To The Praise of His Glory
To The Praise of His Glory
To The Praise of His Glory
We are going through the book of Ephesians 1:1-14 with the theme
“Blessed in Christ According to the Riches of His Grace.” We are now in verses 11
and 12 but before looking into it, let me remind you of the wonderful truth that
we had shared with on the spiritual blessings, every spiritual blessing that the
Father has bestowed upon us in Christ Jesus, if in case you had not remembered
or had forgotten but I hope not. I am praying that it is closely guarded in your
hearts and you are enjoying the reality of them as you put it into practice to the
glory of our God the Father in heaven.
- In Christ you are chosen in love before the foundation of the world, to be
holy and blameless in His sight. (v.4)
- He predestined us for adoption in Him, as His own dear sons and daughters
- He made us accepted in the Beloved (v.6)
- In Him, we are redeemed and set free from the slavery of sin and forgiven
through His own blood (v.7)
- - according to the purpose of His will, to the praise of His glorious grace
- - according to the riches of His grace, which He lavished upon us, (not by
random thinking) but in all wisdom and insight
- In Christ, the Father revealed the purpose of the mystery of His will
And now, let us come to our text. Everybody please read with me verses
11and 12 (Praise be to God our Lord, let us pray)
A Chinese Pastor of one of the church in the City of Wuhan, China amidst
the Pandemic Crisis due to COVID 19 was quoted saying, “The situation is so
critical, yet (we are) trusting in the Lord promises, that His thoughts toward us are
of peace, and not evil, and that He allows for a time of testing, not to destroy, but
to establish us,” he writes adding, “We have responsibility to pray for those in this
city who are fearful, and to bring to them the peace of Christ.” And he concluded,
“Because we surely know that only through the hope of the Lord’s mercy will this
city be saved.” The Pastor and the church stand for the faith in Christ Jesus. They
trust and submit to the sovereign plan and purposes of God that what is
happening is according to the purpose of His will. In danger of life, risks of death
and in all circumstances, Jesus Christ is glorified.
We do not know the real story, how many of them survive and how many
of them died of the unseen and deadly virus. But what a great encouragement to
know that there are believers and the church of the Lord Jesus Christ was able to
withstand in faith and continue to remain firm in the faith amidst suffering and
persecution from a country who strictly prohibited corporate worship to our dear
I read recently from the internet that in Chengdu, China, authorities were
intensifying religious persecutions, closing churches, church building were turned
into warehouses, jailing Pastors – and even rewriting Scripture.
If you still remember, we made it clear, that Paul’s letter is addressed to the
Church at Ephesus whose members were mainly Jews and Gentiles.
Look at your Bible and read verses 11 and 12 and notice the word “we” and
also in verse 13 the word “you” referring to the Gentile believers and notice
further the word “our” first personal pronoun plural – possessive, referring to the
Jewish and Gentile believers with one purpose – to the praise of His glory.
Another great truth and big reason why we should praise God is that He has
predestined in making us one with His ancient people. And that, the mystery of
His will in Christ was unveiled. You, all Christians who have faith in Jesus or in
union with Jesus are children of Abraham. Therefore, there are now no two
peoples of God but one. Galatians 3:28-29 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, no
male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then
you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.” And in Ephesians 2:19
“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with
the saints and members of the household of God,”
But there’s something more that Paul is referring to about those who were
predestined according to God’s plan, to be the praise of God’s glory. Who are
The idea is that (F.F. Bruce, Ephesians, p. 263), “Believers in Christ are
God’s chosen people, claimed by him as His portion or heritage.”
To sum it up, we could see that God is at work in eternity past and through
history predestining and redeeming a people for himself that we might be for the
praise of His glory. He makes us His heritage, His inheritance, by predestining us.
HE PREDESTINES US FOR His own possession. In the Song of Moses in
Deuteronomy 32:8-9, the nations of the world are assigned to various angelic
beings, but Yahweh retains Israel as His personal possession. “For the Lord’s
portion is His people, Jacob His allotted inheritance.”
God in His electing love, choses us to be His own possession, His heritage,
His inheritance and this God supremely powerful and able to work all things
according to the counsel of His will.
The first Jewish believers were claimed by God as His own. This also applies
to us. We have the Spirit, who guarantees our inheritance. Thanks be to His grac
that our eyes are enlightened so that we could see the riches of His glorious
inheritance that we have in Christ.
We are God’s heritage. We are the Lord’s portion. We are His special possession.
In Christ, we have been given to God as His inheritance. We belong to God. We
are His and He is ours.
In Him, we are safe and secure. Not only has God brought us close and
made us one with His people, not only has He made us His heritage, here we see
that we have been predestined or marked out beforehand, and that Hi marking
out is accompanied by God’s power in such a way that God works out everything
in accord with His will so that we maybe to the praise of His glory.
Christians, be to the praise of His glory! Let everything that happens to you
rebound to God’s glory. Praise Him in all circumstances, situations or conditions
you may have in life.
But the question is, what attitude or behavior do we have in facing different
circumstances in life?
Could we be able to praise God, if things go well or not going well? In the
ups and down of life? In death or sickness, in failures and frustration because we
have not attained or owned the things we earnestly want to? In suffering and
pain, loneliness and sorrows? Could we still praise the glory of God?
Do you know the song “In His Time?” Which time or season that God made
beautiful in its time, that you could respond to the praise of His glory? Let’s
examine briefly Ecclessiastes 3:1-11.
My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, if you believe in the sovereignty of
God, meaning He is in control of everything, there’s no reason you can’t honor
and glorify God. For this is the ultimate end of man’s life as God predestined to
be according to the purpose of His will, that we, His own people, His portion, His
inheritance blessed with every spiritual blessing by the Father in Christ, His
Beloved Son, are to be to the praise of His glory!