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Disease (By) : Anamnesis of Symptom GP & P

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1. DM * keep being urinating - particularly during
night (polyuria) * mentioning sample * informing
method + equip +
* keep having thirsty N drinking (polydipsia)
* explain the process data (Lab.Result)
* keep having hungry and increase frequent of SAMPLING
of eating (polyphagia) (by: SA/SL/PK)
(conducted by JA)
* HAVING WEIGHT LOSS along the time

2. CRF * painful at one of the Back Waists OR both

* having swollen (edema) especially on
certain area, such as: palm - feet - and face
* the frequency & volume of urination is
getting DECREASE

* dark yellow urine color

3. HEPATITIS * yellowish - exactly on both eyes, nails, and

face (jaundice/icteric)
* color of stools (feces) is pale

* there’s sometimes followed by the swollen

and painful on upper right stomach

* the color of urine tends to be dark yellow


* having sweat, fever, and suffering chronic
cough especially in the night
* having weight loss since the beginning

5. HIV – AIDS * easily to get any kind infectious diseases,

such as digestive & fungal diseases
* suffering chronic ORAL candidiasis
* specific WHITE spots in certain body’s area

6. GONORRHEA (GO) * the urine consisting dark yellow & smell

* followed by rash or itch on GENITAL area
* having inflammation in urination process

7. MENINGITIS * severe (UN-Relenting) headache

* suffering persistent seizure & vomiting
* having lethargy and malaise
8. CERVICAL CANCER * painful around PELVIS area, especially
(aka HPV) during Sexual intercourse
* HEAVY of Menstruation
* Abnormal VAGINAL Bleeding (vaginal

9. DHF * red spots on the skin - especially appears

from within

* having fever - exactly increase highly

during few days

* feeling painful on the joints, But NOT extremely

10. HEPATITIS * yellowish - exactly on both eyes, nails, and

face (jaundice or icteric)

* the color of stools (feces) is pale

* there’s sometimes followed by the swollen

and painful on upper right stomach

* the color of urine tends to be dark yellow

11. LEUKEMIC * Persistent Fatigue (Weakness)

* Swollen Lymph Nodes (enlarge liver or spleen)
* Easy to get bleeding or bruising

12. COVID_NINETEEN * Fever or chills

*Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
*Muscle or body aches
*New loss of taste or smell
*Sore throat
*Congestion or runny nose
*Nausea or vomiting

13. UTI..? CYTITIS..? * Cystitis in adults can cause:

*pain, burning or stinging when you pee

needing to pee more often and urgently
than normal
*feeling like you need to pee again soon
after going to the toilet
*urine that's dark, cloudy or strong-smelling
pain low down in your tummy
*feeling generally unwell, achy, sick and
* blood in your urine

*In adults, cystitis does not usually cause a

high temperature (fever).

P.S (Notes / CATATAN):

1. kolom 2 ---> pelaksana role/peran General Practioner (GP = dokter umum) & Patient (P) as the Starter Point

2. kolom 3 ---> pelaksana role/peran Junior Analyst (JA)

3. kolom 4 ---> pelaksana role/peran Senior Analyst (SA) atau Supervisor Lab. (SL) or Dokter Pat-Klin (PK)

4. HAFALAN yg hrs di-KUASAI ---> tergantung pada KOCOKAN arisan – kemudian lihat kolom PERAN anda…!

5. khusus kolom 3-4 ---> must be FULFILLED by the Students themselves..! bisa dibantu dr SLIDES PPT + Module

6. Bentuk Group (kelompok) dr sekarang – agar memudahkan student utk segera MENGHAFAL Dialog - nya

7. Suggestion (SARAN): jika sdh terbentuk kelompok, pilih STUDENT yg dianggap MAMPU utk peran GP & P

RULES (Aturan Permainan): ALL are CLOSED BOOK…!!

a) akan diberikan 3-4 kasus (complication diseases): JIKA TIDAK tertebak (1 OR lbh dr 1) ---> FAILED (DOMINO)

b) 1 penyakit (1 MENIT) - - IF OVER than Time Limit ---> Considered as DOMINO...!

c) 4 menit MAXIMUM adalah JATAH WAKTU yg diberikan HANYA utk peran GP & P … peran lainnya: 1-1,5

d) khusus KOLOM - 2 (symptoms), WAJIB disebutkan SEMUA gejala yg tertera … atau dianggap GAGAL … !

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