Open Book Exam
Open Book Exam
Open Book Exam
Q1. (a) i. Environment Audit, This is a systematic, periodic, objective and documented process
of assessing an organization or institution activities and services in relation to compliance
with its policies or other legal framework.
ii. Impact and Effect
Impact, these are the consequences of changes in the environment resulting from a
project. Effect is the introduction of foreign substance to the environment.
Paint Factory - Waste Water discharge to river - River Pollution (Effect) -
Decrease in Fish, Poor health from river water consumers (Impact)
iii. Non-Use Benefits. This is a benefit provided by the environment which is
considered of no use to humans now or in future.
(b) Kenya Railways has obtained approval from the Ministry of Transport to construction
a railway station in Kahawa Sukari. What two project alternatives a feasible for your
1. Matatu Bus park with proper sanitation.
2. Industrial Park for business.
(c) Public participation has been undertaken for the project in (b) above but community is
still objecting the project. Discuss two levels and forms of public participation that is likely
to reach the community. And what information you will disseminate to the community.
The purpose of public involvement is to inform the stakeholders about the proposal and is
likely effects, Converse their inputs, concerns and views. Public participation is done in two
stage of the EIA process during screening and reviewing
i. Information: This is a one way flow of information from the proponent to the public.
The proponent informs the community that they intend develop a railway station at
Kahawa Sukari.The station will enable the residence access railway transport, to
Nairobi and it’s environs. Railway transport is way more cheaper and convenient with
less traffic
ii. Consulting: a two way flow of information between the public and the proponent.
This is an opportunity for the public to express their views and propose a better way
of them being involved. Employment will be a positive impact during the
construction of the station. It is crucial to employ the community around for them to
see the benefit of the station.
(d) With this resistance from the community in (c) above, discuss four conflict resolution
mechanisms can work for the community
1. Negotiation
2. Arbitration
Q2. Cleaner production is one of the key components in the production industry. Using
Tetra Pak, describe the key features of cleaner production.
1. Optimize use of resources Energy, Water and Raw materials. By promoting recycling and
protecting the environment.
2. Use of plant based polymers to make their packaging materials to eliminate toxic and
dangerous raw materials.
3. Reducing the quantity of waste at source during production by use of new technology.
Q4. (a) Using Mt. Kenya Forest as the natural resource to illustrate diagrammatically how
the TEV principle works.
Total Economic Value is the monetary value that forest provide to the community, the services
include, timber, carbon sequestration and recreation sites.
Total Economic Value (TEV) = Direct use value (timber, non-timber and recreation)+ Indirect
use value(Carbon sequestration and soil protection) + Option Value( Pharmaceutical drugs that
may be develop from the trees in the forest+ Existence Value( Donation acquired for the
conservation of the forest)
(b) Health and safety principles are applied in the environmental management. Using
OSHA, 2007 give recommendations in eight areas applicable at your workplace and
present them in an action plan.
Safety/Health Permit to Human Resource 3 Months Ksh 25,000
workers Manager
Welfare of First Aid Human Resource 1Month Ksh 10,000
Workers Washing and Facilities
Facilities Manager
Chemical Classifiaction of Laboratory Immediately Nil
Safety Raw materials Chemist
Labelling and
Marking of Raw
Handling and
Disposal of Raw
Machinery Safe use of plant Factory Manger Immediately Nil
Safety machinery and
Health and Cleanliness Factory Manager 1 Month Ksh 20,000
General Sanitary
Provisions Convenience
Waste Improvement on Factory 3 Months Ksh
Management Effluent Management 100,000
Treatment Plant(
Waste Disposal Waste Factory Manager Immediately Ksh 20,000
Health and Adhere to Factory Manager Immediately Nil
Safety scheduled
Commitee meetings
(c) Discuss four similarities and four differences between Environmental Audit and
Environmental Impact Assessment as tools in Environmental management?
i. Environmental Audit is a process of systematically assessing an organization
processes and services in relation to compliance with the organization’s policies or
other legal policies while Environmental Impact Assessment is an exercise that aims
at predicting the potential changes to the environment resulting from a project.
ii. Environmental Audit focuses on both the company policies and legal frameworks
relevant to the specific organization while EIA focuses on the institutional legal
framework relevant to the project
iii. EIA is an exercise that is conducted before the proposed project is started while
Environmental Audit is conducted after the organization is running.
iv. Environmental Audit helps the management improve in there already existing
environmental management system while EIA gives direction on where the project
will provide environmental sustainability.
i. Both EIA and EA use the institutional legal frameworks, EMCA 2015 and the
constitution of Kenya as their back bench.
ii. Both EIA and EA main objective is to obtain environmental sustainability in the
project locations, in both Public participation is a key step in the process, this helps
maintain credibility with the public.
iii. They both include impact mitigation and monitoring plan in the reports to enable the
responsible team manages the environment.
iv. The experts in the two areas provide technical support and training to the
management to help them attain environmental sustainability.
Q6. (a) You have been tasked with the responsibility of undertaking an annual audit for
Africa Nazarene University. Using relevant examples, discuss the steps that you would
1. Pre-audit
This is the first step of the audit. The objectives of the audit are also given to the relevant
people in the school, this will help you familiarize with the University, understand the
processes, the relevant statutory and internal requirements and collect baseline data. At this
stage you are able to meet with those to be audited through interviews. The pre-audit stage
helps you develop relevant questionnaire that will be used during the audit.
2. Onsite Audit
This is the audit day, where you are able to use the questionnaire or checklist. This can be done
on a one on one interview or the interviewees can answer on the questionnaire.
3. Post Audit.
At this stage you discuss the audit results with the relevant team, you are able to collect feedback
that will also help your during the audit report writing. After agreement with the audit findings, a
report is written including the areas of improvements. For example in Africa Nazarene, the areas
of improvement were in Waste Management and classroom open electrical sockets.
(b) The environmental legal framework in Kenya provides a guideline for undertaking EA.
Apply the Water quality Regulations, 2006 and Waste Management Regulations, 2006 in
the development of an action plan for Africa Nazarene University.
Regulation Compliance Action Cost
Water Act Available and None NIL
2006 documented
Use of borehole
with water
meter to Track
Availability of
adequate clean
water in the
Waste The facility did Proper Ksh 20,000
Management not practice Solid
Act 2006 waste Waste
segretaion at Segregati
the general on
disposal site
NEMA None Nil
licensed solid
waste collectors
Availability of None Nil
a Sewage
Treatment Plant
(c) Describe any four methods used for identifying impacts and indicate the advantages and
disadvantages of the methods.
1. Checklist Method.
Is a list that shows the relationship between the project activity and all the aspects it’s
impact.A checklist can be;
i. This method is not able to distinguish between direct and indirect impacts.
ii. It does not link action and impact.
2. Matrix method
This method displays interactions of different activities in the project with potential
environmental impacts caused by them. A basic interaction matrix lists actions on the vertical
axis and environmental impacts are listed on the horizontal axis.
This methodology uses a matrix approach and expands it to include both primary and secondary
impacts. It is presented in the form of an Impact tree diagram.