*10
This value is find b/n 5 and 6 then to find the value of 5.143 by using interpolation.
Table coefficient of vertical moment and hoop tension for ℎ
𝐷*𝑡𝑎𝑣𝑒 = 3.2
3 0.0006 0.0024 0.0047 0.0071 0.009 0.0097 0.0077 0.0012 -0.0119 -0.0333
3.2 0.0005 0.0022 0.0043 0.0066 0.0085 0.0093 0.0075 0.0014 -0.0111 -0.032
4 0.0003 0.0015 0.0028 0.0047 0.0066 0.0077 0.0069 0.0023 -0.008 -0.0268
From the above table at a depth of 0.5h, (αt =0.375) the tension coefficient is Maximum
Where, αt Coeff .of hoop tension
γw = unit wt of water
d = diameter of reservoir
h = depth of water
𝑇𝐻 (𝑚𝑎𝑥. ) = 0.375 * 9.81 * 6 * 275.906KN
𝐴𝑠 (𝐻𝑜𝑜𝑝) =
TH 275.906*103
Fs, allow
f𝑐𝑡 = TH
fet, allow, Act Area of concrete and steel
Act (n 1) * AS
s= * (20)2
as.b 314*1000 where, as = 314
As 2759.06 b 1m 1000mm
S = 114mm S max {
tavg 350
ii) For depth b/n 0.0h to 0.4h form max. Water level form the above table, t is max. at a depth
𝑇𝐻 (0.4ℎ) = 0.366 * 9.81 * 6 * = 269.2845KN
269.2845 * 1000
𝐴𝑠 = TH = 2692.845 𝑚𝑚2
fs, allow 100
f𝑐𝑡 = 0.552 f𝑐𝑡, 𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 1.44N/mm2 OK!
Spacing of -20bars
𝑎𝑠 = D2 314mm2
4 (20)2
𝑆= 314*1000
As = 2692.845 116.6mm
b) Vertical reinforcement
Bending moment is applied vertically on the wall. Therefore, we have to design for absolute
maximum bending moment given by; (at 0.6h from top)
(+𝑣𝑒)𝑀𝑚𝑎𝑥. = +𝑚𝑤. ℎ3, 𝑚 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥, 𝑎𝑡 𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ 0.6ℎ (= 0.0093)
(+𝑣 𝑒)𝑀𝑚𝑎𝑥. = 0.0093 * 9.81 * 63 = 19.706KNm
And ,
d=450 mm-40-20/2=400mm
(+𝑉𝑒) 𝐴𝑠𝑡 = 19.706*106 621.72mm2 As min.
fs * j * d 100* 0.7924* 400
Therefore Provide 2Ø18 mm vertical bars at 233 mm c/c placed on the outer face of the wall.
ii) Vertical reinforcement on the inner face
(ve) Ast M
67.8067*106 2139.2825mm2
fs * j * 100* 0.7924*
d 400
As min = 1350mm2
Therefore Ast = 2139.2835 mm2`
S= as*b/As = 314*1000/2139.2825 = 146.77mm S max{ 300 `
tavg 350
=> Take S =150mm
Number of bars = As/as =2139.2825/314 = 6.81
Therefore Provide 7 Ø20 mm vertical bars at 150 mm c/c placed on the inner face of the wall.
The design of circular roof slab which is simply supported by the circular wall for an effective
Deff = internal diameter + (wall thickness)*2 = 25 + 2 * 0.15
Deff = 25.3m
Assume thickness of slab, t = 350mm
Load on the slab per m2 = D.L + L.L
DL = own wt.
L.L = 1kN/m2 (assumed)
D.L = 0.35*25 = 8.75kN/m2
Thus, the design load on the slab,
=12.975KN/ m2
Design of Bending Moments
e) At the edge
Mr = 0
Wd * a2 12.975 2
M = * (12.65) =129.768kNm
16 16
f) At the centre
3Wd a2 3*12.975 2
Mr = M = (12.65) = 389.3kNm
16 16
The maximum radial and circumferential moments occur at the centre of the slab i.e.
Design constants
For roof cover
C -25 (fcd = 11.17 N/mm2)
S – 300Mpa (fyd = 260.87 N/mm2)
µmax = 0.34
max 0.437
dreq = =320mm
Flexural reinforcement
I) at centre
Mr = M = 389.3kNm
d = 350-15-12/2 =329mm
(ve)As M 389.3*106
f yd * J 260.87*0.7924*329 5724.267mm2
Spacing of bars
as *b 113.097*1000
S= 19.75mm
As 5724.267
Proved 50 -12mm bars @ 20mm c/c placed at the bottom of the slab in the form of mesh need
to be provided. At top of the slab, minimum reinforcement recommended by the code should be
provided (i.e. s = 300mm)
Check thickness for shear
𝑣 w𝑑*𝑟 12.975*12.15
𝑚𝑎𝑥= 2 = 2 =78.82𝐾𝑁
And shear Strength of slab
𝑣 = 0.4 * f𝑐𝑡𝑑 * (1 + 50p)*(b*d)
= 1.167
𝑣 = 0.4 * 1.167 * (1 + 50 * ) * 1000 * 329 = 287.18 𝐾𝑁
1000 * 329
287.18KN ≥ Vmax= 78.82KN.............................ok!
Therefore thickness is adequate for shear!
3. Design of circular base slab
Assuming, simply supported around edge
jb = 1 Kb 0.6223
- 0.792 3 3
Rb = fc, allow 11
* Kb * Jb * 0.6223* 0.792 2.712N / mm2
2 2
Dtave = 62 = 3.2
25 * 0.45
Analysis of Base slab
dreq = √ 2321.179 * 10 6
=√ = 924.8mm
Rb * b 2.714 * 1000
M𝜃 2321.179 * 106
As = = = 30817.89mm2
jb * d * fst 0.792 * 951 * 100
as *b 254.5*1000
S 8.25mm....................Take S = 25mm
As 30817.89
Therefore Provide Ø18 bars @ 25mm c/c at the bottom of the slab in the form of mesh
Area of steel per meter width for M or Mr at edge
Available effective depth = 1000-40-9 = 951mm
𝑀𝑑 = 𝑚𝜃 = 2
𝑤𝑑𝑟2 83.86 * 12.15
= = 1547.45𝐾𝑁 − 𝑚/𝑚
8 8
𝑚𝑑 1547.45106
𝐴𝑠 = = = 20545𝑚. 26𝑚2
j𝑏 * 𝑑 * 0.792 * 951 * 100
𝐴𝑠 ≥ 𝐴𝑠
0.6*𝑏*𝑑 0.6*1000*951
𝑚i𝑛 = 𝐹
= 300
= 1902𝑚𝑚2........................................ok!
0.35√f𝑐𝑢 0.35√30
f𝑐𝑡𝑑 = = = 1.278
1.5 1.5
2*1.278 =2.556
𝐹𝑦𝑑*Ø𝑏 260.87 * 18
𝑙𝑑 = = = 459.27
4f𝑏𝑑 4 * 2.556
Number of ring bars=𝑙𝑑 + 1 = + 1 =19.37≈20 bars
𝑠 25
Provide20 Ø bars @ 25 mm c/c placed at the bottom of slab just above the mesh.
0.2*𝑏*𝑡 0.2*1000*1000
𝐴𝑠 = 𝐹𝑦 = =666.67𝑚𝑚2
𝑎𝑠*𝑏 254.34*1000
𝑆= 𝐴𝑆 = 666.67 =477.19𝑚𝑚2
Therefore Provide Ø 18 bars @ 480 mm c/c at top of the sled in both directions
Check thickness for shear
Maximum shear force at edges,
𝑉 w𝑑*𝑟 83.86*12.15
𝑚𝑎𝑥= = =509.44𝐾𝑁Per meter width of slab
2 2
Vcd > Vmax!
Therefore thickness is adequate for shear
8.1.1 General
Absolutely pure water is never found in nature. Pure water is that water which contains only two
parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen by volume and nothing else. But the water found in
nature contains a number of impurities in varying amounts. The rain water is originally pure, also
absorbs various gases, dust and other impurities while falling. As soon as it reaches the earth
surface, it gets mixed with silt, organic and inorganic impurities. Therefore, the runoff water has
large number of impurities. This water before supplying to the public should be treated and
purified. The impurities which are picked up by the water as suspended matter, sometimes make
it more useful and potable for public uses and especially for drinking, but sometimes it may
make totally harmful and unfit for drinking purpose(from lecture note).
The requirements of wholesome water as follows:
It should be free from bacteria which may cause disease.
It should be colour less and sparkling acceptable by public.
It should no corroding pipes.
It should have free carbonic acid and dissolved oxygen for making it fresh.
It should be tasty, odour – free and cool.
It should be free from all objectionable matter
For the planning purpose and to set the boreholes location, recharge estimated for the sub-
catchment (up Stream of Mojo River) and discharge expected from the proposed 32 boreholes
were computed (Table below).The discharge of the proposed boreholes will be estimated 50 l/s
each. It was estimated based on the test well data (AdTW3).
Table 36 Summary of ADTW3 borehole parameters (WWDSE, 2008 well drilling report)
When designing a water treatment plant, the operational and maintain once requirements are key
factors that must be considered carefully.
particles are removed by filtration , organic substances are degraded by oxidation, and micro –
organisms die away because of lock of nutrients .The dissolved mineral content of the water can
increase considerably through the leaching of salts form the underground layers.
Ground water, if properly, with drown will be free from turbidity end pathogenic organisms. The
quality of ground water is influenced mainly by the quality of its source. Changes or the
gradation in the quality of source water can have seriously affected the quality of ground water
supply. Municipal and industrial waste seepage in to an aquifer is a major source of both organic
and inorganic pollution.
According to the Feasibility study of Adama town water supply the standards are with in
allowably limit of WHO guide line for portable water. There our supply needs only disinfection.
Therefore, in our case selected for Adama town water supply system is chlorination method for
It should be capable of supplying at all the intended places with in the city with a
reasonable sufficient pressure head.
It should be simple and easy to operate and repair, they keeping the maintenance
cost to the minimum.
It should be fairly water tight as to keep the losses due to leakage to the minimum
consumers by the mere action of gravity. The excess water pumped during periods of low
consumption is stored in the elevated reservoir .During period of high consumption the stored
water is drawn upon to augment that pumped. Depending upon the topography of Adama town
combined gravity and Pumping system is adopted water from bore hole pumped in to collected
chamber then, by gravity in to service reservoir.
The transmission main is proposed to be implemented during Phase I in order to reduce the costs
required for laying parallel lines during phase II. It has a total length of 24.5km and aligned
along the main asphalt road. The Transmission Main has been designed for flow capacities of
second phase demand (Year 2039) which is estimated to be 1,592 l/s.
The transfer mains are proposed to be implemented during Phase I in order to reduce the costs
required for laying parallel lines during phase II. Their total length is about 30km and aligned
along the main asphalt roads of Adama town. They have been designed for flow capacities of
second phase demand (Year 2039) which is estimated to be 1,592 l/s. A lot of crossing structures
are required for crossing gullies formed in and around the periphery of Adama town.
The two transfer mains will transfer water from Sire Ababune Reservoir to the 9 (nein) service
reservoirs located on the West, North, East and Southern sides of Adama town via the two
transfer mains. The 9 service reservoirs are designed to distribute about 2,563 l/s of the total
Peak Hour Demand of Phase II to Adama Town, through respective 9 distribution networks by
flow of gravity. Consequently, the water Storage and distribution system includes the following
two significant components.
1. Service reservoirs which are used for balancing the variable demands of the town.
2. The distribution network which distributes water to customers through its primary, secondary
and tertiary components with a flow of gravity.
5. The demand area ratio for each category is computed by multiplying the area at each node
with the demand area ratio (final year project of water supply , 2003).
Pipelines in the distribution system shall withstand a maximum operating pressure of 160m
manometer head and hence locally manufactured uPVC pipes of pressure class of PN 10 and PN
16 have been used as much as possible However, in exceptional cases, DI/Steel pipes are used
where the breaking/reducing of such highest pressures require installation of booster pumping
stations and where the pipe lines require crossing of specific low lying valleys s.
The choice for uPVC PN10 and PN16 are justified for the following reasons;
The pipes have higher mechanical strength and are less sensitive to improper soil
Also, the advantage of a standardized pressure class for valves and fittings will eliminate
the confusion of flange joints with different bore diameters for different pressure classes.
The distribution network should have a capacity to distribute the peak hour water demands of
customers with maintaining a minimum pressure of 10 to 15m. However, in exceptional cases,
depending on the topography of the area, lower pressure levels may be permitted, but not less
than 7.5 m
The simulation of the distribution system was done using epanet 2.0. It was carried out for
extended period analysis by taking in to consideration the hourly demand fluctuation pattern on
average and maximum day.
The analysis began by feeding assumed diameters of the pipe, pipe material, pipe length; and the
pressure, velocity and head loss are checked for peak & average flow. The results of this analysis
are shown in the appendix-B
Construction stage
During the construction stage of the project the following mitigation measures should be done in
order to minimize the negative impacts of the project.
Imposing appropriate restriction on the contractor and having suitable clauses included
in the contact specification about waste disposal, noise and dust spillage of used oil and
other hazardous materials
Rehabilitations of land excavated for different purpose
Back filling excavation with the natural structural layers to minimize erosion.
Operation stage
During operation stage of the project the following activities should be done
Used oils from generators should be disposed properly
Planting trees to compensate the losses
Human activity close to the project should avoid or minimized
Proper care should be taken against disease causing
Since the positive impact of the project is higher than that of the negative impact, additional
source of water should be implemented as a demand minimization of the town. In other case
since the ground water requires less treatment than that of surface water and also less
contamination in comparison with another source of water, additional boreholes should have be
Planning of water supply projects based on reliable cost data. Such data are difficult to obtain in
developing countries. In such case, the following techniques are used.
Taking cost data from similar plants in other areas with similar characteristics.
Using general cost curves that are based on cost of variety of plants constructed within
the country.
By general productive cost equations developed for similar situation.
Using unit price of each type of work and its total quantity for project area, the cost estimation is
based on unit price of each work and general productive cost equations developed for similar
situation. The cost summary is as in the table below.
In this section the methodology followed in deriving standard cost estimation for excavation
,pipes and pipe laying ,concrete of various classes, form work, reinforcement and work together
with composite rates for items such as bore holes, pumping equipment ,storage reservoirs and
ancillary buildings is described.
Phase – I
= 16*468,000
= 7488000 Birr
5 Ditto, but for West Adama Supply Zone, m3 2870 1,275 2659250
6 Ditto, but for East Adama Supply Zone, EAR7- m3 2000 1,275 8550000
7 Sub Total m3 27265250
8 Earthwork m3 488727 36 17,594,070
Total 417,235,394.1
Therefore the total estimated cost required to implement Phase I project is Birr 479.82Million.
Quality is significant factor which has to be taken into consideration before supply of water. The
test shows the quality of water full fills the standard of WHO due to this only disinfection is
proposed. The capacity of service reservoir is determined for each phase. The location of service
reservoir is determined on the basis of topography and population to be served by each service
Appropriate pipe material for the distribution network is selected considering cost of pipe,
durability, and availability, design serve in the distribution system, corrosion resistivity and
traffic load. The distribution network is generally analyzed using Epanet-2 computer software.
The total cost of the project is estimated based on the present market value of construction
materials by adding the cost for each item and cost index of similar project.
Environmental impact assessment was made. Therefore the project is environmentally sound &
sustainable. Both positive and negative impact of the on the environment as a whole are
discussed. Lastly after the complession of this project the community of Adama town will satisfy
with an adequate, safe and potable drinking water
After the completion of the project, professionals should control the structures closely and
maintain their function accordingly and also the society should be aware to take care about the
system safety. Since the positive impact of the project is higher than that of the negative impact,
additional source of water should be implemented as a demand minimization of the town.
Adama town become an industrial area which resulted in destruction of pipe during the
construction of road. This leads to cost of water which affecting water demand with high
percentage. When such problem is happen operation and maintenance should have be take places
as soon as broken is occur and the industries should have their own treatment system
As the feasibility study shows, there are neighboring town Wonji who consume the town water
supply. And we consider partially these as part of the town &the supply design is done by
including them. But in our opinion, crossing this distance every day takes them too many years
back rather than bringing development.
Aman, H. (2010). Water Loss Management in Adama Town.
Semero, H., Abdella, K., & Kelbessa, A. (2004 EC). Water Suplly System Expansion & Improvement
Table 49 projected population by using different method (2014-2039)
Elevation Demand Demand Head Pressure
Node ID m LPS LPS m m
Junc J1 1694 10.185 15.28 1747.38 53.38
Junc J2 1692 2.0869 3.13 1745.04 53.04
Junc J3 1700 2.0869 3.13 1747.64 47.64
Junc J4 1665 2.0869 3.13 1740.46 75.46
Junc J5 1665 2.0869 3.13 1738.68 73.68
Junc J6 1661 2.0869 3.13 1721.35 60.35
Junc J7 1660 4.3125 6.47 1709.73 49.73
Junc J8 1662 2.0896 3.13 1693.49 31.5
Junc J9 1644 10.185 15.28 1691.6 47.6
Junc J10 1639 2.0869 3.13 1683.29 44.29
Junc J11 1640 10.185 15.28 1683.2 43.2
Junc J12 1638 10.185 15.28 1688.44 50.44
Junc J13 1640 10.185 15.28 1683.07 43.07
Junc J14 1640 10.185 15.28 1683.57 43.57
Junc J15 1639 9.6725 14.51 1683.16 44.16
Junc J16 1640 5.36 8.04 1702.79 62.79