Pump Inlet Designs For Irrigating From Low Flow Meandering Rivers

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Paper Number: MBSK 02-304

An ASAE Meeting Presentation

Pump Inlet Designs for Irrigating from Low Flow

Meandering Rivers

Thomas F. Scherer, Extension Agricultural Engineer

Extension Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering Department; North Dakota State University;
Fargo, ND 58105-5626 USA. tscherer@ndsuext.nodak.edu

Lowell A. Disrud, Associate Professor

Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering Department; North Dakota State University; Fargo, ND
58105-5626 USA. Lowell.Disrud@ndsu.nodak.edu

Ryan M. Waters, Engineering Technician

Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering Department; North Dakota State University; Fargo, ND
58105-5626 USA. Ryan.Waters@ndsu.nodak.edu

Andrew J. Poeckes, Engineering Technician

Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering Department; North Dakota State University; Fargo, ND
58105-5626 USA. dpoeckes6@hotmail.com
Written for presentation at the
2002 ASAE / CSAE North Central Intersectional Conference
Sponsored by ASAE and CSCE
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
September 27-September 28, 2002
Abstract. Two pump inlets were designed and tested for pumping water from low flow meandering rivers for irrigation.
Objectives were to provide plans for two types of pump inlets (one floating and the other submerged) that are relatively
inexpensive, easily constructed, and easily installed. The inlets were designed to minimize sediment intake and screen
plugging by floating debris while pumping from minimum water depths of 15 inches. The inlets were installed in the Lower
Heart River in Southwest North Dakota to demonstrate their use and test their effectiveness.

Keywords. Irrigation inlet design, inlet approach velocity, shallow water depth pumping

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constitute an endorsement of views which may be expressed. Technical presentations are not subject to the formal peer review
process by ASAE editorial committees; therefore, they are not to be presented as refereed publications. Citation of this work should
state that it is from an ASAE meeting paper. EXAMPLE: Author's Last Name, Initials. 2002. Title of Presentation. ASAE Meeting
Paper No. 02xxxx. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE. For information about securing permission to reprint or reproduce a technical
presentation, please contact ASAE at hq@asae.org or 616-429-0300 (2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659 USA).

One of the main concerns involved in irrigating from a dynamic water source, such as a
river or stream, is the difficulty of pulling water from the river to the pump without excess debris
or sediment. Excessive amounts of sediment and debris leads to pump wear, deposits of
sediment in pipes and worn application nozzles, thus decreasing the efficiency of the irrigation
system. Besides increased wear on the irrigation equipment it also increases intake
maintenance by periodically removing debris from the exterior portion of the intake screen. The
shallow water flow, meandering channel geometry and suspended-floating debris experienced
by rivers contribute to the on going problem faced by irrigators. This paper will present two
pump intake designs that help minimize the intake of sediment and improve overall pump

The Lower Heart River Irrigation Company and Upper Heart River Irrigation District, both
located southwest of Bismarck, North Dakota, were formed to address legal and operational
issues involving irrigation along the Heart River. Up stream from the Lower Heart River
Irrigation District and Upper Heart River Irrigation District is Lake Tschida. Lake Tschida,
located forty miles southwest of Bismarck, is an irrigation storage and flood control dam for the
Heart River drainage basin. Lake Tschida provides the primary supply of water needed during
the irrigation season. The depth of the Heart River is controlled by the release of water from the
dam at Lake Tschida. One of the problems faced by the irrigators along the Heart River is
inadequate water depth at their pump stations. The water depths constantly change based
upon the volume of water released at Lake Tschida and the meandering characteristics of the
Heart River. The volume of water released at Lake Tschida is dependent upon the lake level
and the runoff contributed by its’ tributaries. The meandering characteristics of the Heart River
are due to sediment erosion and deposition as well as the soil texture along the riverbanks. The
material in the riverbed of the Heart River was sampled and determined to be coarse to medium
texture. The mobility of the material in the riverbed attributes to the eroding and depositing
experienced within the river system. This eroding and depositing creates unstable river
geometry. This instability is the main factor that produces varying water depths throughout the

The meandering of the riverbed causes several problems for the irrigators. For instance
an irrigators ten years ago may have selected what was then thought to be an ideal location for
a pump site. Once the site was selected, electrical power supply was installed. In time the
riverbed may shift due to sedimentation and the pump is no longer located at the deepest part of
the channel. Due to the high initial cost of installation the irrigator is reluctant to relocate the
pump site. Because of the meandering nature of the river the pump site that was installed ten
years ago may not have adequate water to supply the irrigation system today.

Problems associated with the low water depth include increased sediment and floating
debris intake. Any sediment pulled into the intake goes through the entire system increases
wear on the pump and irrigation nozzles. Over time the floating debris large enough to be
caught by the screen of the intake eventually restricts flow through the screen and thus reduces
water pumped to the irrigation system. The sediment and floating debris brought into the pump

is increased with lower water depths because of the fact that during low water depths the
bottom of the intake is closer to the riverbed and the top of the intake is closer to the water
surface. One of the possible solutions to the changing river geometry is to install a pump intake
that is not as dependent upon water depth as traditional pump intakes. Previous irrigation
(Figure 1.) intake generally installed in this region consisted of a collection box or cylinder with
perforated outer screen. The approach velocity at the screen was approximately equivalent to
the flow velocity at entrance of the suction pipe.

Figure 1. The traditional intake design implemented in irrigations systems on the Heart River.

The objectives of this project was to design an irrigation intake that would, (1) control
formation of vortexes to prevent air intake, (2) reduce sediment and debris in irrigation
distribution system and pumping unit, and (3) minimize intake head loss.

Design Parameters

Intake design criteria was a pumping capacity of 101 liters/sec (1600 GPM) from a water
depth of 45.5 cm (18 in.) and an approach velocity of less then 0.23 meters/sec (0.75 ft/sec) as
the water enters the intake. The approach velocity contributes many of the problems that arise
with intake structures. Elevated approach velocity leads to increased amounts of sediment and
debris introduced into the pumping system. Several principles need to be followed to
decreasing the approach velocity of the water as it enters the intake structure, (1) locate the
intake screen at an increased distance away from the entrance of the suction pipe, (2) increase
the area of the screen were the water enters the intake structure, (3) design an intake structure
that utilizes the entire screen producing a uniform flow distribution (Kendall et.al, 1985). An
intake was to be designed that creates a separate environment from the internal flow patterns
that is not influenced by external flow patterns once the water enters the intake structure.
Creating this separate environment or collection box eliminates the interior flow patterns from
being effected by the rivers flow. When pumping from a shallow river the optimal region to draw
water from is 7.5 cm (3 in.) below the surface to10 cm (4 in.) above the riverbed
(approximately). Drawing water from this region reduces intake of floating debris on the waters
surface and larger suspended sediment near the riverbed. In order to draw form this region the
water must be drawn laterally. Directing the water to be drawn laterally can be accomplished by
positioning rigid structures above and below the suction pipe entrance. These rigid structures
restrict the flow from the water surface and river bottom.
Two types of intakes (floating and submersible) were designed based on the established

Submersible Intake

The submersible design utilizes the design parameter of increased screen area. The
flow pattern in which a fluid is drawn from a body of water will follow the equation (Finnemore
and Franzini, 2002)
V =
A * P / 100
V – Velocity
Q – Flow rate
A – Area of Intake
P – Percent open area of Screen

Based on the above equation, the velocity is inversely proportional to the area of the
opening. With constant flow rate, as the entry area increase the velocity of the fluid decreases.

Table (1.) summarizes approach velocity calculations of the submersed intake structure.

Variable Value Units Description
Q 800 gal/min flow rate
1.782407407 ft3/sec flow rate
ν 1.307 cSt (centistokes) kinematic viscosity
ρ 62.403 lb/ft density @ 10 °C
Suction Pipe Entrance (Round Cross-Section)
d 8 in pipe diameter
Dround 8 in characteristic length (round-section)
A 0.34906585 ft2 cross-section area
V 5.106221089 ft/sec flow velocity @ suction enterance
Screen Entrance (Square Cross-Section)
H 17 in height of square-section
W 48 in width of square-section
A 587.52 in2 area square cross-section
P 130 in wetted perimeter (square-section)
Dsquare 18.07753846 in characteristic length (square-section)
V 0.436864563 ft/sec approach velocity @ screen
Table 1. Displays the flow velocity calculations at the screen and at the suction pipe entrance of
the submersed intake structure.

Figure 2. CAD drawings of the submersible intake design.

The design of the submersible intake consists of a cast iron frame, aluminum vanes, 20°
- 30° elbow and an aluminum outer shell. Flow vanes were implemented into the design to
evenly distribute the flow from the entry through the transition stage. Also the flow vanes retard
the formation of suction vortexing. The water is lifted vertically from the intake through the
elbow. The entrance of the elbow is belled to avoid an initial disturbance of the entering stream
(Finnemore and Franzini, 2002). For proper installation the intake must rest flat on the riverbed

with the screen parallel with the river current. The current of the river will act as a “natural
screen cleaner” if the intake is positioned at the edge or directly in the river’s current. If the
velocity of the water entering the intake is less than the velocity of the current the river’s current
will carry sediment and debris away limiting the amount entering the pumping system.

Figure 3. Submersed intake constructed.

Figure 4. Submersed Intake installed on the Heart River.

Floating Intake

The ability to maintain a constant depth from the water surface with respect to water
level makes a floating intake useful when irrigating from a river or stream where the depth of
water being pumped from has the potential to raise and lower from day to day. A floating intake
is also helpful in maintaining constant flow through the irrigation system.

The same design principles apply to the design of the floating intake as the submersible
intake. Two solid plates above and below the distribution box with screen connecting the two
plates provide a uniform suction from an increased area resulting in decreased approach
Table (2.) summarizes approach velocity calculations of the floating intake structure.

Variable Value Units Description

Q= 900.00 gal/min flow rate
2.01 ft3/sec flow rate
ν= 1.31 cSt (centistokes) kinematic viscosity
ρ= 62.40 lb/ft3 density @ 10 °C
Outer Circumference of intake
D= 40.00 in diameter
C= 125.66 in circumference
H= 8.00 in height of square-section
W= 125.66 in width of square-section
A= 703.72 in2 area square cross-section
P= 267.33 in wetted perimeter (square-section)
Dsquare= 10.53 in characteristic length (square-section)
V= 0.41 ft/sec approach velocity @ outer screen
V= 4.19 ft/sec flow velocity @ distribution box
Table 1. Displays the flow velocity calculations at the screen and at the distribution box entrance
of the floating intake structure.

Figures 3. CAD drawings of the floating intake design.

Figure 3. Floating intake constructed.

Figure 7. Floating Intake installed on the Heart River.

The floating intake is a lightweight aluminum structure with sealed PVC pipe used for
floatation. The intake has an inside rectangular box about 30.5 cm by 30.5 cm (1 ft. X 1 ft.) with
circular openings of various size to provide a uniform flow distribution through all areas of the
screen. The use of the distribution box and locating the screen of the intake a sufficient distance
away from suction pipe allows for control of the approach velocity. The design of the float
positions the upper portion of the intake 3 inches below the water surface allowing water to
drawn from the optimal region of the water depth. The use of the flexible suction hose allows
the irrigator to adjust the location of the intake for optimal positioning within the pumping site.


The submersible intake was installed at a site owned by Jeff Olson, a member of the
Lower Heart River Irrigation Company. Observation made by the operator indicated that there
was a 75% (approximately) reduction of sediment in gated piping when cleaned and drained.
Flow rate measurements increased from 92.7 liters/sec. (1470 GPM) to 95.9 liters/sec. (1520
GPM). The previous intake required cleaning 1 to 2 times daily and the irrigator noted that the
submersible intake required cleaning once every three days.
Two floating intakes were installed, one pump supplied water to a flood irrigation system,
the other a center pivot. It was noted by the irrigators that there was a reduction in the amount
of sediment accumulation in the systems. The operators stated the floating intake provided an
overall improved irrigation system by making it reliable in the sense the intake did not have
reduced flow rate due to debris restricting the flow through the intake screen. Flow rate
measurements before and after intake installation showed an increase in flow from 93.4
liters/sec. (1430 GPM) to 99.7 liters/sec. (1530 GPM).


The design of the intakes greatly reduced the amount of sediment introduced into the
irrigation systems and retarded the formation of vortexes. The increase in flow rate in all
pumping systems indicated a lowering of intake head loss. The intakes provided an
improvement in the efficiency and reliability of the pumping systems. The overall satisfaction
expressed by the irrigators, demonstrated the effectiveness of the two intake designs.

The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of Aung Hla, Jim Weigel , Allen Wall,
and the Lower Heart Irrigation Company members, whose help made this project possible. Use
of trade names is for informational purposes only and does not constitute endorsement by the
authors or North Dakota State University. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation sponsored this

Kendall, W.R., W.C. Taggart. 1985. Water supply Intake Structures on Western Rivers.
Hydraulic and Hydrology in the Small Computer Age: proceedings of the Specialty
Conference. pp. 967-972; New York, NY: Amer. Soc. Civil Eng.
Finnemore, E.J., J.B. Franzini. 2002. Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications, 10th ed.
pp. 103-105, 114-117, 265-268. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.


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