Duplicated / Copy & Pasted Message Prohibition

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Duplicated / Copy & Pasted Message Prohibition.

As you know, all messages must be unique and individually tailored to each

This has been explained in training and regularly in emails from us and forms
part of your contract.

Every week, we receive a report which shows us messages that have been
used more than once – in part or wholly. ALL agents that appear on this report
receive an email from us showing them the messages they have used
repeatedly over and over. This includes reactivation messages also.

You must NEVER use any part of a previous message in part or in whole.

You must NEVER reuse another agent’s message in part or in whole either.

Change your opening statement in every message.

Going forward, ALL agents who appear on this report, as we have said, will be
emailed with the details. The messages that have been used more than once

When writing your message to the client, use his name or pet name and
alternate your opening statement.

Below are some examples of Duplicated / Copy & Pasted Messages.

Hi Babes. What is going on with you? Hope you are good and I hope you
are alright, you haven’t replied to my last message.

Hi Babes. What is going on with you? Hope you are good and I hope you
are alright, why have I not heard from you?

Hi Babes. What is going on with you? Hope you are good and I hope you
are alright, it’s been a few days, why have I not heard from you?

In these examples, the agent has reused part of their message over and over
and only changed the last few words. This is still classed as copy and
pasting / duplicated messages and will be removed from that agent’s

The message should have been re-written in full and NEVER reused. The
messages could have contained the client name or a different pet name to
provide variety and originality. They could have rephrased ‘’hope you are
good’’ to something akin to ‘’I hope all is well with you’’ etc…

EVERY message MUST be different. EVERY message must be UNIQUE.

All agents confirmed  beforehand to have a high level of written English prior
to being hired. Saying ‘’I’ve run out of ideas’’ is not acceptable either. Or, ‘It
was busy and I was trying to get as many messages out as possible’’ – again,

All agents who appear on this report will have their contracts cancelled with
immediate effect

This is a very serious matter and not to be taken lightly. We ask you to
provide a high standard at all times – that same high standard you
showed in your training / assessing,  clkonstantly and consistently.

The only factor that is acceptable are messages that are well written, uniquely
written, are individually tailored and show imagination.

Thank you for understanding and if you have any questions, need further
clarification, please email me.

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