Book From History
Book From History
Book From History
Paleolithic was the oldest period in the history of mankind. The beginning
of the Paleolithic age covers about 1 million years ago – 3 thousands BC. During
this period there was a great relocation of peoples. Ancient age in the history of
Ukrainian people covers the time since3 formation of human civilization on the
territory of modern Ukraine.
During the Middle Paleolithic (100 thousands – 40 (35) thousands years
ago) a new anthropological type of man arose – the Neanderthal man. At that time
there was an intensive settlement of a person (man) throughout the southern part of
Eastern Europe.
In the period of the Late Paleolithic (40 (35) – 10 thousands) there was a
sharp cold chill and vegetation changed; heat-loving plants were destroyed. There
were steppes the coniferous forests. At that time the social forms of human
cohabitation changed.
It was formed a new type of person (man) – a clever man, a European
variant of which archaeologists call Cro-Magnon. The family was regulated by
material relations; in particular, it was a prohibition of mixing the blood of close
relations. The population in the Late Paleolithic has not excelled 6 thousands.
In the Early Paleolithic people were called archanthropes. The main tool
was manual chopping, and activities were gathering and hunting. People lived in
primitive human herds. The main parking lots were the village Korolevo, Kyik-
Koba in the Crimea, and Amvrosiivka, and others.
In the Middle Paleolithic lived Neanderthals. The main activities were
gathering, hunting for large animals; the tools of labor were scratched and
sharpening. People built the simplest dwellings, sewed hide clothes. But the most
important thing in their life was the invention of fire. They began to use roast meat
and warm food, which contributed to a better assimilation of food.
There was a matriarchy, that is, a woman stood at the head of the family.
About 200 parking lots of this period were founded. Study of parking of this period
gives an opportunity to talk about religious ideas and the emergence of arts.
In the Late Paleolithic lived Cro-Magnon (Neoanthropus), which were
engaged in gathering, using different methods of humanity. During this period a
modern type of person is formed. The tools of labor were knives, incisors, scrapers,
axes, spear tips. There are more than 500 parking lots in the village Kyrylivka,
Mizine, Mezhyrichya.
The art was of two types – anthropomorphic and zoomorphic.
Anthropomorphic image is characterized by the formation of female figures.
Widely known are so-called Venus, among which the most famous is the
Paleolithic Vein figure. All statuettes symbolized abundance and fertility. The face
of these figures is not expressed but the focus is on the chest, thighs and abdomen.
For the manufacture of statuettes used burned clay, stone, bines, and pebbles.
The Paleolithic art names the second nature. There are attempts to reflect the
real and imagined world, which expresses the idea of a man about a dual nature.
The old patterns of rock art are primitive. There are painting, petroglyphs (plucked
drawings), and relieves. In general, art is characterized by the consistency of
forms, the artistic language and the true reflection of the teachings.
In the Late Paleolithic painting, the image of man is in the background, but
in the foreground is the figure of animals. Belief, primitive art, graphic symbolism
and language are subjected to anthropomorphism of primitive culture. The magical
imitation of life contained primitive religion forms, art, and science. It enables
scientists to identify the Late Paleolithic as an era that formed the basic symbols of
the collective unconscious.
| In the Mesolithic period (10 – 6 B.C) new hunting guns appeared, as well as
fishing, use of bows, arrows and boats; tribal communities united into tribes. For
this period, the appearance of domestic animals is typical. The first was a dog and
a cow, then goats and sheep. People learned to grind grain and bake cakes, as a
result an increase in the number of crops. Thus Mesolithic can be considered the
beginning of agriculture and animal husbandry.
In the Mesolithic period of thinking becomes a group. Art depicts the
everyday life of people. There are humans-hunting, fishing, honey harvesting ect.
In figures the action, movement and jumps are transmitted. Often people and
animals are represented by a single silhouette, filled with one paint or thin lines. In
the art of Mesolithic period the ability to abstraction, generalizations are traced.
In the end of this period an earthen jug was invented which was painted
with wavy lines and stripes. In these times is not relevant to portray the struggle,
hunting, killing of animals as it was in the previous period.
During the Neolithic period, the transition from the appropriating economy
to the reproducing took place. Such changes are called the Neolithic revolution.
The main features of the Neolithic revolution are:
TOPIC №2. Kievan Rus from the Time of Formation and to Political
Rragmentation (9th -12th centuries)
Key terms: boyars, princes, veche, ancient n people, tribute, wife, Golden Horde,
nomads, chronicles, early feudal state, Christianity, Ruska Pravda.
Kievan Rus is the first state of the Eastern Slavs, which existed for more
than three and a half centuries. In its development, there were three stages:
formation, prosperity and feudal fragmentation. The main source of the study of
the history of Kievan Rus is the ancient chronicles "The Tale of the Last Summer,"
the Kyiv and Galician-Volyn chronicles. The chronicle in Russia began a little
earlier than in the neighboring peoples - about X-XI centuries. "The Tale of the
Last Years" - the oldest domestic writing primary source - began to form in the
30's of the XI century.
The first period in the history of Kievan Rus - the period of the formation of
statehood - covers IX - X centuries. Historians have no unity as to the exact date of
state formation. Some believe that it existed already at the beginning of the
nineteenth century. "The Tale of the Last Years" refers to another date - 882 g.
This year Novgorod prince Oleg, nicknamed Vichy, made a march along Volhova
and the Dnipro to the south, seized Kiev and united under its authority two major
Eastern Slavic political centers - Novgorod and Kiev lands that had long-standing
state traditions. This marked the beginning of the existence of Kievan Rus - a
mighty eastern Slavic empire with a center in Kyiv. Kiev was chosen as the capital
because of its favorable geopolitical position. He bordered the steppe and was the
southernmost city on the main communication route of Eastern Europe - "the way
from the Vikings to the Greeks". Here were formed trade caravans that went to
Byzantium. They also brought their goods to the Hazards and Greeks.
The founder of the grand princely dynasty is Novgorod prince Rurik, the
Varangians of the origin. Under the leadership of his descendants, the ancient
Russian state bloomed and collapsed.
The first princes of Kievan Rus were: The main directions of their activity
• Formation of the territory of the state, by capturing the lands of
neighboring tribes;
• Mastering of the important communication path of Eastern Europe - the
Dnipro-Volhovsky way;
• Accumulation of funds for state construction;
• Struggle for international recognition of Russia.
The cornerstone around which Kievan Rus was formed was the trade route
"from the Vikings to the Greeks". Western Dvina, Neman, Lovat, Volkhov, and the
Dnieper with tributaries formed the only "civilized" world of the Mediterranean
(primarily Byzantium) with young “barbaric” states and proto-state associations of
Eastern, Central and Northern Europe. In addition, other products were supplied -
wax, honey, leather. In the conditions of huge, rarely populated territories, it was
only local forces that could collect all of this. For this case, the descendants of
Rurik came. As a result of their activities, the largest and most powerful state of
Eastern Europe - Kyiv Rus was created.
Oleg Vyshchyi, who united the Novgorod and Kyiv lands and captured most
of the way from the Vikings to the Greeks, laid the groundwork for the further
development of statehood. During his reign, the Kyiv authorities spread not only to
the Polyan and Ilmen Slovenes, but also to the Drevlyans, the Northern, the
Krivich, the Radimiches, the Croats, the Caves, the Chud and the Mera. In the
conquered lands, he set his governors, or left the old leaders who did not resist,
strengthen existing already existing gardens and build new ones. All newly-joined
tribes were tribute. Her annually gathered the prince with her wife during a crowd.
The collected tribute was brought to Kiev, where the caravan was formed
Prince Igor first attempted to capture the mouth of the Dnieper and thus take
control of the entire path “from the Vikings to the Greeks”. Prior to that, the
Greeks dominated the Black Sea coast. During his reign, the Russians began to
winter in the Dniprovsky estuary. Permanent settlements were created on the
White Sea and on the island of Berezan. However, it was not possible to fix Igor
here permanently. Conflicts with the Crimean Greeks began, and in 941 came to
war with Byzantium.
Igor’s successor on the throne of Kiev became his wife Olga - the first and
last woman-head of the Ancient state, the first Christian ruler and the first
reformer. It differed from other princes IX-X centuries the fact that in domestic
and foreign policy preferred peaceful rather than military methods.
Olga began her reign as he severely punished the Drevlyans for the murder
of her husband, who tried to collect tribute from them for the second time in a row.
Then, the tax system was reformed: the size of the tribute and the place of its
delivery were determined - censure. In 947 Olga made a hike to the north “from
the Vikings to the Greeks”, during which he confirmed his power, his right to
collect tribute on the vast territory of Kievan Rus and secured it with the
administrative system of pogostov.
Foreign problems Olga sought to solve by diplomatic means. In 955 she
headed the embassy visited Constantinople. She was accepted as a representative
of a secondary state, but not baptized. The baptismal father of the princess became
Emperor Constantine Porphyry. In the medieval tradition, this meant the
establishment of vassal dependence. However, returning to Kyiv, Olga firmly
rejected all the claims of the Greeks to supremacy. The adoption of Christianity by
Olga and its spread on Rus laid the ground for the Christianization of the Eastern
In 964, the great prince of Kyiv became the son of Olga and Igor Svyatoslav
- Varangians with a Slavic name and Cossack appearance (the sources of the time
indicate that he wore wide trousers, earrings in the ear and "herring" on the head).
He spent most of his adult life in campaigns, solving the most important problems
of the development of the Old Russian statehood.
Svyatoslav traditionally characterized as a prince-warrior. But obviously he
was a good politician, as he correctly understood where to strike, in order to be
most in line with the interests of the state. Immediately after the Volga campaigns,
he turned to the lower reaches of the Danube. It also crossed important trade
routes. Conquering 80 Bulgarian cities, Sviatoslav settled in Pereyaslavl and even
planned to move there the capital of Kievan Rus. Concerned about this
development; Byzantium came out on the side of Bulgaria and defeated Russian
troops in a decisive battle. In 971, a peace treaty between Byzantium and Russia
was signed. He confirmed the safety of Chersonese (Korsun) and the refusal of the
Bulgarian conquests of Svyatoslav. But the exit from the Dnieper in the Black Sea
has since been opened to Russia.
Thus, the Old Russian state was created in the IX-X centuries as a result of
the unification of East Slavic lands around Kiev. The beginning of the state-
building process was entrusted to the unification of the two most important centers
of the Old Russian statehood - Kyiv and Novgorod. The efforts of the first great
princes formed the territory of Kievan Rus, its population was tribute, which, by
way of “from the Vikings to the Greeks” arrived in Kiev, and then organically sold
in Constantnople.
The most prominent princes of the period of heyday were: Svyatoslav left
behind three sons. Two elders died in an internecine struggle, and at the Kiev
grand princely table sat down in 980, younger Vladimir. He began his rule in the
traditional way - he carried out a series of campaigns and conquered the land of the
Dulebs, Croats, Tverts, Yatvyag, plundered the rebellious Vyatichs and Radimichs.
Thus he completed the formation of the territory of the state. Constant attacks of
the Pechenegs on the southern frontier towns and villages forced the prince to pay
more attention to the defense. He began to build a system of fortifications like
Active foreign policy of Kiev had significant positive results. Equitable
good-neighborly relations with Catholic Poland and the Czech Republic, Muslim
Bulgaria, and Orthodox Byzantium were established. Volodymyr Sviatoslavovich
laid the foundation for the consolidation of the Eastern Slavic tribes, introducing
the only state religion in the whole of Kyivan Rus - Christianity. For this he was
called the Great and the Holy.
The baptism of Rus was due to the existence of objective factors:
• international discrimination – “civilized” states that professed any of the
world religions, albeit with the military force of Russia, but referred to it as a
minor barbarian state;
• The ideological split of society - disparate tribes worshiping different gods
and having different spiritual values and ideals;
• Paganism contradicted the interests of the emerging feudal state, since it
preached universal equality.
Christianity in Kievan Rus was known from ancient times. From the time of
Igor in Kiev, there was a church of St. Elias, and part of his wife was Christian.
However, along with the Christian, there were churches of other faiths. Vladimir,
deciding to make Christianity a state religion, went unconventionally. He force
forced the Byzantine emperors to christen him and get married to Princess Anna.
The exact date and place of the baptism of Vladimir is unknown. The year of
baptism of Rus is 988 years. This process took place throughout the country mostly
peacefully (only in Novgorod had to use force), but it extended for centuries. As a
result, paganism was not completely eradicated - some of its elements organically
incorporated into Christianity, thereby providing a certain heredity of spiritual
Baptism of Kievan Rus had enormous consequences.
Firstly, Rus received a single state ideology - a system of values, which
subsequently united disparate tribes. At the same time, the power of the Grand
Duke strengthened - it was recognized as coming from God.
Secondly, the international authority of the state has increased significantly.
This is best manifested in dynastic marriages. If Volodymyr had to win his wife by
force, then his son and grandchildren were born with the ruling dynasties of
Poland, Hungary, Sweden, Norway, England, France, the Holy Roman Empire.
Thirdly, the rapid development of culture began. Its centers were churches
and monasteries, which opened schools, libraries, translated and rewrote books,
was written chronicle. The construction of churches contributed to the
development of architecture and painting.
Fourthly, along with churches in Russia, there was a canonical state law
confirmed by the statutes of Volodymyr and Yaroslav. All misdemeanors and
crimes against faith were now subject to the prince's, not to the church court. The
church eradicated not only pagan beliefs, customs. The clergy opposed the rudest
forms of slavery. Thus, the social life of the Slavs was mitigated.
It should be noted that all these changes occurred not in one day, but
accumulated gradually. However, during the life of Volodymyr the Great became
apparent the epoch-making importance of the adoption of Christianity, since it was
the main ideological and political factor that ensured the strengthening and
prosperity of the Old Russian state.
The case of Vladimir continued his son Yaroslav, who won the throne in
Kiev with 4 years of civil strife. For the first 15 years, he shared power with his
brother Mstislav and directly led the half of the state lying to the right of the
Dnieper. And from 1034 he became the sole owner of Kievan Rus. He was not
interested in far-off campaigns, but mostly led to border wars: he won the Cherven
gardens, went to Yatvyaz, casting, Chud, Pechenegs. Far trips to Poland and
Byzantium were carried out for unclear reasons and had no significant
consequences. The main achievement of Yaroslav’s military policy was the victory
in 1036 of the ancient enemy of Russia - the Pechenegs. As a result, the Black Sea
steppes were freed from these nomads for good. The state’s boundary moved south
to the Rus River, along which a new defensive line was built, and the border
stretch was inhabited by nomadic settlers – “black hoods”.
Yaroslav the Wise ruled the state with the help of his sons, whom he had
planted as governors in the main cities. The entire military-political elite at that
time was of Slavic origin. Vardzugi completely lost any meaning.
An important contribution to the strengthening of the Old Russian statehood
was the introduction of codified law. The first collection of laws – “Rus’ Truth”
was concluded in the first half of the 11th century. It included rules of customary
law and therefore can’t be considered as a result of legislative activity of the
authorities. But it became the basis of the legal system that began to emerge from
the time of Yaroslav.
Yaroslav was called the Wise for his political talents, love for knowledge
and great enlightenment. He could rightly be called a builder. Political stability and
accumulation through Greek trade enabled the Grand Duke to lay many new cities
and to rearrange and decorate the old ones. He paid special attention to the capital.
The city was expanded, surrounded by a new system of fortifications. There were
built a stone cathedral of St. Sophia, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, a new princely court
and much more.
After the death of Yaroslav at the Kyiv Grand Duchess, his sons, Izyaslav,
Svyatoslav, Vsevolod were sitting alternately for almost 40 years in a row. They
continued legislative book and expanded the “Russkaya Pravda” from 17 to 43
articles, supported political and economic relations with the European powers and
The Board of Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125) and his son Mstislav (1125-
1132) completed the period of prosperity of Kievan Rus. The latter managed to
preserve the power over most of the ancient lands. Their power was based on the
unconditional authority of Monomakh in society, on a reasonable domestic policy
and the military power of the prince.
Volodymyr Monomakh sits on the throne of Kiev at the age of 60. He had a
wealth of experience in managing the state, since he helped his father in solving
various state affairs; he knew well on public issues. Having become Grand Duke,
he passed several laws that limited the misuse of moneylenders and protected
bankrupt merchants and peasants-purchasers.
Vladimir came to Kiev from Pereyaslav. This is the southernmost ancient
Russian principality suffered the most from the aggressive policy of the steppe
nomads. Polovtsian hordes, which appeared in the Black Sea steppes in the 60s of
the 11th century, became the main problem of Kievan Rus. They not only
destroyed, plundered the cities and villages of the southern principalities, took
captive and killed the population, constantly attacked the caravans of trade going
on the Dnieper River to Constantinople. Having taken control of the lower reaches
of the Dnieper, they created a serious threat to the foreign economic interests of the
state, undermining its economic foundations.
All Kiev princes fought with Polovtsy. But Volodymyr Monomakh became
the most famous in this field. He changed tactics and instead of throwing the
enemy from the borders, organized campaigns in the depths of the steppe, on the
Polovtsian nomads. In the 20s and 40s of the 12th century Polovtsy were expelled
“for Don, for the Volga, for Yaich”, as the chronicler wrote.
In the territorial structure, Rus was a polycentric state. She did not have a
stable organization with a clear administrative system. The territory of the state
was formed by the forced annexation of the land of the principalities - tribal state
formations of the Drevlyans, Siversians, Radymichites, and others who, for a long
time, kept autonomy. Along with the lands there were parishes. In the center of
each such land or parish there was a senior or big city - the political, economic,
cultural and religious center of the region. Local princes, who were sitting in these
cities after the submission to Kyiv, did not all immediately lose power. Those who
showed loyalty were left on the ground.
An important element of the political system of Kievan Rus was the
Chamber (People’s Assembly) - a body of local self-government, which was a
remnant of the tribal system. Village villages addressed only the problems of their
village, and the city was not limited to urban affairs, and often intervened in big
The legal system was in development. Proceedings were carried out on the
basis of the “n Truth”, customary and church law. The princes were judged, or the
tyunings they appointed, the church, and in the rural communities - the Chamber.
The economic basis of the state was taxes from peasants and townspeople in
the form of natural rent. Workers and cash rents were not distributed. An important
piece of government revenue was foreign trade. The main currency was the
hryvnia-kun, a silver bullion, which at different times had a different weight and
shape widely used foreign coins. His coins for a short time were beaten by
Volodymyr the Great, his sons, Yaroslav the Wise and Svyatopolk I, and perhaps
his grandson Vyacheslav Yaroslavich.
The upper class in the social hierarchy of the time society was occupied by a
class of feudal landlords. In Kievan Rus the land was owned by princes, boyars
and the church. At the first stage of the formation of Old Russian statehood, the
owner of all lands and its wealth was the state. Therefore, all who lived and
worked on earth paid tribute to the state in the person of the Grand Duke and his
wife. Feudal land tenure was not developed at this time. Trade with Byzantium
made the greatest profit. Therefore, the wife served as a prince for a portion of the
tribute gathered from the population. In addition, constant military campaigns for a
long time cut off from farming on the ground and the conditions for it were
unfavorable - instability of the territory, external danger, etc. Even the church until
the middle of the twentieth century the princes did not regret the land, and part of
the state's profits from a certain territory (tithing) and duties from the local
population. From the end of the tenth century political conditions have changed:
the era of great conquests has come to the end and the princes have moved to
peaceful state-building. The stability of the state territory, accumulated wealth,
which required investments in the future, was ensured. The elder wife began to
settle down on the ground. This process was slow, but steadily, since from the end
of the XI century. There was no reliable source of income other than land.
The majority of the population of Kievan Rus was peasants-communists.
They were called smerds. Smeds were personally free, due to the lack of long-time
developed private feudal land tenure. Dependence on the state was economic - they
paid her a natural tribute.
Purchasers were called dependent peasants, who, unlike the smerds, did not
have their own land and farms. For the right to use someone else's land and a
reanator, they paid off part of the harvest. They were legally full could become
completely free if they were counted for a bunch. Another category of dependent
people was rank-and-file soldiers - those who made a row with the prince, or a
boyar, and worked on them.
Slavery flourished in Kyivan Rus. Therefore, there were quite a large
number of slaves - slaves or servants. Slaves were born, in case of captivity, non-
payment of debts, and marriage with a slave (or a slave). They were bought and
sold. They were incapacitated persons. Slave labor was used everywhere - in
agriculture, in artisanship, in the service of church and secular feudal lords.
The Old Russian state was covered by a network of cities with a large
population. True, most cities differed from the villages only by the presence
of fortifications. Therefore, in the cities lived different segments of the
population, including purely urban - artisans and merchants. They were
personally free people. Depending on their wealth, they were divided into
“better”, “wet” - rich or “black”, “younger” - poor.
With the adoption and spread of Christianity a separate state of “church
people” has developed. It belonged to the black and white clergy and to the slaves
and “suffering people” assigned to the church. All of them lived and tried
according to separate church laws and obeyed the Kiev Metropolitan.
A separate stratum of the population was outcasts - people who were outside
their social group. The peasants or princes who had been expelled from the
community were called ashamed, who, for various reasons, were left without a
In general, the process of formation of the class in Kievan Rus was not
completed. There was no clear legal status of social groups. There were no legal
restrictions for switching from one group to another. Smerd could become a
merchant, a craftsman, a purchaser, a rank and file and even a boyar.
So, from IX to mid. XII century Ancient state experienced a period of
political, economic and cultural development. But instead the internal stability of
the state was achieved thanks to the legislative, reforming activity of the princes.
The rise of statehood and the consolidation of the population contributed to the
baptism of Kievan Rus. The church has become the main unifying factor in the Old
Russian state. The authority of Kyiv in the international arena has grown.
Strengthened the power of the prince society was divided into relatively stable
social groups - states.
1. When Kyivska Rus came into existence and which territory it covered?
2. Describe the reign of the first Kiev princes - Oleg, Igor, Svyatoslav?
3. What are the peculiarities of the reign of Princess Olga? What was its foreign
and domestic policy?
4. Expand the process of accepting Christianity in Kievan Rus? How did it affect
the spiritual and socio-political life of Kievan Rus?
5. What was the educational activity of the reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise?
6. What was the basis for the formation of the political system of Kievan Rus?
Give examples.
7. List the social strata of the population of that time? What are the characteristics
of each class state?
8. What was the economic basis of Kievan Rus? What were the first coins called?
9. Expand the internal and external policies of the Kiev state? Give examples.
10. Why were resistance to baptism practiced mostly by people unknown - strokes,
artisans, black people and residents of the outskirts of Kievan Rus?
11. Give examples of architectural constructions of Kievan Rus. Who among the
princes most concerned about the architectural affair?
1. Tribes of the Ancient Rus State and their role in state creation.
2. Development of pedagogical thought of Kievan Rus.
3. Historical portrait of Princess Olga.
4. Features of musical art of Kievan Rus.
5. Education and science of the Old Russian state.
1. Perelikit state, the nucleus of which included Ukrainian lands 15 th - beg. 16th
centuries2. When the divorce status of Ukrainian principalities was
2. Find out how the status of the nobility changed in various editions of the
Lithuanian statute.
3. What was the situation of the Ukrainian lands under the authority of the Polish
4. List the consequences of the Krevsky Union and justify the significance of
each of them for Ukrainian society.
5. The culture of the Renaissance in the territory of Ukraine.
6. Cultural and educational activities of fraternities in the territory of Ukraine.
7. When the Ostroh Greek-Slav-Latin Academy did arise?
8. Church-religious confrontation in 17th century.
9. Describe the role of the Cossack Council in Sich. What was the decision
making procedure?
10. Describe the structure of the Zaprozyzsky troops. What are a register and a
registered Cossack?
11. Why, in your opinion, the international authority of the Cossacks has
increased during the 15th - 16th centuries?
12. What are the features of customs, everyday life, life style borrowed from
them from the Tatars? What is it caused?
1.Role of polemical literature in the religious struggle of the 16th – 17th centuries.
2. Musical and theatrical culture in Ukraine in the 16th - 17th centuries.
3. Renaissance ideas in Ukrainian culture in the 16th – 17th centuries.
Theme №6. Ukrainian lands in the Russian and Austrian empires and
economic, social and political life of Ukraine.
Key words: National Renaissance, Cyril-Methodius Brotherhood, Ruska Trinity,
People's Movement, Narodivtsi, Muscophiles, Khlopomany, Tarasivtsi, Valuev
Circular, Amsky Decree, Prosvita.
Political situation of Ukrainian lands in the second half of the 18 th century the
Ukrainian autonomy was completed first in Slobozhanshchyna, and then in the
Hetmanate. As a result of the division of Poland and successful victories during the
Russo-Turkish wars in the late 13th - early 20th centuries. The vast majority of
Ukrainian lands - Slobozhanschina, the Left Bank (Hetmanate), the Right Bank,
the South (Novorossiia) - were part of the Russian Empire of the Romanovs.
Western Ukrainian lands - Eastern Galicia, Northern Bukovina and Transcarpathia
- were lying on the Austrian (from 1867 Austro-Hungarian) Empire of the
The population of eastern Ukraine at the end of the eighteenth century was
7.5 million people, and around 1860 - 13.5 million. In Western Ukraine lived from
5 to 7 million people.
Consequently, Ukraine was in the two largest empires, that is, it was forced
to exist in a completely different political system compared with the one in which
it lived. The great empires relied on a despotic ramified bureaucratic system, a
well-armed numerical army, and cruel serfdom. The Ukrainian territories,
historically and geographic regions, joined at different times in the Russian Empire
were an integral territorial unit. Ukrainian lands and historians and public and
political figures called the Dnieper or Dnieper Ukraine were 9/10 of the total area
of Ukraine. Officially, Ukraine in the composition of Russia was called “Little
Russia” or “South-Western Russia”. Russian government, at the end of the 18 th
century finally ending with the autonomy of Ukraine, for ease of management in
the first half of the 19th century created on its territory 9 provinces, united in 3
governor-general. Slobodsko-Ukrainskaya was founded on the territory of
Slobozhanshchyna and the Livoberezhskaya, which in 1835 was renamed Kharkiv,
Chernihiv and Poltava provinces, which comprised the Malorossiysk Governorate
General. In Right Bank Ukraine and Volyn in 1832 in connection with the Polish
uprising of 1830-1831 pp. the tsarist government formed the Kyiv, Podillya and
Volyn provinces, united in the Kiev governor general. Selected from the
Zaporizhzhia Army troops of the Northern Black Sea and Azov Sea were divided
into three provinces - Kherson, Katerynoslav and Tavriysk, and joined the
Bessarabia Region in 1812, all of which was called the Novorossiysk-Bessarabian
General Government.
Thus, at the beginning of the 20th century the Russian tsarist managed to
completely eliminate all self-governed tendencies in Ukraine and subordinate these
lands to the central and local authorities and administration of Russia.
At the head of the Russian empire was the king, the emperor - an autocratic
monarch, enjoying unlimited power. Strengthening his power was promoted by the
so-called “his own majesty office”. In the 20 years of the 19 th century its influence
on the decision of state affairs has increased due to the confidence of the emperor
himself and the increase in the number of his apparatus. The limits of authority of
this structure were really extraordinary. It is enough to remind that the first office
of the office controlled the activities of the ministers themselves, and its third
division was the supreme political police, which relied on a mighty gendarme
corps and was created immediately after the Decembrist uprising.
In the state at this time there was a reform of the central branch
management, which was completed by 1811. The reform was intended to further
unblock power. Thus, the former boards were converted into ministries headed by
directly subordinate ministers the king. The activities of the ministries were
coordinated by the Committee of Ministers - an advisory body, at which meetings
the emperor himself was chairing. It is clear that the decision of the Committee of
Ministers came into force only with the sanction of the emperor.
In the past, the Senate has become quite prominent in the power of the
political hierarchy as the highest appellate instance for the courts of the provinces.
On the ground, the tsar's power was exercised by the trustees appointed by
him from among the senior officials - governors and governors-general. The
governor, as a representative of the supreme government, exercised power over the
administrative and police forces. He relied on the provincial government, which
included the vice-governor, advisers, prosecutor, and a noble assembly. In the
province also there were bodies of corresponding ministries on the ground -
provincial branch institutions (state chamber, recruiting presence, from 1840 - the
chamber of state property, etc.), however, they were completely subordinated to
the governor. By the way, the State Chancellery was a very important state
institution that was in charge of collecting various state taxes from the population.
Governors, proclaimed special royal decree “hosts” of the provinces,
received the right of unlimited control over the activities of all institutions and
enterprises located in the territory entrusted to them. Often, the governors were
appointed not civilians, but military personnel, usually generals, who in that case
were subordinated not only to the local administration and the police, but also to
military units stationed in the province.
Provinces consisted of counties, where the power belonged to the Zemsky
court (until 1837 he was called the lower zemsky court), headed by the captain-
officer. The Zemsky court was simultaneously an administrative-police institution
and a judicial body. In turn, the districts had divisions in the provinces headed by
police officers, who, based on their subordinate villagers of Sotska and Deca, kept
the population of cities and villages in obedience to the autocratic power of the
king and his bodies on the ground. In Ukraine in the first quarter of the 19 th
century the number of cities used by self-government under the Magdeburg law
has significantly decreased. In Left-Bank Ukraine, the validity of this right was
abolished in 1831, and in 1835 this cancellation was confirmed by a royal decree.
In Kyiv, together with the Magdeburg law, the city police, in the amount of more
than 2000 people, were armed and disbanded, armed and dressed in the old-world
Cossack system. To weaken the Ukrainian element in this city, Ukrainian
merchants were evicted from the center to the outskirts, and their place was
occupied by merchants of the Great Russians.
Peculiar administrative formations were the introduction in 1903 of the city
authorities headed by the mayor, whose power extended not only to civilians, but
also to military and maritime authorities. In Ukraine, the city authorities were
established in the cities of Odessa, Kherson and Feodosia.
Governors-general, governors, and other high-ranking officials were to
blame for the principles that relied on all Russian statehood, namely, the Orthodox
faith, autocracy and nationality. Orthodoxy meant the exclusive domination of one
Orthodox Church, which was placed in full dependence on secular authority and
was supposed to serve the existing regime. Self-government was aimed not only at
the concentration of all power in the hands of one absolute monarch, but also the
removal of the public from participation in political life.
The principle of the state system - the people - was supposed to assert the
rule of a single Great Russian nation with the leveling of national features of all
other numerous peoples of the empire. All these principles were closely linked to
the rigid centralism that followed the idea of autocratic power: all the provinces
were managed from one center - St. Petersburg - and local authorities, even on the
post of governor-general, with every petty question were forced to address the
central government or even the king himself. However, there were among the
highest Russian dignitaries who ruled in Ukraine, and those who left behind on
their own this land is a good memory. These include Malorossiysk Governor-
General since 1816, Prince Mykola Repnin, brother of the Decembrist S.
Volkonsky. The marriage with the grandson of the former hetman, Cyril
Razumovsky, brought him closer to the Ukrainian gentry, which actively
advocated the restoration of the Hetmanate and nominated Repnin for the
Hetmanate. In Poltava, the governor-general assembled prominent Ukrainian
cultural forces, was a patron of local science and education, and took care of the
problems of the revival of the Cossack. A highly educated humanist with the
reputation of a "liberal" prince M. Repnin, a representative of the local Russian
administration, entered into an outright struggle with the St. Petersburg
government to save Ukrainians from complete poverty. He spoke with a number of
projects to improve the grave situation of Ukrainian peasants and Cossacks. All
this did not really like the authorities, and so soon Repnin was accused of
Ukrainian separatism and removed from office.
The consolidation of the foundations of Russian autocracy in Ukraine was
due to the numerous armed forces that were held at the expense of the local
population. royal consent cruel, illiterate general Arakcheev. From 1816 he began
to establish military settlements, turning the whole villages into military camps,
with the aim of creating a male-soldier-peasant isolated from the people, who,
together with the military strata, had to deal with agriculture.
By 1825, 375,000 state peasants were transferred to the position of military
settlers. So, in 1817-1825 g in the Slobodsk-Ukraine, Yekaterinoslav and Kherson
provinces 16 cavalry and 3 infantry regiments were stationed as military settlers.
The children of the settlers were little-cooked for the barracks regime: from the age
of 7-12 they were enrolled in the canonist’s (students of military schools), from 12
years were enlisted in reserve, and from 18 years - in military units. Therefore, it is
not surprising that from time to time in such settlements an uprising broke out.
Thus, in the summer of 1819 an uprising military settlers of the Chuguev Ulan
regiment, joined by settlers of the neighboring Taganrog Ulan regiment and
residents of the surrounding villages. Armed resistance lasted more than a month.
For his suppression arrived troops with 12 guns, headed by Arakcheev himself.
The military settlements were liquidated only in 1857, transferring military settlers
to the position of state peasants.
In the first half of the 19th century the Russian government twice promised
to revive the Cossack regiments in Ukraine. However, as usual, he did not keep his
word. Playing on the national and patriotic feelings of Ukrainians, the tsarist
regime exploited the material and human resources at critical moments for the
state, and then left the Cossacks to their fate. In 1812, in order to confront
Napoleon's army, the Little Russian Governor-General, Prince Lobanov-Rostov,
was instructed to form several regiments of Ukrainian Cossacks, who during the
war had to hang out as a permanent Cossack army. Cossacks were glad to meet this
news and at their own expense put 15 cavalry regiments to 1220 people in every
one. However, the government did not even allow these formations to take part in
hostilities, retained them in service until 1816, and then demobilized, transferring
the Cossacks to a peasant state. On the Right Bank was created 4 Cossack
regiments, which subsequently turned into regular.
During the Polish uprising 1830-1831 pp. Tsar Mykola I told the Little
Russian Governor M. Repnin to organize the Cossack regiments to help with the
Polish gentry with the further preservation of the status of these military
formations. There were created eight regiments per 1000 Cossacks in each. But
again, they were not allowed to participate in military operations, and when the
uprising was over, part of the Cossacks were sent to the regular Russian troops,
while the others were deported to the Terek Cossack army in the Caucasus. When
the Cossacks expressed their protest, they were severely punished: several dozen
were killed until death.
By the way, the massive resettlement of Cossacks from Ukraine is also
important component settlers of the neighboring Taganrog Ulan regiment and
residents of the surrounding villages. Armed resistance lasted more than a month.
For his suppression arrived troops with 12 guns, headed by Arakcheev himself.
The military settlements were liquidated only in 1857, transferring military settlers
to the position of state peasants.
During the Polish uprising 1830-1831 pp. Tsar Mykola I told the Little
Russian Governor M. Repnin to organize the Cossack regiments to help with the
Polish gentry with the further preservation of the status of these military
formations. There were created eight regiments per 1000 Cossacks in each. But
again, they were not allowed to participate in military operations, and when the
uprising was over, part of the Cossacks were sent to the regular Russian troops,
while the others were deported to the Terek Cossack army in the Caucasus. When
the Cossacks expressed their protest, they were severely punished: several dozen
were killed until death.
By the way, the massive resettlement of Cossacks from Ukraine is also an
important component of the policy of the tsarist. So, acting in the context of this
policy, in the 20 years of the XIX century.