Syllabus 411 PDF
Syllabus 411 PDF
Syllabus 411 PDF
Drilling Fluids
Well Control
Different bit types, Cutting structure for soft and hard formations, Roller-Cone Bit
Components (Bearing, Seal, and Lubrication Systems), bit hydraulics, IADC bit
classification system, bit nomenclature, Matrix-body PDC bits, PDC Cutters, Basic
PDC Bit Design Principles, IADC Dull Grading System, Bit Selection and Operating
Directional Drilling
Casing Design
Wellhead Systems
Methods and Hardware e.g. Floating equipment, cementing plugs, stage tools,
centralizers, and scratchers.
Well Planning
Objectives (Safety; Minimum Cost; Usable Holes); Well-Type Classification; Flow path
for well planning; cost per foot analysis; well completions.
Company Law 2013, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016, The Indian
Contract Act, 1872; The Negotiable Instrument ACT, 1881, The Payment of
Bonus Act 1965, The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.
Goods and Services Tax (GST) Law as contained in the Central Goods and
Services Tax (CGST) Act, 2017 and Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST)
Act, 2017, Customs Law as contained in the Customs Act, 1962 and the
Customs Tariff Act, 1975 and Foreign Trade Policy to the extent relevant to the
indirect tax laws.
1. EAR:
Surgical anatomy of Ear (External Ear, Middle Ear, Inner Ear and Facial
Physiology of Ear
Physical and Functional Examination of Ear
Diseases of External Ear, Middle Ear, Inner Ear, Vestibular labyrinth
Surgery of Ear: Myringotomy, Grommet insertion, Tympanoplasty,
Radical Mastoidectomy, Modified Radical Mastoidectomy, Pre auricular
sinus excision
Pure tone Audiometry
Recent Advance:
Basic Sciences :
Cell Structure anatomy & histology of various Cells, tissues and organs.
General pathology
Recent advances in understanding of process of inflammation and repair
Basis of genetic diseases immune disorder etc.
Systemic Pathology
Cardiovascular: Disorder due to infection inflammation, degeneration and
neoplastic influence.
Respiratory tract: Infection, inflammation, immunological and neoplastic
Genital Tract: Disorder of development, influence of hormones etc.
Hepatobilary system: Disorder due to development, inflammation immunity
metabolic etc.
Breast, Tumors
Bones and joints: metolic and inflammatory disorders.
Soft tissue
Development morphology of blood cells, bone marrow
Disorder of homeostasis and Coagulation paraproteinemia and plasma cell
Flow cytometry
Transfusion medicine :
Essential of Blood Bank serology and transfusion medicine
Clinical Pathology
Microbiology :
Essential of disinfection and sterility
Immunology and serology
Chemical Pathology
Essential principle of immunochemistry molecular biology, flow cytometry
Medical Audit
Recent advances
[POST CODE – (MD 05)]
1) Microsurgry procedures-
Radiation Physics
Ultrasound Physics
MRI Physics
Clinical applications of MRI
Radiologic anatomy of the whole body
Radiologic features of different diseases pertaining to various organs of the body
Radiologic interventions
Recent advances in Radiology
A) Hematology:
I. Red cell disorders: Approach to a patient with anemia, nutritional,
iron deficiency, aplastic,megaloblastic, haemolytic anemia, (special
emphasis on thalassemia & sickle cell anemia), hereditary
spherocytosis, and anemia of chronicdisease, autoimmune hemolytic
anemia, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuina, myelodysplastic
syndromes, iron overload, and sideroblastic anaemias.
B) Endocrine:
I. Disorders of glucose metabolism: Glucose metabolism, physiology of
insulin & glucagon secretion, glucose tolerance test, diabetes
mellitus, insulin preparations, hypoglycemia, glycosuria of causes
other than diabetes mellitus, glucagon secreting tumors.
II. Thyroid gland & its disorders: Iodine metabolism, anatomy &
physiology of thyroid gland, thyroid function tests, goiter,
hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, myxedema, cretinism, thyroid
carcinoma, other rare syndromes of thyroid dysfunction.
C) Cardio—Vascular System:
D) Respiratory System:
Approach to a patient of respiratory system involvement, pulmonary
function tests, arterial blood gases, bronchoscopy, imaging studies,
pulmonary angiography, therapeutic interventions: pulmonary artery
embolisation/ video assisted thoracic surgery/ thoracotomy/
mediastinoscopy, diseases of the upper airway including avian
influenza, bronchial asthma, occupational lung diseases,
pneumoconioses, organic dusts & environmental carcinogens,
pneumonia, bronchiectasis, obstructive airways diseases, interstitial
lung diseases, diseases of the pleura: effusion/ pneumothorax/
empyema/ haemothorax, air pollution, respiratory failure, adult
respiratory distress syndrome, severe acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS), mechanical ventilation, mediastinal diseases, infections
including tuberculosis, tumors, primary and 3 metastatic carcinomas,
hypersensitivity pneumonitis, eosinophilic pneumonias, pulmonary
hypertension, sleep apnea, pulmonary thromboembolism, lung
E) Nervous System:
Investigations: lumbar puncture/ cerebrospinal fluid examination/
electroencephalography/ nerve conduction studies.
Epilepsy, cerebrovascular diseases, sub-arachnoid haemorrhage,
dementia, extra pyramidal disorders, Parkinson's disease, motor
neurone disease, disorders of cranial nerves, meniers syndrome,
benign positional vertigo, diseases of the spinal cord, cranio-vertebral
anomalies, tumors of the nervous system, demyelinating diseases,
meningitis, infections of nervous system, nutritional and metabolic
disorders, central pontine myelinolysis, Wernicke's encephalopathy,
alcoholic cerebral degeneration, pellagra, subacute combined
degeneration, polyneuropathies, acute and chronic inflammatory
demyelinating polyneuropathies, diabetic neuropathies, mononeuritis
multiplex, mononeuropathy, leprosy, neuromuscular junction
disorders including myasthenia gravis, myopathies (hereditary/
endocrine/ metabolic/ thyroid diseases/ parathyroid diseases/
diabetes mellitis), periodic paralysis, approach to a patient paralysis,
dizziness & vertigo, diplopia, syncope and transient loss of
consciousness, involuntary movements, delerium, ataxia,
parasthesias & sensory loss, unconsciousness, bowel & bladder
abnormalities, progressive supranuclear palsy, dystonia,
spinocerebeller ataxia, drug induced movement disorders, inherited
ataxia, traumatic injuries, subdural & epidural hematoma, radiation
& chemotherapy in treatment of nervous system tumours, subdural
empyema, progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy, subacute
sclerosing pan encephalitis, progressive rubella, panencephalitis,
kuru, molecular treatment of neurological disorders, disorders of the
autonomic nervous system, details of traumatic injuries to skull &
spine, hereditary & metabolic disorders of late onset, mitochondrial
myopathies, lipid storage disorders.
F) Infectious Diseases:
Sepsis syndromes, pyrexia of unknown origin, COVID, infective
endocarditis, acute infectious diarrhoeal diseases & food poisoning,
infections of the urinary tract, infections of skin/ muscle/ soft
tissues, infections in intravenous drug abusers, hospital acquired
infections, infection control in hospital, bacterial infections, specific
infections: pneumococcal/ staphyloccal/ tetanus/ streptococcal/
diphtheria/ botulism/ gas gangrene/ meningococcal/ gonococcal/
salmonella/ shigella/ vibrio cholera/ brucella/ plague/ syphilis/
mycobacteria/ leptospira/ mycoplasma/ pseudomonas/ helicobacter
pylori, viruses: herpes/ varicella/ ebstein barr virus/ cytomegalo
virus/ rabies/ respiratory viruses/ influenza/ measles/ mumps/
rubella/ arboviruses, fungal: candidiasis/ aspergillosis/
mucormycosis, parasites: ameobiasis/ giardiasis/ pneumocystis
carinii/ malaria/ leishnianiasis/ cryptosporidium/ microspondium/
isospora/ filariasis/ neurocysticerosis/ worm infestations, tropical
diseases, pancreatitis, osteomyelitis, infections due to bites/
scratches/ burns, tularemia, pertussis, bartonellosis, arenaviruses,
moraxella, legionella, nocardia, actinomycetes, borellia, chlamydiae,
rickettsia, newer emerging infections: avian influenza, chikungunya,
others. HIV/AIDS: Aetiology & pathogenesis, clinical presentations,
modes of transmission, universal precautions, opportunistic
infections, management and treatment of the disease, opportunistic
infections, complications, antiretroviral therapy, prophylaxis: post
exposure and of opportunistic infections, recent advances, historical
G) Hepato-Biliary System:
H) Gastrointestinal Tract:
I) Kidney:
J) Geriatric Medicine:
K) Granulomatous Diseases:
M) Poisonings
Diagnosis and management of specific and unknown poisonings,
universal & specific antidotes, acids and alkalis, kerosene, petroleum
products, organophosphates and carbamates, household
disinfectants, mosquito repellants, aluminium phosphide, zinc
phosphide, yellow phosphorus, heavy metals, paracetamol,
barbiturates, snake and scorpion bites, botulism, drug 5 over-
dosages, international classification of poisonous chemicals,
environmental hazards and poisonings, industrial toxicology,
toxidromes, nuclear, biological, chemical warfare.
N) Pregnancy Medicine
Maternal & foetal physiology, principles of maternal morbidity & fetal
outcome, medical disorders during pregnancy, infections in
pregnancy, metabolic disorders, hyponatremia, thyroid disorder,
hypertension and eclampsia, renal failure, disseminated
intravascular coagulation, diabetes, valvular heart disease, bronchial
asthma, cardiomyopathies, jaundice, HIV/AIDS, hypercoagulable
state and its sequelae and complications, cortical venous sinus
thrombosis in pregnancy, postpartum sepsis, aminotic fluid
embolisation, Epilepsy, drugs in pregnancy, poisonings in pregnancy,
smoking, alcoholism, surgery and pregnancy, psychiatric diseases in
pregnancy, medical disorders and infertility, genetic disorders &
genetic counseling, ethical issues in pregnancy (brain death).
O) Radiology
Roengenograms of chest/ abdomen/ spine/ skull/ paranasal
sinuses/ bones and joints, computerized tomography (CT) and
magnetic resonance (MR) imagings, imaging techniques for
hepatobiliary system, barium studies, ultrasound, color doppler,
developing and newer imaging techniques.
P) Disorders Bone & Mineral Metabolism
Calcium and phosphorous homeostasis, parathroid gland disorders,
vitamin-D in health & disease, metabolic bone disease, osteoprosis,
osteomalacia, endocrine hormonal influences on bone metabolism,
phosphorus metabolism, hypophosphatemia, hyperphosphatemia,
disorders of magnesium metabolism, Pãget's disease of bone,
osteomyelitis, bone dysplasias, osteoarthritis, spondylosis, bone in
systemic diseases.
Q) Immunology
Normal immune system and its functions, hypersensitivity reactions,
T-cell mediated diseases, mechanism of tissue damage, cytokine
mediated injury, cytokine inhibitors, interaction of T and B cells,
complement system, apoptosis, immunotherapy, immunomodulators,
immunosuppressive agents, monoclonal antibodies, stem cell
transplant in immune disorders, HLA system, primary immune
deficiency diseases, amyloidosis, disorders of immediate type
hypersensitivity, biological response modifiers, immunologically
mediated skin disorders.
R) Rheumatology
Pathophysiology of inflammation, autoantibody relevance in disease
processes, rheumatoid arthritis including extra articular
manifestations, glucocorticoid therapy in connective tissue diseases,
systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), organ targeted therapy,
vasculitides, ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis,
undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy, polyarteritis nodosa,
Wegener's granulomatosis, Churg Strauss disease, Takayasu's
arteritis, cutaneous 6 vasculitis, imaging techniques in systemic
vasculitis, approach to acute and chronic monoarthritis &
polyarthritis, diagnostic imaging in joint disease, crystal
arthropathies, gout, infectious arthritis, infections in patients with
connective tissue diseases, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
(APLA), drug induced rheumatic diseases, scleroderma, sarcoidosis,
fibromyalgias, haemophilic arthropathy, dermatomyositis,
polymyositis, overlap syndromes, sjogrens syndrome, calcium oxalate
deposition disease, psoriatic arthritis, neuropathic joint disease,
U) Emergency Medicine
Basic and advanced life support, disaster management, use and
maintenance of equipment used in life support, acute severe asthma,
status epilepticus, poisonings, heart failure, shock, acute myocardial
infarction, angina, arrhythmias, hypertensive emergencies, medical
emergencies in pregnancy, gastro-intestinal bleeding, hepatic
encephalopathy, acute gastroenteritis, hemoptyses, obstructive
airways disease, tension pneumothorax, adult respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS), respiratory failure, corpulmonale, stroke,
subarachnoid haemorrhage, oliguria/ anuria, coma, pneumonia,
meningitis, infections, sepsis syndromes, multi-organ failure,
bleeding manifestations, endocrine emergencies, electric shock,
poisonings, snakebite, scorpion stings, anaphylaxis, nuclear/
biological/ chemical exposures, toxidromes, rabies, burns,
strangulation, interventions and procedures: mechanical ventilation/
temporary cardiac pacing.
1. Physiology of pregnancy
2. Diagnosis of pregnancy
3. Routine antenatal care
4. Management of common symptoms of pregnancy
5. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
6. Anaemia of pregnancy
7. Ante partum haemorrhage
9. Rh –ve pregnancy
10. Puerperium and its complications
11. Menstrual cycle and common menstrual disorders
12. Fibroid uterus
13. Precancerous lesions of the female genital tract
14. Carcinoma cervix, endometrium and ovary
15. Contraception
16. Menopause and related problems
Unit - I
Unit - II
Unit - III
Unit - IV
Unit - V
Industrial Disputes: Factors, Forms, Trends, Prevention and Settlement, Role of State
and Central Labour Administration, Strikes and Lockouts. The Industrial Employment
(Standing Orders) Act, 1946. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
Unit - VII
Unit - VIII
Wages: Concept, Types, Factors influencing wages, Wage Theories and Wage
Differentials The Minimum Wages Act, 1948. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936.
The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976. The Payment
of Gratuity Act, 1972. The Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions
Act, 1952.
Unit – IX
Labour Welfare: Concept, Scope, Types, Theories and Principles, Industrial Health and
Hygiene, Industrial Accidents and safety, Occupational Diseases Social Security:
Concept and Scope, Social Assistance and Social assurance.
Unit - X
Labour Market: Features, Demand and Supply of Labour, Nature and Composition of
Indian Labour Force, Unemployment and Underemployment, Types of Labour Market,
Characteristics of Indian Labour Market, New Dynamics of Labour Market in India,
Economic Systems and Labor Market, Problems of Labour in India.
Sl No. Subjects
1 Constitution Of India
12 Environmental Laws
Theory of Machines:
Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of plane mechanisms; dynamic
analysis of linkages; cams; gears and gear trains; flywheels and governors; balancing
of reciprocating and rotating masses; gyroscope'.
Machine Design:
Design for static and dynamic loading; failure theories; fatigue strength and the S-N
diagram; principles of the design of machine elements such as bolted' riveted and
welded joints; shafts, gears, rolling and sliding contact bearings' brakes and clutches'
Free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems' effect of damping;
vibration isolation; resonance; critical speeds of shafts'.
Engineering Mechanics:
Free-body diagrams and equilibrium; trusses and frames; virtual work; kinematics
and dynamics of particles and of rigid bodies in plane motion; impulse and
momentum (linear and angular) and energy formulations, collisions.
Mechanics of Materials: Stress and strain, elastic constants, Poisson's ratio; Mohr's
circle for plane stress and plane strain, thin cylinders; shear force and bending
moment diagrams; bending and shear stresses; deflection of beams; torsion of circular
shafts; Eule/s theory of columns; energy methods; thermal stressesi strain gauges
and rosettes; testing of materials with universal testing machine; testing of hardness
and impact strength.
Engineering Materials:
Structure and properties of engineering materials, phase diagrams,heat treatment,
stress-strain diagrams for engineering materials.
Power Engineering: Air and gas compressors; vapour and gas power cycles, concepts
of regeneration and reheat and I.C Engines: Air-standard Otto' Diesel and dual cycle,
refrigeration and air conditioning: Vapour and gas refrigeration and heat pump
properties of moist air, basic psychrometric processes'
a) Basic measurement concept — Accuracy, linearity, repeatability, hysteresis, dead
band, backlash, error.
a) Temperature measurement: Thermocouple, Resistance Temperature Detector,
Thermistor and its measuring circuits, Radiation pyrometers and thermal imaging.
k) Calibration of Instruments
b) On-off, cascade, P, l, P-l, P-ID, feed forward and derivative controller, Fuzzy
c) Multi loop control systems: Cascade control, override control, split-range control,
feedforward control and ratio control systems.
g) Control valve: Construction and working principle, valve sizing, valve plug, valve
characteristics, valve positioners.
b) Diode circuits. Transistors at low and high frequencies, Amplifiers, single and
multi-stage. Feedback amplifiers.
c) Rectifier Circuits: Single-phase half wave, 2-phase half wave, Single-phase bridge
uncontrolled, fully control & half-controlled rectifiers; Transformer rating;
Rectification with R-L & R-C loads; Power factor improvement.
a) Principle of operation of inverter; voltage driven inverter; current driven inverter.
b) A.C Voltage controller, ON-OFF control; Phase angle control; Single phase bi-
directional controller.
c) Power supplies: D.C. power supply; Switching Mode Power Supply (SMPS), Bi-
directional power supplies; A.C. power supplies; Uninterrupted Power Supply
(UPS), Power factor conditioning.
d) Instrument Transformers: Uses of instrument transformers; Theory and Testing of
Current Transformers & Potential Transformers.
e) Semiconductor power devices: Characteristics of power devices- Diode, Power
transistor, Thyristor and TRIAC; Firing circuit for Thyristor & TRIAC; Rating,
Cooling & mounting of Thyristor; Series & parallel connection of Thyristor;
Protection of Thyristor; Gate trigger & commutation circuits; Gate Turn-Off
Thyristor (GTO); power MOSFET; IJJT; DIAC &
Earth and Planetary system - size, shape, internal structure and composition of
the earth; concept of isostasy; continental drift; plate tectonics – relationship
with earthquakes, volcanism and mountain building; continental and oceanic
crust – composition, structure and thickness. Weathering and soil formation;
landforms created by river, wind, glacier, ocean and volcanoes. Basic structural
geology - stress, strain and material response; brittle and ductile deformation;
nomenclature and classification of folds and faults. Mechanism of rock
deformation; primary and secondary structures; geometry and genesis of folds,
faults, joints and unconformities. Petrology – mineralogy and classification of
common igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, concept of porosity and
permeability. Geological time scale - geochronology and absolute time. Principles
of Stratigraphy and concepts of correlation. Stratigraphic principles; major
stratigraphic divisions of India. Sedimentary Basins in India and their types,
Geological and geographical distribution of petroleum resources of India.
Petroleum Geology and Petroleum system- source rocks, reservoir rocks,
reservoir traps, migration paths, seals.
The earth as a planet; different motions of the earth; gravity field of the earth;
geomagnetic field, paleo-magnetism; Geothermics and heat flow, elements of
seismology – body and surface waves, propagation of body waves in the earth’s
interior; variation of density, velocity, pressure, temperature, electrical and
magnetic properties of the earth; earthquakes-causes and measurements,
magnitude and intensity, focal mechanisms & beach ball diagrams, earthquake
quantification, source characteristics, seismo-tectonics and seismic hazards;
digital seismographs. Scalar and vector potential fields; Laplace, Maxwell and
Helmholtz equations for solution of different types of boundary value problems in
Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical polar coordinates; Green’s theorem; Image
theory; integral equations in potential theory; Eikonal equation and Ray theory.
Petroleum Engineering
Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and
Calculus: Functions of single variable, Limit, continuity and differentiability, Taylor
series, Mean value theorems, Evaluation of definite and improper integrals, Partial
derivatives, Total derivative, Maxima and minima, Gradient, Divergence and Curl,
Vector identities, Directional derivatives, Line, Surface and Volume integrals, Stokes,
Gauss and Green's theorems.
Differential equations: First order equations (linear and nonlinear), Higher order
linear differential equations with constant coefficients, Cauchy's and Euler's
equations, Initial and boundary value problems, Laplace transforms, Solutions of
one dimensional heat and wave equations and Laplace equation.
Oil and Gas Well Testing: Diffusivity equation, derivation & solutions. Radius of
investigation. Principle of superposition. Horner's approximation. Drill Stem
Testing. Pressure Transient Tests:
Production Forecast and Reserves Estimation Methods, Oil and Gas Prices:
International Market and Geopolitics, Cash Flow Analysis and Economic Parameters,
Risk and Uncertainty Analysis, Financial Analysis and Accounting, Petroleum Fiscal