This document summarizes the three main subdivisions of Muslims: Sunni Muslims, Shi'a Muslims, and Sufi Muslims. It states that Sunni Muslims make up the majority at 87-90% and follow the traditions of Muhammad. Shi'a Muslims believe only direct descendants of Muhammad can rule. Major Shi'a sects are Seveners, Twelvers, and Ibadis. Sufi Muslims focus on a mystical union with God through practices like wearing coarse wool and renouncing worldly pleasures. They can be either Sunni or Shi'a.
This document summarizes the three main subdivisions of Muslims: Sunni Muslims, Shi'a Muslims, and Sufi Muslims. It states that Sunni Muslims make up the majority at 87-90% and follow the traditions of Muhammad. Shi'a Muslims believe only direct descendants of Muhammad can rule. Major Shi'a sects are Seveners, Twelvers, and Ibadis. Sufi Muslims focus on a mystical union with God through practices like wearing coarse wool and renouncing worldly pleasures. They can be either Sunni or Shi'a.
This document summarizes the three main subdivisions of Muslims: Sunni Muslims, Shi'a Muslims, and Sufi Muslims. It states that Sunni Muslims make up the majority at 87-90% and follow the traditions of Muhammad. Shi'a Muslims believe only direct descendants of Muhammad can rule. Major Shi'a sects are Seveners, Twelvers, and Ibadis. Sufi Muslims focus on a mystical union with God through practices like wearing coarse wool and renouncing worldly pleasures. They can be either Sunni or Shi'a.
This document summarizes the three main subdivisions of Muslims: Sunni Muslims, Shi'a Muslims, and Sufi Muslims. It states that Sunni Muslims make up the majority at 87-90% and follow the traditions of Muhammad. Shi'a Muslims believe only direct descendants of Muhammad can rule. Major Shi'a sects are Seveners, Twelvers, and Ibadis. Sufi Muslims focus on a mystical union with God through practices like wearing coarse wool and renouncing worldly pleasures. They can be either Sunni or Shi'a.
LLMAERA ORTIZ GALAGALA QUINTO SUNNI MUSLIMS (THE SUNNIS) SUNNI MUSLIMS (THE SUNNIS) Majority of Muslims, around 87% to 90% of the entirety of Islam believers belong to the Sunni Denomination. Sunnis (which means Followers of the Smooth Path) are traditionalists and are considered the orthodox of Islam as they endeavor to follow the original religion established by Muhammad and guided by the caliphs. Sunnis follow the Sunnah (customary practice) of Muhammad from which their name was derived. Sunnah pertains to the orally transmitted record of wisdom, conduct and sayings attributed to Muhammad and his earliest companion. Sunnis believe that any Muslim can be a ruler and does not need to prove his lineage to Muhammad as long as he gets the approval and confidence of the ummah (community) SHI’A MUSLIMS (THE SHI’ITES) SHI’A MUSLIMS (THE SHI’ITES) The Shi’ite Muslims are the largest faction within the Islam religion that separated from the rest of the community. Shi’ites believe that only the Rashiduns (rightly-guided caliphs), who are direct relatives of Muhammad and his successor, Ali Ibn Abi Talib, can be their ruler and lead them. The main Shi’ite sects are the Seveners, Twelvers and Ibadis. Seveners believe that there were seven imams. Twelvers claim that there are twelve imams Ibadis believe that the community may elect any appropriate muslim as imam. SUFI MUSLIMS (THE SUFIS) SUFI MUSLIMS (THE SUFIS) Muslims whose concern mainly dwell for a mystical union with God are collectively called the Sufis. Their name originate from suf which mean wollen. Sufis wore a coarse wool garment or robes to symbolize poverty and denunciation of worldly pleasures. A Sufi can be a Sunni or a Shi’ite Muslim. Majority of Sufis, both pre-modern and modern, were and are adherents of Sunni Islam, there also developed certain strands of Sufi practice within the ambit of Shia Islam during the late medieval period, particularly after the conversion of Iran from majority Sunni to Shia. A convert who joins the order were called Fakir (poor man) or Dervish (one who comes to the door). Sufi practitioners practice discipline, poverty, abstinence and celibacy. They insist that it is possible to have union with God through mystical experience. THAT’S ALL! THANK Group 4 YOU FOR LISTENING!
Tell Me The Story of How I Conquered You Elsewheres and Ethnosuicide in The Colonial Mesoamerican World (Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Series in Latin American and Latino Art and Culture)
Tell Me The Story of How I Conquered You Elsewheres and Ethnosuicide in The Colonial Mesoamerican World (Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Series in Latin American and Latino Art and Culture)