Neuhauser Sexual Development
Neuhauser Sexual Development
Neuhauser Sexual Development
University of Zurich
Main Library
Strickhofstrasse 39
CH-8057 Zurich
Year: 2018
Abstract: The present report describes a 4-year-old Trakehner mare which was referred to the clinic
for a breeding soundness evaluation. Clinical, histological, and postmortem examination revealed an
underdeveloped genital tract, the absence of a cervix uteri, and small inactive ovaries without male
gonadal tissue. Blood lymphocyte analysis revealed an unusual mosaic karyotype consisting of 2 cell lines.
For the majority of cells (70%), monosomy X (63,X) was observed. The remaining cells (30%) contained
64 chromosomes including one X chromosome and a small rudimentary Y chromosome consisting mostly
of heterochromatin. The centromere was retained, but its full functionality was questionable. PCR
analysis revealed that the entire male-specific region of Y (Yq14), including the SRY gene, was deleted.
It remained unclear if the pseudoautosomal region (Yq15) and parts of the heterochromatic region (Yq13)
were affected by this deletion. The phenotype of the mare with this disorder of sex development associated
with sex chromosome abnormalities is genetically comparable to 63,X monosomy which fully explains the
clinical findings.
© Free Author
Disorder of Sexual Development Copy - for per-
in a Mare with an Unusual Tentative sonal use only
Mosaic Karyotype: 63,X/64,Xdel(Y) THIS ARTICLE WITHOUT
Stefanie Neuhauser a Johannes Handler a Claude Schelling b OF THE COPYRIGHT.
Written permission to
Aldona Pieńkowska-Schelling c distribute the PDF will be
granted against payment
Pferdezentrum Bad Saarow, Equine Reproduction Unit, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; of a permission fee,
b which is based on the
Clinic of Reproductive Medicine and Center for Clinical Studies, Vetsuisse-Faculty, University of
Zurich, Lindau, and c Institute of Genetics, Vetsuisse-Faculty, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland number of accesses
required. Please contact
The present report describes a 4-year-old Trakehner mare
which was referred to the clinic for a breeding soundness In humans, disorders of sex development (DSD) are
evaluation. Clinical, histological, and postmortem examina- defined as congenital conditions in which the develop-
tion revealed an underdeveloped genital tract, the absence ment of chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomical sex is atyp-
of a cervix uteri, and small inactive ovaries without male go- ical [Lee et al., 2006]. Chromosomal aberrations, gene
nadal tissue. Blood lymphocyte analysis revealed an unusual mutations, and environmental factors may disrupt the
mosaic karyotype consisting of 2 cell lines. For the majority process of normal sexual development. In domestic ani-
of cells (70%), monosomy X (63,X) was observed. The remain- mals, a good reproductive performance is an important
ing cells (30%) contained 64 chromosomes including one X economic factor and is essential for any breeding pro-
chromosome and a small rudimentary Y chromosome con- gram, because a higher reproduction rate results in high-
sisting mostly of heterochromatin. The centromere was re- er selection intensity and shorter generation intervals,
tained, but its full functionality was questionable. PCR analy- permitting faster genetic progress [Eldridge, 1985]. Re-
sis revealed that the entire male-specific region of Y (Yq14), cently, Raudsepp and Chowdhary [2016] reviewed the
including the SRY gene, was deleted. It remained unclear if link between chromosomal aberrations and fertility in
the pseudoautosomal region (Yq15) and parts of the hetero- domestic animals. DSD are a well-known problem in
chromatic region (Yq13) were affected by this deletion. The horses, but their prevalence in the general horse popula- - 2/13/2019 2:26:04 PM
E-Mail cschelling @
tion remains largely unknown. One larger study encom- that she had to be treated for hypogammaglobulinemia and septi-
passing a random sample of 500 young male and female cemia at a younger age. In addition, an optimized food manage-
ment was necessary to stop intermittent colic. The horse had to be
horses in Poland found no aberrations in males and a euthanized within short time after the clinical examination be-
prevalence of 3.7% for mares with chromosomal aberra- cause of a massive and rapid deterioration of health, and a post-
tions [Bugno et al., 2007]. Based on chromosomal analy- mortem examination of the internal genital tract became possible.
ses from 204 mares selected for breeding, Nie and co- However, the owner did not agree to a dissection of other organs
workers [1993] found a lower prevalence (1.5%) for sex or any additional genetic testing.
chromosome abnormalities. Power [1990] gives a com- Cytogenetic and Molecular Analyses
prehensive overview of reported chromosomal aberra- Heparin- and EDTA-treated blood samples were collected for
tions in horses up to the year 1990. Since then, numerous cytogenetic and molecular analysis, respectively. Chromosomes
cases of intersex horses have been reported, reflecting the were prepared according to standard protocols from short-term
advances in the fields of equine genomics and cytogenet- lymphocyte cultures. Giemsa staining was applied to count the
chromosomes. DAPI- and CBG-banding of metaphase chromo-
ics [Raudsepp and Chowdhary, 2016]. Pure monosomy X somes followed the methods described by Schweizer [1980] and
[Mäkinen et al., 2001; Di Meo et al., 2009; Moreno-Millán Sumner [1972], respectively. More than 200 metaphases were an-
et al., 2012] and its mosaic forms [Moreno-Millán et al., alyzed and karyograms were prepared. FISH with an in-house de-
2012; Pieńkowska-Schelling et al., 2016] as well as DSD veloped equine whole Y chromosome painting probe [according
with sex reversal [Bannasch et al., 2007; Bodvarsdottir et to Pieńkowska-Schelling et al., 2006] was applied to identify the
sex chromosomes. This painting probe hybridizes along the entire
al., 2009; Raudsepp et al., 2010; Villagómez et al., 2011; acrocentric Y chromosome and to the heterochromatic block of
Peer et al., 2012; Anaya et al., 2014; Pieńkowska-Schelling the X chromosome (Xq17q21). However, it does not detect the
et al., 2014] are the most common findings in mares with pseudoautosomal region (PAR) on Xp. Telomeres were analyzed
fertility problems [Lear and McGee, 2012]. In addition, with FISH using a commercially available human telomeric probe
translocations [Lear et al., 2008], trisomies [Moreno-Mil- (TEL100R, ChromBios, Germany) according to the manufactur-
er’s protocol. The results of cytogenetic and FISH experiments
lán et al., 1989; Lear et al., 1999; Mäkinen et al., 1999; were analyzed with a Zeiss Axio Imager Z1 microscope and
Brito et al., 2008], deletions [Halnan, 1985; Raudsepp et Ikaros/Isis-software (MetaSytems GmbH, Germany). High mo-
al., 2010], isochromosomes [Herzog et al., 1989; Mäkelä lecular weight genomic DNA was extracted by a proteinase K/
et al., 1994; Das et al., 2012], and copy number variations phenol extraction method. PCR amplification of the SRY gene
[Ghosh et al., 2014] have been reported less frequently. from genomic DNA was performed using a primer pair described
in Han et al. [2010], which results in a 714-bp amplification prod-
The frequency of DSD in the general horse population uct. Additional PCR primers for the equine Y chromosome
is most likely underestimated, because a substantial num- (ECAY) contigs [Paria et al., 2011] were used: YM2 (contig I, 119
ber of affected individuals appear phenotypically normal bp) [Wallner et al., 2004], YE1 (contig II, 199 bp) [Wallner et al.,
and are never presented to a veterinarian for clinical ex- 2004], NLGN4Y (contig III, 156 bp) [Paria et al., 2011], AMELY
amination. Whereas the majority of mares undergoing (contig IV, 160 bp) [Hasegawa et al., 2000], ZFY (contig V, 342
bp) [Lindgren et al., 2001].
chromosome analysis have a history of sub-fertility
[Pieńkowska-Schelling et al., 2016], ambiguous external
genitalia [Bugno-Poniewierska et al., 2014], or deviant
behavior [Bodvarsdottir et al., 2009; Peer et al., 2012], Results
some DSD mares are identified on the occasion of breed-
ing soundness examinations [Pieńkowska-Schelling et Clinical Examination
al., 2014; present case]. On the day of the presentation of the mare, there were
The present report describes a phenotypically female no specific clinical findings with the exception of atro-
horse with gonadal dysgenesis and an unusual mosaic phic muscles in the croup. Examination of the external
karyotype. genitalia revealed a vulva with a vertical position and a
Caslick index <50. The total vulvar opening was 5 cm in
length and the ventral part of the vulva did not seal ap-
Materials and Methods propriately. Trans-rectal palpation and ultrasonogra-
phy revealed very small ovaries without follicular devel-
Animal opment. The estimated length, width, and height of the
A 4-year-old Trakehner mare (born 2011) showed no signs of
heat when teased to different stallions. Upon trans-rectal examina- left and right ovary were 10 × 5 × 5 and 10 × 10 × 5 mm,
tion, the private veterinarian diagnosed small ovaries and referred respectively. The uterus was also very small (estimated
the horse to the clinic. The medical history of the horse showed diameter of uterus horns was 10 mm) with a homoge- - 2/13/2019 2:26:04 PM
a b c
Fig. 2. Three metaphases of the mare with DSD. CBG-banded metaphases with karyotype 63,X (a) and 64,X+mar
(b). Arrows indicate the X chromosomes and the marker chromosome (M). c Metaphase with karyotype 64,X+mar
after hybridization with a whole equine Y chromosome painting probe. Arrows indicate the marker chromosome
and the heterochromatic band on the long arm of the X chromosome (Xq17q21).
neous echotexture. It was not possible to verify the exis- Cytogenetic and Molecular Analysis
tence of the cervix uteri. The vagina appeared to be nor- After Giemsa staining, CBG- and DAPI-banding of
mal. These results were confirmed by a postmortem ex- metaphase chromosomes from blood lymphocytes, 2 dis-
amination of the genital tract. Both ovaries were very tinct cell lines were obvious. CBG-banding showed that
small without growing follicles (Fig. 1a), and histologi- in 70% of the cells only 63 chromosomes including 1 X
cally no testicular tissue could be seen (not shown). The chromosome were visible (63,X) (Fig. 2a). In the remain-
uterus was underdeveloped with very short uterine ing cells, we observed 63 chromosomes (including an X
horns (Fig. 1b), and the cervix was not developed chromosome) and an additional marker chromosome
(Fig. 1c). Histology of the endometrium revealed the (64,X+mar) (Fig. 2b). The autosomes appeared normal
presence of few uterine glands and no signs of fibrosis with no visible gross structural aberrations. CBG-band-
or inflammation (not shown). ing showed that the marker chromosome consisted of - 2/13/2019 2:26:04 PM
The authors have no ethical conflicts to disclose. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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