Thesis 2020
Thesis 2020
Thesis 2020
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
The growth of technology and infrastructure has made the communication extremely important and
made our everyday live easier, even for our safety everywhere in the world.
Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) which uses vehicles as a mobile node are a subclass of mobile ad hoc
networks(MANET) to provide communication among vehicles and between vehicle to roadside
equipment is one of this technology that currently taken as the hot study area in the world. With the
rapidly increasing problem of road accident, intelligent transportation system study is also increasing.
The dedicated vehicular ad hoc network transport system is parts of ITS (intelligent transportation
system). Expectation of live on this world is movement enormous, there for all people in the world want
the problem of road safety to be resolved. Thanks to vehicular ad hoc network technology, it is possible
to minimize road accident, congestion and harm full emission in the air. For this entire problem to
happen, it needs a lot of study to solve the challenge constitute to vehicular ad hoc network system.
This alarming statistics make as think about the future and the safety of the road. The nodes (vehicle) in
vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) are limited to road topology while moving, so if the road information
available we are able to predict the future position of vehicle. Vehicle movement makes the
communication more difficult on the road. Vehicle can afford significant computing, communication and
sensing capability as well as providing message transmission powers themselves to support these
function. Links are often interrupted and message cannot reach the final destination. In vehicular ad hoc
network the topology of the network is dynamic, asymmetric link, multi hop communication,
decentralized management, variable capacity link and mobility. For this rapid and timely deliveries of
messages are very important. The vehicular ad hoc network technology can be connecting to other
network independently like Internet.
This paper describes and researches to improve the performance of message transmission protocol in
vehicular ad hoc network using the scenario of choosing the appropriate neighbor. The new protocol
improves the existing message transmission protocol. Reliable Routing protocol is very important for the
vehicular ad hoc network because, it depends on the reliable transmission of message. The aim of
message transmission protocol in vehicular ad hoc network is, to find the appropriate neighbor. The
appropriate neighbor is the node with the same plan to move on the same direction and line. With the
highway scenario the movement of vehicle makes the communication difficult. The new protocol
improvement suggests that the communication occurred to the most nearest vehicle and choose the
appropriate neighbor to be transmitting reliable message and stay on the reliable link. Vehicular ad hoc
network feature determine the complexity of routing protocol. Relevant futures are taken in to account
to ensure the reliability of the protocol.
1.2 Statement of the problem
The vehicular ad hoc network is a pandemic technology that currently taken as hot research
area through the world. With the increased problem of road accident, intelligent transportation
system (ITS) research is also increasing. The dedicated VAN ET transport network is part of
intelligent transport system. A lot of researchers studied about vehicular ad hoc network, but
still there is problem in a reliability of message transmission in VAN ET. Some people try to limit
the speed of vehicles to ensure reliability which is not appropriate, some other tries to compare
the communication type vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication to
ensure the reliability, but still these problem is not solved surely. Vehicular ad hoc network are
characterized as heterogeneous communication link, mobility of vehicles, geographical
constraint topology, time varying vehicle density, frequently disconnected network and dynamic
topology. Having these characteristics, the goal of VAN ET routing protocol is to allow the
connection between vehicle or vehicle and fixed road side unit. The communication between
nodes must reliable to be exchange reliable message. Therefore the reliability of routing
protocol in between nodes needs to be assured. In this study we focus on choosing the
appropriate neighbor to be sending routing request for reliable exchange information when
moving on the road. In this case the appropriate neighbor is the node having the same plan to
move on the same line or direction with the control of traffic light on the road side. The
following is the main things to be focused in this study:-
General literature review will be made on different related work to obtain deep understanding of the
study area. To accomplish the objective of this work a lot of material is necessary. Especially journal,
conference, survey, book, website and other previous study related to these work.
Additionally as I have discussed the problem those faced in highway scenario in section 1.2, the
proposed work will minimize the intermittent connectivity and band width consumption of the vehicle
broadcasting schemes as well as realizing the requirement of VANET basic application by attaining high
throughput and packet/message delivery and low end to end delay
Chapter 3
Related work
Chapter 4
Proposed design
Chapter 5
Experimentation and result
Chapter 6