IA Preparation Document (Repaired)

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IB Biology IA

Part 1: Identifying the topic and research question

Learning intention – you are going to understand how to plan an IA

Success Criteria – by completing this worksheet you should be able to

 Formulate a focused problem/research question and identify the relevant variables
 Ensure you have Included dependent (measured), independent (manipulated) and controlled (constant)
 Ensure The problem should be very clear and written as a question
 Set up the experiment so that changes in the dependent variable are due only from changes to the
independent variable.

Topic title:

Research question: How does the duration of jump-skipping (15, 30, 45, 60, 75 seconds) affect the
heart rate (beats/30 seconds) of a fifteen-year-old female?

As the duration of the exercise increases by 15-second increments, the heart rate will rise along with it.

Dependent: Changes in heart rate (beats/30 seconds)

Independent: Duration of the exercise (15, 20, 45, 60, 75 seconds – increasing in 15-second

Controlled: The form of exercise (jump-skipping)

IB Biology IA

Part 2: Background Information

Learning intention – you are going to understand what is needed for sufficient background

Success Criteria – by completing this worksheet you should be able to

 Demonstrate your level of personal engagement
 Discuss why you chose this topic and why it’s important
 Showcase your creativity, independent thinking and initiative
 ensure you use in-text citations, stating the author and year of the reference
 Use websites like .org, .edu, .net, use Wikipedia to start but more on, do not cite Wikipedia, look
at the reference listed
 Understand you must include all References used.

Introduction: complete 2/3 paragraphs that show you have researched your
topic and understand your methodology
IB Biology IA

Part 3: Methodology

Learning intention – you are going to understand what is in the method section of your IA

Success Criteria – by completing this worksheet you should be able to

o Include a drawing of a diagram of your lab setup
o ensure you clearly describe your experimental and control group(s)
o Describe how replication will work, you should repeat each trial at least 5 times.
o Write a paragraph describing your procedure. Be specific about the quantities and characteristics of materials
your will use. Instead of saying you will use a beaker, say that it is a 250mL beaker.
o Write as a list, steps 1, 2, 3 etc.
o Ensure your method is referenced correctly.



IB Biology IA

Part 4: Safety

Learning intention – you are going to understand what is needed for your IA to completed

Success Criteria – by completing this worksheet you should be able to

 show full awareness of safety, ethical and/or environmental issues that are relevant to your
 If you are using livers, talk about where those livers came from
 If you are using acids, talk about how you will need to wear safety glasses
 You must talk about disposal of waste.
 A risk assess must be completed that MUST have a full equipment list included.



IB Biology IA

References (so far):

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