Position Paper: Republic of The Philippines Province of Sorsogon Sorsogon City Capitol Compound, Sorsogon City
Position Paper: Republic of The Philippines Province of Sorsogon Sorsogon City Capitol Compound, Sorsogon City
Position Paper: Republic of The Philippines Province of Sorsogon Sorsogon City Capitol Compound, Sorsogon City
(For the Appellee)
COMES now the Appellee, through the undersigned Counsel, unto this
Honorable Body, most respectfully avers that:
Verily, the Appellee in this case, simply performed his duty and
exercised his power to implement the existing laws, rules and regulations of
the duly constituted authorities, especially during this time of pandemic.
11. After the filing of the complaint before the Sangguniang Bayan of
Magallanes, Sorsogon, trial of the case ensued. Both parties were
given time to present their respective evidence;
13. Appended in this Position Paper are other supporting documents, for
immediate reference of this Honorable Body, to wit: (1) Municipal
Ordinance No. 02-2016 of Magallanes, Sorsogon, Prescribing the
Internal Rules and Procedures in Conducting Administrative
Investigation Against Elective Barangay Officials in the Municipality
of Magallanes, Sorsogon; (2) Resolution to the Administrative Case
No. 02-2020, issued by the Sangguniang Bayan of Magallanes,
Sorsogon dated 4 November 2020; (3) Resolution No. 117-2020,
entitled “A Resolution Ratifying and Confirming the Decision on the
Administrative Case No. 02-2020 filed by Complainant Municipal
Mayor Augusto Manuel M. Ragragio Finding Respondent Punong
Barangay Hanjie G. Buenaflor Liable for Gross Negligence of Duty,
Willful Disobedience to the Lawful Order, Simple Misconduct in
Office and Abuse of Authority; (4) Resolution No. 130-2020, entitled
“ A Resolution Requesting the Local Chief Executive, Municipal Mayor
Augusto Manuel M. Ragragio, to Effectively Implement the Decision
(Resolution) in Administrative Case No. 02-2020; and, (4)
Memorandum dated 26 November 2020, issued by Hon. Augusto
Manuel M. Ragragio pertaining to the implementation of the SB
Decision on Administrative Case No. 02-2020;
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15. Upon careful perusal of the pieces of evidence presented by the complainant in
this case, which was in no way controverted by the respondent, the substantial
evidence was obtaining. The appellant failed to present controverted evidence to
prove that he was not negligent of his duties as Punong Barangay during that
fateful 01 April 2020 when a cockfighting activity was held in his area of
jurisdiction. His defense that he has no knowledge nor permitted nor tolerated a
cockfighting activity in his barangay during that day is a lame excuse. Moreover,
his defense that during that day he was manning the checkpoint in his barangay
did not help him in his case but rather gave hint in a reasonable mind of a
prudent man that he was involved in the cockfighting. If indeed he was one of
those manning the Barangay Checkpoint, then how come that those cockfighting
aficionados, riding in motorcycles and holding their game fowls, were able to
freely pass through the checkpoint where he was present? He could have
prevented them from passing through because it was evident in the given
circumstance that the same men will be engaged in a cockfighting activity, which
was prohibited by existing law and rule in light of Covid-19 pandemic;
16. The Appellant’s act of de-loading the flat-tired motorcycles from the responding
LGU-owned trucks aggravated his offense. He admitted this act during his cross-
examination. The said motorcycles and two (2) tricycles, parked at Sitio Sagpan,
Barangay Siuton, Magallanes, Sorsogon, were taken by police officers as a
matter of evidence that there were group of men who used and rode on that
motorcycles. The same were entrusted to the Appellant for temporary care while
the truck from LGU, as requested by police officers, has yet arrived. Instead of
taking heed to the instruction of the police officers, herein Appellant made his
own decision and released the motorcycles to the owners. He contended that the
same were illegally seized by police officers hence he was not in a position to
follow. The determination however as to whether the seized motorcycles were
legal or not is not within the Appellant’s powers. As a responsible Barangay
Chairman, he could have refused from accepting temporary care and custody of
the seized motorcycles and tricycles if in his opinion he was not in the position to
take temporary custody thereof. Instead of refusing, he took responsibility over
the same vehicles hence common sense dictates he was in conformity to the
decision of the police officers. Releasing the same, without the order or
instruction from the authorized officers, and de-loading a loaded motorcycle from
the truck constitute Abuse of Authority by the Appellant;
17. On the other hand, the Appellant contends that the case must have been
dismissed by the Sangguniang Bayan because of lack of merit. He even averred
that the Provincial Prosecution dismissed the criminal case filed in relation
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thereto for lack of probable cause hence the same must be dismissed by the
Honorable Sangguniang Bayan. It is obvious that the case is meritorious based
on evidence presented by the complainant. It bears stressing that it is a well-
settled rule based on law and jurisprudence that the dismissal of the criminal
case shall not bar from filing an administrative case and vice versa. The rationale
is quite apparent, the evidence required in the conviction or liability of the
respondent from one is different from the other. The criminal case requires
evidence which must be a proof beyond reasonable doubt while the
administrative case simply requires substantial evidence. Moreover, the nature of
the case, the essence and punishment imposed were quite different. Hence, the
contention of the Appellant is misguided;
18. Res ipsa loquitor. The pieces of evidence presented by the complainant were
sufficient for a reasonable mind to conclude that the Appellant is liable to the
charges against him. The Appellant’s insinuation that the majority Members of
the Sangguniang Bayan were influenced by their political boss to hold the former
liable for the charges is like a sugar sprinkled to a bitter pill that he must
inevitably swallow. The Appellant, from the deepest part of his conscience,
knows the truth that he was engaged in that cockfighting hence he must take the
responsibilities and consequences anent thereto;
19. The other contentions and assertions of the Appellant in his Brief are irrelevant,
immaterial and unsubstantiated hence must not have any room in a responsive
20. Politics is a fashionable and elegant art of governance which must always be
exercised with great caution and respect to the existing laws, rules, regulations,
and orders of the duly-constituted authorities. We are citizens in a society
governed by laws and not of men. Verily, no one is above the law. Dura lex, sed
lex. It may be hard for the Appellant to accept the fact that he has to face a
disciplinary action because of his negligence and remiss of the prevailing order
banning cockfighting but he has to face the truth that the law always reigns;
21. In view of the foregoing, there is no cogent reason to reverse the Decision of the
Sangguniang Bayan in lieu of the above-captioned cases and suspending PB
Hanjie Buenaflor for six (6) months;
Counsel for the Appellee
120 MH del Pilar St., Talisay, Sorsogon City
Roll No. 68134, May 30, 2017
IBP O.R. No. 099262, Sorsogon Chapter
PTR O.R. No.7615636, Sorsogon, Sorsogon City
MCLE Comp. No. VI-0027428, valid until 4/14/2022
#120 MH del Pilar St., Talisay, Sorsogon City
E-mail address: relina2608arellano@gmail.com
2. I cause the preparation of the foregoing Position Paper for the Appellee;
3. I have read the allegations contained therein and hereby certify that they are true
and correct based on my personal knowledge and on the true records of the case on
4. I hereby certify that I have not filed or caused to be filed any other case or
proceeding involving the same issues or subject matter in the Supreme Court, the Court
of Appeals, or any other Court, tribunal or quasi-judicial agency, and to the best of my
knowledge, no such action or claim is pending therein;
5. Should hereafter I learn that there is a similar case pending before any such Courts,
tribunal or agency, I undertake to report such fact to this agency within five (5) days
from such knowledge;
Doc No.______;
Page No._____;
Book No._____;
Series of 2020.
EXPLANATION: Service of this pleading is done via registered mail for lack of messenger to
effect personal service. Thank you very much.