Derebe Tekeste

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A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning

Algorithms for Subscription fraud Detection:

The case of ethio telecom

prepared by: derebe tekeste

adviser: ephrem teshale (phd)

A Thesis submitted to
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Telecommunication Engineering


Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
February 21, 2020
Declaration of originality

I, the undersigned, declare that this thesis and the work presented in it are my own
and has been generated by me as the result of my own original research. I trully
acknowledged and referred every materials which used in this thesis work.


Addis Ababa Institute of Technology
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Thesis on
A Comparative Analysis of Machine
Learning Algorithms for Subscription fraud
Detection: The case of ethio telecom

Signed by :

Adviser Ephrem Teshale (PhD) Signature Date

Evaluator Signature Date

Evaluator Signature Date


This thesis is dedicated to the memory of my beloved father Tekeste Birhanu, for
making me be who I am. I still miss him every day.

In these days due to the development of affordable technologies, the number

of subscribers and revenue-generating increased over the past few years in the
telecommunication industry. However, advancements of the telecom industry pro-
vides certain appearances that stimulate fraudsters. One of the common and pre-
dominant fraud types is subscription fraud. It is usually the precursor to other
fraud types. Since 2013 subscription fraud is listed as a top-five predominant
fraud type. Subscription fraud alone causes billions of dollar losses of telecomm

This thesis is conducted on comparative performance of three supervised ma-

chine learning algorithms Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Ma-
chine (SVM) and J48, done using two classification techniques. Before analyzing
and comparing the algorithms Call Detail Record (CDR) data were collected, rele-
vant features were selected and various preprocessing techniques such as feature
selection, data cleaning, shaping of data frame and feature types were performed.

As a result, J48 algorithm using Cross Validation (CV) options is found to be the
best classifier algorithm by scoring 99.3% accuracy followed by the two algorithms
highest scores of ANN ( CV ) and SVM (ST) with 97.51% and 96.0% respectively.
This result happens because of J48’s capable of learning disjunctive expressions in
addition to it reduced error pruning. Pruning decreases the complexity in the final
classifier, so that improves predictive accuracy from the decrease of over fitting.


Keywords: telecommunications, CDR, fraud detection, ANN, SVM, J48, Machine

learning, accuracy, CV , Supplied Test (ST)


First and foremost, I would like to thank my Almighty God " YAHWEH " for all
of things happened in my life and for giving me beautiful wife Yodit Gudeta and
beloved kids Fraol, Mesgana and Cute lady Maya.

Secondly, the success of this thesis is credited to the extensive support and assis-
tance from my advisor Ephrem Teshale [PhD]. I would like to express my grateful
gratitude and sincere appreciation to him for his guidance, valuable advice, con-
structive comments, encouragement and kindness to me throughout this study.
Thank you !

Thirdly, my special thanks go to ethio telecom as a company who gives me

a chance to move one step ahead in my educational carrier. Addiitonally spe-
cial thanks to security staffs Mehari Gebreegziabher and Selamawit Assefa; who
helped me in providing necessary information and materials which are crucial in
this study.

Finally, I would like to thank all of you who support me to complete this thesis
work even if I didn’t mention your name here.


1 introduction 1
1.1 Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2.1 General Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2.2 Specific Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Scope and limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Significance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.6 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.7 Thesis organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2 telecommunication services and frauds 10

2.1 Telecommunications Mobile Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.1 Prepaid Mobile Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.2 Postpaid Mobile Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Telecommuniaction Fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3 Common types of Telecommunication fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3.1 Subscription Fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3.2 Superimposed Fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.3 SIM swapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.4 SIM Cloning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.5 SIM-BOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3.6 Roaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3 machine learning 18
3.1 Unsupervised Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2 Semi-Supervised Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3 Reinforcement Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


3.4 Supervised Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.4.1 Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.4.2 Classification Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4 data preparation 31
4.1 Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.2 Understanding CDR data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.3 Data Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.3.1 Attribute Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.3.2 Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.4 Data Preprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.4.1 Data Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.4.2 Data Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.4.3 Data Aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.4.4 Validation Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.4.5 Algorithm Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.5 Performance Measurement parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.5.1 Confusion Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.5.2 Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.5.3 F-Measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.5.4 Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.5.5 Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve - ROC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

5 result and discussion 45

5.1 Results and Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

6 conclusion and future work 52

6.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
6.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

bibliography 55

a appendix 59
a.1 CDR Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
a.2 File Uploader script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60


a.3 File loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

a.4 Oracle scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62


Figure 2.3.1 CFCA_2017 report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Figure 2.3.2 Subscription Fraud Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Figure 3.4.1 Perceptron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Figure 3.4.2 MLP diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Figure 3.4.3 SVMC lassificationrefAnidiot... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Figure 4.0.1 System Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Figure 4.1.1 Dumped CDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Figure 4.4.1 Supplied Test Technique Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Figure 5.1.1 Comparison of Classifiers Based on RMSE CV . . . . . . . . 47
Figure 5.1.2 Precision, Recall and F- measure Supplied . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Figure 5.1.3 Comparison of Classifiers Based on Precision Recall and F-
measure using CV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Figure 5.1.4 Comparison of ROC curve to the highest classifier algorithms 50
Figure A.3.1 File loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Figure A.4.1 Merging two tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Figure A.4.2 Attribute aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Figure A.4.3 Attribute aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63


Table 1.0.1 CFCA Summary report of fraud losses $Billion [8] . . . . . . 2

Table 1.1.1 Ethio telecom Revenue Loss [6] [11] [12]. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Table 4.3.1 Original Selected Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Table 4.3.2 Sampled data records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Table 4.4.1 Aggregated and derived features description . . . . . . . . . 38
Table 4.4.2 10-Fold Cross-Validation Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Table 4.5.1 Confusion Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Table 5.1.1 summarized performance metrics of all the classifiers . . . . 46
Table 5.1.2 Summary of confusion matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Table 5.1.3 Summary of highest accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Table A.1.1 Feasible triples for a highly variable Grid . . . . . . . . . . . 59


AI Artificial Inteligent

ANN Artificial Neural Network

AUC Area Under the Curve

CDR Call Detail Record

CFCA Communications Fraud Control Association

CV Cross Validation

FFNN Feed Forward Neural Network

FMS Fraud Management System

IQR Interquartile Range

ML Machine Learning

MLP Multi Layer Perception

MNO Mobile Network Operators

PRS Premuim Rate Service

ROC Receiver Operating Characteristic

RMSE Root Mean Squared Error

RNN Recurcisve Neural Network

SIM Subscriber Identity Module

ST Supplied Test

SVM Support Vector Machine

TSP Telecom Service Provider


The development of the telecommunication industry is rapidly increasing with

one innovation replaces another in a matter of years, months, and even weeks
[1]. Due to the development of affordable technologies, telecommunications are
turning the world into a glolbal village. Though, there is enormous growth in
terms of the number of subscribers and generating revenue over the past few
years, it is highly vulnerable to fraudsters. Fraudsters’ methods and techniques
are advanced in corresponding to this expansion of the telecommunation industry
posing a severe treat to the industry..

Even if the development of telecommunication industry shows a dramatical growth

interms of revenue and technological capacity, telecommunication companies of-
ten receive substantial damage from customers’ fraudulent behaviors which causes
loses of the company’s image, brand and trust between Telecom Service Provider
(TSP) and customer and decreases its profitability.

There are many different definitions of telecommunications fraud. However, there

seems to be a general consensus that telecommunications fraud involves the theft
of services or deliberate abuse of telecommunication networks [2]. Fraudulent
use of the telecom service is with the intention of not paying. Furthermore, it is
accepted that the perpetrator’s intention is to avoid completely or at least reduce
the charges that would legitimately have been charged for the services used.

Telecommunication frauds have different categories on their nature and character-

istics. According to Kang and Yang [3] it is categorized into two as subscription
and superimposed whereas Becker, Volinsky, and Wilks [4] classifies in to seven
groups as superimposed, Subscription, Technical, Internal Fraud, Fraud based on
loopholes in technology, Social Engineering and Fraud based on new technology.

1.1 statement of the problem

One of the common types of fraud is subscription fraud in which usage type is in
contradiction with subscription type [5].

Communications Fraud Control Association (CFCA) is the non-profitable organi-

zations which conducts a survey of annual global fraud loss in every two years.
Based on the CFCA report [6] telecommunationmunation companies worldwide
suffer with Fraudulent illegal activities by losing a huge amount of money spe-
cially the one who subscribe a telecommunation service and served without pay-
ment which is subscription fraud [7]. According to the report subscription fraud
included on the top five ranked lists since 2013. Table 1.0.1 shows how subscrip-
tion fraud damages telecommunation companies.

Table 1.0.1: CFCA Summary report of fraud losses $Billion [8]

year Top five total fraud loses subscription fraud losses alone

2013 35.8 11.3

2015 43.78 6.69

2017 29 6.95

Observing from Table 1.0.1 it is possible to verify the dimension of the "financial
hole" generated by fraud in the telecommunications industry and the impact of
fraud in the revenue of the telecom operators specifically subscription fraud it has
a big impact on telecommunication companies revenue.

1.1 statement of the problem

Telecomm fraud is a major source of revenue loss for TSP and their customers.
Recent (2017) CFCA survey shows that Global Fraud Loss Estimated $29 billion
[6]. Experts agree that most telecom providers are losing 3 to 10 percent of their
income to fraud. The intention of a subscriber plays a central role in the definition
of fraud [9]. Due to subscribers incontradiction use of the services based on their
subscription agreements, revenue loss has been occurred to telecom operators [5].

1.1 statement of the problem

According to a report by CFCA, revenue loss caused by subscription fraud alone is

billions of dollars [10] additionally see Table 1.0.1.

Ethio telecom is the only telecommunication company operating in Ethiopia. As

part of the telecom service provider, its revenue losses due to fraudsters by the
years 2013, 2015 and 2017 is tabulated on Table 1.1.1.

Table 1.1.1: Ethio telecom Revenue Loss [6] [11] [12].

year Ethio telecom revenue losses in $Million

2013 50

2015 33

2017 89

Ethio telecom provides different types of services to its customers. The two main
service types are voice and data. Depending on the customer interest they can use
prepaid as well as postpaid payment methods for their service requests. Prepaid
means pay as you go and postpaid for credit to a month or above a month. For any
service requests ethio telecom registers its customers on the Customer Relation
Management (CRM) system for billing purpose. However, it will not have the
chance to know these subscribers who are fraudulent or not at the time of service
request or applications. Subscription fraud could be done with false identification
numbers, stolen credentials and stolen accounts which helps to get customers
full information for creating many new accounts for a fraudulent purpose. So,
once the subscriber registered and get accounts to access the network they have a
chance to start their fraudulent activity.

Ethio telecom by now deploys and use a traditional type of Fraud Management
System (FMS) to detect fraudulent activities. Due to the inflexibility rules of this
traditional detecting system, fraudsters get a chance to adapt the existing FMS
detection rules and policies. Then after, they increase the company’s revenue loses
as well as damages of subscribers’ trust relationship with the company and loses
the company’s brand. This traditional management system cannot handle the new
behavioural change of fraudsters activity.

1.2 objectives

To overcome such problems there is a methodology or Machine Learning (ML)

(data-driven) approach which could give solution. This approach extracts the hid-
den knowledge’s or patterns from subscribers CDR data. This data-driven detec-
tion type learns from the history of the subscriber’s data for their behavioral
change. Such approach gives the capability of detecting fraudaters without pre-
defined rules.

By considering the above problems, this research needs to analyze and answer the
following research questions.

Research questions

1. What kind of data features can be used to identify Subscription fraud?

2. What kinds of ML algorithm can be used to detect subscription fraud?

1.2 objectives

1.2.1 General Objective

The general objective of this thesis is to analyze which ML algorithm perform

better for detecting subscription fraud.

1.2.2 Specific Objectives

This study has the following specific objectives:

• To select relevant attributes for building Subscription fraud detection model

• To choose appropriate machine learning tools, algorithm and techniques for

Subscription fraud detection

• To detect Subscription frauds based on subscribers historical usage behaviors

• To compare the prediction performance of algorithms

1.3 scope and limitation

1.3 scope and limitation

There exist more than 200 fraud types in the telecom industry [13]. However, this
specific research focused only on subscription fraud type. The row data used is
limited to CDR data, which has been callected from ethio telecom. Due to storage
limitation, two-month prepaid mobile subscriber data were used.

1.4 significance of the study

The primary contribution of this thesis is to propose a subscription fraud detection

model based upon ML technique. This thesis delivers practical and theoretical
contributions which include:

• Discovers uncovered hidden fraudulent behaviour

• Gives awareness and enables telecommunication operator to identify and

detect subscription fraudster

• Deliver practical suggestions that may help anti-fraud managers and em-
ployees to get a better understanding of subscription fraud.

• Provide insight about the company traditional fraud management system

and its limitation.

• Proposes suitable machine learning algorithms for subscription fraud detec-


• Could be a preference for further researches regarding to subscription fraud


1.5 related work

1.5 related work

In order to have detail understanding of this research topic’s about fraud detection
and prevention mechanisms specifically subscription fraud detection, related liter-
atures like journals, articles, magazines besides with the Internet were reviewed.

In the past few years, subscription fraud to be the trendiest and the fastest-growing
type of fraud [14]. In a similar spirit, Abidogun [15] characterize subscription
fraud as being the most significant and prevalent worldwide telecommunications
fraud type.

Stevez et al. [9] describes the identification of fraudsters on the time of applying to
a service request or subscription basis for fixed telecommunication. Two strategies
have been proposed for detecting subscription fraud: examining account applica-
tions and tracking customer behavior. They use a classification module and a
prediction module. The classification module ( fuzzy rule) classifies subscribers
according to their previous historical behavior into four different categories: sub-
scription fraudulent, otherwise fraudulent, insolvent and normal whereas the pre-
diction module (ANN) allows them to identify potential fraudulent customers at
the time of subscription.

Regarding to their experimental test Stevez et al. [9] use a database containing
10,000 real subscribers in a major telecom company in chile and 2.2% subscription
fraud was detected and a multi-layer perception neural network was implemented
for prediction purpose and it identifies 56.2% from true fraudsters and screening
only 3.5% of all the subscribers in the test set. Their study was tested and sig-
nificantly preventing subscription fraud in telecommunications by analyzing the
application information at the time of customer application.

Kabari et al. [16] present a design and implements of a subscription fraud detec-
tion system using Artificial Neural Networks and Neurosolutions for Excel was
used to implement the Artificial Neural Network. The study was grounded on cus-
tomers Internet data usage. The system was trained and tested and 85.7% success
rate achieved. The designed system found to be user friendly and effective.

1.5 related work

On the other hand, Kabari et al. [2] identify the different subscription services
provided by the telecommunications sector, identifys the different ways telecom-
munications fraud is perpetrated and proposes the use of Naïve Bayesian Network
technology to detect subscription fraud in the telecommunications sector. The sys-
tem takes care of the challenges encountered by the rule-based system of detecting
fraud. The paper grounded on customers Internet data usage.

Farvaresh and Sepehri [5], describe that one of the common types of fraud is sub-
scription fraud in which usage type is in contradiction with subscription type. The
study aimed at identifying customers’ subscription fraud by employing data min-
ing techniques and adopting knowledge discovery process based on the leased
line telephone services. A hybrid approach consisting of preprocessing, cluster-
ing, and classification phases was applied and appropriate tools were employed
commensurate to each phase. Specifically, for clustering phase Self Orgamized
Map and k-Means were used and in classification phase decision tree (C.45), ANN
and SVM as single classifier and bagging, boosting, stacking, majority and consen-
sus voting assemblies were examined. The results showed that SVM among single
classifiers and boosted trees among all classifiers have the best performance in
terms various metrics. The result is significant both theoretically and practically.

Saravanan et al. [14], describe about the identification of true high usage customers
from illegitimate customers based on their calling patterns fraud detection. The
paper implements a probability-based method for fraud detection in telecommu-
nication sector used Naïve-Bayesian classification to calculate the probability and
an adapted version of KL-divergence to identify the fraudulent customers on the
basis of subscription. Each user’s data corresponds to one record in the database.
This paper overcomes the problem of identifying fraudulent customers in telecom-
munication sector by classifying the true fraudulent customers alone. In other
words the paper result indicates that the normal high usage customers has a sim-
ilar behavioral patterns whereas fraudsters behavioral changes indicating using
the service with some time with high usage and disappearing from the system for
some time.

1.6 methodology

All related papers presented have their own roles of detecting subscription fraud
depending on the nature of the telecom service provider’s customer usage behav-
ior. So that we can see different types of methods and techniques of subscription
fraud detection. What the researcher clearly sees is that types of algorithm, feature
selection, dataset size limitations are the most significant impact of classification
accuracy. However, these papers do not consider aggregated information of the
subscriber usage behavior. In this study, by considering subscription fraud usage
behaviors the researcher uses feature number of incoming calls, Total number of
calls, Distinct calls, ratio of Distinct calls to total calls, Ratio of international call
to Total calls.

1.6 methodology

In order to achieve the objectives of this thesis and answering the research ques-
tions the methods that the researcher follows

1. Review telecom fraud litratures focuse on subscription fraud detection to un-

derstand and formulate the problem domain. Additionally, domain expertis
were consulted.

2. Collect legitimate and fraudulent subcribers CDR data, attribute selection,

preprocessing (i.e data cleaning, integration and aggregation ) and creates
the dataset for both subscribers to train and testing the model.

3. Since the data were labeled, Supervised ML techniques were chosen. WEKA
ML tool were prefered for this specific research. Weka is a collection of ma-
chine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms can either
be applied directly to a dataset or called from own Java code. Weka contains
tools for data pre-processing, classification, regression, clustering, associa-
tion rules, and visualization[17].

4. The developed model was tested and evaluated using performance mea-
surement parameters (Confusion matrix, Receiver Operating Characteris-

1.7 thesis organization

tic (ROC), F-Measure and Accuracy). Conclusively, after comparing models a

better efficient model were proposed and recommendation were provided.

1.7 thesis organization

This thesis paper contains six chapters, objective, research methodology and prob-
lem formulations are discussed in chapter 1. Chapter 2 discuses about telecommu-
nication services and its fraud types including subscription fraud theory. Third
chapter discussed about machine learning techniques and algorithms which are
applied in this thesis. Chapter 4 concerned to where and how the necessary data
collected, prepare for experimentation in addition to explaining performance mea-
surement parameters. The fifth chapter relay on classifier classification perfor-
mance result evaluation and comparison. After all these things are applied the
researcher’s conclusion and ways of further researches regarding to subscription
fraud detection pointed on chapter 6


This chapter discusses telecommunication services and fraud types. The first sec-
tion describes about the telecom mobile voice services whereas the second section
describes telecommunication fraud types related to subscription behaviours.

2.1 telecommunications mobile services

Globally telecommunication companies provide different services to their sub-

scribers due to the market computation and winning their customers heart. In a
new mobile industry era user subscribe different mobile telecom services via their
Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card numbers for their personal usage. There
are two main mobile services provided by TSPs, prepaid and postpaid services.

2.1.1 Prepaid Mobile Services

As the name implies in ‘Pre-paid’ all transaction in this service is pay-as-you-

go that means unless you have account balance money you can not dial, send
SMS and access the Internet data. In this days fraudsters use this type of services
because there is no requirement of guarantee during the service request time to
the TSP. Due to lack of proper identification of the subscribers, a single subscriber
can have many SIM numbers with fabricated Credentials. The most fraud type
which uses this service is Subscription and SIM-Box fraud. With this and other
issues, this is the reason subscription fraud challenges today’s TSPs globally.

2.2 telecommuniaction fraud

2.1.2 Postpaid Mobile Services

It is the most conservative service offered by telecom operators. ’Post-paid’ implies

that credit facilities are given for services used for some period usually between
1 to 6 months. Due to the credit period time duration and lack of proper identifi-
cation of the subscribers TSP provides this service with some guarantee’s in case
the subscriber defaults. Other services provided by ethio telecom are susceptible
to fraud includes: Roaming Services, Value Added Services and Premuim Rate
Service (PRS).

2.2 telecommuniaction fraud

The telecommunication industry has expanded dramatically in the last few years
with the development of affordable mobile phone technology [18]. With the in-
creasing number of mobile phone subscribers, global mobile phone fraud is also
set to rise. Telecommunication fraud is defined as unauthorized use, tampering
or manipulation of a mobile phone or service[19]. The problem with telecommu-
nication fraud is the huge loss of revenue and it can affect the credibility and
performance of telecommunication companies. Telecommunication fraud which
attracts particularly to fraudsters as calling from the mobile terminal is not bound
to a physical location and it is easy to get a subscription. This provides a means for
illegal high-profit business for fraudsters requiring minimal investment and rela-
tively low risk of getting caught due to possibility of subscribing with fabricated

2.3 common types of telecommunication fraud

In this day there is a number of fraud types in telecommunication sector which

causes huge amount of dollars lost every year. Different researchers categorize
fraud types into different manners. Based on Shawe-Taylor et al. [20], fraud cate-

2.3 common types of telecommunication fraud

gorized to six these are subscription fraud, PABX fraud, handset theft, premium
rate fraud, free phone call fraud and roaming fraud. Hilas and Mastorocostas, [21]
categorized fraud in to four technical fraud, contractual fraud, hacking fraud, and
procedural fraud. The third Scholars Kang and Yang [3] categories fraud types in
to two subscription and superimposed frauds.

In recent year report (2017), the top five fraud were listed as Subscription Fraud
(Identity), PBX Hacking, IP PBX Hacking, Subscription Fraud (Application) and
Internal Fraud/Employee theft as shown in Figure 2.3.1.

Figure 2.3.1: CFCA 2017 report [10]

By the coming sub sections, the researcher discuss some fraud types which are
subscription fraud properties Superimposed fraud, SIM swapping, SIM cloning,
SIM-Box and Roaming fraud.

2.3.1 Subscription Fraud

Subscription fraud is characterised by a fraudster using own, stolen or fabricated

identity to get services with no intention to pay. Subscription fraud recognized as
the most damaging of all non-technical fraud types. It is usually the pre cursor
to other types of fraud such as Premium Rate Fraud, International Revenue Share
fraud, SIM-Box fraud and Roaming fraud which are lethal in their own rights [22].
The real impact of this type of fraud is difficult to measure because it does not
stop with revenue loss alone. The effects can be catastrophic in terms of escalating
complaints, poor customer experience and dissatisfaction among support staff

2.3 common types of telecommunication fraud

Subscription fraud is a contractual fraud [16]. Subscription fraud is the most com-
mon since with a stolen or manufactured identity, there is no need for a fraudster
to undertake a digital network‘s encryption or authentication systems. Their pre-
ferred methods are using low techniques which is using the network under the
threshold level of FMS. This has less chance of detection.

Regarding to Koi-Acroti et al. [8], in this day subscription fraud to be the trendiest
and the fastest-growing type of fraud. In similar spirit, characterizes subscription
fraud as being probably the most significant and prevalent worldwide telecom-
munications fraud type. In subscription fraud, a fraudster obtains a subscription
(possibly with false identification) and starts a fraudulent activity with no inten-
tion to pay the bill. subscription fraud call properties

The following list of characterstics describes the behaviour of subscription frauds:

• Fraudsters generate large amount of outgoing calls

• The majority destination of fraudulent subscribers’ calls is International calls

• After repeatedly calling fraudulent subscriber disappears from the network

• There could be a small number of incoming calls

• Fraudulent subscribers also sending international SMS as well as using high

amount of Internet data

• Use High duration per calls specially International calls Subscription Fraud scenario

Subscription fraud is characterized by a fraudster using own, stolen or fabricated

identity to get services with no intention to pay. Subscription fraud remains one of
the top ranked types of fraud and is widespread across all operations. Subscrip-
tion Fraudsters employing schemes such as identity theft and use of fabricated,
stolen details identities information [14].

2.3 common types of telecommunication fraud

Subscription fraud involves the fraudulent individual obtaining the customer in-
formation required for signing up for telecommunication service with authoriza-
tion. The usage of the service creates a payment obligation for the real or normal
customer [2].

Fraudsters obtain an account without intention to pay the bill. In such cases, ab-
normal usage occurs throughout the active period of the account. The account is
usually used for call selling or intensive self-usage. Cases of bad debt, where cus-
tomers who do not necessarily have fraudulent intentions never pay a single bill,
also fall into this category. These cases, while not always considered as “fraud”,
are also interesting and should be identified.

Figure 2.3.2: Subscription Fraud Scenario [2] [14]

In this scenario case as shown in Figure 2.3.2 the normal user subscribe a service
from TSP and signed with the service provider and accessing the TSP infrastruc-
ture and pay depends on their usage. However, the fraudulent steals normal users
identity, cloning the SIM or stolen phones then after accessing the TSP’s infrastruc-
ture as much as they want without the intention to pay but billing will be handled
by normal customers.

2.3.2 Superimposed Fraud

Superimposed fraud is the most common fraud scenario in private networks. This
is the case of an employee, the fraudster, who uses another employee’s authoriza-
tion code to access outgoing trunks and costly services [24]. Unlike subscription

2.3 common types of telecommunication fraud

fraud, a legitimate account will be used in superimposed fraud. Mobile phone

cloning and obtaining calling card authorization are among the several ways to
carry out this fraud type. Fraudsters make use of the legitimate account for an il-
legitimate use by different means. In such cases, abnormal usage is observed, and
it is somewhat challenging to detect. Such kind of frauds come into knowledge
when the authorized users complaint about the excessive billing. This fraud can
be overcome by building a robust system to check the authenticity of users.

2.3.3 SIM swapping

A SIM swapping attack works by convincing call center representatives working

for a mobile phone provider to port a phone number to a new device. If they
do that, they will innocently transfer control of the victim’s phone number to
the attacker. A SIM swap can be considerably easier when there is a collabora-
tive insider to leverage. With someone working for the mobile carrier, an attacker
doesn’t even need to carry out a social engineering ruse to gather the necessary
information about the victim. It has become increasingly popular for cybercrimi-
nals to recruit mobile phone provider employees through social media accounts to
scale their SIM swapping attacks. By posing as company hiring for open positions
through these accounts, attackers have an opportunity to engage insiders through
the promise of monetary gain [25].

2.3.4 SIM Cloning

SIM cloning has the same goal as SIM swapping, but cloning does not require call-
ing the mobile carrier. Rather, it is more about technical sophistication. The cloning
attack uses smart card copying software to carry out the actual duplication of the
SIM card, thereby enabling access to the victim’s international mobile subscriber
identity (IMSI) and master encryption key. Since the information is seared onto
the SIM card, physical access to it is a requirement. That means taking the SIM card

2.3 common types of telecommunication fraud

out of the mobile device and placing it into a card reader that can be attached to
a computer where the duplication software is installed.

After the initial stealthy SIM replication takes place, the attacker inserts that SIM
into a device they control. Next, the victim has to be contacted. The trick may
begin with a seemingly innocuous text message to the victim asking them to
restart their phone within a given period of time. Then, once the phone is powered
off, the attacker starts their own phone before the victim restarts and, in doing
so, initiates a successful clone followed by an account takeover. Once the victim
restarts their phone, the attack is complete, and the attacker will have successfully
taken over the victim’s SIM and phone number. Then the legal phone user then
gets billed for the cloned phone‘s calls. Cloning mobile phones is achieved by
cloning the SIM card contained within, not necessarily any of the phone’s internal
data [25] .

2.3.5 SIM-BOX

A SIM box fraud is a setup in which fraudsters install SIM boxes with multiple low-
cost prepaid SIM cards most of the time all these SIM cards will be subscribed with
forged credentials. The fraudster then can terminate international calls through
local phone numbers in the respective country to make it appear as if the call is a
local call. This allows the box operator to bypass international rates to fraudulently
below the prices charged by Mobile Network Operators (MNO) and evade the tax
charged by the government. This act denies telecommunications and government
from benefiting from international phone calls. Besides the loss of revenue, SIM
Box operators cause degradation of call quality which prevents them from meeting
service level agreements. The fraudster will pay the network for a national call but
will charge the Wholesale operator for every minute he terminated; the Network
Operator loses the Interconnection fee [26].

2.3 common types of telecommunication fraud

2.3.6 Roaming

According to Maciá-Fernández [27] Subscription fraud is one of the fraudster‘s

preferred methods for digital roaming fraud. Due to the delay in the home provider
receiving roamer call data can be anywhere from one to several days, Stealing mo-
bile phones belonging to roamers, usually in vacation destinations. It is the ability
to use telecom services like voice or data services outside the home network with
no intention to pay for it. In these cases, fraudsters use the longer time-frames
required for the home network. Roaming fraud can starts as an internal or sub-
scription fraud in the home network when obtained SIM cards are sent to a foreign


Machine learning is an application of Artificial Inteligent (AI) that provides sys-

tems with the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without
being explicitly programmed [28]. ML provides smart alternatives to analyzing
vast volumes of data. By developing fast and efficient algorithms and data-driven
models for real-time processing of data. It can produce a better accuracy results
and data analysis.

In this day ML categorized in to four namely unsupervised, semi-supervised , su-

pervised and reinforcement. The upcoming sections describe about these ML cate-
gories. The first, second and third sections describe unsupervised, reinforcement
and semi-supervised techniques conducted respectively. But, due to the labelled
data used in this study, supervised ML techniques with the proposed algorithms
will be described in the last section.

3.1 unsupervised learning

Unsupervised learning involves the analysis of unlabeled data under assumptions

about structural properties of the data. unsupervised learning is the partitioning
or segmentation of the data in to groups or clusters. In unsupervised or undirected
models there is no output field, just inputs. The pattern recognition is undirected;
it is not guided by a specific target attribute. The goal of such technique is to
uncover data patterns in the set of input fields [29].

3.2 semi-supervised learning

3.2 semi-supervised learning

Semi-supervised algorithms require a combination of labelled and unlabeled data.

Semi-supervised learning is a class of machine learning tasks and techniques that
also make use of unlabeled data for training – typically a small amount of la-
beled data with a large amount of unlabeled data. Semi-supervised learning falls
between unsupervised learning and supervised learning.

3.3 reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning algorithms use agents how to behave the environment in

other words instead of training examples that indicate the correct output for a
given input, the training data in reinforcement learning are assumed to provide
only an indication as to whether an action is with or not.

Reinforcement learning is a behavioural learning model. The algorithm receives

feedback from the data analysis, guiding the user to the best outcome. Reinforce-
ment learning differs from other types of supervised learning because the system
isn’t trained with the sample data set. Rather, the system learns through trial and
error. Therefore, a sequence of successful decisions will result in the process being

3.4 supervised learning

Supervised machine learning algorithms need labelled datasets for learning and
classifying the dataset. In supervised algorithms, the goal is to predict an event or
estimate the values of a continuous numeric attribute. In supervised algorithms,
there are input fields or attributes and an output or target field. Input fields are
also called predictors because they are used by the model to identify a prediction
function for the output field. The predictor needs to be labelled or previously
identified data which needs to train the algorithm. After learning is accomplished

3.4 supervised learning

the outcome tells to the researcher that how well the algorithm predicts the new
input class or instances.

Supervised learning by itself can be categorized into Regression and Classifica-

tion. Under Supervised machine learning, there are algorithms categorizes SVM,
Decision Trees, Neural Network, Naïve Bayes and Nearest Neighbor algorithm.

3.4.1 Regression

Regression analysis is a subfield of supervised machine learning. It aims to model

the relationship between a certain number of features and a continuous target
variable. In regression problems, the output comes up with a quantitative answer,
with predicting the prices of a house or the number of seconds that someone will
spend watching a video.

3.4.2 Classification Techniques

Classification is the process of building a model of classes from a set of records

that contain class labels and used to classify the item according to the features
with respect to the predefined set of classes datasets [30]. In today’s scientific
world ML algorithms are known to effectively classify complex datasets of two
and multi-class datasets.

Classifier: An algorithm that maps the input data to a specific category

The objective of this study is to compare and select the best classifier algorithms
based on their classification performance measures. Following this objective, the
researcher selects three supervised ML algorithms J48 decision tree, ANN and SVM.

The next subsections will explore these classification algorithms in detail.

3.4 supervised learning J48 - Decision trees

Decision Trees are a non-parametric supervised learning method used for classi-
fication and regression [31]. A decision tree follows a top-down approach to split
data recursively into smaller mutually exclusive subsets that include a root node,
branches, and leaf nodes. Each internal node denotes a test on an attribute, each
branch denotes the outcome of a test, and each leaf node holds a class label. The
topmost node in the tree is the root node. The learning process involves finding
the best variables for the partition at each split. Decision tree works by creating a
tree to evaluate an instance of data, start at the root of the tree and moving down
to the leaves (roots) until a prediction can be made.

Based on patit et al. [32], J48 classifier is a simple C4.5 decision tree for classifi-
cation. J48 examine the normalized information gain that actually the outcomes
splitting the data by choosing an attribute randomly from the given dataset. In
order to make the decision, the attribute utmost standardized information gain is
used ( equation 3.2). The splitting methods stop if a subset belongs to the same
class in all the instances. J48 constructs a decision node using the expected values
of the class.

Sequences of steps that J48 algorithm performs to accomplish its classification:

Step 1: The leaf is labelled with the same class if the instances belong to the same

Step 2: For every attribute, the potential information will be calculated and the
gain in information will be taken from the test on the attribute with equation 3.1
and 3.2 .

Step 3: Finally the best attribute will be selected for root.

To determine root attributes and decision tree size, Entropy and information gain
are statistical measures which are used to construct tree of the algorithm. At-
tributes which has the highest information gain value will be the root or decition
nodes of the tree but nodes which have an entropy of zero are considered to be

3.4 supervised learning

leaf node while nodes with entropy greater than zero will further split until the
entropy is zero.

So that classifying with J48 Algorithm could benefite:

• Can handle lost or missing attribute values of the data

• Overcome Over-fitting

• Reduced error pruning

• differing attribute costs Subtree raising with different confidence

• Pre-pruning or Post-pruning

• precision can be increased by pruning

• Both the discrete and continuous attributes are handled by this algorithm. A
threshold value is decided by C4.5 for handling continuous attributes. This
value divides the data list into those who have their attribute value below
the threshold and those having more than or equal to it.

Counting Gain

This process uses the “Entropy” which is a measure of the data disorder. The
Entropy of the attributes is calculated by:

|yi| |yi| Pc |yi| |yi|

Entropy(j|y) = log H(X) = - i=1 |y| log |y| (3.1)
|y| |y|


y attributes
H(X) Entropy of the dataset

Entropy controls how a Decision Tree decides to split the data. It actually effects
how a Decision Tree draws its boundaries.

Gain(y, j) = Entropy(y − Entropy(j|y)) (3.2)

3.4 supervised learning

Based on equation 3.1 and 3.2 the size of the tree, root and leaf will be determined.


Pruning is a technique in machine learning and search algorithms that reduces

the size of decision trees by removing sections of the tree that provide little power
to classify instances [33]. Pruning is performed for decreasing classification errors
which are being produced by specialization in the training set. Additionally, it
reduces the complexity of the final classifier which results improving predictive
accuracy and reduction of overfitting. Artificial Neural Network - ANN

Classification is one of the most active research and application areas of neural
networks. An ANN is a computational model that is inspired by the way biological
neural networks in the human brain process information. Artificial neural net-
works are composed of nodes called neurons or processing elements, which are
connected together to form a network of nodes. Neural networks are physically
cellular systems which can acquire, store and utilize experimental knowledge.

ANN architecture generally consists of input layer, output layer and hidden layer(s).

Each contact between these nodes has a set of values called weights which con-
tribute to the determination of the values resulting from each processing element
based on the input values of that element. ANNs can learn from their Architecture
of the network through an iterative process by adjustments of its synaptic weight
and bias level. It can be used to model a complex relationship between inputs and
outputs which can find patterns in data.

There are two major classes of ANN Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) and
Recurcisve Neural Network (RNN). FFNN is the first and simplest type of artificial
neural network. It contains multiple neurons arranged in layers. In a FFNN, the
information moves in only one direction which is forward from the input nodes,
through the hidden nodes (if any) and to the output nodes. There are no cycles or
loops in the network. Single layer and Multi Layer Perception (MLP) are the two

3.4 supervised learning

examples of FFNN. RNN on the other hand are dynamical networks with recurring
path of synaptic connections serve as controlling time-dependent problems.

ANN used for supervised and unsupervised techniques based on its learning
paradigm. In the case of supervised learning it uses associative learning which
requered a training inputes data but in the case of unsupervised neural network,
it only requires input patterns from which it develops its own representation of
the input stimuli.


The most simple neural network unit is called "Perceptron"[33]. Perceptron has
just two layers, input layers and output layers. Often called a single-layer network
on account of having 1 layer of links, between input and output. Input nodes are
connected fully to a node or multiple nodes in the next layer. A node in the next
layer takes a weighted sum of all its inputs.

Figure 3.4.1: Perceptron


xn , feature inputs to the network are represented by the mathematical symbol

Wn , Each of these inputs are multiplied by a connection weightY, generatetheoutput.

3.4 supervised learning

The outputs of all neurons in the hidden layer are calculated by the summation
function Y (see Equation ( 3.3)).

Y = f( (w1 x1 + w2 x2 + ... + wN xN + w0 ) (3.3)

Y generate the output.

f function (sigmoid)

x inpute ( attributes )

w weight of bias

These products are simply summed and fed through the transfer function with
equation ( 3.4 )

f(x) = (3.4)
1 + e−x

f( x ) generate the output

Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)

MLP contains one or more hidden layers (apart from one input and one output
layer) as shown in figure 3.4.2. While a single layer perceptron can only learn lin-
ear functions but a multi-layer perceptron can both learn linear and non – linear
functions. A good point of MLPs is their applicability to any field of pattern recog-
nition tasks of supervised learning [34]. MLP can solve problems which are not
linearly separable. MLP is often applied to supervised learning problems. It is a
FFNN that generates a set of outputs from a set of inputs. MLP is a neural network
connecting multiple layers in a directed graph goes in one direction only. MLPs are
widely used for pattern recognition, classification, prediction, and approximation,
optimization, control, time series modelling and data mining.

3.4 supervised learning

Figure 3.4.2: Multi-Layer Perceptron network diagram

MLPs use backpropagation algorithm to train connection weights between layers.

The backpropagation algorithm relies on gradient descent and computing time
can be long[34]. For the Backpropagation case, it is used for adjusting the weights
by comparing the output of the feed-forward neural network against the desired
output. Training a neural network is the process of setting the best weight on the
edges connecting all the units in the network.

Classifying with ANN features has desirable characteristics like high accuracy,
noise tolerance, independence from prior assumption, ease of maintenance, over-
coming the drawbacks of other statistical methods, ability to be implemented in
parallel hardware, minimized human intervention (highly automated) and suit-
ability to be implemented in non-conservative domain are major ones. However
ANN has limitations like poor transparency, trial and error design, data hungriness

(requires large amount of data), over fitting, lack of explicit set of rules to select a
suitable neural network, dependency on the quality and amount of data, lack of
classical statistical properties (confidence interval and hypothesis testing) and the
techniques are still evolving (not robust).

3.4 supervised learning Support Vector Machine - SVM

Support vector machine is a supervised classifier which has been proved highly
effective in solving a wide range of pattern recognition. SVMs are a new technique
suitable for binary and multi-class classification tasks in addition to a new promis-
ing non-linear, non-parametric classification technique [35]. SVM is state of the art
classification and regression algorithm and optimization procedure maximize pre-
dictive accuracy while automatically avoiding over-fitting the training data. How-
ever, they suffer from the important shortcomings of their high time and memory
training complexities[36]. The SVM classifier uses only a small subset of the total
training set for classification, thus reducing the computational complexities. The
reduction is achieved by the use of kernel trick and overfitting of data is avoided
by classifying with a maximum margin [37].

Initially, the hyperplane randomly classifies the classes by making a line or hy-
perplanes. Input vectors that just touch the boundary of the margin H1 and H2 –
as shown in figure 3.4.3 are called support vectors. In this approach, the training
stage is used to delimit the region (boundary) where data is classified as normal.
In the testing stage, the instances are compared to that region, if they fall in the
delimited region they are classified as normal, if not as fraudulent. The main ob-
jective is to minimize the number of points within the margin as much as possible.

z(x) = w1 .xj1 + w2 .xj2 + w3 .xj3 + w4 .xj4 + .... + wn .xjn + b (3.5)

In a compact form:

z(x) = xTj wj + b


z(x) Linearly discriminant function

x feature vector selected for classification

w space weight of the hyperplane

b space bias controlling hyperplane positioning

3.4 supervised learning

Maximizing the margin

Maximum perpendicular distance between the nearest data point and hyperplane
- Margin SVM algorithms find the function (hyperplane) that returns the largest
minimum distance to the data points. This distance is called a margin, and the
data closest to the margins are then termed support vectors. In figure 3.4.3 the
points laid on the margin lines are support vectors, and the distance between
these margin lines is width of the margin. Because the solution depends only
on the support vectors, the remaining data are not important in developing the

Figure 3.4.3: SVM Classification According to Berwick [38]

H1 = wxi + b > +1 when Hi > +1 (3.6)

H2 = wxi + b 6 −1 when Hi = –1 (3.7)

The points on the planes H1 and H2 are the tips of the Support Vectors The plane
H0 is the median in between, where w xi + b = 0

3.4 supervised learning

d+ = the shortest distance to the closest positive point

d- = the shortest distance to the closest negative point

The distance between the median hyperplane H0 and hyperplane H1 is then :

|wx + b| 1
d+ = = (3.8)
||w|| ||w||

and also on the other side the distance between the median and hyperplane H2 is :

|wx + b| 1
d− = = (3.9)
||w|| ||w||

The margin (gutter) of a separating hyperplane is

d + + d– (3.10)

In other words from equation 3.8 and 3.9 we can compute the total margin distance
between H1 and H2 is thus:

w (1 − b) + (1 + b) 2
margin = (d + - d−). = = (3.11)
||w|| ||w|| ||w||

Hence, Maximizes the margin while minimising some measure of loss on the
training data. The optimization problem for the calculation of w and b can thus
be expressed by:

1 X n
minw ||w||2 + C Ei (3.12)


Ei is errors

C “capacity” is a tuning parameter

In the first part of equation (3.12 ) C is a tuning parameter, which weights in-
sample classification errors and thus controls the generalisation ability of an SVM.

3.4 supervised learning

The higher is C, the higher is the weight given to in-sample misclassifications,

the lower is the generalization of the machine. Low generalisation means that the
machine may work well on the training set but would perform miserably on a
new sample.


To achieve the objective of this study, the researcher constructs a methodology or

experimental processes which includes data collection (Raw CDR Data), prepro-
cessing and evaluation of the algorithm as shown in figure 4.0.1.

Figure 4.0.1: System Model

Under the upcoming sections details of how the data were collected, understand-
ing the collected data, selecting a relevant attribute, preprocessing such as data
clearing, data integration and aggregation tasks will be conducted.

4.1 data collection

The main objective of this study is subscription fraud detection grounded on sub-
scribers usage call patterns, CDR. A two month period from May 25 to July 25,
2019 were collected.

For collecting and processing purpose windows server 2012 R2 standards V.6.3.9600
with 8GB RAM and quad-core Processor, 2.5 TB storage mounted on windows
server and Oracle 11th generation version database was deployed on the same

4.2 understanding cdr data

server. The CDR data collected and stored every day to the server in text format
as shown in Figure 4.1.1 and it has 33 attributes. Each day an average of 29 mil-
lion subscribers accessing the network and about 175 million calls recorded which
requests 30Gb space to store for a single day activity.

Figure 4.1.1: Dumped CDR

Due to space limitation seven tables were created, one table which is a source
table for inserting or uploading the original dumped CDR data as it is and six
table (three for fraudulent and three for legitimate) created based on the type of
the service SMS table, data table and voice table with selected attributes. These
daily collected text format data uploaded to the source table with batch files (see
in appendix A.2) and from the source table the selected attributes based on the
services inserted to the three tables with another batch files (see in appendix A.3).
Source table has similar attributes as collected text format CDR data. After insert-
ing these data to their related tables the original dumped text format CDR data
were deleted (daily) and the source table truncated.

4.2 understanding cdr data

This thesis work grounded on ethio telecom prepaid mobile CDR data. So, the
CDR data is collected to the database. Before going through preprocessing and
further tasks the researcher works together with domain experts to understand
and evaluate the data with their respective attribute values to the problem do-
main, it is a key task. Additionally, verifying usefulness of the data, completeness,
redundancy, missing values, and reasonableness of attribute values with respect
to the ML goals.

4.3 data selection

4.3 data selection

All attributes from the collected CDR data cannot be used for this study. Based on
Kamel [39], before starting to select attributes we need to identify the parameters
that could represent and lead to hitting the objectives of study. The expect output
from the classification algorithms fully depend on the quality of the selected input

A two months prepaid mobile CDR data from MAY 25 to July 25 2019 were
collected. After CDR data collected and understanding the value of data, the re-
searcher selects relevant attributes which could identify the behaviors’ of subscrip-
tion fraud (see Section Irrelevant data to this research objective removed
from the collected CDR data in order to learn relevant information to the machine
learning algorithm. In this specific study, subscription fraud behavior were used
as an input to this data selection task. In this data selection task domain expert ad-
vise has been a key role. Reducing unrelated attributes will improve the training
time, algorithms performance and reduce complexity of the algorithm task.

4.3.1 Attribute Selection

In many supervised learning problems attribute selection is important for a va-

riety of reasons: generalization performance, running time requirements, con-
straints and interpretational issues imposed by the problem itself [40]. Feature
selection is important to reducing the number of attributes which helps not only
speed up the learning process but also prevents the learning algorithms from get-
ting misled into generating an inferior model due to the presence of irrelevant

For this specific study, nine out of 33 attributes as shown in Table 4.3.1 were
selected. The selected attributes identifies the behaviour of subscribers usage. The
remaining attributes which are irrelevant to the objective of this study eliminated.

4.3 data selection

Some attributes are redundant or having the same value such as charge_fee and
Call_Fee, calling_number and service_number, third_party and called_number.

Table 4.3.1: Original Selected Attributes

No Attribute Reason

1 CALLING_NUM For identifying the subscriber who initiating the call

2 CALLED_NUM To identify the destination number

3 Call_Type To identify the call destination (Local or International)

4 START_TIME To describe the calling start time

5 DURATION duration of a call spent

6 CALL_FEE How much money is spent per call

7 DATA_USAGE To describe how much data the subscriber uses

8 SMS describe how much SMS the subscriber sent/reciev

9 SERVICE_TYPE To identify the service type

This study is mainly depend on prepaid mobile subscribers usage pattern and the
features are differentiated based on combination of the following three category
inaddition to subscription fraud behaviour:

• Call Indicator: Indicator of calls is either a local call or international call or

destination of calls.

CALLED_NUM, Service_type, call_type

• Time Dimension: Usage of call is captured timely.


• Usage category: number of calls made (call frequency), call charge and dura-
tion of calls made.

CALLING_NUM, CALL_FEE, Data_usage, SMS, DURATION, Service_Type

4.3 data selection

4.3.2 Sampling

The goal of sampling is to learn via sampling from the statistical data in order to
estimate the characteristics of the subscription fraud. ML algorithms adaptively im-
prove their performance as the number of samples available for learning increases
[41]. But, Using the entire two months collected CDR data is impossible.

A small number of fraudulent were identified. So, we need to make some pro-
portionality between normal and fraudulent numbers. Depending on the problem
domain area the number of proportionalities between the classified parties could
be different. But as discussed with domain experts and scholars research related
to this thesis Farvaresh and Sepehr [5] and Estévez et al. [9] uses the number of
different sample sizes based on their problem domains. We decided to use 25%
fraudulent and 75% legitimate users to create a dataset.

A total of about 29 million subscriber data were stored in the database and out of
these subscribers 15,000 legitimate subscribers has been selected using a simple
random sampling technique. In this technique, each instance in the database has
an equal chance of being selected as a subject. The entire process of sampling is
done in a single step with each subject selected independently of the other in-
stances of the database. In addition to the legitimate subscriber 5,000 high usage
(subscription) fraudulent subscriber were identified with the help of domain ex-
perts has been used for further experiment and analysis purpose. A total of 20,000
subscribers used as a sample in this study. Table 4.3.2 shows the sampled data
with their number of records.

Table 4.3.2: Sampled data records

Fraud Normal Total

Subscriber 5,000 15,000 20,000

Record 2,989,540 6,475,503 9,463,043

4.4 data preprocessing

4.4 data preprocessing

Real-world data is often incomplete, inconsistent, noisy and lacking in certain

behaviours or trends and is likely to contain many errors. Well performed pre-
processing steps are important in order to increase the classification performance
and adequately analyse the result. Preprocessing tasks had been done on the
database like clears null values, removing noisy data (some wild characters), merg-
ing tables, attribute aggregation and integrations of tables performed (see Appen-
dices Section A.4 ).

Under this subsection preprocessing stage data cleaning, data integration and data
aggregation will be conducted. For this study there are number of oracle database
scripts used in addition to weka preprocessing features.

4.4.1 Data Cleaning

Data cleaning is a method for fixing missing values, outliers, and possible incon-
sistent data. Missing data is common [42]. Data cleansing is a process in which
we go through all the data within the database. The presence of missing, irrele-
vant and noisy values in a dataset can affect the performance and accuracy of a
classifier constructed using that dataset as a training sample.

The collected CDR data have a null value, incomplete values, missing value and
duplicate records. As the objective of this study is grounded on prepaid mobile,
the researcher selects only those calling numbers from the collected CDR data. But
records different from prepaid is discarded. The collected CDR has 33 columns,
however, duplicated and null valued attributes removed. Records having missing
values, outliers and incomplete were discarded. In this study, we found less than
1% missed value ( 77,332 ) from a total records of data ( 9,463,043 ) however based
on Acuna and C. Rodriguez [42] rates of less than 1 % missing data are generally
considered trivial. However, it was removed.

4.4 data preprocessing

On the other hand, an outlier is unusual variables of value that may otherwise
adversely lead to model misspecification, biased parameter estimation and incor-
rect results. Its appears could be at the maximum or minimum of the variable that
distorts the distribution of the data [43]. It is therefore important to identify them
prior to modelling and analysis. Outlier detection algorithms evaluate instances
based on distance, density, projections, or distributions. But the most common
data distribution measures is an Interquartile Range (IQR) for identifying outliers.

IQR describes the middle 50% of values when ordered the data from lowest to
highest. To find the interquartile range (IQR), first, find the median (middle value)
of the lower and upper half of the data. These values are quartile 1 (Q1) and
quartile 3 (Q3) respectivelly.

IQR = Q3 –Q1 (4.1)

The interquartile range is a value that is the difference between the upper quartile
value ( Q3 ) and the lower quartile value (Q1 ).

Equation 4.1 result tells how spread out the "middle" values is, it can also be used
to tell when some of the other values are "too far" from the central value. These
"too far away" points are called "outliers" because they "lie outside" the range .

In this study, researcher applies IQR techniques to identify and remove the outliers
for reasonable and acceptable classification results on weka tool platform. A total
of 64,202 records were detected and removed (below -3IQR or above +3IQR )

4.4.2 Data Integration

Data integration is the first step toward transforming data into meaningful and
valuable information of the subscribers. In this study, data were integrated from
multiple sources to have a single view of the overall sources. The researcher al-
ready have six different tables (voice, Data and SMS ) for fraudulent and legitimate
user. Attributes from these tables need to be integrated to form a subscriber level.
The collected CDR data were inserted to these three tables daily basis for two

4.4 data preprocessing

month. These integration processes were done for both fraudulent and legitimate

4.4.3 Data Aggregation

Data aggregation is a process in which information is gathered and expressed in

a summary form. In this research aggregation were done based on subscriber’s
usage patterns of call duration, call frequency, call fee, usage data and Total In-
coming call. This accumulated data behavior of a subscriber gives a better fraud
detection capability. Data is aggregated in a daily span of time based on the se-
lected attributes from the collected CDR data (see Table 4.3.1).

Aggregated output of SMS, voice call and Internet data are integrated to form
single instance per subscriber level. Moreover, a class label field that identifies
the subscriber type added for training purpose. These aggregated attributes are
described on Table 4.4.1.

Table 4.4.1: Aggregated and derived features description

Attribute Description

TOT_CALLS Subscribers total number of calls

DIST_CALLS Number of Unique called numbers

OUT_CALL_DURATION Total out going calls duration

RATIO_DISTCALL_TOTAL Ration of Dist_Call & Total_Call

TOT_CALL_FEE Sum of Total call fee

INT_OUT_CALL Total International calls


INC_CALL Number of Incoming Call

TOTAL_SMS Number of SMS sent

DATA_USAGE Total data usage

FRAUD_STATUS Identifying the subscriber type

4.4 data preprocessing

After aggregating attributes, the last task is preparing the data in file formate that
is suitable to ML tool. The tool accepts CSV and arrf file formats.

4.4.4 Validation Techniques

Crosss Validation options is a resampling procedure used to evaluate machine

learning models on a limited data sample. Split the dataset into k-partitions or
folds (default 10-folds). Train a model with all of the partitions except one that is
held out as the test set, then repeat this process k times and creating k-different
models ( Table 4.4.2) and give each fold a chance of being held out as the test set.
In 10-fold cross-validation, a single instance used for both testing and training.
The accuracy estimate is the overall number of correct classifications from the
10 iterations divided by the total number of samples in the initial dataset. In its
training and testing phase a single instance was used for testing and training.

Table 4.4.2: 10-Fold Cross-Validation Process

No Train classifier on folds Test against fold

1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 1

2 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 2

3 1,2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 3

4 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 4

5 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 5

6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 6

7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 7

8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 8

9 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 9

10 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10

This is the most used testing method. Table 4.4.2 describes how train classifier on
each fold and test against folds works. When the second iteration applied which

4.4 data preprocessing

trained on folds 1 to 10 except fold 2 and tested with the 2nd fold and iterate it
10 times. The accuracy estimate is the ratio of sum of correctly classification from
the whole iteration to the total number of instances in dataset

Use training set: The classifier is evaluated on how well it predicts the class of the
instances it was trained on.

Supplied test set: The classifier is evaluated on how well it predicts the class of
a set of instances loaded from a file. In this supplied test experimental process,
the researcher creates two datasets for training and test from the total 349,164 in-
stances with resampling method. The first dataset has 261,873 instances for train-
ing and the second dataset which has 87,291 instances for testing as shown in
Figure 4.4.1. In case of supplied test a single instance never used for training and

Figure 4.4.1: Supplied Test Technique

4.4.5 Algorithm Training

A total of six experiments performed with both 10-Fold cross-validation and sup-
plied test options. For the cross-validation case the three algorithms have been
using same dataset size of 349,164 instances whereas for the second test options

4.5 performance measurement parameters

supplied test the three algorithms use 261,873 for train and 87,291 for testing. For
training purpose, a label attribute was added to the dataset before the experiment
started. In this study algorithms were experimented with their default parameters.
In many cases, using the default setting parameters scores adequate results, how-
ever, compare results /models and achieve the research objectives other options
are considered. Results of each experiments evaluated with algorithm’s perfor-
mance measurement parameters which discussed under Section 4.5.

4.5 performance measurement parameters

The next tasks after training and testing the algorithms, evaluating the algorithms
outcomes based on their performance measures parameters. The upcoming sub-
sections describe about parameters for comparing and analyzing the algorithms.

4.5.1 Confusion Matrix

A confusion matrix is a table that is often used to describe the performance of

a classification model on a set of test data for which the true values are known.
As we have two classes for this study a confusion matrix will be a 2X2 matrix
which contains True Positive, False Positive, True Negative, and False Negative
values for the class labels. Confusion matrix for two class labels (’Actual’ class
and ’Predicted’ Class) is shown in Table 4.5.1.

Table 4.5.1: Confusion Matrix

Predicted Class

Class Positive Class Negative

Actual Class Class Positive True positive False Negative

Class Negative False Positive True Negative

4.5 performance measurement parameters

True positive and true negatives are the observations that are correctly predicted.
A good classifier minimize false positives and false negatives values.

True Positives - TP - These are the correctly predicted positive values which
means that the value of actual class is Fraudulent and the value of predicted class
is also Fraudulent.

True Negatives - TN - These are the correctly predicted negative values which
means that the value of actual class is Legitimate and value of predicted class is
also Legitimate.

False positives and false negatives, these values occur when actual class contra-
dicts with the predicted class.

False Positive - FP – When actual class is Negative and predicted class is Positive.

False Negative - FN – When actual class is Positive but predicted class in Negative.

Once we understand these four parameters then we can calculate Accuracy, Preci-
sion, Recall and F-Measure.

4.5.2 Accuracy

Accuracy is the most intuitive performance measure and it is simply a ratio of

correctly predicted observation to the total observations (rate of total correct clas-

Mathmatical Equation 4.2

Accuracy = (4.2)
T P + FP + FN + T N

4.5 performance measurement parameters

4.5.3 F-Measure

F-measure is a measure of a test’s accuracy and is defined as the weighted har-

monic mean of the precision and recall of the test. It can be mathmatically ex-
pressed as in Equation 4.3

Precision × Recall
F − Measure = 2 × (4.3)
Precision + Recall

Precision can be intuitively understood as the classifier’s ability to only predict

really positive samples as positive. For example, a classifier that classifies just
everything as positive would have a precision of 0.5 in a balanced test set (50%
positive, 50% negative). Classifies only the true positives as positive would have a
precision of 1.0. So basically, the less false positives a classifier gives, the higher is
its precision.

Mathmatical expression of precision shown in Equation 4.4

Precision = (4.4)
T P + FP

Recall can be interpreted as the amount of positive test samples that were actu-
ally classified as positive. A classifier that just outputs positive for every sample,
regardless if it is really positive, would get a recall of 1.0 but a lower precision.
The less false negatives a clasifier gives, the higher is its recall.

Mathmatically Recall expressed as : Equation 4.5

Recall = (4.5)
T P + FN

4.5 performance measurement parameters

4.5.4 Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)

Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) is a frequently used measure of the differences
between sample values predicted by a model and the values observed. RMSE is
a quadratic scoring rule that also measures the average magnitude of the error.
It’s the square root of the average of squared differences between prediction and
actual observation. The Lower values of RMSE indicate better fit. RMSE is a good
measure of how accurately the model predicts the response, and it is the most
important criterion for fit if the main purpose of the model is prediction.

RMSE expressed mathematical as in Equation 4.6.

1 n
RMSE = Σ (di − fi )2 (4.6)
n i=1

4.5.5 Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve - ROC

ROC curve is a graph of FPR Vs TPR. The area measures the ability of the classi-
fier to correctly classify the test data. It shows performance of models across all
possible thresholds. The wider the coverage area of the model a better classifier it


In this chapter a comparative performance analysis of three different machine

learning algorithms, done on a subscription fraud detection is presented. For each
algorithm, two experiments were performed with the two validation techniques
supplied test and cross-validation. The dataset size and validation techniques are
described in Section 4.4.4. Each algorithm model trained with ML tools using the
default configuration parameters. The results of the two validation techniques on
each algorithm were recorded with respect to their processing time and perfor-
mance measurement parameters (shown in Table 5.1.1 ). Conclusively, the best
model for subscription fraud detection proposed.

5.1 results and comparison

Performance metrics that were using for comparisons are accuracy, precision, re-
call, F-Measure, RMSE and ROC curves. Table 5.1.1 shows classifiers classification
performance results of the algorithms besides the validation techniques. The high-
est classification accuracy noted from cross-validation and supplied test options
are J48 algorithms with 99.3% and 99.2% respectively. Both validation technique
results are comparable in the case of J48 algorithm. On the contrary, SVM scores
the smallest accuracy of 94.71% from the total experimentation results using cross-
validation option and relatively bigger with 1.29% in its supplied test option than
cross-validation. ANN is relatively the second-highest classifier in cross-validation
and supplied test 97.51% and 96.57% respectively.

5.1 results and comparison

Table 5.1.1: summarized performance metrics of all the classifiers

Cross Validation Supplied Test

Features Algorithm Algorithm


Build time 196 9 341 49 8 267

Evaluate 1,239 42 2,528 339 21 550

Precision 0.949 0.993 0.975 0.961 0.992 0.967

Recall 0.947 0.993 0.975 0.96 0.992 0.966

F-Measure 0.948 0.993 0.975 0.959 0.992 0.965

RMSE 0.2298 0.074 0.1347 0.1998 0.0750 0.1730

ROC 0.94 0.981 0.933 0.892 0.979 0.908

Accuracy 94.71 99.3 97.51 96 99.22 96.57

Considering the comparison of classification in terms of time ( model building

and evaluation), J48 using supplied test took a better building time of 8s whereas
ANN’s 341s with cross-validation technique is the elongated building time over
other algorithms. In terms of model evaluation time, J48 using supplied test has a
better evaluation time of 21s followed by J48 algorithm 42s using cross-validation
techniques. But ANN with cross-validation took longer evaluation times ( 2,528s )
than other algorithms.

The confusion matrix allows the visualization of the performance of an algorithm

on a set of test data for which the true values are known. As described in the
summary of confusion matrix Table 5.1.2, J48 cross-validation technique achieves
relatively smaller incorrectly classified 0.7% or 2,483 from the total 349,164 in-
stances whereas the two algorithms SVM and ANN incorrectly classifies 3,486 and
8,693 from their highest-scoring using cross-validation performance results respec-

5.1 results and comparison

Table 5.1.2: Summary of confusion matrix

Correctly Classi- Incorre

fied Classified

Test Mode Algorithm TP TN FP FN

J48 20,930 65,688 673 0

Supplied Test SVM 18,402 65,403 3,201 285

ANN 18,618 65,685 3 2,985

J48 85,366 261,315 1,045 1,438

Cross Validation SVM 80,101 250,617 6,310 12,136

ANN 82,400 258,071 4,011 4,682

Classification performance of algorithms can be identified by their error. This error

level is described by RMSE value as shown in Figure 5.1.1. The lower RMSE tells
us the level of the Proficiency of the algorithm’s detecting frauds. J48 using cross-
validation scores 0.074 RMSE which is lower relative to all other experimental RMSE
value. SVM using CV records the highest RMSE ( 0.2298) than other algorithms. ANN
using CV scores (0.1347) relatively smaller than its’ ST (0.173) value but larger than
J48 using ST value 0.075.

Figure 5.1.1: Comparison of models with RMSE value

When algorithms performance measurements in terms of TP and FP detection rate,

the classifier needs to be evaluated in terms of precision, recall and F-measures
using supplied test options shown in Figure 5.1.2. From the graph, we can observe

5.1 results and comparison

that the J48 algorithm scores the highest with similar values of 0.992 for the three
performance measures compared with SVM and ANN algorithms. However, ANN
0.967 is the second-highest precision value than SVM 0.961 value. SVM F-measures
0.959 is the least measuring value of the supplied test option in other words SVM
is relatively the lowest classifier than the other two algorithms related to the three
performance metrics. The higher the precision value means the lower false positive
detected. In fraud detection, lesser false positive detection is preferable because it
minimizes the risk of blocking legitimate subscribers.

Figure 5.1.2: Comparison of models on Precision, Recall and F-measure using ST

On a similar fashion, algorithms need to compare using cross-validation options’

with the same performance measurment metrics precision, recall and F-measure
values as shown in Figure 5.1.3. J48 and ANN scores similar results for the three
performance measurment metrics 0.993 and 0.975 respectively. J48 is scored the
highest for the three metrics values. But, SVM scores the smallest value of the
three measured metrics precision (0.949), recall (0.947) and F-measure ( 0.948).
The highest the precision and recall value indicates that the classifier is best.

5.1 results and comparison

Figure 5.1.3: Comparison of models on Precision, Recall and F-measure using CV

ROC curve is another choice to compare the performances of the proposed algo-
rithms. It is a standard technique which is used for summarizing classifier perfor-
mance through a range of tradeoffs between false positive and true positive error
rates. As it is described in performance measure Table 5.1.1 the lower ROC value
recorded on each algorithm on SVM, J48 and ANN with suppled test validation
0.892, 0.979 and 0.908 respectively. But, each algorithm’s uppermost ROC value is
plotted as shown in Figure 5.1.4 for further comparison to select the superlative
classifier based on Area Under the Curve (AUC). Among the smallest ROC results
SVM is the least.

ROC Figure 5.1.4 shows that J48 followed by ANN is the best classifier due to their
wider coverage area of the curve. J48 curve laid to the vertical true positive rate
axis which approximated to [0,1). This indicates that the algorithm was accurate
in other words it measures the proportion of actual positives that are correctly
identified as positive values. In contrary, SVM is the least classifier compared to
the two selected ( highest) algorithms based on its coverage area.

5.1 results and comparison

Figure 5.1.4: Comparison of ROC curve to the highest classifier algorithms

The main objective of this study was analysing which algorithms perform better
for detecting subscription fraud based on their classification performance. As the
result depicted in the above sections comparisons in both validation options the
highest accuracy results of each algorithm tabulated in Table 5.1.3. So, the final
findings of the study help to answer the research questions which has been initi-
ated at the beginning of the study.

Research question

1. What kind of data features can be used in order to identify Subscription


As the objective of this research, subscription fraud detection grounded on

the subscribers usage patterns, usefull data features were identified.

• Calling number - identify the subscriber who initiate the call

• Called number which identify the destination number

• Call type which identify the call destination

• Start time which describe the calling start time

• Duration which describe duration of call spent

• Call fee which describe how much money is spent per certain period

• Data usage which describe how much data the subscriber uses

• SMS which describe how much SMS the subscriber sent/receive

5.1 results and comparison

• Service type which identify the service type

2. What kinds of ML algorithm can be used in order to detect subscription


The highest accuracy results of each classifier tabulated on Table 5.1.3. So

that, it is concluded that the J48 decision tree using cross validation performs
better than the other two algorithms with accuracy, precision, recall, ROC
and RMSE for newly arriving instances of subscription fraud.

Table 5.1.3: Summary of highest accuracy

Validation Algorithm Accuracy

Supplied test SVM 96

10-fold J48 99.3

10-fold ANN 97.51


6.1 conclusion

In the twenty-first century the development of technology is advancing very rapidly.

This telecommunication industries era stimulates certain characteristics of the
fraudsters. Due to fraudsters adaptability or advancing themselves with new tech-
nologies and behavioral changes telecommunication companies suffer from fraud-
sters activity. Among many fraud types, one of the common and predominant
types of fraud is subscription fraud in which usage type is in contradiction with
subscription type. It is a contractual fraud type and is the starting point of other
fraud types. Despite many controls in place, subscription fraud is still widespread
and affects every telecommunation operators.

The focusing point of this study was train and analysing which algorithms per-
form better for detecting subscription fraud based on their classification perfor-
mance. To achieve the goal of this research a CDR data were collected from ethio
telecom and preprocessing tasks were applied to clear unnecessary missing data
values and to remove outliered data. Attribute selection task is a key for fraud de-
tection. To select attributes subscription fraud behaviours were identified by the
help of domain expert advice in addition to related paper review. After eliminat-
ing irrelevant attributes nine out of 33 were selected. To have full information of
the subscriber, attributes were aggregated in subscriber level to discriminate legit-
imate subscribers from fraudulent based on the behaviour of subscription fraud.

A total of six experiments were done using the two validation techniques ten-
fold cross-validation and separate test data on the three ML algorithms namely
J48, ANN and SVM. In separate test case instances in the training dataset never

6.1 conclusion

included in the test dataset. However, in CV cases the validation technique has
knowlages of each instances as it uses a single instance for training and testing.

The performance of all algorithms using both validation technique were evaluated
based on various metrics including accuracy, precision, Recall, F-measures, RMSE,
ROC and time (building and evaluation). These metrics results provides quantita-
tive understanding of their suitability to subscription fraud detection.

As a result, J48 algorithm (99.3%) is a superlative classifier that perfectly fits the
prediction solution of subscription fraud detection based on the performance mea-
sure evaluation matrices. This result happens because of its capable of learning
disjunctive expressions in addition to it reduced error pruning. Pruning decreases
the complexity in the final classifier, and therefore improves predictive accuracy
from the decrease of over fitting. The two algorithms highest scores of ANN (CV)
and SVM ST with 97.51% and 96.0% respectively. For the experimentation tech-
niques, SVM shows a little improvements in supplied test options by 1.29%. But
ANN on the other hand improves on the cross-validation techniques by 0.94%. In
case of J48 both validation technique results are comparable. The performance
measurement results show that cross-validation technique preferred as compared
to the results recorded from the supplied test.

This research will play an important role in controlling and preventing the current
fraudulent threat in ethio telecom specifically subscription fraud detection. More-
over, this research gives a telecom operator to identify the fraudulent subscribers
from legitimate and benefits the telecommunications company to decrease rev-
enue losses caused by fraudsters, increase their profitability, increase trust rela-
tionships with their customers and build the company brand.

6.2 future work

6.2 future work

Proposed future works from the researcher are:

This study was carried out on prepaid mobile with two months sample data. In-
creasing the dataset size may improve the performance and accuracy of the tech-

with similar methodology and techniques research can be performed with addi-
tional unseen attributes.

with these similar techniques and algorithms research can be conducted for other
fraud types

This study was carried out on prepaid mobile but the techniques proposed here
could be extended to subscription fraud in fixed and post-paid mobile communi-


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a.1 cdr table

Table A.1.1: CDR TABLE

No Attributes Description

1 CDR_ID CDR Sequence Number

2 RE_ID Service Identifier

3 BILLING_NBR Billing Number

4 CDR_TYPE Call type Id(The types of call 0: local call ,

1: toll call within a charging area, 2: toll
call between charging areas ,3: interna-
tional toll call)

5 CALLING_NUMBER Calling Number(call initiate number)

6 CALLED_NUMBER call destination number

7 CALLING_IMEI International mobile equipment identity

8 CALLING_IMSI IMSI of the calling party


10 CALL_START_TIME the time when call start

11 CALL_END_TIME the time when call end

12 CALL_DURATION Call duration

13 CALL_FEE the actual money deducted

14 CALLED_COUNTRY called number country code of

Continued on next page

A.2 file uploader script

Table A.1.1 – continued from previous page

No Attributes Description

15 CALLING_CARRIER Calling carrier

16 CALLED_CARRIER Called carrier

17 CALLING_DISTRICT Cell ID of the calling party

18 CALLED_DISTRICT Cell ID of the called party

19 STATUS_DATE Billing date

20 CALLING_SUB_ID Calling subscriber ID

21 BILLING_CYCLE_ID Billing cycle ID

22 CHARGE_1 Charge amount of you spend

23 CHARGE_2 Charge amount of you get disscount

24 RATE_ID1 Rate ID

25 ACCOUNT_ITEM_ID1 Account item ID

26 UPLOAD_TRAFFIC Upload tra fficc

27 DOWNLOAD_TRAFFIC Download traffic

28 BILLING_OFFERING_ID Billing offering ID

29 ERROR_CDT_TYPE Error CDR Indicator

30 CALLFORWARDINDICATOR Call Forward Indicator

31 HOTLINEINDICATOR Hot Line Indicator (voice mail)

32 CALLING_TRUNK_ID Calling Trunk ID

33 CALLED_TRUNK_ID Called Trunk ID

a.2 file uploader script

This script uploads dat files to the database


A.2 file uploader script

@echo off @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set source=E:R oot

:Endegena for /f "delims=" ’dir /b /a-d /tw /od ") do (RENAME "if /f :Aleke

:MV ::if set g=!Fileholer:0,-3! MOVE "

:clldr cd "sqlldr userid=tis/tis control=E:


:loadingerror :: this part of the code writes error log with the name of the file
which caused error echo error on !Fileholer! >

:delete DEL

:rnm :: This function moves .bad files to sepcific directory ::echo the value of
!Fileholer! MOVE "RENAME "RENAME "



A.3 file loader

a.3 file loader

Figure A.3.1: File loader

a.4 oracle scripts

Merging two tables

Figure A.4.1: Merging two tables

A.4 oracle scripts

Aggregating voice data

Figure A.4.2: Attribute Aggregation

Table Joining

select * from aggr_l_voice lv , agrr_l_data ld

where lv.flage = ld.flage

Figure A.4.3: Table Joining

Removing unneccessary called_numbers is premuim numbers

remove * from source_voice_table where called_number like ’994%’, ’905%’, ’991%’;


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