Laboratory Solutions: Sample Preparation For The Most Stringent Analytical Requirements

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Laboratory solutions

Sample preparation for the

most stringent analytical requirements
2 3


Introduction 04

Crusher 20
Pulverizer 28
Presses 42
Fusion machines 50
Grinding machines 58
Milling machines 66
4 5


HERZOG is the world’s leading supplier of manual Selection and testing of Since only a certain part of the sample interacts with
and automatic laboratory systems for quality assur- preparation parameters the X-ray beams during the analysis itself, it is
ance. We see ourselves as a partner of the raw Herzog offers its customers the possibility of testing essential for the XRF and XRD analysis that a
materials industry that supports its customers in all samples and materials in our application laboratories representative and effective sample surface is Fine grinding of sample material
quality assurance and sample preparation matters. alongside our application specialists. When produc- present, the production of which can be reproduced.
Our aim is to support our customers in designing, ing an analysis sample, a large number of factors This can be investigated with the aid of replication
planning and optimising their processes, and to exist that can influence the quality of the measure- series. Also, the pressing of sample material into
come up with solutions. Our close collaboration with ment result. Grain size effects, matrix effects, metal rings can sometimes cause the unwanted sep-
numerous analysis instrument manufacturers allows preferred orientation of particles, the roughness of aration or arrangement of particles that can corrupt
the integration of various technologies for the the sample surface and the shape of the dissolving the analysis result.
purpose of getting an optimum overview of the tablets are just a few of the phenomena to which
relevant process steps. attention must be paid. Parameters such as grinding
duration and grinding vessel, the addition of grinding
Since this family company was founded in 1958, aids and binding agents, contact pressure and the
customer orientation, innovation and stringent quality time for which it is applied, fusion time, movement of
requirements have been its basic principles. “Made the crucible or the choice of fluxes and admixtures
by HERZOG” stands for intelligent solutions, play an important role here. Herzog will assist you in
high-quality German-made products and first class selecting the right parameters for your application.
service competence. The company’s 200 employees
are proud that their machines and automation
solutions are used by leading producers in the Contamination tests and
metals, cement, mining and recycling industries. homogeneity tests Glass beads, produced by thermal fusion
Subsidiary companies in the USA, China and Japan Processes such as fine grinding, dosing and press-
and an extensive sales network ensure direct on-site ing sample material often require efficient and
contact with our customers. This enables our automatic cleaning of the components used. De-
products and services to be available as quickly as pending on what’s needed, HERZOG provides an
possible and to be adapted to meet local require- introduction to the manual cleaning processes that
ments. can be employed, or offers various technical solu-
tions such as dry cleaning using compressed air, wet
HERZOG has its own quality management system cleaning, sand cleaning and the use of blank sam-
and is certified by the “TÜV Nord” technical inspec- ples. To minimise possible cross-contamination,
torate in accordance with ISO 9001:2008. Also, material-specific test series can be measured in
HERZOG has a certified occupational safety man- advance with the aid of XRF analysis. This allows pre-
agement system with the “Sicher mit System” cise adjustment of the cleaning parameters and
(“systematic safety”) quality seal of the “Berufsgenos- design of the machine components tailored to the
senschaft Holz und Metall” (BGHM) professional customer’s needs. This in turn enables the possibility
association. of contamination during routine operation to be
Sample preparation for precise
almost completely eliminated.
element analyses
6 7

Crushing Grinding

Herzog crushers are designed for the coarse crushing and pre-crushing Grinding and pressing is a time-saving and cost-saving sample prepa-
of sample material. The analytical fineness required for a subsequent ration procedure that is used in the analysis of many inorganic and
spectroscopic examination is normally achieved with the aid of a disk organic materials. Using powdered samples not only allows the chemi-
vibration mill. cal composition to be determined, it also permits the use of X-ray
diffraction methods (e.g. cement, salts) for some applications in order to
Herzog jaw crushers are designed as jaw crushers equipped with one determine the mineral content. Grinding coarse-grained
movable and one fixed breaking jaw. This involves pressing the material material into …
to be crushed through the moving jaw and against the fixed jaw and Prior to pressing, the material must be finely ground in order to guaran-
crushing it through the application of pressure and impacts. The moving tee sufficient homogeneity. HERZOG offers a wide variety of disk
jaw is moved by an eccentric shaft and is thereby forced into an elliptical vibration mills in different sizes and configurations for the grinding of
movement pattern that crushes the material and moves it downwards. If sample material. Very hard materials (e.g. silicon carbide) can also be
the grain size is smaller than the width of the bottom gap, the crushed ground down to a grain size that is sufficiently fine to guarantee a
material drops into the collecting container. Using no-rebound funnels high-quality analysis. Along with the program parameters, the attainable
prevents material from escaping out of the crushing chamber. fineness is also dependent on the following factors:
Basic configuration, jaw crushers
equipped with one movable and
Depending on the material being crushed, the jaw crushers can be • Material
one fixed breaking jaw
supplied with crushing jaws made of different materials. One character- • Input quantity
istic of jaws made of manganese steel is that they harden further over • Grinding aids used
time with increased use. Stainless steel is recommended when the • Grain size when put in.
formation of rust can be expected due to feed material. Tungsten
carbide jaws are particularly hard resistant to wear. Their service life is Generally, a grain size that permits an analysis is obtained after about
long even when used on hard materials. 60 seconds in the case of most materials. If milling is performed for
longer, agglomerations and material accumulations occur in the grinding
With the cone crusher, the crushing occurs in the gap between the box in the case of specific materials. Figure 01 shows a typical trend ... fine powder, suitable for analyses
crusher jacket and the crusher cone. This gap opens and closes line. To perform the analysis by means of RFA, it is often necessary for by X-ray fluorescence, diffractometry
circumferentially as a result of the eccentric tumbling motion of the the sample material to be ground to a grain size of < 75 µm. The and other methods
crusher cone. The advantage of the cone crusher is that the material is grinding boxes must be made from wear-resistant materials in order to
crushed continuously by pressure and friction. There is no alternating guarantee sufficient abrasion resistance. This applies particularly when
working stroke and no-load stroke as occurs with the jaw crusher. the sample contains very hard mineral phases and has abrasive
properties (e.g. clinker, silicon carbide, etc.).
Basic configuration, cone crusher
This means that during grinding, there is inevitably abrasion of the used
grinding stones and of the grinding box. Depending on the application,
the grinding box should be suitably hard and should have a chemical
composition that does not contain any elements that are of analytical
interest. Different grinding boxes are available in order to prevent the
entry of elements that are relevant to the analysis.
8 9


Configuration of the grinding boxes Depending on the analytical requirements, it is possible to choose
Generally, there are four grinding box volumes available for grinding with between four standard pressing methods:
manual mills (10, 50, 100 and 250 cm³). Only 100 cm³ grinding boxes
are used in the case of automatic mills. If smaller grinding boxes are • Material
used in larger holders, intermediate rings and spacers can be used as • Free pressing
adapters. The required components are shown together in Figure 1 for • Two-component pressing
the mill types HSM 250 H/HSM 250 P and HSM 100 H/HSM 100 P. • Pressing in an aluminium tray
The maximum speed of these mill types is 1470 rpm. • Pressing in steel rings.
Various combinations of rings and stones are employed as grinding 0,3

tools. In grinding boxes with a volume of between 10 and 50 cm³, only In automatic presses, the sample material can only be pressed in steel rings 0,25

stones are used to grind the sample material. A combination of a ring because all other pressing methods are too complex and provide insuffi-

Particle size (mm)


and a stone is used in the 100 cm³ grinding boxes. Two rings and a cient stability when handling samples. For free pressing, pressing of 2 0,15

stone are used in order to guarantee sufficient pulverisation in the 250 components and pressing in aluminium trays, it is possible to freely select

cm³ grinding box also. Agate grinding boxes are available with a volume the diameter of the pressing tool with certain provisos.
of 100 cm³. However, due to their brittle character, agate grinding boxes
can only be used with a maximum grinding speed of 750 rpm. Free pressing 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Free pressing is the lowest-cost pressing method because no consumables Grinding time (sec.)
Impact (stroke) Service life of grinding boxes are required. Precise dosing of the sample material is also not required.
Grinding boxes and grinding stones are subject to natural wear. Most of the grain size reduction
The service life of grinding boxes depends on: 2-component pressing normally occurs in the first 60 s
Pressing of 2 components requires an additional work step, but also offers
• The properties of the sample material the possibility of preparing small sample quantities for analysis. The refill
Impact (collision) Impact (collision)
• Number of samples magazine (e.g. boric acid, Boreox) is dosed and pre-pressed in an initial
Different crushing mechanisms for • Grinding speed. work step. A special pressing tool cover is used for this. The actual sample
grinding in oscillation mills material is then pressed into the prepared matrix in a second pressing step.
The grinder wear should be checked at regular intervals. The following
rules of thumb can be applied here: Pressing in aluminium trays
For pressing in aluminium trays, the plunger should have a suitable vent-
1) The depth of the grinding box should not increase by more than 1 mm. ing groove in order to prevent compression of gases in the plunger.
2) The ring’s weight loss should not be more than 10 %. Aluminium trays are available in various diameters. Aluminium trays have

3) The stone’s weight loss should not be more than 8 %. the advantage that no significant costs are incurred if the samples are to
4) The agglomeration of the chrome steel stone should not be more be archived. Nevertheless, aluminium trays offer no guarantee with
Impact than 4 mm. regard to eruptions occurring on the edges.
5) The agglomeration of the tungsten carbide steel stone should not be
more than 2 mm.
0,5 5 500 5000 50000

Par�cle size (µm) 6) In the case of tungsten carbide, a visual inspection should be
Factors that play a role with small performed as to whether eruptions are visible. Different grinding boxes
grain sizes include shear forces,
or compression sizes in the case
of large grain sizes
10 11


Pressing in steel rings Fusion is an extremely efficient method of sample preparation for various
Using steel rings offers far-reaching advantages over the other pressing analysis methods such as X-ray fluorescence, ICP and AA. The term fusion
methods with regard to use in automated sample preparation systems. normally covers the mixing of a sample with a fusion agent, fusing the
Using steel rings reduces the risk of contamination in the spectrometer mixture and pouring in the form of a glass bead or dissolving in an acid
by preventing eruptions on the sample edge. However, high costs are solution.
incurred if the re-useable rings must be archived. Two rings types are
available for pressing in steel rings (Ø 40 mm & Ø 51 mm). Fusion is the best method when standards or sample material do not have
a consistent matrix. This is normally the case with exploration, environmen-
Free pressing Pressing into Cleaning steel rings tal and geological samples including mining material, minerals, clay, ores,
aluminium cups
A three-stage brush system can be used to clean used steel rings after dusts and waste materials. It is also often used with mixing materials such
the analysis. This can be used with both manual and automatic press- as cement, catalysts and electronic materials.
es. On manual presses, it is placed manually into the ring and is then
removed manually. In automated pressing, the cleaning runs entirely Improving the analysis results
without the operator’s intervention. The empty rings are then automati- Preparation with the aid of the fusion process results in a significant
40 mm 51,5 mm cally stored in the internal magazine. improvement in analytical accuracy. There are various reasons for this.
steel ring steel ring
Firstly, samples that have an identical chemical composition can differ from
each other in terms of mineralogy and particle size. This alone can result in
different counting rates in the analysis instrument. The fusion process
Two-composed pressing eliminates these factors and thereby increases measuring accuracy.
Secondly, dilution occurs in fusion through the addition of a fusion agent.
This leads to a reduction in the interaction between the elements being
analysed and a reduction in the so-called matrix effect. Thirdly, fusion
Step A Step B makes it significantly easier to perform a calibration. On the one hand it is
Pressing support Pressing sample
possible to produce perfect matrix-matched standards for a large number Pressed tablet, made by
of materials. On the other hand, synthetic standards can be used if no pressing in an aluminium tray
Representation of the different
methods for pressing sample material referenced standards are available. Accordingly, synthetic standards can be
produced for almost any material without the complex regression analyses
for creating calibration curves.

Pressed tablet, made by free pressing

12 13

Avoiding errors Safety

Fusion is an extremely important part of material analysis by way of X-ray Fusion is a reliable sample preparation process that requires no harmful
fluorescence, ICP and AA. Fusion is an excellent method for avoiding errors acids and reagents. Special safety measures are therefore not neces-
that can have a negative influence on the accuracy of the corresponding sary. The fusion process is especially safe when it is done with appara-
measuring method. Fusion is also the simplest and most reliable method tus that has automatic sample handling, fusing and pouring of the melt.
for preventing errors arising from inhomogeneous particle distribution, Sample material oxidation
mineralogical effects and insufficient surface quality. The fusion process
The most common method is borate fusion. This involves fusing a
Improving the sample solution sample with an excess of lithium borate and in the form of a glass bead
Fusion can easily dissolve oxidic samples that are difficult to prepare with a flat surface. During the fusion process, the sample’s material
with the aid of acidulation. Conventional acidulation of resistant material phases are converted into glass-like borate, which results in a homoge-
such as silicates aluminium, zirconium etc. takes a long time and often neous fusion bead that is perfectly suited to X-ray fluorescence analysis.
only results in incomplete dissolving. However, complete sample The finely ground sample material is first mixed in a crucible with a
dissolving is an extremely important factor for improving the accuracy borate fusion agent (usually lithium), consisting of 95% platinum and 5%
and reliability of analysis results. gold. The crucible is then heated to temperatures in excess of 1000°C
until the sample is dissolved in the fusion agent. Movement of the melt
Perfectly suited to fluorescence analysis during the fusion process improves the homogenisation of the material
The fusion process produces a glass bead that is perfect for X-ray still further. A wetting agent (bromide, iodide, fluorine) can be added in
fluorescence instruments. The glass bead has the optimum dimen- order to support the separation of the melted material from the wall of
sions, displays excellent homogeneity and has a flat surface. the platinum material.

Time saving If the material is not present completely in oxidised form, it is essential to
A typical fusion process seldom takes longer than ten minutes. In add an oxidising agent and to start the oxidation process at low tempera-
Dosed flux contrast, acidulation takes hours before a satisfactory result can be tures. Non-oxidised material forms an eutectic alloy with the platinum wall, Red-hot crucible and pouring dish
obtained. which can cause a lowering of the melting temperatures and destruction made of platinum/gold after fusion
of the crucible by the fusion.

Handling the fusion crucible

14 15

Pre-heating Oxidation Homogenisation Casting Passiv Aktiv

cooling cooling
Most reactive phase
Adding Risk of crystallization
1050°C CuBr + O2 = GOI NWA
Temperature (°C)

Co2 s
f vo
s o

L o

Min Cold

Oxygen uptake Rocking Casting Air stream

Time (min.)
Different phases of the fusion process in the production of a glass bead for X-ray fluorescence analysis
16 17

Grinding / milling

Typical material groups suitable for the opening process are: Spectroscopic process
• Aluminium silicates Optical emissions spectroscopy (OES) in particular but also X-ray
• Aluminium ores, aluminium oxide fluorescence analysis (XRF) are frequently-used methods for analysing
• Carbide metals and solid bodies. These analyses are applied both in the metals
• Cement, raw meal, concrete industry such as in steelworks and also in foundries and production. On
• Chrome ore the basis of its short analysis times and the highly-accurate measure-
• Coal ash and furnace deposits ment results, OES is the preferred method for monitoring the alloys
• Copper ores, copper slag and copper concentrates used. It is used in the production, material testing and quality control of
• Iron ores, iron slags etc. raw materials and both semi-finished and finished products. In XRF
• Iron sinter, steel slags, iron alloys analysis, an X-ray beam stimulates the emission of a fluorescence that
• Lead ores and lead slags corresponds to the chemical composition. This can be analysed and
• Manganese ores and manganese slags compared with the results of standard samples.
• Metal alloys
• Minerals and ores The importance of sample preparation
• Niobium ores and tantalum ores Thanks to software and hardware improvements, the processes named
• Ores of rare earths above are achieving increasingly detailed analysis results and are
• Silicates and aluminium silicates constantly lowering the evidence threshold for individual elements. As a
Fusion with high-frequency induction Sample grinding
• Phosphates and carbonates result, sample preparation of the metals and materials being analysed is
• Dusts becoming increasingly important. Even minor contamination or slightly
• Tin ores and tin concentrates defective surfaces on the samples used can lead to incorrect analysis
• Titanium ores results and misinterpretations. For metal analysis in particular, the
• Tungsten ores sample surface must be perfectly prepared because any spectroscopic
• Welding fillers analysis can only be as good as the quality of the samples.
• Zirconium: Silicon carbide and boron carbide
Inhomogeneity of the production sample
It is also of crucial importance for the the sample surface being anal-
ysed to be representative and homogeneous. This applies particularly to
production control samples in steelworks, but also to other production
locations. For various reasons, the top layer of a sample is not normally
representative of the steel melts being examined. Firstly, due to the brief
direct air contact with the warm sample surface, a layer of scale approx-
imately 10µm thick forms following separation from the mould of the
sampler. Secondly, the larger part of the non-representative sample
layer consists of inhomogeneities known as segregations. These
segregations arise as a result of separations of the solutes occurring on
the solidification front as the liquid steel taken from the steel melt solidifies.

Sample milling
18 19

The cause lies in the different solubility of the alloy elements in the solid Grinding
and liquid phases. For the most part, these separations also remain Normally, the first work step on the sample is surface grinding. This
following complete solidification and represent lasting inhomogeneities ensures that a flat surface is created on which all components of the
of the chemical composition. In addition, as a consequence of the melt surface are, if possible, on one level. For this step it is preferable to use
solidifying from the outside inwards, the centre of the casting that fixed grinding particles with a large grain in order to achieve a high,
solidifies last is in most cases oversaturated with typical by-elements consistent removal rate, short working times and maximum flatness. In
such as carbon, phosphorus, sulphur, boron etc. This means that some cases it may be necessary to follow the surface grinding with
depending on the alloy composition, about 0.3 - 0.6 mm of the sample another work step to fine-grind the material. Grinding media made from
surface must be removed to allow the representative undisturbed other composites are used for this, which further minimise any remain-
sample layers to be analysed. Currently, this involves mainly using the ing deformations on the sample surface. Herzog would be pleased to
milling and grinding machining processes. The sample preparation form advise you in selecting the optimum grinding process and grinding
selected depends on the material and analysis processes, but not least material.
also on experience and tradition in the company and laboratory.

For milling, HERZOG uses components that are perfectly matched to
each other. Here the clamping unit, metal milling heads, spindle motor
The aim of sample preparation is to and traversing axes are designed so that sufficient torque is obtained Quantitative measurement of the
produce a clean and regular sample for even hard samples to be processed without any problem. At the milling profile
surface same time, the occurrence of vibrations and oscillations is prevented so
that neither chatter marks nor dirty surfaces can interrupt the flatness of
the analysis surface. Finally, the fine-tuning of these components
ensures that the consumable materials, particularly the cutting plates,
are not too heavily used and thus last for as long as possible.
HERZOG would be happy to advise you on which milling machine,
clamping fixture, milling head and cutting plates are best suited to your
special application and sample shape. We will also support you in
defining the optimum milling parameters for your application. The milling
parameters that have the greatest influence here are feed rate, infeed
and rotation. These should be selected in accordance with the sample
geometry, material type and material hardness, as well as the milling
tool used. A good compromise should be found here between maxi-
mum service life of the milling plates and the creation of a spectrometer-
compliant analysis surface.
20 21

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The HSC550 is a compact, robust and low-priced jaw crusher for pre-crushing various materials with a grain
size of less than 50mm. The ergonomical handling of the machine, e.g. when replacing the crushing jaws, and Consumable materials
the safety features make the HSC550 an ideal aid to laboratory work. Consumable materials Order number
Pair of manganese steel jaw crushers 464864-8

At a glance: pair of stainless steel jaw crushers 464865-5

pair of tungsten carbide jaw crushers 464866-3
•• Compact and robust jaw crusher
•• easy crushing jaw changing and cleaning of the crushing chamber
•• zero point alignment of the gap width scale

Areas of use
Areas of use Building materials, chemistry, electronics, geology, glass, mechanical engineering,
metallurgy, ceramics, plastics, recycling
Materials Basalt, building materials, ores, feldspar, glass, granite, ceramic, clinker, coal,
coke alloys, minerals, quartz, chamotte, slag, silicon, stone and much more.
Hardness Medium hard, hard, brittle
Max. feed size (mm) 50
Min. output size (mm) 4
Cleaning type Manual
Functions Folding funnel (0.3l) with safety switch, collecting vessel (2l), adjustable gap width
(0-20mm), zero point alignment of the gap width scale

Technical Data
Type Jaw crusher
Size (W x H x D mm) 409 x 752 x 774
Weight 130 kg
Motor 0.75 kWh three-phase brake motor
mains connection Different voltages, 3-phase
Connections Suction nozzles
Protection type Motor: IP55, safety switch: IP67
24 25



The HSC590 is a robust jaw crusher for pre-crushing various materials with a grain size of less than 90mm.
The HSC590 can be loaded in batches or can be operated continuously in the laboratory or in production. Consumable materials
Properties such as central lubrication ensure a long operating life. Consumable materials
Pair of manganese steel jaw crushers

At a glance: pair of stainless steel jaw crushers

pair of tungsten carbide jaw crushers
•• Compact and robust jaw crusher
•• easy crushing jaw changing and cleaning of the crushing chamber
•• zero point alignment of the gap width scale

Areas of use
Areas of use Building materials, chemistry, electronics, geology, glass, mechanical engineering,
metallurgy, ceramics, plastics, recycling
Materials Basalt, building materials, ores, feldspar, glass, granite, ceramic, clinker, coal,
coke alloys, minerals, quartz, chamotte, slag, silicon, stone and much more.
Hardness Medium hard, hard, brittle
Max. feed size (mm) 90
Min. output size (mm) 2
Cleaning type Manual
Functions Folding funnel with safety switch, collecting vessel (5l), adjustable gap width
(0-30mm), zero point alignment of the gap width scale, central lubrication

Technical Data
Type Jaw crusher
Size (W x H x D mm) 450 x 1160 x 900
Weight 300 kg
Motor 1.5 kWh three-phase brake motor
mains connection Different voltages, 3-phase
Connections Suction nozzles
Protection type IP54
26 27



The HP-C/M AUT is a mortar crusher for pre-crushing and crushing various materials. It is often used in
the sample preparation of catalysts, but can also be used for other materials. Close attention was paid
to achieving the most complete material recovery possible and to efficient cleaning mechanisms.

At a glance:
•• Mortar crusher for crushing different materials
•• crushing process runs automatically after the material is put in
•• very good cleaning possibility to minimise material carryover
•• low material loss (material-dependent)

Areas of use
Areas of use Crushing catalysts
Materials Ceramic monoliths
Hardness Soft, medium hard
Max. feed size (mm) 200x200
Min. output size (mm) 1-5 adjustable to 10 mm
Cleaning type Pneumatic
Functions Input flap with locking devices, collecting vessel (5l), adjustable gap width,
effective cleaning by compressed air, up to 18 crushing programmes can be set

Technical Data
Type Mortar crusher
Size (W x H x D mm) 850 x 850 x 2085
Weight 890 kg
Motor 4 kVA
mains connection 400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase
Connections Suction nozzles, compressed air
Protection type IP54
28 29

30 31


HSM 50 H

The HSM 50 H is the compact and efficient benchtop unit for grinding up to 50 ccm sample material.
Easy operation, silencers and safety features make the HSM 50 H an essential part of your everyday Accessories
laboratory work. Accessories Order number
Chromium steel grinding vessel
At a glance: 50 ccm 104072-4
chromium steel grinding vessel
•• Compact benchtop disk vibration mill
10 ccm 104061-7
•• easy operation and handling of the grinding vessel
tungsten carbide grinding vessel
•• different grinding vessel sizes and grinding sets
50 ccm 104038-5
tungsten carbide grinding vessel
10 ccm 104051-8
Areas of use
Areas of use Building materials, chemistry, electronics, geology, glass, mechanical engineering,
metallurgy, ceramics, plastics, recycling
Materials Basalt, building materials, ores, feldspar, glass, granite, ceramic, clinker, coal,
coke alloys, minerals, quartz, chamotte, slag, silicon, stone and much more.
Hardness Medium hard, hard, brittle Max. 9 Mohs
Max. feed size (mm) 4
Min. output size (mm) 20-150
Feed quantity (ml) 10-50 ml (depending on the grinding set)
Functions Flap with safety lock, adjustable grinding cycle duration

Technical Data

Type Disk vibration mill

Size (W x H x D mm) 570 x 570 x 610
Weight 112 kg
Drive power 0,75
mains connection Different voltages, 3-phase
Protection type IP54
32 33


HSM 100 H/P

The HSM 100 H (manual clamping fixture) and HSM 100 P (pneumatic clamping fixture) are the efficient and
robust laboratory solutions for fine grinding of various materials. The great variety of grinding sets makes the Accessories
HSM 100 the optimum machine for a wide range of different applications. Accessories Order number
Chromium steel grinding vessel 100 ccm 104090-6
At a glance: Chromium steel grinding vessel 50 ccm 104168-0

•• Compact disk vibration mill Chromium steel grinding vessel 10 ccm 104061-7
•• easy operation and handling of the grinding vessel intermediate ring for grinding vessel
•• different grinding vessel sizes and grinding sets 10 ccm 096004-7
•• operation and adjustment of the grinding parameters via HMI panel tungsten carbide grinding vessel 100 ccm 102987-5
•• manual or pneumatic clamping fixture for grinding vessels tungsten carbide grinding vessel 50 ccm 104124-3
tungsten carbide grinding vessel 10 ccm 104051-8
intermediate ring for grinding vessel
10 ccm 096004-7
Areas of use
Colmonoy grinding vessel 100 ccm 104190-4
Areas of use Building materials, chemistry, electronics, geology, glass, mechanical engineering,
titanium carbide grinding vessel 100 ccm 104149-0
metallurgy, ceramics, plastics, recycling
Materials Basalt, building materials, ores, feldspar, glass, granite, ceramic, clinker, coal,
coke alloys, minerals, quartz, chamotte, slag, silicon, stone and much more.
Hardness Medium hard, hard, brittle Max. 9 Mohs
Max. feed size (mm) 5
Min. output size (mm) 30-150
Feed quantity (ml) 10-100 ml (depending on the grinding set)
Functions Operation via HMI panel, flap with safety lock, adjustable grinding cycle duration,
pneumatic clamping fixture (option: HSM 100P) Manual clamping fixture (HSM 100 H)

1 1 A
2 2

Technical Data 100 cm3 50 cm3 10 cm3

Pneumatic clamping fixture (HSM 100 P)

Type Disk vibration mill
Size (W x H x D mm) 550 x 750 x 1000
Weight 250 kg
1 1 2
Drive power 2 kVA A
2 2
mains connection Various voltages, 3-phase 100 cm3 50 cm3 10 cm3

Supply media Compressed air (only with a pneumatic clamping fixture) 1 = Clamping fixture A = intermediate ring
2 = Grinding vessel
Protection type IP54
34 35


HSM 100 A

The HSM 100 A delivers reliable performance in the HSM series. It is also equipped as standard with a
pneumatic clamping fixture and stepless speed adjustment. The latter simplifies optimisation of the Accessories
grinding parameters and allows the use of agate grinding vessels for special applications. Accessories Order number
Chromium steel grinding vessel 250 ccm 104118-5
At a glance: Chromium steel grinding vessel 100 ccm 104090-6

•• Compact disk vibration mill Chromium steel grinding vessel 50 ccm 104168-0
•• easy operation and handling of the grinding vessel Chromium steel grinding vessel 10 ccm 104061-7
•• different grinding vessel sizes and grinding sets tungsten carbide grinding vessel 250 ccm 104099-7
•• operation and adjustment of the grinding parameters via HMI panel with steplessly selectable speed tungsten carbide grinding vessel 250 ccm 102987-5
•• pneumatic clamping fixture for grinding vessel
tungsten carbide grinding vessel 50 ccm 104124-3
•• agate grinding vessel can be used
tungsten carbide grinding vessel 10 ccm 104051-8
grinding vessel 250 ccm 104144-1
grinding vessel 100 ccm 104190-4
Areas of use agate grinding vessel 250 ccm 101060-2
Areas of use Building materials, chemistry, electronics, geology, glass, mechanical engineering, intermediate ring for grinding vessel 10 ccm 096005-4
metallurgy, ceramics, plastics, recycling adapter for grinding vessel 50/ 100 ccm 105970-8
Materials Basalt, building materials, ores, feldspar, glass, granite, ceramic, clinker, coal, titanium carbide grinding vessel 100 ccm 104149-0
coke alloys, minerals, quartz, chamotte, slag,, silicon, stone and much more.
Hardness Medium hard, hard, brittle Max. 9 Mohs
Max. feed size (mm) 5
Min. output size (mm) 30-150
Feed quantity (ml) 10-250 ml (depending on the grinding set)
Manuelle Spannvorrichtung (HSM 100 H)
Functions Operation via HMI panel, flap with safety lock, adjustable grinding cycle duration,
speed steplessly adjustable from 750-1500 rpm, pneumatic clamping fixture, 1

use of agate grinding vessel possible 2

1 1 A
2 2

100 cm3 50 cm3 10 cm3

Pneumatische Spannvorrichtung (HSM 100 P)

Technical Data
Type Disk vibration mill
1 1 2
Size (W x H x D mm) 550 x 750 x 1000
2 2
Weight 250 kg
Drive power 2 kVA 100 cm3 50 cm3 10 cm3

Voltage/ 1 = Spannvorrichtung A = Zwischenring A

mains connection Various voltages, 3-phase 2 = Mahlgefäß

Supply media Compressed air

Protection type IP54
36 37


HSM 250 H/P

The HSM 250 H (manual clamping fixture) and HSM 250 P (pneumatic clamping fixture) allows efficient fine
grinding of sample quantities up to 250 ccm. However, grinding sets with smaller volumes can also be used Accessories
with this machine without any problem. Accessories Order number
Chromium steel grinding vessel 250 ccm 104118-5
At a glance: Chromium steel grinding vessel 100 ccm 104090-6

•• Compact disk vibration mill Chromium steel grinding vessel 50 ccm 104168-0
•• easy operation and handling of the grinding vessel Chromium steel grinding vessel 10 ccm 104061-7
•• operation and adjustment of the grinding parameters via HMI panel with steplessly selectable speed tungsten carbide grinding vessel
•• manual or pneumatic clamping fixture for grinding vessel 250 ccm 104099-7
tungsten carbide grinding vessel
100 ccm 102987-5
tungsten carbide grinding vessel 50 ccm 104124-3
Areas of use
tungsten carbide grinding vessel 10 ccm 104051-8
Areas of use Building materials, chemistry, electronics, geology, glass, mechanical engineering,
Colmonoy grinding vessel 250 ccm 104144-1
metallurgy, ceramics, plastics, recycling
Colmonoy grinding vessel 100 ccm 104190-4
Materials Basalt, building materials, ores, feldspar, glass, granite, ceramic, clinker, coal,
coke alloys, minerals, quartz, chamotte, slag,, silicon, stone and much more. intermediate ring for grinding vessel
10 ccm 096005-4
Hardness Medium hard, hard, brittle Max. 9 Mohs 5
adapter for grinding vessel 50/ 100 ccm 096006-2
Max. feed size (mm) 5
titanium carbide grinding vessel
Min. output size (mm) 30-150
100 ccm 104149-0
Feed quantity (ml) 10-250 ml (depending on the grinding set)
Functions Operation via HMI panel, flap with safety lock, adjustable grinding cycle, pneumatic
clamping fixture (HSM 250 P)

Technical Data
Type Disk vibration mill
Manual clamping fixture (HSM 250 H)
Size (W x H x D mm) 550 x 750 x 1000
Weight 250 kg 1 1 1

2 2 2
Drive power 2 kVA B B A

Voltage/ 100 cm3 50 cm3 10 cm3

mains connection Various voltages, 3-phase Pneumatic clamping fixture (HSM 250 P)
Supply media Compressed air
Protection type IP54 1 1

2 2

100 cm3 50 cm3 10 cm3

1 = Clamping fixture A = intermediate ring D = distance piece D

2 = Grinding vessel B = intermediate ring
38 39


HP-M 100P

The HP-M 100 P is a semi-automatic laboratory mill that eliminates the need for the operator to empty and
clean the grinding vessel. This significantly reduces the physical demands on laboratory staff. It also improves Accessories
the reproducibility of results, thanks to the automation. In addition, features such as stepless speed control Accessories Order number
also make it easier to optimise grinding parameters.
Chromium steel grinding vessel
100 ccm 414070-3

At a glance: tungsten carbide grinding vessel

100 ccm 400995-7
•• Compact disk vibration mill with automatic output and cleaning
•• automatic cleaning of the grinding vessel with compressed air
•• automatic output of the ground material in cups at a separate output position for quick further
processing of the material while the grinding vessel is being cleaned
•• operation and adjustment of the grinding and cleaning parameters via HMI panel
•• steplessly adjustable speed

Areas of use
Areas of use Building materials, chemistry, electronics, geology, glass, mechanical engineering,
metallurgy, ceramics, plastics, recycling
Materials Basalt, building materials, ores, feldspar, glass, granite, ceramic, clinker, coal,
coke alloys, minerals, quartz, chamotte, slag,, silicon, stone and much more.
Hardness Medium hard, hard, brittle Max. 9 Mohs
Max. feed size (mm) 10
Min. output size (mm) 30-150
Feed quantity (ml) 100
Functions Operation via HMI panel, flap and cup output with safety lock, pneumatic clamping
fixture, grinding cycle duration adjustment, output time, cleaning time, speed step-
lessly adjustable from 750-1500 rpm, automatic output of the ground material into
cups, automatic grinding vessel cleaning

Technical Data
Type Disk vibration mill
Size (W x H x D mm) 570 x 950 x 1170
Weight 355 kg
Drive power 2 kVA
mains connection Various voltages, 3-phase
Supply media Compressed air
Protection type IP54
40 41


Grinding aid tablets

Grinding aids have many different functions in the crushing of sample HMPA 20
material. Grinding aids are used particularly with samples that have Composition Cellulose + binder (205 ±2mg)
components with different milling properties. The amount of grinding aid HMPA20 is best suited to samples that must be
used depends on the application and is usually between 2 % and 10 % pressed once. The weight of the pills is given as
of the sample quantity. 205 ± 2 mg. HMPA 20 is 100% microcrystalline
Too much grinding aid results in weakening of the intensities and
Al, Ba, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Mo, Ni, C, Ti,
increases the detection limits of the analysis. Since just-pressed
Sr, Si, Pb < 1 ppm
samples are used for the analysis of trace elements, dilution effects play
Order number 222222-2
a decisive role in the sample preparation. During pressing, the grinding
aid tablets can be used in order to obtain a stable pellet. The use of
grinding aid tablets containing wax offers the additional advantage that
moisture absorption is reduced. HMPA 40
Composition Zellulose + Wachs
PE 190 HMPA 40 has a wax – cellulose ratio of 1:9.
Composition Wax (polyethylene) The weight of the pills is 205 (±2) mg.

Use Materials that are generally difficult to bind Al, Ba, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Mo, Ni, V, Ti, Sr,
Si, Pb < 1 ppm
PE 190 is a macromolecular linear PE wax with
a high density. Correct storage of the grinding Order number 335757-1
aid tablets is important. It must be ensured that
the pills are kept in a cool and dry place. Direct
sunlight must also be avoided. For this reason,
the pills are also supplied in a black zip-lock bag. HMPA 50
If not properly stored, the pills will discolour yellow Composition Cellulose + wax
and become brittle. It is especially important to
HMPA 50 is only conditionally suitable for samp-
re-seal opened bags tightly.
les containing sulphur and phosphate. The weight
Order number 335766-2 of the pills is given as 206 (±5) mg. HMPA 50 has
a wax – cellulose ratio of 1:1.
As, Sb, Cd, Tl, Zn, Se, Te, Sn, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni
< 1ppm
HMPA Grinding aids description Al, Si, Fe, Ca, W, Pb, Ti < 10 ppm
HMPA is a series of grinding aids with microcellulose and Licowax C S, P < 100 ppm
in different mixing ratios. The microcellulose has a grain size of around Bestellnummer 349534-8
100 µm and a density of between 0.28-0.33 g/cm³.
42 43

44 45


TP 20 TP40 TP60

The manual hydraulic tablet press produces highly stable pellets for X-ray fluorescence analysis.
Different versions are available for pressures of 20, 40 or 60 tonnes, depending on the material Accessories
and analysis requirement. TP 20/ TP 40/ TP 60 accessories: Order number
free pressing (OD=40mm) 5-3502-106247-0
At a glance: pressing in aluminium cans
(OD=40mm) 5-3501-106057-3
•• Benchtop laboratory press, simple operation
•• robust design pressing in steel rings, only TP20/40
(OD=40 mm, ID=35 mm, h=14 mm) 5-3511-100556-0
•• great flexibility thanks to a variety of pressing tools
•• versions available with maximum pressures of 20, 40 and 60 t pressing in steel rings, only TP20/40
(OD=51.5 mm, ID=35 mm, h=14 mm) 5-3511-124453-2
•• top cross member for simple tool changing (model 2d)
pressing in steel rings, only TP60
(OD=40 mm, ID=35 mm, h=14 mm) 5-3511-428415-4
pressing in steel rings, only TP60
Areas of use (OD=51.5 mm, ID=35 mm, h=14 mm) 5-3511-418017-0

Areas of use Building materials, chemistry, electronics, geology, glass, mechanical engineering,
TP 40/2d and TP 60/2d accessories:
metallurgy, ceramics, plastics, recycling
Free pressing (OD=40mm) TP402d 5-3502-106248-8
Materials Basalt, building materials, ores, feldspar, glass, granite, ceramic, clinker, coal,
coke alloys, minerals, quartz, chamotte, slag, silicon, stone and much more. free pressing (OD=40mm) 5-3502-106253-8
Pressing force 20, 40, 60 t depending on model TP602d, pressing in aluminium cans
(OD=40mm) 5-3502-106262-9
Pressing tools Free pressing (OD= 40mm), pressing in aluminium cans (OD=40mm), pressing
in steel rings (OD= 40mm or 51.5 mm) TP402d, pressing in aluminium cans
(OD=40mm) 5-3502-106254-6
Functions Min. output size (mm) Feed quantity (ml) 20-150 10-50 (depending on grinding set)
TP602d, pressing in steel rings,
only TP402d (OD=40 mm,
ID=35 mm, h=14 mm) 5-3511-153094-8
pressing in steel rings, only TP402d
(OD=51.5 mm, ID=35 mm, h=14 mm) 5-3511-201564-2
Technical Data pressing in steel rings, only TP602d
Type Tablet press (OD=40 mm, ID=35 mm, h=14 mm) 5-3511-106255-3

Size (W x H x D mm) 525 x 340 x 610 pressing in steel rings, only TP60 2d
(OD=51.5 mm, ID=35 mm, h=14 mm) 5-3511-124861-6
Weight 150 (TP 20) kg, 170 (TP 40) kg, 230 (TP 60) kg
Maximum pressing
capacity 200 kN (TP 20), 400 kN (TP 40), 600 kN (TP 60)
Maximum piston
stroke 40 mm
46 47


TP 20 E

The hydraulic benchtop press automatically builds up a pressure of up to 20 tonnes. This eliminates the need
to build up the pressure with a hand pump, thereby significantly reducing physical stress on the operator. Accessories
Their compact size allows the TP 20 E to be set up anywhere. The different pressing tools transform the TP Accessories Order number
20 E into a universal laboratory press.
Free pressing (OD=40mm) 5-3502-106247-0
pressing in aluminium cans
At a glance: (OD=40mm) 5-3501-106057-3
pressing in steel rings, only TP20/40
•• Benchtop laboratory press, simple operation •• different pressing tools can be used
(OD=40 mm, ID=35 mm, h=14 mm) 5-3511-100556-0
•• automatic pressure build-up with hydraulic unit •• safety door for maximum operator safety
pressing in steel rings, only TP20/40
•• by reducing the physical stress on the operator
(OD=51.5 mm, ID=35 mm, h=14 mm) 5-3511-124453-2

Areas of use
Areas of use Building materials, chemistry, electronics, geology, glass, mechanical engineering,
metallurgy, ceramics, plastics, recycling
Materials Basalt, building materials, ores, feldspar, glass, granite, ceramic, clinker, coal,
coke alloys, minerals, quartz, chamotte, slag, silicon, stone and much more.
Pressing force 20 t
Pressing tools Free pressing (OD= 40mm), pressing in aluminium cans (OD=40mm), pressing
in steel rings (OD= 40mm or 51.5 mm)
Functions Door with safety switch

Technical Data
Type Tablet press
Size (W x H x D mm) 581 x 320 x 537
Weight 130 kg
Maximum pressing
capacity 200 kN
Maximum piston
stroke 32 mm
Power consumption 0.5 kVA
mains connection 400V, 50 Hz, 3-phase
Protection type IP 54
48 49


HTP 40 HTP 60 Accessories

Accessories Order number
Pressing tools, free pressing
(OD=40mm, chromium steel
The semi-automatic hydraulic tablet press produces highly stable pellets for X-ray fluorescence analysis. matrix):
Maximum pressures of 40 or 60 tonnes can be achieved, depending on the model. The programmable Chromium steel stamp and cover 5-3502-105344-6
logic controller allows precise and individual adjustment of the pressure force regulation, thereby allowing chromium steel stamp,
many different and challenging materials to be pressed. tungsten carbide cover 5-3502-105916-1
titanium carbide stamp and cover 5-3502-106116-7
At a glance: titanium carbide stamp,
tungsten carbide cover 5-3502-106117-5
•• Laboratory press with HMI panel for simple parameter selection
pre-pressing stamp for
•• compiling individual storable programmes for setting the pressing force parameters
2-component pellets 7-4226-103997-3
•• problem-free pressing even of challenging materials
pressing tools, aluminium cans
•• improved quality and reproducibility thanks to automatic pressing
(OD=40 mm, chromium steel
•• great flexibility thanks to various pressing tools matrix):
•• versions with max. pressure of 40 and 60 t are available
Chromium steel stamp and cover 5-3502-105631-6
chromium steel stamp,
tungsten carbide cover 5-3502-106118-4
Areas of use
titanium carbide stamp and cover 5-3502-106119-2
Areas of use Building materials, chemistry, electronics, geology, glass, mechanical engineering,
titanium carbide stamp,
metallurgy, ceramics, plastics, recycling
tungsten carbide cover 5-3502-106120-9
Materials Basalt, building materials, ores, feldspar, glass, granite, ceramic, clinker, coal,
pressing tool, steel rings HTP40
coke alloys, minerals, quartz, chamotte, slag, silicon, stone and much more.
only (OD=40 mm, ID=35 mm, h=14
Pressing force 40 or 60 t depending on model mm) chromium steel matrix):
Pressing tools Free pressing (OD= 40mm), pressing in aluminium cans (OD=40mm), pressing in Chromium steel stamp and cover 5-3510-105695-1
steel rings (OD= 40mm or 51.5 mm)
incl. titanium carbide
Functions Operation via HMI touch panel, full control of the pressing operation by adjusting counterpressure plate 5-3510-106121-7
the pressure, force build-up / reduction and application time parameters, simple
incl. tungsten carbide
filling and cleaning of the pressing tool via swivelling cross member, manual or
counterpressure plate 5-3510-200727-6
pneumatic ring cleaning module available
pressing tool, steel rings HTP40
only (OD=51.5 mm, ID=35 mm,
Technical Data h=8.6 mm) chromium steel matrix:
Chromium steel stamp and cover 5-3510-107838-5
Type Tablet press
incl. tungsten carbide
Size (W x H x D mm) 550 x 620 x 1250
counterpressure plate 5-3510-158914-2
Weight 340 kg
additional equipment:
Maximum pressing
Manual ring cleaning unit
capacity 400 kN (HTP 40), 600 kN (HTP 60)
OD=40mm/51,5mm 5-2222-412508-4
Power consumption 400V, 50 Hz, 3-phase
pneumatic ring cleaning unit
Voltage/ OD=40 mm 450595-4
mains connection 400V, 50 Hz, 3-phase
pneumatic ring cleaning unit
Protection type IP 54 OD=51.5 mm 290187-4
50 51

Fusion machines
52 53

Fusion machines

Bead One R

The Bead One R is a benchtop fusion unit (resistance furnace) for producing glass beads for chemical
analyses with maximum repeat accuracy and precision. The Bead One R boasts high-precision temperature Accessories
control, simple adjustment of the fusion parameters via the HMI touch panel and a high level of safety. Accessories Order number
Optionally it is possible to connect a 9-position magazine for automatic batch operation and a magnetic
9 position-magazine 452333-8
stirring unit for pouring in an acid solution.
integrated magnetic stirring unit
for pouring in liquid 462646-1

At a glance: platinum/gold crucible 449143-7

platinum/gold pouring dish
•• Fusion unit with high-quality resistance furnace for temperatures up to 1300°C
(diameter 29 mm) 183734-3
•• pouring the melt in a dish for producing glass beads and in an acid solution
•• numerous safety features incl. cold- to-cold technology and safety switch platinum/gold pouring dish
(diameter 29 mm) 188788-4
•• HMI touch panel with clear depiction of all important parameters and of the process progress
•• easy configuration of the fusion programmes with definition of the parameters such as temperature platinum/gold pouring dish
(diameter 34 mm) 294497-3
•• fusion time and cooling time, swivel time and angle etc.
•• excellent servicing capability with remote access platinum/gold pouring dish
(diameter 39 mm) 272118-1
•• easy replacement of furnace pipe and plug
furnace plug 446956-5
ultrasound cleaning bath 400629-2
Areas of use bead suction picker 422351-7
Areas of use Building materials, chemistry, electronics, geology, glass, mechanical engineering, crucible tongs 350521-1
metallurgy, ceramics, plastics, recycling
Materials Basalt, building materials, ores, feldspar, glass, granite, ceramic, clinker, coal,
coke alloys, minerals, quartz, chamotte, slag, silicon, stone and much more.
Pouring options in dish (diameter 40mm) for production of a glass bead, pouring in acid cup
for analytical liquid
Max. furnace
temperature 1300°C
Function Fusion with high-quality SiC resistance furnace, automatic sample handling with
automatic retraction into furnace, swivelling of the melts and cooling of the glass
beads, door with safety switch, optional magazine (9 pos. each for the dish and
crucible) incl. cooling position for automatic processing of pre-dosed sample material

Technical Data
Type Fusion unit (resistance furnace)
Size (W x H x D mm) 874 x 670 x 770
Weight 125 kg
mains connection 230 V, 50 Hz 1/N/PE
Power consumption 2 kVA
Furnace type Furnace with SiC heating elements, 3x PtRH-Pt thermocouple for temperature control
54 55

Fusion machines

Bead One HF

The Bead One HF is a benchtop fusion unit (induction) for producing glass beads for chemical analyses with
maximum repeat accuracy and precision. The high-frequency technology allows for extremely precise and Accessories
delay-free temperature control and temperature ramp function. This makes the Bead One HF suitable for Accessories Order number
demanding analytical tasks and a high sample throughput rate. An independent high-frequency generator
Cooling water recooling system 447333-6
for the dish allows fully controlled cooling of the melts.
platinum/gold crucible (matt) 463400-2
platinum/gold crucible (glossy) 186307-5
At a glance: platinum/gold pouring dish
•• Fusion unit with high-frequency induction technology for temperatures up to 1350°C (bead diameter 29 mm) 183734-3
•• precise temperature control for crucible and dish thanks to two independently working high-frequency platinum/gold pouring dish
generators and pyrometers (bead diameter 32 mm) 188788-4
•• precise and instantaneous temperature ramp function for different oxidation and fusion steps platinum/gold pouring dish
•• HMI touch panel with clear depiction of all important parameters and of the process progress (bead diameter 34 mm) 294497-3
•• easy configuration of the fusion programmes with definition of the parameters such as temperature platinum/gold pouring dish
•• fusion time and cooling time, swivel time and angle etc. (bead diameter 36 mm) 294414-8
platinum/gold pouring dish
(bead diameter 39 mm) 272118-1
Areas of use ultrasound cleaning bath 400629-2

Areas of use Building materials, chemistry, electronics, geology, glass, mechanical engineering, crucible tongs 350521-1
metallurgy, ceramics, plastics, recycling
Materials Basalt, building materials, ores, feldspar, glass, granite, ceramic, clinker, coal,
coke alloys, minerals, quartz, chamotte, slag, silicon, stone and much more.
Pouring options In different dish diameters for production of a glass bead with diameters of 29, 32,
34, 36 and 39 mm
Temperature range Crucible: 385-1350°C, dish: 200-1200°C, simultaneous heating-up of the crucible
and dish by independent high-frequency generators
Function Fusion with the induction process, simultaneous heating-up of crucible and dish by
independent high-frequency generators, extremely precise temperature ramp func-
tion for technically sophisticated fusions, constant temperature control of crucible
and dish by two pyrometers, high safety standard thanks to safety door and cold-
to-cold process

Technical Data
Type Fusion unit (induction / high-frequency technology)
Size (W x H x D mm) 800 x 670 x 790
Weight 140 kg
mains connection 230 V, 50 Hz 1/N/PE; CEE 32A
Power consumption 6.5 kVA
56 57

Fusion machines


The HP-DT 2 is used for high-precision weighing of flux in plastic cups. Up to 30 cups are simultaneously
fed into the HP-DT 2 via a tray and are filled fully automatically. There is space on the feed transport for a Accessories
total of three trays, enabling sixty cups to be filled without the operator having to intervene. The HP-DT 2 is Accessories Order number
the optimum machine for relieving laboratory staff of routine work, for improving the accuracy of weighing
Plastic cup N.N.
and for achieving a high sample throughput rate.

At a glance:
•• Weighing equipment for flux for use in thermal fusions
•• high-precision weighing equipment with an accuracy of +/- 3mg
•• precise dosing possible in a range up to 15g
•• automatic dosing of up to 30 cups per tray
•• easy configuration of the dosing parameters via HMI panel

Areas of use
Areas of use Building materials, chemistry, electronics, geology, glass, mechanical engineering,
metallurgy, ceramics, plastics, recycling
Materials Flux
Dosing accuracy Up to 3 mg, depending on the material and dosing speed
Dosing speed Up to 30 cups / 20 minutes, depending on the desired accuracy, material and
Function High-precision dosing of flux in plastic cups, 30 cups fed in per tray, space for
3 trays on the feed transport, automatic tray transport sequence, cup transfer
from the tray to the weighing unit, tare function, cup transferred back to the tray,
dosing parameters selected via HMI terminal. If desired, final weights output for
each individual cup

Technical Data
Type Automatic weighing unit for flux
Size (W x H x D mm) 870 x 1050 x 1600
Weight 190 kg
mains connection 230 V, 50 Hz, 1N/P/E
58 59

Grinding machines
60 61

Grinding machines

HS 200

The HS 200 is a compact benchtop pendulum grinding machine for preparing iron and steel samples that
are used for spectroscopic quality assurance in places such as steelworks, foundries and metal plants. Accessories
The machine boasts an extremely robust design and easy handling of the grinding arm. This means that the Accessories Order number
machine still delivers reproducible surface grinding after many years of operation – even with difficult samples.
Parallel vice 105813-0
Numerous different clamping fixtures allow extremely flexible use of the HS 200.
pneumatic clamping fixture 105800-7
permanent magnet clamping plate 272797-2
At a glance: electric magnet clamping plate 186096-7
•• Manual benchtop pendulum grinding machine for the surface grinding of iron and steel samples vice and permanent magnet
•• extremely robust and compact design combination 135883-7
•• smooth-motion swivel arm with tapered roller bearings for particularly easy and sensitive grinding connector for dust extractor 128505-5
•• easy cup wheel replacement liquid cooling unit 186097-2
•• low maintenance with great durability and a long service life
demagnetising unit, 230 V, 50 Hz 326001-5
•• maximum flexibility thanks to numerous different clamping fixtures
1 phase, under bench 771024-7

Areas of use
Areas of use Electronics, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, recycling
Materials Metal samples from steelworks, foundries, metal production facilities
Sample dimensions
and height N.N.
Sample shape round, oval, square, xxx
Functions Simple and sensitive grinding thanks to smooth-motion swivel arm, simple cup
wheel replacement, suitable for wet and dry grinding, numerous clamping fixtures
including parallel vice, pneumatic, permanent magnet, electric magnet, combination
of vice and permanent magnet, swivel-action cover hood with safety switch

Technical Data
Type Jaw crusher Manual pendulum grinding machine
Size (W x H x D mm) 700 x 615 x 650
Weight 200
mains connection 400V, 50 Hz, 3-phase
Power consumption 1.5 kVA
Speed 2800/min
consumables 200 x 100 x 51 mm
62 63

Grinding machines

HT 350

The HT 350 is a dual-disk grinding machine for the surface grinding of samples for the purpose of quality
assurance in steelworks, foundries and other metalworking facilities. Two grinding disks working indepen- Accessories
dently of each other allow two different work steps such as pre-grinding and fine grinding to be performed Accessories Order number
in one machine, without the need to change grinding media. With features such as a safety switch and a
40 mm diameter, magnetic 104833-9
working height of approx. 1 m, the machine allows very safe and ergonomical working. Numerous different
45 mm diameter 106068-0
sample holders for great flexibility.
magnetic, 50 mm diameter 106079-7
magnetic, 35...45 mm diameter,
At a glance: mechanical 106083-9

•• Manual dual-disk grinding machine for the surface grinding of iron and steel samples
•• two grinding disks working independently of each other for two different work steps in one machine
•• use of quickly-changeable and low-cost abrasive paper due to vacuum suction on the turntable
•• ergonomical working height, safety features thanks to safety switches and motor braking
•• different sample holders for maximum operator flexibility

Areas of use
Areas of use Electronics, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, recycling
Materials Metal samples from steelworks, foundries
Sample dimensions
and height N.N.
Sample shape N.N.
Functions Sample processing by two two grinding disks working independently of each
other, thereby allowing pre-grinding and fine grinding, vacuum suction allows use
of quickly-changeable and low-cost abrasive paper, integrated highly-efficient dust
extraction with spark separation and easily accessible and changeable pocket filters,
high safety standard thanks to flap with safety switch and immediate stopping of the
grinding disks, different magnetic and mechanical sample holders

Technical Data
Type Manual turntable grinding machine for iron and steel samples
Size (W x H x D mm) 820 x 870 x 1050
Weight 315
mains connection 450V, 50 Hz, 3-phase
Power consumption Overall: 5.5 kVA motor power Grinding disks: each 1.5 kVA
Dust extraction: 0.48 kVA
Speed 2800/min
consumables Diameter 350mm
64 65

Grinding machines

HTS 2000

The HTS 2000 is a semi-automatic cup wheel grinding machine for processing iron and steel samples Technical Data
that are used for quality assurance in steelworks, foundries and metalwork shops. Numerous different Type Semi-automatic cup wheel grinding machine
sample shapes can be clamped by using different pneumatic and electro-magnetic or permanent magnet or iron and steel samples
clamping fixtures. The grinding process itself runs fully automatically with programme control, resulting in Size (W x H x D mm) 950 x 700 x 1700
high sample surface reproducibility. Wear of the cup wheel is automatically monitored and compensated Weight 750
for by a measuring device. Voltage/
mains connection 400V, 50 Hz, 3-phase

At a glance: Power consumption 3.7 kVA

Speed 2870/min
•• Semi-automatic plate grinding machine for the surface grinding of iron and steel samples
•• automatic programme-controlled grinding sequence for high reproducibility Dimensions
consumables 200 x 100 x 51 mm
•• grinding parameters adjusted via HMI panel
•• automatic cup wheel wear compensation
•• different pneumatic and magnetic clamping fixtures for a large number of different sample shapes
•• cooling with water or compressed air during grinding

Areas of use
Areas of use Electronics, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, recycling
Materials Metal samples from steelworks, foundries
Sample dimensions
and height Depending on the clamping fixture: Hydropneumatic clamping fixture: Cylindrical
samples: Diameter 32–55 mm Thickness 8–60 mm, production samples: Length
up to 70 mm, width 32– 55 mm, height 8–60 mm, electromagnetic clamping plate:
Magnetic, thin samples with flat surface: Diameter 30-50 mm Thickness 4–60 mm
Sample shape N.N.
Functions Grinding process runs fully automatically after the sample is put in manually, grin-
ding parameters configurable via HMI panel, measuring device for monitoring cup
wheel wear, numerous clamping fixtures (pneumatic, magnetic) for different sample
shapes, cooling unit with compressed air or water, connection for dust extraction
66 67

Milling machines
68 69

Milling machines


The steel mill HPF is the optimum machine for semi-automatic surface working for almost all sample shapes
that are used for quality control in steelworks, foundries and metalwork shops. Thanks to the programme- Accessories
controlled exact and automatic repetition of all milling conditions, the HPF guarantees excellent reproducibility Accessories Order number
of the sample surface for spectroscopic examination. The robust design, the high drive power and the freely
Automatic, hydraulic clamping fixture
configurable milling parameters allow short preparation times. The samples can be clamped either by a with cutting depth adjustment for
hydromechanical vice or an automatic adjustable clamping fixture. round samples up to 42 mm in
diameter 104744-8
manual parallel clamping device 261747-0
At a glance:
cutter head for steel samples 230532-4
•• Semi-automatic milling machine for surface working of iron and steel samples
turning plate for steel samples 343939-5
•• robust design and high drive power for quick sample processing
milling tool 418629-2
•• sample clamped by hydromechanical vice or automatic special adjustable clamping fixture
•• steplessly selectable spindle speed, feed speed and milling depth for optimally adapted processing tungsten carbide turning plate 343189-7

•• HMI panel for adjusting the milling parameters, high safety and service standard e.g. thanks to hood
with safety switch and easy access for cleaning and maintenance

Areas of use
Areas of use Electronics, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, recycling
Materials Metal samples from steelworks, foundries
Sample dimensions
and height N.N.
Sample shape round, oval, square, xxx
Functions Steplessly adjustable milling spindle speed (280-1400/min), three speeds quickly se-
lectable thanks to rotary switch, steplessly selectable feed speed and milling depth,
milling process runs fully automatically after the sample is put in, different clamping
fixtures with hydromechanical vice or automatic special adjustable clamping fixture,
swivel-action cover hood with safety switch

Technical Data
Type Semi-automatic milling machine for steel samples
Size (W x H x D mm) 1400 x 1200 x 1850 (machine), 1050 x 1000 x 750 (switch cabinet)
Weight 750 kg
mains connection 450V, 50 Hz, 3-phase
Power consumption 2.2 kVA
Supply media Compressed air
Speed 280-1400/min
70 71

Milling machines


The nonferrous mill HAF/2 was specially developed for the preparation of nonferrous metal samples for
spectroscopic analysis. The HAF/2 allows perfectly coordinated surface working of many different sample Accessories
shapes and sample materials. The optimised clamping fixture and the completely automatic milling sequence Accessories Order number
make work much easier for the operator and improve surface reproducibility.
Cutter head with 7 turning plates 465900-9
turning plate 364304-6
At a glance: milling diamond 364444-0
•• Semi-automatic milling machine for surface working of nonferrous metal samples with special special cut, extractor 294846-1
•• robust and compact design and simple handling
•• sample clamped by 3-jaw chuck with stop
•• steplessly adjustable milling depth via accuracy spindle with hand wheel
•• automatic milling process with sample alignment via stop
•• sample moved via flat support on precision bearings
•• milling with steplessly adjustable feed speed
•• high safety standard thanks to hood with safety switch

Areas of use
Areas of use Electronics, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, recycling
Materials Samples made of nonferrous metals such as aluminium, copper, lead, zinc, tin
and their alloys etc.
Sample dimensions
and height N.N.
Sample shape mushroom-shaped, cylindrical, rectangular etc.
Functions Manual alignment and sample clamping in centrical 3-jaw chuck, milling depth ad-
justment via hand wheel with accuracy spindle, automatic milling process: Sample
alignment with stop, sample moved to the milling spindle by facing on precision be-
arings, milling with steplessly adjustable feed speed, spraying unit with controllable
spray nozzle for sample cooling, optional extractor for coolant vapours, cover hood
with safety switch

Technical Data
Type Semi-automatic milling machine for nonferrous samples
Size (W x H x D mm) 720 x700 x 1190
Weight 365 kg
mains connection 400V, 50 Hz, 3-phase
Power consumption 2 KW
Supply media Compressed air
Speed 2700/min
Die Ausführung der Maschine entspricht den geltenden UVV- und
VDE-Vorschriften. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten.
Bead One HF / 06.2017-D-1

HERZOG Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG HERZOG Automation Corp. HERZOG Japan Co., Ltd. HERZOG (Shanghai) Automation
Auf dem Gehren 1 16600 Sprague Road, Suite 400 3-7, Komagome 2-chome Equipment Co., Ltd.
49086 Osnabrück Cleveland, Ohio 44130 Toshima-ku Section A2,2/F, Building 6,
Germany USA Tokio 170-0003, Japan No.473, West Fute 1st Road,
+49 541 9332-0 + 1 440 891 9777 + 81 3 5907 1771 Waigaoqiao F.T.Z, Shanghai, 200131,
Fax +49 541 9332-32 Fax + 1 440 891 9778 Fax + 81 3 5907 1770 P.R. China

E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail +86 21 5037 5915 Fax +86 21 5037 5713

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