E.Audit Kenya
E.Audit Kenya
E.Audit Kenya
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Email: mkiambigi@pleng.net
On Behalf of;
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Malindi Level II Laboratory was constructed and is being operationalized under the East Africa
Public Health Networking Project. This project is funded by worldbank and is being
implemented by the ministry of health. The main obective of the project is to to establish a
network of efficient, high quality, accessible public health laboratories for the diagnosis and
surveillance of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Other beneficiary countries
are Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, and Uganda.
This project triggered OP/BP4.01 (Environmental Assessment) during the construction and
operations of the laboratory, which were deemed to impact on both the biophysical and socio-
economic environments, including occupational health and safety issues and generation of
medical waste.As such, ESMF, ESIA reports were prepared to mitigate any potential effect on
the health, safety and the environment in the area of influence. The ESIA was prepared in 2012
and the laboratory licensed on 29th May 2013.
Similarly, world bank policy on indigenous people (OP/BP4.10) was triggered. This is due to
the fact that there is a Vulnerable and Marginalized Group locally known as “Wasanya”living
in Malindi sub-county where the lab is located. The “Wasanya” and “Wapemba” are also
found in Ganze and Bahari in the larger Kilifi County. The main economic activity of these
groups is hunting and gathering.
OP 4.10 safeguard seeks to ensure that the development process fully respects the dignity,
human rights, economies, and cultures of Indigenous Peoples. It aims to meet the following
objectives; a) avoid adverse impacts on vulnerable and marginalised groups b) secure broad
community support for the project and c) to provide Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups
(VMGs) with culturally appropriate benefits (Ministry of Health, 2016). In this respect,
avulnerable and marginalized group planning framework (VMGPF) was prepared and
disclosed in March, 2016. This framework outlines among other key issues; the projects likely
to be proposed for financing, potential positive and adverse effects of the project on VMGs, a
plan for carrying out the social assessment, a framework for ensuring free, prior, and informed
consultation with the affected VMGs at each stage of project preparation and
implementation.This referral lab however does not adversely affect the VMGs who are not
present in the hospital vicinity. Thus, there was no need to prepare a vulnerable and
marginalized group plan.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
This Environmental and Social Audit Report is prepared in accordance with the requirements
of Part VII of the Environmental Management and Coordination Act 1999, EMCA
(ammendment) 2015 and the Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit Regulations of
2003. Its main objectives are to 1) Ensure compliance with the Environmental Management
and Coordination Act (EMCA), EIA and Audit Regulations; World Bank’s Environmental and
Social Safeguards requirements; 2) Assess whether there are any new significant
environmental and social impacts associated with the running of the lab and its facilities and
3) To explore improvement opportunities.
This report serves as a monitoring tool for the operations of the Malindi East Africa Public
Health Level II Laboratory with respect to Occupational Health and Safety procedures as well
as compliance with National Environmental Management Authority(NEMA)guidelines and
World Bank Safeguard policies.
This Environmental Audit was conducted using a combination of methods including the use of
checklists, observations, site surveys, photographs, interviews and literature reviews of
documented information.
Environmental Quality
Loss of Biodiversity
The lawns around the facility are not well maintained making the place not appealing to the
eye. The vegetation is also destroyed through creation of diversionary and short routes. The
removal and destruction of vegetation has led to formation of loose soils which are prone to
erosion thereby affecting the general quality of air in the area. This has also affected the
microorganisms living within the soils.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Waste management
Solid waste management
Solid waste management in the area is generally good. Waste is segregated with color coded
bins into Highly-infectious (red), Infectious (Yellow) and Non-infectious (Black). With time,
the available incinerator may not be able to meet the facility’s needs due to increased waste
generated from increased population to the facility. Ash from incinerated waste is normally
dumped in an ash pit adjacent to the facility.
Noise levels
The noise levels were established to be 38db which is within recommended limits.
Occupational Safety
There is extensive use of PPEs by staff within the facility. However, there lacks signs for
prevention of slipping on the floor and various measures required for emergency
Energy Conservation
Electricity is the principal source of lighting within the facility. There is a backup generator in
case of power outages in the area. There was however no evidence of integration of green
energy in the area.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
▪ County meetings that are held between members of the hospital board and county
officers. These meetings are conducted thrice in a year. The main agenda of such
meetings are supervision and handling of complaints.
▪ The help management committee meetings focus on handling departmental issues. They
are conducted every Monday with departmental heads.
▪ Laboratory county coordinators meeting that is held among ministers, chiefs e.t.c. is
mainly focused on supervision and is normally conducted after every four months.
The laboratory does not have a lab line where patients can forward their complaints. There is
however a suggestion box that is used for complaints and comments. Delays in service delivery
is the most common complain among the patients. The lab manager, deputy lab manager and
the quality officer form the grievance redress committee. This committee reviews complaints
raised once a month. The complaints are safely stored in a complaints file for future reference.
Feedback is normally done through notices that are pinned on the notice boards.
Total Cost
The total cost for implementation of the plan for Malindi is Kshs. 13,720,000. The ESMP will
cost Kshs. 13,720,000. The cost will be met by the County Government of Machakos. Facility
improvement funds disbursed to the site by the EAPHLN project will also cater for some
individual budgets such as Infrastructure upgrade; repair of broken seats/benches,
replacement of broken tiles within the facility and installation of air conditioning system in the
some rooms
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Office -Regular inspection for malfunctioning systems and Medical Always -Comments from surrounding 1,000,000
equipment structures, and their immediate repair superintendent local community
Fire safety and -Awareness creation Medical Always -Improved fire safety 200,000
preparedness -Conduct drills regularly to ensure preparedness of staff superintendent preparedness
-Provision of information, instruction, training and -Increased awareness on fire
supervision necessary to improve on Fire safety and safety and prevention
preparedness -Number and frequency of fire
-Improve on fire safety preparedness; install smoke related incidences
detectors and fire alarm systems.
-Regular servicing of fire safety equipment
Water quantity -The water should be tested regularly to ensure it maintains Medical Always -Water conservation practices 2,000,000
and quality the recommended WHO guidelines for portable water in superintendent -Incidences of water shortages
regards to bacteriological, physical and chemical properties
before it is used for human consumption. -Comments from the general
-Water harvesting measures should be put in place. public
- Connect water into the washrooms and other parts of the
facility to ensure visitors have access to running water
Noise levels -Continuous noise monitoring should be done to be within Medical Always -Comments from surrounding 100,000
allowable levels by NEMA regulations(60-dB) superintendent local community
Occupational -Monitoring of environmental and health and safety issues -Increased awareness on 200,000
Safety -Provision of information, instruction, training and environmental and safety issues
supervision necessary to improve on fire safety and
preparedness -improved capacity of waiting
- Put biometrics access control in all entrance ways bays
-Increase the size of waiting bays -improved knowledge on PPEs
-The personal protective equipment should be frequently
by staff
replaced and training provided in using the equipment.
Medical Always
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
-Inefficiency in -Ensure involvement of aggrieved persons and the party Medical Througho -Comments from the public -
provision of that caused the grievance superintendent ut the
-Ensure involvement of both parties in decision making
feedback to where possible project
complaints cycle
Total Cost 13,720,000
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... iii
List of Maps ......................................................................................................................................... xiv
List of Plates ......................................................................................................................................... xiv
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................ xiv
ACRONYMS.......................................................................................................................................... xv
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Audit Objectives, Scope and Methodology .............................................................................. 2
1.2.1 Audit Objectives .................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.2 Audit Scope .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.3 Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 4
CHAPTER TWO ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.0 LEGAL, POLICY & INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK ..................................................................... 5
2.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 International Safeguards ....................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3 World Bank Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies ............................................ 5
2.3 Legal Framework ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.3.1 The constitution of Kenya, 2010 ....................................................................................... 6
2.3.2 The Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act Amendment (EMCA), 2015
......................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.3 Public Health Act Cap. 242, 2012 .................................................................................... 7
2.3.4 The Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2007 .............................................................. 7
2.3.5 Water Act, 2016.................................................................................................................. 8
2.3.6 Radiation Protection Act, Cap 243 2014 ......................................................................... 8
2.3.7 National Construction Authority Act, 2011..................................................................... 8
2.4 Policy framework........................................................................................................................ 8
2.4.1 The National Health Care Waste Management Plan 2016-2021 ................................. 8
2.4.2 Kenya National Guidelines on Safe Disposal of Pharmaceutical Waste, 2001 ............ 9
2.4.3 National Policy on Injection Safety and Medical Waste Management ......................... 9
2.4.4 National Environmental Policy 2013 ............................................................................. 10
2.5 Environmental Regulations...................................................................................................... 10
2.5.1 Waste Management Regulations, 2006 ......................................................................... 10
2.5.2 Noise and Excessive Vibration Pollution control regulations, 2009 ........................... 10
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
2.5.3 Environmental Management and Coordination Act (Air Quality) regulations, 2009
....................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.5.4 Environmental Management and Coordination Act (Water Quality) regulations,
2006 ............................................................................................................................................. 12
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................. 13
3.0 BASELINE INFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Locational Context .................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Physiographic and Natural Conditions .................................................................................. 14
3.2.1 Weather and Climate........................................................................................................ 14
3.2.2 Topography and drainage................................................................................................ 14
3.2.3 Geology and soils .............................................................................................................. 14
3.2.4 Vegetation .......................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Population and Demography .................................................................................................. 15
3.3.1 Population Size and Composition .................................................................................... 15
3.3.2 Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups (VMG) ............................................................... 16
CHAPTER FOUR ................................................................................................................................... 17
4.0 AUDIT AREAS ................................................................................................................................ 17
4.1 The Laboratory Design Provisions .......................................................................................... 17
4.1.1 Laboratory Worktops........................................................................................................ 18
4.1.2 Lab Shelves......................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.3 Emergency shower and Eyewash. ....................................................................................... 18
4.1.4 Floor finishes. ...................................................................................................................... 19
4.1.5 Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning ........................................................................... 19
..................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.1.6 Hand-washing Sinks ............................................................................................................ 19
4.2 Water Supply, Quality and Conservation .............................................................................. 19
4.3 Waste Management.................................................................................................................. 20
4.3.1 Solid waste management .................................................................................................. 20
4.3.2 Liquid waste management ............................................................................................... 20
4.4 Health and safety ...................................................................................................................... 20
4.4.1 Fire safety and Preparedness ............................................................................................ 20
4.4.2 Use of PPEs ......................................................................................................................... 21
4.5 Environmental Conservation activities and awareness ........................................................ 21
CHAPTER FIVE ...................................................................................................................................... 22
5.0 AUDIT FINDINGS.......................................................................................................................... 22
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
List of Maps
Map 1: Location of Malindi level 2 lab ............................................................................................. 13
List of Plates
Plate 1: Geology and soils ................................................................................................................... 14
Plate 2: Malindi Level 2 Laboratory Facility ..................................................................................... 17
Plate 3: Waiting Bay within the facility ............................................................................................ 17
Plate 4: Laboratory Worktop .............................................................................................................. 18
Plate 5: Lab Shelves.............................................................................................................................. 18
Plate 6: Emergency Shower Eyewash ................................................................................................ 18
Plate 7: Ventilation within the facility............................................................................................... 19
Plate 8: Hand washing sink ................................................................................................................ 19
Plate 9: Facility’s Incinerator .............................................................................................................. 20
Plate 10: Fire Horse reel and Portable Fire Extinguishers ............................................................... 20
Plate 11: Laboratory Design ............................................................................................................... 24
Plate 12: Autoclaving of solid waste .................................................................................................. 24
Plate 13:Liquid Waste Disposal.......................................................................................................... 25
Plate 14: Occupational Safety Strategies ........................................................................................... 25
Plate 15: Fire Safety Strategies ............................................................................................................ 26
Plate 16: Biohazard Spill Kit ............................................................................................................... 26
Plate 17: Vegetation Cover ................................................................................................................. 27
Plate 18: Locked-off Generator Room ............................................................................................... 27
List of Tables
Table 1: International Safe Guards ...................................................................................................... 6
Table 2: Ambient Air Quality Standards ........................................................................................... 11
Table 3: Water Quality Standards ..................................................................................................... 12
Table 4: Water Quality Compliance .................................................................................................. 12
Table 6: Mean Annual Temperature ................................................................................................. 14
Table 7: Population of Kilifi County .................................................................................................. 15
Table 8: Environmental Management Action Plan .......................................................................... 36
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
EA EnvironmentalAudit
HI Highly Infectious
AF Additional Funding
HH House Hold
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
The East Africa Public Health Laboratory Networking Project main development objective is
to establish a network of efficient, high quality, accessible public health laboratories for the
diagnosis and surveillance of tuberculosis and other communicable diseases. The World
Bank’s additional funding (AF) for Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and Kenya specifically was to
assist in scaling up additional facilities in cross-border areas, further expanding
geographical coverage as well as broaden and deepen the range of interventions to be
funded i.e., establishment of isolation units; strengthening community surveillance
activities; and supporting joint training in line with the one health approach to enhance
effectiveness and the impacts of health systems in terms of management and containment of
communicable diseases. The additional funding is envisaged to widely boost the
revitalization of disease surveillance, prevention and preparedness capacities.
The OP/BP4.10seeks to ensure that the development process fully respects the dignity,
human rights, economies, and cultures of indigenous peoples. It aims to meet the following
objectives; a) avoid adverse impacts on vulnerable and marginalised groups b) secure broad
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
community support for the project and c) to provide vulnerable and marginalized groups
(VMGs) with culturally appropriate benefits (Ministry of Health, 2016).
As a result, a VMGPF was prepared and disclosed in March, 2016. It outlines the processes
and principles of: (a) screening to determine if a proposed sub-project investment will be
undertaken in the vicinity of vulnerable and marginalized communities; and (b) the
preparation of a vulnerable and marginalized groups plan (VMGP), including the social
assessment process, consultation and stakeholder engagement, disclosure procedures,
communication and grievances redress mechanism (Ministry of Health, 2016). This
referral lab however does not adversely affect the VMGs who are not present in the hospital
vicinity. Thus, there was no need to prepare a vulnerable and marginalized group plan.
Malindi Level 2 Laboratory consists of a two-floored building. The facility can be accessed
from within the hospital or from the main road. The ground floor comprise a waiting area,
reception area, specimen reception area, reports release desk, cashier office, records room,
patients toilets, phlebotomy room, donor room, washing area, counseling room, blood
donor room, restroom, blood bank, pathologists office, server room, staff lounge, office for
in-charge, office for County laboratory technician, utility room, cold room, training room;
video conferencing, suppliers store and staff toilets.
The first floor houses a blood transfusion laboratory, Serology laboratory, chemistry
laboratory, hematology laboratory, parasitology laboratory, histology laboratory,
microscopy, freezer room, media prep room, specimen museum, quality control laboratory,
molecular laboratory, virology laboratory, microbiology laboratory, TB laboratory,
decontamination room, glassware washing, store and staff toilets.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
1.2.3 Methodology
The methodology of the environmental audit was achieved through the following approach:
Review of relevant documents (ESMF, ESMP, ESIA, etc. prepared for the project) and
existing environmental and occupational health and safety legislations and
standards, environmental safeguard policies and guidelines of the World Bank and
Kenya Government;
Preparation of an audit framework, criteria and checklist;
Site visit to the East Africa Public Health Laboratory for Malindi Level 4 Hospital for
the physical inspection of the facilities, carrying out interviews and discussions
with management and staff and consultations with key stakeholders.
Verification of procedures, instructions and equipment in place designed to help
the facilities apply and adhere to: existing environmental laws, regulations, and
World Bank standards, occupational health and safety standards, good
environmental and safety management practices, facilities own environmental and
social management plans
Evaluation of findings, developing a prioritized list of concerns related to past and
ongoing activities at the facilities.
Making recommendations including the auditor’s opinion of the facilities’ overall
environmental performance with respect to regulatory framework, World Bank
corporate environmental requirements, NEMA environmental management best
practices and cost estimates for the implementation of remedial action plan
Review of all safeguard instruments including the ESMP and ESIAs for the safe and
effective management of the public health facility by incorporating appropriate
remedial measures.
Compiling the findings and finalizing the report writing
Preparation of an Environmental Management Plan
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
2.1 Overview
The consultant reviewed all the policies and legislations that relate to an environmental
audit of a health facility. Emphasis was laid on World Bank Environmental and Social
Safeguard policies as well as the Kenyan policies and legislation.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
The WB -To ensure protection of human -These guidelines will -The project did not
Group health and the environment be followed during the fully comply with
Environ The General EHS Guidelines contain preparation of ensuring;
ment, information on cross-cutting mitigation measures. -Energy Conservation
Health environmental, health, and safety -Ambient Water
and issues potentially applicable to all Quality
Safety industry sectors. -Water Conservation
Guidelin -Hazardous Materials
e Management
-Waste Management
-Noise Management
Table 1: International Safe Guards
The CoK, 2010, requires the state to address the needs of vulnerable groups, including
minority or marginalized and particular ethnic, religious or cultural communities. In
article 27(6), this statute calls on the state to undertake, ‘legislative and other measures,
including affirmative action programmes and policies designed to redress any disadvantage
suffered by individuals or groups because of discrimination.
2.3.2 The Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act Amendment (EMCA), 2015
This legal framework on environmental management and conservation provides for the
establishment of an appropriate legal and institutional framework for the management of
the environment in Kenya and for matters connected therewith and incidental hereto. The
act acknowledges the fundamental principle that the environment constitutes the
foundation of our national, economic, social, cultural and spiritual advancement.
Part II of this act provides that every person in Kenya is entitled to a clean and healthy
environment and has the duty to safeguard and enhance the environment. This is in order
to facilitate one’s own as well as another persons’ enjoyment of the clean environment.Part
7 of the EMCA (Sections 68-69) gives NEMA the responsibility of carrying out
environmental audits of all activities that are likely to have significant effect on the
environment. In consultation with lead agencies, the Act also authorizes NEMA to carry out
environmental monitoring of all environmental phenomena and operations of an industry,
projects or activities to determine their impacts.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Compliance:This facility’s operations comply to the basic principle of a clean and healthy
environment. There is less noise generated, the air quality is good, water is fit for human
consumption as well.
2.3.3Public Health Act Cap. 242, 2012
This act serves to forbid any accumulation or deposition of refuse or other matter, which is
offensive or injurious or dangerous to health. According to this act, it is an offence to emit
or release any noxious matter or wastewater into any place, land, or watercourse not
approved for the reception of such substances. It also prohibits the release of any gases,
vapors, dust or other impurities generated that are deemed to be injurious or dangerous to
the health of employees. It provides for the prevention of pools of standing water and for
the repair and cleansing of open channels and drains.
Compliance: The safety of disposition of medical wastes within the laboratory has been
upheld. Waste generated within the facility are segregated into highly-infectious, non-
infectious and infectious. These wastes are thereafter disposed into bins that are color coded
for each form of waste; Black for Non-infectious, red for highly infectious, yellow for
infectious and sharps are disposed into safety boxes. The generated wastes are then
transferred to the incineration section for incineration. The ashes from the wastes are then
dumped onto an ash pit adjacent to the incinerator. Waste water on the other bhand is
normally treated before being released to the septic tank.
2.3.4 The Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2007
This Act of Parliament provides for the safety, health and welfare of workers in all
workplaces where whether temporarily or permanently. In this respect, every occupier is
mandated to ensure among other duties, safety and absence of risks to health in connection
with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances; the provision of
such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the safety
and health at work of every person employed, and the provision and maintenance of means
of access to and egress from it that are safe and without such risks to health.
Appropriate risk assessments in relation to the safety and health of persons employed shall
be carried out and, on the basis of these results, adopt preventive and protective measures
to ensure compliance with the requirements of safety and health provisions of this Act.
Compliance:The facility has shown compliance as health workers and support staff use
protective clothing to avoid contamination and/or injury.Appropriate signages to warn
against danger or any form of risks have also been displayed on strategic locations in the
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
This National HCWM plan brings out a deliberate strategy aimed at strengthening the
management of HCWM within both hospitals and community settings in order to improve
and safeguard public health and realize a sustainable safe environment.
This plan aims to prevent, reduce and mitigate the likely risks of transmission of infections
likely to be acquired from unsound HCWM, such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, and other
health care-associated infections (HAIs) as well as safe guard the environment for
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
sustainable development. The plan provides feasible options of applying the best available
technologies (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP) in HCWM.
Compliance:The facility Health Care Waste Management Plan is effective as waste is
segregated, incinerated and ash dumped into an ashpit. The liquid waste generated is also
treated before being discharged into tanks.
Upon obtaining all the relevant approvals, the disposal of the pharmaceutical waste shall be
operationalized under the supervision of the local pharmaceutical waste disposal team or
the Waste Management Team. The recommended methods for disposing of unwanted
pharmaceuticals include:
1. The use of either medium temperatures incineration at a minimum of 850°C or high
temperature incineration exceeding 1200°C with two chamber incinerators for
solids, semisolids and powders for controlled substances e.g. anti-neoplastic.
2. Engineered sanitary landfill to be used for disposal of expired or unwanted
3. Sewer disposal for diluted liquids, syrups, intravenous fluids, small quantities of
diluted disinfectants and antiseptics.
2.4.3 National Policy on Injection Safety and Medical Waste Management
This policyseeks to ensure safety of health workers, patients, and the community and to
maintain a safe environment through the promotion of safe injection practices and proper
management of related medical waste. Some of the guiding principles for the
implementation of this policy include:
Establishment of organizational structures at all levels for all the implementation of
injection safety and related medical waste.
The policy also addresses the need for environmental protection through
appropriate waste disposal methods.
Minimization of risks to patients, health workers, communities and the
environment through application of safer injection devices and sharps waste
disposal methods.
Advocating for the strengthening of the necessary human resource capacity
through training and sensitization for safe waste disposal
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Compliance:The facility has shown compliance to noise levels. No complaints were raised
by respondents.
2.5.3 Environmental Management and Coordination Act (Air Quality) regulations, 2009
This main objective of this regulation is to provide for prevention, control and abatement of
air pollution. This is with an aim of ensuring clean and healthy ambient air. It provides for
the establishment of emission standards and emission limits for various sources such as
mobile sources (e.g. motor vehicles) and stationary sources (e.g. industries) as outlined in
the Environmental Management and Coordination Act, 1999.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
2.5.4 Environmental Management and Coordination Act (Water Quality) regulations, 2006
In the prevention of water pollution, no person shall throw or cause to flow into or near a
water resource any liquid, solid or gaseous substance or deposit any such substance in or
near it, as to cause pollution.
Compliance with water quality standards need to be adhered to as all operators and
suppliers of treated water, containerized water and all water vendors shall comply with the
relevant quality standards in force as promulgated by the relevant lead agencies. The
standards for sources of domestic water need to comply with the standards set out in the
first schedule of the regulations.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
This chapter provides the main features of the biophysical and socio-economic information
of the project area. Environmental description, also known as baseline studies, is intended
to establish the present state of the environment, taking into account changes resulting
from natural events and from other human activities (Glasson, 1994; Canning et al., 2003).
If an environmental description is flawed, this will reduce the accuracy of subsequent
predictions and mitigation measures (Canning et al., 2003).
The laboratory site is found within Malindi District hospital located at 30 13’ 35” Southand
400 7’ 30” East. The hospital is located in Malindi town, in Shella ward. Malindi townis the
largest urban center in Kilifi County. The town is situated at the mouth of the Galana River,
lying on the Indian Ocean coast of Kenya. It is 120 kilometers northeast of Mombasa. The
population of Malindi was 207,253 in 2009.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Plate 1: Geology and soils
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
3.2.4 Vegetation
Most of this area is covered with dense thicket with scattered cultivated plots planted
mainly with cassava, maize and cowpeas. The natural forest remnant is found near Gede
with species like Combretumschumanii, FicusbusseiandGyrocarpusamericanus. Mangroves
and swamps cover only a small portion of Malindi Municipal area mainly on the sides of
the Mida Creek in Watamu.
3.3 Population and Demography
3.3.1 Population Size and Composition
The population of Kilifi County was estimated to be 1,217,892 in 2012 according to the
Kenya Population and Housing Census 2009. This comprised of 587,719 males and
630,172 females. It has a growth rate of 3.05 percent per annum.
Male Female
Males represent 47.5 percent while females represent 52.5. The county’s dependency ratio
stands at 45 percent. The average morbidity rate in the county is 12.9 percent, with females
having higher morbidity rate at 15.4 percent as compared to men at 9.9 percent. The most
common causes of morbidity in the county are alaria/fever, respiratory infections, Stomach
ache, diarrhea and flu.
The major activities undertaken within the area is fishing due to its proximity to the Indian
Ocean. Malindi is also a tourist destination since majority of tourists prefer visiting the
beach to enjoy the serene environment, the warm sun and the water body. 49.6 percent of
the total population in the area form the labor force population, with only 40.5 percent of
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
4.1 The LaboratoryDesign Provisions
The Malindi Laboratory has been constructed to the design that meets the drawings
specification. The laboratory design is lean and optimized to address the movement related
to patients, personnel and specimens. It has met the design of the client since there is a clear
of how
move from
area to the
labs for
test and
dispatch of
the results
to the Plate 2: Malindi Level 2 Laboratory Facility
The laboratory is a two floored laboratory with the ground floor having a waiting bay,
specimen reception area, reception area, reports release desk, cashier office, records room,
patients water closets, phlebotomy room, donor room, blood donor room, restroom, blood
bank, pathologists office, server
room, staff lounge among the key
features that were noted.
The first floor of the facility consists
of microbiology room (functional
room), serology laboratory,
chemistry laboratory, hematology
laboratory, parasitology laboratory,
histology laboratory, microscopy,
freezer room; media prep room,
specimen museum, quality control
laboratory, molecular laboratory
and virology laboratory.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
The need to identify the status of the current environmental conditions within the facility is
paramount as required by the Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit Regulations of
2003. The audit was conducted using various methods and sources, including review of
relevant safeguard documents such as the ESMF, ESMP, ESIAs and VMGPF, Aide Memoires,
including the environmental implementation review sections, assessment reports, and the
EAPHLN Project Appraisal Documents project documentation, supervision reports, site
inspections, interviews and public consultations of key stakeholders (public health officials,
medical and laboratory personnel, waste operators, patients, community representatives) .
The audit findings are thus based on field survey and consultations and review of relevant
documents. Compliance documents during its construction phase were not provided
though a general conclusion was made that the facility had been constructed under
generally good terms.
This facility indeed showed compliance with regard to noise generation, safety of workers
and equipment, security, incidents and accidents occurrence, wastewater generation,
energy consumption, dust emissions, solid waste generation, stormwater runoff and soil
erosion, hydrology and water degradation, air pollution and possibility of diseases
exposure. However, it was noted that the facility did not have adequate instructional,
informatory and directional signage within it.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Training to create
awareness on sharps
handling, use of
Plate 14: Occupational Safety Strategies
protective clothing,
waste management
and emergency
response is also
upheld within the facility. there are warning signs on the walls of the corridors and on
some doors that warn against danger and entry restrictions. The facility staff normally uses
whistle to warn against danger.
Most accidents/incidents reported normally occur in the phlebotomy room. Pricking is the
most common incident. The facility has an incident file, whereby all records of injuries, ill-
health or accidental loss are stored.
Employees get involved in improvement of their health and safety through loging their
complains, being involved in providing mitigative measures and monitoring safety and
health improvement activities.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Fire safety strategies are captured in the Laboratory safety manual. Fire drills and training
on fire safety are conducted once in a year and records of the same safely stored. Ire
assembly points are at reasonable distances and areas that would allow extinguishers work
properly in case of fire. There are indeed evident preventive measures against fire such as
the fire extinguishers, fire horse reels and fire assembly pointsand clear signage pinned on
the walls.Theseequipment were last inspected in March, 2018 and thus inspection needs to
be done to validate their effectiveness.
The doors and some walls of the facility are fitted with a vision panel to easily see smoke
and other forms of incidents. The facility does not have smoke detectors and audible alarms
and flashing lights for reinforced fire safety and preparedness. Instead, people whistle in
times of danger.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE’s)
The cleaners wear protective clothes and
gloves while cleaning the facility.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
▪ County meetings that are held by members of the hospital board and county
officers. These meetings are conducted thrice in a year. The main agenda of such
meetings are supervision and handling of complaints. Concerns of the VMGs are
effectively addressed as the boards have community representatives from these
▪ The help management committee meetings focus on handling departmental issues.
They are conducted every Monday among departmental heads.
▪ Laboratory county coordinators meeting that is held among ministers, chiefs e.t.c. is
mainly focused on supervision and is normally conducted after every four months.
The facility has a service charter that outlines the services offered, time to be taken and the
cost or each service. The staff are expected to strictly adhere to this charter at all times.
Every client is entitled to a redress in case they feel that their rights are being violated.
The laboratory does not have a lab line where patients can forward their complaints. There
is however a suggestion box that is used for complaints and comments. Delays in service
delivery is the most common complain among the patients. The lab manager, deputy lab
manager and the quality officer form the grievance redress committee. This committee
reviews complaints raised once a month. The complaints are safely stored in a complaints
file for future reference. Feedback is normally done through notices and the respective
representatives in the hospital board.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
6.1 Introduction
Public Participation and Consultation form a vital component for gathering, understanding
and establishing the project target populations’ understanding of the project, perceptions,
expectations, level of involvement and views on its impacts during design, implementation,
and operation. Furthermore, through public participation and consultation, it is possible to
enhance project performance, acceptability, and sustainability.
Public consultation as part of the environmental and social impact assessment report was
conducted before the project commenced. This was aimed at obtaining public opinions on
the proposed laboratory project. Among the stakeholders engaged included business
people, patients and the residents of the region. The general conclusion of this exercise was
that all the respondents were in support of the project.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
The respondents reiterated that the project would bring about job creation, infrastructure
improvement and gains in local and national economy. They however did not fail to
mention negative concerns/ issues associated with the project, such as potential noise
pollution, potential dust emissions, and potential increase in water demand, potential
increased solid and liquid waste generation, risks of accidents and Injuries to workers and
the public among others.
On 30th April, 2015, consultations with the general public were held at Malindi Market.
The overall goal for doing this was to seek for public opinions from professionals, patients,
patients’ relatives, employees among other members of the community. The main agenda
included project’s magnitude, envisaged activities and impacts, safeguard provisions during
construction, mitigation measures during implementation, historical or cultural importance
and suggestions on way forward from the stakeholders.
The participants reported that there were no historic or cultural sites around the project
site. They pointed out positive impacts of the project as creation of job opportunities;
provision of timely services, reduced transportation cost; improved quality of diagnostics
and enhanced ability to conduct disease outbreak investigations. They also described
shortcomings of the project and recommended that the project should initiate outreach
laboratory services, mobile clinics and medical camps for the hard to reach areas, enhance
public participation through regular community engagement and that community
awareness campaigns be conducted to increase utilization of the facility.
Public consultations during this EA were conducted through interviews with the
neighboring household members and discussions with the relevant key stakeholders,
management, staff, affected persons. A sample of thirty questionnaires were administered to
key staff, institutions and the immediate target community members who utilize the
laboratory facility. In-depth discussions in form of focus groups with waste handlers, and
healthcare workers were also done. Other data were collected by use of checklists,
observations, site surveys, photographing, and literature reviews of documented
The participants raised their concerns about the project and provided recommendations as
outlined below;
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
A number of concerns that arose were social exclusion of VMGs by the elite,environmental
risk due to biomedical waste which may be solid or liquid, weak capacity to implement and
monitor safeguards at the county level, cultural mismatch between the health staff
approach and the VMGs, geographic isolation and socio-cultural issues in some target
communities that may hinder health service uptake. It was proposed that the disclosure
mechanisms be culturally appropriate,social inclusion through good communication and
social awareness andcapacity development of VMGs and stakeholders be enhanced through
financial support.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
The role of this EA was to ensure utmost compliance with domestic laws and regulations,
especially with EMCA, (Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit), 2003; EMCA
(Amendment) 2015. The Compliance strategies involve actions to promote and enforce
legal requirements.
The new lab facility in Malindi had shown compliance across different institutional
framework at the National level. However, some areas did not complywith the stated
measures and standards. A matrix of the compliance of the project’s operation phase was
done to evaluate the findings of the audits and propose the intervention measures against
the negative impacts caused by activities of the facility. There is need to put into
consideration the stated interventions to enable attainment of effective operationof the
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Fire safety and -Awareness creation Medical Always -Improved fire safety 200,000
preparedness -Conduct drills regularly to ensure preparedness of staff superintendent preparedness
-Provision of information, instruction, training and -Increased awareness on fire
supervision necessary to improve on Fire safety and safety and prevention
preparedness -Number and frequency of fire
-Improve on fire safety preparedness; install smoke related incidences
detectors and fire alarm systems.
-Regular servicing of fire safety equipment
Water quantity -The water should be tested regularly to ensure it maintains Medical Always -Water conservation practices 2,000,000
and quality the recommended WHO guidelines for portable water in superintendent -Incidences of water shortages
regards to bacteriological, physical and chemical properties
before it is used for human consumption. -Comments from the general
-Water harvesting measures should be put in place. public
- Connect water into the washrooms and other parts of the
facility to ensure visitors have access to running water
Noise levels -Continuous noise monitoring should be done to be within Medical Always -Comments from surrounding 100,000
allowable levels by NEMA regulations(60-dB) superintendent local community
Occupational -Monitoring of environmental and health and safety issues -Increased awareness on 200,000
Safety -Provision of information, instruction, training and environmental and safety issues
supervision necessary to improve on fire safety and
preparedness -improved capacity of waiting
- Put biometrics access control in all entrance ways bays
-Increase the size of waiting bays -improved knowledge on PPEs
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Inefficiency in -Ensure involvement of aggrieved persons and the party Medical Througho -Comments from the public -
provision of that caused the grievance superintendent ut the
-Ensure involvement of both parties in decision making
feedbackto where possible project
complains cycle
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
8.1 Conclusion
The lab facility has been operating on general good practices as they have complied to some
extent with World Bank Safeguards policies, NEMA regulations and requirements of the
Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act (EMCA), 2015 and the Environmental
(Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations 2003. However, there is need to implement the
stated measures to achieve a friendly environment and a positive social impact on the users
both within and outside of the facility.
8.2 Recommendations
In order to ensure socially inclusive, environmentally friendly and economic benefits of the
project, the stated environmental management mitigation measures should be put to action.
In addition, the project proponent should also;
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Annex 1: EA Checklist
Annex 2: Sample Institutional Questionnaire
Annex 3: Sample Stakeholder questionnaires
Annex 4: Water quality Test
Annex 5: Sound calibration
Annex 6: Room Layout
Annex 7: Incinerator and Autoclave
Annex 8: Ground Floor Lab Design
Annex 9: First Floor Lab Design
Annex 10: EA TEAM
Annex 11: Lead Expert Certificate
Annex 12::TOR
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Annex 1: EA Checklist
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Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
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Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
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Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Part of the World Bank credit to the Government of Kenya under the EAPHLNP was used to
construct five regional public health laboratories at Wajir, Machakos, Malindi, BusiaKitale
and National Public Health Laboratory (table 1). Other key units participating in and
benefiting from the project include the Disease Surveillance and Response Unit and
Tuberculosis and Malaria Programs. The Kenya Medical Supplies Agency and Kenya
Medical Research Institute are also implementing the supply chain management and
research components respectively.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Problem definition
Since the ESIAs/ESMPs were prepared in the first year of the project prior to construction,
there is need for carrying out an environmental and social audit (EA) in order to ensure
that there was due diligence in the application of safeguards during construction and to
plan for mitigating and/or addressing any potential adverse risks during the operational
phase. An EA is required for systematic documentation, and objective determination and
evaluation of the environmental and social liabilities of the laboratory constructions in full
compliance with the World Bank Safeguard policies including the ESMF 1, ESIAs, MWMP,
IPPF that were prepared and recently disclosed in-country and at the World
Bank‟sInfoShop. The EA will also indicate compliance with environmental, health and
safety guidelines with the objective of protecting the health of workers and the general
public living in the area as well as to protect the biophysical environment.
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
The scope of the EA will cover all the civil works related to public health laboratories that
have been constructed under the East Africa Public Health Laboratory Networking Project
(EAPHLNP)as well as the operationalization of the waste management plan for the health
institutions in Kenya supported at the satellite laboratories by the EAPHLN project.
Thus, the EA will help to determine how far the activities that relate to the construction as
well as operation of the laboratories have complied with the ESIAs, ESMPs, MWMP, IPPFs
and sound environmental health and safety management practices. The audit is necessary
to ensure that the safeguard instruments have been implemented appropriately, and that
relevant mitigation measures have also been identified and implemented. The audit will be
able to
Section 6. Fraud and Corruption
identify any amendments/updates to be effected to the safeguard instruments to improve
their implementation effectiveness. The key objective of the Environmental Audit is to
identify gaps in environmental management measures and to prepare an action plan that
will be implemented during the rest of the project period. Overall Tasks to be Carried Out:
Environmental audit studies to be conducted at each of the sites to assess
whether there are significant environmental and social impacts or sensitive and
fragile habitats at the sites
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
An Individual Consultant will be selected on the basis of Quality and Cost Based Selection
procedures in accordance with the policies of the International Development Association
(IDA) detailed Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank
Borrowers, published in May 2004, and revised in October 2006 and May 2010. A copy of
the guidelines can be obtained at the following website: www.worldbank.org/procure.
A suitably qualified and experienced lead consultant with a higher degree at masters level,
with excellent professional background and experience in environmental and social
assessment and familiarity with the Kenya Government and World Bank‟s safeguard
policies and procedures will be recruited to conduct the environmental and social audit.
The main outputs of this assignment will be individual EAs reports for each of the sites,
prepared in accordance with the World Bank Safeguard Policies (especially OP. 4.01) and
the NEMA EIA and Audit Regulations. The reports should ensure that they provide the EA
findings and the recommendations for remedial action required to bring the facilities into
compliance with the World Bank guidelines and other applicable safeguard obligations.
The Consultant shall produce site-specific audit reports that will comprise three chapters,
in addition to an executive summary. Chapter one will provide the introduction to the
project, scope and methodology for conducting the audit. Chapter two will provide
description of the environmental and social footprint of the project (location), relevant
policies and administrative frameworks (including applicable laws, procedures and
guidelines), implementation arrangements, environmental and social safeguards
instruments that were prepared and identified environmental and social impacts. Chapter
three will provide the EA findings and the recommendations for remedial action required to
bring the facilities into compliance with the World Bank guidelines and other applicable
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
safeguard obligations. Also,Chapter three will provide a prioritized list of concerns. The
report will have an executive summary and appendices, and photographs, where
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory
Project Facilitation:
The Consultant will be facilitated from the project side with the following:
Relevant materials which will include the relevant safeguards documents such as the
ESMF, ESMP, ESIAs, IPPF and MWMP, Aide Memoires, project’s progress reports, including
the environmental implementation review sections, assessments reports, and the EAPHLN
Project Appraisal Documents A liaison project staff from the PCU.
Annex 11:Image (i) Copy of WHO SLIPTA Checklist, pg.11
Environmental Audit for Malindi Laboratory