Holographic Egypt Booklet

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West Bank - Ma’at and Nekhbet

Contents-Enter The Inner Temple Death and Transformation

By: Danielle Rama Hoffman Story of the Vulture

Part One-The Egyptian Pantheon Power, Compassion and Courage
About this Pamphlet Story of Sekhmet
Power Path to Wholeness
GOHI-Ground, Occupy, Help and Intention Luxor Temple- Embodiment of God
Guidelines to Working with Guides Physicality and Health

Part Two Remembering and Wholeness
Temples and Neters
Sphinx –Anubis
Intention, Permission and Protection Dendera-Hathor
Ecstasy, Dance and Beauty
Elephantine Island -Khnum
Energy, Roots and Grounding
Memphis-Ptah, Hathor
Ascension Consciousness
Love, Magic and Forgiveness
Sakkara –Ptah
Heaven on Earth, Sound and Manifestation
Kom Ombo-Sobek
Light and Dark, Self-Acceptance
Great Pyramid-Thoth
Edfu-Horus Knowledge, Harmony and Multidimensionality
Clarity and Vitality Hieroglyphs
The Egyptian Pantheon: the divine. Getting to know these archetypes one
The Power Path to Wholeness at a time gives us a bite sized, chewable and
digestible method to get to know the mystery and
Creating relationships with the Egyptian Pantheon depth of nature, the divine and ourselves. To
provides a powerful path to wholeness. These remember the entirety and intricacy of our
relationships allow us to reawaken qualities that lay multifaceted nature takes time and deep
dormant within us, infusing nourishment and vitality introspection. Building relationships with the Neters
into the areas in our lives that most need it. What is awakens their divine qualities within us and
the Egyptian Pantheon? A pantheon is “all the gods accelerates our path to wholeness.
of a people”. The Egyptian Pantheon is comprised
of all the gods and goddesses of Egypt, called We each have strengths and challenges; we each
Neters, an Egyptian word from which our word, have parts of ourselves that are developed and
nature, is derived. Members of the Egyptian some that are dormant. Working with Neters allows
Pantheon are zoomorphic and anthropomorphic in us to become well nourished and vitalized in the
nature, and are often shown as part animal, part areas of our lives that need energy. You may
human and displaying symbols of their divinity. For discover that the energy of Hathor ignites juiciness,
instance, Sekhmet, in many of her images, is shown ecstasy and joy in your life, and that you can dance
with the head of a lioness and the body of a woman. your way to wholeness. Working with Isis can
The cobra and sun disc that appear on her head awaken divine feminine magic and spiritual
represent the vital Kundalini energy and the power nourishment, and can give you the sustenance you
of the sun, and the symbols that she carries, the need to proceed on your path. Sekhmet can give
ankh and papyrus staff, signify her divine status and you the courage and compassion to own your solar
power. Sekhmet embodies and represents many feminine power and create laser-like healing and
qualities, including courage, compassion and healing. transformation in your life. Wholeness exists within
each of us; it just needs to be re-membered.
The Egyptian Pantheon is based in the belief that
there is one God. It is monotheistic and each How do you know who in the Pantheon would be
member of the Pantheon represents archetypal beneficial for you work with? What archetypal
qualities that are found in nature, in humans and in qualities would you like to expand and infuse into

your life? What experiences are you having that are and lack a strong self-care program, then you would
not really serving you? For example, if fear place these dots close to the center of the wheel.
prevents you from living your dreams Anubis or Continue around the circle and when complete,
Sobek can help you transform the fear. If you have connect the dots.
emotions that impact you from childhood, Anubis
can help you heal wounds from the past. Ask your
inner guidance which qualities and corresponding
Neters would assist you the most in this moment.
This will be an organic process, you may have
periods of deep work with one ally for a while and
when there is a shift, another one will come in more
strongly. This is a natural part of the evolution of Pantheon Wheel of wholeness
wholeness. Anubis
Thoth Clear Pathways Sobek
Harmony with
Take a moment to look at the Pantheon Wheel of Communication
Protection Self-Acceptance
Wholeness, which includes some of the members of knowledge Grounded
Transmute Fear
the pantheon and a few of their archetypal qualities. Seshat Clarity, Harmony
Notice the qualities in each section of the wheel and Mastery of Language
Divine Order
ask yourself, on a scale of one to ten, how much are Focused power
these qualities present in you and in your life? The Mastery Resolving conflict
Osiris Fertility Higher perspective
center of the wheel represents zero and the outside
Self-Nurturing Joy Courage
ten. In each section place a dot at the number you Self-love Love Compassion
Mothering Ecstasy
feel represents how much these qualities are
expressed in your life. For instance, if you feel like Bastet Sekhmet
you are a person that is self-loving, self-nurturing Hathor
and consciously evolving on your soul’s path, then
you would place a dot on both sides of the section
of Bastet on the outside of the circle representing a
10. If you have a tendency to put yourself down

Now take a look at your wheel of wholeness— is any Imagine that your trip in Egypt is a treasure
part of the wheel missing or only partially hunt. What treasures would you like to
developed? Which Neter and its archetypal qualities find? What qualities or experiences would you like
did you score yourself lowest on? This may be an to uncover in your self? What members of the
ally that will create great shifts in your life. You Egyptian Pantheon embody the qualities you would
may have everything you need accept a few like or could help you find them in yourself?
qualities. For instance, you could have Thoth’s
infinite knowledge and know what your purpose is;
you may have Sekhmet’s courage to accomplish
your path and Ma’at’s divine order to organize your
life with balance. However, you may lack Bastet’s
self love and feel like you don’t deserve to have
your purpose fulfilled. It may be only one quality
that is not fully awakened inside of you that can
throw the momentum of your path of wholeness
into a flat tire of struggle and frustration. Set an
intention to build a relationship with one or two of
the guides from the wheel that you scored the
lowest on. Choose the ones that, once you embody
their qualities, will allow the wheel and your life to
flow and roll in balance.

Through building close relationships with the

Egyptian Pantheon you can walk a path of power
that leads you to be who you really are. You can
live your life with unbridled authenticity, fulfilling
your purpose with joy.

Self-Preparation- G.O.H.I. GOHI
The first step in awakening our subtle senses is to
Ground, Occupy, Help, Intention get out of our heads and into the rest of our body.
How do we build relationships with beings that we I recommend a four-step process that only takes a
may not see or hear? One way is to awaken to our few minutes to do called G.O.H.I. G.O.H.I stands for
multi-sensory nature. We each have different ways Ground, Occupy, Help, and Intention. This process
of learning and experiencing the world. We may helps us to center and allow our frequency to Go Hi,
see, feel, hear, know, smell, taste or intuit. which assists us in relating to subtle energy.
Accessing the spirit world is a process of developing
a language in which to communicate. It helps to
identify our primary modes of awareness and allow
your sensations. Many of us have a lot of our energy and attention in
our heads. This can lead to over-thinking, worry,
The guides want to communicate with us and are feelings of overwhelm and confusion. It is very
willing to dress up and use our primary source of important to take time to bring your energy and
communication. However, it is through trial and focus down into the rest of your body. Being
error that these relationships become more grounded allows you to be in the present moment,
sophisticated. The Pantheon needs feedback about feeling calm and focused.
what is working and what is not. We also need to
develop our senses and take care of ourselves. Each Suggestions:
relationship is as unique as we are, so we need to a) Take some deep breaths and wiggle your toes,
come up with communication styles that work for us stomp your feet and become aware of your legs and
and the Neters that we have chosen to build feet. Visualize roots or vines growing out of the
relationships with. Here are some suggestions to bottom of your feet down into the center of the
take while building communications with the earth. Once you feel connected to the center of
Pantheon. the earth use the roots to draw up grounding
energy and nourishment into your feet and legs and
root chakra (at the base of the spine).

b) Focus on directing your energy down from your c) Visualize that there is a ball of light or energy
head to your toes. Imagine that you are under a that emanates from your heart (or abdomen),
gentle waterfall of energy that is filling your head, breathe into this ball and expand it to fill your entire
throat, chest, arms, torso, pelvis, legs and feet. body, from the tips of your toes to your fingertips.
Expel through your exhale anything which is no
Occupy longer necessary. Using your hands and your
Occupy stands for occupying your full space breath push this light out from your heart to fill the
physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. space 3 feet around you in all directions. Create a
That means if you are 5 feet 10 inches then you are balloon of protection by not only fully occupying
present in every inch of your body. The universe your body, but also the three feet around your
abhors a vacuum so if you aren’t occupying you body.
something else will. What can happen for people is
that we are so busy and connected to so many
things that we scatter our energy-some of it is at Help
work, some at home, some with loved ones. Then We are all guided and protected and at choice at all
what happens is that we begin to take on other times. We are each equipped with a team of helpers
people’s feelings, beliefs and energy. In my opinion that assist us throughout our lives. These helpers
this step is essential to health and well being. cannot violate our free will and therefore need to
know we want their assistance. Take time each day
to call those 100% pure love and light helpers to
Suggestions: assist you in your day.
a) State I choose to be me and only me. Call back
the parts of yourself you might have left in past Suggestions:
places, people or times. Release what you might be a) Call in the directions by honoring the elements
holding that is not uniquely you back to the source and the spirit keepers of each direction.
it came from.

b) Call upon all those 100% pure love and light Daily Self-Preparation- GOHI
guides that are pertinent to your experience that
day, honoring and blessing them. 1. Ground- Feed & expand your heart flame with
breath and compassion to fill your entire body all
Intention the way down to your toes.
It is very important to set our intention for the day
and for working with the Pantheon. 2. Occupy- Use your hands and expand this flame
three feet in all directions.
a) Dedicate this day to life and fully get out of the 3. Help- Call upon those 100% pure love and light
way allowing life to show up through you. guides that are pertinent to your experience that
b) Set your intention to be a conduit of light, love
and healing for the highest good of all. 4. Gratitude-Offer gratitude and dedicate the day
to life, declaring it as good and get out of the way.
Your personalized GOHI

Guidelines to Guides primary protection guide to check I.D.’s at the door
Here are some steps to assist you in building your and make sure that you are meant to work with this
relationship with spirit guides and your subtle particular energy/spirit. You can also ask the guide
senses. directly: “ Are you in my highest and best good, are
you willing to be of power, protection and support
1) Intention- We need to have an intention, a for me?” and if the answer is no, then you can
focus as we enter the spirit world. What is our direct it to leave and it will. If it is yes continue with
purpose our need? Why are we journeying and the journey.
connecting to our guides? Do we want to meet
with a new ally? Would we like to have answers to a
specific question? Do we need help with our 3) Journeying process- Choose a way to
personal healing? It is similar to driving; we don’t transport your consciousness and connect to the
get in the car and start driving without a destination guides.
in mind.
Suggestions: ♦ Use drumming, singing or movement
a) State your intention in your mind or place it on ♦ Journey in your light body
the altar of your heart. ♦ Use guided journey tapes
b) Visualize your intention on a rock and toss it into ♦ Create a sacred place to meet the guides
a still lake, watch the ripples go out into the ♦ Go to the guide’s sacred temple or space.
universe and let go of the intention completely. ♦ Use automatic writing.
♦ Sit in meditation and imagine guide sitting
2) Discernment- Ask your primary guide of in front of you.
protection and/or Thoth to go with you when you ♦ Focus on a physical representation or
travel in the other worlds. This will provide an aspect of the God or Goddess. (The moon
interpreter and increased power and safety. Use will connect you to the energy of Thoth)
the same discernment with non-physical beings as
you would with a person you just met. Ask your

4) Equality- Connect to your spirit guides from a in bringing the Pantheon into our daily lives.
place of equality and power. Greet this helper eye- Attention and awareness go hand in hand. We need
to-eye, heart-to -heart, divine-to-divine. This is to expand our normal ways of experiencing the
essential in building any healthy relationship and world and hone our skills of awareness and
assists us in recognizing our true place of divinity communication. For instance, practicing
and power in the world. mindfulness and expanding our intuition will assist
us in communicating with the unseen. It is also
5) Ask for help and give feedback- Spirit helpful to refrain from interpreting the images and
helpers can not violate free will. They may try to information that we are getting until later. It may
get our attention, but it is our desire to connect take time for us to develop a key to the language
that guides the relationship. The Pantheon can we are developing with spirit.
assist us in our life when we ask them for help; this
lets them know what we are ready to have help 7) Offer Gratitude- All relationships are cyclical in
with. As you begin to communicate with your nature and it is important to offer our thanksgiving
guides it is essential to know that you can modify and our gratitude for the assistance we receive. We
the experience to help your level of understanding. are building important relationships and part of that
For instance, if you are on a journey and everything comes from honoring and blessing and offering our
is going too fast, you can ask for it to be slowed gratitude. This feeds and infuses the relationships
down. Or if you are seeing images that you don’t with good energy.
understand you can ask for clarity. In the beginning
it is an experience that is strengthened by trial and 8) Ground and re-connect to your body-
error. The Neters are pure spirit energy and they When the work is complete and you have offered
take on forms for us so we can relate to them your gratitude, make sure that you are all the way
better. It is a process of trial and error and your back in your body. Take grounding breaths and re-
feedback is essential to this process. connect your light body to your physical body.

6) Pay Attention and heighten your 9) Record & Share- Record your experience
awareness- The price that we pay in this lifetime is through writing and sharing and then disconnect
attention. This is one of the most essential qualities from it or let it go, so that you are back in the

present moment. This adds dimensions and Guidelines for communicating with Guides
understanding to the experience. Often in groups
many people will have similar experiences and • Intention-Set Intention
sharing this helps clarify the information for the
person sharing and the others in the group. • Discernment-Ask your primary guide to go with
you on your journey
What senses do you use to perceive
information and your relationships with your • Journey- Decide type of journey technique
guides? Which allies would you like to build
relationships with? • Attention-Pay attention and heighten your

• Equality- Greet allies from place of power equality

• Feedback- Adjust the communication style as you

need to

• Gratitude- Offer thanksgiving to your self and your


• Re-connect to Body- Take grounding breathes

down into center of earth

• Record & Share- Assimilate and ground the


Sphinx- Anubis insight to manifest our purpose in Egypt and
Intention, Permission, Protection & Purpose beyond.

As we enter into the mysteries of Ancient Egypt we At anytime we can connect to the energy of the
begin at the Sphinx, located on the Giza plateau. Sphinx to receive information and to catalyze our
The Sphinx protects the lands of Egypt and her remembering process.
mysteries. From a place of gratitude we express
our intentions for entering into the mysteries of Temple Mysteries-Knowledge Codes
ancient Egypt. We ask permission to enter and for a Awaken codes of individual and infinite knowledge.
safe passage during our stay. Receive information about the mysteries of ancient
We call upon Anubis, the Jackal headed God of the
underworld, to clear any obstacles from our path
and to create clear pathways for our journey. We
call upon the guidance of those 100% pure love and
light helpers to assist us while in Egypt.

From our hearts we connect to the heart of the

sphinx and pass through a doorway into the field of
infinite knowledge. This hall of records holds
information about the Egyptian Mysteries and about
us. We each will download a unique blueprint of
consciousness. This blueprint has everything that
we came to Egypt to remember, to receive and to
activate. Each person’s trip will follow his or her
blueprint, this pattern of information, this plan and
will draw to each of us every person, experience and

Anubis Anubis as our ally in Egypt
Anubis keeps us safe while we are in Egypt. He
Description protects us as we go through emotions and
Anubis is the jackal, black and sleek with a vulnerability. He creates pathways which open
heightened sense sight, smell, taste and sound. He doors to Egypt as well as to our inner light and
is the opener of the way, the God of abandoned, beauty. Anubis is a great support to us and we are
lost and aborted children. He creates pathways grateful for his support and protection.
from the darkness to the light.
Write your intentions for your journey in
Representation Egypt and a prayer for permission and
Jackal or Jackal headed man protection.

Cairo Museum, Chapel at Hatshepsut

Anubis is the son of Osiris and Nephtys, raised by
Isis and is the half brother of Horus.

Elephantine Island –Khnum mind, emotions and spirit and open the floodgates
of energy and spirit into our bodies.
Energy, Roots and Grounding
Temple Mysteries-Soul Evolution
At Elephantine Island you can see the layers of The consciousness of Elephantine Island is soul
history, where temples are built upon temples. Each evolution. Work with Elephantine Island to learn
temple is built with a purpose and when the purpose about your soul’s incarnations and resolve
is complete it is dismantled. Then the next temple unconscious patterns from past lives and repetitive
is built on top of the old temple. patterns in this life. Weed repetitive thoughts from
your subconscious mind. Root the foundation of
The new is built upon the foundation of the old. your soul into the divine.
This is very much like our lives. We build our
present on the foundation of our past. We will clear Write what you noticed at Elephantine Island.
our root chakra anchors where the soul anchors into
the body. Dismantling the layers of our old
identities and rooting the foundation of our soul into
the divine. We will connect to our foundation as a
spirit being. Illuminate the fulcrum point of being
finite and infinite and balance where the soul and
the body meet.

The chapel of Khnum and one of his consorts Satis

(who is associated with Isis and the star Sirius) is
one of the most in tact structures on the island.
Khnum is the gatekeeper of the flood of the Nile.
There was a seven-year draught when the temple of
Khnum was not honored. We will also work with the
places that we are not honoring our temples, body,

Khnum son Hike God of magic and ‘He Who Activates The

Description Khnum as our Guide through Egypt

Khnum is the rams-headed Creator God. He Khnum assists us in honoring the temple of our
simultaneously builds the human body and the Ka bodies and helps us become better gatekeepers and
body on his pottery wheel and infuses them with stewards of our energy or Ka. With Khnum’s help we
health through his breath. His name in Egyptian can re-create our physical and energy bodies and
means ‘molder’, ‘unite’, ‘join’, and ‘build’. He is the breathe new health into them. Khnum opens the
gatekeeper of the yearly inundation of the Nile and gates of fertility and overflows nourishment and
associated with fertility. During a 7-year drought growth into the areas of our lives that need it.
King Djoser prayed to Khnum and honored him by
rebuilding his temple. Khnum ended the draught Ka
and opened the gates of the Nile flooding her The Ka is the etheric double and is known as the life
fertility and prosperity through out the lands of force. In the individual or common person it is
Egypt. associated with one’s ancestors. The Ka continues
after one is dead and people feed the Ka with
Representation offerings in the afterlife. To strengthen the human
Rams headed man, often wearing the crown of body you can strengthen the Ka body and vice
Upper Egypt. Sometimes shown with a container of versa.

Upper Egypt, Elephantine Island, Esna

Self-Created. Consorts Satis -associated with Isis,
Neith -Goddess of weaving & Heqet-fertility frog
Goddess. Daughter Anuket Goddess of lust and

Philae-Isis frequencies in every cell of your being. Be in the
present moment.
Love, Magic & Forgiveness
Journal Space
Philae is one of the most beautiful sites that we
visit. It is surrounded by water and filled with
enchantment and the energy of love. This love is
palpable and feels like floating in a pool of liquid
love. Due to the flooding of the Nile Isis’s temple
had to be moved to a new location. The shape of
this new island was built exactly like the old. The
temple was moved brick by brick and duplicated

At Philae we are able to see that a temple is built

like a body. The outside layers represent the feet
and as we move deeper into the body we move
towards the head. The holy of holies is located at
the head and was only accessible to the priests.
The energy in Isis’s holy of holies is very beautiful
and powerful. As you walk into this temple notice
how you feel as you move towards the holy of

Temple Mysteries-Conscious Embodiment

Philae is conscious embodiment. Build bridges
between your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Work
with Philae to fully embody consciousness and high

Isis Relations
Isis is daughter of Nut and Geb, wife and sister of
Isis is the Goddess of love, compassion and magic. Osiris, sister to Seth, Horus and Nephtys. Mother of
She expresses Goddess as wife, divine mother, Horus and raises Anubis.
healer, magician, midwife, sister and widow. Isis
means “seat” or throne”. She wears a throne on her Isis as our ally in Egypt
crown and her hieroglyph is the throne. Isis teaches us her magic, her love and her ability to
grieve and forgive. She assists us in bonding our
Isis is Queen of the fertile land of Egypt and with group together in love and gratitude and to
Osiris she taught about agriculture and how to transcend the human personality. She helps us heal
honor the land and all of our relations. Their brother and open our hearts so we can have one leg in
Seth, King of the Redlands would eat whole heads of vulnerability and the other in power.
lettuce including the roots ruining any possibility of
sustaining his gardens. Isis is connected to the
weaving of creation, to the power of the feminine
and to the circle of life, death and rebirth.

1. Female form wearing on her crown, either a
throne or cow horns with the solar disc.
2. Kite form (as a bird), or in female form with
beautiful colorful wings.

Philae, Dendera, Rome

Kom Ombo-Sobek Temple Mysteries-Energetic Neutrality
Light & Dark, Self-Acceptance Kom Ombo is energetic neutrality. With Kom
Ombo’s perspective we can see that everything is
Kom Ombo is dedicated to two Gods, Sobek and made of the same thing. Yet there are often
Horus. Sobek, the crocodile God, sprung into overlays from inside and outside influences. Kom
creation from the primordial waters of darkness. Ombo gives us the discernment to see things
Horus the Hawk represents the higher perspective neutrally and detangle the charges and overlays
and the golden light. Half of this temple is that we have placed on things. With this awareness
dedicated to the dark, fertile, unconscious and half we are able to restore the perfect frequency and
is dedicated to the light, conscious. The duality of vibration to our bodies, mind, spirit and emotions.
light/ dark, yin/yang, conscious/unconscious is
Journal Space
reflected in this temple and the two gods they are
dedicated to.

I have two favorite places at Kom Ombo. One is the

crocodile pit where I imagine trustworthy and
humorous Sobek eating and transforming my fear.
The other is exactly in the centerline of
Horus/Sobek and Light/Dark where I feel a sense of
peaceful neutrality and complete acceptance. We
often work predominantly with Sobek at this temple
and work with at his temple Edfu.

As a gift to Sobek bring your self-judgment and fear

and ask for his support in transforming them into

Sobek Sobek as our guide through Egypt
Sobek helps us to transmute fear and to stay
grounded in our bodies. The deeper we are rooted in
Description the physical the higher our consciousness can
Sobek is the crocodile God. The crocodile lives on travel. He helps our physical bodies adapt to the
the Earth and in the Water and bridges the changes on the energetic levels. He also helps us
conscious and unconscious. Sobek teaches us to move into full self-acceptance, freeing up energy
manifest what we want with patience and focus, that is held in patterns of self-judgment or
waiting for that perfect moment to pounce on our sabotage.
nourishment. He helps us to be very grounded in
our bodies and to transmute any fear. With Journal Space
Sobek’s help we can move into full self-acceptance,
including the shadow parts of ourselves.

1. Crocodile with green plumes on his head
2. Anthropomorphic, crocodile-headed man wearing
a solar disk, a uraeus or plumes.

Faiyum, Crocodilopolis, Kom Ombo

Neith is Sobek’s mother. His consort is Hathor and
their child Khonsu.

Clarity, Vision and Vitality

Edfu is one of the most in tact temples that we

visit. It is beautifully lit with golden light and
dedicated to the Hawk headed God Horus. The
ceilings are incredibly high and the entranceway is
framed with two huge falcons with the pharaoh’s
leaned against them.

A few of my favorite places at Edfu are a chamber

that used to be a library and the holy of holies
where all of the lotus/papyrus pictures are. As in
many temples there are also representations of
other Gods and Goddesses-see if you can find
Anubis and Thoth here.

Horus Relations
Horus the Elder is son of Geb and Nut and brother
to Isis, Osiris, Seth, and Nephtys. Horus the Child /
Description Younger is the son of Isis and Osiris. His consort is
Horus is twice born. First as Horus the Elder, son Hathor.
to Nut (Sky Goddess) and to Geb (Earth God).
Second as son of Isis and Osiris as Horus the child. Horus as our ally in Egypt
Horus the Child evolved into Horus the Younger who Horus assists us in having the clarity of our vision.
avenged Osiris’s death and took the place of his His golden energy imbues vitality to bring our vision
father on Earth, aligning Upper and Lower Egypt. into reality. Horus assists us in having the power,
vision and life force, to move into our dreams. The
Horus is associated with higher vision and clarity. hawk always brings a message. Horus asks us to
The eye of Horus relates to his myth and power. notice the signs in our lives and pay attention when
The left eye is lunar, intuitive and feminine. The they show up.
right eye is solar, masculine, action and yang. Both
are necessary for true power to exist.

1. Horus the Elder as falcon or the winged solar disk
2. Horus the Child as a boy with the side lock of
youth, often seen suckling on the lap of Isis.
m) Horus the Younger as a Falcon headed man
winged solar disk or Falcon wearing the crown of
Upper and Lower Egypt.

Edfu and at Kom Ombo.

West Bank - Ma’at & Nekhbet Journal Space
Death and Transformation

At the West Bank we visit three sacred sites. The

Valley of the Kings where Tutankhamen’s tomb was
found, the temple of Ramses and the beautiful
temple of Queen Hatshepsut carved into the desert
mountains. One side of Hatshepsut’s temple is
dedicated to Hathor and the other to Anubis.

Hatshepsut was the only female pharaoh. There are

stories on the temple walls of her going shopping
where in most temples there are stories of the
pharaohs going to war and killing. Hatshepsut
reigned for peace and this temple is a wonderful
place to embody peace.

My favorite places are the chambers dedicated to

the beautiful Hathor and also to Anubis. There is
one picture of Anubis with offerings in front of him
that are piled stories high over his head.

Nekhbet Nekhbet as our ally in Egypt
Nekhbet serves by protecting us and keeping us
Description safe on all levels. She helps us with conscious
Nekhbet, the vulture goddess, is the protector of evolution and offers her skills as alchemist
Upper Egypt and is associated with Wadjet the transforming what is dead into new life. As divine
cobra and protector of Lower Egypt. She protects mother she also provides nurturance and guidance.
the king. She is associated with mothering,
protection and childbirth. “Nekhbet symbolizes the
wisdom of the crone, the constancy of birth and
death, the gestation of matter at the beginning, and
the ingestion of matter at the end of life.” Normandi

1. Vulture form holding the Shen the symbol of
eternity in her talons.
2. Cobra form on Uraeus
3. Vulture headdress worn on the goddess


Wife of Hapi (the river), protector of Egypt with

Danielle and the Vulture What animal or guide do you have a special
Vulture was one of my first allies and protected me connection to?
at very crucial moments in my life. When I was17 I
worked at a girl’s horse camp on the top of Lookout
Mountain. On my day off I borrowed the owners
pick up truck, which was bigger then any truck I had
every driven. I decided to go to town on the back
road, which was switch back and very steep. I was
feeling the power of the vehicle and gravity was
pulling me down the mountain, faster and faster.
(People have died on this mountain by driving over
the edge.) As I was reaching a critical intersection a
buzzard flew out of nowhere directly into the
drivers side of the front of the truck. Thunk…So-
not my truck; driving too fast, you can imagine that
I slowed down; actually I stopped to see if the bird
was still alive and if the truck was dented. There
was absolutely no sign of the bird or any dents in
the truck. Shook up, grounded and paying attention
I got back into the truck and drove slowly and
alertly into town.

Ma’at- Ma’at as our ally in Egypt
Description Ma’at encourages rhythm and balance between our
Ma’at is the cosmic principle and Goddess of justice, physical, mental, emotional and spirit bodies. Ma’at
balance, harmony and truth. She is universal asks us to be in right relationship with one another
equilibrium, law and ubiquity. She rules every and with Egypt. She helps us to stay in the present
aspect of the universe in its dual nature. Principals moment and to have trust in that moment as being
such as for every action there is an opposite and perfect. There is order to the most chaotic of
equal reaction express Ma’at. She is what brings moments. Ma’at assists us in seeing that whatever
order, justice and harmony to chaos, disorder and we are experiencing as the best thing that ever
discord. happened to us for it is a component of harmony,
balance and truth.
♦ Often shown as a woman with an ostrich
feather on her head
♦ Ostrich feather
♦ Scales of Ma-at at the weighing of the

Small temple at Karnak, The Hall of Judgment in the

Present at the moment of creation as harmonic
balance or truth with Thoth as wisdom. Called the
‘daughter of Re’ ‘the nostrils of Re’. Related to Shu
as the masculine aspect of truth.

Myths- Weighing of the heart. determines that the person has led a true life and
The Egyptians great awareness of the afterlife ruled can go on to the next or be devoured and meet the
their lives. To ensure moving into the afterlife they demise of the eternal soul.
properly prepared during life by living in Ma’at, in
balance and harmony with good conscience. The Journal Space
Egyptians believed the events, feelings and
experiences were recorded in the heart of a person.
One of the most repeated myths is the weighing of
the heart. This initiation was not only done upon
death, but repetitively in life. When the person died
Anubis led them into the Halls of Judgment. Their
heart was placed on the scales of Ma’at, to be
weighed against the feather of Ma’at. Thoth
records the event. If the heart is as light and not
lighter, as heavy and not heavier then the feather of
Ma’at then the person continues on their journey of
eternity. If the heart is not in balance with Ma’at
then the heart is fed to Ammut and their eternal life
devoured. Ammut is part hippo, lion and crocodile.
If the heart is in balance it means that the person
has led a true life, a moral life, a life of Ma’at.
Another determination of this passage into the
afterlife is the ‘Negative confessions’. The heart-
soul would meet with 42 Assessors and call out 42
negative confessions of deeds the person has not
done. The person denies committing this fault or
deed. For instance, ‘I have not committed theft’; ‘I
have not acted deceitfully’. The weighing of the
heart and the other aspects of this procession

Karnak-Sekhmet you are here to do and the experience you would
like to create.
Power, Compassion & Courage
In Karnak we work with the powerful trilogy
The temple of Karnak is a very special place. It is
of Sekhmet, Ptah and Nefertem. Which of
dedicated to some of the older gods and Goddesses
these energies are you most drawn to?
in Egypt Amun and Mut. As you enter you walk
between two rows of rams headed sphinxes, this a
good place to focus our intention. It is also
wonderful to walk to the sacred lake and ask for
purification and place our intention in our minds eye
into the lake.

The columns are gigantic and lead out into the

dessert to a chamber dedicated to Ptah, Sekhmet
and Nefertem.

There is also a very special sycamore tree here that

is 2000years old. Hathor the goddess of love and
music and sensuality is associated with this tree.
The sycamore tree is known for its healing
properties. As you go by this tree offer it healing
and love and receive any healing it may have for you
and your family.
Temple Mysteries- Inner Resonance
Karnak is the consciousness of inner resonance.
Work with the sacred lake to retrain your system to
fully accept who you are. Connect to your signature
energy and your purpose. Gain clarity about what

Sekhmet She can assist us in transforming our anger, rage,
depression and stuck creativity into action, courage,
Description creativity and movement in the direction of our
Sekhmet is the lioness Goddess of compassion and dreams.
courage. She is associated with feminine fire and Coming from a place of compassion, what
healing through destruction. Sekhmet is known for beliefs, feelings, habits or patterns in your
her magic and sorcery. She is a powerful ally that life are ready to heal through destruction?
assists us in walking through our fears and
approaching life with fierce compassion and

Sekhmet is shown with a lioness head and woman’s
body. She wears the solar disk with the uraeus and
carries an Ankh and the papyrus staff.

Location Memphis, Karnak in Luxor

Daughter of Re, wife and sister of Ptah, mother to
Nefertem. Associated with Bastet and Hathor.

Sekhmet as our guide in Egypt

Sekhmet in healing uses her lioness qualities of
enhanced sight, smell and hearing to hunt down the
original thought forms behind a dis-ease. She is a
great assistant in finding the root cause behind a
problem or an issue. She also assists us in
channeling the powerful energy of our emotions.

Story of Sekhmet blood and started on her rampage again lapping up
She is known as the daughter of Re and the eye of what she thought was blood. Intoxicated she
Re. Re uses the power of the sun, the uraeus and stopped her rampage and transformed into a more
his daughter Sekhmet to take action against his docile form of herself. Depending on the particular
enemies. Re sent Sekhmet to Earth during a time version of the myth she transforms into Hathor the
during which the people of ancient Egypt had Goddess of love, dance, music and sensuality. Or
gotten out of balance. The people had stopped she transforms into Bastet the domesticated cat,
honoring the balance between the sacred masculine Goddess of self-love, adoration, fertility and
and the sacred feminine, the giving and receiving, motherhood.
the using of resources and the replenishing of
resources. They forgot to honor their right
relationship with the world around them and with
the divine.
Re sent his daughter Sekhmet to restore the
sacred balance and the human’s relationship with
the divine. Sekhmet felt that the most
compassionate thing to do in this situation was to
destroy the humans to restore balance. She began
to kill people using the feminine fire of destruction
to destroy what was harming the balance. Once she
began the hunt and had the taste of blood in her
mouth she became insatiable like fire burning in a
forest of trees. Re called upon Thoth to help, for
although Re wanted respect he did not want to
eliminate the human race. Since Sekhmet was a
Goddess in her own right he could not stop her on
his own. While Sekhmet slept, Thoth recommended
spiking the earth with barley beer and red fruit to
simulate blood. When Sekhmet awoke she saw the

Luxor Temple- Embodiment of God access your multidimensionality and awaken parts of
you that have been sleeping. This leads to a sense
Physicality & Radiant Health
of detachment and the ability to see the bigger
picture of your life.
Luxor temple was once attached to the temple of
Karnak with a 2+mile row of ram’s head sphinxes. It
Write down what you experienced at Luxor.
is a beautiful temple that is built as a reflection of
the body. It is a wonderful place to receive healing
for different parts of the body.

A few of my favorite places at Luxor temple are the

knees, which reflect strength and flexibility and the
heart the nexus place of above and below. Go into
the head and tone and feel the resonance in your

Choose areas of your physical body that you

would like to experience more energy and
health in. Go to each body part as reflected in the
temple and meditate on what that part may be
trying to teach you. Ask your body to return to its
natural state of health and harmony.

Temple Mysteries-Awake Multidimensionality

Luxor Temple is awake multidimensionality. Luxor
Temple awakens the dormant light of the heavens in
your body, the body divine. As these divinity codes
ignite you awaken. Your ability to communicate
telepathically awakens. Being an awake soul you

Abydos-Osiris Journal Space
Remembering & Wholeness

Abydos is dedicated to the God Osiris. In some

places the colors are still vibrant on the reliefs on
the walls. This is my favorite place to see pictures
of Thoth and his partner Seshet. See if you can find
the picture of Thoth holding his staff of power the
caduceus. Also look for Thoth and Seshet behind
one another scribing. Seshat has a seven-pointed
star on her crown.

Another amazing place at Abydos is outside at the

Osirian. It is filled with green water. There is a
‘tattoo’ on the wall of the Flower of Life a detailed
hologram that radiates beauty. As you spend time
in Abydos be open to remembering parts of yourself
you may have forgotten.

Temple Mysteries- Life Essence

Abydos is life essence. Abydos assists us in
remembering the vastness of who we are, our soul
seed. It infuses this remembering and our essence
fully into the life cycle.

Osiris members of the pantheon and building relationships
with them. Their energies have become a part of us
Description on the ethereal levels. Osiris helps to bring this into
Osiris is god of the underworld. He is associated the mental bodies as well as into the nervous
with fertility and death. In life he was king of the system or spinal column (Djed). This way we can
fertile lands and taught agriculture. He died twice access the qualities and frequencies of each of the
at the hand of his brother Seth and was resurrected members when we need them. For example, if we
by Isis to create Horus. He taught his son Horus need more grounding or self-acceptance we can
through his dreams. directly access the frequencies of Sobek. Osiris
teaches us through our dreams and helps us to
Location remember our wholeness.
Osiris’s locations are many since Isis erected a
temple at each of the 13sites where his body parts
were found. Abydos is his main temple.

Osiris is shown as a man wearing the white crown of
Upper Egypt, carrying the crook and flail

Osiris is son of Nut and Geb, husband to Isis and
brother to Seth, Horus, Nephtys. He is father of
Horus the Younger and Anubis.

Osiris as our ally in remembering

Osiris works with us to remember, that which is
stored in the underworld or unconscious. During our
journey in Egypt we have been experiencing the

Dendera-Hathor Journal Space
Ecstasy, Dance & Beauty

Dendera is dedicated to the Goddess Hathor and is

filled with hidden treasures and hints of knowledge
of technology. There are reliefs that look like a
helicopter and a light bulb with electricity. There
are also beautiful zodiac calendars on the ceiling and
rooms with the goddess nut spread across the

Dendera is a very special place filled with love,

ecstasy and joy. It is a wonderful place to connect
to sound, dance and laughter. Look for the statue
of Bes (the God of the nursery) on your way to the

Temple Mysteries- Instinctual Bliss

Dendera is instinctual bliss. Meet with your Dendera
bliss team. Dis-integrate fear from your physiology
and recalibrate your system to bliss. Shift your
nervous system and mind from wild doing, thinking
and fearful behaviors to instinctively following your

Hathor The Greeks associated her with Aphrodite. She is
the embodiment of love. There are over 25 festivals
Description and parties in her honor during which Egyptians
Hathor is a multi-faceted member of the Egyptian honor her by becoming intoxicated, dancing, playing
Pantheon. Hathor as Sky Goddess, Earth Goddess, music and being joyful. Through these activities the
Fire Goddess, and Goddess of Transformation. Egyptians embody Hathorian qualities within
These facets mimic the universal laws of creation, themselves, they became love and beauty and
life, death and rebirth. Common to each is Hathor as pleasure. This second form Goddess of earth is the
love and nourishment. In her original form as life cycle.
celestial sky goddess and divine mother she is seen In her form fire goddess she is closely associated
as the celestial cow stretched over the heavens. In with Sekhmet, the lioness goddess of healing,
this form she swallows Re, the sun god, each night destruction and compassion. Egyptian folklore
and keeps him safe in her belly, birthing him anew describes a time when Re was being dishonored on
each morning. Hathor embodies the maternal earth and he sent Hathor (Sekhmet) to restore the
regenerative powers, creation and provides balance on earth. When she arrived on earth she
nourishment and safety. In this aspect she is saw that the humans had gotten out of balance
associated with divine love and ecstasy. The with the Earth, the divine and each other. To
Egyptians would gaze up at her in the starry night restore harmony she chose healing through
sky and connect to this high frequency of divine destruction and began to destroy and devour the
love and ecstasy. humans. Re called upon Thoth to mediate for he
Through this attention and connection to the divine could not control this feminine fire. He instructed a
feminine power the Egyptians were able to ground creation of barley and red fruit to resemble blood
this frequency into their consciousness. Hathor in which Hathor devoured and became intoxicated,
her second aspect transforms from Goddess of the thus her association with intoxication. At which
sky to Earth Goddess. In this form she is the time she transformed into the more nourishing and
goddess of love, joy, music, dance, intoxication, joyful aspect of Hathor we associate her with.
beauty, earthly fertility and lovemaking. She is the In her aspect of rebirth and goddess of
protector of women and the goddess of pleasure. transformation, she is greatly associated with the
funerary rituals. In this role she is the sycamore

tree and provides spiritual nourishment required by Hathor as our ally in Egypt
the soul of the deceased. Her role as tree goddess Hathor assists us in luxuriating in the energy of bliss
greatly reflected her role of sky goddess allowing and joy that is available in Egypt. She assists us in
her to embody all of the creative and fertile using movement, sound and relaxation to embody
energies of the natural world. She would greet the our experiences. Hathor encourages us to
soul at the gate of the underworld and offer shade participate in what pleases us and to enjoy the
and drink and the possibility of regeneration as she ecstasy that comes from being in physical form. To
did for Re each night connect with Hathor sing, dance, take baths, walk,
eat yummy foods, get a massage, make love...
♦ She is depicted as the celestial cow with Write down some body bliss activities that
her body spangled with stars. you are willing to do in Egypt and when you
♦ Cow headed woman wearing a pair of horns get home.
♦ Woman with cow ears.
♦ Her two sacred objects are the sistrum, a
type of rattle and the menat necklace.

Dendera and Memphis. Chambers at Kom Ombo and
at Philae.

She is said to be the original goddess born to no
other Gods or Goddesses. She is the mother of Re
and the daughter of Re. She is the daughter of Ptah
at Memphis. The mother of Horus and the wife of
Horus. The consort of Sobek. Mother of Shu.

Journal Space

Sakkara-Ptah Temple Mysteries-Sacred Symbology
Sakkara is sacred symbology. Remember your
Heaven on Earth, Sound & Manifestation
ancient ability to understand symbols.  Explore the
language of higher states of consciousness. Draw
Sakkara looks like an alien train station built in
support from sacred geometry, sound, hieroglyphs
modern day. As you enter into the temple façade
and ancient wisdom to understand the symbols in
you are funneled down a pathway of columns.
your life. 
Reach out your fingertips towards the columns and
feel the energy coming from them. Sakkara is the Write about your experiences in Sakkara.
temple of sound and crystal magic. Where the
stellar energy grounds into earth and earth energy
grounds into the sky.

There are many special places to discover at

Sakkara. Among my favorites are the coiled cobras
that are spectacularly detailed. Another is the
‘looking pools’. Small windows which you can place
your head in and think of someone who needs
healing make a sound and receive information about
what would help them and the origin of their
imbalance. Another is the pyramid texts at Titi,
which describe the ascension process of a human
becoming a star.  

Ptah and see what happens. Perhaps you are longing for
a mango juice and then someone offers you one.
Description Maybe you are looking for that perfect keepsake
Ptah is a creator God has a blue head that looks like and you find it and negotiate a great price. Or
a swimming cap. His feet and body are mummified maybe you are choosing to remember past life gifts
symbolizing his feet being firmly planted on the and talents and your soul’s path is revealed to you.
ground with his head in the sky. Ptah brought the As a group our manifestation consciousness assists
world into being through the power of the word. He the trip to unfold in magical ways.
is the bridge between spirit and matter. Taking
inspiration into matter and form. What would you like to manifest in your life?

Man with blue head and mummified feet carrying the
Waz scepter.

Memphis, Karnak in Luxor.

Ptah is the consort of Sekhmet and the father of

Ptah as our ally in Egypt

Ptah helps us keep our head in the stars our
feet on the ground and our heart in the
magic of the moment. My experience while in
Egypt is that it is easy to manifest heaven on earth.
I invite you to explore the energy of manifestation

Memphis used to be the capital of Egypt. It is
located approximately 25 miles from modern day
Cairo. Memphis is the first imperial city. The land of
Memphis is lush and green. The ruins of the temple
of Ptah are located here. Memphis is home to
beautiful Hathor columns. These columns have not
been excavated and are buried underneath the
ground. However the beautiful faces of Hathor are
visible above ground.

Temple Mysteries-Ascension Consciousness

Memphis is ascension consciousness.
Memphis houses bands of consciousness and
includes portals to the great knowledge of ancient
civilizations such as Mu, Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt.
Memphis reminds us how to access pure states of
consciousness through osmosis, being in close
proximity to them. For instance, we can tap into
freedom by focusing on this band of consciousness
at Memphis. We can also tap directly into
knowledge bases such as architecture, astrology,
healing, mathematics and access divine qualities
such as freedom, peace, enlightenment.

Great Pyramid-Thoth rest”. If you take a horizontal cross section it is
square at any level with less than 0.1% error. The
Knowledge, Harmony & Multidimensionality
King’s chamber is at the heart of the pyramid and is
accessed through an ascending corridor. The
The Giza plateau is home to the pyramids and the
corridors in the pyramid are all at a 26degree angle.
sphinx. The Great Pyramid, Great Pyramid of Khufu
The interior walls of the King’s chamber are made of
or the pyramid of Cheops is one that we will have
red granite as is the sarcophagus that is actually
the pleasure of doing private ceremony in the King’s
larger then the entrance to the chamber and
Chamber. It is thought to have been built in the
therefore must have been placed in the chamber
fourth dynasty 2560BC and is made of over 2
while the pyramid was still under construction.
million blocks of stone- each weighing 2 tons. How
it was built is a puzzle that many have pondered
There are also two other pyramids at Giza and all
over the years. There are also many theories about
three line up directly with Orion’s belt. There are
the purpose of the Great Pyramid. John Anthony
many theories about this as well, the smallest star is
West recaptures these theories as an initiation
on a diagonal and is half as bright as the others. It
chamber, a power pyramid, an astronomical
is in alignment with the smallest pyramid, which is
observatory, an almanac (demonstrating the
half as small. The Egyptians call the Orion’s belt the
Solstices and Equinox’s), a geographic marker of the
hinges on the doorway of God.
Earth and of course a Tomb. Mixed with the
mysteries of the Pyramid there are also some very
We will work with the Great Pyramid in its initiatory
specific facts that are undeniable. Each side of the
respect. Geometry, mathematics, astronomy,
Great Pyramid is carefully oriented with one of the
architecture are all areas of expertise that Thoth
cardinal points on a compass and on the 4 cardinal
carries. And we will be working with him directly in
directions, North, South, East and West. It is 481
many different ways.
feet high and its side’s slope is 51degrees and 51
minutes. The height of the pyramid was to its
“Initiation…properly understood, a process of
perimeter as the radius of the circle is to its
transformation taking place within life, rather than
circumference. It is related to pi, phi and the
after death.” John Anthony West A travelers key to
Pythagorean theory and is said to be a “photon at
Ancient Egypt

Temple Mysteries-Cosmic Consciousness
The Great Pyramid is cosmic consciousness. This
cosmic consciousness aligns us with the universal
principles of the divine, such as eternal life, as
above so below, everything is made of the matter
of the divine...

Thoth Pictures of relief’s are found on Elephantine Island,
Abydos and in the Cairo museum.
Thoth is the Moon-God of Infinite Knowledge. He is a Relations
scribe, and keeper of recorded knowledge. He is the He is self-conceived at the beginning of time with
inventor of hieroglyphs, master of language, time Ma’at his wife or consort. Other sources say that
and numbers. He is associated with medicine, his is son of Re. Thoth is partner to Seshet.
science, astronomy, architecture, sound, writing and
math. As a moon god he regulates the seasons and Thoth as our Guide through Egypt
the lunar phases of time and counts the stars. He is Thoth is our guide as we journey through the
known for magic, rituals and humor. He is associated mysteries of Egypt. He keeps our physical bodies
with divination and the Tarot, which is sometimes safe and oversees our journeys in our light bodies.
called the book of Thoth. He is the keeper of the He acts as translator as we communicate our
Akashic records, the records of the souls experiences with him and provides access to deeper
incarnations. He is a mediator, peacemaker and levels of knowledge and understanding. As we
protector of the Gods. Thoth serves the Goddess. connect with him we connect with the infinite
knowledge within ourselves.
1) Ibis form or Ibis headed man carrying a palette
and pen, wearing the lunar disk held by a crescent

2) Baboon form also wearing the crescent moon

supporting the full moon disk.

Outside of Saqqara there are over 500 thousand
mummified ibis’s and baboons in Thoth’s honor.

Journal Space


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