ERDMP Report - Rewari PDF
ERDMP Report - Rewari PDF
ERDMP Report - Rewari PDF
BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
This document is prepared in compliance with the Petroleum and Natural Gas
Regulatory Board (Codes of Practices for Emergency Response and Disaster
Management Plan (ERDMP) Regulation, 2010. The document is revised and
updated as detailed in Documents Control Sheet.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
This document is a sole property of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Copying this document
or part of this document or any other content is not permitted. BPCL is authorized to
make any changes in the document as per regulations or to update contact details or
any other details related to ERDMP.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
BPCL Mumbai Refinery is one of the most versatile Refineries in India. With
successful implementation of various projects and de-bottlenecking, our
Refineries currently process about 12 Million Metric Tons of crude oil per
The following are the main activities related to receipt, storage and dispatch
of products at the site.
i. Receipt of HSD, and MS through Pipeline transfer from IOCL storage/ pump
house through dedicated underground pipelines to dedicated aboveground
tanks at BPCL.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
ii. Receipt of Ethanol from tank lorries by decantation at the lorry decantation
area into underground tanks
iii. Storage of products in 7 dedicated above ground tanks within a single dyke
and in 5 underground tanks.
iv. Inter-tank transfer of same product from AG to UG tanks.
v. Online blending of ethanol with MS as per standard.
vi. Dispatch of finished products through a tank lorry filling gantry (TLFG) in
tank lorries for distribution to the retail outlets (RO) in Rewari, Mahendragarh
and Jhajjar districts in Haryana. The installation operates with a throughput of
300000KL per year.
Receipt of product and transfer at TL can be carried out simultaneously. MS
loading at TLFG is suspended during blending activity.
The products are stored in above ground and/underground tanks having a total safe
storage capacity is 22,374 KL. Details are provided in point (d) and (e) below.
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Pipeline Division, NRPL Rewari
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Marketing Division, Rewari
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Marketing Division, Reawri
Reliance Industries Ltd., Rewari
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Pipeline Division, Rewari
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Sr. Tank Name of Safe Storage Tank Tank Dimensions TF & Area
no. no. product Capacity Type of Dyke
(KL) AG, UG Dia (m) L/Ht (m) M2
1 TK03 MS 2537 AG 16 14.30
2 TK04 MS 2537 AG 16 14.30
3 TK05 HSD 4700 AG 20 15
4 TK06 HSD 4700 AG 20 15 TF 1
5 TK07 HSD 3400 AG 17 15 7500
6 TK08 HSD 1850 AG 12.60 15
7 TK09 HSD 1850 AG 12.60 15
8 TK01 ETH 100 UG 3.20 12.60
9 TK02 ETH 100 UG 3.20 12.60
10 TK10 HSD 200 UG 4.0 16.20
11 TK11 HSD 200 UG 4.0 16.20
12 TK12 MS 200 UG 4.0 16.20
g) Backup power
Generators Capacity: 625 KVA – 2 Nos.
250 KVA - 1 Nos.
h) Communication system
Walkie Talkie – 10 Nos.
Telephone – 06 Nos.
i) Man Power Details :
Management Staff – 7
Workmen – 5
Security Guard – 13
(Specify contact labour) – 12
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
The Emergency Response & Disaster Management Plan has been prepared as per
Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act 2006 and as per PNGRB regulations
dated 18th January 2010.The ERDMP has been prepared based on the “The Gazette of
India: Extraordinary Notification [Part II-Sec3 (i)] format provided therein.
The Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP) has been
prepared as per the regulations of the Petroleum and Nature Gas Regulatory
Board (Codes of Practices for Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan
(ERDMP) Regulations, 2010.
This Chapter provides meanings of Words used in the ERDMP as per Petroleum
and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act 2006.
This Chapter provides the list of Industries covered under the PNGRB Act.
This Chapter provides the Scope and Intent of the ERDMP in the Industries
where it is applicable.
6. Classification of emergencies
Emergencies which are categorized into three broad levels of seriousness i.e.
Level-1, Level-2 and Level-3 and its response requirements are provided in this
The implementation time from notification date of Codes of Practices viz. on-
site emergency Plan, Off-site emergency Plan, Resource in position, accredited
third party certification of ERDMP and Testing and Mock Drill are provided in this
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
This Chapter provides consequences and penal provisions under the technical
standards for default or non-compliance of the Act.
This chapter provides the basic requirement of ERDMP which will help in resource
mobilization and incident preventing measures and procedures.
This chapter provides the preliminary and subsequent action to be taken for
various fire scenarios in the premises.
This chapter provides the Zones of the premises, Wind Direction & its speed,
showing process layout and flow diagrams.
15. Infrastructure
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
This chapter provides the circumstances under which the situation is declared
on-site or off-site and the situation to hand over the charge to District Authority.
18. Climate
Rewari is rich in its store of flora and fauna. The geography of Hariyana boasts
of having a wide variety of flora and fauna which are spread throughout its
length and breadth.
In Rewari, one can find as many varieties of mammals, variety species of birds,
a wide range of insects, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, etc. - this aspect, indeed,
makes West Bengal rich in terms of flora and fauna.
Details in brief in Chapter -18
Demographic Information
The total population in Rewari as per 2011 census data, In total 1,43,021 people
lives in Rewari of which males are 75,764 and females are 67,257. Sex Ratio of
Rewari is 886 as per 2011 census data. Similarly child sex ratio is 785 in 2011
census. Child population (0-6) was 11.30% of total population. Average literacy
rate in Rewari as per census 2011 is 78% of which males and females are 83% and
73% literates respectively.
All details regarding Rewari have been processed by us after receiving from Govt.
of India. We are not responsible for errors to population census details of Rewari
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
This Chapter provides First Aid medicines; persons trained in first Aid available
the and Hospitals available in and around the place.
21. Evacuation
This chapter provides the authorized persons for evacuating people from
residential areas, rescue procedures, emergency exit routes,
facilities/equipments available for evacuation, evacuation route and provision
of food and drinking water at assembly points after transfer of people.
This Chapter provides the safety measures taken in the event of emergencies
made known to General Public and display boards put up at the outside of the
This Chapter provides the roles and responsibilities of stake holders viz. District
Authorities, the Police, the Fire Service, The Health Department, the Pollution
control Boards and NDRF and SDRF.
This Chapter provides the incident reporting through standard form and
guidelines for reporting the incident.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
This Chapter provides the reporting of the incidents to Board, the Nodal Officer
of the Board will inform the Members of the Board and co-ordinate with
appropriate level in National disaster Management Authority till normalization of
the situation.
This chapter provides the series of activities to be carried out viz. information
to statutory authorities, Incident investigation, Damage assessment, entire
experience of the incident and ambient air monitoring at the site after the
28. ERDMP for pipelines carrying petroleum products and retail outlets
This Chapter provides the preparation of ERDMP for dealing with pipelines
carrying petroleum products.
This Chapter provides the preparation of ERDMP for handling emergencies arising
out of road transportation. It guides on mobilization of internal resources on
PPEs, safety and firefighting equipment’s and communication with external
agencies and District Authorities for Traffic control, Fire Tender, Ambulance,
Hospital, Crane and Transport vehicles etc.
This chapter provides the Govt. took a definite step towards NDMP by enacting
the NDMP Act 2005 by which a proactive and comprehensive mindset towards
NDMP covering all aspects from prevention, mitigation, preparedness to
rehabilitation, reconstruction and recovery.
31. Miscellaneous
This Chapter provides the entity to seek approval of the Board with mitigation
measures proposed to be carried out for any deviation from this code of
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Short Title and Commencement
(As per PNGRB Regulation, 2010. Clause No. 1)
(1) The Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP) have been
prepared as per the regulations of the Petroleum and Nature Gas Regulatory
Board (Codes of Practices for Emergency Response and Disaster Management
Plan (ERDMP) Regulations, 2010.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(As per PNGRB Regulation, 2010. Clause No. 2)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Terms & Definitions in this ERDMP document are same as given in PNGRB Act &
Regulations G.S.R. 39(E). Definitions are reproduced below:
A. “Act” means the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006;
B. ‘‘Board” means the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board established under
sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Act;
C. “Boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE)” means the violent rupture of a
pressure vessel containing saturated liquid or vapour at a temperature well above
its atmospheric boiling point and the resulting flash evaporation of a large fraction
of the superheated liquid which produces a large vapour cloud which burns in the
form of a large rising fireball due to ignition;
D. “Chief incident controller” means the person who assumes absolute control of the
unit and determines action necessary to control the emergency;
E. “Codes of practice” means the codes of practice for emergency response and
disaster management plan notified by the Board;
H. “Emergency” means a situation or scenario which has the potential to cause serious
danger to persons, environment or damage to property and which tends to cause
disruption inside or outside the premises and may require the help of outside
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
S. "Occupier” of an installation means the person who has ultimate control over the
affairs of the installation;
U. “Off site emergency plan” means a response plan to control and mitigate the
effects of catastrophic incidents in above ground installation (AGI) or underground
installations (UGI) or road transportation. This plan shall be prepared by the district
administration based on the data provided by the installation(s), to make the most
effective use of combined resources, i.e. internal as well as external to minimize
loss of life, property, environment and to restore facilities at the earliest;
V. “On site emergency” means an emergency that takes place in an installation and
the effects are confined to the Installation premise’s involving only the people
working inside the Terminals and to deal with such eventualities is the responsibility
of the occupier and is mandatory. It may also require help of outside resources;
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
W. “On site emergency plan” means a response plan to contain and minimize the
effects due to emergencies within the installations which have a potential to cause
damage to people and facilities within the installation premises;
X. “Risk” means the chance of a specific undesired event occurring within a specified
period or in specified circumstances and it may be either a frequency or a
probability of a specific undesired event taking place;
Y. “Risk analysis” means the identification of undesired events that lead to the
materialization of a hazard, the analysis of the mechanisms by which these
undesired events could occur and, usually, the estimation of the extent, magnitude,
and likelihood of any harmful effects;
AA. “Risk management” means the program that embraces all administrative and
operational programs that are designed to reduce the risk of emergencies involving
acutely hazardous materials. Such programs include, but are not limited to,
ensuring the design safety of new and existing equipment, standard operating
procedures, preventive maintenance, operator training, incident investigation
procedures, risk assessment for unit operations, emergency planning, and internal
and external procedures to ensure that these programs are being executed as
AB. “Site incident controller” means the person who goes to the scene of the emergency
and supervises the actions necessary to overcome the emergency at the site of the
AD. “Transport emergency (TREM) card” means a card containing details about the
nature of hazards, protective devices, telephone numbers and actions related to
spillage, fire, first aid and other details of national and international (UN) numbers
or signage which is common in India and abroad;
AE. “ Unconfined vapour cloud explosion (UVCE)” means the formation of vapour cloud
due to release of significant quantity of liquefied hydrocarbons into the atmosphere
and its explosion due to ignition which may cause high over pressure and low
pressure that cause very heavy damage.
Words and expressions used and not defined in these regulations, but defined in the Act
or rules or regulations made there under, shall have the meanings respectively assigned
to them in this Act or in the rules or regulation, as the case may be.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(As per PNGRB Regulation, 2010. Clause No. 3)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
This ERDMP has been prepared based upon PNGRB regulations G.S.R. 39(E) titled
‘Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Codes of Practices for
Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP) Regulations,
Clause No. 3 (c), (d) & (f) of PNGRB regulations GSR 39 (E) are applicable for ERDMP
of BPCL, Rewari TOP Installation. Emergency Response and Disaster Management
Plan (ERDMP) describes the organizational structure, facilities, equipment, services
and infrastructure necessary to respond to the emergency situation which could
have on-site as well as off-site implications at Receipt, Storage & Dispatch points.
Emergency Response Plan covers all emergencies relating to Operation &
Maintenance, personnel, properties including serious accidents, explosions, floods,
fire and bomb threat etc.
This plan also applies to those Governmental Agencies that are responsible for
emergency response within the immediate area surrounding the facilities and those
agencies, organizations, contractors, and facilities providing assistance to Rewari
TOP Installation in the event of an emergency. Rewari TOP Installation shall
maintain liaison with concerned governmental agencies to ensure proper
understanding and interfaces regarding aspects of notification, responsibilities of
personnel and resources of state and local agencies to be deployed in case of actual
emergency situation.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Scope and Intent
(As per PNGRB Regulation, 2010. Clause No. 4)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
A. Identification of emergencies;
B. Mitigation measures to reduce and eliminate the risk or disaster;
C. Preparedness plans and actions when disaster or emergencies occur;
D. Responses that mobilize the necessary emergency services including responders
like fire service, police service, medical service, ambulance, government as well
as non-governmental agencies;
E. Post disaster recovery with aim to restore the affected area to its original
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Imperatives of such a plan are to minimize the adverse effects of an accident and
restoration of normalcy at the earliest by providing measures to contain the
incident and limit the consequences.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
The Content of the Regulation
(As per PNGRB Regulation, 2010. Clause No. 5)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Contents of this ERDMP documents have been listed under Table of Contents. For
better correlation, same Clause No’s have been retained in the Contents as in
PNGRB regulations G.S.R. 39(E).
A. Classification of emergencies;
B. Implementation schedule;
C. Consequences of defaults or non-compliance;
D. Statutory requirements;
E. Pre-emergency planning;
F. Emergency mitigation measures;
G. Emergency preparedness measures;
H. Emergency response procedures and measures;
I. Emergency organisation and responsibilities;
J. Infrastructure requirements;
K. Declaration of on-site and off-site emergency;
L. Resources for controlling emergency;
M. Demographic information;
N. Medical facilities;
O. Evacuation;
P. Public relations and information to public;
Q. Reporting of the incident;
R. Emergency recovery procedures;
S. ERDMP for tank trucks and pipelines carrying petroleum products
T. Integration of the ERDMP with National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)
guidelines and action plan on Chemical Disasters (Industrial);
U. Security threat plan and action plan to meet the eventualities
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Classification of Emergencies
(As per PNGRB Regulation, 2010. Clause No. 6)
6. Classification of Emergencies
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
At BPCL Rewari TOP Installation, emergencies can be categorized into three broad
levels on the basis of seriousness and response requirements, namely: –
i) Can be effectively and safely managed, and contained within the terminal.
ii) Has no impact outside the terminal or site.
Fire, Failure of critical control system can be categorized under this level.
Floods, Excessive rains, Earthquake, Riots / Civil disorders can be categorized under
this head.
NOTE: Level 1 and Level 2 emergencies are normally grouped as On site emergency
and Level 3 emergency as Offsite emergency. However, the effect of the
emergencies listed above will depend on the magnitude of the crisis developed and
will have to be finally placed under the level based on the seriousness of the
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
The earlier emergency classification at stations as per OISD-117 has been renamed
as per PNGRB Regulations -2010 as follows:
Henceforth in the whole manual, terminology used for emergency is Level 1, Level
2 & Level 3 and words like Small fire, Major fire and Disaster as per OISD-117 have
been dropped.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Additionally the following scenarios likely to occur in Terminal-B have been considered
for finalizing detailed action plan & determining level of response required on any on
site/off site emergency situation:
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Implementation Schedule.
(As per PNGRB Regulation, 2010. Clause No. 7)
7. Implementation Schedule
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(Refer Regulation 7)
Implementation Time
(from the notification Status
S. No. Activity
date of Codes of
Practices for ERDMP)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Consequences of Default or Non-compliance
(As per PNGRB Regulation, 2010. Clause No. 8)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(1) There is a system for ensuring compliance to the provision of these regulations
through developing a well defined Emergency Response and Disaster
Management Plan and conduction of mock drill and safety audits during the
construction, commissioning and operation phase, as well as on an on-going
basis. There is also be a system of do’s and don’ts regarding safety, mock drills
or real emergencies for the visitors before entering an establishment. This should
be supported by written instruction sheet for the visitor and ensured that visitor
is accompanied by plant representative on forward visit and return gate.-
(2) The Board shall monitor the compliance of ERDMP, Technical Standards and
Specifications including Safety Standards either directly or indirectly by
accredited third party through separate regulations on third party conformity
(a) for first default in response, the defaulting entity with the application and
its management shall have to submit written explanation to affected mutual
aid members.-
(b) for the second and successive failure, the defaulting entity shall have to pay
the double of the billed amount of expenses incurred by affected mutual aid
members in case of any eventuality occurs in the premises of affected mutual
aid members.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Actuate nearest fire alarm /press DO NOT panic and avoid running all over the
nearest ESD/Inform Chief incident place, prevent other from doing so.
Any One Noticing
Controller or Fire & Safety
An Emergency
Coordinator over telephone. Wait till
Situation DO NOT enter the site unless instructed or
arrival of Emergency Team and direct
all clear siren/message is heard.
them to the site of emergency. Then
report to the assembly point.
DO NOT panic
All other
On hearing FIRE alarm, go to assembly DO NOT go to the site of emergency unless
point and wait for further instruction. specifically instructed by site main/
On Site
incident controller.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Requirements under other Statutes
(As per PNGRB Regulation, 2010. Clause No. 9)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Schedule – II
(Refer regulation 9(1))
1. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (amended 1991) and following Rules there
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Pre-Emergency Planning.
(As per PNGRB Regulation, 2010. Clause No. 10)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(1) The first step towards ERDMP shall be to identify potential on-site and off-site
hazards such as gas leaks, spills, fire, explosion, transportation incident, pipeline
ruptures, equipment failure, natural calamities, etc. and the types of damage caused
by them. The hazard identification shall include –
(c) Hazards to the installation shall also include Natural perils such as floods,
earthquakes, cyclones or landslides etc. ;
(d) Check points for hazard identification are given at Check list-1.
Unstable substances are liquids or solids, which may decompose with such
violence so as to give rise to blast waves.
Toxic substances are dangerous and cause substantial damage to life when
released into the atmosphere. The ratings for a large number of chemicals
based on flammability, reactivity and toxicity are given in NFPA Codes
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Any small fire in the installation, if not extinguished at early stage can cause
large scale damage and may have a cascading effect.
10.1.4 .a Fire
The worst scenario as per risk analysis will be catastrophe failure of MS Tank
and flooding of dyke. Pool fire is possible in case of ignition source. Being a
petroleum installation, the possibility of ignition source is ruled out as
adequate measures have been taken to restrict any source of ignition . All
the equipments in Zone 0(as per Hazardous area classification) of the
installation are flame proof. Effects of Burn Hazard due to Fire
breakout/Thermal radiation is provided in section 10.5.3 of this chapter.
From a safety standpoint, the best approach is to prevent the release of material. A
large cloud of combustible material is very dangerous and almost impossible to
control, despite any safety systems installed to prevent ignition.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
In the existing terminal since the source of ignition is most unlikely to be present,
there is less chances of fire. In case of MS tank rupture or major leakage of MS
in TLF, vapour cloud will form and drift slowly outside the battery area of the
terminal where source of ignition might be present resulting in UVCE. However
the probability of UVCE or flash fire are remote.
Also the tank shell failure rate being 3 times/10^6 Years, probability of MS tank
rupture is within acceptable limit.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
in the neighbourhood of the pipeline and may lead to a fire hazard if it gets
source of ignition and proper precautions are not taken.
The wind may tilt the flame towards ground causing secondary fires and
damages. Radiation from the flame can be very intense near the fire but falls off
rapidly beyond 3-4 pool diameters. Such fires are very destructive within the
plant area and near the source of generation.
In case of formation of small holes on the above ground pipeline the liquid may
escape in the form of jet and may catch fire if it gets an ignition source. Damage
due to heat radiation from such jets is mostly limited to objects in the path.
However, the ignited jet can impinge on other vessels and the pipelines causing
domino effect.
Following are the do’s& don’ts to be followed for the associated hazards:
A. Small Spills
Small spills which pose no safety and health dangers ¬ likely to adversely
affect the environment, are to be handled by trained personnel by:
B. Large Spills
Large spills contained inside the tank dyke will be recovered manually /
mechanically by using absorbent pads. Ensure closure of drain valves.
C. Pipeline leak during Tank Truck loading.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
This is possible in the operating area of the Terminal. The person on the spot
shall co-ordinate to control leak / spill. Block and arrange for recovery of
spilled Oil.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
By comparing the indices F&EI and TI, the unit in question is classified into
one of the following three categories established for the purpose (Table -
Table - 10.a
Table - 10.b
F3 = F3XMF
F1 F2
TK04, 16.00 1.55 3.68 5.704 91.264 76.66 MODERATE
TK08 10.00 1.55 2.90 4.495 44.95 37.75 LIGHT
ETHANOL Being class A product, it is similar to Motor Spirit (MS).
The second step of the ERDMP process is to determine the risk of an incident
associated with each hazard. The basic procedure in a risk analysis shall be as
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(b) calculate the quantity of material that may be released in each failure,
estimate the probability of such occurrences;
(d) the combination of consequences and probability will allow the hazards
to be ranked in a logical fashion to indicate the zones of important risk.
Criteria should then be established by
(e) which the quantified level of risk may be considered acceptable to all
parties concerned;
(f) after assessing the risk, the "maximum tolerable criterion" must be
defined and above which the risk shall be regarded as intolerable.
Whatever be the benefit level must be reduce below this level;
This section deals with various failure cases leading to various hazard
scenarios, analysis of failure modes and consequence analysis
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
It is difficult to ascertain the failure probability of any system because it will depend on
the components of the system. Even if failure occurs, the probability of
fire/explosion and the extent of damage will depend on many factors like:
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
< 25 ........ 30
40 ........ 10
50 ........ 7.5
80 ........ 5
100 ........ 4
>150 ……….. 3
D <50 MM ........ 0.3 *
50 <D <150 MM ........ 0.09 *
D >150 MM ........ 0.03 *
Low, consider cost-effective alternatives
Broadly Acceptable region
(no need for detailed working to 10-6/yr
demonstrate ALARP)
Negligible, maintain normal precautions
NOTE- a risk of 1 per million per year, or 10-6/Year, effectively means that any person standing
at a point of this level of risk would have a 1 in 10 00 000 chance of being fatally injured per
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Risk of death 1 per million per year or 1x10-6 per year inside the factory premises
are generally accepted without concern and this risk in often seen to be lower
than voluntary and involuntary risk of death from human activities and other
cases an individual is exposed to.
In case of BPCL Installation the acceptable risk of 1x10-6 per year remains mainly
within the factory boundary wall which is within the Broadly Acceptable
region,hence detailed working to demonstrate risk made ALARP(As Low As
Reasonably Practicable) is not required.
(2) The consequences of an Incident are fire explosion, deflagration, blast waves,
fast spreading flames, BLEVE, UVCE resulting in direct effects like damage to
buildings/property, burns, fatalities. However, an Incident in the neighborhood
may sometimes cascade into an on-site emergency. It should be prevented or
managed to avoid major emergency.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
i. can cause 1st degree burn if a man is exposed for more than 20 seconds.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Event Location Activities Scenario Product Surface Radiation Distance from the edge of the
No Area Intensity tank/pool
Inside (m)
(m2) (kW/ m2) 37.5 21.5 12.5 4
kW/ kW/m2 kW/ kW/
m2 m2 m2
9 Tank farm Receipt of Liquid spill MS 7500 20 Within Within 1.8 34.5
Product from gasket pool pool
leak on inlet
10. Tank farm Receipt of Overfilling of MS 7500 20 Within Within 1.8 34.5
product tank and spill pool pool
into dyke.
11. Tank farm Storage of Tank fire MS 200.96 37.6 Within Within 4.7 18
product caused by pool pool
12. Tank farm Loading Liquid spill MS 7500 20 Within Within 1.8 34.5
of from gasket pool pool
Product leak on outlet
13. Under- Receipt of Overfilling and Ethanol 166
ground Product spill
tank (TK
14. Under- Receipt of Overfilling and MS 342 29.66 0.7 3.5 17.5
ground Product spill.
tank (TK
15. Tank lorry Loading Discharge pipe MS 1051 21.5 Within Within 1.9 18
gantry of leak (header) pool pool
16. Tank lorry Filled Bottom valve MS 58.06 62.76 Within 2.9 6 18
gantry tank lorry leak and spill pool
(Max.5 KL)
17. Location 1- Oil Overflow/ MS 21.04 84.51 1.2 3 6 15
Near Tank Inspector Failure to
Farm maintain
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Fig-10.1 Damage contours from pool fire of HSD at the Transfer pipeline manifold
Observations: -
i. Thermal radiation capable of causing damage/ fatality are contained within the spill
area which extends up to 38m radius from the point of spill. The area covers the
manifold, peripheral road near the tank farm, dyke wall of tankfarm, unloading points
for HSD and MS and the driveway to the gantry. Personnel in the surrounding area are
exposed to 50% chance of fatality.
ii. The zone of 1% fatality corresponding to radiations of 12.5kW/m2, lies within 2m of
the spill area.
iii. Radiation levels of 12 kW/m2 to 4 kW/m2 fall on the gantry, TL decantation points,
TLF pump house, Tank no 3, and into the unlicensed area along the east. These levels
of radiation are not capable of causing secondary events. Personnel within this zone
may experience 1st degree burns for exposure longer than 20 secs .
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Fig- 10.2 shows the damage contours from the contents of the largest HSD Tank
igniting and burning within the tank. The effects are described below.
i. Thermal radiation capable of causing damage/ fatality are contained within the tank
and the immediate vicinity.
ii. Radiation levels of about 5kW/m2 fall on tanks 4, 6 & 7. These levels are not
capable of causing secondary effects.
iii. Thermal radiation up to 4 kW/m2 falls within the dyke and its vicinity.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
The damage contours from the contents of MS Tank igniting and burning within the
tank are shown in Fig-10.3 and the effects described below
i. Thermal radiation capable of causing damage/ fatality are contained within the tank
and the immediate vicinity
ii. Radiation levels of about 5kW/m2 fall on tanks 3, 5 & 8. These levels are not capable
of causing secondary effects.
iii. Thermal radiation up to 4 kW/m2 falls within the dyke and its vicinity.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
The damage contours from a pool fire from spill of MS within the dyke are shown in
the fig-10.4 the effects are described below.
Fig 6 Damage contours due to pool fire within dyke at Tank Farm
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Extent of thermal radiation from a pool fire due to spill of Ethanol at the TL decantation
point is shown in Fig- 10.6. The effects of thermal radiation are described below.
Fig- 10.6 Pool fire of Ethanol at TL Decantation point
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
The damage contours from a pool fire due to spill of MS at the UG tank area are shown
on the layout in Fig 10.7 and the effects are described below.
i. Thermal radiations up to 12.5kW/m2 fall at the UG tank kerb 1 and its immediate
ii. Thermal radiation from 11 to 4.5kW/m2 fall on neighbouring UG tanks kerb 2 and
buried pipelines, TLF pump house and an OWS.
iii. There are no manned locations within the vulnerable area
iv. Significant effects are contained within the installation.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
i) Spreading of hydrocarbon vapours along with wind till it reaches its lower
flammability limit or finds a source of ignition which will result in flash fire or
ii) Spillage of liquid hydrocarbons will result in a pool of liquid, which will
evaporate taking heat from the surface, forming a flammable atmosphere
above it. Ignition of this pool will result in pool fire.
iii) Explosion of vapour cloud will cause blast waves of different intensities.
The petroleum products released accidentally due to any reason will normally
spread on the ground as a pool or released in the form of jet in case of release
from a pressurised pipeline through small openings. Light hydrocarbons
present in the petroleum products will evaporate and may get ignited both in
case of jet as well as liquid pool causing jet fire or pool fire. Accidental fire
on the storage tanks due to ignition of vapour from the tanks or due to any
other reason may also be regarded as pool fire.
Thermal radiation due to pool fire or jet flame may cause various degrees of
burns on human bodies. Also its effect on inanimate objects like equipment,
piping, building and other objects need to be evaluated. The damage effects
due to thermal radiation intensity are elaborated in Table - 10.c & 10.d
Table - 10.c
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
1st Degree Burn Involve only epidermis, blister may occur; example -
sun burn.
2nd Degree Burn Involve whole of epidermis over the area of burn plus
some portion of dermis.
3rd Degree Burn Involve whole of epidermis and dermis; subcutaneous
tissues may also be damaged.
The acceptability level of risk for people employed within the organization are
generally higher. This is because of the fact that those employed are well aware
of the risk involved and have accepted voluntarily some amount of risk while
accepting the job. This voluntary risk can be compared to the risk associated
with other voluntary activities like rock climbing, motor vehicles accidents
smoking etc.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(Refer Regulation 10.1 (d))
Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP)
Hazard Identification
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
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Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Mitigation Measures.
(As per PNGRB Regulation, 2010. Clause No. 11)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
2. Site plan of the showing a complete layout of the indicating boundary walls,
exit and entry gates and location of various facilities.
5. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for all hazardous chemicals stored, handled,
produced and transported in the installation.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Addresses and Telephone No. of Technical Support Services, Lab, Fire Fighting,
Consultant on emergency Handling and Medical Services
9. Resource mobilization
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
As per Schedule-IV
(Refer regulation 11.2)
Resource Mobilisation (Men and Equipment)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
1. Establish and maintain good standards for safety of the people, the processes and
the assets.
2. Comply with all Rules and Regulations on Safety, Occupational Health and
Environmental Protection.
3. Plan, design, operate and maintain all facilities, processes and procedures to secure
sustained Safety, Health and Environmental Protection.
4. Remain trained, equipped and ready for effective and prompt response to accidents
and emergencies.
6. Adopt and promote industry best practices to avert accidents and improve our
HSE performance.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
All action points discussed/recorded is disseminated down the line to all concerned
including security & safety consciousness .Review of previous SCM points along with
target dates with regard to its implementation and bottlenecks(if any )is discussed
and responsibility with target dates fixed for time bound compliance.
i. Apart from Safety Committee Meeting ,General Body Safety Committee meetings
chaired by LIC are also held on regular basis whereby fair participation from Union
leaders and contract workers is observed & encouraged
Internal Safety audit and inspections are carried out with the help of prescribed
checklists as per OISD-STD145 standards and codes of practice. The internal safety
audit is carried out once in a year by Multi Disciplinary Auditors. There is a system to
track the implementation or compliance of audit recommendations.
Multi Disciplinary Safety Audit is held once in a year as per Safety Audit Check
list prescribed in OISD.145. A copy of internal audit are enclosed at ANNEXURE-
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
i. SCOPE :
For performing any work in the installation by any person other than the operating
personnel of that area, a duly authorised written permit shall be obtained for by
the person/agency executing the work before commencement of the work.
Separate permit shall be obtained for each activity.
Receiver of the permit must be the concerned Officer of the Corporation .Issuer of
the permit must be the Location In Charge. Second In Charge must issue the permit
in LIC’s absence.
A copy of each permit issued must be handed over to the DSO for review of safety
measures/precautions .DSO shall have the added responsibility of visiting the site
& giving necessary clearance before commencement of any job.
Depending on the nature of the job as mentioned in the scope, there are five types
of permit:
1. Hot Work
2. Cold Work
3. Electrical Work
All jobs in the installation shall be carried out under valid work permit only.
Operating personnel do not require work permit except for performing Tank
Cleaning Operation.
Work permits in the installation shall meet the requirements of OISD-STD-105 titled
‘Work Permit System’.
Separate permit must be issued for each job. Multiple jobs in a single permit are
If the job involves isolation and de-isolation, there has to be three permits for – (1)
isolation, (2) main job and (3) de-isolation. Permit (2) should not be issued until
isolation has been effected and permit (1) has been handed back and the GSI has
checked that the isolation has been complete. A similar approach shall be applied
for permit (3).
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
On completion of a cold job, the permit shall be signed by permittee /receiver and
returned to the issuer along with clearance certificate. The permit shall be handed
over to DSO by the issuer along with the duplicate copy for record & filing.
In case of serious lapse or violation of permit conditions where safety of the working
personnel or equipment is likely to be affected, the execution of the job shall be
In case of any accident or fire at the work site, the permit shall be cancelled. Fresh
permit shall be obtained for restarting the job.
2) Safety Interlock in Tank Farm: All tanks in Tank Farm area have been provided
with two Radar Gauges. Secondary Radar Gauge of each tank is used to generate
level alarms and initiate action as per BPCL Guidelines. Various predefined
levels like Hi level, Hi-Hi level are fed into system which generates audio visual
alarms in Control room to take necessary action while Product Receipt is under
progress. Automatic switch over of tanks are also available once pre defined
level is reached in tank.
3) AOPS in tanks:- All product tanks are provided with Automatic overspill
protection device which triggers safety PLC and communicate to pipeline PLC
also for safe shutdown procedures.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Check points for incident prevention measures are given at Check list -2.
(Refer Regulation 11.3 (xii))
Incident Prevention Measures
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Preparedness Measures.
(As per PNGRB Regulation, 2010. Clause No. 12)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Fire mock drills are carried out monthly. The exercise is carried out at random
as per the direction of CFO (Chief Fire Officer).Performance of each team
including its member connected or affected with the simulation exercise is
observed. In addition, observations of person present at site at that time. A
report is prepared on the simulation exercise including the observations for
information and corrective actions if any.
The onsite emergency simulation exercise is carried out six monthly. The
location, situation and timing of the Emergency response drill is decided by
senior officials from Factories Department A team of observers is also formed
whose member comprises of senior officials of factories department, State Fire
Service and Police Department at that time only. The dill is carried out and the
observation of each function is observed and recorded. After the exercise is over
that is after declaration of all clear, the observations as recorded are discussed/
deliberated in concluding session of the simulation exercise and measures are
taken accordingly for the improvement of the system. A report of the drill is
After detail discussion the following objectives of mock drills and training were
established –
1. To evaluate the response time of emergency teams like combat , auxiliary and
rescue team. It should be minimum possible as per site condition.
2. Action taken at site by emergency teams as per situation.
3. Effectiveness of emergency systems like fire fighting system, communication
system etc.
4. Response of On Site Emergency Plan Co-ordinators in case of Onsite emergency
5. Response of Security personnel
6. Training and awareness of personnel
Observers shall be appointed prior to the mock drill. The observers shall be well
experienced and knowledgeable persons of the field. They shall be briefed about
the scenario of the mock drill and objectives of the mock drill. They will be
deputed at different locations. After completion of mock drill they will discuss
their observation at the debriefing session held at assembly point.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Based on the risk analysis done for Terminal, the following scenarios likely to
occur in Terminal have been considered for finalizing detail action plan on any
on site emergency situation. Based on the various emergency scenarios
identified, mock drills are carried out to enhance the preparedness in tackling
these emergencies.
01. Vessel connection failure for inlet / outlet lines of MS, SKO, and HSD tanks
02. TLF Pumps discharge lines Full bore failure for MS, SKO & HSD (Road Tanker
03. Gasket failure in TLF pump discharge line SKO, MS and HSD (Road Tanker Loading
04. Mechanical seal failure for MS, SKO & HSD pumps for Tank truck loading.
05. Hole in pump Discharge line (Hole dia.-25mm) for (i) MS, (ii) SKO & (iii) HSD.
06. Leakage from product tanks (due to perforations/corrosion in tank body surface
07. Ingress of Flood water to product pump house.
08. Bomb threat / Terrorist attack.
EXPLOSIVEMETER : OISD STD. 116 Once in 6 months Followed
Communication OISD STD. 116 Once in a month Followed
2 System
Testing of walkie-
OISD STD. 116 Once in a week Followed
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Once in a Being
1 Mock Fire Drill OISD STD-116
Month followed
On Site Disaster MSIHC Once in 6 Being
Drill Rules1989 month followed
Off Site MSIHC To be
3 Once in a year
Disaster Drill Rules1989 followed
After completion of the mock drill, a de-briefing session is organized on the same
day at the assembly point. The session is attended by CFO, DFO etc.In addition to
this all observers, head of emergency teams with members, Onsite emergency
plan coordinator and any special observer. In this meeting the observations are
discussed in details and recommendations are also provided.
These recommendations will be circulated to all concerned for compliance in the
next drill. It will be reviewed in the next drill and safety meeting.
All employees of the location, contract labour, security personnel and TT crew
must be trained in prevention of fire and fighting fire.
Programs are structured to educate all the employees , contract labour, Security
personnel, TT crew about the importance of fire prevention, the loss of life and
property, it can cause in a petroleum industry with examples of past incident of
fire accident in petroleum industry, points to be remembered for prevention of
fire, SOP to be followed etc.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Normally all fires are initially small and it grows very fast with the passage of
time. Hence it is easier to control fire at the initial stage. With this in view,
training of operation and maintenance personnel, who normally notice fire at its
initial stage is very much important. The training program should be suitably
structured and conducted in a suitable language depending on the understanding
level of participants and location. The course content should include topics like
sources of ignition, flammable characterstics of materials, method of
extinguishment, use of different types of extinguishers & other fire fighting
apparatus, isolation of fire to prevent further escalation, communication with
fire station, practical training of common/conventional types of firefighting
equipment etc.
Consideration has been given to the following while preparing mutual aid
a) Written mutual aid arrangements are worked out to facilitate additional help in
the event of Level-II emergencies by way of rendering manpower, medical aid
or fire fighting equipments, etc.
b) The mutual aid arrangement is prepared such that the incident controller of the
affected will be supported by neighboring industries on call basis for the support
services materials and equipments already agreed. Further, all such services
deputed by member industry shall work under the command of the site incident
controller of the affected.
c) Mutual aid associations conduct quarterly meetings, develop written plans and
test the effectiveness of their plans by holding drills. Drills are essential to
establish a pattern for operation, detect weaknesses in communications,
transportation and training. Periodic drills also develop experience in handling
problems and build confidence in the organization.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
ii. The type of equipment, that would be deployed and procedure for making the
iii. Written procedures which spell out the communication system for help and
response. This is also required to get acquainted with operation of different
firefighting equipment available at mutual aid members and compatibility for
connecting at users place.
iv. Familiarization of topography and drills for access and exit details Carried out by
mutual aid members.
Note: Incidents involving road transport vehicles carrying petroleum products shall be
attended by the nearest on request of civic authorities even in absence of mutual aid
agreement with the consignor. Failure on the part of such industry shall attract penalty
provisions under sub-regulation 8(4) of these regulations.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
[Refer Regulation 12.1(i)]
S.No. Check Points Yes/No
1 Whether mock fire / emergency response drills are held Yes
2 If yes, periodicity of emergency response drills Monthly
3 Mock drills cover all types of probable emergencies Yes
4 Does the location have Mutual Aid Plan Yes
5 If yes, the details of other members including names and contact nos. Yes
of concerned officials
6 List of fire fightingequipments available with each Mutual Aid Yes
members including District Fire Service
7 Compatibility of safety equipment of all Mutual Aid members including Yes
District Fire Services with said location has been tested and
documented in the DMP
8 Details of water storage available with Mutual Aid member including Yes
District Fire Service and mechanism to utilize the same in the said
location well documented in the DMP
9 Details of fire fighting foams concentrate/chemicals available with Yes
Mutual Aid members including nearest Fire Service has been
10 Details of lead time for response of Mutual Aid members including Yes
District Fire Service has been documented in the DMP
11 Periodicity of safety training for officers, staff, contractor workers, TT No
crew and security personnel mentioned in the ERDMP.
12 Mutual Aid Plans
Does the location have established Mutual Aid Plans Yes
13 Which are the Mutual Aid Team Members and the assistance offered Yes
14 Does the plan clearly indicate types of possible hazards and fire Yes
fighting measures required.
15 Does the plan include expected assistance from each members Yes
16 Does the Plan spell out the communication protocol and the channels Yes
in times of emergency
17 Periodic joint exercise and meetings for practice, familiarization and Yes
identifying and resolving compatibility issues.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Response Procedures and Measures
(As per PNGRB Regulation, 2010. Clause No. 13)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
i. The zones and maps shall be prepared highlighting the Incident prone areas of
the unit so that in case of an emergency it serves as a basis for taking the action.
This indicates the size of the area within which human life is seriously
endangered by the consequences of incident. This should also indicate the
location of assembly points and emergency control rooms. The map should also
have marked 24 wind directions to facilitate easy access in case of emergencies.
ii. The entities shall help District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) in
finalizing the full drawn map of installations and nearby areas under 14 their
operations having presence of habitats which are vulnerable and sensitive like
old age homes, schools, prison, etc.
iii. Wind speed and direction should be recorded with the help of anemometer and
declaration of off-site emergencies should be immediately communicated to
Detailed layout and flow diagram for different activities such as Product Lines, filling
system, emergency shutdown system isolation valves etc. should be detailed. The
important control valves should be highlighted.
Important Control valves list is given below:
The details of manpower deputed on shift basis should be given in order to assess
the requirement in case of emergency.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
General Shift 8.30 AM to 17.00 PM
Lunch Time 12.30 PM to 13.00 PM
ESD is the procedure to be invoked in case of any emergency at the location, purpose
of ESD is to stop all the ongoing process/power at the location including receiving.
At terminal when ESD is pressed, product loading operation is terminated as the
power supply to the pumps & motors in the product pump house gets cut off with a
time lag of approximately 5 seconds after actuation of the ESD.
ESD’s are provided at the following locations in the terminal premises with Rotate
Push & lock type to avoid accidental pressing.
As soon as an emergency is declared, the security will raise the siren and Chief Fire
Officer (Chief Incident Controller) will take stock of the situation. As per the
necessity & the severity & Nature of emergency(Level I, II & III) the CFO will decide
the action plan to be put in place with the help of Site incident controller and his
fire combating teams.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(Refer Regulation 13.0))
ERDMP Response Measures/Infrastructure
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Organization and Responsibilities.
(As per PNGRB Regulation, 2010. Clause No. 14)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(1) The ERDMP shall identify the safe transition from normal operation to
emergency operations and systematic shut down, if any, and the delegation
of authority from operations personnel to emergency response personnel.
For this purpose, the plan shall identify an emergency response
organization with appropriate lines of authority with succession planning
and actuating the response management. Responsibilities for decision
making shall be clearly shown in an emergency organization chart. The plan
shall identify each responder's position, mission, duties and reporting
Role of key personnel is clearly defined in this ERDMP to avoid confusion and to
meet the emergency effectively.
The Chief Incident Controller and the Site Incident Controller are two main
positions for effective control of an emergency at site.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
etc. Fire & Safety, Security. Finance& Accounts personnel shall also take due roles &
Municipal transport
rescue and
rehabilitation team
Fire Brigade
(Location Incharge)
Mutual Aid
(Manager Terminal)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(1) Above is a typical and basic organogram for control of emergency. Entity
can merge the functions as per their other statutory requirements and based on
level of risk and range of operations. The organisation shall have to address all
services and support system required and available to it.
(3) Role of both CIC and SIC can be merged depending upon the requirement.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(b) The SIC shall be capable of making quick decisions and taking
full charge;
(e) The SIC shall also ensure the response to the incidents or the
emergencies, as the case may be, is in line with entity
procedures, coordinating business continuity or recovery
plan from the incident. He must ensure next of kin are
notified in a timely manner;
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(c) to activate the medical centre and render first aid to the injured.
arrange ambulance and coordination with hospitals for prompt
medical attention to casualties;
(g) to monitor entry and exit of personnel into and out of premises;
(i) To regulate the flow of traffic into and out of premises and control
the mob outside, if any, with the assistance of the police.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
The Security Coordinator reports to the Chief / Site Incident Controller and is
responsible for security of the installation during any incident or emergency
situation and for implementing the actions below:
(a) Obtaining an approved visitor list from the security department or
reception for ensuring that personnel on the list are escorted to
reception by security staff;
(b) Maintaining security of the office in the event of an office evacuation;
(c) Providing office security and assisting authorities in the event of civil
unrest or when required organizing additional security at the
emergency scene;
(d) Obtaining initial briefing from Chief / Site Incident Controller and
providing security information and or status reports to Site Incident
Controller during the emergency;
(e) Assuming responsibility for any task delegated by Chief Incident
Controller; and
(f) Assessing the emergency, identify security specific problems and
recommend solutions to Chief Incident Controller. (a) Maintenance of ERDMP Records.
There shall be maintenance of ERDMP records for all kind of
emergencies covering near Miss, Level-I, Level-II and Level-III.
Organization shall maintain an Incident Record Register for the above
purpose and post–disaster documentation like resources deployed,
relief, rehabilitation measures and lesson learned to avoid re-
occurrence of any such emergency. Head of HSE or any other
designated personnel by the CIC/SIC shall be responsible for
maintenance of such records.
(2) This section of the Response Plan shall include a public relations or media
plan. It should identify an Information Officer that is well-equipped and
trained in media relations.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(3) Initial releases shall be restricted to statements of facts such as the name
of the installation involved, type and quantity of spill, time of spill, and
countermeasure actions being taken. All facts must be stated clearly and
consistently to everyone.
Note- Plans shall also be developed to utilize local media and television
stations for periodic announcements during an emergency. This shall
also assist in reducing rumors and speculation.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Police Security
Note: 1. above is a typical communication flow chart forIIInotification of
(1) Above is a typical and basic Organogram for control of emergency. Entity can
merge the functions as per their other statutory requirements and based on
level of risk and range of operations. The organization shall have to address
all services and support system required and available to it.
(3) Role of both CIC and SIC can be merged depending upon the requirement.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
1. Emergency Control Centre shall receive the information from field either in
person or from the various systems available in the installation.
2. on receipt of information, the ECC In-charge will actuate the ERDMP and notify
the emergency to site incident controller.
3. ECC in-charge will act as site incident controller till arrival of designated person.
4. SIC or CIC depending upon the level of emergency will actuate the ERDMP and
inform the concerned authorities as depicted above in the chart.
(1) The Emergency siren/s should be located suitably to cover the whole area
with the operational control within the installation. These should be tested
at least once in a week to keep them in working condition.
(2) Emergency siren code should be as follows, namely: -
(b) Emergency Level-II and III: Same type of siren as in case of Level – I
and II but the same will be sounded for three times at the interval of
one minutes i.e.( wailing siren 2min + gap 1 min + wailing siren 2min
+ gap 1min + wailing siren 2min) total duration of Disaster siren to
be eight minutes.
(d) TEST: Straight run siren for two minutes at frequency at least once
a week.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
2 Are the records for periodic Mock drills maintained in a well Yes
defined format.
3 After each drill, whether assembly meetings involving all staff Yes
and contract personnel are conducted to share experience of
the event as also to identify the shortcomings and scopes for
further improvement in procedures. Whether the issues are
discussed and the plan modified suitably.
4 Does the review ensures efficiency of the plan particularly Yes
w.r.t. response, communication and coordination aspects.
5 Do the Mutual Aid members participate in the drills and based Yes
on the actual response and difficulties experienced, corrective
actions initiated for refinement of the plan.
6 Does a procedure exist in incorporating the findings/ learnings Yes
of the actual disaster management handling, if any so that the
plan can be revised accordingly.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 15)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(1) Each installation shall have the provision of ECC preferably with a backup
(a) The ECC is away from potential hazards and provide maximum safety to
personnel and equipment.
(b) Preference is given to a non-combustible building of either steel frame
or reinforced concrete construction.
(c) The ECC is having two exits, one in the front and another in the back and
adequate refrigeration, Control Room has been designated as Emergency
Control Centre (ECC).
(2) Following certain basic supplies and dedicated equipment shall be made available at
the ECC.
(a) A copy of the ERDMP is made available.
(b) Maps and diagrams showing buildings, roads, process lines, drainage
trenches, and utilities such as air, nitrogen, water and electricity are
(c) Maps showing the site, surrounding area, high-ways, rivers, etc. are
(d) Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of employees displayed.
(e) Updated lists of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of off-site groups
and organizations are made available that might have to be contacted during
(f) Dedicated and reliable communication equipments are provided at the ECC.
(g) ECC has emergency lights and back up UPS power so that operations can
continue in the event of power failure.
(h) Logbooks for recording the sequence of events have been provided to assist
in investigating causes, evaluating performance, and preparing reports.
(i) ECC has also has dedicated computer with LAN / internet facility to access
the installation data and also it has the latest and updated soft copies of all
standard operating practices (SOP) etc.
OPS-M&I 9337107454
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(1) There is a pre-designated areas in safe zone as per quantitative risk assessment,
where the personnel like workers, staff, contractor workers etc. not involved in
emergency operations (as per ERDMP) shall assemble in case of an emergency.
(2) Depending on the location of the emergency, the assembly point can vary. For each
potential hazardous zone, a specific assembly point is identified and clearly marked on
the zones or maps.
(3) The assembly point is clearly marked with directional display board along the route.
Route is well lighted with florescent marking.
(4) During an emergency, pre-designated person name (CTM-Rewari TOP) will take
charge of this point and take the roll call of the people reporting. Provisions has been
made for assembly points, communication and headcount facilities at assembly points,
and personnel to control the movement of assembled employees.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Declaration of On-site and Off–site Emergency
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 16)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
In case of any hazard inside BPCL, Rewari TOP Insallation, the effects that are also
felt outside the boundary wall.
In the event of Emergency, the same will be communicated to all Coordinators. All
employees will report to nearest Assembly points as specified, on hearing the siren
or getting the message over telephone/VHF/PA Systems. Maintenance
personnel/Contract workmen working with machines also proceed for Assembly
point after leaving the machine in safe condition.
Note: The announcement regarding Major Emergency will be made by the Location-
in-Charge (Chief incident Coordinator) or his nominee as information first becomes
available on an incident.
Emergency incidents will be classified by the level of response that will be required.
The level of response may change as more information becomes available or
conditions change. Where information is lacking the worst case scenario will dictate
the level of response.
2. The Chief Incident Controller shall assess the degree of hazard as defined in Chapter
6 of the ERDMP(Level-1,Minor/Level-2,Major/Level-3,Disaster)& declare on-site or
off-site emergency accordingly& initiate appropriate action.
3. An emergency starts as a small incident which may become a major incident with
passage of time. At the initial stages, the Emergency & Fire Fighting
organisationchart shall be put into action. If the incident goes beyond control the
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
on-site emergency plan will be actuated by the chief incident controller at the
appropriate stage as considered necessary.
4. During idle shift or holidays, the security personnel will combat the incident as per
the Emergency & Fire Fighting organisation chart and at the same time inform
various emergency controllers for guidance and control the situation.
5. When emergency becomes catastrophic and evacuation beyond the plant premises
is considered necessary by the chief incident controller, the situation will be handed
over to district authority for implementing the off-site emergency plan.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Resources for Controlling Emergency
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 17)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
1. To meet all possible emergencies, the has been provided with a number of
systems and resources based on the risk level as identified above in addition
to requirements under the Factories Act, 1948 and other statutory
regulations applicable to the Installation.
1 10 Kg DCP 99
2 75 Kg DCP 6
3 4.5 Kg CO2 30
4 25 Kg DCP 22
5 AFFF(in KL) 9
6 Safety Shoes 15
7 Safety Helmets 20
8 Safety Belts 1
9 Face Shield 1
10 Fire Hoses 42
11 Sand Buckets 40
12 Fire Fighting Engines 3
The available emergency control systems and facilities within the as under:
Cone/floating roof tanks are used for storing High Speed Diesel and
Motor Spirit.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
PPEs are kept ready at PPE room, at Admin Building. The PPEs available are
as below:
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(e) Medical facilities at OHC and First aid boxes at operating areas round
the clock are available with required medicines and doctor for first
aid in need.
1 Safety pins 1
2 Bandage 2
3 Paracitamol -
4 Boric Acid 1
5 Potassium Permangmer 1
6 Dettol 1
7 Burnol 1
8 Soframycin Tube 1
9 Paracetamal Tablet 10
10 Disprin Tablet 10
11 Crocin Tablet -
12 Combiflame Tablet 10
13 Lopox Tablet -
14 Cyclopam Tablet -
15 Iodine Tincture -
16 Neospirin Powder -
17 Ciplox Eyc/ Ear Drops -
18 Band -Aid 10
19 Adheshiv Tape USP 2
20 Wound Dressing Roll 2
21 Cotton Wool 2
22 Relispray -
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(g) Escape route and evacuation zones are marked at operating areas and
at road junctions.
(h) Manual Call Points are provided at vulnerable operating areas viz.
a) Admin Block
3. Required resources are suitably incorporated into the ERDMP. Number and
type as per the relevant code, standards and best practices in the industry
are incorporated. This section identifies sources of local assistance including
telephone numbers and names of contacts for:
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
[Refer Regulation 17.0 (5)]
Availability of resources [ internal / external ]
8 Does the plan enumerate the following resources available internally Yes
with the location as also from external agencies including Mutual Aid Oil company
Members and Govt. agencies like fire brigade, police, municipal wise fire
authorities etc. :
a. Water – from static reservoir as also mobile water tankers
b. Fire Hoses facilities are
c. Specialised nozzles e.g. fog, jet, etc. enclosed
d. Mobile water monitors under Mutual
e. Fire Extinguishers – type and capacity Aid Members
f. Water Gel Blankets Resources.
g. Foam Compounds Refer
h. First Aid material, Medicines, Stretchers
Annexure -I
i. Mobile / fixed ladders
j. Vehicles available
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Demographic Information.
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 18)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
It is engaged in receiving petroleum products viz. Motor Spirit, High Speed Diesel
through Pipeline transfer & Ethanol through Tank Lorries.
The products are stored in above ground and/underground tanks having a total
capacity of 22374 kl.
Neighboring Industries:
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Pipeline Division, NRPL Rewari
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Marketing Division, Rewari
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Marketing Division, Reawri
Reliance Industries Ltd., Rewari
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Pipeline Division, Rewari
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
All details regarding Rewari have been processed by us after receiving from Govt. of India.
We are not responsible for errors to population census details of Rewari District.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
In the 2km Study area there are no Cattle and livestock from BPCL Rewari
Rewari is rich in its store of flora and fauna. The geography of Hariyana boasts
of having a wide variety of flora and fauna which are spread throughout its
length and breadth.
In Rewari, one can find as many varieties of mammals, variety species of birds,
a wide range of insects, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, etc. - this aspect, indeed,
makes West Bengal rich in terms of flora and fauna.
A large number of other animals like Garden lizard, Common Indian toad, Indian
cobra, bees, silkworm, Lac insect, etc., are found in the vacant land of Rewari. Some
of the dangerous breed of insects is also found in forests of Rewari, such as
mosquitoes and locusts which are fatal both for mankind and animals.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
The flora and fauna of Rewari is incomplete without a reference to the birds. Many
kinds of birds are found here, such as:
In Rewari, we find many species of flora. The flora in Rewari includes a wide range
forests in the eastern region of India, including trees like:
The flora and fauna of Rewari also possess a wide range of vegetation. This
kind of vegetation includes:
Green Chili.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Medical Facilities.
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 19)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Doctors /Clinic Contact Details Place
211, Shiv Chowk, Model Town,
1 Dr. Smita Kashyap 080590 94094
Rewari, Haryana 123401
Yadav Homeopathic Hospital, Shiv
2 Dr Ramesh Yadav 094163 20220 Chowk, Model Town, Rewari,
Haryana 123401
Advance hospital, Bawal-Rewari Rd, near
3 Dr Manish Sharma 099992 38068
sales tax office, Rewari, Haryana 123401
Bharat Hospital Aadarsh Nagar, Road,
4 Dr Manoj Kumar 094161 95928 Ward Number 25, Rewari,
Haryana 123401
Dr. Mahendera Hospital 258- L Model Town, Near Bus Stand &
5 098136 17348
Rewari Hanuman Tample, Haryana 123401
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 20)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Direction signs indicating evacuation routes in buildings and other structures (such
as TLF) should be followed.
Wind socks for indication of wind direction is to be observed.
Instruction to personnel that they should evacuate in a cross-wind direction, away
from the vapour cloud if its extent is visible.
Administration & Communication Coordinator / Fire Fighting & Safety Coordinator
shall announce on public address system for the assembly point in between gate no.
1& TLF shed entry gate on the direction in which they should evacuate.
Installation Security Personnel shall carry out a head count for contractor personnel
and Administration & Communication Coordinator shall arrange to carry out a head
count for employees of Terminal.
Orderly evacuation of Tank Trucks (unaffected in the emergency) through the TT
emergency exit gate shall be initiated immediately. To avoid chaos & confusion
during evacuation separate evacuation routes must be demarcated for evacuation
of personnel & evacuation of Tank Trucks.
Emergency scenario must be informed immediately to GSPL personnel stationed at
Terminal so that they can initiate their own evacuation through the emergency exit
If a major industrial accident does occur, the general public in surrounding areas
will have very little time to react and save themselves. The local population will
have to be warned in a very short period.
Time available to population for a safe escape and threatened by the accident will
depend on the nature of accident.
A fire will give more time to escape and generally area affected will be small.
Effects of a fire on population will be injuries due to thermal radiation.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
An explosion will give little time to warn population and area affected may be much
larger than that in case of a fire. Effects of an explosion on the population will be
injuries caused by shock wave, flying debris collapsing structures as well as
exposure to thermal radiation.
a. Since exhaustive specialized medical facilities are available only outside the
terminal premises, treatment of major casualties has to be carried out in
hospitals/nursing homes outside. When the patient is in a position to be transported
outside the premises by car or ambulance, it is preferable to do so without any
wastage of time.
b. The concerned nursing home/hospital and the security staff should be prepared to
handle the case and should be informed in order to avoid unnecessary time
c. The trained first aiders, and medical staff should be contacted immediately and their
decision on action should be final.
d. The route used for evacuation should always be the safest, least congested and
quickest one. The evacuation route to be followed would depend upon the wind
direction and the location source of trouble. The escape route for non-fire fighters
and public should be to observe wind socks and plan the escape in the direction
opposite cross-way to the wind direction. In other words, the escape should be
directly perpendicular to the wind direction or flame bend.
1. If evacuation takes place after initial head counts are reported, it is the
duty of the Administration & Communication Coordinator to arrange for
recounting in the emergency shelter.
3. While evacuated sites are being researched, the person conducting the
search must carry proper announcement system.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Information to Public
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 21)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(1) The safety measures to be taken in the event of an emergency shall be made
known to the general public who are likely to be affected.
(2) For the purpose, use of Dos' and Don’ts' shall be prepared and furnished to the
Crisis management Group. Display boards carrying do’s and don’ts should be
located outside the gate as well as in the neighbouring colonies and other
habitat areas in the immediate vicinity.
As per the rule 41-8(4) of the Factories Act and Rule 15 of the MSIHC rules, the safety
measures to be taken in the event of an emergency shall be made known to the
general public who are likely to be affected. Terminal recognizes the importance of
community goodwill and being a public sector undertaking, would endeavor to make
maximum information available to the public regarding safety as applicable in its
For disclosure of the information during the disaster situation, the Public
announcements shall be done by Terminal Disaster Management Team after getting
required clearance from the Chief Incident Controller. To avoid any panic, it has
been decided that announcements will be made in nearby areas releasing
information to the tune of requirement only.
The Chief Incident Controller of the installation is the only authorized person for
giving the information to be public & to serve as the Liaison Officer.
For bringing the awareness amongst the external public at large, the use of
electronic media like TV, Air & Press coverage shall be used. The Chief Incident
Controller of the installation shall prepare the Press release to be issued for the
local press & other important dailies.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Immediately go indoors
Shut all doors, windows, and ventilators. Block all the gaps with wet cloth and draw
Switch off fans, exhaust fans, air conditioners.
Extinguish all flames.
Keep torches handy. Store water for emergency use.
Do not jam emergency phone lines by calling emergency services.
Covering nose / mouth with wet cloth will help.
Wait for further instructions from emergency services before moving out.
Educating general public about the potential hazards associated with installation
and actions to be taken in case of accident, will one of the key areas of disaster
management plan. For this purpose, the following actions are proposed:
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders
including External Agencies.
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 22)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Schedule – V
b) The district authority is responsible for the Off-Site emergency plan and it shall be
equipped with up-to-date Major Accident Hazard units, website, control room etc.,
with provisions for monitoring the level of preparedness at all times. Regular
meetings of various stakeholders of Chemical Disaster Management will be
conducted by district administration/District Disaster Management Authority to
review the preparedness of Chemical Disaster Management.
d) The fire services are one of the first responders and shall be adequately trained
and equipped to handle chemical emergencies. Fire services are to acquire a
thorough knowledge of likely hazards at the incident site and the emergency control
measures required to contain it.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
g) The role of civil society and private sector in the Off-Site plan shall be defined.
h) The health department needs to assure that all victims get immediate medical
attention on the site as well as at the hospitals/health-care facility where they are
shifted. In addition, the department needs to network all the health-care facilities
available in the vicinity for effective management and also take effective measures
to prevent the occurrence of any epidemic.
j) The NDRF and SDRF are the specialised forces to manage these disasters in a longer
run according to the severity and nature of the disaster. Their specialised training
is an effective measure that needs to be built up and maintained with time for
achieving a higher standard of preparedness. They need to coordinate with other
local agencies such as the Central Industrial Security Force that may be responsible
for security at the industrial site.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Reporting of the Incident
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 23)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
1) All incidents covered under Level-I should be maintained by the entity for
inspection whenever called for inspection and Level-II and Level-III shall be
reported to the Board in the format specified and placed at Schedule-VI including
near miss incident. The above report should be submitted within 48 hours after
occurrence of the incidents or any other reason triggering major incident.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
1. Organisation 2. Sector
3. Location 4. Incident Sr. No.
5. Date of Incident 6. Time of Incident
7. Major / Minor / Near 8. Report -
miss Preliminary / Final
9. Fire / Incident 10. Duration of fire -
Hrs / Min
11. Type of Incident with loss of life / injury, Fire, Explosion, Blowout,
Electrocution, Fall from Height, Inhalation of Gas, Driving, Slip / Trip, Others,
12. Location of Incident ( Name of Plant / Unit / Area / Facility / Tank farm /
Gantry / Road / Parking area etc )
13. Whether plant shutdown / caused outage of the facility? Yes / No
14. Fatalities nos. a) Employees = b) Contractor = c) Others =
15. Injuries nos. a) Employees = b) Contractor = c) Others =
16. Man - hours Lost a) Employees = b) Contractor = c) Others =
17. Direct Loss due to the incident ( Rs. In Lacs). Loss to equipment /
Machinery as per Insurance claim etc.
18. Indirect Losses : Through put / Production Loss, etc.
19. Status of the Facility: Construction / Commissioning / Operation / Shutting
down / Turn around, Maintenance / Start up / Any other.
20. Brief Description of the Incident including post
incident measures.
( Attach details in separate sheet )
21. Whether similar Incident has occurred in past at
the same location, If yes, give brief description of the
incident and attach details in separate sheet.
22. Whether Internal Investigation has been
completed. If no, likely date by which it will be
23. Whether internal investigation report (Major
Incident) has been submitted to PNGRB. If no, likely
date by which it will be submitted.
24. Cause of the Incident ( Tick the most relevant cause preferably one, maximum two )
A) Deviation from Procedure I) Not using the PPE
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
1. All Major, Minor and Near miss incidents shall be reported in the quarterly report.
2. Incident Reporting form shall be filled up for all Major, Minor and Near miss
3. Summary report shall be enclosed with every quarterly report.
4. Investigations shall be carried out for all Major, Minor and Near Miss Incidents.
5. Investigation report of all Major incidents shall be submitted to PNGRB. An
incident shall be treated as Major if any of the following occurs;
6. Loss time Incident shall be monitored till the affected person joins duty. In case the
affected person is yet to join the duty, then the status of report submitted will
be preliminary. Final report against the same incident shall be sent once he joins
duty and the man - hours lost are known.
7. All columns must be filled up.
8. For any additional information use separate sheets as required.
9. Quarterly report shall be sent to PNGRB within 15 to 30 days of end of quarter.
10. Immediate reporting of incident through fax/telephone shall continue as per the
prevailing system.
Designation of the Occupier/Manager
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Action after Reporting of Incident by the Entity
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 24)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
After reporting of the incidents to Board (PNGRB) by Location In Charge, BPCL TOP
Nodal officer of the Board (head of Technical Standards the specifications and
safety group) shall have responsibility of informing all the Members of the Board
and shall coordinate with appropriate level in National Disaster Management
Authority (NDMA) till normalization of the situation.
Gurgaon Deputy Commssioner Office, Sh. Vinay Pratap Singh, IAS Deputy
Gurgaon 122204 Commissioner, Gurgaon,
Contact No 0124-2321144/2325500,
Sh. Robin Agarwal, RO, DM,
Gurug ram -9711262368 /,
Sh Hariom Atri
District Revenue
Officer Mob No 9416077000
Surbhi – 8285504884
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Termination of Emergency
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 25)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Accordingly Designated Safety Officer will give All Clear signal to the Security Control
After receiving All Clear Signal from Designated Safety Officer, a continuous Siren for
Two Minutes will be blown by Security In Charge at the Security Control Room for
termination of emergency.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Emergency Recovery Procedures
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 26)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
26.1 After the emergency, the following activities need to be carried out in detail by
the concerned coordinator.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(Refer Regulation 26.0 (2))
ERDMP - Recovery Measures
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
17 Check whether that disaster incident report was Yes
communicatedto respective controlling office / HQ promptly in a
standard format.
18 Whether the incident reports are also sent to concerned Yes
StateLevel Industry Coordinator on time.
19 Check that detailed report on disaster in proper format Yes
wascommunicated to PNGRB/ POL Terminal inspector / Labour
inspector /SPCB / District Magistrate /PESO.
20 Whether investigation teams are constituted as per Nil incidents
respectivecompany policies so for.
21 Whether RCA (Root Cause Analysis) of the disaster is Nil incidents
conductedby the investigating team so for.
22 Whether detailed investigation into effective functioning of Nil incidents
interlocks, detection devices, automation controls and so for.
applicable norms are carried out to find out possible
improvements in design / construction / operations /
maintenance and training aspects etc.
23 Whether a system of initiating appropriate corrective Nil incidents
measuresincluding suitable revisions to the Disaster Management so for.
Plan areadopted based on findings of the investigation
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
26 Whether any penalty by statutory authorities like SPCB / POL Nil incidents
Terminal so for.
Inspector and Labour Commissioner are assessed.
27 Whether possible impact on environment are also assessed Nil incidents
andappropriate measures are taken so for.
28 Whether damage assessment also include potential erosion Nil incidents
ofreputation – from company, industry and national perspectives so for.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
ERDMP for Pipelines carrying Petroleum
Products and Retail Outlets
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 27)
(Not Applicable)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
ERDMP for Road Transportation.
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 28)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
The road transport of Petroleum product has significant presence and needs special
attention. Complete details of treatment for handling emergency arising out of road
transportations have been provided below:
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Communication Equipment :
1 Hand operated sirens 4
2 Whistles 2
3 Megaphone, 1
4 Mobile Phones, 1
5 VHF sets 10
Traffic Control Equipment :
1 Red lights (Battery operated) - for traffic diversion -
2 Area maps -
3 Diversion Boards -
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
B. External Resources:
Dr. Mahendera Hospital 258- L Model Town, Near Bus Stand &
4 098136 17348
Rewari Hanuman Tample, Haryana 123401
b) Copies of the ERDMP would be made available by the Industry to all the
field locations i.e. s, s, Terminals / s, Dispatch units of etc., the
concerned District Administration, Police Stations and Fire Brigades en-
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
route and within vicinity of specified tank truck routes, oil industry sales
personnel of concerned area as may be required.
Name of Hazard :
Protective Devices :
Emergency Action :
Spillage :
Fire :
First Aid :
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Note: The format shall be designed in English, Hindi and local language where
crews are operating.
Emergency Action
Spillage Check the valves and caps for tightness by hand and stop leak if
First Aid
Pour water in case of cold or hot burn, Seek medical help, if
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
The Truck / Vehicle dispersal plan has been developed for quick and safe dispersal of
Truck / Vehicle for effective control of emergencies. While developing this plan the
following points have been taken into consideration:
Maximum numbers of Truck / Vehicle available at a time inside pipeline,
Safe route of Truck / Vehicle for dispersal,
Adequate parking space in safe areas,
Route for Fire tenders and imaginary emergency scenarios, which may necessitate the
dispersal of Truck / Vehicle etc.
On receipt of information from any source on incident of tank truck, fire brigade may
contact nearest installation and police station. After assessing the situation, it may:
(a) Rush fire tender to the incident site with all necessary fire fighting equipments;
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(b) Prepare a contingency plan for removal of tank truck, if not leaking, in consultation
with installation personnel;
(c) Dispersal of vapors by water spray away from inhabited area, in case of leakage.
Extinguish the fire, in case leakage source cannot be stopped;
(d) Allow the fire to burn under controlled conditions if isolation is not possible in case
of gaseous fuels;
(e) Save human lives and salvage material from incident affected truck;
(f) Liaise with fire brigade in the adjoining town for additional help, if necessary;
(g) Arrange water through municipal water tanker or any other source;
On receipt of information, police may take the following actions as per Schedule-V
derived from the National Disaster Management Guidelines Chemical Disasters
(Industrial), April, 2007. However, the following points may also be taken care by the
police authority:
(b) Warn the people living in adjacent area for stopping all fire, smoking, evacuation to
safe places, if necessary.
(c) Contact nearest district police headquarters and giving the situation report
(e) Extend help in removal of injured personnel to the nearest first aid centre /hospital,
contacting highway patrol, completing legal formalities in case of any casualty.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
On receipt of information, District Administration may take the following actions as per
Schedule-V derived from the National Disaster Management Guidelines Chemical
Disasters (Industrial), April, 2007. However, on receipt of information, following actions
should be taken care:-
(c) Direct cranes or any other such equipment to carry out rescue operations.
(d) Issue warning messages to people through public address system, if any evacuation
is required.
(f) Give direction to hospitals having burns injury ward for readiness to receive patient
in case of incident involving fire.
(g) Provide basic amenities, e.g., water, electricity, food and shelter to the affected
people as required.
On receipt of information from any source on incident of tank truck, fire brigade may
contact nearest installation and police station. After assessing the situation, it may:
(a) rush fire tender to the incident site with all necessary fire fighting equipments;
(b) prepare a contingency plan for removal of tank truck, if not leaking, in consultation
with installation personnel;
(c) dispersal of vapours by water spray away from inhabited area, in case of leakage.
Extinguish the fire, in case leakage source cannot be stopped;
(d) allow the fire to burn under controlled conditions if isolation is not possible in case
of gaseous fuels;
(e) save human lives and salvage material from incident affected truck;
(f) liaise with fire brigade in the adjoining town for additional help, if necessary;
(g) arrange water through municipal water tanker or any other source;
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
On receipt of information, police may take the following actions as per Schedule-V
derived from the National Disaster Management Guidelines Chemical Disasters
(Industrial), April, 2007. However, the following points may also be taken care by the
police authority:
(a) stop the traffic from both ends of the road.
(b) warn the people living in adjacent area for stopping all fire, smoking, evacuation to
safe places, if necessary.
(c) contact nearest district police headquarters and giving the situation report.
(d) evacuate personnel from the area, if required.
(e) extend help in removal
In addition to the above, the shall be followed.
28.3.3 District Administration
On receipt of information, District Administration may take the following actions as per
Schedule-V derived from the National Disaster of injured personnel to the nearest first
aid centre /hospital, contacting highway patrol, completing legal formalities in case of
any casualty. Management Guidelines Chemical Disasters (Industrial), April, 2007.
However, On receipt of information, following actions should be taken care :-
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Integration of the ERDMP with the
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 29)
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(1) On 23 December 2005, the Government of India took a definite step towards
NDMP by enacting the NDMP ACT, 2005. The NDMP Act, 2005 is a Paradigm
Shift from a response and relief centric approach to a proactive and
comprehensive mindset towards NDMP covering all aspects from
prevention, mitigation, preparedness to rehabilitation, reconstruction and
(4) The national vision is to build a safer and disaster resilient India by
developing a holistic, proactive, multi-disaster and technology driven
strategy for NDMP. This will be achieved through a culture of prevention,
mitigation and preparedness to reduce the impact of disasters on people.
The entire process will centre stage the community and will be provided
momentum and sustenance through the collective efforts of all government
agencies supported by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).
(5) National Disaster management Structure showing the inter active linkage
among various agencies for synergized management of disaster is given
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Note: Since PNGRB has been constituted by PNGRB Act, 2006, it should be
identified under Ministries / Departments of Govt. of India.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
This ERDMP document has been developed taking into account all possible
inputs on the subjects from various stake holders. Efforts have also been
made to synergize this with the document on National Disaster
Management Guide (Chemical Disasters) Industrial brought out by
National Disaster Management Authority.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
Shri Daulat Ram Deputy --Do-- 011-23438091 011-
Chaudhary Commandant (ADM) 23438091
Shri Pranshu Deputy --Do-- 011-23438138 011-
Srivastava Commandant (Trg) 23438091
Shri Muneesh Kumar Deputy --Do-- -- 011- --
Commandant 23438091
(Works & Proc)
Shri Rakesh Ranjan Deputy --Do-- 011-23438024 011-
Commandant (OPS) 23438091
Shri Surendar Kumar Dy. Commandant --Do-- -- 011- --
(Engineer) 23438091
Shri Krishan Kumar AC (IT/COMN/PRO) --Do-- 011-23438024 011- krishan.0405@go
Shri Bhawani Singh AC(ADM & SO to DG) --Do-- 011-23438118 011- dc.adm.ndrf@ni
Shri P K Sharma AC (NCDC&PROV) --Do-- 011-24629279 011- -
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
1. With increase in terrorist activities towards the end of 20th century and having,
significant role in national economy, sabotage and bomb threats to such should
also be considered in the disaster management plan. Such as high level of
alertness measures, strengthening security measures by Security gadgets
mechanical and electronic security gadgets. In any of such situation, city
police/ administration should be informed immediately and their help should
be sought.
(a) The persons inside the Terminal should be evacuated as soon as possible.
(b) All the vehicles in the Terminal premises should be evacuated to safer
(e) All pipeline and tank valves should be closed and all the operations inside
the Terminal should be stopped.
(f) In case of fire, firefighting equipments shall be operated and city fire
brigade should be called immediately during emergency.
Note: A detailed action plan on bomb threat to be prepared by each and should be
vetted by the Police Authority specialist in this area under information to PNGRB.
Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(As per PNGRB Act, 2006. Clause No. 30)
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Emergency Response &Disaster Management Plan Ref No.BPCL/Rewari TOP/Drft 01
(Mock Drill was conducted as on ....... in
presence of the Auditor)